Genuine Love | The Gospel Expressed Week 2 | Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Applause] so hi and welcome to get church our online worship service for kids we're glad you can join us today if it's your first time welcome we are victory kids and we exist to train the next generation to honor god and make disciples aside from kids church our big kids also have their huddle time huddle time is a time after the service where our big kids ages 6 to 12 years old meet with volunteer teachers to discuss what they've learned during the service these teachers were our kids church volunteers even before the pandemic but wait there's more as we discuss our lessons in kids church kids get to meet and fellowship with others their age too so what are you waiting for visit slash huddle for kids to sign up that's b i t dot l y slash capital h u d d l e for capital k i s welcome to our online worship series victory fourth attending [Applause] victory groups my online meetings on social media my encourage atma pak desai welcome foreign so all right we're live good afternoon everyone by the way uh welcome to victory we are here to honor god and make disciples this is our saturday 4 p.m online worship service welcome paul and as we worship god allow me to read from psalm 132 verse 7 says here let us go to his dwelling place let us worship at his footstool you know what is the psalmist is inviting us to go find a place where you can worship god or find a place when you where you can encounter god and be expectant as we worship god today you know what is and let us dedicate this time to worship god and let us pray lord salam we dedicate this time to you lord god we worship you god because you deserve all our praises all our older god thank you lord god lord that your name will be magnified lord god as we worship you today lord god lord meet us god in our dwelling place god and meet our hearts with our mind our god meet us where we are right now we worship god jesus name we pray amen we will praise your names is new every moment i am alive overwhelmed by your freedom there's nothing like living in your purpose i hear the sound of growing every part of until i am alive jesus is is alive i am alive i'm my is we will worship you we will seek your face jesus hear us passer i will bow down i will follow all your ways cause you are my only one cause you are my only one be glorified forever will that you are you will reign we forever worship you we will shout your name and we will live up our voices i will worship are my only one i wanna live forever that everyone i want to live will know hear us oh jesus here let's leave our voices here i am i am here i am be glorified forever will will before we continue with our service uh i was just reminded of this verse as i was talking to one of our members um his wife just gave birth and apparently i don't make wanting complication and they have to go back to the hospital and i was as i was praying uh for his wife and his kid i was just amazed of the faith of this man you know pastors we hold on to his promise and talking about jesus being lord of all isaiah 4 10 and he quoted me this uh verse do not be do not be afraid do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand i don't know um if it doesn't make sense to you but you know what i just want to share this because some of us feel like the lord is just the lord of maybe in some areas of our lives maybe it's a finances yes to some of you yes he's the lord of my finances but to my uh situation physical healing i don't know maybe to some of you lord says ibang area and akikitamo that you are victorious but on some areas it's not lord at all but let me tell you something we just sang a while ago and we're going to sing that chorus once again he is lord over all i just want to pray for you i just sense like some of you here today you have given up hoping on god the lord will strengthen you whatever situation you feel weak right now i declare healing to be upon your bodies i declare a financial breakthrough to some of you metallica hosts and you feel like you're doing everything per paraguala i sense that some of you need a restoration of relationship because it's weighing you down and and i just sense that you just have to put your faith in god that he is the lord of all let's pray lord we thank you lord we know that this song that we just sang lord god is true that you are lord overall that you are in control of everything so lord as we sing this song once again lord touch our hearts lord god help us with our unbelief lord god help us in fact some of us have stopped praying because impossibly but lord today we rekindle that faith lord god in you and lord help us lord to see that you are lord of all in jesus name amen let's sing this song be again forever use it for your glory that everyone will seek be glorified forever that everyone will see will be foreign will know that everyone will know romans 8 37 39 know in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who love us for i am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor highs nor death nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god in christ this is our lord where we are right now we honor you we dedicate everything to you this name we pray amen and amen wherever you are you can call back to god all right again thank you everyone thank you for joining us welcome to victory this is our saturday 4 p.m worship service whether my name is miko i'm one of your campus missionaries uh welcome to victory we are here to honor god and make disciples okay so if this is your first time you are we're glad you need someone to help you with your walk with god just comment there oh first time okay okay all right so uh for our titan offerings allow me to to read from matthew 6 verse 31 to 33 says here therefore do not be anxious saying what shall we eat or where shall we drink watch or or what shall we wear for the gentiles seek after all these things and your heavenly fathers know know all that you need them all but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you you know what this verse is reminding us reminding us