Warcraft [Rise of the Horde] - SuperCut

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the power that radiated from the stranger was bloody glorious it was all glowy and angelic-like and when he was offering was tempting but still there was something a little bit off it is little enough to ask for what he offers us such power when he speaks the truth what he shows us will come to pass but the third leader of the eredar velen wasn't quite so sure there was something about this sargeras bloke that gave him the goosey boots the fact that kil'jaeden who velen was quite close with was inclined to accept the offer was perhaps enough to sway velen's opinion but he didn't give a what archemon thought felon then thought about the image sargeras had shown them worlds for them to conquer but more importantly to explore and investigate the eredar were a curious bunch they bloody loved knowledge and all sargeras asked for in return for a buttload of knowledge was loyalty as usual our villain is the cautious one yeah and sometimes my caution has saved us as much as your instinctive impulsiveness both kil'jaeden and archimonde laughed at that and for a moment vellum was warmed by their affection but then it went quiet and velen's heart sank once more as he realized his two colleagues had already made up their minds mellon knew that they only wanted what was best for the eredar and he shared that sentiment but there was seriously just something about sargeras that made him feel weird and dirty felon approached the temple a place he often went when he was troubled and stuff and there in all its glory was the atomic crystal it was an artifact so ancient that nobody could remember where the bloody hell it came from the legend had it that it was bestowed upon them long ago as a gift it had helped to expand the eredar's mental abilities plus it could be used for healing conjuration and visions which was what villain was hoping to use it for tonight so he touched the crystal gently allowed the familiar power to penetrate him and closed his eyes at first the vision he saw only seemed to confirm what sargeras had promised knowledge coming out their ears it was great but as he turned to look at kil'jaeden and archimonde and caught a glimpse of himself he cried out in horror their bodies were now massive twisted and distorted light radiated from them but not the pure light of positive powerful energy it was a sickly green manari the others arrived almost immediately velen had sent out a mental plea and shared his vision with them this is not a glimpse into the future that we can verify it is only your hunch archimonde is right there is no veracity here only an image in your own mind balls felon then gently detached his thoughts from theirs which kil'jaeden took a surrender and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder i do not want to give up what i know to be positive and good and true for what i fear might be unpleasant nor i think to you velen couldn't risk lying he would died in an archimonde would see right through it so he just looked down sighed and nodded he knew with terrifying certainty that his friends were now destined to become menari something horrifically wrong and if they knew he was no longer with them they would turn on him with deadly consequences a short time later velen had returned to the temple and was once again staring at the atomic crystal desperate for an escape plan there was nowhere on this world to hide from a being like sargeras so what the bloody hell was he supposed to do however as if by magic the crystal then started to glow and rise slowly from its pedestal touch it what touch it so fellain reached out and did what he was told energy then raced through him it was intense almost as powerful as the sickly green energy he'd witnessed in his vision but this was pure velen suddenly felt hope and strength deep inside him you are not alone villain of the eredar we too have sensed the impending horrors about to before this and other worlds we strive to keep the balance and what sargeras is planning will rip everything apart utter chaos and ruination will descend and the things that are good and true and pure and holy will be lost beyond recovery what are you we are the naaru you may call me kure this is where it all begins we cannot stop it for your friends have free will but you have reached out with an anguished heart to save what you can and therefore we will do what we can we will save those of you whose hearts reject the horror of what sargeras offers what do you need me to do gather those who will listen to your wisdom go to the highest mountain in the land on the longest day of the year take the atamal crystal with you it is how we will find you again we will come down and bear you away for a moment there was a flicker of doubt in velen's heart he'd never even heard of anaru and now this one was telling him to steal his people's most sacred object and bugger off up a mountain with it and it seemed to be implying that it was they who had given it to the eredar in the first place which was just outrageous perhaps kil'jaeden and archimonde were right perhaps these visions were nothing more than velen's fear manifesting itself nah these doubts were just him desperately clinging on to the idea that everything could go back to the way it was that everything wasn't about to change horribly the first ally that velen was able to summon was taught an old dear friend or rested upon this friend because he'd be able to move unwatched where velen could not talgath had been a little bit skeptical at first but once felon connected their minds and stuff he quickly agreed however velen didn't bother mentioning the naaru or their plan he simply assured taught that there was a way to escape and as the longest day of the year drew closer velen used his discretion to send out further tendrils of thought to those he trusted however when at last the day came and those that had chosen to follow velen started to assemble atop the tallest mountain of their ancient world velen saw that there really weren't that many of them at all not everyone had arrived yet talgath for example but there were only a few hundred here and that number probably wasn't going to increase drastically so that was a bit upsetting targath and several others then cleared a rise in the distance smiling and waving and for a moment velen died in relief but as he started down to meet them the atamal crystal sent out a powerful surge of energy through his body when the old eredar dropped to his knees his mind then opened to its warning and he realized that the new arrivals in the distance were not friendlies at all they were disguised somehow but the crystal now revealed that they were in fact manari talgath included as the menari scrambled up the mountain closer and closer velen out of desperation gripped the atmel crystal and thrust it upward to the sky and that worked somehow a pure shaft of radiant light appeared its glory shone directly into the crystalline prison splinted into seven distinct rays and the crystal itself bloody exploded villain gasped but the fractured pieces remained animated shot upward joined together to form a spinny circle and created an enclosure of light around the gathered eredar below a deep thrombing sound then descended from above and as velen looked upward he saw what looked like a star it was glorious i am here as i promised i would be prepare to abandon this world prophet velen velen and the rest of the gathered eredar then began to float upwards towards the star and upon closer inspection velen realized it was some kind of vessel the base of the ship then started to open and the next thing the escaping eredar knew they were inside it but down below kil'jaeden watched as the peculiar vessel in the sky shimmered and then disappeared curses what was that thing that came down and snatched vellum from their grasp sargeras will not be pleased what now we find them and destroy them even if it takes a thousand years [Music] [Applause] my name is troll the word means slave in the human tongue but the story behind that name is a long one and best left for another time by the grace of the spirits and the blood of heroes before me that runs in my veins i have become warchief of my people the orcs and the leader of a group of races known as the horde slow down mate i can't ride that quickly sorry um this is the story of my father and those who believed in him of those who betrayed him this is the tale not of the horde as it exists today but of the rise of the very first horde its birth like that of any infant was marked by blood and pain its harsh cries for life meant death to its enemies wow you're only going for it with all these metaphors and for such a grim and violent tale it begins peacefully enough amid the rolling hills and valleys of a verdant land called draenor durotan of the frostwolf clan was wide awake the others were all snoring and dreaming but durotan couldn't get to sleep at all he could hear the drums feel the vibrations traveling up through the earth he longed to go out and join the adults but that would be another summer before he'd be allowed to participate in the omrigor the right of adulthood until then he just had to accept being in the child's tent orcs weren't a particularly sociable people each clan kept to itself had its own traditions there were even variations of dialect that differed so much that some orcs could barely understand each other they seemed almost as different to one another as the other sentient race that shared this world but twice a year spring and autumn the york lands came together to one of that time when day and night were the same length the kosher festival always held in the land the horse called negrand which meant land of the winds in the shadow of the sacred mountain called oshagoon which meant mountain of spirits the first night of koshag festivities were pretty straightforward cheer at the moon for a bit then have a big feast the children durotan included had been permitted to stay up until they'd eaten their fill but it was bedtime as soon as the shaman departed to climb oshagoon the mountain wasn't like other mountains it wasn't irregular and rough in its shape it was precise and sharp like a spearhead looked like a giant crystal some legends told that it had fallen from the sky hundreds of years ago but as interesting as the mountain was durotan had always thought it was a bit unfair that the shaman had to stay there for the entirety of the festival they missed all the fun just like the children jordan sat up he couldn't take this anymore so he got to his feet and moved slowly towards the tent entrance until eventually he passed through the flap and immediately found himself face to face with another young orc what are you doing what are you doing same thing as you i guess we can either keep talking about it or do it right then let's do it so the two young orcs stepped out into the frosty night to begin their mischief they were pretty visible out in the open illuminated by the moon's glow so they quickly head towards a large tree that would give them a bit of cover from adult eyes i am orgrim line of telcar doomhammer of the blackrock clan [Music] the two young orcs then spent the next minute or so nodding approvingly at each other not to blow their own trumpets or anything but they were both from pretty impressive clans they then peered carefully around the tree and strained to listen and over the crackling sound of a huge bonfire they heard some voices including that of durotan's dad the shaman have been kept busy this year with the fever as soon as one of the younglings gets cured another falls ill it's been harsh with the animals too when we were preparing for the festival we had a hard time finding any cleft hooves clarger makes a delicious soup from the bones but she refuses to tell us what herbs she uses the only one who'll get that recipe is the little one actually comes of age both juratan and orgrim's jaws dropped this was what was so important so secret the children were forbidden to be a part of it discussions of fevers and soups a lot of old pretty sure you and i can come up with something a little bit more interesting than this the festival went on for another two days and during that time durotan and orgrim regularly found ways to sneak away and challenge each other to all sorts of contests racing climbing feats of strength and each defeated the other almost as if they planned on taking turns so at the end of the festival orgrim called for a final challenge to break the stalemate let's not perform some common ordinary challenge let's do something truly different in the history of our people what do you suggest let's be friends you and i friends but we're not even of the same clan we're not enemies look around you the clans come together twice a year and there's no harm in it yeah but my father says it's precisely because we come together so seldom that peace is kept very well i thought you were braver than the others orgrim of the doomhammer line but i guess i was wrong timid shy and unwilling to see beyond what has always been done i'll no coward i backed down from no challenge you upstart frostwolf orgrim then sprang on durotan knocking the smaller orc off his feet and the two had a bit of a wrestle right up until a shaman appeared out of nowhere impetuous boy it was the head shaman of the frostwolves a very old female they called mother casher you were not too old for a clip around the ears young jorathan another shaman presumably from the blackrock clan appeared but muttered similar displeased sounds orgrim but the two young orcs just kind of grinned at each other the final challenge had begun a few months later durotan was running as fast as his legs could carry him he was exhausted out of breath and sweating his balls off but he had to keep going he was a frost wolf he had to clan chieftaincy i know blackrock was gonna [Music] there's little effort to beat you duratan give so much muscle your brain is starved skill is as important as power but the black rock clan wouldn't know about such things there wasn't any malice in their words it was just a bit of friendly bands their clans have been troubled at first by the friendship between the two youths but durotan's argument that just because something had not been done before did not mean it could never be done amused and impressed the leaders of both clans plus it helped that both the frost wolves and black rocks were traditionally even tempered if durotan had suggested a friendship with a war song or a bone chewer however they probably would have nipped that in the bud pretty quick suddenly the earth shuddered beneath their feet whilst durotan automatically unsheathed his spiked club orgrim readied his hammer towards the traditional weapon of the black rocks and a simplified version of the legendary hammer he would one day inherit the two exchanged glances but didn't death speak something was coming something big the big booming noise came closer and closer followed by an almighty crash as a tree in front of them splintered and there it was an enormous ogre so they cheesed it now very much regretting the fact that they just had a race because they were still pretty tired from that to be honest but the need for survival and the adrenaline was somewhat helping to keep their legs moving the giant beast was gaining on them they would catch them pretty soon and despair washed through durotan quickly followed by pure fury they'd never gone on their first real hunt or danced by the fire with females there was so much they hadn't done and yet here they were about to die and it wouldn't be a glorious death in battle it was to be a hilarious death overpowered by one ogre durotan then turned on his heels to scream a curse at the ogre before it smashed him flat like a pancake but what he saw made his jaw drop their rescuers had not uttered a sound moved in absolute silence and the ogre now lay on the ground still hub i'm sorry what durotan didn't understand the language he and orgrim had seen the draenei before but only at a distance and he sure as hell never heard them speak you are injured only my pride you two have wandered far from home which clan do you hail from i am joratan of the frostwolf clap and this is orgrim of the blackrock clan two different clans well you're challenging one another yes and no we're friends friends from two different clans yes it's not traditional but it is not forbidden the jedi nodded and then turned to two of his companions and murmured another bunch of hibaldi jabuti it was a profoundly musical language the other two draenei listened intently and then nodded one of them ran off heading southwest towards frostwolf lands whilst the other race towards the east to blackrock lands they will notify your families that you are well and safe you will return home tomorrow in the meantime i'm happy to offer you the hospitality of the drama i am rest alone leader of the guards of telmor we regularly trade with your clans but i regret to say i do not remember either of you but then the younglings always do seem a bit leery of us when we come to your territory i am afraid of no one and no thing he ran from the ogre orgrim's face darkened and his eyes glinted angrily whilst durotan lowered his head slightly just as he'd feared the draenei had seen them cheesing it born witness to their shame and now they were to be mocked that is wisdom if you had not fled we would be sending two corpses home to your families tomorrow there is no shame in fear orgrim and durotan only in letting fear prevent you from doing the right thing one day we will be strong and full size then it will be the ogres who fear us i completely agree hawks are powerful hunters orgrim narrowed his eyes waiting for the taunt but there was none come there are dangers in tereka forest at night that not even the gods of telmor would willingly face let's go and so they did by this point both joritan and orgrim were goddamned exhausted but they weren't going to be shamed twice in one day so they kept up with the draenei and although durotan kept looking for signs of the city he saw nothing but for a moment he wondered if these jedi were in fact planning on doing something bad taking them prisoner maybe or sacrificing them to some dark god here we are the two orcs exchanged confused glances they were still in the middle of a forest there was no town here restaurant then kneeled down and uncovered a beautiful green crystal that had been carefully hidden amongst the undergrowth circular doola magalaboola the forest then began to shimmer as if it were a reflection and then suddenly there was no forest no trees only a large paved road leading towards a glorious bustling city we are in the heart of ogre country if they can't see us they can't attack us but how a simple illusion nothing more the trick of the light rataline could still see the look of confusion lingering on durotan's face so he continued the eyes cannot always be trusted we think what we see is always real that the light always reveals what is there the same way at all times but light and shadow can be manipulated directed by those that understand it in the speaking of those words and the touching of the crystal i altered the way the light falls on the rocks the trees the landscape and so your eyes perceived something entirely different to what you thought was there and juritan still had a dumbass look on his face a restaurant just chuckled come my new friends come where none of your people have ever been before walk down the roads of my home the draenor city was absolutely amazing it was a union of stone and metal of nature and ingenuity durotan had no idea what he was seeing but he knew it was magnificent and as he looked over to orgrim he could tell his friend felt exactly the same way you are welcome here durotan and organ restaurant then led them forward and as they walked the streets the two orcs continued to soak in all the sights there were glooming gems everywhere and a buttload of some strange metal that juratan had never seen before what is your city made of many things we are travellers fairly new to your world no it was over 200 summers ago that your people came here we were not as we are now no you know we've watched the orcs grow in strength and skill and talent you've impressed us durotan knew it was meant as a compliment but somehow the comment stung as if the draenei thought they were better than the orcs but the thought was fleeting and was gone just as soon as it had popped in his head to be fair looking around at the wonders of this city perhaps they were slightly better to answer your question orgrim when we arrived here we utilized everything we brought with us i know your people build boats to travel the rivers and the lakes well we came on a boat that could travel in the sky it was made of metal and other things once we realized that this was to be our home we took part of the boat and used it in our architecture what a load of bollocks metal can't float so one would think but one would also think it not possible to summon the elements to fight if one did not know better that's different that's magic also is this sort of wrestling then beckoned to one of his men said some more hibble dubbed on the other drain i nodded and hurried away there is someone i'd like you to meet if he's not too busy they then pass through some more streets and at one point durotan saw a female who seemed about their age as she met his gaze she initially seemed a bit startled but then just smiled and ducked her head shyly and durotan found himself smiling back in our encampment you'd find many children where are the draenei children our people are very long-lived so we do not often have children how long lived very suffice it to say that i remember our arrival here it was at that point that durotan realized the young seeming female who just kind of i flirted with was probably as old as the hills the scout that restalin had dispatched then returned and spoke quickly and wrestling looked pleased with whatever the scout had said our prophet the one who brought us to this world velen has agreed to meet you he went to dine with him and sleep in the magista's house that is a very high honor indeed that took both orcs by surprise dinner with the leader of all draenei what the bloody hell had they gotten themselves into but the two orcs followed restylane dutifully as he led them the rest of the way until eventually they arrived to the magister's house and was shown to their room it was an odd room fruits sat in a bowl ready for consumption strange clothes were set out for them to wear and a tub of water steamed in the center that water is too hot to drink and is too much for steeping leaves it is for bathing bathing to wash the dirt from one's body we do not bathe you do not need to do anything you feel uncomfortable with the bath the food the clothes are here for your pleasure prophet velen will expect to see you in an hour i will come for you then is there anything you need both orcs shook their heads so rest alive nodded and then left do you think we're in danger no but i feel like i'm in a cave i'd rather be in a tent me too joritan then pointed towards the mysterious tub for bathing do you want to try it no both orcs laughed but they did eventually splash their faces with the warm water and kind of enjoyed it more than they thought they would they ate the fruit donned the clothing that had been laid out for them had a bit of a challenge to see who could bend the leg of a metal chair before feeling a bit guilty about how they'd broken a chair until eventually restaurant came a knocking the prophet is ready what the hell happened to that chair the first thing durotan thought as he saw velen was bloody ellie's old and tall welcome i'm velen i'm glad that my people found you today the elder draenei then waved them to sit and so they did a giant feast was laid at the table and throughout the meal vellum was an excellent host he asked questions and seemed genuinely interested in the responses how old would the boys be before they could hunt choose a mate what was their favorite thing to eat what was their favorite weapon when my father passes i will inherit the