Looney Tuesdays | Bugs and His Stylish Self | Looney Tunes | WB Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Music] seeker of knowledge what's on your mind wait Swami I've had nothing but bad luck for say no more we must get to the case now when you want your palm read okay how about reading the bumps on your head I ain't got no bumps on my head this will change your luck hmm the cards say you got a meetin coming up with a handsome gent we're in a carnation now we're even with you at all times never let go he's your mascot mister good luck himself [Music] hey what kind of flower is dead it's a carnation doc why come on yo me mascot see you gotta fly what is up mashaallah physician your turn dude I'll give you a taste leather you have an assault see great Lavelle the Marquis of Queensberry rules take this quick save me down it's yours gorgeous don't be afraid have it appraised [Music] our song chop chop the rabbit he brought us here me Jeanne the light brown hair oh mighty genie release me and I shall raise Dini rich reward he's lyin Chaplin I shall release you Oh master Thank You Jean now what's that like to have all this treasure for die very own oh yes master Hassan lie I saw work very well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your boy that steel mixing it now let's uncock that right naman come on let's have a show [Music] hey guess it's about time to use a little scratchy tea I'll feed him out of position [Music] [Music] this trick-or-treating is a pretty nice wagon penny it only comes once a year [Music] even granny do you have any goodies for Halloween which I don't remember seeing her I'm in a transom when was you born I don't remember I was pretty young then never mind round and round she goes there's a winner every time what's your number please and it stops on Lobo the sign of the wolf is the answer unlucky at cards you must be lucky in love ill you kid 23 skidoo [Music] you should strive for la more as we Swami said now go on pardon me mr. wabbit but mr. Humphrey Bogart would just love to have you for dinner yeah well that's mighty neighborly of him you tell bogie if he wants me all he has to do is just whistle [Music] Oh [Music] something very special wide wabbit well wide open looking ribbit oh I just remembered previous engagement I must be going my apologies mr. Boger unavoidable you know king indeed just out taking me for a fool of no really he's approached to you now young chase I ignore you but it's honest and truly him his royal majesty sound the welcomes and blow decrepit [Music] Oh I shall probably hate of myself cover for Don well laia presenting his most royal Majesty King Your Majesty I shall make thee your most gracious majesty in the name of my most royal Majesty I Knight thee arise a sirloin of beef rise Earl of close our eyes do come pretty album All Eyez Baron Munchausen you are too [Music] and I searched and I searched but I never caught up with my little bunny rabbit gee that stuff mr. abdominal bubble no gosh it's hot never see my bunny rabbit again don't give up hope yet doc if you love him he'll come back started yet fireworks gonna balloon gone up he really was a snowman what at Aragon da hey I know you you that rabbit that sent me that that sent me oh no it couldn't be what's up what's up dad I know what's up young rabbits everybody's a rabbit come on now Brody get hold of yourself one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three [Music] one two three one two three what's this a letter B bunny for me now where'd that come from oh well the president of united states he notifies been selected training therein [Music] mm-hmm yes compound fracture of the left plant accord with complications here [Music] a little strategy well it step right over here Mac and we'll see if we can't fix it up stitch in time we'll save nine especially with Donnie we'll find [Music] [Music] one or two lumps make it two okay y'all care to practice with me for the square dancin tomorrow P my turn my own shame likewise on I'm sure babe [Music] oh well pardon me one of you gents got a spam nickel so as I can juice up the jukebox here you in my own thanks just all to pieces sour belly trio coming right up nikto square dance place use all bow to your corner body roll three hands up and round you go break it up with a doji dough chicken in the bed pan kicking out dough skip to my Lou my darling the old lady out you pretty low saying and dominate around the ring big foot off and little foot down make that big foot jog around they'd step back into jet chin back you going forward again get right up with an elbow swing to Manubhai down and out a man left with the old left hand follow through with right left grant beat your money with a great big smile step right up you're doing fine I'll put your bid upamana war now fish for the trout diamonds less about trout to the truck what most lesson come round [Music] like hound dog I'll go around in the old Big Ben oh no LM left with your left hand follow through with a right left brand I'll leave your part in the dirty Oh thing follow through with an elbow swing grab a fence post hold it critter it did whap him low and whooping eyes your fingers I pretty little bang your head against the ground Brahmin made all around a room for a man named Brandon Brody and closed a door and into his being whirl whirl twisting twirl jump all around like a flying squirrel now don't you cuss and don't you swear just come right out informa square [Music] they're both join hands and run like under open hill and open ahead and lift your tail don't you straight and don't your ohm turn around and promenade home corn in a crib in weakness a turn you back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 256,184
Rating: 4.6117649 out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Scooby doo where are you, chuck jones, Mel Blanc, Spike the Dog, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner, BUGSBESTOF, BE LOONEY, LT, CLASSIC
Id: zcfiRo5mXlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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