Lore Recap: All the Lore of Warlords of Draenor

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hey there team this video is part of a series of lore recaps focused on the warcraft universe this expansion is going to be dealing with something a little new to the series time travel and alternate dimensions get ready as we're about to go over some familiar faces relive some old memories and face off against ancient enemies now i can't cover every little detail that happens in this expansion otherwise we'll be here till world of warcraft 2 gets announced so be warned that i will not be covering everything that happens but rest assured that this will be all the lore you need to know moving forward now then prepare to storm the portal save the draenei and challenge time itself as we tackle world of warcraft's fifth expansion warlords of draenor azeroth has been going through some heavy stuff lately the lich king assaulted the planet with an undead army that required the forces of the world to band together to stop him which they were able to do but with some heavy losses and within months of that victory fear and division would spread once again between the horde and alliance starting up another war between them all while deathwing the destroyer caused a cataclysm that shattered the planet permanently and while neutral forces defended azeroth from deathwing and stopped the cataclysm the war between the horde and alliance continued on eventually leading the two armies to collide into the roaming continent of pandaria while fighting over resources in pandaria garrosh hellscream then warchief of the horde began searching the new land for powerful weapons to use in his conquest of azeroth garrosh had been leading the horde in their most recent war against the alliance dropping a bomb on theramore awakening an old god ripping up a continent and slaughtering hundreds of pandarians all in the name of his vision for what a true horde should be because of his actions several leaders of the horde and alliance rose up against garrosh and vol'jin chieftain of the darkspear trolls led a rebellion into the halls of orgrimmar and defeated hellscream all this led to the pandar and imprisoning garrosh and taking him back to pandaria to face trial for his crimes so the pandaren held a literal trial for garrosh hellscream at the temple of the white tiger and kunlai's summit and all the leaders of the horton alliance were present for it bronze dragons assisted in the trial by using a device they called the vision of time which allowed the court to see specific events from the past the creator of this tool the dragon kairoz dormu was also one of the bronze dragons that was at the trial unbeknownst to anyone though gairoz was allied with wrathion the black prince the two had agreed that the demon army the burning legion would return to azeroth for a third invasion and that the forces of the planet were woefully unprepared for him wrathion had come up with a plan to acquire a brand new army that would aid the horden alliance with their inevitable battle against the demons and to achieve that army garrosh hella scream needed to be set free the black prince recruited warlord zayla and those who remained loyal to garrosh and led them to kun lai summit where the loyalists would wait for the opportune moment to strike meanwhile kairoz had been tinkering with the vision of time in order to make it actually transport people through time itself in the middle of the trial the dragons struck warlord zela and her allies distracted the pandarian forces while kairoz had summoned the infinite dragon flight to deal with the faction leaders and heroes in the commotion kairos dormu was able to teleport himself and garrosh hellscream out of the temple and send them back 35 years into the past on the planet draenor it was shortly after the escape that kairoz revealed wrathion's plan to hellscream garrosh would stop the orcs from drinking the demon blood like they did in the prime timeline and instead rally the horde of this draenor into an army ready and willing to fight off the burning legion in the prime timeline garrosh however didn't like the end goal of the dragon's plan and so he murdered kairoz while he was still in mortal form and took what little remained of the vision of time with him garrosh traveled to the home of the warsong clan there he met with his father grommash hellscream the time-traveling orc used the vision of time to show his father the future of the orcs and where the demons and the eventual war with the humans of azeroth would lead garrosh also made sure to stop the visions right before thrall entered orcish history gramash was convinced that the time traveler was telling the truth and so garrosh had earned the trust of the war song chieftain and when the time came the time traveler would alter the path of the orcish horde forever garrosh was able to share not only the future he experienced with the war sun clan but also shares some of the weapons he had used while warchief of the horde on azeroth iron star catapults and advanced weaponry while setting all this up grommash hellscream was invited to a meeting with gul'dan the warlock the war song knowing of gul'dan's intended deceit sent garrosh in their chieftain's place these two met and the time traveler warned of the warlock that things would be playing out differently than what gul'dan had intended only a few days later the horde was called on by gul'dan to drink the blood of manorath and grama shellscream rose to be the first one to drink as he had done in the prime timeline except this time hellscream