Blessed as an Heir (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what I just realized I've been pastoring this Saturday service for the past nine years oh I'm tagging Allah I mean didn't I Oh commander okay so let poppin on and I was looking at my computer canina made unigram he said because it's gonna be my last preaching for the year so I was I was looking for looking for my calendar I look at 29 in I preached around 13 series and that's like 40-plus weeks that I'm preaching here I officiated communication around 30 weddings grab business of a distant luckily Papa Castellano umana single written by Alan Deaton alpacas awareness I'm a single capital on a pasta challenge I will officiate there 30 weddings to date okay okay of course I look at them we appreciated also sixteen funeral services here but looking back we're just so blessed I mean I come in the pastor China and the rest of the volunteer volunteer pastors and ministers here we're just so honored we just want to thank you for giving us the privilege to to be your past or and to minister to you every week I know made you nervous I wanna link amiibo a long time ago ah that telegram was so blessed for giving us the opportunity to pastor this this congregation for the past nine years so may God continue to bless us all nine so we're ending this series as I was looking at my calendar we're ending this series and we've been talking about the birth of Christ and today we're gonna focus more on inheritance tonight and the way excited Kady thought and we've talked about the incarnation of Christ no first week that Jesus Christ became man and then after Pullen we've talked about the redemption now indicia bumaba Xalapa but a trip triple and no no no he became man so that he may redeem us the word redeem is to buy out in a marketplace most particularly pertain to slave the we were once slave and we were bought by Jesus Christ through his blood and then and we learned last week in dealing with I Malay hair but then we were adopted into his family and now we're going to talk about indicator in adapt you were given an inheritance señorita may mean an akan inheritance from a Ghulam oh oh time normally and oppression and I'm in a manner that is mama gonna compare a medium Perez more me me Gioberti school a on so I'm gonna pay you mean island out there but it's it's kind of weird I was looking at illustration for my preaching about inheritance there any idea how much this dog got from from his arm oh let me see pets Gigante returned the third man Oh German Shepherd Yahoo alum for him half the German pair in the hop shepherd girl you have any idea how much this dog got from his master this is the biggest mana of a pair actually eighty million dollars grab you know Thomas in investment again 372 million a year Wow grab a low imagine for signaling to my mom and I call eighty million pesos lalana see another we she want to be a so on a run of 80 million guy and then of course I was browsing at the richest people in the world I was looking at my name in the Messiah shut up I know a seven billion people in the planet okay certainly not only top 10 of course the second is Bill Gates you have an idea how much Bill Gates I mean you worsen yeah and word is ninety six point five billion dollars Wow continual maga but now coming okay but seriously and then I was reading your last will and testament yeah even Elan Palin is among anak Nia yes three kids each of gates kids will inherit about ten million of their parents 90 billion fortune Wow take the ten million laughs while much of the rest will go to charitable causes so amazing isn't it better you dog eat the median you can obtain million apparently well I mean and we're Daniel among Andrea paranormal ileum but my point is if you have a rich parents most likely you're gonna have an inheritance AMA so apareyam aa simply laugh okay so brace yourself on Oman ahima sockets a low LUMO but we've been we've been looking at this verse with a person or two weeks now okay the last two parts of the week submit on because you are sons we talked about this last week now identity has changed right you identity more you used to be a slave the scene when Jesus Christ came to redeem us now you are now son and then last week we had this preaching about sending his spirit of his son into our hearts and then now as a son we cry Abba Father that talks about intimacy now all of a sudden from a slave we were now given the opportunity to become children of God seen have been opinion and then paid went along as he got no daddy it's so intimate indicia panel format it's an intimate relationship right and then it says here you are no longer a slave and then by the son I mean I don't know about you but can you pick you with me for a moment the word Redemption ex Agora so it means vying out particularly when you're buying a slave so imagine for a moment mahalia you - leave right and here's a rich master who's about to buy a slave and normally you buy a slave you look for mana buff your mana fitnah palmar six-foot-two when I look at the one and then you're gonna buy a slave so that you can turn him into a slave right so I'm really a you have a big estate there big farm so you will buy a slave so that you'll make them a slave as well but picture with me for a moment we were not bath we were not you know we're not six foot two elongated children and then when it comes to our sin when you were slave to sin the Bible says we are we are as good as dead here's our picture more or less where a leprous person little sheesh link now and then the Kapila cusamano slave you're hella like look like this guy and and nobody will buy you your good-for-nothing the bible says we're as good as dead because of sin were defiled we are in a dreadful state so if you're on a master buying a slave there is a kind of a boost on you come I know boost you look the moon Mamata you're not gonna buy this slave demand that the public Adama welcome ah how about wanna get on with it all right actually this guy is doomed eventually