Looney Tuesdays | Friendships Are Forever (?) | Looney Tunes | WB Kids

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[Music] hmm uh what's up doc allow me to introduce myself my name is wile e coyote genius i am not selling anything nor am i working my way through college i so let's get down to cases you are a rabbit and i am going to eat you for supper now don't try to get away i am more muscular more cunning faster and larger than you are and i'm a genius while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten so i'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers [Music] i'm sorry mac the lady of the house ain't home and besides we mailed you people a check last week [Music] why do they always want to do it the hard way the two persons named will then race to our studio the first bunny here will win the minion box last week two sweet little old ladies from pasadena almost killed each other trying to win the prize and now the magic moment the two buddies in tonight's fun race are daffy duck and bugs bunny how about that tonight we're the buddies hey buddy where'd you go with me it's not the principle of the thing it's the money now how do you suppose this rope got untied [Music] palm springs at last good old palm springs queen of the dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] you and your shortcuts told you to turn west at east st louis yeah i know way i figure it was somewhere in the high melees mountains that's pronounced himalaya himalayas why you four-legged marco polo that's in asia himalayas no wonder it's so cold look at this i've got a wonderful idea let's pal do me a favor will you just just don't do me any more favors you just stay right here and study to be a snowshoe rabbit i'm going back to purse [Music] amboy all right what's holding up the works what's all the the [Music] well here we are pismo beach and all the claims we can eat [Music] what a way for a duck to travel underground hey wait a minute since when is pismo beach inside a cave i wonder you know i just bet we should have turned left at albuquerque and there may be a right time at la jolla well we can't be too far off so if we uh it's mine you understand mine oh mine connections there down down down go go go my mind [Music] what's up i'm duck i'm wealthy yahoo i'm comfortably well off woo-hoo i'll open septuagenarian you open the saddle soap you open sesame [Music] i'm in family ah red cap call me a cab boy and be quick about it i'm a heavy dipper [Music] quick quick save me pal and it's yours gorgeous isn't it don't be afraid have it appraised any place [Music] a song chop yeah well we'll chop the rabbit he brought us here me genie delight brown hair oh mighty genie release me and i shall grant thee a rich reward he's lying chop him chop him her son release you o master thank you hassan now what's thou like to have all this treasure for thy very own oh yes master a sunlight i sound like very well [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's yours i wouldn't do that if i were you if i were you i put him a back it can only lead to self-destruction it only takes one bird to start you and before you know it it's two birds then three suddenly without realizing it you're a victim then one day the end of the road if you really want to beat this look us up we can help you [Music] our new member has come to us for help would someone volunteer to tell what b a has done for him i was a three-bird a day pussycat until b.a helped me being on a bird kit cost me five homes b.a helped me solve my problem fellow members from now on my motto is birds is strictly for the birds [Applause] [Music] um what's cooking jack rabbit stew dad i'm such a genius hmm smells mighty good but uh there's only one little thing wrong with it there is what no rabbit [Music] i'm looking over a tree leaf clover did i overlook b3 [Music] well back to the old drawing board there he comes now he probably thinks he's miles ahead of me it is to laugh ho ho ho ho huh what's this to start avalanche pull keystone only a dirty rat would do flat or a dirty duck [Music] so that's the way he wants to play huh a million bucks if a million bucks [Music] well well hi there daffy old buddy don't old buddy me i'm ahead and i'm gonna stay ahead i'm way out in front oh daffy's doing it look at me pulling out ahead when are you gonna breathe i'm a way out here [Music] i wonder if daffy will remember that he can fly nope i guess not oh george you were naughty to pretend you was a bunny rabbit i will punish you good bad old george look doc i know where there's a real bunny rabbit a a very cuddly and a fubsy rabbit and then after a carrot bigger and a malt in albuquerque oh bugsy bugsy buddy oh hi yeah what's up duck [Music] hey an abominable snowman i will name him george and i will hug him and pen i'm sure i know i'm a mouse but i'm alive and i will give him security and i will keep him warm like a mother hen so he will never feel rejected or lacked for love poor old bugs but any way you look at it it's better he should suffer after all it was me or him and obviously it couldn't be me it's a simple matter of logic i'm not like other people i can't stand pain it hurts me okay a bomb here's your bunny rabbit [Music] he got the jump on me but i can still beat him to the top floor with my little secret weapon [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] the big moment is here folks it looks like our winner is daffy duck i won i'll take that million bucks now thank you there you are daffy a million bucks and it's all yours a million bucks and inside the million bucks are one million little boxers oh boy just what i always wanted jeez um just a moment sir i would like to donate my prize to my old and dear friend bugs bunny there's a real buddy for you four inside of each of the million little boxes there is a crisp brand new one dollar bill and i searched and i searched hot but i never caught up with my little bunny rabbit gee that's tough mr abdominal bubble and now i'll never gosh it's hot never see my bunny rabbit again don't give up hope yet doc if you love him he'll come back well here i am massacre started yet fireworks gone off balloon gone up oh boy a bunny rabbit just what i always wanted i won't name him i will hug him and squeeze him and pet him and pat him and hey [Music] hey what do you know he melted he really was a snowman abominable that know you is believe this but today let's see what's cooking on tv after a basting you'll find that your bird will come out the golden brown every succulent to muscle will simply melt into your mouth we how easily white to meet the slices huh yummy those are not the look what's the matter with me i i gotta get birds off of my mind i know i'll play the radio music will get my mind off of it that was bye bye blackbird and now we'll play when the red red robin comes bob bob bobbing along i gotta stop myself now i won't be able to get the bird oh mr pudding dad don't you like me anymore i i think i think i i think you're i think you're delicious [Music] i'm sorry i had to do that i was afraid you might be weakening yes i did weaken thanks a lot i have come to give myself up on account of i cannot fight no more against such genius a wise decision my friend you have just saved yourself from a fate worse than the frying pan i have only one last request i have made out my last will and testament but i need a witness to make it official would you sign it with his fountain pen certainly my boy delighted to be of service very amateurish attempt on my person being a genius certainly has its advantages [Music] brilliance that's all i can say sheer unadulterated brilliance ah my darling how beautiful you are how devastating how lucky little did you dream that one day you would marry a genius fight fire with fire i always say i don't know i have a feeling that pismo beach ain't quite this wide help help help save me pal save me help help okay dad back here what's with you anyway i can't help it i'm a greedy slob it's my hobby save me a song chop him go let away [Music] is he gone yeah i got rid of him oh boy i'm rich i'm wealthy i'm independent i'm socially secure i'm rich i'm rich i think that's the last of it [Music] just a quick check to see if i missed anything hey what's this hmm well polished up it might bring another quick four bits on the open market i am the genie of the lamp oh master oh no you don't you want my treasure well it's fine understand all mine down down go go mine you have desecrated the spirit of the lamp prepare to take the consequences consequences sequences as long as i'm rich [Music] i wonder how that crazy duck ever made out with that genie hey what do you know [Music] you
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 1,158,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Scooby doo where are you, chuck jones, Mel Blanc, Spike the Dog, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner
Id: cQSo9ATgjK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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