Assault The Broken Shore/Isles [Lore]

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hello everyone last week we talked about the history of Silla daddy did demon hunters trained by Illidan during his time in Outland as our forces assaulted a black temple Illidan sent his force away to the plan to mark doom to collect the Sergey right key stone a key stone which they can use to open up gateways to Legion worlds the demon hunters did succeed in their mission but the lord of outland was rotlo and his mission of stopping the Legion is not yet completed in his demon hunters are imprisoned by my F within the vault of the wardens but now golden in the Legion they have need of the betrayer so they attack the vault and the Watchers are in need of aid let's begin shall we the time has come Gordana prove your loyalty nini Tyler Silesian is out on the field quickly sisters defend the vault lady mother we need you there is something I must do first in the dari I've spent my entire life as keeper of the wicked thousands of years my only solace knowing the world is kept safe from your Chi but I would do anything to save Azeroth even if it means releasing you will you help us demon hunter may have decides to release the allah daddy and recruit to aid against the legion which makes you wonder why she was so pissed it's wrong all this time back during Warcraft free drama pretty much did the same thing but I guess time simply change or maybe my F just does like Illidan hanging out with someone else I will need your help to stop gold an read the other Ella Dori quickly the Tooele daddy locked away with us in the vault of the silence their cane and all Pruitt's cane is a new character designs for legion but uh Luis was actually a quest giver back during the Burning Crusade at the time he saw that Illidan was becoming the very thing that they were fighting against and he decided to deflect and actually put us on a task of eliminating some of the Ella diary with his aid we gained knowledge and power to take us several powerful demon hunters like Allen Dean Ferris na Farrell and elders prodigy pupil parodies it seems like his deflection didn't matter much to my F since he was imprisoned with the rest of us all the same and now we once again stand side by side finding a way out of the prison I hope my f was right about freeing you demon hunter go on I will hold the line we liberate morph to Allah daddy and we kill some of the demons to claim their souls and regain some of her strength because some random mayhem is not good and school he is after a special prize and it seems like my ex defenses they've been broken by one of her own goo dan could never access this chamber one of my wardens has betrayed me I too have felt betrayal by my own kind you illidan stormrage at last I meet the great betrayer so he is the key to Azeroth downfall soon the body's cold but his soul is not done fighting we have work to do before he is ready hurry then the wardens are coming with the ill Atari in tow ooh they are desperate Illidan no you belong to the ledger Gordana you will answer to the High Council for this judge me all you like sister but you cannot stop us you are too late warden this vault will be your tomb demon hunters you have to survive find the one named Archmage Khadgar you can trust him Illidan is still my charge my f quickly goes off the ghoul dynacord ana what a demon hunters are told to survive and meet up with cat-car at this point it's uncertain why they've claimed a letters body but apparently he's the key to Ezra's downfall perhaps they're after the powers stored within him the powers at dimensions that he took from the tomb of Sargeras dirty audio drama or perhaps there's a different reason time will tell for now our main focus is getting the hell out of the vault so we take down crusher and sledge we help out with controlling some of the other prisoners we kill some more demons well all true isn't gain they fight with each other over whose vision is right all Pruitt's dislikes Cain because despite him being a loyal soldier a fearless leader and master teaches his lawyer to Illidan blinded him as Illidan powers grew he started losing control to the demonic energy he it absorbs and now Kane is starting down the same path such a man should not lead to the illah daddy according to all truest while Kane dislike jacques-louis since he was instrumental in the death of four of their comrades the ones I mentioned for a quest during a Burning Crusade these were their teachers their brothers and sisters for deaths Cain can never forgive him stop this foolish bickering we do not have time for this Lord Illidan taught us to fight to persevere together we destroyed countless demons you chose the coward's path I could only trust my own sight brother Lord Illidan was becoming no better than our enemy you killed our own people you spit in the face of our sacrifices go toughest fears that old true isn't Cain we'll take their fight to the death so we're asked to make a choice to pick one of them to become our second in command we also get a chance to gaze into the pool of judgments to reflect upon the sacrifices we made which for just sin to the demon hunters gazing into the pool takes us back in time for Illidan prepare Susilo daddy foreign assaults now you see that there is no sacrifice too great if it brings an end to the burning but Lord Illidan demonic energies course through our veins they nod our every thought what makes us any different from the monsters we fight you question the master we will not sit idly like those on Azeroth waiting to become the demons pray we will take this war to the legions worlds