that's your and my picture when we were slave to sin very good for nothing grad didn't redeem us because were killed or me me my country because a heaven voila actually public attire Patapon we're good for nothing we're like zombie we're like walking dead because of our sin the Bible says they were doomed him picture with me for a moment a master bought this leprosy guy Samia are you your are we willing more and then the master had compassion yeah I had by you and then touch him because he Jesus Kiba when you touch a leprous person you're gonna be unclean see Jesus bugs and bats Shannon's a Influenster did you clean so he touches leprous person and then brought him to his palace and then the lepers going to bring my husband even lilies in the Torah and it was surprised because he was Clarence finnaly goo and sha dinamita none road Nepal and now and then all of a sudden Sabah you're gonna dine with me for the rest of your life you're gonna be with me for the rest of your life in fact here's a contract you sign this because you no longer you're just gonna be free you're gonna be my son you're gonna be my daughter and only that you're gonna be well in Otago pimping out my girl England doctor one day you're gonna rule over you're gonna have my estate you're a poor air with me are you picturing this so before you even think that we did something again Christian and a born again while our only participation in our salvation is our sin Cara dies in a domicile entire so look up here we're no longer slave by the Sun and in facade you are now an air and air miracle inheritance so from changing your identity from now master too far they're from slave to son from from from punishment because that's what slave deserve punishment now you'll have a blessing and inheritance now Mickey gets poop on a Pinto that's who you are be Laguna lilo to identity more Conrad become maximum power when you give your life to Christ the oldest Gunda new has come so in DNA go in that there now you're gonna have a right of possession that's what inheritance means in this book live to give this is book in written by Mike LaVon I mean she mentioned he mentioned a woman here by the name of birth Adams she died many years ago way back in nineteen the 90s he was 75 years old she died all alone in West Palm Beach Florida so malnutrition and khaddama Pena right I mean Parra let some pimply pounds never buy a bottle Big Ben you behind yeah the neighbors were saying oniony he Neal enamel activity remains a Salvation Army and low and behold when the police investigated her death they found two keys to a safety-deposit box from a nother one that I want sushi for when they opened the safety deposit matt says you wanna marry lemon a 700 the AT&T stock certificate plus hundreds of valuable certificates bonds and solid financial security wanna know that that amounts to two hundred thousand dollars now Goulet Scylla because the other safety box contained six hundred thousand dollars so this woman is worth more than a million dollars so she died poor not knowing that she had a lot now listen up last week I asked you is it possible to live our Christian life nowhere son and we're not looking to grad as a father a relieving other Christian life as if God is our Father and my question for you today is this are we living us if we are only children of God but not heirs are you convinced Anakin and Josh but are you convinced as well Amira piranhas are you in Jaws is it possible to be a son of a rich guy a rich dad and not an heir or I want to be more direct could it be that there's a burst of atoms in each one of us now we still have the poverty mentality either we don't know that we have a very rich daddy in heaven that we remain you know your poverty mentality you anybody here you still living in fear when you Bosco holy vodka I am William Abbas I am umami guy cuz if I AMA oboes do you still think that you're the provider in that God your father do we have the power poverty mentality as if we'll still a slave to money anybody here very own calendar Cobell time capilene they'll double paper Kahala day do you still think that your God is just a father and it's not kind enough to give you an heir I mean heritance that's why this is important we're gonna look and we inheritance they inject my excite package on but I love man lugia good yeah right well for one I'm sure but in health I spin a casaba I'm gonna say cash de Vaca a little beast in unum inheritance the cash a check no under your chair check no pedido a look but women of acetylated check for Indian okay under your chair and regionally kaboom but seriously anybody Jeff Leah inherit pants as a Christian I don't know my Bible John if I really believe that God is my father and I have an inheritance well in this world that we're living in it's all about the money right I mean parking in a million inheritance between a bus and last will and testament at the end of the day the bottom line is how much money and work or whether it's an estate or or financial or whatever it's all about money well it anonymous abuse I know zombies aromas 832 convenience pair usury linen a not right but gave him up for us all how will he not also along with him graciously everybody said graciously I mean this verse is saying coming being up in a cage of an apnea if Akash I admire you pee like that the cells more whatever it is for sure my mana temporal at material blessing god I am I see God sat in the huddle in available I see Lord wants to bless your materially speaking of course I mean if you look at the patriarchs they're all rich people I mean if you look at Abraham Isaac and Jacob this gray conglomerate and money go shown at all part of a bigger was a man don't be like oh right I mean if you look at David and Solomon this great see Danielle I mean this guy are promoted in the top level of the government Shadrach Meshach Abednego so don't even think now Paganica not just in degree enjoy material things blessing yeah okay I mean I mean come to think of him go in easy see God never be