doomhammer it is an old and honorable weapon passed down from father to eldest child you will swing it well organ but i trust that it will be many years before you take on the name of doomhammer the fact that his dad would have to die before he became orgrim doomhammer seemed to have momentarily escaped the young orc and the revelation caused him to abruptly grow solemn describe the hammer too it must be a mighty weapon oh it's enormous the stone is black and blunt and powerful the shaft is made of carefully crafted wood i mean the shaft has needed some repairs over the years but the stone not a chip on it it's called the doomhammer because when its owner takes it into battle it spells doom for the enemy i see but there is another prophecy it is said that the last of the doomhammer line will use it to bring first salvation and then doomed to the old people that it will pass into the hands of one who is not of the blackrock clan and it will once again be used in the cause of justice that is a powerful prophecy orgrim continued to enthusiastically talk about the doomhammer but juritan wasn't listening he'd seen the weapon before and he was more curious about this vellum bloke anyway why was this being so interested in them durotan had been a sensitive boy he knew it his parents had been kind of concerned about it at one point but mother cashier had just scoffed at them and said leave the boy to his fate but durotan knew feigned interest when he saw it and velen was not faking interest his eyes were bright and focused his questions were sincere he wanted to hear about the orcs and yet the more he heard the sadder he seemed to become can you tell us of your people prophet we know so little in the last few hours i've learned more than any of my people have in the last hundred years the drama i have never withheld information youngjoratan i believe you may just be the first who's asked what do you wish to know well rezalan said you came here in a great vessel who can travel the skies tell me more of this okay to begin with draenei is not our true name it's a term that means exiled once we disagreed with others in our world we chose not to sell our people into slavery and for that we were exiled we spent much time finding a suitable place to dwell a place to call our own we fell in love with this land and we call it drano durotan nodded he'd heard that term before it was nice the orcs didn't really have a name for the place they just called it world it is our term we're not so arrogant that we believe the orcs would use it as well but such we have dubbed it and we love draenor deeply it is a beautiful world and we have seen many you've seen other worlds indeed we have and we have met many people people like the orcs there is no one like the orcs you are unique in our travels but yes we had been traveling for some time before we found this land durotan burned to ask more questions like how long were they traveling and what their homeland had been like etc but there was something in velen's face that said yeah i invited you to inquire but i'm not a big fan of telling this story so instead he asked them about their magic our magic comes from the earth from the shaman and the ancestors our magic comes from a different source i'm not sure you'll understand it we're not stupid forgive me i didn't mean to imply that your people are wise and you two are obviously bright but i'm just not sure i have the words in your language velen was probably right durotan had no doubt in his mind that there wasn't a living orc that could grasp all of this in a single evening maybe mother cashier the conversation then turned to more mundane topics mostly just draenei geography there was a sacred place nearby called arkhandune where the dead were laid to rest velar normally resided in a place called the temple of caribour and there were quite a few draenoi towns but the largest one was called shattrath and then the meal was over the food was finished velen's sighed and got to his feet you will excuse me it's been a long day and i must meditate before i sleep it has been an honor to meet you durotan and aldrum i trust we will meet again young ones good night meanwhile in the lands of the frostwolf clan mother kashira was fast asleep in her tent dreaming about being not old and stuff but a voice she recognized called out to her bring him it was the voice of a man known as talcrar in life he'd been dead a long time but that didn't stop orcs from pestering their shaman descendants in the middle of dreams you received the message he and the blackrock boy are with the draenor they will be safe i can feel it yeah they'll be safe bring him he will come to the mountain in a few months when the trees shed their leaves to sleep so yes i will bring him no bring him to us bring him to the caverns of oshagoon i would look upon him there you wish me to take him to meet the ancestors is that not what i just said foolish girl bro what has happened to the shaman these days taukrar then yelled for what felt like half an hour about how in his day shaman were better and like these bloody whipper snappers nowadays whilst kashir just kind of stood there in stunned silence it wasn't unheard of for the ancestors to want to meet a particular child usually meant they were just in for the shamanic path but she'd never really considered durotan for that it was rare for a shaman to lead a clan there would be too much pulling him in each direction for him to be an effective leader to listen to and honor the spirits whilst also guiding one's people would require a very remarkable orc indeed you're not even bloody listening to me are you i will bring him on his initiation day finally don't fail me you you sure then opened her eyes although that last thing taukrar had said was just plain rude and unnecessary she would do what she was told a couple of months later and durotan's birthday and subsequent initiation into adulthood had finally arrived and his heart was currently hammering in his chest as he stared at the beast that was to become his prey a tall buck although you may be thinking well that's not exactly a vicious beast is it it's just a bloody antelope and it's asleep but towel bugs are not to be underestimated and he was to take it down with only a single weapon and no armor for that was the rule of the omrigore for reasons there had of course been some whisperings from some of the others things like any mature talbuk would do to satisfy the needs of the ritual though you could kill a male because they shed their horns in the autumn one person had suggested maybe hiding some armor in the wilderness no one would know and the most shameful whisper of all the shaman will determine your success by tasting the blood on your face and blood from a long dead towel book tastes exactly the same as blood from a freshly slain one if you know what i'm saying nudge nudge wink wink but durotan wasn't gonna cheat he was gonna seek out a female one that was quite well equipped with horns at this time of year he was going to only use a single weapon and he was going to rub its blood all over his face cheeks he had been tracking the herd for three days though and the whole time he couldn't help but envy orgrim who had already completed his rite of passage orgrim was a sweet sweet summer child so his hunt had probably been quite nice whereas georgetown's birthday was in the autumn and winter had decided to come ahead of time this year apparently so the weather had been quite bitter however late afternoon on the third day he'd come across some pellets of poop that were not frozen hard they were fresh and now here he was standing over a fine specimen this one would do tomorrow he will return to his people an adult male ready to take his place in serving the clan why do we not ride because that is not the way it is done mother cashier seemed particularly irritable today as she and joritan made the lengthy hike to the sacred mountain of the ancestors to be fair she would have deeply appreciated being able to ride the journey atop her wolf dreamwalker she wasn't young and fit anymore but the traditions were ancient and extremely specific for as long as you're able to walk you will walk but despite the fact that each of these trips were exhausting her more and more mother cashier couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about this current one she was bloody curious about what was going to happen especially since this was probably to be her last trip to the mountain at least as a living breathing person anyway she knew full well that the next time she approached oshogoon it would likely be as a spirit what's wrong mother oh not a thing twas the following day by the time they reached the entrance of the sacred cave and as always keshia felt as if she was about to enter the womb of the earth itself durotan did his best to look brave but you could tell he was slightly nervous but that was a good thing mother cashier thought he should be nervous he was about to enter sacred space at the specific request of one of his long-dead ancestors didn't happen every day you know that few are called before the ancestors who do not walk the path of the shaman i do not know what will happen maybe nothing but you will behave with honor and respect durotan swallowed nodded and then took a deep breath and then they entered the cave kisha led the way lighting the torches that lined the walls but as they walked down a long gentle slope there were no more torches to light and durotan just kind of looked at kashir slightly puzzled we will not need to bring fire to come before the ancestors that didn't really answer any of joritan's question so he was still confused but he followed into the darkness with kashir guiding him right up until she brought him to a stop in the middle of pitch black nowhere however a dim light then began to illuminate the room around them and a chill filled the air you have brought him as i asked durotan shuddered but said nothing i still completely focused on cashier you cannot see him no mother i cannot he's an ancestor present indeed one is i brought him here as requested how do you find him i sensed something i had thought he would be a shaman but if he cannot see me now he never will but although he will not see spirits or summon the elements he is born to a great destiny he will be an important asset to the frostwolf clan to all his people you would be a hero jerodhan couldn't hear both sides of the conversation but he definitely heard kosher say the word hero so he inhaled swiftly but continued to stand up straight and be respectful and stuff i cannot tell teach him well cashier for one thing is certain from his line will come salvation see you around you and then poof tau cry was gone and cashier stumbled a little bit are you all right i'm fine these bones are no longer young and the energy of the spirits is powerful i wish i could have seen him but i know i felt him he did and that is more than most are honored with mother can you tell me what he said about me being a hero [Music] grandfather tau cross said it was uncertain you have a destiny to fulfill juratan son of gerard be not a fool in battle and die before you can fulfill it a fool does not serve his clan well and that is what i wish to do then future chieftain you'd best be about finding a mate i'm sorry what so an old ghost said your dad's child will be the chosen one savior of the universe right seems legit we orcs had everything we truly needed a hospitable world the ancestors to guide us the elements to aid us as they saw fit food was plentiful our enemies were fierce but not invincible if the draenei were not necessarily our allies neither were they foe they shared their knowledge and their bounty whenever they were asked it was we the orcs who always held back and it was we who would unwittingly be twisted to serve another's end hate is powerful hate can be eternal hate can be manipulated and hate can be created millions of light years away kil'jaeden stood seething and brooding just generally being pissed off the exiles yet lived he could sense them even after all these centuries they were lying low too cowardly to show themselves but he'd find them eventually however the latest batch of scouts had returned with absolutely diddly squat to report which did throw a bit of a spanner in the works while you let these scouts live after their failures is beyond me because those who fear flee and those who sniff reward in their lord's approval stay there are worlds of plenty to conquer and devour in service to our master kil'jaeden give up this obsession of yours and let the fool go we would sense it if he used his talents on any level that would pose a threat let him rot on some world bereft of everything that mattered to him it is not about rendering him powerless it is about destroying him and all those foolish enough to have followed him it is about crushing him for his lack of faith for his stubbornness for his refusal to think about what was best for all of us kil'jaeden knew he was wasting his breath he and our command had been having this same argument for centuries and it was likely they continued to have it for centuries more because his words seemed to go into one of arkham's ears and out the other arkham then tilted his head which was a gesture kill jaden recognized one of his servants was obviously communicating with him psionically and without a word archemon walked off he had his own schemes and machinations in service to their dark master so kil'jaeden didn't take it personally but in that moment kil'jaeden felt a slight scratching inside his head as well it was a voice he recognized taught what is it my friend speak my great lord i did not wish to plant false hope but i may have found them kil'jaeden couldn't help but feel a little bit excited talgath was only a little lower in rank having proved his loyalty over the years he would not say even this guarded statement without good cause where there is a small world primitive and insignificant i have sensed their peculiar brand of magic tainting it it's possible they may have come and gone though such a lass has happened before targath was correct the burning legion had arrived on quite a few worlds in full force lured by the sweet essence of eredar magic and each time velen and his wretched followers had gotten wind of the approach and cheesed it but this time would be different for kil'jaeden had an idea targath i want you to investigate this world for me my lord we have descended upon worlds before and to no avail perhaps this time only one is sent one who can be trusted completely there are more ways to destroy one's enemy than with an army sometimes those ways are better you wish for me to find such a better way then precisely back on draenor it was that time of year yet again the koshag festival my how time flies this was a particularly special koshag festival for durotan though because it was the first one since he'd been marked as an adult no more sleeping in the child's tent for him now he can stay up and talk about fevers and soups just as he and orgrim had learned all those years before the fireside conversations weren't that interesting at all but what was interesting was being here amongst a number of folks that durotan had seen but never interacted with firstly there was grommash hellscream the young and slightly manic chieftain of the warsong clan he was only slightly older than durotan and aubrum and there had been mutterings about the mysterious circumstances behind his recent rise to power but the warsongs did not question his leadership and durotan was not surprised he was ever so slightly intense beside him was the enormous imposing blackhand of the blackrock clan and next to him was the chieftain of the shattered hand clan cargath bladefist it was also intimidating because he had a blade where his fist should be then there was kill rug dead eye chieftain of the bleeding hollow and finally there was nazal of the shadow moon clan standing with mother kashar and her apprentice drek tha because the shaman hadn't buggered off up the mountain just yet for as long as durotan could remember nazal had led the shaman he was extremely skilled whilst most grunted and labored to contact the elements and has all made it look easy so durotan kind of liked the guy he did not however likeness all's little bastard of an apprentice i think that gul'dan would better serve his people if he was sent out as bait durotan looked away so that no one would see his smirk but orgrim was right gordon was short and frail and the complete opposite of what an orc aspired to be now that one she is a warrior-born durotan glanced over to where orgrim was looking and his eyes widened standing tall and straight her muscles rippling in the firelight was a female that was currently numbing on a chunk of talbuk meat like a savage she was the epitome of what all orcs value who who is she bloody hell mate she's a frostwolf i'd have claimed it for myself if she was in my clan a frostwolf how the balls the durotan failed to notice such a treasure in his own clan dracker oh it's jaqen no wonder he'd not recognized her no augren she was not a warrior born she is a warrior maid you see draco had been born sickly for most of his childhood durotan remembered hearing the adults only speak of her in low whispers his own parents spoke of her sadly wondering what her family had done that the spirits had cursed them so but by the grace of the spirits the healing of the shaman and the power of the will she had cast off her childhood frailty to become this vision of female perfection she will be his he thought what female could possibly deny him no what why not i'm not yet of age i intended this to be a courting hunt that much is true but if you're not of age i will respect that still i would like your company but this be a hunt shared by two proud warriors nothing more all right fine and so they went on a hunt it was glorious juritan couldn't remember being so happy ian dracker had set a brisk pace thanks to his challenges with orgrim durotan had developed quite a bit of stamina and draco was keeping up which was impressive durotan slowed as they moved out into open territory and began to scan the ground and soon enough he spotted some tracks cleft hooves one is injured i see no blood no blood look at the pattern of the prince durotan looked at the print and then back at drakka and then back at the print and then back at tracker look watch draco then began to carefully place her feet into each footprint and follow their course and finally durotan could see what she was seeing the beast was limping the indentations of one hoof was slightly less deep than the others bloody hell she was amazing it is easy to read you would have found it yourself no i saw the prince but i did not take the time to observe them in full detail you did you will make an excellent hunter one day tracker straightened and looked at durotan proudly and something warm and weird rushed through him which was simultaneously nice but also he didn't like it at all the two then followed the trail and as they looked round a sharp turn they found the animal they'd been tracking unfortunately a wolf had found it first the great black wolf world round snarling and the three predators then stood regarding one another right up until durotan just went ahead and charged he swung his axe down towards it but it retaliated with a bite in his arm and then pounced on him but just before the beast's jaws could close upon his face durotan heard a war cry saw a flurry of movement and the beast switched its focus to drakka who had just poked it with her spear durotan then got up hefted his axe again brought it down as hard as he could and felt he'd cleave right through the animal's body and then there was silence blade survived in an encounter against an animal that usually would take several seasoned orcs to bring down and now their foe was dead sliced in two by an axe but also impaled in the heart by a spear and durotan realized they'd never actually be able to find out which of them struck the killing blow and that thought made him ridiculously happy thank you dracon nodded but then chuckled a little bit what's so funny i know something and you do not know it but after this i think i will tell you i am honoured i told you yesterday that i was not of age for a courtship hunt true well when i said that i knew i would soon come of age i see well when will you come of age today durotan then looked at draco for a long moment until finally he pulled her towards him and gave her a big old kiss as time passed and more khashogg festivals took place the ceremony was somewhat marred by loss and tragedy it became just as much a time for mourning as it did for celebration and nazal was currently staring up at the night sky deep in contemplation about the whole thing firstly his old friend kashur affectionately known as mother to the frost wolves had passed to the ancestors she'd insisted on joining a hunt which was something she'd not done for years and had unfortunately been trampled to death by a whole bunch of stampeding cleft hooves so that was a bit and it wasn't the only tragedy for the frost wolves in the interim between koshacks their leader gerrard had been claimed as well on one fateful summer day the frost wolves had stumbled across no fewer than three ogres and one of their monstrous masters agron and although the orcs were ultimately victorious gerard and several others died from their injuries so that was a bit as well but in the sorrow of losing a leader was the joy of seeing new blood come into its own kashar had spoken well of young duratan and from what nazal had seen he would make a fine leader he and his mate the lovely draka nazal then entered his small hut one that he had once shared with his own mate rol khan she had passed to the ancestors several years ago but she still visited him from time to time not with words of wisdom just encouragement and tlc but he still missed her the older shaman then prepared a potion chanting over it softly before drinking it he knew it wouldn't actually cause a vision nothing would unless the ancestors willed it but over the years he'd learned that some herbs opened the mind make your dreams a little bit more lucid mazel then closed his eyes and passed out and the next thing he knew he was standing on a mountaintop next to his beloved rol khan it is all my love this is a new beginning a new beginning you have led our people well but the time has come to deepen the old ways take them further for the good of all something nagged at the back of nazal's mind his wife had not been a shaman nor a chieftain she'd only ever been herself which was wonderful and more than enough for us all but the point is she'd never held any position in life that would make her speak with such authority however that was probably nothing to worry about so nazar just went ahead and ignored that alarm bell i am listening i knew you would there are dark and dangerous times ahead for the orcs we have only ever come together at the kosher festivals such isolation must end if we are to survive as a race there is a blight upon this world it must be eliminated say it and it will be done i will always honor the advice of the ancestors when it is eliminated our people will stand proud and tall even more than they are now power and strength will be ours this world will be ours and you miss all will lead them something in the way raw carton said the words made in his all's heart leap he was already powerful already revered by the orcs he kind of already was the de facto leader even if no one had ever officially said it but for some reason desire now stirred in his heart for even more and fear tell me ralkhan what is this threat that must be eliminated before the orcs can claim what is rightfully theirs durotan had been sat eating breakfast with drakka and the newly appointed head shaman of the frost walls strakthar when a carrier approached and handed him a letter and in the letter it said unto durotan chieftain of the frostwolf clan the shaman nazool gives greetings i have been granted visions by the ancestors that concern us all i would speak with the leaders of all the clans on the 12th day of this moon as well as