Lore Recap: All the Lore of The Burning Crusade

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Timelost321 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there team I'm gonna keep this short and sweet after the massive success of World of Warcraft it wasn't long before its expansion would be released filled with new plot elements and focusing on some older characters from previous Warcraft games if you haven't watched the previous lore recap videos I highly recommend checking them out before watching this one in case I skip over a few things anyway this is an abbreviated history lesson so I will be skipping some things here and there but it will be all the lore you need to know that canonically happened during the 2007 released expansion of a Burning Crusade now our story all starts in the eastern kingdoms in the elven kingdom of quoth the loss with Prince of the high elves Kael'thas Sunstrider Kael tha's is a powerful mage who eventually becomes a member of Duran's Council of six the highest and most elite of the mages of the wizard city years later he develops a crush on this girl called Jaina Proudmoore but finds out she's in a relationship with a totally different Prince and gets super salty during the events of Warcraft 3 that certain Prince Prince Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron becomes a servant to the Lich King and a mass is an army of undead which ravaged the human Kingdom Arthas then leads his Undead Scourge to the elven kingdom of quote the loss to use its bonds of power the Sunwell Arthas swept through the high open defenses slaughtering well over 50% of the entire high oven population finally arriving at the Sun will and the Sun will is this impossibly powerful source of magic and power that filled the High Elves it was like an energy source that gave them strength and after Arthas and a scourge corrupted the Sun well to bring the necromancer kel'thuzad back as a lich and destroyed silver moon in the process the undead began their march to Dalaran when Cael hears about this he abandons dour ran to meet its downfall since nobody was going to help him and the only person he cared about in Dalaran didn't love him but instead loved the murderer of his people Soquel leaves and heads back to quell the loss only to find his homeland destroyed and most of his people dead there he and the remaining High Elves would destroy the corrupted son well leaving them now hungry and drained since their source of energy for thousands of years had been cut off addicted to mana Cal led some of the now newly named blood elves to Dowe Loran leaving wertham Arthur on as regent Lord / quell the loss and the remaining blood elves until Cael returned and this is where Cael is Rowan Warcraft 3 happens I cover this all in the Warcraft 3 lore video but real quick Cael eventually makes it to the ruins of Dalaran where he and his soldiers are taken prisoner by Lord Gareth owes Illidan Stormrage 'as serpent servant lady Vash helps Kael'thas and the blood elves escape their prison cells and then they all teleport to Outland to meet Illidan there in Outland Illidan promises Kael a cure to his people's mana addiction which is essentially just feeding off of fel magic instead of arcane magic the blood elves help Illidan and the Nagas defeat the fel orcs and demons of outland but ultimately are discovered by kil jaeden one of the main leaders of the Burning Legion and he tasks them with killing the lich king and Northrend Illidan and his armies try to kill Arthas and the scourge an ice crown but fail and retreat back to Outland after the failed attack on Icecrown kale takes over a former fortress another storm known as tempest keep and captures its sole Guardian a powerful being called a Naru Cal then send soldiers back to Azeroth to retake silver moon and teach the Azeroth bound blood elves how to deal with mana addiction the way Illidan taught kale the prince even delivers them the captured Naru Maru which a group of blood elves used to siphon and control with the power of the light these elves would be known as blood Knights but while the people of superman' had their addictions satiated for now they were craving a more permanent replacement for what the sunwell had left behind kale failing to find that permanent replacement became unstable and untrusting of his people he doubted himself for coming to Outland since they still hadn't found the promised cure and he believed his people doubted him for the same reasons some of kale soldiers started defecting from his armies seeing Outland not as the paradise kale and Illidan had promised but as a prison on a dying world these soldiers were sent to fight off some resistance and Shattrath City but the oats meant we defected and joined the Naaru this only added to kales continued paranoia which caused him to enter an alliance with kil jaeden the demon lord promised kala way to satisfy the hunger the blood elves felt in exchange for their allegiance to the