Convergence Gathering - Session 05

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thinking probably probably not a break I just go through [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check check check check check test I'll probably just point over at you all or should i say something on the mic no part of secrecy if I look at it from you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus is king [Music] to say the same Jesus is care [Music] [Music] don't say when Singh Sandhu shower who [Music] meters [Music] jeez [Music] even so [Music] all will be new your name for faithful and true Jesus is coming soon [Music] there will be justice [Music] faithful and true Jesus's car [Music] because see [Music] be quiet [Music] you're tensing soon Jisoo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we God we god you're come so we were we God we cuz your car [Music] me [Music] we [Music] too late [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Music] we will go further together we'll go far as we go to do we as we go together he's binding our Mars together [Music] finding arts together [Music] sorry it's good [Music] he's joining us he's joining us by his Spirit [Music] engine [Music] [Applause] he's a good father and he knows how to bring his children together yeah he's a good shepherd [Music] knows how to bring his flock together [Music] [Applause] [Music] how mucha Tasha woman [Music] hawlucha [Music] ha Oh - ha muji - woman Joshua Buju [Music] Oh and I were to Sun God [Music] the chairs are some motions oh god she [Music] heart [Music] my one spirit [Music] one father of all your clothing nice in unity you surround us with oneness pull the prayer that jesus prayed you'll answer you'll answer [Music] one spirit [Music] one guy who is father [Music] holy sphere [Music] thank you for her [Music] the change [Music] sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] three [Music] Oh Holy Spirit [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - to go but us together let us together we - together love brought us together let us together fight us together [Music] - together - together why'd us together [Music] we wait - together [Music] I'll enjoy my lantern island island island [Music] island island island [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but geez Sheila Kashi that's insane his intentions helping and he will not relent until he has it the wavefunction to doubt her trail yo-yo dishes shouldn't you [Music] [Music] until you [Music] who are Mars [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you will have [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just joined together [Music] to me come on to me come [Music] we can't interpret knock it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we always find it's hard in our spiritual capacity to facilitate a move of the Spirit like this and every time it happens it leaves us helpless because we're trying to facilitate the Holy Spirit but it's really it's beyond our capacity at this moment like these thoughts it's one of the very special times that I always call it the lingering presence to see contribute Asuka [Music] it's hearts connected with the Holy Spirit our spirit and his spirit and he's lingering so you cannot move on you're just lingering with him the Italian in the region and this is not because we don't know what to do we say you a woman puts it all full of stuff actually there is a lot of things in our spirit when we came to this meeting stop but when we surrendered to him he has the right to do whatever he wants don't be some food had a huge lead so eat as we are and I'm sure you're all feeling like what we're feeling it's a lingering presence that you don't want interrupted it's so sweet and so tasty just me how many of you if you feel what we feel those are in cash at all okay so all of us know there is a further a sweet presence seiga and he immediately and yesterday the song was taste and scene so the Lord is saying it's not any eloquence of your words it's not even the eloquence of anything when I'm delighted I linger and I stayed mm the remember one time when I was at the dinner table I had a meeting to go after the dinner in a surgeon and a wife a boy you guys it's a neurology way my kids were so sweet with one another about heisman common beats the Shelf number oh they were talking so nicely to each other so sweet the mother Jamie beets they're so kind and tender and the way it was functioning it was so nice Kumbi so who don't remember the may phone and I didn't want to leave the table because it is so good we'll push on because hands or English number discharged so my kids said to me dad you have a meeting it's plate high demand or so about guide should you we're eating while I said just five four minutes five minutes so excitable friend zone today move in zoom and certainly the Holy Spirit spoke to me trying to do sinning doers she said when my kids do all together and unity I linger and I don't want to leave our little - leave her Motown Judas Oh would you stop Tino push on me that's what were experienced such as orange and that gym leader he is so happy Serena enough of us Google do that have opened their hearts and being in love with him and with one another somehow missing a car to pieces your highness how many of you feel something is happening in your heart and you don't understand it but you can feel it in your heart you don't have as I see me abuses it or not booming but that if your ceiling it's not rose new cancer our natural tendency is what's going on [Music] and for those of you who are used to notes you want to write something gbt their limited society to see but once you write it you're able to communicate it in a negotiation just mango like autumn babuna and once you're able to communicate it it is framed it I need a good ship God are too big from fool but there are things he cannot communicate the users should use a new package pure because under it it falls in the area of his thoughts are higher than thoughts you had to attend local images with others is a meaning yet chosen one if your mind cannot capture it how do you communicate it was in the tone of booming