bigger in the material they of course I have a verse here I have a line in here pants the Gurkha say because of this verse on the bus on the bus or something fathers can give their sons and inheritance of houses and we're not a logical one time no mama Tennessee Mundel penis at that away let me just under that engine is a son like your mama Lou Peninsula code new amoeba Delta seven lead engine acting beyond that he being a hot in uni come on okay so look I met javi behind in the Omegas are but seriously sam alito human apartheid au magnificant inheritance the Malabar at lupa now telling you can happen first but only the Lord can give an understanding why let's my honor my wife I'll I mean I see grace and I belong here I mean Amy but pastor come in the counseling the party's after Anthony on Christmas parting here I mean not just for December but also the hot I mean from from counseling I'm enduring arrow means from weddings to funerals I really just want to honor my wife I mean I'm so blessed of an understanding while anyway so inheritance cool okay may packaged by an Olympian and okay but anyway tsongkhapa I know a long didn't see now began okay wife laugh but anyway but look up here I don't wanna I just want to clarify this because oftentimes to me miss out not in tow or are you and God became enough more but even we became shock in lahat and that it will happen that one BMW bill bill mobile oh he's a BMW Napa but what happened another mercedes-benz god I mean I got a bucket shall be more graciously NACA limit an athlete on three words along with him Sybilla thought how will we not also along with Jesus graciously gives us all things I mean I've seen Malik Christian materially blessed but they have Christ in them I mean money let me are in a coffee bean dieter two months ago right I see people in a pop remote and there on the top of the corporate ladder and still they have Christ while they're leading I seem on a boyfriend/girlfriend and a relationship mineral Salem boyfriend or better than to see Christ hey I am a boyfriend it American warming Sahaba burrito unlocking my momentum motive Apple chatter no an abandoned motif oh you know oh you know oh yeah again the Copernicus Allah who along with us a union boggling arrived along with him look up here sometimes we don't want that along with Jesus we just want give us all things I get that we want material wealth I mean God wants you to be blessed so that you will be a blessing but the end up that they don't focus too much on the material wealth when I'm back on the heat on a car or Michael soon enough for deep water container melody the canyon unilineal eternally Ariana homicidally moulana really uncool at the very least be peeking say you know Muhammad and more Baram Nomura Lanka Sisulu king Collini we're gonna be Linamar romance on he seems to phibn me mana 208 oh okay you swab romney peace you couple loves to sue looking Anika told me mama take a borough in big apology Allah salaburu Rahim Ksyusha new king Canaan so if you focus more on the material stuff and then and then you're compromising your faith I think you got it all wrong when it talks about inheritance remember this young dude the prodigal son under subpoena dad I wanna get my inheritance to Martin dadada and you're gonna enjoy him a trip Kuwait so happy not akula's on a second I want my inheritance so I can enjoy remember sorry I mean he he got what he wanted but only to find out after all the sex after all the alcohol after all commit drugs and on after all the parties Nobles of a behind Shannon Bob boy under subpoena we'll have another winner I'll have no because without glad in the picture my inheritance are good for nothing and then he went back to the Father I don't want you to come to come to come to that place made me enjoy Moreno material things without God you can enjoy material things but enjoyed the giver as well amen don't focus much on the gift focus on the giver and then we all know this story so Jeff Karina so I know inheritance core booty LaMontagne oh no more Jakob black villain now he'd been a bust of Louisiana in a pair okay so okay so see God so no inheritance well for one this is your foundation Lord after Lee kun-hee la gente para la tayyiba massa 1 2 3 Lord you alone my cup of blessing you got all that is mine wow what is which is saying ultimately when you become a child of God when Jesus redeemed you you become the you become not a child of God ultimately your greatest inheritance is God himself what could be more greater than God himself as your inheritance then again they say selamat through eternity kasama Musha subpoena Lord you alone are my inheritance my blessing him is an opinion BMW you alone Iranian in snapping lupa in hello but no matter you want emergency Surendra individually Lily being bowel but I gun waked this a condom 100 million rock party Himalayan indeed Alma bodka I say pagana so look up here God ultimately sell inheritance when the psalmist was asking Who am I in heaven but you Samina and there's nothing on earth that I desire besides you can tie and eva my flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart my portion forever and I think what an insult it is to take a gift from someone's hand and they like in it more than you delight in the giver Tom Abba signal it'll be an octagonal when you know Romania Mahuta banana you may pin up a pray many well economy may just be Walter who you are may may just make some tea me achieve me my Santa Claus Reba oh my gosh it behind the LM no less after Klaus city to Milan alarm see the senorita I'm not in your nap apron or something whatever it is iPhone or iPad tapas nada me - never and by doing a Google something gone Mulla Mulla January 1 and dongjin wari 24 a marina that not gonna be I knew not where I began Aquila redundant Anna : Sammy Jo oppa reglas de Faria tell daddy that I Penina mal de mer demonic are insulting a man see God Vinny Giancana menopause in women and a Lala cigar you see the starting point of enjoying the rest of the inheritance