every shaman you are to come to the foot of the sacred mountain there will be catering if you cannot attend i will take it as a sign that you do not care for the future of our people and you'll be banned from any and all future brain trust meetings forgive my bruskness but this matter is of the utmost urgency please respond asap layers durotan had told the courier to wait whilst he discussed the matter which the courier seemed quite indignant about but who cares what does this mean i don't know other than azul obviously thinks this is very important a meeting of the clans has never happened outside the koshak ceremonies but i've known us all all my life if the spirits were to speak to any of us about something that threatens us all they would speak through him summoning you like your pets to come at his cool i don't like this durotan it's smacks of arrogance i do not disagree with you just the tone of the letter had been enough to raise durotan's hackles his gut instinct was to refuse but as he read it again and chose to look past the abrupt rudeness he could see the overall intent something was definitely bothering us all and durotan respected the elder shaman enough to hear what he had to say i will go with all the sham i'm coming too i think it would be best if i am dracker daughter of kelkar and rikish i am your intended soon to be your life partner you will not forbid me to accompany you durotan then threw his head back and laughed draco's spirit never ceased to amaze him he bloody loved her calling the courier then tell him that we will come to this strange meeting of nazals but we would best be assured of its necessity when we are there a few days later the frost wolves arrived at nazal's meeting and appeared to be among the first there mazul himself greeted them and as soon as durotan saw the guy he knew he'd made the right call to attend the oldest shaman looked as though he'd aged years in the space of a few months this was no arrogant play for power over the next few hours other clans arrived and durotan was pleased to see the banner of the blackrock clan he hadn't seen his longtime friend for a while and draco was pleased too because thankfully she got on quite well with orgrim it's nice when that happens sucks balls when your partner and your best mate hate each other news travelled around the separate clan encampments that the meeting itself would not take place until the following morning so durotan drucker drakthar and the other frostwolf shaman just kind of sat around by a fire and ate some food and stuff however as a shadowy form approached their little camp durotan got to his feet and drew himself to his full imposing height don't stand up too straight you'll do your back in ha welcome my old friend turret had an orgrim then embraced each other as tall as the frostwolf chieftain was orgrim was still bigger in fact durotan couldn't help but wonder how he'd ever managed to be orgrim in any of their challenges because the guy was ripped now your gathering is small but it smells the best of any of them then sit tear off a hunk of talbuk and leave your duties behind for a while what that i could but i don't have much time if the frostwolf chieftain would walk with me a bit i would be honored let us walk then and so they did i walked in silence for a time right up until the campfires were nothing more than small twinkling lights in the distance and then orgrim spoke black hand did not want us to come he thought it demeaning but nazar would summon us like we were pets to his call dracker said exactly the same thing we weren't going to come either but i'm glad we did you saw nazar's face yeah blackhand is still raging against the shaman though he does not see what you and i do it wasn't durotan's place to speak ill of another clan leader but it was no secret what most orcs thought of blackhand he was a powerful orc bigger and stronger than any other and he wasn't dumb he was just a bit of an however durotan decided to hold his tongue i can see your struggle even in the darkness my friend you do not have to speak for me to know what you would say he is my chieftain i swore an oath to him which i will not break but even i have my misgivings you do i am torn juratan torn between my loyalties and what my mind and heart tell me but you never be put in such a position but second i can at least help moderate him somewhat but not much he's clan leader he has the power i can only hope that he will listen to others tomorrow and not stubbornly sit on his wounded pride durotan shared that hope if things were indeed as bad as nazal's face seemed to indicate the last thing anyone wanted to see was the leader of one of the most powerful clans behaving like a spoiled brat durotan's eyes then fell upon a dark shape on orgrim's back and both pride and sorrow flooded him you carry the doomhammer now i did not know of your father's passing he died bravely do you remember that day long ago when we fell afoul with the ogre and the draenei saved us i could never forget it their prophet spoke of the time when i would receive the doomhammer i was so excited about the thought of wielding it in the hunt but felon that was the first time i understood that the day it became my weapon would be the day i would be fatherless [Music] it is a glorious thing a weapon of power a weapon of prophecy pride of my lineage and i would shatter it into a thousand pieces if it would bring my father back without another word orgrim strode back towards the camps and durotan made no move to follow instead he sat for a long time staring up at the stars knowing deep in his soul that soon the world he'd known all his life was going to radically change durotan stood next to drucker with his arm around her waist in a protective gesture he wasn't exactly sure why he felt she needed a defending there was just something in drexel's face in the faces of all the different clan shamans that chilled him to the bone durotan also kind of wished he could stand with orgrim there was no one besides jacka that he trusted more but orgrim of course stood beside his own chieftain who was looking at the gathered shaman as if they were all pieces of looks like blackhand's been too long away from the hunt he's spoiling for a fight you may well get it look at their faces i've never seen direct thought like this not even when mother kisha got all smashed up it's all then stepped forward into the centre of the gathered crowd raised his hands and used his shaman powers to light a bonfire and that parlor trick managed to gain a few members of appreciation before everyone settled down as the darkness falls in more ways than one you beside the fire let each clan sit to itself with its own shaman and i will call you forth to speak when the time is right perhaps you wish us to fetch a slain beast for you too and lie obediently at your feet at night jury time recognized the angry voice which is impressive considering everyone sounds the same it was grommash hellscream the warsaw chieftain stood with his arms folded glaring at nazal but the elder shaman did not rise to the bait he just sighed deeply and continued many of you feel your honor is offended yes i know give me leave to speak and you will be glad that you are here your children's children will be glad of it i'll scream crowd but then just shrugged i have had a vision from one of the ancestors whom i trust more than i can possibly say she has revealed to me a threat looking like a poisonous scorpion under a flowering bush all the other shaman can attest to this and they will once they have the opportunity to speak it grieves and infuriates me that we have been so duped durotan hung on nazal's words his heart racing who was this mysterious enemy how would such a dark foe escape to their notice the enemy of which i speak is the draenei and then chaos erupted a whole bunch of orcs yelling you want me that's preposterous and outrageous and as durotan looked over at orgrim he saw in his friend's eyes the same stunned shock that he himself felt surely this couldn't be true not the draenei they weren't even fighters really they hunted sure but only to survive the frostwolf chieftain's thoughts then went back to the day the draenor saved him and orgrim from the ogre why would they risk themselves to save two boys if they were truly as evil as all suggested none of this made any bloody sense however grommash hellscream's terrifying war cry then filled the air causing everyone to shut the hell up i know this startles you shocked me as well but the ancestors do not lie these seemingly benevolent people have been waiting for years until the time is right to attack us they sit safely behind their strange buildings made of materials we do not understand and they harbor secrets that could benefit us greatly but why durotan hadn't even realized he was speaking until it was too late but he was committed now so why do they want to attack us if they arbor such vast secrets what do they need from us and how could we possibly defeat them if this is true that i do not know but i do know that the ancestors are concerned we outnumber them not against their superior knowledge they came here on a ship that sails between worlds black hand you think they'll fall to arrows and axes blackhand didn't particularly like the way durotan had just spoken to him but fortunately as all went ahead and interrupted before that could escalate this has been simmering like a stew on the fire for many decades resolution and eventual victory will not come overnight i'm not asking you to go to war right this minute just to be aware to discuss with your shaman a course of action and to open your minds and hearts to a union that will ensure triumph all eyes were on us all wondering where the bloody hell he was going with his words we have separate clans yes each with its own traditions and heritage i'm not asking you to give up that proud history merely asking you to open your minds to a unity that takes clans that are strong alone and turns them into an unstoppable force we are all orcs blackrock warsong thunderlord don't you see how little those distinctions matter we are the same people in the end we want safe homes for our young success in the hunt mates who love us we are more alike than different durotan agreed with that statement once again he glanced over at his best mate and orgrim looked back and nodded juritan would not be who he was today if it had not been for orgrim's steady strength and he knew in his bones that orgrim felt the same way may i speak durotan turned and was surprised to see that it had been drachthar that had asked that question my chieftain what does all this said is true mother kissure confirmed the rest of the frostwolf shaman nodded and durotan just kind of stared at them because just said the draenei are our enemies i'm afraid so it is time for the clan chieftains to listen to their own shaman as georgetown has just done we will reconvene at twilight these are the people you know and trust ask them what they have seen and so the gathered crowd began to disperse very cautiously with each clan heading back to their own encampments the draenei are not our friends my chieftain i know you in the doomhammer blackrock stayed with them one night i know that it appears that they saved your life but let me ask you was there anything that seemed a bit weird about them durotan had a little think about it the draenei had appeared very very quickly to rescue him and orgrim from the ogre but then he frowned because thinking this way made him feel like a bit of an ungrateful your brow furrows my chieftain i take it your youthful faith in them is now starting to wane durotan didn't answer he didn't even look at drexel just stared down at the ground he didn't want to feel this way but the doubt was creeping into his heart restaurant there was an arrogance to him when he'd spoken about how they'd watched the orcs grow in strength and skill and then there was speak my chieftain what do you recall the the prophet he asked many questions of course he did what an opportunity they've been plotting against us ever since they arrived and to find two forgive me durotan but two young and naive children to tell them everything they wanted to know must have been quite an event the ancestors wouldn't lie durotan knew this and now that he recalled the events of that day and night in this new light it seemed almost obvious how suspicious velen's actions had been there is a part of me that doubts yet my friends and yet i cannot stake the future of my people on such thin ice as my own personal doubts as all did not propose an assault tomorrow only asked for us to train prepare and come closer as a people this i will do for the good of the frost wolves and the good of the orcs the frostwolf clan will prepare for war how easily the mind can be turned to hate from a place of fear an instinctive natural protective response instead of focusing on the things that unite us we focus on what divides us my skin is green yours is pink i have tusks you have long ears are you talking to me right now or is this part of the story so it was with the draenei it didn't matter that they'd shown us nothing but courtesy and openness didn't matter that they traded with us taught us shared whatever they were asked to share none of that meant anything once we'd heard from the ancestors suddenly their differences were all the better now the training had begun although it had always been custom among every clan to start training the younglings at the age of six it had also always been somewhat relaxed besides they were simply training to hunt animals not sentient beings but not anymore a young orc no longer enjoyed the luxury of learning at their own pace there was no time for play or the joys of being young other things changed quickly too for example the couriers and their beasts couldn't keep up with the sheer amount of mail that was now being sent between clans so some bright spark came up with the idea of training blood hawks to carry the letters whereas the smiths and leather crafters had always focused on armor that would blunt attacks from claws and teeth they now had to create things that would save the wearer from being impaled or slashed by a sword and the master smiths found themselves teaching their craft to a lot more peeps the forges ran day and night as did the mines hunts were now daily events as opposed to only taking place when the need arose so all in all things have bloody changed the younglings lined up for training looked especially young to durotan and drakka who as always knew exactly what he was thinking touched his back gently it would be better if we'd been born in a time of peace even the most bloodthirsty knows this but we are where we are my mate i know you will not shirk this task no i will not we are warriors we thrive on the hunt they are small but they are not weak they will learn they are frost wolves they are hawks this is taking too long i know my love but you would not have our people go into battle unprepared which i know vastly superior rokhan grunted unhappily but then smiled however as nizal observed her face we couldn't help but wonder why her smile seemed forced but once again probably nothing to worry about we are training as fast as we can the spirit remains silent making it quite clear that it wasn't fast enough perhaps you could help us perhaps there is knowledge you have that i have told you all i know but there are other powers other beings that the living do not know of there are the elements there are the ancestral spirits what other beings are there you yet breathe my mate you are not ready to treat with them they are the ones that have been aiding us so that we may age you please roll count we need aid if we are to protect future generations from the draenei's insidious plots perhaps you are right i will see if they will speak with you there is one whom i trust the most whose concern for our people is deep and abiding i will ask him there's all nodded almost ridiculously pleased and then he woke up to see gul'dan with a fruit and fish breakfast ready another vision my master gul'dan then presented us all with a cup of steaming herbal tea it was a concoction raw khan had advised he drink she'd assured him that it would keep his mind and spirit open to visions it tasted like at first but after a while it's all had grown to quite like it hell he drank it four times a day indeed i have learned something important for them for as long as there have been orcs there have been shaman shaman work with the elements and with the ancestors yeah i know there's more than we know more that the ancestors can see but we living beings cannot beings even more wise and knowledgeable than the ancestors themselves rukhan says there is one in particular who has chosen to take the orcs under his wing and soon he will show himself to me and to me too perhaps you are a strong one cooldown i would not have chosen you as my apprentice if that were not the case so yes i think so when he has deemed you worthy as he has deemed me i am so honored to serve this is a time of great glory for the orcs we are blessed to live to see it the blackrock clan had begged for the honor of being the first to strike the hunting skills were legendary and they were the logical first choice due to them living fairly near one of the smaller more isolated draenei cities however as excited as they'd all been when that was agreed none of them had considered just how difficult it was going to be to prepare mounts would need to be bred for size now if they were to carry armor as well as orc bodies the new armor itself chafed and was uncomfortable and the new weapons felt a bit alien in their hands as they'd discovered whilst running practice fights against ogres two ogres in their master the beautiful drama i do not stand a chance against our might orgrim kind of agreed he trusted us all and the shaman of his clan plus he'd spoken with juratan and they both felt like there'd been something a little bit fishy about the draenei all those years ago but he still had misgivings when had there ever been a single attack on an orc by the draenei a single insult and yet here they were several blackrock warriors armed to the teeth riding to slaughter a group of the blueskins who were doing nothing threatening at all he looked lost in thought or i was just wondering what colour draenor blood is blackhand threw his head back and laughed and ogram's jaw tightened the ancestors don't lie he thought the ancestors don't lie the blackrock soon came upon a draenei hunting party six males and five females who were currently in the process of isolating a young clefthoof from the hood blackhand drew his company to a halt and raised his fist you are ready all the black rock orcs eyes glowed fiercely they were ready so black hand grunted brought his fist down and the warriors charged the blue skins turned startled wondering what the bloody hell was going on at first they probably thought this group of orcs were coming to aid them in a kill they didn't really need any help with but when blackhand brought his blade down and cleaved a draenei in half they figured it out and to the draenor's credit they did not stand in stunned horror at the site they sprang immediately into action but the blackrocks were ultimately victorious with even orgrim smashing a whole bunch of skulls with his hammer and then there was silence orgrim had always enjoyed hunts but this he never experienced anything like this before he knew it he was laughing and wondering if he'd somehow become drunk on this new sensation a bloodhawk arrived and has all unrolled its message and quickly scanned the small piece of parchment it had been so easy not a single casualty only a few injuries the blackrock orcs have been completely victorious blackhand bragged about how swiftly they descended on the party and broken their skulls surely now the being with whom rolcarn had allied would appear and then it did it was glorious radiant so bright that was all couldn't bear to look at first you have come i knew that if we pleased you you would come indeed as all shaman it's all tender of the orcs i have seen your masterful handling of your people how you brought disparate clans together with a common purpose a glorious goal one that was inspired by you great one you came to us and revealed the truth we did what was needed you did indeed glory and honor and sweet victory will be yours if you continue to do as i say of course great one but this humble petitioner would beg a favor there's all risked a glance up at the being it was enormous radiant and red with a powerful torso and legs that ended in cloven hooves like a towel box or a draenei that's a bit weird you thought but probably nothing to worry about ask and i will decide if you are worthy great one do you have a name by which we may call you a simple favor easily granted yes i have a name you may call me kill jaden velen was currently in the courtyard of the temple of karabaw meditating or rather having a little chat with corey inside his mind palace the draenei had fled many a world to escape the legion but the fact that they'd left those worlds behind and the people of those worlds to be utterly annihilated weighed heavily on him however corey had always insisted that velen's death would save none but his life would save many someday how how is my life more important the gathering is slow but it continues there are other naru like me who are reaching out to the younger races sargeras will eventually fall beneath the will of those who yet believe in what is good and true and harmonious corey had been instrumental each and every time the draenei had needed to flee but there would be no escape this time corey was dying trapped in the very vessel it had given them to escape their homeworld all those years ago great profit velen opened his eyes to see restylane looking a little bit weary there's been another attack i know i felt it what do we do each attack seems more violent than the last examinations of the body seem to indicate that they're improving their weapons [Music] i don't think corey has much longer wrestling lowered his gaze pain evident on his face all the draenei understood that the naaru had effectively sacrificed itself for them and as a result they'd all grown quite fond of it its voice grows fainted so i must go to it perhaps proximity will help it communicate better you you mean to go to the ship yes great prophet i do not mean to question your wisdom but but you do anyway continue my old friend your questioning always has value to me the orcs have adopted the vessel as their sacred mountain i know this then why antagonize them by venturing there they would surely see this as an act of aggression you would be giving them a reason to continue their attacks against us i've thought of this for long and hard on it but perhaps it is time to reveal who we are what their sacred mountain is they believe their ancestors dwell there and they may very well be right if corey does not have much longer should we not utilize its wisdom and its powers whilst we can if anyone or anything can broker peace between the orcs and ourselves this being has that ability this may be our only hope organ draenei can no longer live in distant familiarity with one another there's no returning to that my old friend there is either war or peace and i would never forgive myself if i did not explore every avenue to peace first do you understand restaurant didn't look happy about it but i suppose i do at least let me send you with an armored guard yorks will attack before they will listen no no weapons nothing to provoke them in their hearts they are honorable beings i saw so in the hearts of the two young orcs who stayed with us there is nothing cowardly or evil in there only caution and now for some reason fear kil'jaeden visited nazal quite regularly whispering his praise and congratulations and plans for future victories and as all bloody loved it the validation really had gone to his head even more bloodhawks arrived today the shattered hand the bleeding hollow laughing skulls all victorious do you see how they are coming together in a just cause muscle before these clans would be challenging one another if they cross paths