U S Marshalls raid AMISH over FOOD! Small homesteads next?

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The globalists & their Quisling governments want full control over the food supply as the ultimate means of ensuring public "compliance."

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Boo_Randy 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

They picked a soft target knowing he wouldn’t shoot back.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Kitchen-Hat-5174 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Reminds me of this old joke.

A DEA officer stopped at a ranch in Texas , and talked with an old rancher. He told the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The rancher said, "Okay , but don't go in that field over there.", as he pointed out the location. The DEA officer verbally exploded saying, " Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me !" Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removed his badge and proudly displayed it to the rancher. "See this badge?! This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish.... On any land! No questions asked! Do you understand ?!!" The rancher nodded politely, apologized, and went about his chores. A short time later, the old rancher heard loud screams, looked up, and saw the DEA officer running for his life, being chased by the rancher's big Santa Gertrudis bull...... With every step the bull was gaining ground on the officer, and it seemed likely that he'd sure enough get gored before he reached safety. The officer was clearly terrified. The rancher threw down his tools, ran to the fence and yelled at the top of his lungs..... "Your badge, show him your BADGE!!"

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheHairyHeathen 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Get in the pod. Eat the bugs.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AgoraphobicAgorist 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I would be his customer.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kompute1 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for posting. Like the video, the content, and the presentation.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TeamDiamond3 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is what Nazis did in Germany prior to WW2