beneath the Michiko tomtron Darden and Paul Phil and that time when he talked about the love of God Apollo 8 Arizona mr. Joslin died he went into that egg I call it ecstasy you don't know what to say that seemed like a seed it's mana know how to toss awesome he went to the height and depth and wave he couldn't explain it Jim Lawson incited some cool cause in amiable Mattias and another time when he started describing what he says have prepared for us the weights that have been also years was the will maybe beta they said no eyes have seen who ears have heard oh yeah with and you are with him well if I have never seen or heard how can I communicate it but emerging was how our team boards are much each one dance beyond our capacity and I think the speed of the Holy Spirit is going to be so fast change send us food weapon quiet that we have to let go of our way of understanding his ways he shall funny sounds is he being by the forms like Conchita Watchmen ISA the statement I love that it was initial source image of always she said my mind does not understand but my spirit knows the Tonopah mean by that is overly Dom so there is something called no I know but I don't understand you to the would sit out there so for me back and the reason is because that's the part that got saved when I was born again you know you George has an approval and my mind is in a process of being Santa fide and transformed until Jesus comes back come with us 13 jingling a singie Buddha dancing big harvest immediately or choose being a medical doctor that was my mainly frustration I don't understand anything in my life what I was seven almost immerse in dopamine by literally I never saw the last 30 years I never saw them in my spirit at least nothing I was always tricked to step by step secondly silence of the city column about penalty were quite quiet already when she would see the booming but and I'm sure I'm in the company of all the tricked people in the world Samuel inside each year and all of a sudden he's on point that I thought Mike what Mike was sharing his story with all the prophecies and how he could not understand by the finger not a third use of a century here in terms of you mean Pan Am we are all the same if you would have told me 30 years ago you'll be doing this I will say are you crazy those are sensitive change cultures Virginia we were told us to be watchin put sudo window phone I never never even saw myself living medicine all my dreams was to honor God in my medical career song name oh joy so much fun music will leak at the ETA but we are in a process I shall take a course I want to take your permission it's okay to allow your spirit to engage and your mind does not understand how about Lucia young woman de Leeuw ago told that she don't see what who now coming back and do you think you're going crazy Sonia in karma you're not going crazy you are crazy episode 10 waiting for me each Indian corner I'm serious Turner in my medical career that was neither I worked in psychiatry circus is a socialite I did two months William my irritations was in psychiatry homicide - so she and the first question we asked okay psychiatry - Kurt you think Chinese don't have that well the first question we ask our patients Antigua ones appear in a wealthy do you hear voices you think insane and then the second question is not there when you do you think it's the voice of God New Genesis Anderson Yuma then I know right away you're admitted the math on the Chinese soup and the second thing is do you see things you can your suits Imam but but but they are not they are not in front of you Camile tiny beans here when things our forefathers Hebrews eleven is about they saw and they have heard voices and these are things that are not existent she were a season a season that they encompass account Institute's put some time by medical definition by the world standard we're crazy say I'm the east should a teeny worms to follow but I am privileged to be crazy that I hear voices and I see things that are not real the further nourishing woman way to think on Angie kingi Alison so what are we afraid of now one possible we're all in a hospital I'm totally Amy we have the hospital of the Holy Spirit can send me and welcome fine you all got admitted when you got born again and you allowed the Holy Spirit to lead you in song solution selling telling indeed thought sighs that she's on your friend so we need to give that freedom we are afraid and we take it back we need to release it and the load will help us by His grace to power you can come with us long chiffon kindly when I got married I don't understand what marriage is I discovered it well Jeff what is O'Quinn want my young woman pseudo a pupu fashion and even when I had my first I didn't I mean I made so many mistakes of my first and I didn't even know how to be a father so Learning Center's Antigua hidey-holes I can do so food show what we're going through is we're birthing things in the spirit realm we are bringing into being things that have not been existent so understanding images cynicism pants and truly supportive way sensing need water and a lot is saying us I'm doing a new thing which was a term saw what the agency sure I am doing a new thing with a toy agency now it springs forth I share in fashion lambda fashion if I would have told you will never believe it robots are girls who need neon yellow doesn't tell us said to boy single Sherman why because he loves us because if you don't believe you will disappoint her you and you will be servicing you warehouse sewer so he doesn't reveal it and then you suddenly it's there before you turns into ten dementia and the Lord trusts that he will trust the person with you that is able to carry you through it to do about it only joggin is a holiday the cream by its enzyme so last night we saw things it's hard to explain to the ozone canyon to synchronize but illness in the spirit realm then says surely me me me me we give birth or we release things into the natural that has been in the heart of God of the lynnium condensed into the third element which is its audition is singing so we all came here because there is something in God's heart omotola no drilling