Lord Nelson's ABANDONED Family church - We Found a Tomb Inside!!

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[Music] standalone church here in the south of england was a medieval church that was rebuilt by the bockland family in 1677 [Music] it became the nelson family's private chapel after they were given stan lynch house which they renamed trafalgar house the family were responsible for its restoration inside its walls sits diagonally laid black and white marble flooring and evolved to the body of horatio nelson's brother thomas [Music] [Applause] yo guys how we doing got kind of like a special little explore for you today it's an old abandoned church now that's not significant but just up the road there is the trafalgar estate so nelson's family yeah they are actually buried in the tombs in this church so that's crazy in it we've got pom-pom with us today guys hi folks um so yeah we're just going to try and look see if there's a way in but yeah let's show you guys look at this completely overgrown i mean actually look at the gate what's in the wind well they've left it for the history well if that is the case this should be preserved yeah i'm looked after look we got bloody stained glass windows to smash dead oh we've got bolt on there so there's a lock on the main gate but this is seen better today isn't it yeah the beautiful stained glass windows they've smashed look oh yeah there's our weigh-in mate yeah yeah you will wouldn't yeah oh wins when's it due you're thin enough hats can get for boxing matches that's the awkward part mate you gotta put both i'll have to go shoulders first cheers wait all right let's see if eddie can get through i just jump down jesus all right i'll take anything in my pocket yeah that's it go on edge you can do it mate you're nearly there nicely done mate well i'm just going to show you this side first look we still got the old oak paneling all the way around this end old old radiator system wow but look this would have been the older guys i can imagine like where ed stood oh step there so this would have been the altar hang on yeah look at that guys are you ready for this guys this is the abandoned church well no way what a waste yeah what they're gonna do with this place oh beautiful those hand painted glass i think so this church was built 1677 i believe all right let's have a look in there i wonder what this would have been oh that's an old toilet this would have been the old toilet this might be the old chain for the light but yeah look at the old glory switches and all let's see if we've got power yeah i have seen the light font is that holy water oh my wow look at this wow so no worried in the vault of this chapel i buried the remains of the right honourable thomas nelson earl nelson of trafalgar well this thing that's quite cool what what is that pattern it's like a brick system with a scepter maybe if anyone knows what that symbol is um let us know in the comments section right have you got your pickaxe which one does come in please please do not break no i can't get over this mate this is huge you've got these coat of art coats of arms on them as well yeah but beyond behind this mate is oh okay yeah so all these are ornate sort of like patterns like little gargoyles more coats of arm which i presume is for trafalgar osmond sculpt something wow it's this old plaster these faces on them as well how cool is this more hand painted stained glass oh wow look at that window oh yeah yeah that would have been yeah those pegs at the top wow guys look at this oh christ who the hell have we got turn up is this security is this the police is it the police no it's hidden history with ray did you get invite here yeah right just hit oh look right straight in mate so what happened here was ray basically started undressing himself through the window so to protect his dignity i'm showing some b-roll of the beautiful church yeah straight in [Music] [Music] right guys i've got through that window i'm going to get the footage from alex for this because right you really don't want the footage of that mate you really don't your viewers don't need to see that right so let's go down this end guys we've met ray so i'll show you this one first right if you want to read this so this one says the right honorable reverend william nelson baron nelson of the nile voy count martin right but underneath at the very bottom and his illustrious brother horatio voy count nelson i don't know guys if you can see that because the screen doesn't show much but look it's yeah the whole of the nelson family were very dear lord nelson's got a house yeah how crazy is that and you found this yeah it's completely off the cuff mate and i'm yeah reading the gravestones there's seven gravestones outside further sisters the brothers it's mental mate oh look at that face up there how cool is that he's an oldie is there a bell tower here or no it's not is there it's the memory of edward foyle nelson priest fourth son of thomas earl nelson he died in 1859 from a fever an over exertion in discharge of his duties as croat of wantage berkshire his body rests in the vault of this chapel head can't we read that that's quite yeah today the attack upon sebastopol on that day his body rests on the heights of the crimea where he notably fell in the performance of his duty may he rest in peace wow but yeah this is stunning guys this whole door which obviously i will shut back up but it's beautiful wow memory of his beloved wife joanne third daughter she died in 1689 in a deep fence oh these old candle stick holders [Music] that one is moving get the shadow fantastic on the wall this one yeah well that's moving as well why are these candlesticks moving lads oh don't ruin it right that is amazing [Music] how what [Music] i can't get over that man it's beautiful and the tune wow i've got more bits of plaster i wonder if there's any hidden things beyond these oak panels no i'll have a look have a look okay tap one tab [Music] [Music] that looks like it could be [Music] that's hollow oh no i didn't actually okay uh roy this chapel was blessed restored to catholic worship and rededicated to mary queen of angels sin michael and all the angels on june 1914 repaired and decorated in memory of mary jane diana countess nelson countess nelson hey i can't get over that stained glass people notice but my wife is sent cassia and she's a contest oh yeah red does that make you a duke so what was that there was something big on that wall one there that's just been ripped out looked enough getting all pictures what was up and the royal warsaw oh yeah you've got the royal crest in it that's flooded yeah fleur-de-lis that's uh i'll flirt with you aren't actually covered in stars yeah stars wow that's the only two on there yeah i believe there's no bell tower that shows you how old it is see the lining on the yellow material as well around the edges yeah oh very yeah is it right store i don't know [Music] oh look that candle still that candle hold is still moving right why would you do that way because you're going to now go forward out yeah do you want to push no because i'm going to find a difficult game out that way because it was easy coming in because that was that yeah it's not too much for drop plus here you can like lay on that bit can't you turn yourself away go on it there he goes [Music] i was determined mate he nearly ripped his shirt off though at the same time is it yeah it was a just just a walker or oh is it going to be love tlc or is it well we hope so a friend of mine his wife was baptized here because he ended up being a roman catholic church briefly and she was baptized brahmacari in this church and that must have been in the latest 40s wow but uh since then it's well it's pretty derelict yeah which is very sad plenty of information available brilliant but uh well as i say come back in five years and hopefully it's a different story now i'm just gonna have a little look in the ground so now that i know the history i'm gonna have a look for some more graves stuff like that oh there's an anchor yeah well spotted mate look at this so that is way i'll pray for the soul of mary diana wife of third of nelson so this one is look albert horatio son of the third old so no nelson's not buried here his brother is buried there i'm shocked here yeah because this is a woman well look at it look at it guys right and overgrown where's the elsa well exactly yeah there's one further down but this house here is a massive garden massive garden wall no else here really there is a there is a house just past it that should be like that this is this is history mate i'm sorry but this is well with history someone's got to be looking into this and yeah so who's this one that's thomas fourth earl how many holes were there ed that's alice oh yeah yeah wow of it yeah look at that still works stuff you tell by these with the dates how old that is yeah yeah i don't know well if anyone knows guys but look that's beautiful wouldn't it all right i wonder if there's anything at the back here i want the tomb now sorry the vault is called yeah there's going to be a way yeah i don't think there's anything but what is it right with graveyards and new trees i don't know we've got one by me i think it's something to do with um let's do something witchcraft is it we've we've got a yew tree in my church thousand years old they used to put stuff underneath the when they planted it you should put a coin or something underneath you know you get rid of evil spirits i know i don't know anyone could tell me that i'm just guessing you and your coins yeah we've got no graves down this end of the cemetery but i'm quite shocked there me too mate when i read that i was like hang on what mate this is unreal elizabeth blanche wife of herbert horatio voy count trafalgar and daughter of frederick born 1860 died in 1935. so this one charles clement tudway first wife oh there's herbert horatio that void count trafalgar third l nelson look at that stained glass window guys it's just what's doing nelson and it's where are they all in the front they're all part of the same family these what seven seven graves definitely all part of the same family oh wow i can't even see you well you can open the window it doesn't really open as much does it let's take a look at the back mate it's just beautiful oh there we go guys that is it we're in the crypt head we're in the creek oh i said dead ended yeah it is yeah you've got an old oven or oh no that's the old boiler in it yeah wait edge you could climb through that point mate yeah ah that's a shame in that so can't oh i think there's a grave over there actually and that's a door sell door from the church so it doesn't look like there's any graves from here but um still guys look at this i mean the history of that place and look at the damp coming through the wall down here it's shocking in it really should be well looked after considering painted glass the glass wow yeah they've bricked this one up look it's a razor wire around the top so i think one more well we have got some white on the bottom actually uh jesus died i can't make that one out guys and then there's another tomb there that looks like you can get in that one as well there's a gap underneath there but obviously i can't read any things because it's all covered in moss and it's a bit overgrown that one there's another one there so these are just being forgotten about guys no way you can actually see down into that one someone's been grave robin that's amazing yeah i hope you enjoyed that little explore quite a unique little church really quite cool little find uh hopefully it'll get the care that it needs guys so um yeah if you did enjoy that guys leave a comment leave us a like and until the next one guys we'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 260,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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