and prey upon them Illidan doesn't immediately answer her question instead their mission begins as the assault Allegiant planets s cough proves to be a powerful enemy even for someone like Lord Illidan and he's almost destroyed by the doom Lord your mission has failed your cause dies with them you smell more you would serve us well never you wish to know the difference between the demons and us they will stop at nothing to destroy our world and we will sacrifice everything to save it the Legion will know of this victory and they will fear you milah dari now you are prepared thinking back to the road and let them hear as both of them put the weapons down and we make the choice that I'd have cane or altruists as our second-in-command only one final battle stands between us and freedom basta lux leader of this demonic invasion is in the chamber of knights and after taking him outs we finally make a way outside where arc mage katka arrives - greets the illa daddy I am Archmage Khadgar leader of the Kirin Tor demon hunters Azeroth needs your help get er tell Stella daddy that he's the leader of the cadence or but as far as I know that moment hasn't happened quite yet we'll get that in a moment in the meantime as all of this is going down the eliezer hordes they sent reinforcements to the broker Shores to assist the initial strike force led by Varian Wrynn and so far as Windrunner after polishing her armor empowering our weapons devouring our last meal and warming up with a little jewel we set sail in a desperate attempt to save the worlds the Alliance they have king varian wrynn accompanied by gelbin Mekkatorque lady Jaina Proudmoore and can't remain the hordes they have Sylvanas Windrunner to get a bit Bane for all and warty Vol'jin each faction makes it way through armies of demons disconnected the gateways and kicking their butts of the planets even the arts and crusade has tried to fight against the demons but they were quickly overrun and their forces are either deaths or dying in the cages there's no sign of highlord tirion fordring either so we're told to save as many as we can we'll also keep an eye out for tyrion and taken down as many demons as we can there be retreated this was too easy something's wrong they're across the chasm go Dan he has Tyrion all the Horde get to throw Tyrion go Dan you will pay for this stay back it's a trap the light will protect me you fool you stand before the temple of a god your pitiful light cannot reach you here o fortunate that your friends have arrived just in time to watch you die destroy him the light will for during know all you have worked for all you have sacrificed just to see your champions fall to ash one by one destroy them Tirion Fordring tried to call upon the light to keep him safe but the might of the legion descended upon him and the lights simply wasn't enough good and will pay for this so after tag-teaming closest the eliza lord move forward for the final confrontation we'll take the ridge and cover your flank Sylvanas thank you good luck Varian and you as the Alliance confronts kuda and directly the war tries to cover their flank but the forces that they face on the rich that destroying them free Legion ships are constantly shooting out the fel beams well demonic forces keep pouring out of the portal there are too many of them everyone pull back to me we make our stand here the Alliance isn't having any better luck either small waves of demons are sent at first but the portal created gives grant access to the near limitless might of the Legion even demons that we faced and vanquish before have returns since demons cannot be killed on Azeroth it can only truly be slain within the twisting nether for example we see hack at the helm master blown up a Malfurion during war the ancients Steichen various slain by Illidan after you absorb the skull of Gul'dan during Warcraft 3 the editor twins slain during the sambar plateau rate within the Burning Crusade and of course who can forget Lord of exes a bus during the trial Crusader accidentally summons by Wilfred's fizzle bang no matter how many demons you throw at us we will cut you down monster we return to conquer this puny world and dirty to us this is a leasing evasion unlike any that we seen before and although realized forces seem to be vastly outnumbered very still things that a victory is possible he calls out the orders but up above Sylvanas and a horde have a better view of the battle down below and they're unable to hold their ground watching do not let the horde die this day victory is ours hold fast Beckett or we finish this down all in the gunship our position right now yet the Lord puts forward and get wind runners Archer to clear the skies she wouldn't I knew it I knew we couldn't trust her without the Horde will be overrun we must retreat get everyone to the gunship Erol take this to my son ah you will be remembered as the king who sacrificed his life for nothing for the Alliance Gann gray main is destroyed by the loss of his king he cannot make himself to face the casket or end win right now two were asked to deliver the letter written by his father with the death of the king a great burden is placed upon enemy's shoulders his father was a great strategist yet his armies crumbled at a broken shores how can he succeed when a wolf himself had failed but vela reassures him dead he does not stand alone in this battle and drawing a complements him for his wisdom of accepting the illah daddy into the ranks who by now have made a way to add the Alliance or the hordes Jaina Proudmoore however reminds them all of the horse treachery it's time to bring them to heel like the dogs that