Arthas The Lich King - Villains Corner (WoW Lore)

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His channel is very underrated tbh

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/X1project 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't understand the downvotes at all. The video is great and the channel is very underrated tbh

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/killchu99 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was entertaining and the art was super cute :3

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Sellingmutcoins19 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
in today's episode of the villains corner we will be going over the Lich King Arthas one of Warcraft's most iconic and popular villains the story with Arthas starts after the second war Arthas was just a kid after the second war ended and he wanted to be a hero like all of the people who fought in the war and started getting special training by Bearden in order to learn how to fight some years later Jaina paid a visit to Lourdes Iran and Arthas offered to help escorted a dollar in and during the trip they took a stop at an orc internment camp Arthas remarked that he saw nothing but monsters and murderers as he looked at the orcs and Jaina remarked that she felt bad for them and they looked kind of sad despite their little difference in this one regard Jana and Arthas grew very close and became great friends Arthas then starts his training to become a paladin and eventually goes to dollar on in order to quote study there but was actually there just to flirt with Jana eventually the two start dating but do so in secret one day Jana drops a book and then sneaks into a corner to kiss Arthas when kill thaw sketches them in the act when he was trying to return the drop book Kael'thas was also interested in Jaina at this time and called Arthas out on this saying if he was going to date Jaina he should do it openly and not in secret Arthas remarked athira both in important positions and didn't want people gossiping and kalfa scolded Arthas for being afraid of gossip as a reason for hiding their relationship and then walked off Arthas couldn't really disagree with this so it did bother him a little bit only a little bit though him and Jaina kept dating for a few years and grew very close after this then one day during a casual date Jaina remarks that their future children would have blonde hair which completely freaks Arthas out as he's not sure about the future and then broke up with Jaina over this mainly because he thought he would make a bad husband and father or something and broke things off because of his own insecurities they both went their own ways and became important people and then the plague started popping up there was an epidemic of the plague that was killing people the Kingdom anarchist sent out to look for cots during a search he ran into Jaina again and found that the plague was being spread by the grain they also found out that it was kel'thuzad who was the one spreading it so they chased after kel'thuzad and killed them but before kel'thuzad he told him that it was already too late to stop the plague and Arthas at this point was very obsessed with trying to stop the plague to the point where he was getting increasingly more and more hostile towards his allies as they tried to calm him down but since they knew Arthas was only getting angry because he was worried about his people they just kind of put up with it and helped him out anyway until they got to strap home when Arthas arrived to Stratholme he discovered the entire city and already been infected by the poison Green and that there was nothing they could do to stop it and it was only a matter of time before the entire population turned into Undead so Arthas came to the conclusion that he should kill all the citizens in the city before they turned into the undead became violent and an actual threat to everything else nearby but when Arthas proposes perfectly reasonable plan to his men half of them were definitely not on board with us Luther and Jaina were there as well who Thur was one of the very first paladins and Arthas its teacher and ether basically told Arthas that he was not going to go kill civilians so Arthas told futher to get out of his sight Jaina upon seeing this also left and didn't help them with Stratholme so with all the people who actually stayed behind Arthas took them into the city and killed as many people as he could eventually the population turned into Undead halfway through and he went on an undead killing spree during this incident though artless lost the ability to use the light so he could no longer be considered a paladin and in Stratholme he ran into a dread lord named mal Ganis who taunted him and told him he was the one responsible and that he'd be waiting in Northrend if Arthas was brave enough to go find him so Arthas went to northren to hunt down Mal'Ganis and at this point was absolutely obsessed with hunting him down turns out killing a whole city of civilians didn't exactly leave Arthas in the best state of mind while a northrend looking for mal Ganis Arthas runs into Meriden the door from trained him had a fight after the second more it's from Meerut in that Arthas learns about Frostmourne a cursed runeblade told to have magical powers so Arthas offers to help be heard and look for it because without his light powers he's nowhere near as strong as it used to be as a paladin and he'd need some kind of new source of power to help him stop mal Ganis but during his Northland campaign up men from arthas's home city of Lordran came to Northrend to tell Arthas that had been ordered to return home immediately and they also tell arthas's men that they've all been recalled as well so all of Arthas men started heading back to shore in order to take their boats home so Arthas decides not only ignore the order to return home but to also destroy the ships before his men could make it to the shore so they couldn't return either and be forced to stay and help so he hires a couple of mercenaries and races to the shore and burned down all other ships and then when his men finally do make it to shore Arthas