machine video which is should we all paid our airfare tickets or those who are living here we all took the time because God hasn't something in his heart and he called us truth seniors you know who Tom in some foot idea adultery and then the Lord said come up here in trousseau Sun or jennyline Revelation chapter 4 come let me show you what I'm doing non watch aren't you getting can tell fastener suit and once we see it we don't McKenzie we work on it and we walk in it on Earth images that is unseen that shit'll so we birth what the father have done in the heaviness almost what Penn Central suits entertains anshel true and that's what's happening I want you to agree with me Father is Tommy Bien Phu we give you the right to do whatever you want I'm gay need Chinese for real honey ownership we are trying to understand woman's house assuming by but don't limit your movement to our understand there's a pill I wonder is the way engine in that's always go beyond our understand how horns or mean by because we don't want to be limited to what we can understand women built but in the truest sense I don't mean by the family their thoughts are higher the ENIAC also want to enter into your thoughts Niamh II know Donnie the same way all of what you want to do Oh John your thoughts and it says should our Toyota our Toyota you will have it all nippy otters all swole what you have desired furnace work Rwanda you will have a deep your turtle and we all together say well Michi sure we give you the right home again it's a chilly to do whatever you want so it's general told us in Jesus name for years Suda me amen amen please find your seats simple - Dave's like her to come up if you would David Dave is one of our main leaders here enchilada TV show in our leadership gathering this morning Jin Tom Danny man GG this show ho he said it's so clear how we feel about what happened last night half isn't easy to be on out so it's a ticket Yvonne Thomas okay the I hop team and family we were so touched just preventing it I haven't saw the time to it ended Italian though face on the cat dome so just tell us what you were thinking it was I mean I mean expressed to them how we felt she shall have about actual needs it and you say I have the deert on woman I can't show I'll just say I which is a war so I can talk for my heart say okay so what the scene I jump outta but I mean we then she saw that got us a woman I I am so thankful for you well faith how the kind she animun [Applause] where is the iHub team come and stand with your brother this is your tongue Daniel you need to show me calm Geneva [Applause] last night what what you did to to serve us and to bless us today is Honeyman doom and they hear the full shoot was a was so powerful so meaningful so moving oh my face Anakin don't was a diode it had a nun lead it was so dear to us human faith how they're just teaching one machine the what what you did - to wash our feet with your tears you may only Malaysia sua minutes y'all I couldn't have imagined that or come up with that if I tried jewel town washed away at joy a sample to take a found shoe but it was like it was tailor-made from the Lord to go right to the core of my heart Hutchinson wilmarie I'm sending toda two digits it our singer sent to it struck me so deeply so much sender - don't our it was such a powerful sign not just of affection to the pegasi GRE lurching thinkin about her but it was something I could be all that happy - under it was like in the simplest most beautiful most tender way I could have imagined how's the treated and Jamie T then he was a true window the function the Lord said I saw you since a walk hand on you man I saw the way that you've lived and served well can i Newman - uncork an enemy to me awful I've seen the pain and the struggle and the difficulty well can i name is uniquely undertone cookie under nan Chu but I've also seen the faithfulness and the dedication and the zeal to stay with it no come on you mean they're juicy but uses a matching the that for sure and it was it was like two things were happening at once it was overwhelming do i talented super nintendo really I'm just itching posted anything it was this overwhelming sense that you were with us just a tease or they just a sudden human Gian you warm at home dad but also this beautiful sense that the Lord was with us I teaching as just saying it you will meet on tell that the Lord had stepped into our midst y'all sit down to Qingdao amide I'm John and it was as if he was washing her feet with his tears okay yeah haha Jose you had the laser that way we'll miss each other that's how we felt last night we felt like the Lord was washing our feet through you she owe me is that you did give us a new beginning of refreshment of cleansing new strength new love sent you the new man down didn't harass Annette way what me see Dharam I told you me oh she died you've seen the leave down it did it felt like in a moment the town semi-auto be of the kind you years of prayers were answered in a moment dr. Joel okay oh hi Tom it's Amador Neanderthal God you that tongue snake totaled out for you for many many years with Antonia Eli we had two banners hanging on either side of this building to the fontina Leone total quality food on one side the big banner said passion for Jesus you me and Jose a shorter years to the regime and on the other side it said compassion for people too so tenderly I mean and we felt the compassion of Christ through this people vomitoria told true ways since I can't send a woman today I mean and you watch sir I don't I don't even know how to describe it but there is some healing that is taking place well put us on - you know dancing it's young woman birth thing that is taking place now each is fashioned essentially she don't she and we're not exactly sure what this baby is gonna look like oh my iPhone gets it down to the essentials like a hides it down so it's an Asian boy though he's assi Ghat so than anything I want to say that's not quite true well be used on the booster engines it's in there I've heard that in China with teens was that junk or the most beautiful babies to marry the young hi our mixed-race babies so what you sure [Applause] half