now they share knowledge resources they work as one to overcome a foe who would see you all destroyed it's all nodded but then felt a sudden pang he'd been so caught up in it all but he just now realized he hadn't seen his wife's spirit for ages raw khan raw khan has done her part in bringing you to me we do not need her as an intermediary anymore but now that i've been convinced of your worthiness to be my voice among your people despite kil'jaeden's comforting and exciting words as all still wouldn't have minded seeing raw khan every now and then after all she had been his life partner for quite a while before she died but he didn't press any further and then gul'dan arrived with a missive what is this it was taken off a drama approaching from the south a party a single courier the fool was walking nazal looked at the parchment and realized it was covered in blue stains would have possessed the to walk alone unarmed into shadow moon territory he then unfolded the message and began to scan read it read it aloud as all share it with me in your loyal apprentice and so he did and it was at this point that he really started to have some doubts unto nazool shaman of the shadow moon clan the prophet velen of the draenei sends greetings recently many of our people have come under attack from the orcs what the for generations we've lived in peace and tolerance so what gives i'm sure this is just a misunderstanding maybe we could meet and talk about it so that no more lives are lost or something the mountain you guys call it oshagoon the draenei have always respected the fact that the orcs claimed it as their holy site but it's time to share the truth we have more in common than you think so let's meet at the place that holds so much meaning for both our races on the third day of the fifth month i in a small party will be moving in pilgrimage to the heart of the mountain unarmed i invite you and any others who feel so moved to join me enlightened blessings see you gul'dan was the first to break the silence arrogance this is an opportunity not to be missed their leader comes like a cleft who've carved to the slaughter what you say pleases me gul'dan and as all your apprentice speaks wisdom but nazal found words stuck in his throat he attempted to speak twice to no avail until finally they came out i do not disagree that the draenei are dangerous but we're not gronn killing unarmed foes the courier was slain he was unarmed and even unmounted and i didn't say i was happy about that he should have been taken into custody and brought to me not killed look velen would not be permitted to defile our sacred place but i will not have him killed without having the chance to speak with him we might learn something yes when one is in pain one will reveal all he knows those words startled us all did the magnificent radiant omniscient being just suggest torture what kind of magnificent radiant omniscient being would suggest torture may i make a suggestion what the frost wolves their leader once tasted dramai hospitality and although he has not hindered our efforts i do not recall hearing of any attacks from them on the draenei we could kill two birds with one stone make durotan of the frost wolves prove his loyalty by having them bring velen and his party to us all felt both pairs of eyes staring at him waiting for him to agree and the oldest shaman for the life of him wasn't quite sure why he was so reluctant to be sweat began to form on his brow until finally he spoke ever so slightly relieved to hear his voice sounding strong and sure agreed it's a good plan find me a pen and parchment and i shall notify juror town of this duty durotan's side and passed the letter to dracker and as she read it eyes darting frantically over the words she looks ever so slightly pissed off there's always a coward to lay this at your feet the request came to him not to you i've promised to obey as all speaks for the ancestors yeah well i don't know if i trust nazal durotan nodded but we both trust drekhthar and he confirmed what was all said the draenei are plotting against us and now it looks as if velen is insisting on entering our shogun durotan once again regarded the letter i'm just glad nezul has announced me to slay velen perhaps once we have him in our power we can convince him to change his ways maybe even negotiate peace juritan's heart yearned for peace as great as his life was with draco as proud as he was of his clan he knew he'd be much happier simply doing as his father had done hunting beasts dancing in the moonlight discussing supes he hadn't told draco this but he was secretly glad that they had not yet conceived a child it was not exactly a fantastic time to bring one into the world the young orcs these days were having their childhood stolen from them and as chieftain durotan would not hesitate to have his son or daughter trained like the rest wouldn't be fair to the other parents otherwise and whilst georgetown thought of these things tracker watched him with intense narrow eyes as if she could read his thoughts i would tell the courier that his master may rest content i will not shirk my duty meanwhile vellum was meditating again holding the violet fragment of the atamal crystal close to his heart he also had the red and yellow ones the other fragments were placed elsewhere in draenei territory but of the seven fragments the violet one was his favorite its power opened his mind and spirit always made him feel stronger when he meditated with it but even so he could no longer hear corey's voice my prophet the courier you sent to the shaman nazar was killed i sensed his death but i had hoped it was an accident you were certain he was murdered and has all admitted it and offers no apology so much for your theory that they would not attack an unarmed man i had hoped for better as all says that an old contingency will meet with us at the base of the mountain so he's not coming nope who does he send in his stead the letter doesn't say give it to me the wrestling dead felon uncurled the parchment and began to read it your courier is dead it is fortunate that those who slew him thought to search the body for his missive i have read it and i agree to send a contingency of orcs to speak with you i guarantee nothing not your safety not a truce nothing we will hear you out but that's it you prick well that wasn't the response vellum was hoping for what the bloody hell had happened to the orcs was inappropriately sunny and nice the day the meeting finally came durotan felt like it should be grey and cloudy or raining but the sun didn't give a about his feelings durotan had picked a pretty strategic position for himself and his warriors they would see velen's travelling party approach long before they were spotted themselves and they would leave the draenei no avenue to flee should that be a thing that they tried to do my chieftain you are doing what you've been told to do these beings are our enemies durotan nodded and wished he could believe that as easily as every other orc seemed to and then they're coming five of them unarmed and so durotan straightened and gripped his battle axe tightly not only were the draenei not dressed in armor they were so garishly clad that only a blind orc would have failed to spot them they wanted to be seen they wanted the orcs to be confident that they carried no weapons but was it a trick after all a shaman didn't need a spear to be deadly but i continued to approach at a completely confident serene pace as if they just did not give a but after several long minutes the leader of the draenei and the chieftain of the frost wolves found themselves standing face to face been a long time villain long indeed you're a ton are you still friends with orgrim i am indeed he carries the doomhammer now and is second in his own clan a deep and unquestionably genuine sorrow flitted across the old draenei's face i hope his father and yours passed with great honor we are not here today to speak of the past we're here because you have informed us that you dare trespass on our most sacred place felon held durotan's gaze and nodded i had sent a mischief to nazal puritan not to you he has declined to meet with me i wonder did he share this missive with you there was no need for me to read it i was asked to come in his stead and i have done so i see then he did not tell you why i wish to come today i do not need to know your purpose draenei but you do or else this conversation will be for nothing bellen's voice was clear and crisp there was nothing old or frail about it for the first time durotan could see the sheer strength of velen's will this mountain is sacred to your people we know this and we have respected it but it is also sacred to us deep inside the mountain is a being that has long cared for the draenei people it is older by far than anything either of our minds can grasp and more powerful but even old and powerful things can die and it is dying now there is wisdom and guidance and reconciliation we can have from it your people and mine we blast from her jury time was quite shocked to see that outburst had come from drachthar and he looked absolutely furious oshagoon belongs to us it is the home of the beloved dead and your hideous clothing feet are not fit to take one step up its blessed sides felon also seemed taken aback by the outburst but he stretched out a hand imploringly your spirits are housed within these walls it is true and i would never dare say otherwise but they are drawn there because of this being it seeks to drakthara then bellowed in outrage that was pretty much the opposite of the right thing to say from velen and he'd gone ahead and made things worse so much so that the orcs behind durotan started to surge forward however durotan then struck drachthal right in the face everyone chill the out we take them alive i will slay anyone who harms them and then there was silence melon you and your people are now prisoners of the frostwolf clan i expected nothing less all five of the draenei somehow maintained their composure as they were stripped and searched durotan's stomach turned at the insults jeers and spits that came their way but he did not stop it my mate can you not silence them i want to see how the draenor react dracker looked at him but then nodded and withdrew he knew she wasn't happy about this he didn't like what he was seeing either but he was walking a delicate line and he knew it my chieftain come and see what they've brought us durotan walked over to rokhar his second and peered into a sack that had been confiscated from the draenei and inside were two exquisitely beautiful stones one red and one yellow durotan really wanted to touch them but stopped himself and instead looked over to velen what are these crystals they are part of our legacy bequeathed to us by the being that dwells in the mountain you would do well not to mention that again find their hands put them on wolves with the shaman to guard them give these crystals to direct thar who will take the jedi back with us the ride back was a long one durotan spent most of it wrestling with his emotions eventually they arrived back in the land of the frostwolves the prisoners were ungraciously shoved into two tents one for velen and one for the rest because juratan intended to speak with velen alone as soon as the excitement settled down somewhat and soon enough it did so he entered the tent it ordered for velen's hands to be tied but whoever had carried out that order and obviously decided to take it a bit further because vellum was strapped up like a so durotan cursed under his breath pulled a dagger and cut vellum free i told them to bind you not trust you up like a towel bug your people are very eager it would seem durotan then handed the old draenei some water and watched him gulp it down and gave him a bit of porridge as well which felon did not touch not quite the feast you served orgrim and i but it is nourishing did you get what you wanted from us that night i don't understand we merely wish to be good hosts to two adventures and boys you expect me to believe that it is the truth it's your choice as to whether to believe it why are you trying to destroy us what have we ever done to you i might ask you the same question we never lifted a finger to harm you and now over two dozen draenei are dead from your attacks the ancestors do not lie to us we have been warned that you are not what you've seen that you are our enemies those crystals what are they some kind of weapon we thought they might help us better communicate with the being in the mountain we're not an enemy to the orcs durotan you are wise and intelligent you're not one to blindly follow i don't know why your leaders are lying to you but they are you're better than this you're not like the others you're wrong draenei i'm proud to be an orc i embrace my heritage you misunderstand i do not malign your people i'm merely merely what merely telling us the only reason we see the beloved dead is because of your god trapped in the mountain it is not a god it is an ally it would be one to your people as well if you permitted to be durotan paced hands clenching and unclenching he was bloody furious but he knew anger wasn't going to help the situation so he took some deep breaths velen your claim is arrogant and offensive you're asking me to choose between the people i trust the traditions i've been raised on and your word know this villain i choose my people if you and i come face to face on the field of battle i will not stay my hand but if nazal wants you he should have come for you himself you will not take me to him then he was supposed to deliver a prisoner to nazal i was to meet with you and listen to your words and i captured you in battle stricken a weapon from your hands and wrestled you to the ground then yes he would be a prisoner but there is no honor in binding a foe who extends his hands willingly for the rope we're at an impasse you and i you insist you have no ill will towards the orcs my leaders and the ancestors say otherwise durotan then knelt before the draenei they call you profit do you know the future then if so tell me what you and i can do to avert what i fear will unfold give me something anything to take to nazal to prove what you say is true durotan realized he was kind of begging but he didn't care he loved his wife his clan his people if begging could stop an all-out war then beg he would the future is not like a book one can read it is ever-changing i am granted certain insights but nothing more if anything can be done to avert this it lies with the orcs not with the draenei all i can do is tell you what i've already said the river's course can be changed but you are the ones who must change it durotan closed his eyes for a moment and then stood up so be it we will keep the crystals whatever power they have our shaman will learn to harness it get up you and your companions may leave safely or as safely as you might in the darkness with no weapons if you come to your deaths this night when you're past our territory will not be on my head durotan then marched out of the tent told the guards that velen and his four companions were to be safely escorted to the border but draxar then appeared out of nowhere durotan what are you doing let's all expect prisoners as organ take his prisoners himself i am in command and this is my decision do you question it i do you heard what he said he claims the ancestors are like moths to a torch around this god of his the arrogance enough drextar enough velen and the others made their way through tarakar forest and the draenei leader's heart was heavy that hadn't exactly gone brilliantly the orcs were now in possession of two of the atomo crystals and velen had no doubt their shaman would indeed unlock their secrets soon enough at least they hadn't found his favorite violet one but the outlook was grim one look at the frostwolf camp had revealed that the orcs were preparing for war hell not just preparing for it convinced of the certainty of it berlin then turned to his companions and looked at them sorrowfully the orcs will not be dissuaded from this path therefore if we are to survive we too must walk the path of war and far in the distance broken dying deep within the sacred mountain corey uttered a deep agonized cry and velen bowed his head the ancestors are angry with us for letting villain go durotan shook his head but there was no denying that the mountain just cried it was not a cry of anger it was the wrenching sound of ultimate grief and the frostwolf chieftain could only shudder as he wondered why the ancestors mourned so very deeply you what mate has all looked absolutely furious his apprentice gul'dan winced as his master flew into a fit of all caps rage but durotan did not bat an eye i released the prophet villain your orders were to take him and the others prisoner mount nazal was only partly angry because of the missed opportunity the fact that they could have extracted quite a bit of information from velen but the main reason he was angry was because he was absolutely terrified of how kil'jaeden would react the beautiful being had seemed so bloody excited about the plan and somewhere down the line it had been agreed that velen would be given to kil'jaeden as a sort of present what the hell was he supposed to do now but the fact that he felt fear rather than being disappointed by the failure was not lost on the elder shaman you put me in charge of capturing them and capture them i did there is no honor and a prisoner taken willingly you want us to be strong as a people rather than individual clans we can't do that without a code of honour durotan carried on talking but nazar wasn't listening because he was starting to have some doubts again there were a lot of alarm bells about this kil'jaeden bloke but nizar then realized he could feel gul'dan's gaze upon him probably wasn't the best idea to let his apprentice witness his doubts mr then blinked and came back to himself and noticed durotan had stopped talking and there was an awkward silence which continued because nazal didn't have a bloody clue how best to handle this durotan was well regarded among the clans if he were to be punished for his disobedience there would be many who would respond with sympathy to the frostwolf clan which in turn might cause a rift in this horde that nazar was trying to build on the other hand if he condoned djorotan's actions it would be a slap in the face to those that fervently supported that the draenei must die so nazor just kind of stared at juratan who started to frown impatiently my master is so overcome with rage that he cannot speak you have disobeyed a direct order from your spiritual leader return to your camp durotan my master will send you a letter shortly conveying his decision gerotan looked back to nazal his dislike of gul'dan plain on his face and has all gathered himself stood tall and finally spoke begone durotan you've pissed me off and worse you've displeased the being who has shown us such favor you will hear from me soon enough the frostwolf chieftain bowed but did not leave immediately he had one more thing to say there is one thing i do bring you we took these off the prisoners durotan passed a small sack in us all and the shaman extended his hand to accept it as all realized his hand was shaking and hoped desperately that both joritan and gul'dan would believe it to be rage shakes not fear shakes our shaman believe they may hold power that we can use against the drummer and then durotan bowed again and left like a boss forgive my interruption my master i feared the frostwolf boy would misinterpret your anger as hesitation the word sounded sincere enough but gul'dan's face seemed sincere and yet as all just could not bring himself to trust his own apprentice there was a time when he would have confessed his doubts but now the elder shaman knew one thing for absolute certain do not tell this little the truth i was indeed overcome with rage honor serves nothing if it hurts your people what did juratan give you i will examine it first and share it with kil'jaeden apprentice there's always looking for a reaction from gul'dan and for the briefest of moments anger flitted across his apprentice's face before quickly disappearing of course forgive me i was just curious to see if the frostwolf chieftain had contributed anything of worth indeed i will let you know if i learn anything cooldown then bowed and also left not like a buff and as all as soon as he was certain he was alone opened the sack and gasped for inside were two glowing gems the older shaman gingerly touched the red one and gasped again because energy excitement and a sense of power flow through him he suddenly wanted to grab a weapon and swing it around this was indeed a gift to the orcs if they could figure out a way to utilize this red-hot passion for fighting they lurked inside the stone then they'd be stronger than ever it took a great effort of will for nazar to put the red crystal down but once he did he turned his attention to the yellow one and picked that one up but this time there was no excitement no urgency as he grasped the yellow crystal his mind cleared and he realized up until this point he'd been seeing things as if through a weird fog or something there was a new clarity a precision to everything in fact it was so clear that nazal began to perceive this mind-opening experience as painful and kind of went uh as he instinctively threw the crystal across the room kil'jaeden was just as furious as nezul feared he would be forgive me it all felt like the being was just about ready to smite him so he squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation but after a few moments of nothing happening he reopened them to see kil'jaeden once more looking serene poised and calm i am disappoint but i know two things the frostwolf chieftain is the one responsible and you will never ever trust him with an important task again of course not my lord never again but we found these crystals for you they are of little use to me but i think your people might find them helpful in your battle to crush the draenei that is your battle is it not nazar yes lord it is the ancestor's will it is my will yes and i obey you in all things kil'jaeden seemed satisfied so he nodded and buggered off and has all sank back wiping the sweat from his brow but out of the corner of his eye he then saw a flash of something bloody go down he'd seen everything some time later nazal looked at the mountain of missives that had arrived and read one we have been planning an attack for some time now and last night we went ahead and did it no one was left alive not even the few children we found we took a whole bunch of things food armor weapons we will share this bounty their blood blue and thick dries now upon our faces now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go dance in the moonlight and masturbate there was no need to read them all the essence of these letters were always the same a successful attack glory in the killing ecstasy of the blood spilled with each month that had passed the orcs had grown even more skilled at killing the draenei especially now that they had the stones that durotan had confiscated but despite all this nazal still couldn't shake those nagging doubts he tried fighting against the suspicions but they kept coming back and he could no longer bear it so he jumped on his wolf skychaser and set off he'd never ridden to the sacred mountain before he'd always walked as his tradition but he needed to return before he was missed the urgency of his mission would surely mitigate any offence to the ancestors soon enough nazal reached the mountain of spirits told his wolf to stay and climb to the mountain inside the cavern he took a deep breath and waited and waited and waited and nothing happened but he didn't panic sometimes the ancestors take their time but after what felt like an hour passed he started to worry a little bit ancestors beloved dead i've come seeking no begging for wisdom i've lost my way i question the path i'm on and i beseech your guidance please if ever you loved and cared for those who have followed in your footsteps come to me now and advise me so i may lead them well as all knew he sounded lost and