is an understanding the ultimately God is your ultimate inheritance he's your cup of blessing Mohan an Aloha Borglum toe tag wallah I'm understanding a Sea Grant ultimately I'm your inheritance then everything else will be self-centered so let's look at the next verse says a new PI anime Sam burrito furthermore because we are united with Christ we have received an inheritance Karina from God for rejoice as I love this he chose us in advance and he makes everything work out look up here according to this plan let me tell you something God's giving you an inheritance it's just part of a bigger picture we're just part of God's great grand plan for sure you're gonna definitely enjoy your inheritance your wives your enemies my enjoyment many more did our stuff more but more than that God is accomplishing something far bigger than you can ever imagine you're just part of a big puzzle and it's not about you it's about God fulfilling his purpose under Casa Bonita Sigrid bigger than an inheritance for each choice in advance but then but wait he's working out his plan so part of his plan is to save you look at the next verse I love this part of your inheritance are not all angels ministering spirits that were sent to serve those who will inherit salvation the first one of the greatest inheritance is that you're no longer going to help I mean this is a last thing eternal inheritance actually jump an axle it can a canary I'll see God inherit and smoke big animal salvation everything after salvation bonus nalang in the mango millennium bone cancer more in the mango millennium boo molecule Nanette I'll demo in demon whatever you are believing God for coming salvation car everything else comes it pales in comparison the joy of eternal salvation I never believed in God for something we're believing that for restoration and I'm all for that we're believing God for greater things physically speaking restoration of marriage feel physical healing business now Mabuhay you great small number giving a law you know first say I'm sure God is equally concerned but let me tell is something your greatest problem is your sin and God dealt with it as an inheritance he gave a Salvation another inheritance talking about salvation very apt long tall dials in a dragnet easy jet Sabitha summoning Genie God asked of me mag request kesakhian I know iPad oh yeah BMW Babylonian ask me something 70 God ask me and I will surely give the nation's assure inheritance and the very ends of the earth as your possession well is the same your personal salvation is not just for your own consumption once you got the same God wants to use you to be the sole in the light to your Jerusalem those people of Israel for your Judea young man rapid bahama number of about it do your Samaria human are you boom upon the salon yet seen Rita Megan and banana why they pay you like okay you know mama Samaria you in Samaritan you knew mana Iona manuka Samedi possibilities as you witness to your Jerusalem come on aunt muna close immediate low-lying fruit snap edamame pocket Pacoima to your Judea your neighbors your office mates your workmates your classmates your samaria human at our own drop i'ma put us along it and to the ends of the earth we are now in more than 80 different nations those flags are not for display we are by the grace of God starting 35 years ago we are in around 30 80 plus different nations but we had a series called Metro we're not after the nations anymore we're after the cities of those nations lamma ka were commanded by God to go therefore and make disciples of one nation and now all nation CJ Poupon Tehran and NZ Drina if their purpose is self fell on self-fulfillment and Miss Audrina is one of I mean is working in this multinational couple and Electra bound he get acceptable atopic Nicole subpoena be arrested and under Lebo the jocular okay sir I'm gonna limp Iranian anymore French nila and relatives nandito why will they go to a nation over silica illallah village is not about them because they're looking forward to something far greater than just having a one eighty year old life now max out Nana suma Yahoo like a bionic on Doughboy another day looking far beyond just what there's personal fulfillment can give they're looking for nations are asking not after noting Vietnam movement about someone I mean lugar look up on the screen every time we shared the gospel we are actually living out our inheritance it's saddening because a lot of Christians Moschino complete nearly mechanically to this year McCann impacts not in this year he was killed Moschino compete Lila McCann is a pink shell mechanical electron donor tie-in mm mm Oh Elena the experiment pieces Olympia cool in the Guam oh yeah all of us are computing Elin Ghanaian a gamma will computing all material stuff when was the last time you asked yourself Elin and a born-again supportive in mm matoro as a basketball coach William in London a born-again sepegal basketball coach more but sterling champion comet nobody will remember to see the champion 10 years ago hello nobody will remember is a motor on a pentamer Roscoe normally will remember in a lawyer he'll end up in an urban castle it doesn't matter and I know Elin I'm gonna born again while you're fulfilling your career and your duty as a student is that our scoreboard it's 2019 it's about to end ask yourself inland Grubb drive business acumen and a sheriff on a gospel because we have a faulty picture of the value of God and value not and para accomplishment again don't get me wrong I'm sure you're saying the gospel but the most of us who come here every single Saturday and if I ask you today he'll earn a share I'm gonna gospel this year um that's not up Abdullah for you to security we're not good to bring people to church and you gonna get a survival as a Bible by own go and bring people to church well I got a survival your mail Magan on I don't you gonna keep as a Bible you go and bring people to church and the Bible go therefore and make disciples teaching them to obey not bring people to