rejected the blood causing manorath to come out of the shadows and attempt to force the orcs to submit but grom garrosh and a battalion of orcs and iron stars were able to slay the pit lord changing this timeline's history completely the new horde that formed on draenor was called the iron horde and the iron horde had begun constructing their own dark portal but instead of attacking the azeroth of their own timeline they were going to assault the azeroth of the prime timeline 35 years into the future once the dark portal was finished and the iron horde was rallied together a vanguard called the iron march charged through and quickly took control of nethergarde keep in the blasted lions garrosh had also made contact with wardlord zayla and her loyal dragonmaw orcs instructing them to take over blackrock's spire and have it serve as an outpost for the iron horde's invasion garrosh then recruited the black fused goblins who had allied with him back when he was war chief of the true horde the black fuse company once again swore allegiance to the former warchief and the fortunes he promised them the time traveler then retreated through the dark portal back to his draenor along with some of his new allies with this new invasion of the iron horde the forces of azeroth united once again to not only push the iron march vanguard out of azeroth but also to venture into the draenor of the past and to stop the iron horde altogether the kirin tor archmage khadgar volunteered to fight off the iron march and once again enter the dark portal an elite squad of both alliance and horde champions including vindicator murad lady liadrin and the former war chief thrall followed khadgar through the portal to the alternate draenar this dark portal was being powered by the three most powerful warlocks on that world cho'gall tehran gore and gul'dan in order to shut down the portal the azerothian heroes freed the shadow council warlocks and they blew up the dark portal stranding the iron horde on draenor for a time as the heroes began to escape the forces of the iron horde its warlords began to show up all former horde leaders and champions in the prime timeline and in charge of them all was grommash hellscream warchief of the iron horde the azerothian heroes were able to free a few draenei frost wolf orcs both factions that refused to join the armies of hellscream as the iron horde closed in around them they split up with thrall in his horde warriors escaping with the frost wolves and murad and his alliance champions escaping with the draenei when the iron horde began its formation they required laborers to mine and work to fuel their war machine and many draenei were captured and forced to work as slaves for the orcs urell an apprentice of prophet valen was one of those draenei she was also one of the many draenei freed by the azerothian heroes in tanaan jungle and she along with murad was able to steal a ship from the iron horde and sail it to the draenei lands of shadow moon valley along with the other free draenei alliance champions this timeline's velen accepted the aid of the alliance and instructed urel to guide the alliance in aiding the draenei against the iron horde the shadowmoon clan of orcs led by ner'zhul had began embracing the dark powers of the void and ner'zhul prepared to unleash a massive assault on the draenei's capital of karabor as well as summon the powerful void creature the dark star in order to wipe out the draenei in shadowmoon valley for good to pull off the summoning of the dark star the warlord needed sacrifices and so he captured several draenei and shadow moon including urel's sister samara urel was charged with leading rangari forces to stop ner'zhul and rescue the captives however her attempt failed and she was all that was left of her rengari by the time she reached ner'zhul he had acquired all he needed to summon the void creature and left leaving what was left of samara to die in the arms of her sister returning to velen with this news the prophet had decided that he murad and urel would go after ner'zhul to stop the dark star while the remaining draenei forces guarded karabor from the iron horde assaulting their walls the orc warlord was able to successfully summon the dark star however valen passed his mark onto his apprentice before sacrificing himself to purify the void god returning it back to a being of pure light the naaru kara ner'zhul had fled but karabor was still under siege so yarawa maraad took kara back to the temple with him the three were able to assist the other draenei in pushing the iron horde back turning the tide so drastically that the orcs were pushed completely out of shadow moon valley all saved for ner'zhul and what dark shamans had remained with him and they had all hidden away in the shadow moon burial grounds murad and some of his alliance allies stormed the burial grounds killing the remaining members of the shadow moon clan and finally the warlord himself when the iron horde began its formation they attempted to recruit all of the orc clans and unite them under one banner the frostwolf clan of frostfire ridge however refused to join grommash hellscream in his bloodthirsty conquest the frostwolves would face retaliation for their rejection as iron horde forces began to mobilize against him the chieftain of the frost wolves garad and his elder son gennar had disappeared shortly after but not before naming garad's youngest son durotan as heir of the frostwolds without his father or brother to help him durotan led his clan in a resistance against the iron horde and more specifically the thunderlord clan who were