pathetic and for a moment stubborn pride made him feel flush with shame but then he remembered this wasn't about him it was about the orcs and what was right for them suddenly the room then started to glow and a figure appeared well god tears streamed down azul's face at the sight of his beloved but his heart then lurched with pain as he saw the look in her eyes it was hatred even more figures then started to appear all with that same look on their faces and this all felt nausea well up inside why why do you all look at me so you are not a savior of your people but their betrayer no tell me what to do and i'll do it surely it's not too late you are not strong enough if you were you would never have walked so far down this path you would not have been so easily fooled into doing the bidding of one who has no love for our people your i don't understand you came to me rule khan i heard you kill jaden was the one you wanted me to embrace the great friend to all the orcs rakan said nothing she didn't have to even as the words tumbled from nazal's lips he came to understand how profoundly he'd been misled it wasn't raw khan that had been visiting him in those dreams it had all been a trick the ancestors were right any shaman who could be so easily deceived could never be trusted to put things right again nearly 100 draenei were dead there was no turning back no requesting aid from the ancestors one by one the floating ghostly figures raul khan included began to turn their backs on nazal figuratively and literally when the elder shaman crushed beneath the weight of everything he'd done buried his face in his hands and wept and crouching in the darkness down one of the tunnels gul'dan listened to the sound of his master sobbing with a real douchebag grin on his face kil'jaeden would definitely appreciate hearing about this as nazal rode back from the sacred mountain all he wanted was for the dark knight to swallow him whole how could he return to his people knowing what he had done to them but on the other hand he couldn't just cheese it where would he even go kil'jaeden would probably find him even if he found the best hiding place in the history of hiding places he contemplated suicide but there was no honor in that not amongst the orcs if he took his own life then he would not be permitted to live on as a spirit but there was one option he could just pretend he didn't know yes that's what i'll do vain ignorance that's how i can mitigate the damage this interloper has done finally arriving back has all looked at his hut he was looking forward to going in and simply collapsing but a bright light nearly blinded him as he entered you would betray me then nazal fell to his knees and as the light dimmed ms all saw gul'dan standing beside kil'jaeden grinning darkly what have you done i even formed kil'jaeden of a rodent it was all noticed that there was still snow on gul'dan's shoulders and put two and two together his apprentice had followed him gul'dan had heard the words of the ancestors and still he clung to kill jaden choosing power over his own people it wounds me i chose you nazal i gave you my powers i showed you what you need to do to advance your people you deceived me you sent me false visions you maligned the ancestors and all they stand for i don't know why you're doing this but it's not out of love for my people and yet they flourish they are united for the first time in many centuries united under a lie lizard felt almost giddy in his rebellion it felt good to defy this powerful jerk perhaps if he kept pressing kil'jaeden would lose his temper and solve all of nazar's problems by destroying him but kil'jaeden did not respond with deadly fury instead he just looked at ms all like a disappointed parent you may yet regain my favor as all i have a task for you if you complete it your lapse of faith will be overlooked this all stared at the being confused all he wanted to do was tell kil'jaeden to sod off but this time the words wouldn't come out what happened with the frostwolf chieftain troubles me not least because he is not the only one who was murmured against what is happening there are others the one who wields the doomhammer some among the blade wind and redwalker clans as well there must be no risk to the success of my plan we must ensure their cooperation for now and for all time what is it you suggest great one kil'jaeden smiled at gul'dan and as all could already see the bond forming between them there is such a way to guarantee obedience a way to make them forever bound to us the feeling of horrendous all had felt hearing the ancestors increased tenfold as he listened to kil'jaeden outline his plan the orcs would be forever bound forever loyal forever enslaved he looked up into kil'jaeden's blazing eyes but once again no words would come so he just stared transfixed like a bird before a snake do you refuse your chance of redemption is all and then as if a spell had been removed from nazal the words that had been stuck in his throat came rushing out words that he knew would mean as doom i refuse utterly to forever do my people to a life of slavery know this shaman your choice averts nothing my desires will still be carried out your people will still be slaves but instead of leading them and lingering in my favor you will be forced to be a helpless observer i think that will be much sweeter than simply killing you kyoujin narrowed his eyes and has all realized he couldn't even move let alone speak now even his heart beat only by the will of lord kil'jaeden and he knew it kil'jaeden then turned to gul'dan who looked back like a sad pathetic puppy hungry for praise there is no need to trap you with pretty lies is there my new tool you do not shrink from the truth indeed no lord i live to do your bidding well if i will do away with lies then so must you you live for power you hunger for it thirst for it ours is not a partnership of adoration or respect but one of convenience and selfish benefit which means that it will likely last various emotions flitted across gul'dan's face and as all even in his wretched state elise took some pleasure in his former apprentice's unease as he will tell me what you would have me do and i swear it will be done you have no doubt perceived that i wish to exterminate the draenei why i do so is no concern of yours the orcs are doing moderately well at this but they can do better they shall do better a warrior is only as good as his weapons i intend to give you and your people weapons such as you have never conceived it will take a little time you must be educated first before you are fit to teach the others are you ready gul'dan are you willing begin the lessons glorious one you will see how apt a pupil of yours i am meanwhile durotan was covered in blood much of it his own what the bloody hell had happened here everything had started off okay they'd found the hunting party initiated the attack waited for the shaman to use their magic but they didn't instead frostwolf after frostwolf fell beneath the shining blades and blue white magics of the draenor at one point whilst fighting for his life durotan had caught a glimpse of drak thai using his staff to hit things despite the fact that drekthar's actual weapon skills were absolutely but before durotan could yell what the hell are you doing over to his clan's elder shaman he was knocked to the ground and then as he looked into his attacker's eyes he realized it was none other than restylane the draenei captain of the guard's eyes widened in recognition and he stayed his blow and then noted something in his himaldi gibbeli language causing all the other draenei in the fight to halt durotan got to his feet and realized there were only a handful of his warriors left alive a few more moments of battle and the draenei would have slaughtered them all but wrestling then spoke for the act of compassion you showed our prophet juratan you and those who yet live have been spared treat you wounded and return to your homes but do not think to receive such mercy from us again durotan wobbled as if he had too much to drink blood dripping from his wounds but he forced himself to stay on his feet as the draenei turned and disappeared over the horizon but once they had disappeared he fell on his ass durotan i'll thank the ancestors jacka was still alive drugstore then hurried over placed his hands over joritan's heart and murmured something and warmth then flooded the frostwolf chieftain at least they still let me heal tend to the others and then we will speak so drachthar and the other shaman quickly made their way around the battlefield attempting to heal any wounds they could but after everything that could be done was done durotan looked around to see no fewer than 15 bodies including rokha his second this was a slaughter 15 of our kin lie dead before us the earth drinks deeply of their blood and yet i never saw you or any of the shaman lend your skills to the fight for a moment jack tha couldn't speak and there was an awkward silence until the elements they wouldn't come what i asked all of them in turn they said they said they would no longer permit us to use their powers durotan's shock was broken by drucker's yell this is a sign a shout a goddamn battle cry that what we're doing is wrong durotan was still slowly trying to comprehend the magnitude of this but he nodded if it were not for the mercy restaurant had shown them they'd all be dead and the elements were condemning what the shaman were asking of them let us get the injured back to their home swiftly and then i will send out letters if what i fear is true it's not just our shaman who have been shunned by the elements we must confront us all how is it we did not see it is easy to lay the blame on the charismatic kil'jaeden or the weak nazool or the power-hungry gul'dan but they asked each individual orc to pretend that hot was cold that sweet was sour even when everything in us screamed against what we were being told we followed are we absolutely certain that christy golden wrote this story 15 years ago perhaps i too would have obeyed like a whipped cur perhaps the fear was so great and the respect for our leaders so ingrained or perhaps i like my father and others would start to see the flaws blackhand looked out from under his bushy eyebrows and frowned but to be fair he was always frowning when gul'dan had requests to meet with black hand a fortnight ago and demanded that he bring his most promising shaman but tell no one blackhand had agreed he'd always liked gul'dan better than azul in fact although he wasn't entirely sure why but as gul'dan stood there and explained the situation the blackrock chieftain figured it out he liked gul'dan because this former apprentice now master was just like him he had no use for ideals only practicalities and they both shared the same cravings for power nazal is an honored and valued advisor but it has been decided that i would be a better choice to lead the orcs from now on and a wise leader surrounds himself with trusted allies those who are strong and obedient who will fulfill their obligations and for their loyalty they will be held in high regard and richly rewarded blackhand recoiled at the word obedient but the whole high regard and richly rewarded things sounded pretty cool you asked for the shaman i assume you know what is happening with them i have heard the elements are no longer obeying them some of them are beginning to mutter it is because what we're doing is wrong do you believe that i don't know what to believe this is all new territory the ancestors say one thing but the elements won't come blackhand was harboring a growing suspicion but he held his tongue many orcs thought him a fool and he preferred to keep it that way because it gave him somewhat of an advantage mcgudden now stared at him with a glint in his eye that suggested maybe he was fully aware that there was more to black hand than he let on we are a proud race it is sometimes painful to admit that we do not know everything kil'jaeden and the entities he leads the mysteries they harbor the power they wield we are as ignorant children before them for they are willing to teach us share with us some of this power power that is not dependent on the spirits of air earth fire and water gul'dan then waved his hand in a dismissive gesture power such as that is feeble unreliable he can desert you in the middle of a battle and leave you helpless blackhand's face hardened because he and his clan had witnessed this very thing a whole bunch of clans had and suddenly fighting the draenei had become a lot harder real fast imagine what you could do if you led a group of shaman who controlled the source of their powers instead of begging for it imagine if these shaman had servants who could also fight on your side servants who could for example send your enemies fleeing helplessly in terror suck their magic dry distract them i can imagine success under those conditions success almost every time exactly but how do you know this is true and not some false promise whispered in your ear gordan's douchebag grin then widened because my friend i have experienced it i will teach your shaman everything i know all right then that is not all that i can offer i know a way to make you and your warriors more powerful fears deadlier all this could be ours if we could claim it ours i cannot waste my time speaking to every single leader of every single clan every time they have a complaint there are those in agreement of what you and i think is the best way to proceed and those who are not go on however godan did not go on at least not immediately instead he went silent and blackhand just kind of kicked some stones on the ground for a little bit most of the orcs thought him to be impetuous and hot-headed but he knew the value of patience i envisioned two groups of leaders of the orcs one a simple governing council to make decisions for the whole its leader elected it's business conducted openly for all to see the second a shadow of this group hidden secret powerful this shadow council will be comprised of orcs who share our vision and who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to obtain it i see so a public leadership at a private one and to which gul'dan shall i belong you have charisma strength even your enemies know you are a master strategist it will be easy to have you elected as leader of the orcs i am no puppet of course not which is why you will belong to both we cannot work together unless we can trust one another after all blackhand looked into gul'dan's eyes and smiled he didn't trust this guy in the least but it didn't matter they both wanted power but they weren't in competition with one another but those thoughts were then interrupted by movement in the corner of his eye and as he looked he saw nazool sort of weakly moving about what about him he means nothing the beautiful one wishes him kept alive for the moment he has something special in mind finazo he will still be a figurehead love for nazal is too deeply ingrained in the orcs for him to be cast aside but he is no threat to us the blackrock charm you say you will train them in these new magics i will train them myself if they adapt well to the new arts i will place them first among my new warlocks warlock so that was what he was calling it sounded interesting what say you to my proposal blackhand i say hail to the horde and hail to the shadow council meanwhile at the sacred mountain of oshagoon a pretty pissed off crowd of orcs had gathered yelling rubble rabble and stuff durotan had sent out letters to those he trusted and had received confirmation that the elements had indeed shunned all of the orcs and so a whole bunch of clan leaders and their shaman had come to the sacred mountain demanding that nazal give them an explanation i know why you've come it is indeed true that the elements no longer answer the shamans call for aid during time regarding us all i noted that he looked even more frail than usual more downtrodden than durotan had ever seen before some of you upon discovering this left to the conclusion that what we are doing is wrong but that is incorrect what we are doing is achieving power the likes of which we've never seen gul'dan has studied these powers and he will answer any questions you have it's all then stepped aside allowing gul'dan the spotlight what i am about to tell you may be hard for you to accept but i have faith that you are not close-minded when it comes to ways to better ourselves just as we were surprised to learn that there were powerful beings other than the ancestors and the elements we've also discovered that there are other ways to harness magic power that is not predicated on asking or begging or pleading power that comes because we are strong enough to demand it to come to control it when it does to force it to obey us rather than the other way around gul'dan then paused for dramatic effect and the durotan turned to drachtha is this possible i have no idea but i'll tell you after that last battle durotan we were doing the work of the ancestors how could the elements refuse us under those circumstances the shock and shame was still evident in drexel's voice joratin could kinda understand the charming must have felt like a warrior that reached for his axe only to find a big flaccid willy instead i see you are all finally starting to understand the value of what the beautiful one is offering i have studied with this great entity as of these few noble shaman who now then steps back to reveal a whole bunch of shaman dressed in leather armor what they have learned will be taught to every single shaman who wishes to be instructed this i swear to you follow me now and you will see their formidable skills for yourself for some reason that he didn't fully understand durotan suddenly felt ill and dracker noticing his abrupt paleness squeezed his arm assuringly what is it i don't know i just feel as though something terrible is about to happen i've been feeling that way for a long time however durotan had no choice but to put all his effort into keeping his face neutral he was responsible for the welfare of his people and his position with nazal and gul'dan was already pretty precarious if the frostwolf clan were to be exiled from this new wider horde it would almost certainly mean extinction for them some time later gul'dan the mysterious new shaman and the large gathering of orcs reached a large open valley and gul'dan halted in front of a tent he then beckoned some black rock warriors over who proceeded to enter the tent and as they came back out again durotan saw that they were now accompanied by some draenei prisoners when the blackrock clan fought with the magic i am about to share with you their victory was so absolute they were able to take several prisoners these prisoners will allow me to show you what this new magic can do durotan was bloody angry now slaying an armed foe in combat was one thing slaughtering helpless prisoners was another but as he opened his mouth to yell his protests a hand touched his arm to was orgrims you knew about this keep your voice down yes i knew i was there when we captured them it is the way of such things durotan did not used to be the way of the orcs it is now it is a sad necessity for what it's worth i do not believe that this will become a common practice the goal is to slay the draenei not torment them durotan stared at his old friend and orgrim stared back for a few moments before looking away it was understandable really there wasn't anything orgrim could have done to prevent this he was second in command oath bound to support his chieftain gul'dan then gestured to the first blackrock shaman in line an a looking slightly nervous closed their eyes and concentrated a sound like rushing wind filled the air whilst the shaman glowed a kind of weird purple and then suddenly a little imp appeared pretty little pets to be sure but what do they do the crowd laughed and go down smiled at grommash indulgently patience ill scream one of the draenei was then cut loose from the rest and shoved forward and the little imp that the first shaman had summoned started jumping about and then suddenly fire erupted from its hands and slammed into the helpless draenei and a ball of darkness formed at the sharman's fingertips rushing towards the prisoner as well he screamed in pain as his blue flesh bubbled and melted and then he was silent and still and if that wasn't bad enough jorotan then stood shocked as most of the crowd around him erupted into cries of approval and delight at the sight of a bound foe dying in helpless torment durotan threw up a little bit in his mouth he danced in this valley sunk to the moon conspired with a boyhood friend met his beloved and now here he was watching his own people revel and suffering in death behold i give you warlocks there were a lot of wild celebrations that evening but joritan didn't take part in any of them in fact he'd forbid any of the frost wolves from participating as well and so sat by the fire there was a pretty awkward silence my chieftain will you permit us to learn the ways of the warlocks i have a question for you first do you approve of what was done to the prisoners today it would be better had we attacked them in honest combat but they are our enemies they've proven that proven that they will fight back when attacked that is all that's been proven i know this is the will of the ancestors but today i beheld something that i never thought i would see i saw the sacred fields where for countless years our people met in peace defiled by the blood of those who couldn't even lift a hand to defend themselves durotan then saw movement at the edge of his little circle and caught orgrims sent but he continued in the shadow of oshagoon itself those who slew the draenei today did not do so to protect us from an immediate threat they butchered prisoners in order to show off orgrim coughed and irritated motioned him forward orgrim the first warlocks are from your clan what are your thoughts if we are to fight the draenei and even you frost wolves are resigned to the necessity of it then we should fight to be victorious the elements have abandoned the shaman they are fickle and unpredictable at best they were never their most reliable allies but these new creatures there's new power seems more dependable but there was something about them drucker i know your concerns they were definitely not natural powers but who's to say that's wrong they exist so they must have some place in the order of things fire is fire whether it comes with the spirit's blessing or whether it comes from the fingers of a little dancing thing i agree with our esteemed guest we have committed to the battle surely we do not fight to lose it jacka shook her head still definitely unhappy about the whole thing it is more than summoning fire or even the strange bolts of darkness i have fought draenei i have slain draenor and never have i seen them rise in such pain or screaming such torment and the beings who are serving the warlocks they seem to enjoy it we enjoy the hunt durotan didn't like disagreeing with draco but as always he needed to see all sides of an issue in order to decide what was best for his clan is it wrong to wish to win is it wrong to take pleasure in the victory in the hunt and the victory no but i'm talking about the suffering perhaps the beings who are summoned to serve feed on that perhaps it is necessary to their existence but it's not necessary to ours i've always been a shaman i was born so and i will embrace the path of the warlock if my clan leader will permit it because i understand what those powers can do for us i'm sorry dracker but this is necessary to our existence without this the draenei will obliterate us track aside buried her face in a hands and wept and once again there was nothing but silence around the fire in fact durotan realized it was too silent there were no sounds of night no birds no insects almost as if they'd been driven from this place after what had happened but for some reason i will permit the frostwolf clan to learn these hearts thank you duratone you will not regret this that night juratan had quite a bit of trouble trying to sleep and dracker tossed and turned next to him grunting and sign