in this verse god knows what we need god knows what you need okay and i was and offerings is our ah of worship to god we are worshiping god through our giving but at the same time giving our tithes and offerings is our declaration and the promise of god for us is he will give us all these things he will add to us as we honor him through our titan offerings let's pray lord what i mean that we can lord that your name be glorified in this thing this name we pray amen and amen you know um if this is your first time you are not obliged but if you do so we believe that god will bless you all right and it is so easy for us to uh to give right now just visit slash game thank you so much and god bless us you give hi and welcome to victory fort we're so glad that you could join us today we have some updates for this week and we're excited to share them with all of you we're excited to announce that we have another campus summit coming up next saturday at 10 a.m the campus is where most of our future leaders are that's why as a church we've always been intentional on reaching and discipling the next generation whether we can gather physically or just virtually for now here's what you can look forward to for this event hi i'm lester from ian campbell sport hey yo what's up everybody i am cuyazello from every nation campus emus hi i'm robe and i'm from every nation campus ford hello everyone i'm larise from en campus davao hi everyone i'm ian ramos from en campus sport and very excited to have our student leaders our students who attend our youth services and victory groups to be able to meet most of you from different centers of every asian campus in the philippines imagine even in the middle of this current setup even virtually continue to change the campus and change the world together i'm excited to learn more on october 24th 10 a.m via zoom for our campus very excited to see you if you have kids who are in high school or college and you think they would want to join this event and also get connected to church community invite them to register and if you're a student watching this whether you've been part of enc port for a long time or you've only joined us via our online youth services you can register for campus summit just scan the qr code or go to this link and it will lead you to our registration form registration is free christmas is just around the corner while christmas this year will surely be different from what we've been used to it can still be a very meaningful time as a church we really value family and we believe that christmas season is always a great time to build memories as we celebrate jesus and so we want to invite you to join us this november 6th for cherish traditions as pastor joey bonifacio and his wife marie share about celebrating christ in a time of crisis we'll also be sharing about various traditions and activities that families can do to make this christmas season more meaningful and memorable join us by registering through this link this lockdown might have been a disruption in our lives but even though the world may have stopped our mission continues and remains let's look at how god has enabled us not just in victory fort but in our entire metro manila church to continue to make disciples and serve our communities in the midst of this pandemic 2020 will go down in history as the year the world stopped many things had to change even for our own lives and our church since march we followed public health and safety protocols stayed home shifted our worship services online and prayed like never before while much of the world may have stopped or may have wanted to cancel 2020 our mission doesn't stop because we believe that god's plan cannot be canceled our discipleship hasn't stopped we continue to meet as a church virtually and serve our communities during this challenging time no matter what happens we will not stop sharing this good news of our lord jesus christ we continue to demonstrate and declare the gospel the encouraging stories we've been hearing shows us that god and his church cannot be stopped no matter what and here are a few that we'd like to share with you hi i'm petronida i've been teaching for 16 years during the time of pandemic i would message my students and ask for their prayer requests i offer help with their lessons or subjects i remember i had a student named man fast forward now she is my co-teacher we pray together and eventually it led us to do one-to-one discipleship and she also became part of my victory group and now she is doing the same she also shares the word of god even during this pandemic let's not stop using our platforms to reach out to the next generation very thankful for victory for equipping me with wisdom and knowledge that i would need as i journey with this uniform services not only on their offices here in metro manila but also their provincial offices from north to south and doing this we are given the opportunity with god's grace to journey with them in reaching them with their spiritual life especially in this time of uncertainty making them the best and true heroes of our nation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no pandemic or crisis could ever stop the purposes and the promises of god because of him and his grace our church can continue to be a source of hope to this world was looking for one we look forward to the day that we will see you all again face to face together in every situation let's continue to honor god and make disciples [Music] we praise god because the word of god and his kingdom will never be on lockdown we are still called to take part in what god is doing in our nation together we will continue to honor god and make disciples may you be blessed as you continue to worship with us [Music] all right good afternoon everyone announcements but anyway i can't wait to start my preaching because in topic nothing is about love ye i want to know what love is you know i want you to show now today we're going to talk about love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now when you talk about love it's one of the most overused misused okay and sabine time magazine