Burning Legion when the blood I was found out about kale working with the demons a large number of them considered it a betrayal and abandoned kale and joined the naaru the blood elves of Silver Moon heard about this betrayal as well and they decided to leave Kael'thas and were offered a position to join the Horde thanks to Sylvanas Windrunner leader of the Horde faction the Forsaken many years ago on the planet Argos there lived a people known as the Eredar on one day the Burning Legion invaded the planet corrupting and absorbing the Eredar into the lesion itself one of the leaders of the Eredar prophet velen resistive of legions corruption Valen then rallied as many Eredar as he and with the help of powerful beings of light known as the Naru Valen and his followers escaped artists and the Burning Legion now calling themselves the Draenei Valen and his people traveled the stars in the Naru ship called the gen Adar which after years of travel eventually crash-landed on the planet Draenor the drain I lived on Draenor for over 200 years more or less peacefully with the orcs who also called that world home but the Burning Legion eventually came a-callin as it always does an elysian tempted the orcs with demon blood to kill the Draenei as they did the orcs united into a force known as the Horde and the horde would cold nearly all of the Draenei on Draenor the Velan and some of the surviving Draenei went deep into hiding for many years avoiding orcs demons and eventually allah dhari forces the Draenei led an assault on the blood elf occupied tempest keep where they were able to steal a former naru ship the exodar the exodar would end up colliding into a planet this one being Azeroth they landed on the azure mist Isles off the coast of Kalimdor fair they ran into the Alliance which they had heard about from the sons of Lothar and decided to join them and on Azeroth the Dark Portal hadn't been open in almost twenty years but a doom guard called Lord Kazakh found an unknown artifact of incredible power which he used to reopen the dark portal into Outland the Draenei convinced the Alliance to venture out into Outland to stop the flow of demons and the blood elves goodman's the Horde to do the same both factions fearing for their people that had been left behind on the deteriorating world the horde and Alliance find Shattrath City and find out that the lord of outland is Illidan Stormrage and that Illidan is power-hungry and insane it wouldn't rise fighting the Horde the Alliance the 'shit are of shattrath all for sole control over Outland while the Burning Legion and their demons led by kil Jaeden are also on Outland trying to kill Azeroth soldiers the 'shit are and Illidan heroes from Warcraft who were also met in shattrath city like Khadgar as well as some other members of the sons of Lothar and they had allied themselves at the sheet are of Shattrath as well as the Naru and their fight against Illidan and their fight against the Burning Legion the Horde and the Alliance team up and go throughout Outland taking on prominent members of Illidan's army like car gasps blade fists and the fel work army and hellfire citadel lady Vash and her Naga in serpent shrine cavern and Kael'thas and his remaining loyal blood elves and tempest keep Akama was once a Vindicator of Kara bore the great temple of light of the Draenei but when the Burning Legion corrupted the orcs and stirred them to war kara bore fell and became the black temple after ner'zhul used the black temple to sunder Draenor over 20 years ago magtheridon and the Burning Legion took over what remained of what was now called Outland a comma along with many of the drain I was infected and plagued by fel energies used by the orcs he became what was called a broken and shunned away from the Draenei in order to to not infect anybody else a comma led several other broken Draenei in claiming some of their land back from the lesion here's later Illidan would arrive in Outland where a common would pledge his service to the demon hunter in hopes of retaking the black temple and when Illidan did reclaim the ruins of Carib or he took over the temple for himself it wouldn't grew more corrupted by the fel magic he used and out of fear of his enemies Arthas and his scourge and kil Jaeden in the burning region Illidan began to consolidate more more power and holy tighter grasp on Outland Akama realized that Illidan was no improvement over magtheridon and so a comma reached out to my abs Shadowsong for assistance Maiev hunted Illidan throughout Warcraft 3 trying to reimprisonment rare and Maiev still filled with all this hatred for Illidan would strike after strike against the ill atari forces until Illidan became aware of a comas treachery with Maiev it wouldn't bow nap art of a comas soul holding it prisoner in the Black Temple which forced a comet's a bend to Illidan's rule a comma then led Maiev and her soldiers into a trap where all but Maiev were killed the warden was taken to a