they are better more Dola run and now again that betrayed by the Horde the broker Shore but the others don't see it this way they can't fight a war or two friends they need the Horde strength in this battle against the Legion but Jaina disagrees she believes that the fights alongside those cowards who betrayed and which father left more to die would dishonor everything that's very astute for thalaron will protect the eastern kingdoms but she will not allow to horde the set foot within her city wave that's Jaina teleports away and end wind wonders what to do his father is that it was a disaster at the brokest or people like Greymon and Jaina they're fixed on revenge and everything's falling apart but that's not the end of it the Legion has defeated our initial forces and they now plan the campaigns of invading the rest of the worlds they've even infiltrated our own capital cities as J star creeper reveals that the guards are actually demons in disguise after quickly closing to demon gateways kicking the demons out of the throne room we focus our attention on protecting the key points that the Legion has selected for their invasion meanwhile on the heart side things are looking much better Vol'jin during the battle at the broker Shore was stabbed by a demon and his wounds are severe the Horde leaders gather within grow much hole to discuss the future of the god Windrunner come forward watching the newest spirit say death will claim me soon in the end death claims us all but the Horde will live on I have never trusted you nor would I have ever imagined he not dark his time that's who would be to one deceive us the spirits have granted me clarity of vision we spar Aleve me they will not understand what's the loss tea powder - shadows and lead must be war you Vol'jin is dead who among you will help me avenge him warty fault in his debts and the spirits have told him a name Sylvanas Windrunner steps up in his role and takes over leadership of the Horde the members of the hordes paid her respects to fortune and even tear fun court shows up to say goodbye to his old friends for those unaware Teeter fun was a character create it for the novel bulging shadows of the Horde in that story Vol'jin got his throat sliced open by Garrosh he's found by chin storm stouts and then it he covers at the shadow pen monastery it's there where he meets this human hunter they have their adventures together while fighting against the Santa Larry the Mogu another trolls and near the end of the tale telephone nearly loses his life Vol'jin Osmond some deeds did not take away the human just yet which the low agrees through because Vol'jin had already sent him several other dead trolls and this made a lot of people wonder why Fortin doesn't ask him some d to spare his life for himself I'd imagine that part of the reason is the type of story the Blizzard is trying to tell if you want to show that the Alliance and horde are getting their asses kicked if you want to have consequences for this defeats you can't instantly bring him back next to that you could also say that was simply vultus time to go he didn't do much in his roles war chief but who knows what huge my bring and now Silvano's has the chance to step up into the role of war chief the afterlife has always been a big part of a story arc so again who knows what the future might bring for this moment in time the Horde is also shown that there are demons amongst them so we kick some demon butts and we focus our attention on repelling these invasions at key locations on Azeroth these locations are Demuro azshara northern barrens tenaris hills Bedford Hills and Westfall massive demonic gateways spaceships shooting down fell and powerful demons invade these zones but together with Allah Daddy and the commands in the area we're able to repel them and save the day at least until the next invasion spawns the light shines in Westfall for another day thanks to all of you but we must remain vigilant while all of that is keeping us busy get cars not sitting still and he is need of us greetings hero word has reached me of your efforts to push back against Legion invasion forces I am reluctant to interrupt such important work but I could use your help in a matter of diplomacy I fear I am about to anger an old friend Dalaran has been repositioned to defend the Eastern Kingdoms you'll find it over dead wind pass just above carries on please join me here the maids of Dalaran they've moved a great city to Dettman pass they have a better position while defending the eastern kingdoms this journey did not go without complications as we see you citizens stuck in a wall while the recovery specialists they're trying to help him out but that's not what we're here for we're here to assist kept car as he tries to make Jana see reason they cannot fight both the Horde and the lesion at the same time Azeroth will have to be united in the coming war and for the Kirin Tor to fight at his full strength the Horde must be allowed back into their ranks Jana's not having it though the Horde obliterated Farah more they left them to die on a broker Shore again and again the Horde has proved it to be monsters cowards she will never let the back in but cat gar has made his case and he respectfully asked the council to votes Jana warns them that if they let those vermin back into the city she will not be accounted amongst their ranks when they welcomed them and the council against Jana's wishes they vote to let the back in only Ansem room Weaver agrees with Jana's views and with that she leaves the Killa tour behind and cat car steps up as the leader that was difficult for sure but they must move forwards