asian half german you a casa event that was sure you been CEO this year his home my background is German and his is Asian so we meet in you Mike that baton has Doug where they only see ya Joe see with your sensual Dave and I wouldn't call my son Luke up here I see Luke off can somebody tap him on the shoulder and ask him to come up here it's pretty fun oh I yep right there my wife her background Sicilian I just want you to come up here and be with us but what I had to choose has to eat out here the whole you come over here this is our firstborn Luke to someone that Johnson Luca and our second born will be here as soon as he finishes what work he's doing he'll be here this afternoon come to a teenage how would you highlight but I this morning I woke up early just trying to process what happened last night Janine's I'll tell you towns - that's a neat Oh Dylan hunt Eugene Palin is a machine and and the way I process is with my laptop as fast as I can just throwing things down that are going through my head in my heart now Antony city the fancy juice or the so he's putting a temple statue or cinema tonight sounded and and the Lord brought me back to when I was in labor with Luke now say about a tight without down shorts and they are to be out somewhere that order down to the jihad and honestly I cannot remember the labor it's it's totally out of my head but the story I want to tell is she's open and she doesn't listen sanic wasn't that was challenged it be out father Mike informed me after Luke was born Mike the whole castle sure cuz it's for my voice that's one thing he he informed me after Luke was born that he he couldn't believe what he heard me saying just Mike said look sue any hotel calls with Heather so maybe I shine she need you and Janet did you huh and he said when you called your mother and told her that that Luke was born you were saying mom it was amazing it was so awesome I have this beautiful son you know cetera a holiday and I don't I don't get her mama show to the city to time a Hanukkah some people and I did since I made you sitting on emotionally I said I'm fine everything's fine everybody's good what did you do to her magazine to house or and oh haha and and Mike said I don't I don't think that that would didn't feel a thing so it wasn't making eyes down won't you push it again she's awesome that birth was it it was what I saw was good too we went through the childbirth classes together for weeks before the Luke was born Joseph's intensity Akutan and they taught me you know breathe and coach her to breathe I'm here Josh isn't some Yonsei without a doubt the most joy I was coaching her Sonya tell me yeah yeah she G to G and he was beginning to hyperventilate yeah I was overdoing it I did overdo it this is true how cool friend Aegina the hot - dude okay timer time she said shut up he beats a just need to kill a bj I'm coaching what so what's in it bunny mom then an hour later that's a cheeky toss it to me was awesome Jen come on my cell Ichigo hop on I said what room was she he done it at nighttime father and so guys teach America he gets on the end she's the baby's coming you had to add a shot of her face Denny's meeting this symbol and it will help her no yeah I don't put then the downside you're doing it buddy you ask her what it is that will help her whatever she tells you you obey that so push it yeah because it says any sounds wrong Dana and so a woman forgets the Bible says the woman forgets her the intensity of her labor when the baby comes forth genuine joy in this baby sentence oneiza can use a little credit you want you sent a note uncle and we had so much joy when our son came forth and and our next son came forth and and Mike had an experience from with the Lord that I just would like you to share yeah again this is Luke and his brother one year younger is Paul so Luke and Paul Shuey look important mates it's an authority that Ursula they are the joy of our life has Alma semi-double is Sheila they've got each of them have a very godly beautiful wife come a widow you go face Huntington maybe they see six grandchildren only a little Gerson I love the Lord it's beautiful how many I should sue she's not maybe that would face how hopeful so but so much and they've been around the meetings and so but they don't really like us pulling them that stage we can have a family rule don't Bulls the second one like some beat John sounded anything that don't mean to but just forgive your mom she calls you up there yeah and so Mike that so when Luke was was one day old seen this old you said look do you say Mike had this experience I was still the hospital how my hey that years and so it's the next day she's a tiered here and I am so I loved him so much glancing at him the day before or the night before yeah how would you down cannot your feet on the actual clock the next afternoon the idea is how allow pastoring at the church council will see the childhood emotion a key to see him machine amazing told our Khawaja can huh and so I just I gotta leave early I got to go to a hospital outside and eat everything out you talk to the VM touch his little face oh you don't want that earlier I've never stalked and I've never stopped he didn't she would hold on and blesses me because he does the same thing with his kids switching they'd have to get heightened but anyway I was driving on the highway to the hospital that gonna sound down the guys junk i touchy even a quote him and the lord spoke so clear and I didn't even think about God speaking to me much in those days puts on us and we're going so ha consistent face haunts him to look so just gave me a half of a fur of a verse how'd you buy you could see when the iBank a was the one in Luke chapter 11 she said without for industries on where Jesus said if you being evil to the instabilities ruin Easter other would do good to your children you have waste and on you to hide how much more will your heavenly Father I need tears on outputs you book good cuts your life and do good for you at you want to see me about how did you feel driving down I know this verse very well what's his angel did anything down the road don't want Annette Qaeda Lucia and the Lord