They Left Everything behind in this Fire damaged Mansion

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foreign [Music] we're just coming to have a look at um absolutely huge mansion there was supposedly a fire here two or three months back maybe even longer I'm gonna go and have a look see what we can find oh my look at this it's a foil yeah well no one's living in that head yeah swimming pool this is mad well game of tennis I think this fire must have been recent Ed Gates taped off whoa nice it's very stuffed at the bottom in there there's stink stuff in there maybe they put the fire out with it oh yeah yeah there you go but look guys here but there is still stuff all along the bottom floor and that's all freshly burned it's like a suit of arms oh see the wall the bird too he survived we've seen Thunderbird too much that's foreign Rescue Services the whole roof has caved in sorry wow yeah still water damaged it's a nice Skyline oh there you go reached as well oh yeah oh it just sounds solid depend on the front really old football shirts oh yeah I've actually signed Old Scotland shirt there as well is that Manchester yeah Dennis long maybe there's some stuff in there right outside of the ship signed by Dennis Law wow it could well be they could be your shirts would have been a footballer's house brand new seat covers for my keeper oh yeah Brian spanking when I got the money in they needed quite clearly I mean look at the size of the pool that's all the [ __ ] that's obviously all the timber that was lost in the fire you got another pollen there but yeah it's the front of it guys you know all its Glory wow that would have been uh pretty spectacular back in the day this is one of the poshest places we've seen in it as if you just look at it it's mad basically it'll just be start again hey look there's still stuff surviving this is the Eerie thing all I'd say is in here watch the flooring because we're gonna have water damage so we've got the first oh look at this bay window survived very Posh toilet as well it didn't take me long did it well safe is there anything in it we need to find names with this place jewelry box Cartier no way this is like past the parcel oh no you're nearly oh sorry there's a bee trap to me or something do we even try the state I don't think we tried the same at all oh yeah so they've piled all the furniture obviously upstairs isn't no no oh dear still very modern though look at the bow in the floor again at least it's been secured oh we've got a bit some bugs over here boy that carpet is wet that carpet is soaked this is a real shame isn't it nothing more poignant than Christmas is there when you've lost your house oh look at this wallpapers still quite a nice room this would have been wow so it's not maybe it's a golf in it we've got a golf statue already so why you sat eating your dinner you can look out on your massive pool how the other half live eh just be careful here [Music] no look at the bow in there this is quite eerie yeah they're probably away on holiday mate wow look at this hospital and look at this mirror that's spectacular really it's only little way look at the size of that window yeah oh did we have a Cellar in here yeah they are paintings as well very wet Ned I think they've been water damaged oh God is this the kitchen yeah we've still got all their products as well shoes all right let's see let's see if it's a golfer's house who lived in a house like this nothing expensive I don't know what vager is stuff don't even like New Balance they could be like golf shoes or something somewhere coffee oh do you need some help on this no I see the address let's see what it is ah yeah it might not be it's not prescription wow hey it's a nice place isn't it these designer then I guess it's weird cloudy piano oh we got all bags of stuff up here [Music] this is obviously quite I can smell the smoke in here oh yeah watch the wires Ned in there what probably there beautiful facts it's all still in it I like cocktail mixes do you reckon wow I think there's mine's coming in now yeah you will never ever have to go to petrol station for your coffee the walks nice it's got it they have coffee stuff we've got some Carver up there but yeah look at that quite um wow if we were home that's right we wouldn't have a problem would we I need my own yeah I've got alcohol stopped up nice crackers might now last for a while we'll leave the Buns have a date the 30th of the third it's all gonna go moldy I'm surprised it isn't moldy yet really oh thank you I'll have to show him they've got yogurt what the floor is yeah look up look at this kitchen island as we come in I didn't show you that but how cool is that and you've got your like obviously uh your low work station but doing the washing up looking out this beautiful window not one sink but two wow oh so this has seen better though isn't it no oh wow do you want to speak with us speakers VHS Thunderbirds you like them didn't he yeah they're like old kids films anyway wow foreign entertainment didn't he probably had a home Cinema another size of the TV I mean that's all that one is not really a very good Mighty pioneer boys more videos keep calm and chill out [Music] if I could oh no why not look at this oh what's in the big long one there yeah toys toys [Music] oh they're not toys that's just generic stuff in it what one this we have just got loads of Scotch tape and some kids toys you know well a fuller place it's totally good that's a good question isn't it that got me for that door that was in the dining room that was locked yeah where is that Ned but it's this end so it's got to be through that door we need to get to that door