church be a witness your very own lives should speak more of your Jesus but make a deal girl knocking it of us here so Co because every time we shared the glass where you're leaving out your inheritance it's something you can contain later Manono denim star wars my Papa picture cockeyed obi-wan go see naman yung LT stallion Don Pepito to tweet more bubbles on Instagram and the whole world will known an old can Instagram namenode ensalada Idol cannula no no not seen as a SM tap down in the key remember barony SM right parody declare as a woman though I watch Star Wars why in the world him people oppose now you're sharing the gospel with someone why in the world there's no sense of urgency if the gospel is the only way for people to go to heaven and to be saved why there's such no sense of urgency to share the gospel you don't tell me Cthulhu Musa bhai isn't the only driver more mmm Sami neighbor last freakin dilemma Enoch Powell ooh I'm gonna poop on Tyrrhenian preaching gusto make him a bike community that I think you need to hear this I think that here is about to end you better ask yourself am i leaving out the inheritance that I have in Christ that I have the gospel the most the only way for a person to be saved is to share the gospel come on Stan a man come on Solomon on Facebook more come on I'm on a post more I'm just concerned about our bank accounts oh my gosh that's turue shallow if your concern is just about money the Bible says do not put your trust in wealth which is so uncertain put your hope in God and then one day look up here oh hey ganador on well I was if I understood the services where did are you hung than the dongle assault you don't give a okay I need the public side today all right nope here this is a picture of heaven you want to know what heaven is hindi show you a room angel boom upon and Caribbean indeed the whole michael druyan hindi total ganesha heaven but i behave in pupunta mo pray here's a picture of heaven after this revelation 7:9 i looked and behold a great multitude that no one could number from every nation in this a building a tane mahuta nation right from all tribes all peoples and languages is standing before the throne and before the lamb look up here but we think with the Gaza who ate the king of her own lives why not one day we're gonna be forced to bow down our knees to this one and only through God whether you like it or not you're gonna bow before him might as well go practice can anion don't harbor the bitterness and unforgiveness because God is telling you forgive as I have forgiven you bow down love the unlovable forgive the unforgivable stop that last Envy pride why because our God one day we're gonna bow down to him whether you like it or not he's no respecter of man is Hindi as a pile of God presidental America a Pilipinas non-euro like an open position whether you're a prime minister you're a lawyer he's not a respecter of man one day you're gonna bow down on your knees before this God may him pal pallie my practice calamari because that's what we're gonna do in heaven we're gonna bow before him and worship Him and look up here every nation one day see jet will be in heaven and this is a visa thought abomination watching fetching coffee huh yeah mmm i subtitles I haven't see good I don't know if I forgot I didn't think I would yeah sobbing I couldn't see an old moon a taxi-driver bunch of Vietnam no alimony let's get me a bus an ambassador I think they're kinda named Sheila that was have a right to know ah Sammy it was the delivery boom but I'm gay co-ack along the born-again 21 a mr. McCollum don't make a celebrity bad news oh my gaaawd cast not born again you know bundle up was a choice come on they're gonna say bon bons an on say a rocket a NAPA de la putana born again ago campos him boom barangay ho does hit the panic a little jet III umber and a co not gonna buy a sample maker tapas eject me your love I could have pursued something but here's a group of people from every nation thanking him use your worldly wealth to gain friends so that when you die the Bible says you will be welcome in the eternal dwelling my hope and prayer when you die and soon when you die but getting muscle on it you will be welcomed by people by people whom you shared the gospel with the people now holla move along cuenta the people that you suddenly call wavelength the people now anymore I'm hoping pretty displayed so much of Christ in here the people will ask a million just what you buy I wanna have what you have I hope and pray that one day you're gonna be welcomed by those people saying I just want to thank you you don't even know how it impacts me no some oregano grab no our own a on and I was about to commit suicide see um even just more and we've never seen each other again but I gave my life to Christ I hope and pray I got to know for ten years now emotional moment God felt right boo-boo Menaka love you can't miss there nor tell anyone I wasn't just more I hope and pray we're gonna witness this every nation from all tribes people in languages standing before the throne and before the lamb clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands and we're gonna say your son our son our son and first Peter give us a glimpse of what to expect so yep I'll have an inheritance yeah eternal and then I can do something temporal I can share I can use my temporal wealth to gain friends and bring people to Christ young son kappa co got green Candela para sharing the gospel I get that Jeff but I'll give you something to look forward to put it in an Omaha capita attorney on now hey all praise to gods have been if Peter the father of our Lord Jesus Christ it is by his great mercy that we have been born again alright not a religion but born again in Christ we receive Christ okay somebody talk because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead now we live with great expectation everybody say great expectation when you're looking forward to something far bigger than your life ballon nothing else matter everything else seems