obviously having quite a bit of trouble trying to sleep as well eventually durotan just gave up and lay awake thinking about the events of the day everything in him screamed that it was wrong to embrace this warlock path but what could he do the elements had deserted the orcs the draenei would wipe them out if they didn't have some form of magic to defend themselves durotan then got up left the tent and sat by a fire and started to come for eat but a courier then rode past tossing a scroll to durotan before riding off and the frostwolf chieftain unfolded it and sighed as he read its contents there is to be another meeting in two days the chieftains will gather to elect a leader who will speak for you all make decisions for you all a warchief make sure you bring id in your own pencil or something you might as well stay home the outcome is decided anyway you didn't used to be so cynical i did not used to live in such times but in his heart durotan knew draco was right there was only one orc that was well known enough charismatic enough to win sufficient votes blackhand grommash house scream might give him a bit of a run for his money but he was too impulsive it was blackhand shaman that had become the first warlocks and his clan had won more victories against the draenei than anyone else and sure enough two days later joratin watched with dull eyes as the votes of the clan chieftains were tallied and blackhand of the blackrock clan was elected warchief durotan didn't even bother to object what was the point he could already feel the eyes on him suspiciously watching for any sign of disloyalty at one point durotan looked over orgrim standing seemingly steady and supportive next to his leader however durotan knew orgrim better than anyone when he saw the slight frown on his old friend's face seemed like he was just as unhappy with the decision but he too was in no position to object one could only hope that as second in command orgrim may be able to mitigate some of the damage blackhand was almost definitely going to cause blackhand himself stood with false modesty waving and smiling at the cheering crowd my orcish brothers and sisters you honor me i will prove a worthy warchief of this vast sea of noble warriors day by day we improve our weapons and our armor and now we reject the unpredictable elements and embrace true power power that our warlocks control they wield it without groveling or begging to anyone or anything this is liberation this is strength we are of one purpose wipe the draenei from our lands they will be unable to resist this tide of warriors and warlocks we are their worst nightmare to battle for the horde and the crowd went mental durotan and drakka didn't hang around much longer after that they'd bog it off because they were both disgusted but the shaman remained behind for several days for training and when they returned durotan could see that they stood taller and prouder already this new magic had given them all back their faith in themselves and for that durotan was grateful he loved his clan they were good peeps it had been difficult seeing them broken and disheartened the frostwolf warlocks practiced their skills on beasts at first joining hunting parties the attacked creatures seemed to suffer just as much agony as the draenor prisoner had which durotan wasn't a big fan of but after a while the creatures seemed to suffer less they were in just as much pain but the warlocks had leveled up a bit killing faster and more efficiently scrolls arrived at the frostwolf encampment almost daily as well blackham was obviously having a whale of a time as warchief durotan had to admit though receiving regular updates about things was appreciated but one day someone other than a courier arrived at the frostwolf camp juritan recognized their garb as one of blackhand's personal warlocks curcule chieftain a word with you from the warchief durotan nodded and motioned kirkul to follow him and they walked for a bit until joritan felt certain they would not be overheard what is it the black gun sends one of his most important warlocks to me i'm riding to all of the clans the tone of kirkul's voice said it all the frost wolves were not being particularly honored know your place peasant the most important factor in our eventual and glorious victory over the draenei is numbers there are few we are many but we need to be more so what is it blackhand wants shall we leave off fighting for mating start pumping out more soldiers not leave off fighting but yes encourage your warriors to procreate you will receive accolades for each child that is born to your clan that will help but we need more warriors right now not six years from now durotan stared in stunned silence he'd actually been joking what the bloody hour was going on summon all your younglings i don't understand some of them for what kakul's side as if gerotan himself was just a foolish child i have the ability to accentuate their growth we will push them forward a bit if we take all the children who are between 6 and 12 now age them to 12 we will increase the numbers of warriors on the field by almost 50 percent absolutely not it's not a choice chieftain it's an order any clan that refuses will be branded traitors exiled you and your mate will be executed is that what you want again jotan stand in stunned silence although he was now quite clearly shaking with anger so you'd rob them of their childhood then for their future yes i will drain a little of their lives only six years worth they will come to no harm the blackrock children were fine blackhand insisted his two sons and daughter be the first to be honoured in return your young ones will be able to fight for the glory of the horde now they could make a difference durotan wasn't in the least surprised black hand had permitted this to be done to his own children and not for the first time durotan was kind of glad he didn't have any the only saving grace was that there were only a few kids in the frostwolf clan five between the ages of six and twelve still felt like five too many but what choice did he have do what you must do for the horde i said for the horde the next thing that happened was barbaric cocoon cast a spell on the five frostwolf children it took everything indirotan to force himself to remain impassive as the kids writhed in pain bones were stretched muscles burst in a natural growth and yet the expression on kakul's face was ecstatic he bloody loved it for an awful moment durotan found himself wondering if the warlock was going to stop at 12 or just carry on until the children were shriveled husks but thankfully he did stop and the orcs who mere moments ago with small children now stood there like all right mortgages tax returns and stuff and durotan turned to cool you've done what you came to do now off what chieftain you can't talk to me like i said off durotan then shoved kakul hard and the warlock went tumbling backwards blackhand will not be pleased to hear of this and the frostwolf chieftain knew any words that came out of his mouth would doom his clan so he just walked off for a while after that event no further requests had come to the frostwolf clan durotan had been both relieved but also concerned about that and his concerns were absolutely justified with the arrival of a new missive old friend i'm sure it comes as no surprise that you're being watched they will set a task for you one that they know you can complete you must do it mate don't refuse there was no signature but durotan knew it was allgrin's handwriting he'd taken quite the risk sending this but his friend's warning had arrived just in time because that afternoon another courier arrived handed durotan a message and then just kind of stared at him uh thanks i've been instructed to wait for a reply so georgetown went ahead and read yet another letter you have now had time to see the skills of our newly trained warlocks in action it is time to take the attack to our enemies the draenei city of telmor is close to your borders orgrim has told me that as boys the two of you entered that city and you saw the secret of how the draenei keep themselves unseen orgrim also tells me that your memory is excellent and you will no doubt remember how to expose the city for an assault i'm sure i don't have to tell you what destroying this city would mean to the horde and to the frostwolf clan reply to this letter immediately so we can begin preparations for the ward durotan was bloody furious how could orgrim reveal such information and put durotan on the spot like that but his anger subsided somewhat when he realized this information the way the city was hidden durotan's uncanny memory that could have been dropped in conversation at any point over the last god knows how many years it wasn't necessarily so much that orgrim had sold him out it was more likely that blackhand was just intelligent enough to pick up these little nuggets of information and store them away for future use the threat in the letter was pretty blatant if jorathan agreed he'd prove his loyalty if he refused probably wouldn't end so well so once again durotan made the only decision he could possibly make i accept for the horde the warchief will be pleased i was told to give you the following the courier then reached into their little man purse pulled out a sack and handed it to durotan your warriors and your warlocks will need to train with these durotan immediately recognized the contents of the sack the crystals he'd taken from velen ironic he was now expected to use them against the very people he'd taken them from in the first place a few days later the war party gathered at the frostwolf encampment most of the warlocks and warriors were from the blackrock clan but there were a few warsongs and some shattered hand the mistrust and contempt from these visitors towards the frostwolves was pretty obvious and durotan knew it was no accident that they were all from the most marshall clans they were there to make sure the frost wolves didn't do anything stupid by daybreak a small army of orcs were on the move with durotan and orgrim up front riding side by side been a long time since we passed this way i'm not even sure we're going the right way this forest has changed rome i remember the way soon enough durotan brought his wolf to a halt and dismounted it was definitely around here somewhere he couldn't help but hope that the draenei had remembered that they'd exposed their secret all those years ago and maybe changed their weird magical crystals hiding place but as he knelt down in the place that restaurant had done so many years ago there it was there was no turning back now we found it everyone get into position the stone was really calming to hold it was almost as if it was comforting jorotan despite what was about to happen durotan then took a deep breath and recalled the words that rest alone had spoken and the grand illusion veiling the city of telmor faded away durotan quickly shoved the city veiling crystal into his pack alongside the red and yellow ones mounted and rode with grim determination although he'd made a private vow to himself that he was not going to attack an unarmed foe or child this was still very much a kill or be killed situation especially since the orcish war party had wasted no time entering the city and already sliced their way through several peeps durotan couldn't help but wonder how the city of telmor had received no advanced warning of the orcs approach they had scalps after all one could only assume that they were complacent that they'd never even considered the possibility that someone could breach their super complicated like manipulating magic but even though the orcs may have caught them unawares to begin with it didn't take long for the city guards of telmor to counter-attack in fact durotan turned in his saddle barely in time to deflect a sudden blow from a sword and once again he was filled with shock as he recognized his attacker and restaurant recognized him too but he didn't give a this time all deaths between them were paid so he immediately grabbed durotan yanked him off his wolf and threw him to the ground and then raised his sword luckily or unluckily depending on how you want to look at it durotan's wolf knight stalker was trained almost as well as durotan himself the beast world towards wrestling the moment it felt its rider's absence bit down hard on the draenei's arm and that little distraction allowed durotan to regain his bearings swing his axe as hard as he could and slam it right into restylane's midsection and just to rub salt in the wound knight stalker went ahead and ripped the drama's arm off because why not and the captain of the guards of telmor was now the captain of the guards of no more majority did not permit himself regret he just got back on night stalker and sought out his next target there was still draenei aplenty to slaughter the rage boiling inside him felt kinda good his senses were heightened the eye was filled with cries of bloodlust of fear and terror the sounds of battle and the smells of blood and piss and poop georgetown then sensed his next target because they were suddenly right next to him so he bellowed his clan's war cry raised his axe and turned to face them only to see a child screaming in fury as she tore with bare hands at his armored leg but durotan halted his axe mid-swing he'd vowed to not harm a child that was not the code that was not the way of the orcs but a lot of good that did because the shattered hand orc then impaled the child with a spear from behind and tossed her body aside as if it were nothing you owe me one frostwolf and then he was gone presumably to murder a whole bunch more children durotan threw his head back and cried mainly he cried out to the ancestors but also he just full-blown cried the next few hours played out pretty much as you'd expect them to draenei was slaughtered the streets were caked in blue blood the city had fallen durotan approached the largest building the magister's house the place where he and orgrim had eaten dinner with the prophet not much of a prophet if he'd not foreseen this black moment juratan thought night stalker just kind of wandered off up the steps and georgetown was kind of curious himself so he moved forward as georgetown entered the magista seat and peered through the many doorways in the corridor we saw ransacked rooms some empty some crammed full of adult orc warriors absolutely trashing the place enough but no one listened orcs continued to just punch holes in walls for the pleasure of it and throw fruit around for no reason enough this time orgrim heard his friend and halted his warriors a warsong representative came to his senses and calmed his peeps as well and drexthar managed to soothe the warlocks listen we've taken the city it's no time to take what we need from it the orcs were indeed listening now finally first we attend to the injured we will not leave our brethren to suffer in the streets gilt flashed across a number of faces and joritam realized with disgust that many of these warriors had completely lost all empathy for their own people completely forgotten that there were still orcs writhing in pain outside whilst they'd been enjoying pissing in plant pots and stuff but he pushed his feelings down and nodded to drachthar warlocks don't have healing spells but they had once been shaman they at least knew how to tend to wounds in a more mundane fashion subjects our motion to the other cast isn't they hurried outside next the city has supplies the likes of which we've never seen as food weapons armor other things we don't even understand things that will serve the horde in its question jortan couldn't even bring himself to finish that sentence in its quest to wipe out the draenei in its quest we're an army an army marches on its stomach we need to be well fed well watered healed rested protected augur you take a group and start at this end go thought you take a group and head back to the gates work your way up the main road until you meet orgrim's group and anyone who has any healing knowledge report to drexar and do exactly what he tells you to do what should we do if we find any draenei still alive it was a good question what indeed the orcs did not have any kind of infrastructure to take care of prisoners hell the only purpose of a prisoner would be for negotiation so there wasn't really much point in the horde taking any their entire goal was total extermination of the draenei kill them kill them all and so the orcs went ahead and did those things and durotan found himself wishing that nightstalker had not been so quick to protect him if wrestling had won in that battle he never would have had to say the words that he just uttered that was an excellent test kil'jaeden looked very happy kil'jaeden looked very happy indeed and gul'dan passed in his master's approval whilst nazar just kind of stood there eyes down to the floor but he was listening i confess i was surprised by jorathan i expected him to resist but the city lies claimed and broken all the draenei who once lived there are gone most of them dead most is not good enough go down flinch slightly at the criticism i think we can all relate to knowing that one person who was never bloody satisfied and once again gul'dan wondered about the connection between kil'jaeden and the draenei and why his master despised them so much it was our first attempt to taking the battle to them rather than attacking lone hunting parties great one all things considered i think we did okay true enough and there is yet time during the several days since the attack on telmor gudan had offered the fallen city to durotan it was my impressed with the job the frostwolf had done pleased with his leadership qualities but durotan had declined the offer stating that the frost wolves would continue to live in their ancestral lands so the black rocks took it instead and it wasn't long before they were sitting in chairs eating at tables using cutlery and sleeping in lavish beds and stuff they trained with draenei weaponry adopted draenei armor they even started wearing leftover draenei clothing as casual wear and pajamas gurda knew that there were many who wondered why neither he nor nazal had taken the city for themselves gul'dan had been tempted to do so but kil'jaeden had advised him not to the less gul'dan claimed for himself publicly the greater his reach and influence would be by all appearances gul'dan was advancing the orcs as a race giving them power and eliminating their enemy but it wasn't about the orcs as a race it had never been about the orcs as a race it was about power getting it wielding it and keeping it all didn't get it blackhand didn't get it either none of them grasped the vastness of gul'dan's ambitions gul'dan then glanced over to nazal with contempt sat huddled in the corner what a loser and gul'dan then turned back to kill jaden who nodded you have names in mind for your shadow council yes summon them they will come when you call and they will dance to your tune i will see to that over the following year the big brain orcs got to work on understanding draenei technology building began on a central fortress which gul'dan called the citadel it was a place where a standing army could be conveniently courted trained and equipped etc every orc had been given a role he had warriors he had warlocks he had healers and he had crafters all equally important in their own way although some did consider the craft as a lower class of awk but even though every member of every clan was working as hard as they could and gul'dan had spies in each clan to make sure of it all of these advancements were still not enough the taking of taumor had been largely down to luck the draenei had felt completely and utterly protected by the magic of the green crystal but they weren't going to make that same mistake twice no gul'dan knew that the horde we're going to need allies bogus yes no come now blackhand calm yourself and listen to what i am saying you will be the one to benefit most from this after all that got him black hand grunted but seemed to visibly calm down they are filth gul'dan they've been our enemies longer than the draenei and with better reason how is it that i will benefit there are some that still mutter that you were not elected fairly if you succeed in this it will add more glory to your name perhaps but will the orcs even agree to this they will if we tell them to sometime later orgrim shifted uneasily instead of his leader not only had he been involved in countless hunting parties to eliminate the ogre threat but he also had a kind of personal reason to hate them he never quite got over the fact that he'd run away from one all those years ago but orgrim knew his leader was a good strategist the plan was sound if you could detach yourself emotionally from it the black rocks had captured three ogres and eventually after several days of explaining everything slowly and repeatedly made friends with them but now here they were standing just outside a huge ogre settlement and by they i mean blackhand his sons rendon main the three ogres orgrim and a small army of nameless blackrock orcs orgrim again looks at his leader was he gonna make a speech pogrom hoped no blackhand was good at fighting not words and to his relief blackhand did not make a speech he just looked at his sea of warriors nodded and then the attack got started initially the ogres were kind of confused by the sight of three of their own charging towards them with an army of orcs but the complete morons eventually began to comprehend that they were under attack and then they rallied hold hold and so the blackrock warriors stayed their hands and then retreated a little bit so that the dumbass ogres could catch up with what was going on orgrim then watched as the three ogres the black rocks had befriended started talking to their own kind and couldn't help but wonder why this planet involved them all rushing in rather than just sending the three ogres in in the first place can't wait till we can kill them again if we succeed they'll be fighting alongside us you won't be allowed to kill them [Music] right kill them on the sly several are dead already trying to make this plan of your father's work he wouldn't like you undermining his efforts who's gonna tell him i will if this works and they listen to us if any of them turn up dead yours is the first name i'll mention rend glad orgrim it was probably just childish petulance but orgrim couldn't help but feel a sense of unease they didn't like blackhand's sons there was a darkness in them if the day ever came that they started using their brains as well as their muscles rend and mame would be even more dangerous and deadly than their father child you wouldn't listen brend old man's forgotten what it's like to have balls let's go and off they went although rend did throw one final sneer or orgrim the black hand then appeared and indicated that he and orgrim should approach the ogres to find out how the negotiations were going we know like grunt they hurt us orgrim felt no sense of pity for the creatures served them right what you give us if we join you well for one thing we won't kill you you'll have food shelter and the delight of smashing draenei into small wet stains on the grass an ogre then started literally jumping up and down excitedly black hand just kind of patiently waited for the ogre to finish whatever it was bloody doing so are we in agreement no more hurting your vogus what is your name crow troll then when do you think we should lead our combined assault no before orgrim or blackhand could say anything the yoga captain bellowed a whole bunch of noise and the entire ogre encampment started collectively jumping up and down blackhand looked at orgrim as if to say what the hell are they doing an orgrim just kind of shrugged he then pulled out a clefthoof horn and blew on it and heard blackhand's army cheer in the distance things were now moving so quickly that orgrim could only hope the blackrock warriors remembered the rest of the plan soon they would be slaughtering ogres of plenty but they are damned well better be killing the right ogres because if they didn't if they gave these ogres any reason to question this sudden and weird alliance