Man Fakes Drowning During A Mass Rescue! | Bondi Rescue - Season 3 Episode 2 (OFFICIAL UPLOAD)

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tonight on bondo rescue new year's day and bondi is in party mode it's all started the fun stops with a major incident at the south end go go go go [Music] a crippled jet ski puts swimmers and lifeguards at risk situations today victims of excess a body on the sand and the doctor who knows just how badly he's been hurt new year's eve and sydney does what it knows best party as the night wears on revellers spill out of clubs pubs and parties many head for bondi to catch the first rays of light on the first day of a brand new year there's no party for the lifeguards at 4 30 am they're on duty an hour and a half earlier than normal i i'm gonna drown now and i need mouth to mouth oh my god we're ready welcome to the jungle this is traditionally one of the toughest days of the year over the next 14 hours all they can expect is the unexpected there's all these strange noises out there in the darkness i don't really know what it is but we'll go and see they're god's little children and they're waiting to dance as you can see there's already lifeguards on before we start here in the morning at five o'clock [Applause] before dawn and there are hundreds on the sand there's a few people in the water on the beach a thousand people on the hill basically we just go along the beach just make sure that there's no one in the water it could be any scenario happening it was a really warm night the water's 20 degrees [Music] look at all these people alcohol and rough surf stirred with a strong rip make for a dangerous cocktail down here so i don't want to get you in trouble a picture can help fuzzy heads remember a special day then again some images are best forgotten oh look at these folks this girl has made a new year's resolution to cause mischief there's nothing in the manual about recovering hijacked atvs [Applause] lifeguards don't test for drink driving though perhaps they should i'm sorry yeah lots of pranks going on and especially the young cheeky girls they get up to no good and uh get away with it because they're cheeky little smiles ten points others take in the first rays of the year with more romantic ideas [Music] [Music] at six am the first flags of the year go up bondi is officially open for business [Music] [Applause] [Music] some people still seem a little lost and confused i'll just be aware it's going to be real hotter now mate if you pass out there you could dehydrate mate and you've got something on your head as well i think last night you were crowned princess [Music] so far nothing worse than ugly hangovers but tom knows things will change you haven't had a lot of sunny days this summer so everyone's going to be down here trying to make the most of it and swimming conditions are just treacherous especially down south and because of swells nor east we've got a really bad rip up north worst thing is people come down but they're just so hung hungover and so dehydrated from the night before that they get themselves into trouble you know they probably feel alright but then they'll come down and they'll get themselves stuck so we're gonna have that work cut out for us today but we got a good crew on this morning it's been fun so far so hopefully the fun times continue at 7 00 a.m the fun stops dino spots the day's first emergency at the south end on central to rhino get down the south end now we've got two girls in the rep oh we got it we got to go to backpackers we got to go yeah bob go go go go two women are calling for help in a rip bobby heads out on the rescue board yeah he's got them who knows what they're doing last night probably not the best day to go for a swim the woman on the board was dumped by a wave she's back on dry land but not out of danger very hard what she tells bobby next brings loud alarm bells and needles and needles a young woman rescued from the surf has a sore neck and pins and needles in her arm both are signs of a possible spinal injury how old is she 21. 21. all right suspected spinals are treated with extreme caution all right keep your neck nice and still for us if tani has any broken bones in her neck they could irreparably damage her spinal cord is there a little bit of pain in there okay all right can you move your toes for me a little bit not really does it hurt to do that if it hurts don't do it if it hurts don't do it another bad sign [Music] tani is a skydiving instructor from wollongong a swimmer bondi probably seemed a much safer activity thought she was gonna drown i thought she could like probably haven't slept all day since two days ago yeah we were very tired we were having fun all night and then just like go swimming this morning three we'll go back tommy yep one two three tiny is carefully moved to the spinal board and immobilized so i'll just try and restrict your movement as much as you can if it will be hours before tani knows whether she suffered any permanent damage former world number six pro surfer rod kerr curvox was one of the most radical on the professional circuit he got through his surfing career with no major