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Powerful-Proposal-19 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
here we go here's another update what's going on around our country we're in the united states of america if you guys have never been to our channel before my wife and i would live off-grid in a log cabin on 11 acres we grow 90 of our own food we're pretty much checked out of the rat race we're only keeping an eye on this stuff hey because it matters don't hide in a hole and don't think you know this stuff doesn't matter right because it's going to affect your daily life okay so there's one thing to be uh totally consumed by it but there's another thing just to kind of keep your ear on the ground like the indians did you know you could hear the buffalo stampeding from far away so at least keep your ear on the ground that way you guys can make some kind of uh movement right to better your situation okay i did a video on i think it was saturday about uh the train system right they were all poised to go on strike it was supposed to go down today uh president biden did step in friday night late it was in between my posting the video and the information that he had coming out uh so there was a little lag there right but i'm just trying to get you guys this information as fast as i'm getting it i got the article i normally don't even post videos on saturday i thought it was important enough to share with you guys and here's where we are today so they extended it for another 60 days and there's no telling if that's actually going to get worked out and you have to keep an eye on other trained unions or folks around the globe because there seems to be a little problem with the train folks and another thing real quick before we get into this article because this one's a doozy uh you know i'm not saying anything about the workers okay the workers uh need to get fair pay right i was listening to jim rohn he's a good mentor of mine and he was explaining about this um this concept that his mentor was teaching him uh when he said that why why are you only making this much money and he said that's this is all the company will pay and he said that's not true and he's thought what and it's not true because your company has a lot of different people in it that make all kinds of different pay levels so you try to up your pay at your company but ultimately you leave the company right to find a better paying job or to better yourself you're not supposed to get in there and root in for 100 years that used to be the way but it's not really the way anymore and so my point was about the unions right the unions are corrupt from management not the people in the unions right i was in a union before i don't want to make this a long video but i remember going on strike right we were one of the only uh type of unions that we had in the st louis metro area i remember being out there striking i had the big 18 wheeler and they inflated the big rat i mean it was all the shame the dealership that i was working at we had a salesman's union it was kind of something and what ultimately happened was they paid me 30 a week to walk the line and get their message out while all the management and everybody else still made all their money so bottom line is i was just talking about the management of the unions are corrupt and then i pointed out not all unions are right and unions back in the day uh were to be good right they they actually helped the employees band together it actually helped them stop the seven day work week down to five it helped them get more better hours all that stuff is true right but today's union is not your grandpa's union okay they're on the wrong side of a lot of social issues and they're a big cause of a lot of the problems that we're experiencing here today and that's just one guy's opinion with a you know cool hat and out in the woods here all right now let's get on to today's story right i like to clear all this stuff up i do read your comments and it's important to me right i don't want to be out here shuffling any kind of misinformation or you know getting you guys all spiked up when you don't need to be right but i do want you guys to stay paying attention we're going through a transition it could be very painful if you're not paying attention and that's how it always is in history okay and we don't know where this is going to go we're all just like pawns on the board and we're just waiting for them to make their moves and then we adjust that's how it always is armed fed's pay visit to amish farmer faces hundreds of thousands in fines amos miller an amish farmer who runs a holistically managed small farm bird in hand pennsylvania grows and prepares food in tune with nature the way he believes god intended this seems like a sound idea to the approximately 4 000 customers purchases miller's meat eggs dairy products from his private members only food club now he had to start a members only food club because there's some kind of regulation over there that's stopping him from just having the general public come to his store okay so he's doing the work around just like everybody does the federal government however appears to disagree right a federal judge recently ordered miller to cease and desist all meat sales our organic wellness reported u.s marshals were deployed to search miller's property and then they inventory the stock to assure that it doesn't sell or slaughter any more animals in other words the fed shut down amos miller's operation now we had not such a hardcore thing happen a little while ago it's probably two years or a little more to our amish meat processing guy the usda came in and they tried to basically force him to comply with rules that they know he can't comply with okay so they're into this refrigeration he has a system set up where they bring in the box cars uh the 18 wheeler box cars with the big freezers on them right so they have those backed into the property during the harvesting of the deer right we have a big deer season around here and then he puts all the meat inside there and then everyone comes and picks it up and then that's how he was handling his meat as well for people that brought in cows and sheep and that wanted any kind of butchering done right well they came in and raised a big stink about that he had to build this whole new facility re-do his whole little thing and uh so i'm just kind of letting you guys know like they're really after the food situation they're really monitoring who's doing the food why they're doing the food where the food's coming from because just like henry kissinger said control the food control the people miller claims he's being persecuted by the federal government for practicing his religious beliefs and religious freedoms to grow and prepare food according to his religious beliefs right which all of us do we actually uh plant because we know that the father has given us all good things for our body and the seed that he gives us is good for our body okay and we also plant according to signs we plant according to the moon we plant according to scripture right we have sabbaticals all this kind of stuff okay and that's where i was getting uh in my last video i was talking about how they're gonna pin you down to make you conform to things you don't agree with because you're in the system right to believe your own thought to believe what is true for you and your private heart is true for all men that is genius so wrote american philosopher ralph waldo emerson in his influential 1841 essay of self-reliance once upon a time america's respected the notion of self-reliance it was the heart of the american mythos not anymore think about that guys that is so true we're moving faster and faster into groupthink right the individual is slowly fading unless we can speak up right in march george laps the court appointed expert who to receive unimped unimpeded access to miller's farm to inspect the facilities according to the food safety news on march 11th lexley reported that mr miller did not fully cooperate and requested assistance from the u.s marshals service right so some guy goes in there with a bad attitude he's showing the slightest bit of slightest bit of resistance and they come in full force and why do they do that they do that to intimidate you okay federal judge edward g smith of eastern district of pennsylvania then ordered that the usms was authorized to use whatever reasonable force was necessary to gain entry into the facilities to authorize and inspect furthermore according to the food safety news the court's order permitted lapsley to make unannounced visits to miller's farm basically trespassing presumably this meant any time day or night never mind god big brother is here okay that's an article um floating around uh it's the western journal couple of other commentaries in there from some other links i'm a little bit slow on getting some of the news uh stuff that's really important i'm going to get to you as fast as i can this was kind of i just want to make you aware of this okay they're clamping down on the food i was also reading an article that was talking about how we think in america for sure that there's all these companies that own all these food companies and what's happening is there's like eight major conglomerates or it might be 12 but i'm thinking there's eight that actually have bought up everything okay so they're controlling everything and that's the first thing they're gonna do another reason why bill gates has grown up a lot of farmland okay he's buying up the lot of farmland his largest farm land owner in america now all of a sudden and that's because their agenda is to push you off of the backyard farming to push you off of growing food for yourself to push you off of uh the farmers and the ranchers and to put you into uh this um synthesized meat right the stuff they're gonna make plant-based all this stuff right so that way they could create a new revenue stream i'm gonna do a whole nother video about that leave it down below if you wanna hear that video i'm gonna tell you guys why we're being funneled okay and it's just one man's opinion but it makes a lot of sense and i got some ukraine stuff too that might blow your mind right but i don't know how much you guys want to know so you leave it down in the comments what you're thinking stay tuned to every video because this month in july we're doing uh always be prepared and we're giving away stuff all month we've given away an alexa pure water purifier we've given away a sun oven we're giving away a 800 prep pack uh to some folks we're giving away several of these 200 gift cards and i'm gonna drop one in the video right now a 200 visa gift card we want you guys to be prepared so we're actually even sending you money and sending you things to help you achieve the goal because we're not fooling around right we're really serious on us helping you guys right appreciate all the love and support thanks for showing up to the channel all that you can and all i want you to do down below is tell me what you would add to your preps with a 200 visa card make sure you're registered on the master list at off grid with doug and stacy always prepared giveaway will pop up here at the top all you have to do is hit that button to enter the giveaway right and then all you got to do is just put your name and email big deal right and sometimes we'll contact you guys with some information via the email right this is another way we can keep uh connected with you guys so you leave your name and your email is totally free and then we send these prizes out to you guys and just make sure you're registered there first that box will pop up if you're on your laptop or computer works a little faster but that's how you do it and then we're gonna pick somebody out of these comments and then we cross reference it here and then we send out the 200 visa gift card for this video never know what will be on the future video so make sure you watch every single video all the way to the end smash that thumbs up on the way out if you find a little value in this man keep your head on a swivel we don't know what's going on around here and like say we're going to be the last to know but if you guys keep staying prepared even if you don't have a lot of money if you're just putting back a little bit every time you're going to be a lot more prepared when the other shoe drops then you would be if you just ignored it and kept your head in the sand right you guys have a great day and we'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 1,817,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Id: sNlsmAqmM0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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