Compassion (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] so we're about to end the series so if it's your first time sucked in we're about to end but don't worry this is a standalone preaching okay because every week here uh it's a different set of preachings but it really leads to the whole thing of really having less of ourselves and more of god in our lives how many of you appreciate in this series i appreciate the whole idea of this series is really to be uh to have an overflowing understanding of god's love for you and me because loved people love people hurt people hurt people this is the same thing so when we uh understood and they fully understood the love of god overflowing in our lives and in exception there's no way but to give out this love you see you can only give what you do what you have right you cannot give what you don't have is stealing you on okay but if you're overflowing with god's love you can easily give it we talk about biblical marriage two weeks ago please download it brian did a great job in explaining what marriage really is what biblical marriage really is and coach lester did a fantastic job last week about sexual purity okay that's only reserved for marriage there's no such thing as a safe sex outside of marriage and today we're gonna encapsulate everything through loving others that it's going to be a lifestyle everybody say lifestyle i'm going to say one of our leaders louise really generosity or love or mercy it's best expressed outside our homes okay so today we're going to talk about really loving others this is a non-romantic type of love but extending love to our neighbors and it's a lifestyle you know why because we are god's workmanship everybody say workmanship that god created as fashion as this word workmanship the original greek word paul has something to do with poem or creating poem the greek word i don't know if i'm pronouncing it right it means we were created by god for something and it's mentioned here we were created in christ jesus for good works not to be saved through good works no good work shall follow after our salvation we created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand imagine god is planned everything you pagawan and good works is actually the totality of our existence god fashioned us to be human being when we get born again and just gave us life and he prepared something for us to do and it's not just a one-time doing it's that we should walk in them it's gonna be your lifestyle doing good works loving others unselfishly doing things for others uh taking less of yourself and really pouring on the lives of other people it's gonna be a lifestyle hindi push a sprint this is not a sprint this is a marathon this is a long this is for the long haul and we can only do that because christian who received christ god has created us as fashion as a new workmanship paraphernalia the word poet denotes the one who has the extraordinary ability to write or create literary masterpiece so out of words masterpiece through a poet when you offered it before god he's going to fashion you to something for good works which impossible before before nothing because our presence stayed before our condition before man indica go on in good works you know why there are three conditions but before we met christ number one we're dead okay as for you you were dead in the trespasses and sin in [Music] our lives before god were dead spiritually speaking okay have you ever seen a dead person walking and serving other people during his own wake a dead person can't do anything when jesus when god said to adam and eve if you touch that if you eat of that fruit you're gonna die they literally die spiritually physically not yet but they die spiritually speaking now before encountering christ all of us were dead we're desensitized you know they were desensitized to the needy people around us we're so selfish even the good works that we're doing may not selfish motivation hello it says here following the course of this world that's your condition before you met christ what's the condition of this world in doing good works the question always is what's what's in it for me every time we do good work okay we do good works because we want something in return that's the way of the world he's going to extend help what's in it for me and we're not just dead we're disobedient okay that's our former lifestyle before we encounter god we're not actually good people you know the motivation anybody here we help others because we have we want something in return that's one time i'm going to ask something for return sometimes we do out of your motivation not in seasonality seasonal kindness but it kept a christmas because it's a season of giving christian and i don't know every time we do good works apart from god as a boy not that the motivation is selfish you want something in return it's like this little boy doing this um not just the motivation behind it but what's the duration anybody here but by major disasters yolanda so your your good works is actually seasonal take my major disaster every three years hello when i was watching the news i had to turn it off and really pray for the parents and then i realized when was the last time i really prayed for students outside my family so i found out the lord rebuked me it's really because we're disobedient and not only with this obedience look up the next the next condition the third condition among whom we we all once lived in the passion of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body and the mind and we're by nature we're actually children of wrath so we're not just dead before meeting christ we're not just disobedient but actually we're doomed we're children of wrath we're doomed that is our condition before we met christ we will never do good works every good work small is selfishly motivated believe me apart from knowing christ all your good works but if you really dig deeper and become about it because sometimes the very people we want to do good works too how did it happen when you have these sets of expectations that is going to do it in return so at the end of the day you're not good to that person you're good to yourself are you following me on listen up that's our condition before we met christ but wait verse 4 of ephesians 2 everybody say but god thanks be to god we're dead we cannot help ourselves but thanks be to god he intervened our condition his intervention god being rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us he initiated