it's time to change the meaning of the word love okay article [Music] i love my wife okay i love my children i love pizza i love [Music] [Music] i love my wife grace okay talagang i care about her i want to spend time with her in fact marriage seminar webinar it's an eight-week marriage tune up now man four gives up love and and and because i want to improve my love for her i love pizza i don't desire to have a personal relationship with the pizza okay [Music] so guys or girls next time somebody tells you now he loves you [Music] and does he want the best for you or he just wants something from you it's just is it just a pizza kind of love when you hear the word loves a dictionary it means an intense feeling of deep affection all right it means a great interest and pleasure in something it's actually a noun okay you love motherland described as a noun a feeling in modern thought love is an emotion that can be turned on and off like a switch verse manga user friendly okay because they think of love as a now it's a feeling but they're gonna feel like okay in this sermon we will use the word love as a verve okay in the even verb as a verb okay that love is an action that we're willing to take to express something in fact let me give you a trivia the very first time the word love was mentioned in the bible was in the book of genesis means it's an act of doing in fact the root word is a have which means to give now listen up is very important giving is the vehicle of love love it's not getting when you say i love it means giving for love to progress giving is the vehicle of love hindi romantic love okay we're going to talk about different types of love love with your family members and even your enemies and that's why the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave so ahava is not an emotion but an action it is not something that happens to you ah i fell in love no no no no india but a condition that you create when you give you don't fall in love you give love you and then love pertaining to the object of affection as i've said english generic okay when you want love that defines sexual passion it means parents or children in family members estorge all right so eras philia storge but this is another type of the word love that pertains to god's love towards his people oftentimes you think this it means the love of god it means unconditional so today we're going to look at chapter 12 if you're uh if you've been hearing our message chapter 1-11 paul it's more of theological in view of his mercy in chapter 12 onwards this is the application numerous for the past what uh 17 weeks so verse nine something like love you love punayan eighteen times slang and gina it's a book of romance 11 times talks about god's love agape love that refers to god's love for his people now for the first time romance referring to love of a person to another person are you getting this book of romance and word agape god loves his people now for the first time all right people loving other people referring to agape no longer philia no longer storge your word eros was never mentioned in the bible so you can see here that that god is taking agape love to the next level it's as if paul was saying let's take this word agape this unconditional love we're gonna take this to the next level you're not just gonna agape love god but you're agape love other people we're gonna do this okay with fellow human beings wow yeah this is re really this is uh um revolutionary we can love others the way we love god yes so paul continues let love okay be genuine suppose you're not being genuine it's obvious you're fake meet your fake pal they use different kind of masks to portray different kind of character all right like it gets know it's not a phony it's not pony it's not a put on it describes a behavior free from hidden agendas literally pakistan people nepal now let love be genuine without hypocrisy and faint all right so you know it's either it will fall into a superficial type of love let me superficial skin dip facebook news it will either fall into this superficial or transactional type of love okay so either way let love be genuine now panama malalam and congen when you laugh i know indicate all um when i was in um europe okay paul was also saying let love be genuine and how would you know that love is genuine hate what is evil allah kalina love hate says yes all right because part of being an authentic love is having authentic hatred towards what what's evil are you listening love must be genuine okay but hate what is evil you know why because god hates hypocrisy remember last week sabine jesus you honor me with your lips but your hearts are far from me god hates hypocrite people see paul nearly built him church in corinth because they tolerated uh immorality the godless churches in galatia because they tolerated legalism listen up guys uh hypocrisy i think one of the greatest problems in church most specially so western countries it's not intolerance but tolerance right they're so paran uh cautious of offending other belief other people politically correct stuff like that and here's the thing when we tolerate something eventually you'll accept what you tolerate eventually it will become the norm so we're all guilty of this at times when we watch too much netflix movies we think that it's the norm and god is saying love must be genuine hate what is evil it's like a two sides of a coin love more genuine wow hate what is evil and today as we go through these verses and dummy verse i thought but um bear with me okay hang on okay so these are 13 verses 1 3 from verses 19 to 21 but with thirty three zero commands imperatives all dealing with love gabe la vinta within the family of believers and love outside of the family of believers are you getting this love among born again christians body of christ in love outside of the body of christ so let's jump to the verse verse 10 see number one love one another with brotherly affection now philly dynamic john with brotherly affection outdo one another in showing honor and then he continues he's going to talk about the quality of love in the family okay and then zabirito