Looney Tunes | Wacky Daffy Duck | Classic Cartoon Compilation | WB Kids

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] people taking boughs for my talent now do your own dance I challenge you dance if you're not a coward if they like that mess they're starving for some real - ah kill him music maestro please a flat from the top [Music] ingrates [Music] awfully unsporting of me I know but I gotta have some fun and besides it's really duck season baby-faced little baby food that silly duck don't make a move or I'll pulverize ya [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] the world supply of illudium fostex the shaving cream Adam is alarmingly low now we have reason to believe that the only remaining source is on Planet X somewhere in this area and you want me to find Planet X is that it can you do it Dodgers Oh indubitably sir because there's no one knows his way around outer space like let's see you know I can deduct six pounds eight shillings for a magnifying glasses and gumshoes two guineas six pence for entertaining footpads pickpockets sneak-thieves and then there's Affairs to and from murders walk-ins in a moment there will come a knock at the door heralding the start of the mystery of the structure slasher Hensler it my pants are caught in a nail [Music] by a clear case of kirari poisoning of one of her Majesty's old green guards telegram just for that you receive no gratuity I could tell by his agility and eager expression that Holmes was bringing his immense faculties of observation to bear by George I've solved it have you now Holmes that's ripping you know yes by Jove I can take my old maiden aunt clotilda as a dependent loo in this morning got a little job for you well thanks for the balloons Holliday inspector this briefcase it's gotta be delivered to the consulate in West Laville yet is that all you know that's not all I'm a spy in the country you'll try to steal it from you well just hand it over inspector and don't give it another thought it couldn't be in safer hands now don't let go of it for an instant it's gone [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] not without close call when me dressed up in this screamin bonnet no one will be able to identify me they'll take on just a sweet old lady my back already okay this is a stick-up fill up the shopping bag and I don't need what groceries don't you Pam hey where's my trading stamps nothin now let's see that was was there seven hundred ninety-eight dollars and forty four cents that's it then never mind I'll take them all I'm in a hurry and she was such a nice holding car for five eight to nine six seven three oh five four five eight to nine six seven is three oh five six seven that's us of course that's us now get movin fast cherry and hearing quick the but we're look I'm Sergeant but what I say goes so go faster faster she'll never get away as long as sergeant Oh duck Kazan to eat carrion herring that's where we were [Music] your call co lady now ready now ready aha gotcha hand over the shopping bag granny oh no I won't you selfish brats you can't scare me with those Halloween baskets [Music] it's the name of the law Aria like that you come up with something new and right away you got imitators oh no you don't you're trying to get all the credit Oh take it you got it [Music] Tasmanian Devil escapes from food mom what in the world is a Tasmanian devil the Tasmanian devil is a powerful vicious evil tempered brute hungry at all times it will eat anything but is especially fond of wild dark yes well he just better not come messing around in this neck of a woods brother cuz this little black duck may be small but I'm not a coward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] smart aleck I read do I understand that you bear some sort of antipathy toward me and surpassing nothing I'm after that fur coat hey that's the softest belt I've ever felt do you really like it I get all my suits from the same tailor as the Duke of Windsor I always get a good fit from him never mind a failfish just skin forever give me a sporting chance doc stop fiddling with my rifle I want to shoot you where it won't show the crebbil French [Music] are you ready eager young space cadet I'm hearing everything repel I'll set your heroship sir then make way for duck Dodgers in the 24th century whoops had the silly thing in Reverse [Music] man eager young space cadet here is the course we shall pursue to find Planet X starting for where we are we go 33,600 turbo miles duo then West in an astro Park PD a salute to here then following the great circle seven radio loop South by Down East I asked OS trouble to here here and here then by space Navigo cup us to here here and then to here and here by 30 points stratocumulus very four million light-years and us to our destination now do you know how to reach planet x oh sure well I wish to explain its leaf sometime Buster Williams anyway last very simple sir if we follow it Liam near those planets we can't very well miss Planet X [Laughter] wait a minute I think I've got it I'll just bet that if we follow those planets we'll find Planet X yeah how do I do it I don't know we won't for lucha having a shopping bag here's one for you and one for you and that's all you get is the bubble gum same you lure me down to the old lady's window I go inside and take her by surprise it's Gia I gotta hand it to you Sarge fine fine take it easy little boy well look at the little boy D bye-bye telling me for its capture $5,000 that's right 5,000 bucks I may be a craven little coward but I'm a greedy crazy little coward I just geez this becomes exposed where am I gonna get music we now continue our program of dance music comin here the [Music] Oh Papa you beautiful $5,000 