injuries now he's recovering from a snapped achilles tendon after a game of squash despite his injury one of bondi's most seasoned lifeguards has been called in to help out on new year's day ten lifeguards are roasted on to handle the expected crowds you ready tom good game big chance ready for a big day to dance [Applause] but after so long off work he's feeling edgy it's going to take me a few hours or so i think to settle back in i feel safe with your eyes up here though well mate sitting up here i'm a bit nervous tell you the truth because it'll happen for the last seven weeks being fixated on watching the water you get a bit nervous that you're going to miss something and it can so easily happen especially on a day today too 10 a.m and many people are still drug or alcohol affected after new year's eve the the hardest part dealing with it is not really knowing exactly what people have taken they'll never tell you the truth no matter what do you want to come and lay in the towel for a bit i know that i'm freaking out whatever it is she's taken the high is long gone shortly after yet another victim of excess it's all started with thousands now on the beach lifeguards aren't sure what to expect then a girl stumbles from the surf and collapses on the sand you fly on a heavy water just put a bit of oxygen on and make you feel a bit better just having trouble breathing head lifeguard hoppo is uncertain whether she's drug or alcohol affected what he's most concerned about is how much water she's taken into her lungs just as ambulance officers arrive the girl refuses to go to hospital they'll sign a release form now to say that she refused to go to hospital and from there just hopefully she goes away and and because we have in the past found people have died in their sleep later on a couple of days later from salt water and the lungs so anyway she's signed the release form and that's about all we can do the day warms up and the crowds surge down new year's day is about to get madder still by midday there are an estimated 20 000 people on the beach a dangerous combination of swell and tide unsettled for lifeguards mates uh the tide's going out and the swell is large and the crowd is pretty much all still drunk this light has now changed and the water is starting to push out to sea with the tide turning these rips are just going to start kicking right in something's going to happen you don't see it with it like this he's uh he's got ice in the veins this kid and when when you see him get edgy you know it's gonna get dangerous very dangerous within minutes matt's predictions prove right a boy swimming outside the flags struggles to stay afloat then harry spots someone else in trouble meanwhile the jet ski scoops up swimmers caught further out brooke is the only lifeguard left on the sand at the worst possible moment the jet ski suddenly stops you all right put it on the reserve tank put it on the reserve tank no matter what troy tries it won't start please at the mercy of the waves the half-ton jet ski has suddenly become a serious danger if it hits a swimmer the consequences could be dire please in the strong swell troy has no control over his disabled jet ski the lifeguard's crucial rescue tool is out of action it has now become a danger in itself [Music] troy is in trouble as a set of waves looms in see hang on troy perfect if he's done the right thing this jumped off then took it side on on the back of the mat and just washed him straight in with the beach at its most treacherous the jet ski is out of action and the team is stretched to the limit wait no more swimming here you can't swim ladies and gentlemen as you can see the lifeguards are dealing with very difficult situations today you must go up to the flags 300 meters up to the door so just head back to shore we've got three no swimming signs up there we don't want anyone swimming out here conditions are really dangerous as lifeguards scan the water for struggling swimmers attention is suddenly drawn to the shallows brook races over [Applause] the man is playing a practical joke [Music] [Applause] he's just playing dead he's getting a bit of attention but if he wants to do it go do it in your bath or something not down the beach like he's laying there and everyone's looking at him so i went up and then he looked up and just smiled at me i kicked the guy we had the jet ski breaking down whip it's out doing a rescue i'm trying to watch 100 other people in the water can't believe he's so selfish just to take my time away from other people broken down jet ski was doing a rescue spinal in the freaking shore break it was anything finally the disabled jet ski is back on the shore nice first time has happened we've done training for it but it's the first time it's happened like you know real like fly situation or anything so i knew the ski would just go straight in if you got into the back of the mat so it was good they were probably laughing their heads off i thought i was gonna probably tip it or something and we've changed skis hoppos going out on the other ski get that one back up in the tunnel and get everyone back out on the beach as quick as possible because it's