easy Sheila sigh because in a verse not on because cloud raised Jesus from the dead tired out one day when we die we're gonna have a resurrected body as well so average lifespan a Filipina 70 years that's only twenty five thousand five hundred days by the way company Monica that's only 25 days so music when taka America 7,000 days left okay so pretending about this body one day will rot will turn into ashes but we'll be resurrected alright and then look up here verse four and we have a priceless inheritance and inheritance that is kept in heaven for you pure undefiled beyond the reach of a change in decay we're looking for a paradise remember the thief on the cross suddenly Jesus today you'll be with me in paradise one day when we die alright we're gonna be in a place called new heavens and new earth there's heaven and all and then we're gonna experience the presence of God throughout eternity none stop when you present Eva Kalinin and ago worship BIOS it shown up on the griddle in worship but an experience we have and if on earth you know cumin and Shia whoever on the go worship go with angels that's big Lonnie in tuna I don't know Peres imagine non-stop feeling the excitement in the presence of God have you ever experienced in your life you can get on you press the gun and on and it's not dependent on external so it comes and says you can be fighting stage three cancer and he still feel the presence of God amen have you ever felt that now imagine for a moment constantly and impresses the atlantean lung just like Garden of Eden or the presence of God dwells and walk with Adam and Eve now look up here somebody thought there's a place that is pure and and defiled and beyond the reach of change and decay everything the pendulum all of second law of thermodynamics not begin emit Malayan eventually in a new luma that's why you have to maintain your house and stuff like that the moment something is built mallalieu - yeah it's ageing it's decaying but something in heaven a paradise that will never decay and look what happened here by faith okay talking about Abraham now here's the implication when you're looking forward to something eternal look up here by faith Abraham went to live in a land of promise as in a foreign land living in tents I mean I mean this guy left her and everything and left the place and looking forward to something that God promised him and yet submitted her all his life he live in tent sabadie table and for he was where he was looking forward to the city let us foundation you know Abraham right I love you buddy Abraham known Amitai the only property that he had you learn leapin Anya in Machpelah EULA you dunya I mean addition of - a daughter in Dini another thing compromise another God promised him but he's looking forward to something far bigger than the Promised Land physically speaking somebody thought he was looking forward to the city that has Foundation's money as a faulty foundation don't ever put your hope in money whose designer and builder is God look up here if you're looking for something far beyond just the temporal you'll have peace and contentment hindi common map remote it's okay Lord my God has never lived in her for save me Indian Italian bill died allotment that daya mega under-the-table ago you did your part my bidding in are you small and there's only one Lord in the horse a bidding at least in the guqin on promotion faith go me number Bala serenajoe logs Christos X muna before cassava ten quick I'm a princess I'm the daughter of the king of kings in the Lord of Lord condom on down the ladder then become a palace away I'll be condemned do you see the implication once you're looking forward to something far bigger than just what you have today but why lack an eternal mind said Emily Aris a your Laharl opportunity to are getting wrong it can compromise me you faith more multiplied Simon ahead Mondial allow but you see you're gonna have peace you you won't be driven by fear of lack because you know that you have peace that transcends all understanding and then the next and by implication knowing that there's a paradise waiting for us for our present troubles and our small anybody here you're fighting like a part of feeling more this is the end of the world for me I don't know as a pastor really saved tons of those kinds of prayers financial problem marital dispute cancer the hot me but then what what policy for our present troubles are small right and won't last that very long yeah you might have trouble not though is very productive in a subpoena for they produced for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever next thing that the specimen that man when you're looking forward to something far bigger than this user earth you'll have perseverance when we understand this value and the glory that awaits us we are better able to endure whatever comes our way see the little me period at the island Hannah young temporal Iranian a bhoot anchor man dead oka Eden Africa Green Bay edema testing Monica we can give God praise even during trials because we have him we have the Holy Spirit that guarantees us you'll be able to give up the promise well then the the the Sam Bunga be is this illustration but for the sake nineteen Exim Bank debate I'll certainly the story of Noah Cunha katenka Cunha read along in the elevator okay everybody say oh very good so this is no is it baby no I give me baby now Anna you - Israel so two weeks ago we were in a meeting with with with both of their yarmulke someone at all they're very much part of our ministry see Paul is in the admin support Susana mannequins Church they've been a longtime member of our church and they've been praying for a baby boy because they have two daughters and through enough last year November 23 2018 bid against Allah and listen baby baby Noah perfect see Noah as in cute and Guapo and then normal delivery nila Bastilla normal baby until two weeks after Anubis a baby Noah a nebula that was hindi natanya poor and Anil ignite and then Daenerys hospital but it's rainin