Lord Nelson's ABANDONED Family Mansion - The BIGGEST place we've explored!

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[Music] in today's explore we visit one of the grandest mansions in the UK built in 1733 for Peter Van Der put this stunning grade one listed Mansion fell out of sorts and after the deaths of two owners the house and estate were purchased by the crown this was done on behalf of the Nelson family as a reward for Admiral Horatio Nelson's famous victory at Trafalgar IN 1805. join us now as we look around this historic mansion [Music] yo guys um we're on a massive Trek through the forest at the minute so there's the guys there that's why there's pump point where are you taking us we're going on the bear hunt yeah so we're on a bit of a stealth Mission at the minute because because obviously we don't want to draw it up to the house but the problem with these houses is they have huge amount of land so yeah we can see a bit of it now so yeah it's good xor isn't it good for your quads you naked YouTube yeah is that the same place we just need to get over there there's a car there nice of green yeah I think that's Stables there anyone coming you know no there's no dude yeah that's why mate cheers all right let's do it guys look at this noise here so yeah we've got our old elk houses here it's done that yeah it's all Harris fenced off here so if we have time we'll come back and check this bit out but what we're interested in guys this is a huge mansion ready look at this guys this is um this is unreal it really is wow wow you've seen this way but just for this time one time only hey look at that look at this guys wow oh oh it's nice to pieces right that's good news let's pond s uh check for sensors yeah right guys look at that oh hang on take your room [Music] I'm checking for sensors mate in every room come on guys I've only got 58 minutes filming so this is a huge Place guys so we're gonna have to um yeah there's no one in right here you've got the old ticker going in my foreign [Music] [Music] thank you wow this is old there's the old stairs there I'm just gonna have a look down there my blog do you got anything from that oh really oh they no yeah you go right away okay so we are we want we want to go here and here stay away from her thank you oh look at this old room oh man yeah yeah Nelson's wallpaper English made yeah wow wow that's printed so yeah yeah it's bricked up oh yeah these are old my these are old rooms this is haunted way I haven't been as sketched out as I have before but yeah we just got tread carefully for the minute guys what you do is you get out that window and you crawl across the lid right I'm checking these stairs yeah it keeps going down even more way oh give it a goat look at the Grounds Guys so we've got to try and get in there right yeah foreign yeah he was known for his carpentry skills mate Nelson well I think that Central bit's gonna have all that furnished stuff yeah I think it did go down again I can hear it looks like why you can right here look at that old door oh no way oh yeah me some old mate yeah sorry for Whispering guys outside oh mate look for sensors no well he's just tripped it's not flash though what is it that's a it is a a ADT I'm just going to run down there quick did you see that did you see that [Music] I don't care I don't care look at this oh my look at this yeah I saw that oh it's nice and cool down here oh yeah well sir well that was a well soil got sorted when I saw stairs down now I didn't know it's that evil since this might not be working mate hang on right got me done so there's no power yeah oh look at this old Generator goodness wait wait what is this safe room safe for him this is a safe yeah isn't it yeah it's a heavy old door mate quickly lock him in there this is for the silver oh you look we've got yeah we've got old fixtures and fittings here let's go to the next bit quick just to see what it's like none of that power's on The Gun Room wait look so unfortunately oh wow guys look at this from Kitchen foreign lined as well first this that's a way outside really oh yeah yeah yeah we need to find a way up almost in this way hang on let's have a look in here look at this is that an old back door let the doors what the is this oh it is a toilet as well I'm gonna say two out of 10 mate that's the stairs no what oh hang on that's what we need to that door's locked in it so you think that sensor was tripped by us yeah depend down yeah yeah been in there oh what about here though what would the center 10 out of 10 bathroom look at these yeah yeah oh no way this tool is lovely mate look at this oh mate that's left do you want to bring the lift down fast [Music] since everything go off oh my God oh no way no way guys look at that gold Chandelier brace yourself why no way look at this fireplace sorry guys I am really blown away at the minute it's quick sorry guys we are gonna have to rush but look at this oh my God look at these guys it's beautiful afternoon and as well we got a secret door I can't get over this way look at that painting then guys it's really life like that painting sounds like we've got another one up there but this slow look at this Crystal Chandelier this is nuts I how crazy is it in look at this old wallpaper oh that's like 200 years old and look at this gold leaf marble fireplace wow he liked waitrose I like the fight am I some kindling in it also you've got these pictures so this was the guy who the house was built for as well vanderp and that was Lady Van Der put that's what they look like lovely Castle hey this is that is Nelson isn't it yeah you know I can't get over this like plaster work that's right wow that is some staircase guys unreal ways mahi oh look you'd have had a door to a sink how randoms are yo folks and there's some well I'll just show you quick just seeing which we've gone past it but look it is to Cayenne definitely the land seen better days so it is being restored at some point but very historic health is very historic oh wow look at the old corridor hi mate this is Chinese wallpaper Chinese it isn't it I mean how much does this cost in B and Q [Applause] [Music] wow mate so you look at the egrets nice full trees Birds butterflies oh mate this is crazy this one I mean ah here we go it's a good view of the garden here guys pretty Central so I'm Blown Away guys I really am they oh ripping all the carpet up in it Jesus oh how do the