members of the iron horde who also resided in frostfire ridge it was revealed that the warchief of the thunderlords the iron wolf had captured both garad and gennar and had slain the frostwolf chieftain and sent his son as a prisoner to slave away into non-jungle gennar and several other frostwolf prisoners were rescued by thrall and the azerothian champions when they breached the dark portal and gennar along with drekthar farsir of the frostwolf clan would thrawn his horde allies to frostfire ridge to meet up with durotan thrall on the horde aided durotan in the frost wolves by removing the nearby ogre threats and occupying the ogre's fortress for the frostwolf clan afterwards the frost wolves led an assault against the thunderlord clan they beat back the forces of the iron wolf ending in a confrontation with that warlord himself the iron wolf revealed himself to be durotan and gennaro's older brother but it didn't matter the frostwolf brothers slayed the thunderlord regardless of the blood that they shared the iron horde though continued to push its way into frostfire ridge even with what happened to the thunderlords the mountain pass that the iron horde was taking into frostwolf lands was destroyed by drekthar but many frost wolves died buying time for the farseer including gennar indebted to the horde and fueled by revenge durotan joined thrall in the offensive against grommash hellscream and his iron horde and began to make their way to tallador to join up with the draenei in the alliance khadgar alongside the combined forces of the frost wolves and draenei began to fight their way through the iron forces that were invading the lands of tallador at the heart of tallador was the city shatwrath and it was there that maraad had failed to save so many lives in the prime timeline but he vowed not to let the city fall this time around the orc warlord blackhand chieftain of the blackrock clan had begun a siege on the draenei city alongside him was his right hand and durotan's former best friend orgrim doomhammer the black rock orcs and the iron hordes started to weigh lace to the fringes of the city but the azerathian champions and their allies were able to hold strong durotan confronted doomhammer face to face and was able to convince his old friend to leave the iron horde and to side with the frost wolves together the allied forces destroyed several iron horde siege engines and sank most of the invader's fleet but the last ship standing was blackhands maraud durotan urel and doomhammer fought their way to blackhand's ship and attacked the warlord all while khadgar stole an iron star and prepared to sink blackhand's boat the blackrock chieftain easily killed orgrim and set off an explosion that severely injured durotan immortally wounded murad who used the last of his strength to place a barrier around norell protecting her we [Music] i see now you never belonged with us iron but you are so easily broken what do you want little girl your head to believe that you alone could defeat together [Music] wait you're alive i've got them throughout this journey khadgar and his bodyguard the warden cordana fellsong were hunting gul'dan who had escaped during the battle of the dark portal while the iron horde was the main threat that needed to be dealt with gul'dan was too dangerous to be left alone and so the archmage began keeping tabs on him gul'dan and his shadow council were bent on controlling the iron horde and having the orcs drink the demon blood but the shadow council needed more power before they could wallets in and seized control of grommash's horde gordan and his top two lieutenants split up hunting for other forms of power cho'gall headed to nagrand to absorb void energy only to be captured by the ogres of haimaul tehran gore went to the draenei mausoleum city of akundun to harvest the souls of the dead there he was ultimately defeated by lady liadran and her blood sworn alongside auchenai protectors and golden began to play a game of cat and mouse with khadgar including sending a mind-controlled assassin garona half-orchin to kill the archmage and so the warlock and the wizard began hunting and tricking one another until finally khadgar was able to capture garona and free her from the spell controlling her the would-be assassin decides to aid the heroes of azeroth which began to turn the tides in their favor thrall and euro began to rally their forces to go into nagrand home of the warsong clan grommash's clan urel and the draenei attacked the lands from the south and durotan and the frost wolves attacked from the north thrawn his azerothian champions attacked directly from the east the allied forces beat back the war song until the only real threat remaining in nagrand was the war song stronghold of gramashar there they led a siege on the base finally breaking in and defeating all the defenders save one the commander of the war song and last defender of gramashar garrosh hellscream thrall challenged garrosh to makkura and the two duked it out until thrall ultimately killed the former warchief the iron horde was being pushed back thanks to the frost wolves and draenei alongside the champions of azeroth the allied forces had defeated the thunderlords and the iron wolf and frostfire ridge they had pushed back the shadow moon clan and killed ner'zhul in shadow moon valley they had defeated the war song and nagrand as well as killed the iron hordes ogre allies and haimal which resulted in the deaths of not only cho'gall but the warlord kargath boidfist and in the northern lands of gorgrond the weapons manufacturing blackrock foundry was assaulted