everything because we're dead we cannot help ourselves good luck you will never be good but thanks be to god knowing that we cannot help ourselves he intervened the bible says in the fullness of time god sent his one and only son history i mean he could have just stayed in heaven italian lahat we perished all the way to hell he remained god he remained just well problematic but god full of mercy great love look at the next verse thank you scream come on come on look at the next verse even when we were dead disobedient doomed he made us alive together with christ by by grace you have been saved not by good works by saved by grace of god he's merciful his loving his gracious that's our condition his intervention made us alive that brought about our transformation how about that how can you not serve this god there's a lifestyle change because when we were dead god breathed that breath of life that apart from god's intervention our marriages are in comatose hello apart from you knowing christ is unfriend okay before you met christ you're hopping from one boyfriend to another you're hopping from one girlfriend to another because you thought that you can get love from that person no you can only get love from god because we were never designed to receive love from other person apart from christ we decide to give love because that's a sign of love you cannot give we cannot love without giving so where we are god's workmanship let's go back to that verse come born again you're a christian you receive christ as your lord and savior there's a different motivation and i just appreciate your dad that you stick to mom through thick and thin and i just want to thank you dad because you're so loving your gracious came up your graces and you're so merciful it's just an overflow of your love to us this is the only way i can pay you back to do good works to my sister to my brother to this household there's no other motivation it's just an overflowing love that i receive from you wow same output but different motivation that's the point my friend are we loving really selflessly because we're overflowing with god's love that's why you can overlook offensive capital are you overflowing in so much god's love overlooking facebook like office mate looking at them now i'm so overflowing with god's love there's no facebook grant that can really damage my value because god values me the most are you overflowing with god's love because you're gonna talk about christian living today and hopefully we're gonna get a picture of what a living human being looks like and not merely existing human being some of you here are just merely existing you're not actually living you're where you're waiting for hell to come because you're so selfish are selfishly motivated it's all about me me me me me latest iphone and yes hello so let's talk about christian living are you a ready life should be lived out what's a picture of god's workmanship because some of you you've been a christian for the longest time and yes hello so today we're going to talk about how a christian living really looks like number one we speak truthfully as a christian as a born-again christian sociopolis efficient church this is how a christian people should relate to other people to your neighbors it says here therefore each one of you should should put off falsehood and this at the same time speak truthfully now to womb to your neighbor why because we're members of one body so we can be born again it's no longer part of your uh uh armory sails [Music] and some of you here you're so used to your previous condition you're dead you're you're disobedient and you're doomed you're still living out the old lifestyle put it off do not sin while you're still angry and do not give at the devil a foothold and point of this of this verse you can be angry but with righteous indignation [Applause] foreign you get angry with sin when jesus saw the crowd selling those uh in the in the prayer house of prayer like but they didn't sin and problem some are born again distinctions you know why in terms of sinning when you're angry because i believe human anger does not produce the righteousness that god desires for you god wants you to be righteous 10 minutes foreign [Music] 21 years of being married you know [Applause] friends with hot tempered person welcome associate with one easily angered away okay so guys be truthful be self-controlled next and christian living by the way this christian living to balancing is on its own okay we don't have the time the himalayan though so brows like that is going to be pounding more on specific uh issues here so this one particularly it says here bhagna born again anyone who has been stealing must still no longer old lifestyle dead disobedient and doomed but you must work make yourself productive with their own hands that they may have something to share with those in need look up here born now we put our trust in god we should be the most generous person in the planet you know why because we're the one who receives so much among all the people in the planet we receive salvation we receive grace we receive what we do what we do not deserve so among the people in the planet generous not not just our own relatives generosity extend it to those outside your household and problema you're so consumed of your own need you're so conceived of your children's need and then you have no more budget to help out other people in need you're so consuming acquiring that bag you're so concerned in acquiring that cell phone you're someone should be acquiring one condos after another you're so consumed at your need need physical need tempo and yet people around you are perishing i'll tell you something look after this very important when jesus left the earth there's just a handful of the 120 in the upper room when they receive the baptism of the holy spirit look at this very important imagine few days after their number into thousands are you aware that 300 years after the rome had no choice but to embrace christianity because christianity has gained so much popularity has gained so much members they don't have any choice but just to embrace christianity you know why the world the christianity conquered the world not through a theology and with theology not that my dead carpenter and buhay how can they believe that i mean we don't worship zeus how can they worship this dead carpenter from nowhere even death me jesus christ didn't make it big news jesus christ he's just a carpenter as far as the roman is concerned