other half [Music] what's beyond there mate oh yes looking at a cup of air in cupboard you want it right he's playing good and probably today so what just relax breathe freaky no that's the one we've just done yeah that's the one we've done a little doors so we're in the middle section now yeah I mean this is like this is oh I'm absolutely Blown Away yeah looks you've got the counterweight there [Music] I'm gonna try it because I saw that oi no way look how effortless that is beautiful place guys it really is just abandonment no one here honestly this is me going that way we'll have a look I'll show you Steve as well very damned in there but yeah mate we've got shower big sink little toilet um quite spacious eight out of ten Steve see you guys look the falgar that's what's the victory it's not bad that's being used in there yeah where's Eddie hello mate is anyone seen the victory that is cool when I say living in this car yeah I know it's a mattress yeah look guys Trafalgar oh I'm actually uh right sorry I'm actually quite privileged to be in a house of this much history I am where's he gone what they got up there though why is that fly paper oh see uh yeah and this room's just empty but I've got Dennis which 150 pounds on them Powers off you wouldn't want to stay in here would you I'd be a bit freaky is that another Secret Door oh that's that toilet again you just he likes to uh disappear oh you're back there we go that way yeah really oh hang on look at this odd shirt how weird sounds you reckon this is the butler's quarters that's cool wallpaper where are you going now I've gotta keep tabs on it oh my yeah beautiful toy internet to see her oh where's that door go though this is crazy guys so you like you got your fold out table you've got your Taps yeah so I'll show you this there's another stairs going up there's another stairs going down mate off yeah they'll see that it's fire escape yeah so down here we've got fire escape all right so you've got the ladder yeah I won't move out of that goes forward down course I'd like to let you go down there foreign if someone turns up anyway what's that it's a ball with a string here so you don't get lost on this leads out to the roof guys we're going out we're going out why it's not alarmed is it it's definitely look no one can see you no one can see you look at this guys watch your redhead um I'll have a look over it doesn't chicken so that's the bit we came in a bit of you that view is awesome and that's the newer part of the house which we're actually trying to avoid so oh good let's do that one then oh yeah sweet thing yeah so it's been layered over tournament what they were trying it maybe they're just trying to strip that could have been it could have been Nelson's wallpaper very covered what's in here no oh this is a horrible room right I don't like it you know for some reason I've got some odd Vibes in here yeah I've gone to the whole bloody place at the moment no just this one roommate [Music] what is that out there oh yes no I said very tribal um I'm real gorgeous oh yeah I can't believe there's still stuff in them yeah normally they're right that's we've been in this one back down again guys so do you want to take them down on the lift all right let's go downstairs and I guess it would have been an old um rope on this I'm like that old minister oh it goes yeah yeah I didn't see this bathroom there you go Steve what we're giving this way 9.5 9.5 that's about right mate definitely a toothbrush [Music] is that what the is that the break is that so this one does that what moves it up stop panicking it run never mind oh that's a good point I mean thank you I can't get over that Bloody I just I didn't even look at the ceiling I didn't even look at that can we light this up for me it looks so moldy that ceiling on here what's that let's see I can't get over this guys I bet that was a ton than it yeah who's this guy yes too many older Yorkshire boots no one told me I'm wearing sunglasses oh wow I can see clearly now all right guys we're going to uh make our way out I think because yeah we don't want to push our lot too much we just had to see this place no oh mate sorry though look at this is this the this is the victory no way guys [Music] oh my God wow one two three four there's a secret door we got some old books though McCauley just what they're meant to be oh look it's Napoleon so it's all about the Battle of Trafalgar IN it history modern painters right there that's just a little is that what they're trying to build here possibly this I'm sure is the library this is the old library guys so okay oh this is the place is it so um we're currently in the bottom middle floor of this one and yeah they only had a uh jet in the garden at one point I thought you do but yeah wow yep let's go yeah let's just not push our luck out you guys let's just now is the time to go I think oh yeah is oh why did you remember this Westford Manor first met you all right mate I'm going 70 miles an hour okay let's just get the hell out of her foreign very very old doors on them is it such a better feet mate calm down your way all right guys so this is where we just were we were actually on that middle floor there oh we could have got out onto the balcony way didn't we and there's uh Eddie trying to get in the Limelight I mean it's quite decaying isn't it this Hillary bit and the whole front foyer entrance and uh it's definitely uh sing bad days with pillars need redoing we were just in there I believe we were just in there but yeah look at this land oh barren [Applause] foreign guys that is falger estate explored called Nelson's former home so um I really hope you guys have enjoyed that as much I love these old like Stacy homes especially abandonment because you just don't know what's going to happen to the stuff inside do you so it's best to document it but yeah so I've been joined today by getting history right all right guys did well today mate also cheers Eddie that was mental Pace wasn't it fantastic mate I'm gonna buy a packet Quavers for right because you play for yourself all day long hope you guys have enjoyed that if you have leave us a like leave us a comment in the comment section and we will catch you in the next one guys see you later [Music]
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 187,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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