and they sent an invite to work with the hordes to let them back in there is a war to win but how can a Sarov possibly win this good and he's opened up the gateway of the tomb of Sargeras and only by closing the gateway again do we stand a chance of saving Azeroth but how well luck would have its Bram bronze birch shows up informing us that has brought a mackney has woken up saying that he knows how to beat the Legion and he muttered the name boudoir the story behind this in short because it goes way back in time but very quickly when a worker of universe came to be several planets were born with a Titan spirit inside Ezra of being one of them the Titans were on a mission of waking up these Titan spirits but the void Lords were on the mission of corrupting these Titan spirits and turn them to the dark side for this they send out a means the old gods but Sargeras the champion of the Titans at the time he figured out what the void Lords were trying to do he figured that destroy the universe himself would be better than to let it fall into the corrupted powers of the void Lords so he the pantheon behind he formed the Burning Legion and he set out to do just that destroy the universe prevent the void Lords from corrupting these Titan spirits within Azeroth naturally there's also a Titan spirits and the world was infected by the old gods by the time that titans found it instead of destroying the planets they figured that they could help this spirit mature were also taking care of the corruption by imprisoning the old gods now I've done a video with much more detail if you're interested but now we have met me showing up after communicating with the Titan spirit inside the planets how that came to be well it was around the time the Cataclysm that Magni Bronzebeard use an ancient titan ritual to communicate with the land to figure out what was going on with the worlds instead of just communicating the lands he became one with the lands turning his dwarven body into a crystal now he's woken up again and we've been all over he informs us about the pillars of creation five mighty artifacts used by the titan keepers to bring order to the worlds when their mission was complete the keeper seals these artifacts away but like so many artifacts before they too fell into the hands of mortals cat-car vaguely remembers hearing about these pillars before and with good reason since the knowledge of these pillars it was placed in the care of the Guardians so we most likely read it somewhere in one of the thieves ancient chronicles with the pillars combined we would have the power to seal the Lita's gateway into Azeroth it's the only way to save her so we quickly joined cat-car as he travels to Karason to pick up a tome about the pillars of creation mmm unannounced visitors preparations must be made just picking up the tome would be far too easy of course as the medic in the tower it slows us down in evil some Legion forces led by tirzu they tried to claim the tower Sargeras knows they were after the location of the pillars but despite his forces doing their very best we're able to turn the defenses of the tower against them and we claim the knowledge that we came for we delivered a book to mother died back in Dalaran and we once again focus our efforts are not only defending Azeroth but also defending dollar run which become a main focus point of the legion from deaths we can say that's going for the pillars is definitely the way to go but the book written by the first Guardian Elodie it does include information about the pillars but it doesn't mention their location we absolutely must have these pillars we need some answers so it's time to bring out the four The Guardian and speak to the spirit of LOD which is bound to the forge in the little chats hello dimensions that the powers of the pillar are primordial and even he as a guardian did melt their to trifle with them finally these artifacts is crucial the whole world is in danger so the first Guardian tells us that although he doesn't know the exact location of the pillars his research did lead him to the broken Isles the people of that ancient lands must have the pillars so we now have a destination we have a goal in front of us Khadgar an decadence or call upon their powers to once again transport the city we clearance from a few arcane anomalies which could interfere with the transportation and with that all's done it's time to start our adventures in the next expansion Legion citizens of Azeroth today is the day we turn the tide today is the day that we retake our world and send the Legion back to the hell that spawned them our path is clear the pillars of creation await on the broken Isles and that's where introduction story into the expansion ends from this point on different classes will start hunting for their individual artifacts and of course we'll go through all the zones all the dungeons and raids will cover the order hall campaigns pretty much cover the entire story of Legion as it unfolds that's the tale for another time so for now thank you very much watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time guys see
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 371,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Legion, Broken Shore, Broken Isles, Varian, Sylvanas, Horde, Alliance, Jaina, Mekatorque, Greymane, Thrall, Baine, Vol'jin, Tirion, Gul'dan, Burning legion, Demons, Sargeras, Illidari, Anduin, Stormwind, Invasion, Azeroth, Tomb of Sargeras, Dalaran, Kirin Tor, Karazhan, Medivh, Chronicles
Id: oa_Ns-zuJ64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2016
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