yeah you're right because it's a whole new plate like yeah we need to get that forward yeah what the hell how weird is that maybe it might just be a bit warped that's why we can't move yeah or it might be a fact that you could only access it from upstairs I'll show you the door trying to pull it if it was I don't know if it is you see the keys I didn't see them no but no we need to get in the other part yeah wow so if you don't piss down oh be careful Ned God speed godspeed so here we go guys this is the upstairs with the property oh mate it's still books and stuff this is so surreal being outside but inside wow for him mate careful look at this everyone anyone for some Ralph Lauren perfumes well they must have everything's still up here either [Music] who knows what's been left some paintings on the wall over there gotta be very careful red yeah I feel old things shaking wow [Music] I just don't like this roof above it's near here oh yeah some proper old book's been damaged friend is that jewelry and stuff this is so dodgy don't take any silly risks I don't know leave a designer oh look at that uh do you wanna spoil that uh what are they called those possible that's real yeah no I wouldn't probably wouldn't because the amount of stuff is just like trashed just to hold you from the floor there hey I don't know what's this like Gucci Gucci disappear it's like a pair of Gucci pants that is um Prada Gucci oh that's a little bedroom here I think this was the kid's bedroom yeah there's a cop but there's nothing in there mate it's uh yeah you can't get in that one either of course over there if you've seen the hole in the floor no it's all rolled up with um I don't care each and I I look at all the designer stuff in there so yeah scorched in it how long before that chimney comes down oh God do you reckon there's anything in the Attic go ahead anything you found jewelry oh wow it's a bathroom plenty Airy nice little painting on the wall over there nice little sinks that would have been a 7 out of ten back in its day are they yeah there's still some bits in here in there like they can't couldn't Salvage we need to find that way down to the Thunderbird room [Music] so this is where the main fire must have started because this is this is the worst part of it guys that would have had a painting on the wall here as well yeah wow crazy absolutely crazy all right let's get that on oh yeah bloody helmet oh it's full of money absolutely trucker with money all bloody four pavement that's quarter full with five Peaks so I should get a comparison with you next to it Ned won't fit in your bag will it ain't gonna fit in a brown paper bag for all ski here it's quite a good little phone thing for your milk well I don't know I'm I'm torn between Golf and football for this guy but whoever is he's got some serious money well that's scarf look nice and you're reckon it a lovely mate it's free are you sure are we missing something yeah there's a whole area I don't get it all right I've seen this tea chested Chinese teacher yeah put it um Amsterdam stuff we'll call it Holland from Holland yeah that chair as well wow that is cool oh my God yeah wow nothing in the fridge but literally wine and better thank you all right I mean obviously the fridge isn't on anymore so all this stuff's just going off but yeah that mirror is cool oh wow that's cool so hopefully they've managed to re-cro reclaim a lot of that stuff hopefully not all of it was uh ruined it's a wet mate yeah this is going to get ruined in it I don't think we're getting in there are we that's where the toys were oh well should we have a look at the rest of the grounds I've got a funny feeling that clock house is part of this as well and they've obviously had to move on yeah so yeah wow guys sort of a mixture between the modern and but yeah look out they'd keep out fall in debris it's a nice box Edge but here we go what place is the bay window from say bay window that's huge you know should we go around oh look at it quick there he is oh mate yeah this way this way can step over in it and this would have been their garage nude a little Ferraris in there you go there's the kitchen from the outside guys if you know where this is guys please don't I wouldn't advise you coming here it's it's really dangerous so this was the dining room Ned yeah with the little door through and that's the way so follow it around by the swimming pool that's where we need to go that's like a little office yeah but that's where all the little toys are and it's got this little Bentley on the crawler but yeah there you go you can see it from the outside guys Thunderbirds a guy you can't have expect a big rocket to just open up out with that swimming pool really pull that would you want to shower but yeah here we go this is about a few of it look at that it's the kind for you mate two deer runners foreign [Music] okay we're almost there yeah it's a few old bikes at the back over there oh yeah that's cool man oh well well let's get out of here we've survived death those deal I can hear about again we're gonna make our way out well we've still got our legs but yeah interest and find that three months ago that would have been absolutely Immaculate that house but yeah if you did enjoy the explore guys don't forget to leave us a like leave us a comment in the comment section and subscribe if you're new here guys thanks yo where's netcon and Ned cheers mate Wherever You Are [Music]
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 52,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CssxGwgB8R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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