he's just one of the thousands of people being crucified every year so if you're thinking that theology conquered the world no what conquered the world love compassion when jesus said love as i have loved you they conquered the world through loving when they have their second daughter okay square to die because they don't value life you don't want greeks and romans they're thinking that physical language anyway so human born again what they do to matambe is a public square guinea goddard greeks and roman and so the outsider looking in the movement of the way or christian born again and even the widows if you're a widow you're considered dead during the time because you weed though that's why jesus when he when he he is about to be crucified john he is your mother mary mary he sure he's your son now um born again that time they put up a center la tanguito pinopoulos in fact it's the first disputes at church in the book of acts taking care of the weed or the food distribution or the following so the outsider they're looking in again everyone is leaving the city and are born again they're taking care of the sick they're taking care of the injured and they're looking out they're looking in say are you getting born again because zeus and josnath and but i i like the way they treat one another again they only have sex when they say i do so are you in 300 years time from a minority of 120 persecuted and all their number into thousands they reach all the mediterranean rim constantine has no choice let's just embrace christianity they conquered the world through love compassion and somehow along the way two thousand years after union of allah born again you don't know allah satan battalion lingo eight to nine thirty and then we're gonna do our merry way paklavasinito is a church we're not even concerned are you aware of the poverty situation in the philippines are you even aware of this are you even aware that 82 percent of the filipinos live below 233 pesos a day that's like five dollars a day are you aware of that most likely hindi because you're so aware of your next meal the gusto restaurant it is a big easy you're so aware of amnesia cell phone abilities because they sell their properties i'm not saying to do that the point is they're sending the properties they put they give everyone in need it's so attractional that outsider wants to be born again because but you have the same treatment to your fellow christians and people nowadays this apathetic apathy selfie culture that's why i love the movements for the my heart for the lost i love the movement of my heart for the needy and one of those is operation blessing you know operation blessing philippines okay it's a humanitarian arm of cbn asia you produce a puna 700 club it's established in 1996 to reach out to the most neglected and devastated and disadvantaged people in the philippines becoming you may major disaster madalas now in fact there's this housing project that we became part of sata you put on 315 among houses around 70 napoleon so that you will value it and yet we're building condos left and right are we doing something for the 82 percent of the less privileged filipinos and i like what what what uh what the ob philippines is doing since its inception more than like a million people in a ponato lunga medical mission disaster response mission community and children's program but more than that cigratpo kazama's a picture that we're addressing your felt need but we're going to introduce jesus in the process it's bringing god's message of hope a new beginning to these people who are suffering devastated see jesus and solution done so it's not just providing for their physical needs it's really more than that it's providing their ultimate spiritual needs which is jesus christ so your gospel your new ending it's not just helping their physical needs but helping their spiritual needs that's why to command those who are rich it says in first timothy command them to do good be rich in good deeds be generous and willing to share tayo manga born again m because if you do that you will lay a foundation it says here a treasure for themselves a film foundation for the coming age so that when you do that if you're rich you have something in excess sabidon if you have two tunics issa whatever you have in excess in the palace pancharian so that you may live a life that is truly life some of you are just merely existing with all the cars that you're driving you're just merely existing god is glorified you become a blessing through you making blessing to other people but sometimes we're so concerned of our own needs into our own needs slang another organization is the habitat for humanity i like this organization because they are partnering with people with community all over the world to help them build or improve a place that they can call their own it upon habitat home ownership recipient help build their own homes materials and volunteers so that you will have this sense of ownership and also you will pay also an affordable mortgage you do something that will really impart significance to people you do something in business but use it for the glory of god and god will tremendously bless you that's a given already if you seek first his kingdom and his righteousness all these things should be added unto you that's why you're concerned for others sometimes we're just so concerned of ourselves partner it up for humanity you have an opportunity later uh to really be part of this and even the operation blessing because sometimes we're so into this me world so that's that's one way of being a young christian living be truthful live a self-controlled life be generous and then moving on it says here do not let any and wholesome talk comes out of your mouth but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs so that it may benefit those who listen okay so be an encourager okay it will help other people hindi put down on people if you're a christian indiana bhagavan grant hindi bhagavan is a facebook and in iraq because you're alive those are for dead people and disobedient and doomed people if you're a christian every single allah is just to encourage to build other people up it's all about that helping people telegram find their true worth and value are you aware of our poverty in the philippines 82 percent as i've said leave below the the 233 a day people make poverty more than it's a physical thing it's more than just physical it's actually spiritual in nature these people but because of poverty they