by heroes of azeroth and blackhand was slain inside his own fortress leaving only warlord kilrog deadeye and war chief grommash hellscream left both of whom had withdrawn the iron horde to tanaan jungle where they are preparing their final stand thanks to garona's knowledge of the shadow council she was able to secure a way inside tanaan jungle which opened up a path for invasion by the allied forces she also led khadgar in secret to a meeting that was going down between gramash hellscream and gul'dan it was there that gul'dan defeated grommash and imprisoned him and convinced the iron horde to finally drink the demon blood and to follow the will of the shadow council in kilrog deadeye along with the remaining members of the iron horde drank the blood and swore loyalty to kul'dan guldan had taken over gramash's former seat of power in the heart of tanaan jungle the hellfire citadel there the warlock began working on rebuilding the dark portal he had also summoned tehran gorfin from the boughs of aachendune where the defeated orc had gorged himself from the souls of dead draenei to such an extent that he had transformed into a monstrous demon but gul'dan also had one more trick to pull see goldan had used an item called the orb of dominion to control garona half-working's mind and while khadgar was able to retrieve the orb and stop it from affecting the assassin he didn't personally destroy it instead the wizard entrusted the task to cordana felson and unfortunately cordona did not destroy the orb of dominion and because she didn't gul'dan was able to use the orb to slowly corrupt the mind of the night elf warden turning her into a servant of the burning legion the frost wolf and draenei forces began to muster inside tanan jungle their invasion successfully pushed back the demon-fueled iron horde to hellfire citadel finally khadgar led the assault team of heroes urell durotan and their followers into the fortress citadel they blazed through several of the citadel's levels and even killed the corrupted killrog deadeye finally arriving at a plateau where brahma shall scream was being tortured by one of gul'dan's demons they killed the demon and armed the fallen warchief of the iron horde and the heroes pressed on they confronted gul'dan but he was able to escape to the dark portal which was now completed khadgar teleported the champions to the warlock only to be confronted by the left hand of the burning legion archimonde the champions of draenor and azeroth fought hard against the demon lord and they were finally able to bring him down with archimonde's dying breath he sent gul'dan through the dark portal into modern day azeroth reminding the warlock that he had made a pact the races of draenor celebrated their victory and promised peace with each other from here on in the champions of azeroth content that the threat of the iron horde had been stopped said their farewells and ventured back to their own timeline thanks to khadgar's magic however there was no victory celebration when they returned home while the iron horde was stopped godan was now alive and roaming around in their world and the warlock was a danger they could not ignore and that about does it i've skipped some things here and change some things there but all in all this was all the lore you needed to know about world of warcraft warlords of draenor this is a pretty infamous expansion but hopefully you enjoyed the story of it all the same for many it was cool to see the old orc characters from the olden days of warcraft back in action even if some of them got a shorter end of the stick than others either way i hope you enjoyed the video and as always thank you for watching have a good one and take it easy hey there team real quick thank you so much for watching the video sorry it was a little bit late i had some stuff come up in december and then in january i got sick and then i got injured and then i have to have surgery um and then also while that happened my wow model viewer crashed and stopped working my editing software got corrupted and i had to go get some new had to go download some new software and remake the entire video so it's a little bit rushed but hopefully you guys still liked it anyway i wanted to do a quick promotion that i just released a patreon account and now i appreciate you guys liking commenting and subscribing that's great if you want to do a little bit more you don't have to feel obligated for it you can donate one five or ten dollars to the patreon it really would help me out in showing your support your rewards are name in the credits verbal shoutouts and getting your own card kind of like these ones that can show up at the end you also get to vote on some future content because i'm gonna run out of world of warcraft expansions to cover if you're interested feel free to check it out if you want to support the channel feel free to donate if you want to support the channel but you don't want to spend any money doing it please like comment subscribe and share all that stuff really helps and actually hitting the bell notification for some reason 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Channel: Lawllin
Views: 14,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warlords, Draenor, Outland, Grom, Grommash, Hellscream, Hellfire, WoD, Lore, Story, plot, Yrel, Draenei, Durotan, Blackhand, Blackrock, Raid, Dungeon, Ner'zhul, Shadowmoon, Velen, Maraad, Cordana, Gul'dan, WoW, Ga'nar, Frostwolves, Iron Horde, Dark Portal, War Crimes
Id: QmwBHzoAY-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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