Lore Recap: All the Lore Before Warcraft 3

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this video was created to explain the story of the Warcraft series leading up to Warcraft 3 none of it is required to understand the plot of Warcraft 3 but it does explain all the background for the main characters of the 3rd war as well as the set up for the war itself I'm going to be covering Warcraft 1 Warcraft 2 Warcraft 3 beyond the Dark Portal along with the novel's res the Horde the Last Guardian Lord of clans Arthas and the War of the Ancients trilogy this is an abbreviated history and because of that I will be skimming over certain details and characters that are irrelevant to the plot of Warcraft 3 and its expansion the Frozen Throne okay so with all of that here we go all righty if you want to know the lure of the Warcraft games leading up to work after a reign of chaos you got to go back a few years so there's this planet called Draenor it's inhabited by orcs and also Draenei the two people are just hanging out when one day and work chief didn't named Ner'zhul was visited by the ghost of his dead wife she tells him he asked unite the or cleanse and everything will be great certain or Zul goes off and gets all the orcs together now the orcs are shamanistic they believe in nature in elemental forces these elements visit ner'zhul and go dude you're being tricked by a demon you shouldn't have you named all of the orcs so ner'zhul resigns from being a part of the new aura cord and runner-up to ner'zhul is a frail work spell caster called gold Dan but go Dan is noticeably evil so none of the orcs want him to be leader of the work horde so instead go Dan gets the biggest dumbest or quartz Eve called black Hanna be his puppet leader Wow ghoul Dan works backstage see ghoul Dan is all about gaining more magical power and the demons who trick ner'zhul don't even have to bother tricking ghoul Dan gu dan is all about treating the orcs freewill to the demons in exchange for dark magic cool dad has given a bunch of demon blood and he offers it to the Horde telling them oh and make them the strongest most badass guys around who are shrink the blood and start going crazy with bloodlust they Alba Massacre the Draenei and after words are still so itching to fight that they just start fighting themselves go Dan realizes that this is a problem so he gets in contact with his demon masters and they instruct him to create a giant magic portal which will take the orcs to a new world where they can fight and conquer a whole other species with that they make a giant magical gate it's called the dark portal and go Dan leads the horde through it to a new planet called Azeroth okay so Azeroth is the name of the planet and also the name of the continent kind of like if Earth was called Australia so for the sake of everyone involved I'm just going to call the planet Azeroth and the continent the storm one Kingdom cool cool alrighty so on this new planet Azeroth located on the southern continent is where the human kingdom of storm one is these guys were ruled by King Lane and he's pretty chill came Lane has two best friends the greatest Knight who ever lived and when Lothar and the greatest wizard who ever lived medivh reports come in from the local is that green monsters have been terrorizing the southern lands of Stormwind and when takes an army to investigate he meets the orcs and they fight this is basically the first war it's a whole bunch of nothing fights between anduin lothar and war chief black hand meanwhile Medivh and his young apprentice Khadgar trying to figure out who the orcs are what they want and how they got to Azeroth to begin with while trying to figure it out Khadgar discovers that medivh actually helped make the Dark Portal the orcs used it turns out that Medea has been possessed by one of the demon Lords helping go damn this whole time Khadgar runs to tell king lane and anduin lothar king lane tells the other two to go stop medivh and that he'll be in charge of the defense of Stormwind while they're gone and Owen and Khadgar rushed over to medivh star and before they kill medivh Khadgar gets cursed by his master turning him from a teenager into an old man so the kel Medivh then anduin lothar an old man Khadgar rush back to storm one just in time to see that it's under siege by the Horde King Lane gets assassinated in the defense the kingdom Falls and a wooden Khadgar gather as many people as they can hop into a bunch of boats and flee their Kingdom and with storm one in ruins the Horde takes over getting ready to pursue the human refugees okay so that's the plot of Warcraft 1 whereas the Horde and the Last Guardian now we got to do warcraft 2 so it turns out like well Dan was telepathically connected to Medivh and when the wizard died the orc was put into a coma Guzan wakes up a few days or whatever later to find out that the Horde is destroyed storm wind nice however his puppet black hand was killed by an orc named orgrim Doomhammer not nice go Dan tries to be all like hey zoom hammer cool name I'm kind of like the brains of the Horde so if you want I can take intro again and it will be great except Doomhammer actually hates cool Dan and all demon magic zoom hammer in fact killed off Gul Dan's warlocks and is like the Horde used to have honor and you've ruined it for everybody either make yourself useful or I'm going to kill you ghoul Dan brings up the point that the humans have wizards and since Doomhammer killed off the orc warlocks the Horde don't have anyone to fight magic users so then go Dan goes over and resurrects the corpses of human Knights but he puts the souls of orc warlocks inside of them these guys are called death Knights and they have the physical skills of a warrior and all the magical skills of a warlock Doomhammer is like fine you can stay alive but I'm still in charge of the Horde ghoul Dan isn't happy that he isn't in charge anymore and doomhammer is still debating about kill dan but they along with the rest of the horrid hop inside some boats and go chasing after