lose their hope and dignity because they lost their hope and dignity and at an early age they're into prostitution because they look at themselves that's a prostitution so if human about them growing up 12 years old on drugs 15 years old i get behind why because the battle is more than just a physical battle their need is more than just a physical need their need actually what this is what any what the enemy is doing is they're they're trying to put down their hope and dignity criminality will follow that's why in real life one of our foundations here po a young attempt foundation this is a victory our movement we cater to those people not just addressing sending them to school but our foundation we bring people yes those kids to school but more than that it's a holistic approach to date we have 35 scholars here at victory fort but nationwide our foundation have 261 volt uh uh um scholars 485 nepal so far young graduate and from from from quezon benton pembos a pasig and then you're going to inspire them you're going to give them a teaching about the gospel about christmas or your hope and dignity it's really a joy to see them from from a child who lost their hope and dignity nabagupa because the gospel was shared to them because if just share them school or okay it's going to be self-centered that's why this is very important what we're doing here we have what we call a kids program you're going to see the booth outside it's a joint venture that we have with public school and aguapuna then it takes place every saturday morning okay we go to this partner in atlanta public school and then we gathered these kids you know monitor or not and it's not just a one-time thing no feeding program it's more than just a feeding program i mean we could we could do this on a mass scale every quarter we can do that i mean academically speaking but you see what they need from their felt need which is which is an education we address also the real need which is salvation and that's what we're doing at one student at a time one person at a time now we love to see you there we love to see you celebrating your birthdays there we want to see you creating those milestones celebrated on saturday kids program i think with a minimal female t-shirt hello because we want you to be part of what god is doing to the poor because our church okay just in case you're not aware our mission and vision our church we exist to honor god by establishing what christ centered okay spirit empowered and socially responsible we're socially responsible church in the italian church hello we're responsible to what's happening outside of us that's why we want you to volunteer next time a partner you can partner financially as well and then you can start but seriously christianity is thinking less of yourself christianity because we're headed to heaven when other people so that they may know my god i'm gonna do it because i'm gonna spend eternity anyway with god but we're so consumed of the now we're so consumed of the what 80 years maximum lifespan of in the in the world you're so consumed of what's going to be here on earth and god is scratching his head you're going to spend eternity with me i'm concerned god will richly provide for you open your eyes and see how god can move through you let's all stand on our feet today i just want to encourage everyone you see as what they were saying it's a lifestyle it's not a one-time deal it's something we're dead we're disobedient we're doomed christ don't expect someone nawala cries abuhai to do good works the selflessly motivated it's like um but if you're a christian this is expected of you that you're going to live your life for others you're going to die for others that's what expected of us because someone so valuable died for you and me he exemplified it to us that when we were dead we're a slave to sin he nudged you he knocked at your heart he entered our lives when we accept him as your lord and savior and that's what we're gonna i'm gonna ask some of you here today if you haven't accepted christ as your lord and savior you're not gonna do good works and out of guilt lang because we have so many things in life out of guilty conscience it's out of guilt it should be a lifestyle so for those of you who haven't given your life to christ this is the starting point and by the way it doesn't mean you're going to church from day one in bataca up until now it doesn't mean you're a christian you can go to church for the rest of your life and not experiencing christ i mean the pharisees they know the bible from cover to cover the pentateuch and yet they miss out on the messiah himself so you can be in church doing those good things those religions and still miss out on christ the key here the bible says if you believe to those who believe in him he gave the right to be called the sons and daughters of christ so if you're if you haven't given your life to christ let's bow down our heads if there's anybody here you want to receive christ today and start being a workmanship of god can you just raise your hand and give your life to christ this morning come on this this is not an accident some of you here you came here for the first time you need to accidentally yes i see that hand yes [Music] all right it's a balcony yes you're raising your hands come on now god is pleased come on say this prayer with me lord jesus thank you for dying for me i want to be your masterpiece so that i will do good works the motivation is just an expression of my gratitude [Music] and i'm living it all up to you save me be my lord and savior i repent of all my sins and now give my life to you in jesus name amen amen let's give god praise all right let me end this series let's just pray father we thank you for the selfless series we no longer depart from you we cannot be good we cannot do good works because it's only selflessly motivated selfishly motivated rather so lord help us lord god to understand you more to acknowledge your presence every moment of our life [Music] because you have loved us you have we were overflowing by your love that's why we can love them back so lord thank you for this series help us to be selfless in our love and affection to others because we are overflowing with your love in jesus name amen amen amen amen god bless you you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 25,576
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: hvRp9uXRPMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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