blames the mercenaries and orders his men to kill them Muradin was with arthas's entire time and was increasingly not okay with what Arthas was doing and Arthas killing the mercenaries was kind of the last draw for him but at this point mal Ganis shows up and starts sending his army after Arthas Arthas knows he doesn't stand a chance against mal Ganis and his army so he figures his best way to survive is to look for Frostmourne Mira dent reluctantly agrees to this and they go out and look for it as quickly as possible when Arthas and Mira Dean finally find Frostmourne they find out the blade is cursed which was mirrored in the worst fear when he first heard about the sword this was not going to deter Arthas at this point though so he grabbed the blade which caused some kind of magical explosion which knocked out Meriden Arthas assumed this explosion had killed Meriden so he just left him to his fate and with Frostmourne in hand he came under the Lich Kings control mal Ganis then shows up and asked what the lich king is telling him to deal since the lich king get mal Ganis are on the same side Arthas then kills mal Ganis much to Mel Janice's surprise because it turns out the lich king isn't really the greatest friends with the dreadlords Arthas then finally returns help only to kill his father and sac is on Kingdom turning them into his own personal undead army then Arthas goes out and raises his horse invincible and decides to resurrect Kel'Thuzad as he was one of lich king's most trusted servants so in order to do this Arthas decides to go out and get his father's urn in order to carry kel'thuzad body only to discover the urn is being guarded by ether Arthas then attacks up there in order to grab the urn and kills him but nearly loses the fight in the process turns out ether was really powerful after obtaining the urn are heads to Silvermoon in order to try to use the Sunwell to resurrect kel'thuzad as Arthas needed a great source of power in order to bring Kel'Thuzad back as a lich so with his massive army of undead Arthas goes to Silvermoon and attempts to invade it but silver moon has a very powerful magical protection so attack in the city is not going well for Arthas luckily for him one of the elves betrays Silver Moon shows Arthas how to get past the magical defenses with this he easily gets past them kills the Ranger who was giving the most problems Sylvanas and raises her as a banshee to meet one of his personal guards he then goes into the city kills about 90% of the elves including their king and then uses the Sun well in order to bring kel'thuzad back to life as a lich with kel'thuzad in the picture now he tells them he now needs to go to dollar n in order to steal the book of madoff which was needed in order to bring the Burning Legion into the world so Arthas kind of strolls into dollar n' cuz he did just take out one of the hardest his sack cities on the planet going into dollar ran was only a slightly less difficult task so Arthas goes into dollar n kills an tonightís the leader of dollar n and gets the book Kel'Thuzad then summons are combined into the world we've been immediately transfers control the undead to the dreadlords destroys dollar in and then goes about trying to conquer the world it's at this point that kel'thuzad tells Arthas about the secret plan of the lich king the lich king wanted the Burning Legion to enter the world so they wouldn't pay attention to him and now the Legion was busy invading the planet he could finally break free of their control but if the Legion did succeed in taking control the planet they would just take him back so he needed Arthas to go out and help Azeroth win the war against the Burning Legion and part of his master plan was to give Illidan the skull of gold on Illidan with the skull of Gul'dan used it to kill the final dread Lord that was keeping the lich king in check eventually the citizens of hazarat won the war against the Legion and Arthas went back to Lord on to meet up with Kel'Thuzad and Lord on Arthas and Kel'Thuzad chased off the remaining dreadlords and went to rebuilding their scourge army but then Arthas started weakening and the lich king told him he needed to return to the Frozen Throne to recharge his powers and it's at this moment that the dreadlords attacked the city and cut off Arthas from Kel'Thuzad Arthas went into the forest to meet up with Azad again and was ambushed by Sylvanas kel'thuzad was able to come in and save Arthas at the last second thanks to the fact that Sylvanas wanted to kill Arthas slowly and only poison him first instead of killing him outright so kel'thuzad chased off Sylvanas and herb and cheese and went to sin Arthas off to north rim and it was at this point that Arthas told Kel'Thuzad that he was his only true friend which was amazing for the death knight version of Arthas who was pretty ruthless and killed everyone this was the only time the Lich King version of Arthas called anyone a friend or something close to an equal when Arthas eventually made it to Northrend he found that Illidan his forces were there looking for it turns out Illidan was working for kil jaeden and kil jaeden was mad that the lich king had broken free of his control and had told Illidan to go kill him so a weakened Arthas arriving to Northrend was met by a blood elf hunting party and they were still pretty mad about what he'd done to silverman luckily a new barracks showed up to save his hide the new Lich King knew Arthas was weakened and sent an uber AK there to escort him to the Frozen Throne maneuver act old artifice that illidan's forces were everywhere and they were on the lookout for him so the only way they could make it to the Frozen Throne was by taking a secret underground nerubian path and while navigating the underground city they kept hearing whispers about a traitor king - which Arthas remarked I didn't know they knew who I was - which an uber AK responded I believe they are referring to me since the Lich King would routinely send an uber AK into nerubian territory to kill them and raise them as part of their army and the underground route they were taking wasn't completely under the Lich Kings control then after attacking some old god