uh it's really getting pretty hectic down here at the moment lifeguards are kept busy with a constant stream of rescues on the northern side of side of backpackers there's just three bodyboarders none have got fins five hours of work and a loser i just hate watching all the boys work and i want to get out there and do their fair share by late afternoon the falling tide has made conditions even more treacherous lifeguards clear swimmers from the south end that have crept back into the water rounds them up on the jet ski hold on everybody back in you got to go in no more swimming too dangerous grab one and i'll put you on the mat come on let's go there's a big set coming you'll be up the rocks pull yourself there are only a couple of stragglers left before the south end is safely cleared i'm going to start working north now [Applause] all appears clear but then a commotion on the sand corner [Applause] [Music] [Music] me the call and he just said i'll hit my head on the scene what happened we just found him like this he just gave me the call and he just said i hit my head on the scene it's late afternoon and lifeguards attend the second suspected spinal injury of new year's day you've got any other pain it's just the right arm at the moment neck pain back pain a surfer was found on his board in the shallows and calling for help whenever bruce is a 56 year old doctor from sydney he knows how serious his injury may be supportive are you happy dinner everyone's good on three we go in one smooth operation lifeguards roll him onto the spinal board if the accident had happened half an hour later the beach would have been unpatrolled i was just sort of doing my last runs down the south on the ski when he called me so i was pretty lucky another minute or so and i would have been up the north and the boys would have been half up the beach as well you doing good bruce bruce has been immobilized and is on his way to hospital for scans on his neck to a medium pain in the lower part of the back of his neck which is not good not a good way to end near his day [Music] at emergency it's confirmed bruce has broken a vertebrae in his neck no one knows yet whether he'll be permanently affected meanwhile ambulance officers returned the spinal board used for tiny that morning they also bring the good news she suffered no serious injury yeah biggest complaint was feeling uncomfortable with the sand so once they've cleaned that up hurricane should be a1 the way we're trained in dealing with spinal injuries we have to treat everyone the same um we're not that school where we can tell and determine you've seen out the injury it's for the professionals to do that and at the hospital so we take every precaution we can and you know we don't know to what extent and um just goes to show that you know the ones you you don't know probably sometimes the worst ones yeah i'm telling you i'm looking forward to getting out of it finally new year's day winds down it's 7 pm 14 hours after the lifeguards started their first shift [Music] [Applause] [Music] the new year got better for the surfing doctor three weeks after his accident bruce walks into the tower with his daughter imogen oh thank you very much ryan you're the guy got me out yeah i was uh i knew something was wrong when he said i can't move my arm to my legs properly and i was like what it was the tenth intense few minutes there getting onto the beach and then once you realise the pain you're in i guess we thought it was it's pretty serious and it's good to see you walking around now though as a doctor were you more nervous because you uh sort of knew the potential of what could happen well i knew i was injured and i knew i had to get to shore it was until about 48 hours later when i woke up in the night that i really i felt the fear well it's what they call a non-displaced fraction so it's a soft so it's the back of the vertebra so i mean if it had moved it might have done something yeah but it didn't i suppose the fact that i was okay and no one was going to move my neck i knew i figured i'd be okay here's your board because uh you kept on the day yeah so i'll give you this back and i mean you won't be out there for at least a few weeks but hopefully three months today three months well hopefully we'll see you back out there later on in the year but i won't be uh i'll be watching the sandbags next on bondi rescue cyclonic swells hit sydney with chaotic results but he went in the car even he didn't come out and the lifeguards play international diplomacy with the indian cricket team this guy is just like annihilating them
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 1,885,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi rescue 2021, bondi rescue season 3 episode 2, bondi rescue s3 e2, bondi rescue season 3 full episodes, bondi rescue full episodes, watch bondi rescue online, watch bondi rescue online free, bondi rescue online full episodes, bondi rescue online free, bondi rescue episodes, people faking injuries, people faking drowning, bondi rescue people faking
Id: rWmet5pwiA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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