doctor maple Blair muscle ants but even your white well as shang tsung lung so it's a lung and Lamia in the lungs lung is al-amin Langley Ohio no I wouldn't illiterate but I'm totally pulmonary hypoplasia Hindi a fully developed is some lung me baby Noah in the inner point develop care and a cup of lemon because you you milk yep I'm a password a complication and then any given time padishah dinner remedy one my mama's a in bata I mean I mean I'm gonna be that yeah this barely two months all during that time then again lapis Marcellus hospital and and then they need a huge amount of money and we won't go to that testimony testimony the Lord provided and all and then one type of a sickness hospitals in salah salem para they be jumping from one world to another so now widely on Scylla back Amina back hunting bed early Pomodoro no no no matinee on Dona moça Oh so in will jumping from one word to another little did they know that God will use them because sicyon your de mom was asking good pockets and a poor and in purpose market to a knock upon in the corona unita and in the Lord's I mean reveal to her I'm gonna use nor was testimony so one by one each bed inevitability just sharing the gospel and there's so much joining him in fact no operon and on November 14 last month preparing Noah for all sabe his face is so worryfree and so place and even though he was a given meal since 1 a.m. although he does not know what they'll be that he'll be operated calm and even the join his face is reminding me to be still and to have faith and here's the clincher here Savan is hired our Abba Father Wow people are people each I'm preaching not then but because Allah meeya our Abba Father tsavorite oh this is the day that that your power and goodness and faithfulness will be seen by the whole world for a moment you wanna pet her 9ec before him how can I be the salt in the light in this world because it don't baba in a doorway it make a cabochon Baba Medina a callable Usha mommy's I say I'm oh you are in a circuit now you are not yeah and yet she was busy sharing the gospel to all the hospitality whatever and I'm doing in this a banana Alamo how are you you know better part of my sciatica you are not open and and yet you're so lively you're so hopeful there's so much peace in you I started sharing the gospel to her that's a big city critical and one thing led to another just the hope that she inspired people around her you know what Joy's not dependent on external happenings Jesus Christ was sleeping like a baby in the midst of a storm it's not the absence of the storm it's who you're with in the midst of the storm isn't it so whatever storm of life you're going through right now I hope you have Jesus in you because you will never ever have peace without Jesus because he's the Prince of Peace here's my question in our daily lives how can we better keep our view on our eternal inheritance looking forward to internal inheritance but leaving your daily life it's hard I remember one sermon of this pastor Jen you don Sabina imagine you're on your way to New York to take a possession namana him or a large estate and then one mile before comic art in the new year new carriage more because this was spiritual hundreds of user you carriage mona Cielo you can ye more but what about my bladder had come with joys and because there's something waiting there are large estate hey something so focus on the broken carriage oh my gosh God wants you to enjoy life the enemy wants to kill steal and destroy but glad wants you to receive that inheritance let's finish this I told you God is accomplishing his plan which is part of the plan don't be so self-centered God we couldn't plan a moussaka Wow the eco that began a jacket or something Eva the new me could implanted alert say oh this is part of his plan when Adam and Eve was cast out of the Garden of Eden remember we preach about this in my body right here's a plan he was reconciling humanity to him it's case of it when the fullness of time comes the Jesus Christ I'm a peg and then after 30 plus years he died on the third day he rose it's not about you it's not about me it's about Christ it's about God accomplishing his plan because he was gonna build a new heaven and a new earth earth 7 then I saw a new heaven and a new earth in in Revelation 21:1 for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away in the sea was no more imagine for a moment one day we're gonna experience heaven look up here he will wipe every tear from their eyes Sid Narita pobud canal oomiya pobud canal mu ha ha good Colossus ok I'll tell you something in heaven there's no more there's no more tears no more mercury drag in heaven no more dialysis in heaven doctora chicken you can avail Anna selamat sorry because there's no more chemotherapy in heaven we have an oncologist here no more chemotherapy in heaven there'll be no more death señorita me add in a poner area well how can he go she don't pray there's no more death in heaven no more sorrow or crying or pain all these are gone everybody say forever that's a picture of heaven look up here don't be short side then you're living for the moment you're committing scene left and right you're a child of God you have an inheritance waiting for you don't be Bertha Adams you have an inheritance you can enjoy it here now and then look forward toward eternity and then says here all who are victorious in verse this is actually verse 4 sorry all who are victorious or verse 7 will inherit all these blessings and I will be their God and they will be my children how about that come on stacked Church you think you can you can you can have your stand I don't know some oblate ice of 2019 cinema in there we fail 2019 but I believe 2020 will be a great year for us amen 2020 Satan's shadow analogy enjoys a play socket the moon of macoco your 20/20 amen that's the blessing that we have in Christ we're gonna partake of communion today I'm gonna ask the Asscher to give the elements can you go to Hebrews please Hebrew some yeah 9:15 I just want