speaks so clearly since she she did our show ha yes my heart was aching so much to be with him you know what is she nailed it and talk with or hug come on quite neat in out huh it was just the simple phrase should offend you in any venting words if you being evil drew what nice Santa Paws teacher how much wore Nazi book and I understood he was saying if you being evil love him that much how much more do I love you ah Thomason Izuru boy Johnny dances she needed a mother at an award she was a Kannada Annie so touched by this well face hand look at the hold off the highway well that's who's the cat I was just weeping what you put in oh cool and I said Lord you love me like I feel because the only book couldn't do it I can do it sound tour doing that was the phrase if you being evil feel this way and you do what you book gun door and so this touched me very deeply took offense fee now Schenker the Chihuahua because I had a really close relationship with my earthly father you would City Cohen Rosen have full faith on the Ching me we were very close friends Oh mr. Henchy me de Paume yo and he did this to me face all the time kiss me was what I do to do to him to just weighs him and that's what he does to his kids have your killed you'll keep on doing it either pretends what it is but and when the Lord said how much more don't go on so cheap but good god you love me more than even my dad this is more than I love him and more than my dad loves me I can't Capri in this solo isn't open mm any Iowa Giambi or Papa I wore dopey what I was our second door opening coming by I'm feeling in this time together okay so that will make each it's a - - a ho is that that that longing justice you don't have a cool one we're feeling that longing and that aching got to know since you look cool Wow good of the g-town yet again so for our family to sit down you'll get chatting for our sons and our daughters shall go with the Heitzig and our mothers and our fathers Holy Ones and our I hop ones all together as one family two simple guys don't wait down what I have them until we eat it yeah and it just feels so good to hug you and to stand with you and to cry with you and to laugh with you and to be here with you and I don't know what it all looks like down the road but in this moment we feel such great longing and aching and desire and and oneness with all of you and yeah oh sorry just so it's outweighed passwords positive samman let's sit down without to the show percent use it can't you're not some mother how can you eat she come we search it we need tone tank and you come who told me how can you meet you your bow one of the crowning glories of the homecoming movement deuces little Quaid have been doing a good tree to say there's gonna revolutionize father choose a food that she shoots that we are loved by our Heavenly Father well Mississippi well my team flew so I that the leaders are the moms and dads were spiritual moms and dads to our spiritual children haha mandalas to snow is surely uniform which initially the whole revelation of the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael coming back into the Father's love instead of feeling rejected and insecure and inferior Somali Kane Hodder hold that you're each each year I'm a pimp book and you're up a teacher or so how do you pay I don't know go Kayla and the Lord has entrusted this revelation to the homecoming ministry there's you know 10 or 20 million of you involved in this chooses dimanche Sahaba Santiago and 10k today I got of Indonesian by telling that she should sing Tokyo crazy allottees having shown I really appreciate David Damon or face on face not that kind this is washing [Applause] cuz this revelation sweeping across 10 or 20 million Chinese you mean down there you go you get she's just down hence out down show you tell aunty that's don't worry in the human sense children see my show it was articulated by a father right over here CEO you go food she tells about hi dad rapidly but you cry sorta Johnson homecoming movement is now well known for this revelation CJ wait Alan eazy-e took away to attend and so you came here to be with us for these four days it's acid animal a moment on tear and I harp has felt stuck see no did you - I wouldn't card we were going 19 years well we used to juniel and we're just going oh we did see you on T and we said Lord we need a breath of fresh air from heaven Oh miss Oh miss Johnny don't you know song ago had seen seen again the TCG we're not thinking of quitting well maybe milk are you fond cheese but we don't have the same joy that we had the 18 years before then Jimmy unquote you see Bonnie issues your hand or the pianist sitting all kinds of good dynamics as well as challenging dynamics so is your how the hodo yeah angiotensin know who don't say we love you about almost about former I mean hope us don't you our whole team has been praying this the last six to twelve months is this right coach is little sherry woman senator nado Ichi that way to get out the horses I have an answer since you have me because I am a Heavenly Father yes it's always a temple I'm sending the father movement to you I hop well by you go flavor food that you ain't going out so down you might have last they coming because they want to engage with the prayer ministry Pamela you don't have a chance how you use your leadership calling requires that you have massive prayer covering and I hop and our friends we want to help in this you coming down so eagerly your tummy shots at Lambeth I'll call telega choker I have Joseph calling the Asian believers the world calling right now in the nations and you need the prayer covering of many of us beyond eye on me o Queen had city personnel change Oh Cody tired Cheetara you get our window I had to go so touchy okay it's a no it's a proof in the tree so many of you came and said yes this is good she mentioned earlier choice or hung how does it G ha and we were so blessed as a community we said a thousand Chinese and their friends and leaders in emerging leaders are coming no - 200 K holla yo attend o Allah hundred thirty-five years ago - just an Indian a you see an extra it is it in our salmon even the Lord says yes this is