thing and making it out of the nerubian cave Arthas and uber a car ran into chaos and Illidan at this point Illidan was very close to the Frozen Throne and Arthas and Inoue Buraq were on their way to try to get to it first but quell class came in with a small blood off force to try to stop them kel Fossen Arthas fought one-on-one and Kael tha's went into melee combat with Arthas with his blade a fella milord Arthas thought this was a terrible idea as a new chaos was a powerful mage and that he had destroyed this blade previously when his father used it to try to stop Frostmourne so Arthas went in to try to cut Calais in half but to his surprise the blade held up and this is what Kel thought was aiming for Kalfas was trying to buy time until Illidan can reach the Frozen Throne and kill the lich king which would rob Arthas of his power and elven blades get stronger whenever the reforged so he knew fellow Malorne would be able to stand up to at least a couple of hits from Frostmourne Soquel thoughts and Arthas had a battle and health office was doing a great job of just buying time even if he knew he couldn't actually kill Arthas which really upset him and he tried to throw count us off by taunting him and talking about Jaina Arthas asked health us if he was still mad that he had stolen Jane away from him - which kalfa said you probably don't know this Arthas but Jaina loathes you now you sicken and disgust her and any love she once held for you has long since turned to hatred and after hearing this Arthas was the one who got riled up and started attacking calhfa's randomly in rage at this point Kalfas thought that he had bought enough time by now and teleported away and with calhfa's gone Arthas recomposed himself and headed straight to the Frozen Throne for Illidan and a new Barret came in and stomped anyone else who might get in his way so with Arthas and Illidan alone they had a one-on-one battle Illidan very cocky that he was definitely gonna win since Arthas was visibly tired from his fight with kalfus flew into the air and showed off his twin blades of azzinoth telling Arthas that he obtained the blades 10,000 years ago from a demon it had mastered them and that his little rudin blade that he had just acquired recently was no match for him after hearing this Arthas actually became very confident that he could win since Frostmourne was basically fused with him and was an extension of himself and there's no way Illidan stolen blades even with the years of experience could come close to the mastery he had with Frostmourne so when Illidan swooped down to go in for an attack Arthas recklessly lunged up and struck the Frostmourne with the utmost confidence and actually landed a blow then Illidan Arthas went for another exchange in which Arthas landed the final blow which knocked out Illidan and left him bleeding out in the snow and since Arthas was in a hurry he just left Illidan there and ran to the Frozen Throne as soon as possible a new Brack then came in and helped Arthas with like the four stones or whatever that were needed in order to access the Frozen Throne then Arthas finally climbed it infusive Ner'zhul and became the true Lich King Arthas then contemplated his life and what it would mean to be the lich king and eventually decided he needed to make a few changes so he cut out his heart in order to get rid of the human side of him and threw it beneath ice crown then he killed Ner'zhul's spirit inside the armour kind of it does sort of make your appearance later on and well but it doesn't affect the Lich King Arthas while he was still doing his thing Arthas then rested up for a couple of years and then decided to come out and bring order to the world Arthas thought that a unified world ruled by the undead could better handle outside threats like the Legion and the void then the stupid people constantly fighting each other over dumb things but more powerful people than him had tried and failed to take over the world so he needed a different approach first thing he did was Rey sindragosa then he instigated a scourge invasion in cities of the Horde alliance in order to rile them up and provoke them to assault Northrend then he headed out to crush some of the Scarlet Crusade members in order to pull off a real assault on what he thought was a real threat he sent a group of his death Knights to light hopes Chapel in order to draw out a certain person since the place had too much holy magic for him to go near it then after an altercation Tyrion for drink came out of hiding cleanse the crumpet ashbringer and was able to fight off Arthas Arthas then retreated back to north rent to prepare his army and wait a faction of the death Knights rebelled against Arthas during this assault so mad that Arthas sent them there to die and decided to join the alliance in the Horde and with a letter from Tyrion were able to talk to the respective factions leaders without being killed which then finally sparked the Northrend campaign eventually Arthas notices something going down in the boring tundra and heads down there to find one of his old death Knights fighting one of his Sandlin he asks the death knight if he was there to rejoin the scourge but the death knight replies no not after what Arthas had done to them at lights Hope Chapel it is then that the sanlian interjects and says he'll kill the traitors for him and bring their heads to Arthas later Arthas and basically said okay sure whatever and then later on had to revive that San lien because he had ultimately failed and he ended up being one of the bosses in his Citadel later on Arthas then went over to zelda rack because the trolls there were willing to join the scourge which would be a huge boost to the undead army later though the leader of those trolls loses to an adventurer and asked the lich king for help Arthas comes down there and kills the troll instead and thought it was abusing that the adventurer was able to beat his new champion so he basically just said you can go ahead and leave I'm not gonna do anything it was pretty hilarious how you killed my guy he probably wasn't that strong anyway to lose to you and then the adventure just kind of leaves as there's no way he could