baggy eyed slob what a cinch five thousand bucks for a ten-mile hike [Music] [Music] hurry back it's fun dancing ducks thank you my good man [Music] [Music] [Music] character in the green house he wasn't wearing a green mind if I join you friend oh please do join me in a little drink Oh bring me rowdy moly extra rowdy make mine a couple sassafras tea I'm looking for a man in a green and I think I know just where to find him [Music] you know friends I'll bet that you thought that I thought you were the man in the green might even try to poison me or something to keep me from like I said to keep me from getting the briefcase just chose to go yeah that's good joke one or two lumps sweet to the fleet I always say they're like a three lumps Bonjour Monsieur [Music] what's the man in the green won't be no give this hot buttered Jim Brown October L over the rocks trifle with me will ya your ruddy toaster munchers a clue really Holmes you you never cease to amaze me cyclamen belongs to none other than the Shropshire slasher watch me and learn what comes amazing fellow I feel peacefully with her we're having what you thought you could match wits with a great fool come on now my man we have an engagement with Scotland Yard what muscle keep the bobbies waiting you know I think it only fair to warn you that I have studied Geoje its food you may be big but I'm really I fail to see how you hope to withstand my superior skill your name is to speak up in Shropshire slasher occupation Shropshire slashes alright what is enough for your bumbling be buddies bumbling upsets Holmes no end very well your honor alas toy with Lee will ya [Music] it'd be a bit rough on the slashing but the foolish Cove asked for it you may resume your interrogation Watkins in an economical boy how's about returning to prison there's a good job yes I want to do what's right our deal to buy some pretty pretties for your dog she definite you win talking dandelions without a license it's true I'm a rabbit all right would you like to shoot me now or wait till you get home shoot him now shoot it now you keep out of this he doesn't you now he just so have to shoot me now my commands like you shoot me now [Music] let's run through that again okay would you like to shoot me now or when can you get home shoot him now shoot him now you keep out of this he doesn't have to shoot you now that's it hold it right there pronoun trouble it's not he doesn't have to shoot you now it's he doesn't have to shoot me now what I mean [Music] [Music] oh no you don't not again sorry this time we'll try it from the other end look you're a hunter right white and this is rabbit season right white and if he was a rabbit what would you do yeah you're so smart if I will so rabbit what would you do well in the name of I claim this planet in the name of Mars isn't that lovely hmm look but I've got news for you I have already claimed this bit of dirt for the earth and there just ain't room enough on this planet for the two of us I do believe you are right little does he realize that I have on my disintegration proof vest you may fire when ready grizzly huh I'm going you had a buddy drop on you was mine of celebrating test ol and brother when it disintegrates if necessary well what do you know it's disintegrating what don't tell me you've got the gall to pull that old sawing-in-half routine yes if I get a volunteer I'll be your volunteer this whole thing is a fake the way it's done is very simple fake me out one end and I'm all scrunched up in this and the oldest trick in the book it's turban little fake too it's the hotel towel [Music] you like I said there's lovely to it all we do is build a suspension bridge from here all the way across to the old girls living room get me a couple of more boards a couple of boys coming up the one thing I can't stand is a bad carpentry what are you doing put in some new ones [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] - you're from Earth I'm looking over a four leaf clover that I overlooked before nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning when Irish eyes are smiling Joris like in spring as we sang look so sweet so like you too might as well give up because I'm just a little more stubborn than you are she's a little lock the shutters go home topless easy there there she is over there [Music] [Applause] I'm putting a stop to this once and for all young man I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget did you get his number see you after the spring thaw repeal we'll see whoever lasts laughs around here fella [Music] happy birthday you with their thing from another world you well I guess he's had enough I'll send them an ultimatum [Music] I now present an act that no other performer has ever dared to execute in fairness I must warn those with weak constitutions to leave the theater for this performance lights thank you some appropriate music maestro thank you first I drink a generous portion of gasoline Clem from micro Katherine a goodly amount of gunpowder some uranium-238 hey quill right an ordinary match girls you'd better hold on to your boyfriend's swallow the match I know I know but I can only do it once [Applause] you
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 1,636,754
Rating: 4.6608086 out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner, daffy duck looney tunes, bugs bunny looney tunes, looney tunes (adapted work), daffy duck (film character), looney tunes cartoons, cartoons for children, classic cartoons for children, LT2018, CLASSIC2018, Looney Tunes full episodes, rabbit seasoning, merrie melodies, official looney tunes
Id: 2AfETSvaSbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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