prison to be tortured and trapped there forever but as it goes the Squires and aldora Shattrath City and heroes of the hoardin Alliance began to fight back against Illidan and his forces throughout all of outland which renew the comas plans to remove the betrayer for good common Maiev schemed a way to free her and for a way to open the gates of the Black Temple and finally kill Illidan during an assault on the Black Temple led by the armies of shattrath the champions of a doll broke into the Black Temple and helped to come and restore his soul afterwards Maiev was freed while the remaining illud re forces were defeated leaving only Illidan left Illidan almost defeats the champions of shattrath but is stopped by the timely arrival of Maiev Shadowsong who ultimately kills Illidan and saves Outland from yet another tyrannical ruler but her victory is hollow because well it wouldn't said it best himself after Kael'thas destroyed the corrupted son well the powerful magical entity was not entirely lost some small part of the Sunwell not corrupted by the undead remained it was discovered by the red dragon Crassus and he disguised the sunwell as a human girl named and vena Teague in viña was hidden away in the hills Brad foothills and so one day a young dragon named Kalecgos was sent to investigate what happened to quell the loss after its destruction kala discovered Anveena and the two fought off Undead that were drawn to an Veena's powers Gaelic and vena and their friends set off to quell the loss to stop an undead bourdelle who was loyal to the witch king and had betrayed silver moon to Arthas during Warcraft 3 dark on brassier but a massive force of undead in the dead scar right outside of silver moon and the heroes alongside Sylvanas Windrunner and Loretha martha ron were able to defeat him after learning that envy no was the avatar of the Sun well Loretha maar promises to protect her from all threats and Gaelic decides to stay with her to become her personal bodyguard after his defeat and tempest keep it turns out that Kael'thas is still alive and escaped back to Azeroth where he attacked silver moon city and stole back the naru miroo along with Anveena and fled to the Isle of quelled in Oz there Kael more wretched and mana addicted than ever said about to bring his new master kil jaeden into the world of Azeroth by using an Vina and the power of the Sun well new hordes of demons began to flood through into the Isle of quells in Oz and the armies of shattrath came together under the banner of the shattered Sun offensive to stop them the shattered Sun kill Kael'thas began a siege against the Sunwell plateau inside however was more than just demons Kalecgos and his companion mad Ragosa had ventured into the Sunwell to rescue and veena ultimately though ending in majeure gooses death the shattered son offensive broke through many of the demon's defenses and alongside Kalecgos defeated a void corrupted meroux in several burning legion lieutenants finally arriving at the sunwell where kil Jaeden was partially summoned into the world and venus sacrificed herself to send kil Jaeden back to the nether and stopped the flow of demons for good after the battle ended Valen arrived with the essence of the now dead moreau and combined it with the sunwell to restore the sunwell to its non-corrupt of state but now instead of being a well of purely arcane magic like it was before it was a mixture of both arcane magic and the power of the light so I'm just gonna give a little bit of bonus lore real quick the Warchief of the orcish horde thrall ventures into out land to find some of the original orcs that still live there including Grom Hellscream son Garrosh thrall comforts Garrosh and tells them of the great accomplishments of Grom and how Grum liberated the orcs from Mannoroth control thrall that invites all the remaining mag car orcs on Outland into the Horde and that about does it I skipped some things here skip some things there but all in all this was all the lore you need to know about the Burning Crusade to get you into Wrath of the Lich King I didn't cover stuff like gruel or zoo lomon or Karason because they didn't fit in with any of the other stories but I'll most likely come back to them in the future because care is an and CA are in my top three favorite rates ever anyways thank you so much for watching have a good one and take it easy [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lawllin
Views: 42,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Lore, Story, Warcraft story, Warcraft lore, lore, Thrall, Lore Recap, Recap, WoW, World of Warcraft, world of warcraft, wow, story, plot, recap, lich king, Illidan, sylvanas, Classic, Burning Crusade, Blood Elf, Kael'thas, Akama, Black Temple, raids, Sunwell, Tempest Keep, Kil'jaeden, Lor'themar, A'dal, Shattrath, Outland, Broken, Draenei, Velen, Argus
Id: 6_X3EpBEzHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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