never be lacking in zeal okay but keep your spiritual verb or serving the lord he was saying outdo one another in showing honor between family of believers always have this uh attitude of honoring others keeping yourself nakalagang looking at yourself but on others always better than you and the motivation is this okay we are serving the lord when you want to practice agape love among believers your motivation is this agape love for fellow christians why because it's a way of serving the lord sabbath is a verse 10 as we continue never be lacking in zeal or inferbor but keep your spiritual ferber serving the lord it's as if god is saying paul is saying if you love the father there's no way that you will not love his children here make a church mate again this verse is saying there's no way you cannot love other believers because if you love god mahalin who among you here nakakaku just the same thing you are being you're going to love your fellow christians because you're serving the father you're serving god contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality someone a fellow christian spot more than anyone i hope and pray that um we're generous towards other uh believers i was just reminded of this uh activity now then we're in we're bringing um is battling colon cancer wow he was also one of the students while in the class recovered sea urchins because of his condition so yet it did not stop him from attending human classes not in detail we prayed zabini passover we prayed the minister to him and he was crying towards fellow believers we're concerned we're we we don't look at them whether you like it or not so again first love for spiritual family now church this is level one agape love but then again this is level one when i say level one if you can't make it here loving your fellow believers because this time paul will admonish the believers to love those people outside of the church if christians can cannot get along with each other how can we be the salt and the light of this world remember outsiders are looking in again so 35 your love for one another talking about his fellow christians will prove to the world the outsiders that you are my disciples is christians when outsiders are looking in the way you treat other christians for the outsiders that's a question because that's one of the proofs that you are god's disciple you are jesus's disciple but put all right so agape love between fellow believers now let's jump to the next group how can you have a gap in love unconditional love towards others not hostile loving the world around us and paul was writing this in the midst of a hostile world in a roman world the romance they have no idea of this agape all they want is they take they take they take clan christianity so let's let's jump to the verse verse 14 bless those who persecute you and do not curse them rejoice with those who rejoice whip with those who whip live in harmony with one another do not be haughty but associate with the lowly never be wise in your own side and verse 17 do not repay anyone evil for evil be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone verse 18 composible as far as it depends on you live at peace with your mother in law i this or with everyone with everyone okay verse 19 do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room for god's wrath if your enemy is hungry feed him i'll feed him we don't kill him okay if your enemy is hungry no no no no no no need to nepal feed him if he's thirsty give him something to drink will you make kulai pa param masala in doing this you will keep burning coals on his head in verse 20 do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good pastor fellow christians there are four negative commands here you must do not do not do not and four comparisons between good and evil negative commands uh uh and then comparison between good and evil so maximum is a generic imparang in general point of view something on uh uh bless okay and do not curse ability verse 17 do not curse so verse 17 sorry verse 14 do not curse verse 17 do not repeat evil verse 19 do not avenge verse 21 do not overcome so there are four negative commands now human response small should not be dependent on the kind of treatment that you receive are you listening to bless them they will do evil do not repay evil they do bad things they may avenge you will never take a revenge cristiano because of god's love has been poured out in our hearts five holy spirit has been given to us so here's a picture look up here every time you forgive someone you're taking the hit the pain the burden offense is i'm willing to carry the burden because hindi preparing burden when you forgive it's costly that's why jesus had to die because our sin may cost now if you're a christian what you're saying is what paul is saying i'm willing to take the burden you offended me it will take more than that to offend me okay i'll overlook it because blessed is the man who overlooks an offense you will always run dry but thanks be to god he has poured out into our hearts his overflowing love by giving us the holy spirit now you can picture in a glass of water you picture them too we have endless capacity to express love you know why because we have endless supply of that water it's us water so you will never run out of forgiveness of overlooking offense of of really your bitterness and resentment you know why kaya muyam because the holy spirit is in you it's growing inside of us of the holy spirit example verse 14 bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse wow you know how can you fight how you can fight those people and say oh persecute self-control alamo my self-control is a fruit of the holy spirit because my self-control hindi puma pathos general principle now our response should not be dependent on the type of treatment we receive we're gonna look at the specific demand paul gave us two helpful tools okay to love in the midst of this hostile world number one we sympathize with them and number two we harmonize okay sympathize and harmonize okay so the word sympathize simply means you'll just enter into their world let's read