Lore Recap: All the Lore of Classic World of Warcraft

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hey their team is finally here by popular demand we got it done all the lore of classic World of Warcraft so as usual I'm gonna give y'all fair warning that I will not be covering every single question and character but instead I'll be going over all the big important stuff that happened in vanilla wow that would lead to important events and moments in games that followed I'll be skipping some stuff cutting some stuff and rearranging some other things to make the narrative flow better the usual so with that let's get right to it this is all the lore of classic world of warcraft the third war which was Warcraft 3 has come and gone after pushing back the Burning Legion and establishing their own capital city Orgrimmar the orcish horde has finally found themselves a home the Horde was made up of orcs trolls and Terran and while the tar and have moved to the grassy plains of mogh or the orcs and trolls have settled in duritz are the top priorities of the Horde are to maintain their new borders handle the wildlife within their new lands and remove any lingering demon threats still lurking in Kalimdor me and while the Night Elves have joined the alliance of humans dwarves and gnomes who have been here the whole time lately the elves have had to deal with their world tree being destroyed in order to stop Archimonde but it turns out a totally new giant tree was planted and raised off the coast of Kalimdor which now acts as the new home for the Night Elves there is still in contention for their land with their new neighbors the Horde the Night Elves are also quitting a Kalimdor from the demon invasion destroying demons in cleansing any corrupted areas and on the other side of the world in the lands of dumb Moreau between Lord Arryn and Stormwind the mountain dwarves are housing their good friends the gnomes and the Dwarven city of Ironforge since the gnomes recently got evicted from their capital nomer gone the dwarves and gnomes fight together against leper gnome invasion that has taken over the gnomish land as well as trying to stop the Dark Iron dwarves from invading Ironforge and fighting the dark horde from expanding beyond their hold over Blackrock Mountain meanwhile up north the forsaken who follows Sylvanas Windrunner have taken up refuge in the under city beneath the ruins of capitol city in the eastern kingdoms the forsaken have allied themselves with the orcs and have joined the Horde even though they are now members of the honourable horde the undead still don't play by the same rule as an orc warrior or human Knight would there's still a lot of scheming and a lot of distrust for the undead the Forsaken are mainly focused on dealing with the leftover scourge that still served the Lich King and the humans that still reside in the eastern kingdoms alliance or otherwise and finally down south the humans of the rebuilt Stormwind were not involved in the third war instead they were dealing with their own problems mainly the dark horde that keeps pushing on their northern borders the banded group that defies brotherhood that is attacking and looting all over human controlled lands and the mysterious disappearance of their king varian wrynn Varian Wrynn is the king of the humans of Stormwind he kind of gotta like disappeared and didn't really help at all in Warcraft 3 because he was in a magically enhanced depression one day he randomly wakes up from it and decides to go and visit Jaina Proudmoore in dust ball marsh on his way there he gets captured by the defias there is a whole thing that happens with Varian but it's hard to decipher what is and isn't canon from those events plus Varian does not show up in the actual game of World of Warcraft until the wrath of the lich king expansion so the only thing that matter is about barian and classic is that he is missing and Varian's son and doin ren is put in charge of Stormwind while his dad is gone and win is counseled by two parties Bulevar for Dragon and katrana prestor while fighting some Dark Iron dwarves and dragonkin the burning steps the Alliance member Marshall wins or also known as gold Shire footman was captured and taken to Blackrock Mountain home of the Dark Iron dwarves and a bunch of other baddies a group of Alliance heroes goes into Blackrock to freewinds Thor who also has some serious information regarding the Blackrock orcs teaming up with a Black Dragonflight once winced or is free from Blackrock Mountain he returns as a storm wind where he and bolívar confront katrana prestor revealing her to be onyxia daughter of Deathwing the one responsible for capturing Varian as well as many other crimes throughout the past decade onyxia flees to her lair in dustwallow marsh which the alliance eventually assaults killing her in the end meanwhile moira Bronzebeard princess of the Dwarven city of Ironforge was kidnapped by Dark Iron dwarves and taken to the dark iron city located in the depths of Blackrock Mountain her father Magni Bronzebeard sent a squad of heroes into Blackrock Mountain to rescue her this resulted in the death of a leader of the Dark Iron dwarves emperor day Grand Thoresen who was Moira's jailor but ended up being her lover and eventually the father of her child it turns out while the Dark Iron dwarves aren't the