true is much more that I can do I hope you are in need of the Father's heart I'm sending the father movement to you so I have me she are 14 Ishita puts in my forties so like any man so you came with a revelation of being spiritual moms and spiritual fathers and the Heavenly Father and it's renewing us and strengthening us and surprising us genuine Sita to see you go shoot any cheese you can shown in phone we check out fo I think even at HCC we will receiving you so we could be friends so we could pray for you and stand with you at your leadership going around the world zooming sound Kim you got into him okay can you type oh you betcha katyana into another one okay Queenie midsummer Lords his arms that's good since what's our home and I'm rescuing you I hop right now by the father's mark this is over to Yahweh for this entire leper I have to Joshua way to travel we don't and I heard the voice I had my bag and I was about to go down the stairs to leave o to me at a bowling alley Katta such noise I heard a voice of one of my kids t no height she's doing a hide the thing that daddy daddy Papa Papa so I stopped or the team's a joke my little daughter came with a shown your light and she looked at me to kinda WA and I said to her what do you want what the elephant yoshiyama and she looked at me and she said I want you chuckles over Yanni and I froze what you Chunchula she wanted anything I would have given it totally you know don't show the lily kata but she said I want you 10,000 would y'all me in my walk in the journey I learned a lot by walking with my kids Tessa Lucinda was shado you are changed change many times what kept you it's my last change which was the most impacting to me science to the guy be in turmoil as I change I changed from a father of a vision to a father of a family watching each other footing Tamika chart in the future I fathered the vision will toil each on the foot but now I have a family ties in a way of each area and the Lord will lead us Mike as movements to whatever the Lord has to entirely want a window pop and shoot some tiling but we're here because we love you well message anyway woman ie we're not making commitment to a ministry we'll make a commitment of people on my way senator shampoo sue conversation and I believe you are a true father or misogynist Yvette's and footsy when I heard the team speak they spoke very in an honorable way of how you transform them into the love of the Father and walking serving him with all their heart in the 20 years since an Assad needs Amanda to come for tea now time to go changing lights upon Chu and I think the Lord is changing us all that I'd be almost we need to be changed all of us topic type in this year and I think we're all in a journey as we are walking together Romans at the Lewis and inositol missing because the definition of an orphan is when the fathers are not taking their place who are the teenagers whose thumb the fumu puts a wait son I remember when the Lord spoke to me he said I'm not raising you up to be a father of people I'm raising it to be a father of Nations and if you don't take that place the nation's that you will present to me would be orphans Susan you push it down I can enjoy each in a future game to alia code of witching ruined push sing she's unaware son the LIA go to war so the Lord is doing something in our hearts as he's linking us together to the Machine don't watch history change on when the NGO fights I believe the Lord brought the Chinese to acknowledge who you are in the spirit which I won tonight's legend through the Linnaean you see and I wanted to the Chinese did something very interesting this morning you are in general torture for you is as Mike began speaking about I wanted to take my place of whatever the Lord has for me in the season Mike I saw well send that to so it has a tjk with a way to saw me and mike is like me we don't like to give focus on ourselves my cocoon we all won't push you on but Joe Tehan turns with an anise and it is right should harder but if we don't take our place all the children will never be able to rise up and take their place as Rome City puts on the way some the early opponent generation actually I always find the true fathers are the ones that don't like to be on the stage so if you joined up with Chantal a passion and that's why in our movement in the beginning we came to the true fathers and we said to them for our sake please take your place citizen a bit jump which unfortunate and I wish so I want to invite all the Chinese that are here if you can come to the front in society in soil of Arundhati MLA and I wanted to introduce to you from sunny tier so a father of the nations Cecilia quarter you a full skein I would like Gideon to come up yet Gideon come up here you and David have done this together and I just wanted to I will stand up here with us well yeah I seen some is on I toboggan and David have this special thing to bring this revelation to the nation's Delaware Fujinami each you going to be there you go you go you go Josh me Bobby a quartet of foods I mean I believe the Lord brought you here we're saying to back away that already to speak to Mike and Diane in particular and I believe in once they are established they were looked right into the eye of every leader and say you're a father your father your father many ways each answer 14 there are not only fathers their grandfather some of them don't but that is a footing damn food cedar I wanted to say this so we can take the gender out we're down so hard on by the simpie it ok if I am the Bride of Christ through war suit you do the sing food then any lady here can be a father now then click on those plates away food because bride doesn't mean a gender you a sinful mood the tidal wave we have seen the fathers and the mothers in the body of Christ the true the sins that you do senators in she way through and I believe that the birthing of the International House of Prayer Masonic Lodge Otago tea and attention needs the international families especially the Chinese Sharon as a representation of the global body the international family to be so far light echoquote see the tyrant because I believe only the finances that will