the humans speaking of humans the northern continent of Azeroth is called the eastern kingdoms with the biggest Kingdom being lured or on the refugees show up in the kingdom of Lourdes around and Anduin Lothar and Khadgar running to the cleverly named capital city shouting about how the orcs are coming so king tearin is the second is the ruler of Lordran and he's all about getting all the kingdoms together to fight the orcs so all these kingdoms unite and they make and when they our leader of the human alliance army the elves of quote the lost don't take the orc threat seriously enough though and they only leave one group of archers behind to be a part of the human army and the holy priests after hearing about the orc warlocks and death Knights decide to offer up a counter they're going to fight demon magic with holy magic so they send in the Knights of the Silver Hand to join the alliance army these guys are paladins and the notable ones are tyrion fordring who threw the Lightbringer and Turalyon Turalyon fits right in with the boys from Stormwind and one becomes a mentor to him and he and Khadgar become fast friends Turalyon also sparks a friendship with the leader of the elven archers Alleria Windrunner so these four the big heroes of the alliance and before you know it they'll have to face off against the orcish horde the orcs have finally caught up to the humans and Lord Iran and anduin lothar takes the Alliance army out to fight against them even with death Knights the orcs are doing great against the Alliance forces so doom hammers just starts retreating to try and find a way to get around the Alliance army both are in ceralun each split the army up and each take half both are to protect capital city into rallying to chase after Doomhammer the Horde decides to go around through the hinterlands and aeri peak there they bring out their new weapons Red Dragons cerulean is not prepared buzz army is saved by the arrival of dwarven Griffon Riders these dwarves are led by Kurdran Wildhammer Kurdran teams up with Turalyon to fight the orcs but the Horde keeps running away from combat tomb hammer comes across some useful allies of his own the ambani trolls led by zul jin the two forces team up but soul jinn will only help doomhammer take capital city if the Horde takes the elfish kingdom of quell the loss first they start making their way up through the mountains and begin a siege against the elf kingdom Tyrone and his army show up to co-op vilasa the kingdom is already on fire while the elves are still standing and fighting they're not winning against the orcish horde not until terrowin joins the fray anyway with two armies pin stirring him Doomhammer withdraws in the battle taking the Horde back to regroup he tells ol Jin that strategically it would be better to take out the humans first then come back and finish off the elves soo Jin disagrees in the to split apart Oregon gets the Horde back together and plans an assault on capital city he made a deal with a jealous human Lord to allow him through a neighboring Kingdom and surprise and when Lothar's Defense Force Turalyon is still mouths behind and quoth the loss it's a perfect opening for the Horde to burn down another human Kingdom the two armies meet the bone light of the Horde versus and ones half of the human army but animal no Thor is a tough guy to beat the Alliance holds the Horde at bay but they're slowly breaking unfortunately for the Horde though ghoul Dan takes this opportunity to take some of the orc army and fully he was showing visions of a powerful demon artifact one that would make him a god so he convinces an orc clan or two to leave with him they set sail to an island open up a demon's tomb and go Dan and his minions are devoured by what lays inside back in Lord Iran or Grimm is down some troops but he's not out yet when Turalyon shows up with his army of humans and dwarf and Griffin riders and reinforcements from Quaffle us that's what workroom doom hammers out the orc starts retreating all the way out of Lord Iran to reach their new Orca stronghold Blackrock Mountain now with a fully united human army and the armies of the other races and when Lothar chases after the Horde the two armies meet at Blackrock Mountain and orgrim Doomhammer kills an - an Lothar in battle enraged by the death of his mentor surrounding to feed steam hammer and imprisons him the orcs slowly get rallied up and are imprisoned and the second war ends almost so this part isn't particularly important to Warcraft 3 and I'll just skim over the finer points the red dragons that were captured by the orcs were freed by three heroes the Alliance starts rebuilding storm 1 the humans make a giant fortress outside of the Dark Portal but to rallyin Khadgar Alleria and Kurdran are all holed up in case the orcs come back meanwhile on Draenor Ner'zhul gets roused to save the orcs of the death Knights Teron Gor FINA sent back to a Tsar out to collect a few specific items a small workforce heads into Azeroth dodges to Ryan's defenses and heads out to find these mystical items Teron Gor Fein teams up with a black dragon aspect Deathwing to get everything they need once all the items are gathered Gor Fein and Deathwing head back through the Dark Portal surround his friends lead a force called the sons of Lothar to go after the orcs in to their homeworld the orcs being led by ner'zhul head to the black temple all while the sons of Lothar are hot on their heels and the resume gets to the black temple and starts a ritual to open a new dark portal for his people to flee through unfortunately for everyone involved in Raziel summons too many dark portals and rips his world apart literally everyone on Draenor Turalyon Illyria Kurdran gore Fein nor Zul and every orc and human on the planet were lost forever as the planet was demolished that is until later but for all Warcraft 3 related purposes that's basically what happens and that is the summary of Warcraft 2 and its expansion ok now we're almost done just a few more things to get through so orgrim Doomhammer escapes