nicest of people and usual circumstances they were also being controlled by the elemental Fire Lord Ragnar os-- having their minds poisoned over time eventually becoming slaves to the fire Lords will Ragnar ursins army of elementals dwelled even deeper in the mountains core its molten core and while Moira fled to stay with the Dark Irons the ragtag heroes would go off into molten core and defeat Ragnar as' ending his control of the Dark Iron dwarves stopping the funneling of fire elementals into Azeroth and earning some sweet gear along the way Regnerus wasn't the only Lord residing in Blackrock Mountain the fire Lord was in a constant struggle for control of Blackrock against Nefarian out his son of Deathwing in leader of the Black Dragonflight surrounding Blackrock Mountain as well as the dark iron horde that dwells inside afar ian is trying to achieve his father's dreams of reviving the Black Dragonflight and to do that the black dragon has gathered dragons from all other flights and experimented on them to create the new chromatic dragon flight with the black dragons aiding the dark horde the Warchief of the Horde the normal horde the horrid horde thrall sent some champions in the Blackrock Mountain to put a stop to the dark horde and their allies the Black Dragonflight the horde champions teamed up with the Red Dragon Valley straws who helped sneak them into Blackrock Spire where they fought a bunch of Blackrock Works trolls ogres and Dragon kin after clearing out Blackrock Spire and killing the dark horde war chief ran to black hand the group moved on to take out in afar Ian however and Nefarian was able to possess Valis draws and Bend him to the black dragons will the champions would kill their former companion and shut down all of the chromatic dragon flight experiments finally leading to a confrontation against the head honcho himself Nefarian Fire Lord banished the dark war chief executed the dwarf emperor assassinated in the black dragon decapitated both Alliance and horde champions left Blackrock Mountain in ruins 1,500 years before the Dark Portal was first opened there was a massive empire that dominated most of the southern eastern kingdoms the Gurubashi Empire this massive troll Empire served their god of death hakkar the soulflayer however there was a civil war and the empire crumbled with some of the more zealots surviving Gurubashi priests escaping from their capital of zul'gurub to the swamp of sorrows there the troll priests created the temple of a'tall Hakkar where they plan to summon the blood god and as Roth the Green Dragon aspect Ysera got wind of the trolls plans and her and her flight destroyed the temple was sinking it into the swamp she then left some green dragons to watch over the place to make sure nothing bad ever happened again fast forward to World of Warcraft time and those green dragons had succumbed to the corruption of the Emerald nightmare as well as the corruption of a car the blood of the Green Dragons became fuel to bring the blood God into Azeroth while their bodies were used as sentinels against intruders a group of adventurers were sent into the sunken temple of Hatala Hakkar by a few curious parties including a troll named yet Kenya who feared that the temple was close to summoning the blood God and provided an ancient egg to the adventurers which could be used to trap a car's essence the sunken temple was cleaned out by the heroes who killed all the troll priests and corrupted green Dragonflight finally confronting the avatar of a car and sealing his essence in the ancient egg when the egg was returned to yet Kenya it was revealed that the troll was secretly a worshipper of the soulflayer and he then brought her car's essence to Zagreb the original capital of the Gurubashi trolls where the blood God was then brought into Azeroth hearing rumors that the Gurubashi had successfully summoned a car the king of the Zandalari trolls had sent an entourage of troll priests into zul'gurub but just like the green dragons in the sunken temple the Zandalari priests also fell under the corruption of the car but the blood got alive and gaining ever more powerful inside the ancient roll city the Darkspear tried was called on for aid and the might of the Horde along with him the Horde champions douve and his Olga robbed and cleaned it out of all the blood God worshippers the corrupted priests and even defeating the blood God himself around a thousand years ago in southern calendar there was a giant war between the insectoid qiraji and the Alliance of night elves and Dragons this was called the war of the shifting sands and it was brutal since the qiraji were unending and many night elves and Dragons died in the conflict eventually the insectoids were pushed back into their fortress of Ahn'Qiraj the night elves used their juridic magic combined with the power of the Dragons to erect a giant magical barrier known as the Scarab wall which would then sue away the monstrous qiraji and their dark mysterious master in the heart of the silat this desert for a thousand years now in the era of vanilla while the Decimus of Anchorage are stirring and they plan on coming back to lay waste to the lands of Azeroth once again the heroes of the Horde and the Alliance rally together into the force known as the might of Kalimdor and they ventured into the ruined city the