Keto Meatloaf - Better Than Your Mom’s Recipe

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hi everyone welcome to CJ's Kito kitchen as you can tell by my attire we are going back tonight way back like back to the 50s I am inspired by June Cleaver and Donna Reed and if you don't know who those are then you should probably google it but anyway tonight we are going to be making a mom inspired classic and it is going to be neat and meatloaf is one of those wonderful things that you can just throw together and it only takes like and I already cooked so but this Nemo is going to eat ketogenic and everyone loves it my children love it both my young children and my grandchildren and you could serve this to anyone and they would not even know that it's ketogenic so come along with us and let's get cooking okay so I already have my two pounds of meat in the bowl and I have chosen to use a pound of ground beef and it's 80/20 so it has a higher fat content and then I have also added one pound of ground turkey now you're free to use any combinations of meat that you would like equaling two pounds you can do ground pork you can put lamb you can have any kind of meat that you and your family enjoys but it just needs to be two pounds I like to do part beef because I like the beefy traditional meatloaf taste but I find that beef on its own can get kind of grisly especially if you're using a high fat meat which is good for the ketogenic diet so the turkey just gives it a little bit more moisture and some smoothness so to that we are going to add about a cup of ground pork rinds and I just put mine in my ninja my mini food processor but alternately you could just put them in a ziplock baggie and bash them they just need to be you know fine and it's about a cup and you can use any kind of pork rinds you want if you like spicy or whatever you like it's up to you then we are going to have about a third of a cup of chopped red onion and you can leave this out if you don't care for onion or you can use white onion it's personal preference but it helps give it some flavor and also a little bit of moisture and texture I'm going to add about I would say two ounces of tomato sauce so this is four ounces I'm going to put in half of this we need a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and putting some seasonal seasoning in that's just a mixture of different seasonings and some paprika and things like that but you can season it however you wish I'm also going to put in a heavy dosage of garlic powder here I like it garlicky you could use fresh garlic as well but powder works just fine in this recipe also salt and pepper and I'll probably start sneezing here in a minute because I always do whenever I sprinkle pepper in then I also am going to put a squirt of spicy brown mustard I like the flavour the subtle flavor that mustard gives me though they're also going to add about two tablespoons of almond flour and I just find that this helps give it some density since we are not having any breadcrumbs or any other binders in here because this is a ketogenic meatloaf so I've got two tablespoons of almond flour here and then we're gonna put our eggs in and I have world mine up once again in my mini food processor but you don't have to do that you can just throw them straight in but the secret in my meatloaf this my family secret my grandmother always used about a tablespoon or two of heavy whipping cream in her meatloaf and so that's our family secret and now you know our family secret but it really does add that little extra bit of something so we have all our ingredients in there now and of course if you're super delicate and squeamish you can use a spoon to blend this up but traditionally meatloaf is made with clean hands so this is the time to take off your jewelry if you don't want ground meat in your engagement ring like I don't then we want to take clean hands and just start mixing and we want to mix it up well enough to incorporate everything but not so heavily mixed that it gets kind of gummy we don't want that so but we do want to mix it fairly well and I did mix my two meats together before I started adding everything so just so that I could get the beef and the turkey incorporated very well before I added the other ingredients because there are two different kinds of meat so I found that it's helpful to get them pre-mixed but once again it all depends on what kind of meat that you are using so we've got it fairly well mixed here now our final step is completely optional but I think that it's highly essential and makes a nice taste difference is we are going to put some cheese in here I have on hand right now is Italian style blend so it's a mozzarella and cheddar provolone and Asiago but you're welcome to use whatever kind of cheese you like and I am going to be putting about a cup a little more and just get that all incorporated in its gonna give us a nice cheesy flavour and it looks pretty when you cut it too cuz a lot of times you can see the cheese and it looks very nice with cheddar also and tastes very well with cheddar if you prefer cheddar I'm just using what I had on hand so we've got our meatloaf all combined all the flavors have melded together so now you're gonna take our loaf pan and I have pre greased mine which is not necessarily essential because this is going to let off quite a bit of grease in fact you will probably have to drain out the grease a couple of times while it's cooking but I did go ahead and grease it with my coconut oil spray and then we'll just start loading it in trying to put it in evenly and I have put my oven at 375 degrees and this usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour to cook depending on your oven of course and I have it on the middle rack and underneath my rack I have placed a long sheet of aluminum foil because this will give off drippings and because we're taking our loaf all the way up to the top so we have a nice nice rounded loaf you are going to have some spillover of juice and oil grease so if you don't want to get your oven all greasy and drippings at the bottom that's what I recommend doing okay we have gotten all of our meat in this here loaf pan you got it all pressed in nicely and round it at the top so we are gonna put this in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour and once again that is at 375 so we'll see you back here when it's all cooked there's going to be an additional step after we have cooked this meatloaf and it's completely done we're gonna add some low sugar ketchup to the top and let it cook for about five more minutes but I will show you that when it's closer to that happening so we'll see you when it's time for that step so you can see our meatloaf is almost completely done it's nice and golden-brown and it has shrunk away from the sides and I also tested it with a knife and it came out clean so now our last step for the remaining five minutes of our cooking time I'm going to put a little bit of reduced sugar ketchup on the top to make a glaze and then I take my knife and I kind of spread it around a little bit and then we're going to put it back in the oven for about five minutes and that will bake on to the top and give us a nice little glaze for the top of our meatloaf here's our finished product looks delicious and juicy gonna let it sit for about ten minutes and then we'll dig in yes curated days what do you have on your plate Oh Garrett I'm going to taste the keto mimo I serve you so many meals and you lose track right yes and so it's really good you know you can put this in front of anybody carb carb carb herb or anybody well yeah they would know was anything different my five and seven year old just ate it and asked for seconds they didn't want the potatoes or anything else that I put on their plate and my 20 year old and his girlfriend just ate some too no complaints mmm this cauliflower mash cauliflower mash if I didn't know what it was I would think I'm eating mashed potatoes it goes really good with the meatloaf yeah great job good job baby thank you thanks for joining us tonight I hope you enjoyed the meatloaf as much as I enjoyed cooking it and eating it and hopefully this will become a classic for your children and your grandchildren and it will be much healthier because it is made ketogenic Lee if you're new here welcome we hope that you will hit the subscribe button and also the notification valve and come back and see us we upload both recipes and we also have midweek Aikido conversations and also short vignette it's called Kido quick-cooking so please come back and see us and I hope you have a good evening and we'll see you next time on cjs Kyoto kitchen [Applause] okay so what do you have on your plate Cassius or CJ at IU CJ hi CJ are you getting ready to taste [Music] so please come back and see us again [Music]
Views: 75,464
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Keywords: Weight loss, Keto weight loss, Keto Transformation cooking, Keto diet, Keto cooking, Keto recipes, Keto Meatloaf, Old fashion meatloaf, Meatloaf recipe, Low carb recipes, Low carb eating, Keto eating, Low carb diet, Family favorite, Keto lifestyle, Low carb lifestyle, Ketogenic diet, Keto meatloaf, Gewichtsverlust, Keto Gewichtsverlust, فقدان الوزن, كيتو فقدان الوزن, low carb meatloaf, meatloaf, easy meatloaf recipe, keto food, meat loaf
Id: mQwWqHbRk38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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