beat which King on his own and here's the real reason why Arthas kept letting adventurers go his real plan was to raise powerful champions from the Alliance and horde that way he could send them back to their capitals and let them destroy themselves in a war of attrition in which case Arthas could just come in later and raze everyone as his servants meanwhile in acts with Kel'Thuzad Arthas was talking to him about his preparations with his army when Kel'Thuzad noticed he had some intruders so Arthas told him to quickly get rid of them and then get back to work and then Arthas never heard from Kel'Thuzad again eventually the hoardin Alliance built a gigantic army in front of Icecrown Citadel at the wrathgate after winning many battles against the scourge and killing Kel'Thuzad Arthas wanted them to arrive at his gates weary from battle not confident and strong so he decided he needed to join the fight himself for a hot second to give them a much-needed loss and with both sides basically in full attendance Arthas came out to meet them after sending a few of his minions to test them first Arthas immediately kills Tsar Frank jr. and then putress ambushes everyone there with plague barrels that hurt both the living and the undead Arthas realizing how bad the plague actually is retreats immediately as even he can't deal with biological warfare especially not from a plague specifically designed to kill him some time later an adventurer finds arthas's heart that he threw below the Citadel the adventurer doesn't take the heart though but Arthas was aware that it was found so he sent some of his cultist followers there to grab it and then all the cultists were dealing with the heart Arthas notices that some of the cultists weren't actually part of his gang so he goes on down to check it out for himself and finds out that some of the cultists are actually hidden argent crusade members including tyrion tyrion then attacks the heart with the ashbringer and destroys it which surprisingly weakened Arthas Arthas then went to try to kill Tyrion but at that point reinforcements came for him and they were able to escape before Arthas could kill them all then sometime later Arthas found out they were holding a tournament so he dropped in to crash the party and told everyone that the tournament was actually being held above a nerubian stronghold and broke the floor sending all the champions below to fight two new Buraq Arthas then retreated to let a noob deal with him and then never heard from an uber AK again the horde and alliance forces at this point had successfully pushed into Northrend from all angles and the only thing left was to assault this Citadel directly which is exactly what Arthas wanted the Argent crusade made it to his front door and broke into the Citadel so in order to prepare for the incoming invasion Arthas strolled on down to the halls of reflection in order to grab Frostmourne only to find Sylvanas there trying to steal it or Jaina depending of which faction tells his part of the story and ends up chasing Solanas out but isn't able to kill her as reinforcements come literally at the last second to savor so Arthas just goes back to the top of the Citadel and waits gleaming and excitement at how well his plans are going or one would assume if he had emotions at this point once the bulk of the crusade finally makes it inside including tyrion fordring and the greatest champions in the world Arthas taunts them by letting him know that bolívar fordragon the Alliance leader at the wrathgate is actually still kind of alive and currently being torched at the top of the Citadel giving them even more incentive to make it to the top of the tower as if they didn't already need it and Arthas made sure to give them a lot of tests and trials as he wanted to make sure the champions who made it to him we're as strong as humanly possible so when they did finally make it to the top of the tower beaten and weary from battle Arthas immediately flash freezes Tyrion and then decides to test the remaining champions for himself after a long and hard fight plaguing some of them ripping the souls out of others Arthas finally decides yes these guys are the best and would make literally the best undead fighting force in the entire planet so he then just instantly kills all of them showing them that he was just playing around the entire time Arthas had succeeded in his plan and won the final battle so he then he goes on to try to resurrect all the champions he just killed win and one of the best uses of the deus ex machina tropes history Tyrion breaks out of his block of ice and shatters the Frostmourne while he's still in the middle of raising all the dead champions nearby causing the sword to basically implode on itself releasing all the trapped Souls inside which start attacking Arthas then one of the souls that escapes Arthas his father resurrects all of the dead fallen champions who then finally finish off Arthas while he's being stunned by the spirits then after Arthas is killed bolívar fordragon takes up the mantle of Lich King in order to keep the undead army in check who would have gone wild and destroyed the world after no longer being controlled by Arthas and for some reason doesn't order all the undead to just jump into a volcano and that's the end of arthas's story definitely the most amount of lore out of all of the villains in-game I've covered so far and absolutely the most popular - I'd like to thank Rachel for the drawing she did for this video and if you liked them I'd urge you to follow her on Twitter which will be linked in the video description below and if you like this video why not watch the playlist of all the other villains corners there's only like ten of them and we'd really like to make more of them if this series gets enough views I'll have that playlist linked at the end of this video right now [Music] you
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 711,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8.1.5, Battle, For, Azeroth, 2019, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny
Id: bcabX08bdcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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