to end here it says here therefore he is the mediator talking about Jesus of a new covenant the Old Covenant is gone the new covenant has come the oldest passed away the new has come so that those who are called Taiyuan may receive the promised eternal inheritance I love that since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgression committed under the first covenant that talking about the death of Christ and then he resurrected and that's why reporting communion can you give the communion elements please can ask the music team to please come forward I believe God wants to to give you an opportunity you may have messed up this 2019 our God is a God of not just second but multiple chances so as the communion element is being passed I wanted to be in an attitude of worship I wanted to focus on him I wanted to take this time to repent as well Lord Lord my lord Maliha endoscopic or 20/20 are 19 but I believe God is offering your second chance today he's recalibrating your faulty mindset so let's just worship Him and then later on we'll continue with the rest of the program [Music] my kind you know [Music] Oh Oh [Music] me [Music] Oh [Music] baby sigh Evy [Music] inna long [Music] Oh even I [Music] keeping wall and let's all stand father we thank you Lord God for sending your son dying on our behalf you know instead of her body being Pierce on that cross that Sammy Marcus Allen and I go ah Lord Lord you man up alone and compete illogical and eventually pineapples are crucified Lord we know that we cannot pay for a scene at you Nagisa Moana can only pay for our sins that's why Lord today we'll be forever grateful we will always be reminded that that forgiveness that when you command us to forgive because you have forgiven us first kept on as we partake of the bread that symbolizes your body will be reminded that the ultimate sacrifice that was that happened in the cross Lord but the one in your book of my semi-monocoque a solana Lord began you put him in and capital Elana at reminder lawyer that every time we're tempted to see him maybe be reminded of the ultimate cost their one and only Son Jesus name let's partake of the bread the Bible says without the shedding of the blood is the forgiveness of sin kappa jesus christ didn't die of old age listen Amitai of diabetes or ii he died spilling his plan on that cross because without the shedding of the blood there will be no forgiveness of sin it's a grim reminder that sin is costly by the way vodka the castle ah ha and animal needs to die but the Bible says that animal cannot cannot take away the sin of the world because one day the perfect lump of God will come once and for all remove your sin so if that's you today you there's a tendency for you to go back in sinning again I think you have a misconception of the cause salvation is free but it costs the giver so much his one and only son so don't ever play with the cause because it's so costly so serious with sin he dealt with it personally in the appeal of the land angel he sent his one and only Son so I hope you're not playing religion you're not playing Christianity I hope you're living out your Christianity by understanding that he it caused his son's life so that you'll be safe he was cursed so that we may be blessed he died so that you may live it's a church I hope you have a better class of what happened at the cross two thousand years ago it's so costly and yet it's free we thank you Jesus for dying for us thank you Jesus for for not wavering lawyer you're so set in dying on that cross Sabby more no one takes my life I gave my life so Lord my Marie mine come in and every time were committing sin that it's cause II it's not it's not something that we can just play around because you're so serious in dealing with sin but for those people who's compromising their faith they call themselves Christian and yet they're like lukewarm they the idol hot world cold Lord you said in your word you're gonna spit them out remind them of your love compassion Jesus that's per take up the car [Music] as we had this year as a pastor I love you and after the LEDs there's so much in store for us let's not be the bird atoms of this world let's live out our salvation let's enjoy our inheritance that one one sinner repents the Angels of rejoicing I hope 2020 will be a will be a different year for you your gains of success will be different I hope next year your parameter of what real success is I hope we'll be different your value system our hope will be different it will change what God values we should value God values lost people we should a man we're gonna end in a joyful celebration but let's end the year with a joyful celebration let's just worship clean father we thank you Lord God we glorify you let's raise a hand father may you be honored Lord God in our lives we're looking one day Lord we're gonna worship You Lord in heaven but the day Lord we just want to be we worship you in spirit Lord God we thank you Lord for your goodness Lord we just want to thank you Lord God and father help us lower your thus we recalibrate especially Lord next week Lord net two weeks from now the prayer and fasting June 106 to them we're gonna recalibrate our mindset Lord God we're gonna prepare for our prayer and fasting we're gonna be excited for what you're gonna do it for 2020 we're gonna worship You Lord for who you are Lord we just want to glorify your Lord we are children of God and we're gonna live out our our our identity Lord in Jesus mighty name Amen amen amen come Allah give Him praise together joy too we see okay choy the world to see the sauce sure Oh Oh Oh Jah god bless you Merry Christmas you're all right you're dismissed I'll see you next week god bless you you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 15,007
Rating: 4.7431192 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: _Iayi3Z3Ajk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 53sec (3953 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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