things were probably not going to end well for the blackrock clan an orgrim did not feel all that optimistic to be honest the blackrock clan had always been fierce in the hunt but recently there was a sort of manic fury that had begun to creep through the clan not to mention the weird green tinge that had started to appear on some of the orc's skin but that was probably nothing to worry about durotan lifted his head and sniffed there was a scent in the air one he couldn't quite place kind of like something was burning but it wasn't that once upon a time he could have turned to drakthar and asked him what the smell was and drakthara could have used his shaman powers to ask the air for information and details but not anymore not now that drexar and the others were warlocks it hadn't rained for a while and this summer seemed hotter than usual in fact it was the second summer in a row where there'd been hardly any rain and durotan constantly found himself walking around with swamp ass on a whim the frostwolf chieftain dug his fingers into the soil beneath him and found that it was sandy and dusty it wasn't the fertile soil he was used to nothing was gonna grow in this tracker then approached and gave durotan a big old hug and they stood like that for a bit before she released him never relied that much on what we could grow anyway we've depended on what we could hunt mostly but the animals we hunt survive on what the earth provides they're all connected the shaman knew that one of the younger warlocks hurried past and draco fell silent the little thing then turned to look at dracker and smiled showing a mouthful of pointed nasty teeth jacker couldn't help but shudder i received another letter we must all prepare for a long march we have to leave our lands you want me black hands orders he's relocated to this new citadel and he wants his army there with him it's no longer enough for us to join together to attack now we must all live together and be ready to follow wherever black hand leads us trackers stared at him incredulously before quickly reading the scroll itself guess we'd better prepare them and then she walked off and as juritan watched her leave his heart ached once again as the frost wolves observed the citadel for the first time they were stopped dead in their tracks and whilst many around him murmured things like look at the size of it and it's bloody impressive that is durotan found himself thinking that is a bloody eyesore and out of harmony with everything we are the design of the citadel almost seemed alien there was nothing orcish about it drucker and joritan then exchanged to silent glance well they're the only ones left who saw this for the monstrosity it truly was but the frostwolf clan continued forward and proximity to the fortress did nothing to make it seem more attractive more buildings came into view and they too looked dark and ugly members of the blackrock clan greeted the frostwolves and directed them to the designated part of the complex so they began setting up tents and stuff and when dusk came durotan received a summons for he and a number of his clan to head to the courtyard and so they did they heard the drums first causing durotan to tense up a bit they'd been specifically instructed not to bring any weapons and that was about all they'd been told so things were starting to feel a bit ominous the drums came closer and the earth beneath jorahn's feet started to vibrate which was also a little bit concerning however two blackrock riders then came into view looking really pleased with themselves do not fear proud members of the horde our new allies brought into our ranks by the mighty blackhand are approaching welcome them the new allies then appeared and juritan's jaw dropped ogres what the hell we will crush the draenei crush crush crush for a sick dizzying moment durotan was bought a child again fleeing from such a monster and the next thing durotan saw in his mind's eye was his father smashed and broken orcs were now fighting alongside monstrous feeble-brained creatures in an effort to destroy an intelligent peaceful race world had gone mad durotan thought life doesn't make any sense anymore meanwhile velen shuddered his assistant attempted to offer him a nice soothing brew but he waved it away a beverage wasn't going to come for him telmor had fallen and with the city his dear friend restellan and that news was only made more painful by the revelation of how it had happened velen had truly believed there was something special about juratan and the fact that the frostwolf chieftain had let him go rather than hand him over to nazal that only served to confirm his faith but it turns out joritan's an he and orgrim were the only two orcs that had ever witnessed how the greenstone protected the city couldn't possibly have been anyone else there was even worse news about the attack as well only a handful had escaped and fled to the temple of caribou and they did not bring word of simple bows and arrows of spears and axes they also spoke in hushed voices of greenish bolts of terrible pain of torment beyond anything imaginable of little creatures jibbering at the feet of those who wielded this magic they spoke of minari this at least helped velen to finally understand what the balls was going on the abrupt attacks from the orcs their advancements of technology and skill the fact that they turned their backs on their own religion was just like back home the orcs were nothing more than pawns being used by kil'jaeden in his endless pursuit of the exiled ones if this had happened anywhere else the response would have been pretty straightforward vellum would gather his people and they would run away but that wasn't going to be possible the ship had crashed corey was dying and they liked it here this was their home now however that didn't stop vellum from grasping his favorite purple crystal and desperately pleading for guidance from the dying naaru gorey old friend i miss your wisdom gordan looked around the room and felt really proud of himself everything was going as planned his shadow council had been formed and gul'dan felt pretty confident that he'd chosen well they were all eager to turn their backs on their own people and blackham was still foolishly under the impression that he was part of it despite the fact that the real meetings always took place after he'd been dismissed greetings how are the various clans reacting to the idea of ogres as allies cargath let's start with you they are primed for bloodshed they don't care who helps them slit on our throats open laughter filled the room as many of the council nodded in agreement i have heard protests from some in the white claw clan and joratan of the frost wolves still bears watching do not fear i've had durotan in mind for some time why has he not been eliminated it'd be easy to replace him with another more in line with our plans he's constantly disagreeing with everything that is precisely why i still need him alive he is known for a more moderate stance when he does finally go along anyone else who might have had doubts goes with him but what if there comes a time when he does not agree a line he's not willing to cross then we will deal with him in a way that best advances our power without placing it at risk as we always do go down then lean forward as if to say now it's time for the real business speaking of those who have reservations i have heard that there are some who continue to try and contact the elements and the ancestors one of the members of the council shifted on easily i've tried to dissuade them but i don't see how i can punish them for it it was the belief that the ancestors wanted us to attack the draenei that made this whole thing possible in the first place that is the bait that hooked them but that is no longer necessary we must make sure that there is no turning back we've been lucky in our campaign and with the ogres success is likely to continue but if there are any setbacks any battles that go poorly than those who still hold shamanism close to their hearts may find an appreciative ear it would be unfortunate if for some reason the ancestors were actually able to communicate with their descendants gordon then glanced at nazal it had only been when that loser had traveled to the sacred mountain that he'd learned the truth the illusion had fooled even him a very powerful shaman right up until that point so therefore the answer seemed pretty simple seal the goddamn mountain and be done with it i don't understand drac tower had bought one of the youngest of the frost wolf warlocks called goon to durotan because the boy had some questions what is wrong with hoping the elements will one day work with us again and why can i not go to oshagoon the durotan didn't really have any answers to those questions gul'dan had recently made a declaration no one must ever practice the shamanic arts again or else the order had seemingly come out of nowhere and joritan himself wondered why gul'dan had given it in this time of crisis and need and because durotan had no answers for the boy he grew kind of angry in order to triumph over the draenei our warchief has made certain allies these allies have given us the warlock powers you control don't lie kid i know you're pleased with the results first the boy said nothing and jurors hadn't frowned as he noticed the state of the kid's skin maybe it was the heat the harsh climate for the past two years but the boy's flash was dry and flaky goon then absolutely scratched it apache rough skin revealing a new layer beneath it which was green and durotan nearly himself he had no idea what it meant but it was weird and he instinctively hated it and the boy completely oblivious to all of this then finally answered his chieftain pleased with the efficiency but not with how it's efficient feels wrong killing is killing i suppose the elements used to give me powers that made my foes just as dead but i never felt this way about their powers we're in this war because the ancestors told us we needed to kill the draenor so why is gul'dan now saying we can't go talk to them something inside juratan then snapped he grabbed the young warlock shirt and brought their face to within an inch of his own it doesn't matter i will do what is best for the frostwolves and now that means doing what gul'dan and black ant tell us to do you will obey this new order goon stared up at him with disbelief durotan's fury immediately turned to sorrow i won't be able to protect you if you don't [Music] i understand my chieftain i will not bring dishonor upon the frostwolf clan the young warlock then stepped back bowed and departed leaving durotan alone and conflicted a single youth was not going to change the way things were unfolding not even a single chieftain could do that the next target of the horde was a sacred site fresh on the heels of the proclamation banning shamanism was the order to march on a place the draenei called the temple of karabor although it lay within shadow moon valley the ancestral lands of nazar's clan no oak had ever seen it before it was a sacred place and as such the orcs had always avoided it out of respect but not anymore now blackhand stood before his assembled army and ranted against the so-called spirituality of the draenei the cities we've taken so far were mere practice one day soon their capital will be destroyed but before we shatter their most important city we will shatter them as a people we will storm this site smash their statues slaughter their spiritual leaders they will lose heart and then claiming shattrath will be as easy as killing a blind wolf pup durotan stood armed alongside all the other warriors glanced over to orgrim as always his friend was at blackhand's side he'd become a master but keeping his face impassive but durotan once again saw through it they both knew what this meant this was velen's home they may very well slay him this day if he's in there it was hard enough killing restaurant durotan would have prayed right there and then that he would not be the one forced to kill velen too but there was no one to pray to anymore six hours later durotan stood atop the stairs to the great seat of the temple and he was almost choking on the smells in the air the now familiar reek of draenei blood piss poo and fear and then it got too much for him and the frostwolf chieftain threw up and as he wiped his mouth afterwards harsh laughed agreed to disease that's the spirit that's all they deserve now vomit and spit yeah i'll vomit and spit mane kicked the corpse of a nearby priest and spat on it and durotan tried to turn away in disgust but there was nowhere to turn everywhere he looked he could see orcs defiling corpses looting them pissing on them etc is this what they become murderers thieves people who pissed on corpses they have taken the temple but they have not found me my prize felon must have known somehow he is called prophet after all yes you were right if he were easy and stupid prey i would have found him a long time ago that gul'dan began to breathe again it was always a little bit frightening when kil'jaeden was in one of his moods with their temple taken for our purposes great one surely those that remain have all fled to the city they will be there he will be there thinking himself safe but he's trapped now indeed the temple shall be yours cool down black hand is already happily ensconced within the citadel but before you order your little puppets to attack shattrath i have another little gift for them there's all watched gul'dan beneath half-closed eyelids as the wrote letter after letter they must have been important letters normally gul'dan would have had somebody else do all of this work the shadow council had relocated to the temple the bodies had been removed dark ominous decorations had been put up and the entire structure had been renamed the black temple now it played host to lies and traitors and as all definitely included himself in that description eventually gul'dan finished writing put his pen down and looked at his former master with thinly veiled disgust address them and take them to the couriers quickly those all nodded his head he wasn't going to bow not for and gul'dan who either hadn't noticed the slight or just wasn't bothered by it walked off but nazal now alone took this opportunity to read the letters gul'dan had been writing there was nothing contained within that nazal did not already know but that didn't stop the words from sickening him he felt utterly impotent powerless or at least he did right up until he noticed the unused pieces of parchment inkwell and pen right there on the table kil'jaeden had taken nazal's power away from him but not his will so with trembling fingers he took another piece of parchment and scribbled a brief message back to joritan who was getting increasingly fed up with the constant orders to march they never got to just sit down anymore it was just battle repair armor eat quality meat and then back to battle again so when this latest courier rolled up durotan just kind of sighed and snatched the missive off them but this particular missive was some next level jury tam was visibly sweating and trembling by the time he finished reading it so he immediately hurried to drucker who was the only person in the world he dared share this kind of information with who else knows of this only you will you tell audrey no i dare not he's oath bound to tell blackhand maybe blackhand already knows about this i have no idea who knows what i only know that i must protect my people and i will do so draco then looked at your tan long and hard if we as an entire clan do not do this thing we will attract attention you risk punishment maybe even exile or death any one of those things is better than what will happen if we obey i will not give my clan over to this tracker's eyes then filled with tears and she grabbed jorathan's arm that is why i became your mate i'm so proud of you i too i'm proud that i can name jortan and drakka as my parents i am proud of their courage but at the same time i wish there had been more they could do but i offer no judgment on any save a handful of mate just get on with it you've been telling the story for three months now gul'dan was so excited he could barely contain himself he'd been waiting for this ever since kil'jaeden had first spoken of it the glorious being had delayed the giving of this new gift a little bit informing gul'dan that timing is everything and the same blow delivered too early or too late does not kill only wounds which was an odd choice of metaphor but probably nothing to worry about but the day was now nearly upon them now gul'dan and nazal stood in the courtyard of the black temple beside an empty pool waiting in anticipation but for several hours they just stood there enough to silence like complete lemons for a moment gul'dan wondered if he'd done something to piss kill jaden off which caused him to start sweating a little bit but then as he glanced at us all the thought that perhaps tonight would be the night that the defiant shaman would finally be slain popped into gul'dan's head and that cheered him up a bit a sudden loud crack of thunder then made both gul'dan and nazal gasp aloud and as they looked up they saw a black emptiness in the sky and then he cracked open sending something bright and blazing plummeting down towards the earth directly in front of them knocking gul'dan right on his ass behold my lieutenant manoroth on other worlds they call him the destructor but here he is the savior pull down you know what i am offering your people yes udan knew well what kil'jaeden was offering power beyond imagining plus slavery for eternity but gul'dan did not give a single about the slavery part he had no scruples all he cared about was the power i do know great one i know and i accept my lord's most generous offer excellent you are wiser than your predecessor guden turned in azul to gloat but the elder shaman just stared back at him looking pretty much the opposite of impressed only this special blade can do what i ask of you gul'dan it was forged in the fires of the mountain in the distance my servants have worked long and hard to craft it you know what to do mannoroth the creature nodded its huge head and then extended an arm turning its hand upward to expose a soft fleshy bit on its wrist and for a split second gul'dan hesitated what if this was a test what if kil'jaeden actually didn't want gul'dan to do the thing he told him to do what if nazal had been right uldan manorath is known for many things but patience is not one of them the giant beast then growled slightly i am eager to see what will happen do it so gul'dan swallowed hard lifted the blade and then stabbed manorath's fleshy wrist and got some flying backwards from the sheer force of manorath's bellow of pain liquid fire spouted from the wound glowing a sickly green as it pumped into the empty pool the injury was actually tiny compared to the vastness of the beast's body like a pin prick but the blood flowed steadily behold the blood of the destructor it burns away all that will not serve you it cleanses all thoughts of hesitation confusion or uncertainty it creates a hunger that can be directed any way you choose your little puppet thinks he rules the horde but he is wrong the shadow council think they rule the horde but they are wrong it will soon be you gul'dan who rules the horde the orcs are ready they thirst for what you will give them call them to you as the now familiar horns sounded summoning the horde to the courtyard drucker and durotan rose without a word and began to dress the tracker then glanced to durotan and inhaled swiftly as if something had startled her what is it your skin duration time stand at his bare chest to see his skin was dry and flaky and as he scratched at it he saw the same green tint he'd seen on goon's skin not so long ago it's just the light the draco knew that was she lifted her own arm and scratched revealing she too was going green what is happening to us but durotan had no answer sorry just continued getting dressed and ignored the question soon enough the frostwolf chieftain joined the amassed crowd of orcs within the courtyard of the citadel an announcement had been made the previous day about this assembly but they hadn't mentioned the reason for it probably just chosen the horde's next target or something we have a long march ahead of us warriors your weapons must be ready and your arm is sound healers have your ointments potions and bandages at hand but before we march to war we will march to glory blackham pointed off to the distance towards a sullen mountain that is our first destination we will stand on the mountain and what happens there will be remembered for a thousand years it will begin a time in which the orcs will know power that we have never before tasted the crowd moment duration tensed so today was the day well that sucks upon arriving at the mountain durotan was surprised to see that it was not blackhand who now addressed the crowd but gul'dan instead it was not so long ago that we were a scattered people we came together only twice a year to sing and dance but now look at us we stand shoulder to shoulder gland by clan all under the strong insightful leadership provided by black hand let's give him a round of applause shall we the crowd cheered yelling for black hand and stuff however durotan and drakka did not participate under his shrewd guidance and with the blessings of the beings who have chosen to ally with us we have grown strong we have grown proud we've advanced further in skill and technology in the last two years than we have in the last two centuries the threat that once loomed over us has been broken and it will take only one final push to see it forever crushed but first we will pledge ourselves to this course and receive blessings in return gudan then held up a strange chalice it looked to be carved from the horn of some alien creature or something this is the cup of unity this is the chalice of rebirth i offer this to every leader of every clan he in turn may offer it to anyone within his clan that he deems worthy who will come forth first to pledge his loyalty and receive these blessings gul'dan immediately glanced a black hand who was grinning like a smug idiot but before the war chief could open his mouth to volunteer another voice yelled out from the crowd and georgetown thought to himself no not that guy never want to seize the moment dear grommash blackhand looked extremely pissed off but gul'dan went ahead and handed the cup filled with swirling green liquid to hellscream and grom didn't hesitate he brought the cup to his lips and drank deeply and then fell on his ass worried whispers rose from the crowd durotan stead horrified stromash's body pulsated and quivered the warsong's shoulders then broadened and his body grew and then he got to his feet taller than he'd ever been more muscly than he'd ever been and completely green-skinned grommash then threw his head back and shrieked a cry louder than georgetown had ever heard before it was absolutely terrifying how do you feel grommash hellscream i feel magnificent give me dread i flesh to tear and rip did i blood on my face i will drink it down until i can hold no more warthogs come forth not on one of you when we denied this ecstasy the wilson warriors then rushed forward all eager to have what he was having each one shuddered for a moment in deep pain before transforming into a hulking green maniac blackhand who looked grumpier with each warsong that received the blessing before him then demanded that he drink next and so he did and then it was mayman wren's turn then his daughter griselda stepped forward only for blackhand to turn to her and say no not you it was ironic really blackhand's intent was to shame his daughter but he'd unwittingly given her the greatest gift come friend orgrim drink my chieftain i will not take that glory from you i am your second not chieftain i do not wish to take your position from you durotan then sagged with relief thank god for that the other clan chieftains then lined up anxious for the blessing but durotan did not move so drexel leaned in my chieftain do you not wish the blessing no or will i permit any of my client to drink