the prison's of Lordaeron and disappears into the wilds meanwhile all the orcs that were captured at Blackrock Mountain had been put into internment camps for the past decade or so and one of the camps called Dern hold the human warden Blackmore has found a baby orc and raised him black more one to have a personal gladiators so he taught the baby to have all the strategy and intelligence of a human but with all the strength and tenacity of an orc he named his would-be gladiator thrall when thrall grew up he escaped during hold in the wilds he comes across Oregon Doomhammer and Grom Hellscream burger was good friends with Ross father and he tells throw everything about their homeworld and of Thor's parents doom hammer and how a scream comment about the uses of demon magic and how the orcs were corrupted they tell thrall about the old ways of the orcs about shamanism and embracing the elements thrall ventures out to find his father's old clan the frost wolves they teach throu how to be a shaman and then when thrall returns he and doomhammer team up with Grom Hellscream to liberate as many internment camps as possible when they eventually get to the internment camp during hold Doomhammer is killed during the liberation raid and his last breaths Doomhammer gifts throw out his weapon and his armor and claims that thrall should be the Warchief of the new horde throwing Hellscream are currently liberating orcs and dodging Alliance forces in the arathi Highlands by the start of Warcraft 3 so for this backstory we'll have to travel back in time 10,000 years forever ago the continents of Azeroth are all connected kind of like Pangaea the race that dominated the world at the time were beings called the Night Elves the night of swervy magic users and they gain their magical powers from this thing called the well of eternity however demon Lords the same evil demon lords from Warcraft 1 go into contact with a night off Queen Queen Azshara Queen Azshara decides to work with the demons and some of them into her world meanwhile a small band of heroes disagree with that idea they are the brothers mouths urine and Illidan Stormrage priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and the demigod of the forest cinereous together using holy magic from the moon and juridic magic from nature they start to fight against the Night Elves trying to bring the demons over more and more of the night off population begins to side with Malfurion and his friends but by then it's too late the demons have been summoned into Azeroth Queen Azshara and her highborn followers set up to some of the lord of the demons while the lesser demon army goes and defeats the uprising now Furion his friends the night off army all of the demigods most the dragons and some other guys all team up at Mount Hyjal and push back against the demon forces with enough room to break through mouth Furion Illidan and Tyrande get to the well of eternity and destroy it separating the world and the massive continents stopping the demon ritual and defeating Queen Azshara no longer able to use the magic from the well of eternity the Dragons provide a giant magical tree for the Night Elves along with teaching them juridic magic the big tree grants the Night Elves immortality but before everyone can go home and say job well done Odin to something stupid Illidan isn't big on druid magic and his lust for the well of eternity 'he's power had him sneaked away with a few vials of the well when Illidan tries to recreate the well of eternity mouth urine and the night elf leaders catch him and imprison him the Night Elves now stay on their Western continent a calendar far away from any of the wars between orcs and humans until Warcraft 3 okay almost done bear with me king tearin is the second is still ruler of Lordaeron and his young son Arthas is Reese only become a paladin under the tutelage of ether the light bringer Arthas has defeated trolls bandits and orcs Arthas had a girlfriend once upon a time the mage Jaina Proudmoore but he was focused on helping the people and she was focused on becoming a great wizard and by the start of Warcraft 3 Jaina is attending the Warcraft version of Hogwarts and Arthas is spending his days helping folks in need alongside ether and finally the last thing that happens before Warcraft restarts the absolute last thing you need to know is after the destruction of Draenor nor Zul it turns out is still alive he was sucked into the realm of the demon Lords who tried to manipulate him at the start of the video the demons torture NER Zhul rip his flesh from his body and then his spirit from his remains and put him into a giant block of ice and dump him on Azeroth ner zhul is now a tool for the demons and his job as the lich king of the undead is to wipe out all living things that stand against the demons and their Burning Legion and that about does it I abbreviated some things here skip some things there but all in all this is the important stuff that happens leading up to Warcraft 3 I tackled the events from Warcraft 1 to beyond the Dark Portal the books and I even talked about some stuff from the game manual that was released alongside the original Warcraft 3 hopefully this was explained coherently and made some sort of sense and was somewhat entertaining if you enjoyed the video let me know if you want to know more about the lore I'll leave some links in the description thanks a lot for watching take it easy and I'll see you all and reforged
Channel: Lawllin
Views: 236,411
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Keywords: Warcraft 3, Warcraft, Lore, Story, Pre-Warcraft 3, W3, wc3, Reforged, Pre WoW, Quick, Recap, Lore Recap, warcraft, warcraft 2, world of warcraft, WoW, lore, story, warcraft 3, WC3, All the Lore, before, quick, recap, Hearthstone, cards, easy to understand, black temple, Thrall, Arthas, Jaina, Sylvanas, Anduin Lothar, demons, warcraft 1, Warcraft 1, Warcraft 2, plot, summary
Id: 7ncfatdL9CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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