might of Kalimdor would defeat the qiraji and fight their way into the city center where the old god C'thun awaited them the old God was slain and qiraji forces were laid to rest with the rising of the scourge during the third war several members of the illustrious paladin order the Knights of the Silver Hand or slain the remaining members who stayed in the undead field Lordran were led by a high Lord alexandros mograine and Sade on death row han who continuously held off the undead scourge from advancing into their stronghold of hearth Glen the Silver Hand was able to fight back against the scourge winning some fights and even setting up some strongholds outside of hearth Glen in the process mainly the Scarlet monastery located nearby the now forsaken occupied Lord Arryn ruins and retaking parts of the ruined city of Stratholme however during a battle against the undead in Streatham commander seda on death row Han was killed and his corpse was possessed by the dreadlord balnazzar who had faked his death by the hand of his brother Vera Montrose back in Warcraft 3 Bao nazar then manipulated the son of alexandros mograine Reynaud to kill his father tainting more grains of legendary weapon the ashbringer as well as silencing the only threat of leadership to balnazzar z' position as head of the silver hand bounties are then decided to rename the Knights of the Silver Hand to the Scarlet crusade with their main objective being to wipe out all they considered evil and Azeroth by any means necessary the indiscriminate slaughter and torture the Scarlet Crusade began in acting on not just the undead but of non-human races too was too much for some members and they branched off and formed a different order known as the argent dawn while the scarlet crusade would continue their scarlet crusade of blood and death of all that opposed them the argent dawn was focused on a lying itself with all races in hopes of setting up a united defense I guess the Undead Scourge infesting the plague lens of the Eastern Kingdoms the three factions began skirmishing in the Eastern Plaguelands the zealous Scarlet Crusade the noble argent dawn and the never-ending scare the right hand of the Lich King the witch kel'thuzad had led an assault on the Eastern Kingdoms hovering his floating base of operations naxxramas above the Scarlet infested city of stratum in Streatham the Scarlet Crusade waged war against scalp Assad's minions however a young member of the argent dawn was planning on leading a strike force into the ever burning city and invading the undead Fortress of naxxramas while alexandros mograine was murdered by his oldest son ray note his youngest son darion mograine would fight against the scourge and the Scarlet Crusade daring a soul to knacks and inside his team of argent dawn members would cut away enough of the forces inside that the floating city was practically gutted the final encounter daring and his team faced was against the four horsemen powerful death Knights under the Lich Kings command and the leader of the horsemen was Darren's father alexandros mograine wielding the corrupted ashbringer after the fight Darren was the only survivor and he left naxxramas taking the ashbringer with him when Darion returns a light's Hope Chapel the home base of the argent dawn it was under attack by Kel'Thuzad in this confrontation Darion sacrificed himself by piercing his own heart with his father's corrupted sword freeing the soul of the older mograine and destroying the attacking undead forces however Darren's soul was lost to the Scourge and Kel'Thuzad retreated with a new death knight bovar for Dragon would later call upon heroes of the Alliance to aid the argent dawn in their time of need and the alliance forces alongside the argent dawn would assault the weakened naxxramas and kill kel'thuzad however to kill a lich you have to destroy their phylactery and while the phylactery of Kel'Thuzad was handed over to a high priest of the argent dawn the holy order claims to have never received it they were betrayed and kel'thuzad phylactery as well as a high priest of the argent dawn went missing that is all the main lore of classic Wow I got rid mainly the broad strokes of the endgame since while lore gets really messy with what is and isn't canon with books saying one thing the games saying another thing and then the game retconning itself and seeing a totally different thing and so on and so on but if you just play classic Wow all of this info was correct in that context so time for me to say the stuff thanks for watching I skip some things here skip some things there but all in all this is all the stuff you need to know thank you so much for watching have a good one and take it easy [Music]
Channel: Lawllin
Views: 126,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Reforged, Lore, Story, Warcraft story, Warcraft lore, lore, Thrall, Lore Recap, Recap, WoW, World of Warcraft, Reign of Chaos, world of warcraft, wow, story, plot, recap, lich king, kalimdor, Illidan, sylvanas, undead, Tauren, orcs, humans, night elves, night elf, Mograine, Ashbringer, Classic WoW, Classic, AQ 40, Ahn'Qiraj, Darion, Kel'thuzad, Shifting Sands, Scarab Wall, ZG, Zul'Gurub, Hakkar, Gurubashi, troll, Sunken Temple
Id: ZAnVUz499JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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