but durotan it's obvious that this drink grants great power and passion you'd be a full not to drink it i would be a fool if i did durotan thought back to the words prophet velen had once said we chose not to sell our people into slavery and for that we were exiled history was repeating itself but now it was jorathan who defied his leaders for the sake of his people perhaps he in his clan would also soon be called exiled once but that line of thought was then interrupted when joritam realized every other chieftain had now drunk from the chalice crowd of orcs now stared in durotan's direction expectantly the moment he'd been dreading was now upon him mighty juratan hero of telmor come drink your fill from the chalice no gul'dan i will not do so gordan's eye kind of twitched you refuse do you think you are better than the others do you think you do not need the blessing it is my choice perhaps others in your clan feel differently will you let them drink no i am the chieftain of the frostwolf clan and this is what i choose go down then stepped down from his little pedestal and stroked towards durotan and then leaned in and whispered in the chieftain's ear what do you know and how do you know it i know enough and you will never discover how i learned it with that godan pulled back and forced a smile it is indeed your choice durotan son of gerard and if you choose to deny yourself such a blessing then you must bear the consequences the words were double-edged but durotan didn't care he'd made his choice gurdan then returned to his pedestal and addressed the rest of the crowd all who deserve the blessing of the mighty kil'jaeden have now received it think of this place as hallowed ground think of this mighty mountain as the throne of kil'jaeden where he sits and watches and blesses us gul'dan then looked to blackhand as if to say that's my part done now make a speech or something so blackhand did tonight we attacked the last remaining stronghold of our enemy we will tear limbs from bodies we will bathe in blood we will storm through the streets of their capital like their worst nightmare blood and thunder victory to the horde we have to abandon the city have it standing empty when the orcs descend then the lust that consumes the orcs will not even be sated temporarily they will catch our scent and track us down those who flee will die they must believe that they have slain most of us and in order for them to believe that it must be true velen stared at lara here in horror you would have me send my people to knowingly be slaughtered all but a handful of us know what we fled on argus we remember it we remember what kil'jaeden did we would we will happily die to preserve even a handful of our race uncorrupted if the orcs believe they have slain us kil'jaeden will be satisfied he will depart and the orcs will suffer greatly i know they will and i have no doubt that they will continue to track us down but the methods they use to track a few dozen of us will be different than a few hundred it is to our advantage to appear as scattered and helpless as possible it is easy for you to speak so but the decision is not yours larry here it is mine i must be the one to say you you and your family will come with me and live but you and you and you you must stay behind and let demon crazed orcs take it to pieces the army of orcs charged down the trail burning with the desire to destroy anything and everything some of them even punched rocks as they passed them because why not rocks and during that charge durotan was more afraid of his own people but he was the prospect of whatever awaited them inside shattrath he was cold with sweat and shaken in his boots but he wasn't afraid for his own safety he was afraid of the future what comes after this because it was highly unlikely that these new green twisted orcs were just going to chill out sipping my ties once the draenei were gone the orcish army continued to race forward right up until they were about a mile outside the city they'd been ordered to assemble in a clearing but they've been told that the horde's war engines would be waiting for them and they weren't so for a moment the entire army just kind of stood around looking really confused but something then suddenly materialized in front of them out of thin air something three times taller than the tallest ogre crimson red with cloven hooves and as durotan observed it he immediately recognized it as a gigantic draenei and it was in this moment that the frostwolf chieftain realized the orcs had been plunged into a personal conflict that never had anything to do with them you have nothing to fear and everything to celebrate you who have sworn your allegiance to me i am kil'jaeden the beautiful one the one who has been with you since the beginning and i am with you now as you head to the most glorious battle yet once the wicked draenei plotted against you hiding an entire city from your eyes but you have destroyed that city and others and their stupid temple all that remains is this one final battle and then the threat will be eliminated the green stone that once hit their city of telmor from you now hides their doom from them kil'jaeden then muttered those familiar hibiti gibbety words dispelling an illusion that had been shrouding dozens of catapults battering runs etc as well as a whole bunch of ogres that looked very confused about where they'd just been there is more the big red dragon eye then waved his hand causing the warlocks within the army to suddenly cry out and grasp their heads for a moment but that soon passed and then they all looked extremely pleased with themselves some new spells used them well now finish this and that was that the bloodthirsty orcs slept into motion pushing the siege weapons forward with the strength that durotan had never before seen them display but even before the machines were maneuvered into position the walls that protected shattrath were under attack enormous green glowing rocks fell from the sky and slammed into and outside the city with creatures rising from the craters that appeared to be made from the same strange green glowing stone and it didn't take long at all for the combined might of orcs ogres war machines and infernals to bring the outer walls of the city down the tide of crazed orcs then swarmed through the breach but durotan stayed where he was outside the city watching as the orcs fought and killed and died this was madness there was no strategy no attempted defense it was nothing more than murder and slaughter dealing death and receiving it in fact some of the orcs were just blindly running into dead ends where traps had been laid like complete idiots dozens if not hundreds of orcs would die this night and the city itself would be rendered unlivable absolute madness meanwhile they swarm like insects indeed it's glorious so what's next next there is no next at least not here the orcs have fulfilled their purpose they burn with your blood my friend they will consume them eventually unless they have an outlet for it and once the draenei are gone they won't have an outlet for it well probably for the best that this is over archimonde mutters that you're wasting time and our master wishes us elsewhere ah i suppose sargeras has been very patient with me shame i would have liked to have stuck around long enough to see them gut vellum oh well enough to know that it happened let us leave this place and then kil'jaeden gestured and both he and the pit lord disappeared what do you mean he was not there what i said we scoured the city but there was nowhere to be found perhaps an overeager grunt found him first mutilated the body possible even likely from what you told me even if his body had been hacked to pieces berlin could not have been mistaken for an ordinary draenei gul'dan shook his head he felt bloody sick this was not good news scoured the city i told you we did balls besotted though the orcs were by bloodlust they would not have failed to search for velen somehow that bastard had managed to escape again which meant there were probably still other draenei left out there somewhere and that thought made gul'dan panic even more how many had he left slipped through his fingers where the bloody hell were they vellum sat clutching his favorite violet crystal with tears streaming down his face he'd spoken with each of his people that he'd chosen to send to die embrace them and blessed them they'd taken items that meant something to them and promised that those things would survive and he watched as they'd marched off to enclose themselves behind a walled city and wait for slaughter and then he'd watched as the city fell and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it the only good news was that the orcs did not know about the zangermash they had not yet sniffed out this hiding place and if felon had anything to say about it they never would here they could survive here they could regroup and recover and pray that they'd finally tricked kil'jaeden the deceiver so despite everything basically being vel and the prophet still felt hope staring inside him gul'dan was so terrified and desperate at this point that advice any advice from anyone seemed like a great idea so he went ahead and turned to nazal who was the only other person in the room what do i do it's not as if you're blameless in this of course not i made choices for myself but i never threw away the future of my people for it where is the power you were promised now gul'dan the power you bartered our people for quran turned away trembling there was no power it was always right the jerk rather than rewarding his loyal servant with glories and godhood kill jayden had just buggered off leaving behind nothing but warlocks demons insane orcs and a ravaged land no this can't be it gul'dan thought there was still the shadow council there was still black hand the ideal puppet and although the horde was now infused with demon blood and were kind of mental they were not completely beyond control at least not yet land is dead orgrim stood beside joritan knowing his old friend was absolutely right there was no grass anymore no trees even the rivers had dried up the only water that remained in the land was filthy full of animal corpses and crap to drink it was to risk illness but to not drink it was to risk death more than the land is dead how was the frostwolf grain supply several barrels were stolen in the attacks which clan shuttered hand orgrim nodded the orcs were indeed turning on each other but the frostwolf clan were bearing the brunt of the attacks durotan had basically put a big target on their heads when he'd refused to drink gul'dan's green steroid gu i will bring some the next time i see you i will not take charity don't be proud friend if i were in your position you'd beat me down near senseless and shove food down my throat durotan laughed for but a moment before remembering everything was now fine for the sake of the children i will accept it frostwolf chieftain then returned his gaze to the surrounding wasteland and the citadel on the horizon the ugly fortress had gained a much more fitting darker name within recent years hellfire citadel with the entire area being renamed hellfire peninsula so it didn't really make much sense calling it a jungle anymore the orcs aren't going to last much longer audrey we're fighting each other stealing food from the mouth of children out of desperation our casters can destroy and torment but they cannot heal has anyone tried to work with the elements yeah it didn't work they were just met with stony silence and demons guard our shagoon we can find no hope there then we are indeed finished orgrim then glanced down at his doomhammer and wondered if this was what the prophecy had foretold he was the last of his line after all and he did kind of feel like he brought doom down upon his people back to gul'dan the was in his room at the black temple just about drifting off to sleep and as he did he dreamed for the first time in a long time but it didn't take long before gul'dan realized that this was no dream it was a vision stood before him was a vaguely orc shaped being clad in a long cloak but a very slender being even more so than a female orc yet gul'dan immediately sensed that it was male and that despite its small stature he was extremely powerful you are feeling adrift and alone quran simply nodded that's exactly how he was feeling killed jaden promised you power strength godhood things that your world has never even seen he abandoned me caused us to ruin our world and left us to die with it if you come from him then nay i come from one even greater i come from his master his master guden then fell on his ass as his mind was assaulted with images images of kil'jaeden and archimonde and velen back on their homeworld he saw their transformation and all the while you sensed a great presence behind it all sargeras yes the one who rules over all the one we serve you will soon understand gul'dan the destruction and oblivion are beautiful and pure that is the direction in which all things must go you can resist it and be destroyed or aided and be rewarded gul'dan was a little bit suspicious of these honeyed words after everything that had happened but it was still tempting what is being asked of me your people are dying there is nothing in this world for them to destroy there is nothing left for them to survive on so they must go elsewhere somewhere with ample food and drink and worthy pray to slaughter give them the blood they crave gul'dan that sounds like a reward not a task to which i am set it is both but it is not the only reward my master offers you have tasted power you are the greatest warlock that exists among your people but imagine if you were a god oh down like the sound of that we have a mutual foe i would see them dead you would see your people stated with slaughter and killing this is a partnership that would benefit us both indeed but i do not for one second believe that this is all you ask of me sargeras will give you all this and more but he lies imprisoned his body is trapped in an ancient tomb on a world that's not your own bring your orcs into this verdant unspoiled world defeat the denizens of this place and join me in liberating our master the view around gul'dan then shifted and he now found himself standing in a beautiful meadow with beasts he'd never seen before grazing and little pink beings as slender as the stranger frolicking and being all like it was perfect and next gul'dan found himself underwater swimming down but somehow able to breathe lurking in the darkness below he could just about make out some very old foreboding ruins and they were possibly the spookiest thing he'd ever seen release him from this prison tell me what to do gul'dan awoke suddenly this wasn't where he fallen asleep he then know it's the parchment lay beside him covered in instructions and written in his own handwriting and as he scanned it quickly he saw some words portal azeroth humans and medivh for the first time in years gul'dan smiled the first thing gul'dan did was summon his shadow council and share the words of the mysterious stranger who called himself medivh he told them about the beautiful meadow the clean water the delicious looking animals and he spoke of the beings called humans and how they'd probably put up a good fight but then overall soccer pvp gundam knew he'd be able to sell them on this and as he looked into their eyes he saw hope agreed which was exactly the sort of hope and greed he was looking for and so the work began initially gordan had blackhand send out decrees to all the clans they were to submit their finest warriors for controlled one-on-one or small-party fights in public display the winners of which would receive food from the losing clan and pure water as well as honor and fame and the glory of not being filthy casual noobs i would redirect the attention of the starving horde and give the orcs a bit of an outlet for their bloodlust for the time being meanwhile instructions continued to arrive via visions from medivh and he was very clear about what needed to be done a portal between two worlds medivh would use his magics to create one on his side whilst the shadow council and the warlocks would create one on drama this was not something that could be done in secret though because the portal needed to be massive but that wasn't an issue constructing the platform and framework of this huge portal would give the horde yet another thing to focus on i don't understand why you're pissed off both orgrim and durotan stood and looked over the construction site of the dark portal there were orcs everywhere their green skin glistening with sweat underneath the sun that scorched the land this is not better than having them ride into your camp and slaughter your clansmen yeah in a way but we still don't know what this is a portal to does it matter look around joritan we know what this is a portal from i suppose you're right i've been meaning to ask why did you refuse to draft called dan offered why did you there was something not right i didn't like what i saw it doing to the others durotan then shrugged hoping his friend would not press the point further and you had the same insight i did durotan didn't see any point in revealing what he knew he'd managed to protect his people from the horrors of drinking demon blood he deserted himself to go down and so far there'd been no repercussions for that so there was no need to dwell on it i fight today will you be there i know you do this not for glory but for your clan you fight to win them food and water and i will not show my face at these displays orcs should not be fighting orcs not even in ritualized combat you've not changed eurotan still ever afraid of me defeating you [Music] you wish sometime later with construction nearly complete on the dark portal a ring of warlocks stood guard to make sure there were no curious onlooker witnesses to the process while several stone masons carved the final seal into the portal's base and as soon as they finished it they were straight up murdered but even informed gul'dan that the blood of those that created the seal would prime it and gul'dan had no reason to doubt his new allies wisdom the warlock then turned to his former mentor you and your clan will be among those staying behind yeah so i assumed for a second gul'dan thought he caught a faint glimmer of something in nazal's eyes but figured it was probably nothing to worry about at dawn the army of orcs were ordered to make their way down the path that led from hellfire citadel to the portal and to their future but as zuritan and his clan approached the frostwolf chieftain saw a draenei child standing in front of the portal which was a bit weird because nobody had seen a draenei for months what are they going to do with it i feel the worst the warlocks then began to chant and to durotan's amazement gul'dan appeared out of thin air and addressed the crowd today is a glorious day for the orcs who have all seen this portal being built admired the craftsman ship now i will reveal to you the visions i have had good and then pointed towards the dark portal far away in a land called azeroth i have an ally he offers us his land it is green lush a race called humans the enemy of our ally will try to stop us but we will destroy them as we have destroyed the draenei the crowd cheered but draco shook her head in disbelief how can they still feel this way can they not see this new land will suffer as ours has i agree but there's no choice draco we need food water we must go through this portal track aside she saw the logic but she hated it even now our ally is working to open the portal on his side and so too will we good and then gestured to the little draenei captive blood is a pure offering to those who give us these vast powers and the blood of a child is pure still with the life fluid of our enemies we will open the portal step into a glorious new world a new page in the history of the horde guden then approached the bound child and raised his jeweled dagger no the word came rushing out of joritan's mouth before he could stop himself as much as he had literally just said they needed to go through the portal he knew deep down that nothing good could possibly come from something that required the sacrifice of an innocent child however before any major consequences could occur a sudden horrific sound filled the air the dark portal was now well and truly open it was a black swirling mass filled with stars almost as if one were looking into a night sky gone mad but the blackness then shimmered and reformed itself into a scene that both startled and puzzled everyone gul'dan had promised a lush green world but this definitely wasn't that it was a misty ugly depressing swamp unhappy murmurs ran through the crowd didn't look much better than their own land to be honest but gul'dan waved his arms for silence desperately trying to hide the look of shock on his own face this place does not look as inviting as i was you go down then pointed at two dozen fully armored orcs at the front of the army you you've been chosen to be the first to investigate this new land go forth in the name of the horde the group of orcs hesitated a little bit but then did what they were told but as soon as they had run through the scene vanished gul'dan was now doing everything he possibly could to stay composed despite being extremely rattled they will return with news of this world i think the image of the swamp then reappeared and the orc scouts did indeed return we've slowed and eaten a number of creatures their flesh is wholesome and the water is pure this land is bloody amazing gul'dan the crowd murmured yet again and despite everything that had just happened even durotan couldn't help but salivate he hadn't eaten for two days but durotan then made direct eye contact with gul'dan and the warlock's eyes narrowed in a way that basically said you and your clan are needed otherwise i would order your execution right now you bastard looked like durotan's defense of the draenei child would not be forgotten gul'dan then returned his gaze to the wider crowd of orcs and took a deep breath this is the moment of destiny on the other side a new beginning awaits a new enemy to slaughter you can feel it can you not the bloodlust rising follow black hand listen to his orders and you shall rule this new world as is your right and with that the army surged forward entering this new world called azeroth the end [Music] so [Music] we thundered through that portal like death incarnate a torrent of blood mad killers intent on slaughter it's no wonder the humans hate us so much but perhaps perhaps this history i've chronicled will one day be read by humans and elves and dwarves that perhaps they will then understand a little better that we too use suffering and victimization that it we done okay then not gonna lie for all that was probably one of the most depressing stories i've ever heard yeah well that's just the beginning doesn't exactly get any lighter unfortunately the frost wolves were exiled shortly after arriving on azeroth with my parents being my chieftain what what is it there's news from the alliance one of our spies has learned something he insists you must know draw them in then and leave us what's your news my lord the draenei have come to azeroth you and i have been on azeroth for years we know about them that's not news friend no actual draenei there was a ship crashed two nights ago proudmoore has agreed to aid them and there is one among them they call him velen fella here you mean to tell me that the worst enemy the orcs have ever known has come to azeroth i've been welcomed into the alliance oh nuggets
Channel: Flying Buttress
Views: 174,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warcraft novels, warcraft lore, flying buttress, buttress wow, world of warcraft, warcraft books, audiobook, voice acting, Blizzard Entertainment, warcraft novels audiobooks, best warcraft novels, world of warcraft novels, Rise of the Horde, Christie Golden, warcraft story
Id: 21eVfym7sVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 29sec (11669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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