come but also the place of what the Lord has called this in Kansas City as for all the nations but then that's how we are Tina yeah how bitter in the city tedious to salute all the people and I wanted you Mike to see all those beautiful beautiful they all came come to light for one thing wait yes is that God's purposes will be fulfilled here sure son let's see that chickadee violets and Joe and one of it we want you and I am to be to take your place situation Jesse only her Diana returns and in the way shown alongside others pockets in adults we want you to take your place as father and mother of the nation's just toward near quarter footing commode seat [Applause] I want to seal this with two rings why only angry tears that iPhone frontages she's a commitment the situation you said today the two shall become one and I think you took it the highest level of commitment to earthly Angharad so 83 cotton the highest level of commitment is when the two shall become one three coats hence the way senator Ernst we eat and actually this is not only to this is a fair to families becoming one seriously I'm getting some weaker and actually it's not only two families it's a symbolic of the Lord bringing the bride into one put honestly our charting also Zuba Singh food tell her away so I will ask Gideon yeah if we can bring two rings and I want Gideon to present them until you I would like them to bring four rings four rings I want Alan and Rachel standing with us because he has been my number two man from the beginning the 19 years he has stood with me as my leader why don't we do this can we do all the team on the stage for one day that I saw Alan and Rachel next to you yes and then we will put all the team and we'll answer for it is that okay yes I just want people can we bring more than to go toilet it's I just want them to know that the people that are of the age in the generation of me and Alan our generation Alan so we stand together wait this is this is life now yes sir so we need to do one quick thing if you know your size you'll see in Sudan you it's a centaur so choose your size if not then the sizes are on the we have different sizes Yorker Thomas and I sorry how are the people occasion so we have for studying from size 5 to size 12 so the tears no sir how can you top we yeah so can pick up your ring and then we will we will ask the Chinese to put it on your finger sweetheart what's Isis watching foreign ideas at under social these are not Chinese sizes is our standard sizes to preserve our and that's the bank out on its sister Chinese size is the maximum is 5 I think right just hold your finger once you know your size just hold the finger what what sizes Pete I need Sudan that same session so if you're little chubby like me you're probably 11 size 11 we will meet that some of the leaders from so if you can come on Kong and Taiwan to come and help us put the finger let me show you sound palette room if you can come on the stage please I have tyent one day Linda I think I complicated this I'm 11 yet this is what we called arranged marriage yes it is are you eating the Queen the Lord arranged it in heaven and then suddenly we are walking into it so the truce or anti-democracy you'd seen the rings were not meant to be they broadened us to take it back home but suddenly we discovered that we are in a wedding we might as well use them but I say not talking about that without a 25 year ago William do you mean summer but the heart of it is a really what Jesus did in the cross a sous of the first angels for years was a sort see individuals some milk and curdled he saw one family rockin oh she eats Yaron and that's what Paul talks about is Apollo so shoulder after we are saved tomatillo Tuhoe we become living stones vomits have a horseshoe before we were dead stones coach home solution we're alive bombshera for kalila then pollen Ephesians 2 34 so secure that says these stones such as all spit it together your Li ng as I see fit it together who don't identify it's not supposed to be members scattered warm up you guys offense and GT we are supposed to be one body warming I see eager Sun t say it again it she saw one body girls and he said one body eager Santi one body one body and say one flock each senior one flock each year say one body and one head eager santiaguito one flock and one Shepherd Chi Chi Yong Li Wei Morin that's our faith virtual machine and this is the kingdom of God so just shun the co2 when we are divided drawing them will not stand don't fail sinuses a quality opponent indeed it's only in the oneness that the kingdom of God is establish well they're eaten on Sunday go to China go Betty Anita that's wide had more power because his kingdom are not divided the way so much hope you can underneath had a go to bimbo Finley you know why it's always summer because he doesn't give his people choice it's southern Phuket hundreds of sailors at sea Queen God gives us the choice that Sergey woman's you can share the choice this is chintha so this company protection representing many type of shoe daughter we had the choice for musicians and we made our choice well mate infiltrating to be one for his name's sake no Chong Wei Yi will Korean and one for his kingdom sake wait Hawk what do you mean her when do you agree to me ma I want you to lift up your voice so me Yong Chi she pray it to the heaven son tonight Oh Lord this is a seed of the one body that you prayed for mm Ito Ghana eager senti the tofu that early release your spirit and pride shipping handling and sing right Oh God so as you're praying Tony's a toggle so I will ask Pastor Gideon to seal this in prayer witching so muchi young taco life functions it is all every one of the Chinese stand in front of the one that you're going to put the ring in their finger Susan may go you're 38 I hope Jimmy do you ever find out how much Amy I have a pair from a Chinese person you may guy hub the toe you are inside them if you don't have stopped your hands we can make sure Rosie when Mary go for inside the Nemean change in G so there are two ladies here who me earlier when you sue me or anyone else are you male Mill one in the back keep your hands up - so - so until someone