okay rejoice with those who rejoice whip with those who we allow in the next sympathizing with them that's why he wept was weeping all morning now that sympathy and our harmony it means do not repeat anyone evil for evil be careful to do what's right in the eyes of everyone now somebody thought if it's possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone guys if you're a christian you we are peacemakers we are initiators whether we're the offended or the offender we make the first move now if it's possible leave at peace with everyone live at peace with everyone a peace process both parties should agree on your end you initiated the process you humble yourself the ass kind of forgiveness the extent kind of forgiveness of verse if it's possible as long as it depends on you leave at peace with everyone so let's finish this so union union uh ways okay sympathize and harmonize live in harmony and sarah pagula do not take revenge my dear friend but leave room for god's wrath for it is written it's mind event she got because we're not good in taking revenge in fact on contrary if your enemy got on give you something to drink in doing so last lastly you will hit burning coals on his head what do you mean by that takado it's like putting a burning coals and it's a beginning of burning coals okay it's a practice for nagina during ancient times okay it's an ancient uh um egyptian times bond ancient egypt as a public display of remorse a public display in pakistan because when you do that number one bucket link number one jesus practice it he extends forgiveness remember in the cross having jesus forgive them for they do not know what they're doing number two jesus commanded it jesus young forgiveness against enemies but he also commanded it to us love your enemies and then lastly people will notice despite all of those things it's like putting a hip okay doing it if you will put a burning coal on their heads that's why as we end is it really possible can we really do this can we really do this of course as christians we can do this believe me it's possible because jesus did it to us first as i end in first john 4 9 we're going to pray for a specific group of people sabidom we love we agape love we love unconditionally we love not transactionally we love not uh uh temporarily we love not superficially we love unconditionally why because we experience it first from god he first loved us and that's why believe me you will always take revenge you will always exact vengeance you will always be you know prideful you will always cardboard bitterness and resentment and you know saying time heals time doesn't heal anything in fact the bible if you're angry time doesn't heal anything what can heal us is the holy spirit that comes into our lives and say because at our worst christ loves us i'll be praying for three specific group of people i'll be praying for grace to forgive someone some of you after this message you need to forgive someone you need to text someone you need to set you need to set a zoom meeting with someone initiate and you call yourself a christian right and he call me offend i believe god will give you the grace to humble yourself and say will you forgive me next group of people icao offended the bible an offended person is like a a a wall in the scale in the this is not for them this is for you because you're creating a prison and the key is in your hand i'm weird and that's why today if that's you you're the offended person i'm gonna pray that god will give you the grace and thirdly i pray that you're gonna experience the love of god if you're a christian and you have forgotten how much god loves you i think this is the moment that you're gonna experience his fresh anointing fresh grace from god but i embrace let's pray father we thank you lord we know that it's worth it to know that what what genuine love is the genuine love lord requires hating what's evil not doing the opposite and genuine love demands lord god unconditional love that lord today i pray for those people who have offended someone i pray lord lord christ they will be the one to initiate lord humbling themselves do not justify you pack a heart burning and peter ness they're going to ask for forgiveness they're saying right now lord i pray that you will orchestrate that opportunity for him or for her to set that appointment in jesus name give him the grace to ask for forgiveness and second the lord we pray for those people now offend them they've closed their heart lord god they have closed their hearts and lord right now soften their hearts lord god and open it lord god so that they can extend forgiveness because in this worship truly and and it's it it's it's getting lord god harder for them to worship you because of that uh animosity lord i pray offended will have the grace to extend forgiveness to that person and lastly lord god i praise christ who have forgotten how much you love them lord you sent your son to die for us god lord i praise i'm a christian that they're going to experience this fresh embrace from you that you love them lord mawlana young sense of insecurity that they are loved and valued and they're worth dying for in jesus name and lastly let me just talk to the people right now you haven't experienced this love let me extend this invitation the bible says for those who believe in his name for those who receive him he gave the right to become children of god if that's you today you're watching raise your hand and then say this prayer lord jesus is under your lordship lord i accept you today as my savior in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen come on let's give him praise wow guys and shut up and worship the lord no so guys god bless you may the lord bless you and keep you and may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace god bless you and see you next week all right so so on group video call on facebook offline or online church victory groups
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 33,723
Rating: 4.9383755 out of 5
Id: n9YvGtFQdaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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