finds you pseudo your inside only Chinese okay so that way we need a couple to come yes they're gonna put on your hand and let me say this if anyone here from my heart no hooks have been place until I have later his spouse is down there they need to come in the pay or their sense auntie or in the payroll sometimes all the spouses of the leaders on the stage sound leaders size' I have Ling showed up a oh man yet you shun Tyler please make your way to the stage and if Chantal I if they are not in the building broke the ring for her very cents on it your kid on IV theater if they're not present this morning please take the ring for your spouse was in the pail put the same song T tamannaah bhatia true if your spouse is not here ruin you pay up without of what if you're here please come on the stage haunt you son I mean if your kids are here I would love them to witness that rose in the heisman yes I Sonya if any of the parents here your kids are here please come on the stage stand with your parents so sorry that shines on in the food that has some early etching song light if anyone here Roy earth I say is going to seal this moment so muchi - Teresa could give you an inmate they will stand together as one and Tom it's it's a Nehru Diana and Mike will stand in front of them pray first and then all of us will put the Rings at the same time say Shane talk alone they each face on theater I need to obey Him first you asked me to be a comment on this I said make a comment to our whole family about the Rings so that we are all in unity with what we're receiving call me to see the Easter okay you see that feel either leave me like this on TV how many heard what Leeming shared yesterday those aren't Tina beaming Musa faizon thought Ian tester ring chosen agate eh that we put on him that you could go to jail will go to jail no matter how the source I don't need treating you or me a Kenichi chain still on it yeah hi your hat doctor can know the condition is we if we're in the same room with the other people come in we get an email we're not gonna go to the police station but if we're in the room yes we stand together actually sousou-san the different level of commitment represented by this thirty educated I put on inflation is from your heart it shown the Signum Ian for the Chinese family we find the challenge between David and myself that our hua Zhu Jian this ring represent we were willing to lay down our life for one another the judge that there were you anyway pizzas sure shall show me how many would agree to this both are were two meter eighty enough that the Chinese family willing to lay down our life for you it's just a foreigner Germany way in image search and how many we've received it from our our family now I have journey total dangling so tigner okay how many are willing to receive this offer that a Chinese family are willing to lay down their life for you harm anyway mr. sunny meal to us are in Greenlandic so Cigna woman named so I do [Applause] now you kiss the bride can you take it soon soon after I pray I mean I have to kiss you I just went right instead of laughs okay but but I want to say the Ruth one passage yes I said we got the DJ the gene whether we stand as two movements whose own but that means yes yes no don't is it you could job and we say that your God will be our God let me show you this enjoy so what decisions your people will be our people need us I mean Joe so what it says we will labor heart and heart together under the will of God well witness in that that means and by the grace of God do so that daddy I just should take over the India give ourself in great sacrifice well we'll wait down the death she's in fortune you me about the dog in human yesterday mean God our Heavenly Father wonder can fool the Lord God Abraham Isaac and Jacob yeah Paulo hiney psychic addition the creator of heaven on earth founds out Hindi de to the Ancient of Days a given authority to your son can go huntin a witch and Chinese light he lay down his life for this moment touch and how the semicircle atavistic ur maybe come before you woman I'd only mention in his name phone ketamine may you allow us to come before your 24 elders you meet light on the earth through it so no mention we come before your millions of angels they don't buy one attention engine even before the power targets such humble so the median age yet in the handle down on the hand attention to make his commitment or me on down to the way she somewhat called a covenant yet you see we come before you Oh Madonna Mia to asked that you put a Sioux approval on this you need an engine in that shisha so that our Lord Jesus cry in John 70 can be fully fulfilled I come to you today and she's our only one chance and you that will become one woman Jesus her way so far in seeking food as you're watching done it's an acquaintance on 2018 Arlena Ponyo September julius 21 September 21 21 RC by yours what time is it 12:30 5:13 sensual Fionn let's leave her hand well Medici so light in Jesus name from year tsunami we'll put the ring on you will meet on tier 2 tides I need a social thank you for saying I do yes sitting in session oh yeah yep educate and repair the cheese's in shock so some we're committing to do the will of God by the grace of God together woman way same colors so not only a mental sanatory eats you later you may kiss your wife now I'll give you the hug you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] turn around to each other and enjoy this moment hug each other and say we're one family south transcend PC your boss or Missy eternally shall so pizza bar a little spacer rings our t-shirt a theater [Music] [Applause] [Music] enjoy each other over lunch and we'll see you at 2:30 Sam so commander Wolffe a woman soul on the embankment Iceland so long in pampers [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: International House of Prayer
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Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer
Id: P-qzsvKzZ6I
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Length: 171min 48sec (10308 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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