Looking for trouble? Broken Dowel Removal Trick & Eagle 66 Oiler parts on the Mini Lathe

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[Music] ugh so so this thing's cleaning up pretty good i still got to get up and underneath the bottom of it and get all that grease out off of it now when i test run this meal it seemed to work okay i didn't experience any trouble with this that i'm aware of but i am going to tear into it a bit i'm going to take off this 90 degree gearbox that's on the side here and re-grease it because it looks like it's just a grease-filled box i can change that and i can also flush out the gearbox in here without disassembling this thing although i'd really like to just to see how it works and see if there's any issue in there but i can specifically remember my mother telling me not to go looking for trouble so i've just about got this thing cleaned up i really like the design of this thing it's all self-contained you've got the motor here gearbox bolts directly onto the bottom of the saddle of that machine and i guess in theory if you had issue with a gearbox on a machine like that on an assembly line it would have been easy to change this versus your alternatives for some of your other machines where you know the gearbox is buried deep into the bowels of the main casting so this would be a quick part to change kind of industrial lego ish so transmits power directly up into the bottom of the saddle here and then transfers that power 90 degrees through a spline shaft that runs directly into the front of the mill where all the handles are there's an array of gears there where you can engage or disengage power feeds so it's pretty neat actually and uh looks like it's pretty heavy duty so i'm going to pull this off we've got a loose bolt here kind of concerns me and i want to make sure that this transition here is nice and lubricated locating pins pushed in somebody at one time may have had this off so check that out i'm glad i took that off it has a broken dowel pin there i'm thinking what probably happened is the bolts worked loose and it just torqued it and snapped that dowel off we'll have to consider getting that out those are hardened so we'll see may be okay with it as is but i'll think on that so i've spotted my first issue in that there's no snap ring holding this gear on it really should have a snap ring down there retaining this gear down on that shaft let's see if this will come off here okay yeah sealed bearing rubber sealed held in the snap ring okay let's had some shearing going on i don't know if it has or not something's went on with it though somebody's done some filing on it it was probably a regular key and somebody filed it to fit that because they didn't have uh the proper key for it that's what that's what that is so somebody's been in here oh i'm sorry little guy you can't that metal is pretty slick don't get him here so this gearbox i mean i can't even turn it by hand i don't know that i should be able to but i'm suspecting that i got a bearing issue in this 90 degree transition that's going to be a pretty high load area and because it had the broken dowel because the bolt was loose in it because it was missing the uh you know the snap ring i want to pull it down a little farther and have a look at it now i removed this plug in the back and i'm assuming that's just a clearance hole to press the shaft here out so that's what i'm going to do hopefully we don't damage anything put a little heat on it as well that way it persuades it to pop loose a little easier maybe so now that i got the two gears separated from each other i can turn the input and the output independently and feel the condition of the bearings before i couldn't do that in fact i couldn't turn this at all by hand and i suspected that it either had a locked up bearing because somebody had been in this before i wanted to check and make sure that they had a locked up bearing or maybe it was just supposed to be a really tight gear mesh and you know that's just the way it is and that was the case there's nothing wrong with this the gear content contact pattern looks good on the teeth and i'm gonna clean this out press it back together put some high molle grease in it and it's good to go i suspected it had issues but i'm glad it doesn't it's above a little bubba joe just growed up you need a haircut bubba so now it's time to push this thing back together put the gears back in mesh and while i'm pressing this thing together i've got my hand on the back end of it trying to feel for the gear backlash i want to press this thing together just enough to where the snap ring will hold the bearing in or it'll go in its snapper groove and no more than that i don't want to over compress these gears together so so that's much nicer this thing was just pressed together real hard i think this bearing had been replaced in the past and they just pressed it till it stopped i pressed it into the snap ring would go in its groove and that's it and basically got almost no backlash and i can turn it freely by hand so i think that's more like it should be so [Music] um so that looks pretty good okay you can lift it up um so i'm all set up on the drill press here just some machinist jacks under this thing leveled it up centered over the broken dowel pin that i have in this case i'm going to try to remove it we'll see if this works and if it doesn't it's not the end of the world we can work around it but the idea here is i'm going to drill it oversize if i can drill it at all because it's going to be pretty dang hard i'm sure drill it slightly oversized put some threads in it screw a piece of threaded rod into the dowel pin and slide hammer it out that's the hope so we'll try it if this drill will drill it then we have a good chance of getting some threads in there so we'll give it a shot anyway not very optimistic that it's going to work [Music] that was quite surprising so that is as far as i can go down with this is a plug tap so it's really pointed really i need a bottoming tap because i didn't drill all the way through this dowel because it's hard on the outside and soft on the inside at least that's the way it seems to be because i got almost through it and the drill just kind of started rubbing so i'm not pushing my luck and breaking the drill up in there so i stopped so i'll just grind the end of this tap off because i don't have a bottoming tap in 1032 so i'll just make one because i've got plenty plug taps in that size so here i'm just grinding off the first few threads of this plug tap because it has such a steep taper on it you don't get threads all the way full threads all the way to the bottom of the hole so by grinding off those first few threads i'll get more threads in my shallow hole that i've drilled inside of that broken dowel and a better chance of my slide hammer not pulling the threads out when i try to slide hammer this thing out so okay so i hope that'll be enough we'll see so just a piece of threaded rod with a hold down on it i'm going to use that as a slide hammer to try to pull this out hopefully it works [Music] oh there it goes worked so i really wasn't expecting to be able to drill into that dow but surprisingly soft on the inside but really hard on the outside got almost through it with the drill and it just started skating so i just stopped figured that was enough threads and it was so there we go worked like a charm [Music] so [Music] so so i just used the cutter grinder for the first time and probably a year had to knock down a quarter inch dowel pin to six mil 250 thousandths is quarter inch obviously and then six mil is 236 thousandths so you know you knock off 14 thou and uh there you go just a locating pin and i hit it within probably three tenths close enough right just for location it's better than no pin let's uh go cut this and install it i hope if you loosened it so let's do a quick test fit that's the way it's supposed to fit so now i can clean out these holes really good lock tight it and it shouldn't work loose should be good so uh c-clamps just so it can't slide off the end if it decided to [Applause] oh so in last week's video you may remember me briefly bragging about how how well my dehumidifier had been working in the shop and it had been up until i said how good it was working and then it immediately stopped working so good the fan in it the squirrel cage fan started flying apart throwing blades all over the shop here's two several more on the desk they were laying all over the place when i come out here in the morning so don't brag on anything because then it's soon to fail anyway i bought a new unit i haven't got it yet a better one than this one more industrial unit for reasons that we'll talk about later let me show you a quick job that we need to do so on the workbench i've got the mini lathe i think it's probably the most appropriate tool that i have to make these little parts that i'm going to be making and what we're going to be doing i'll show you a little closer look is making some parts for the iconic the eagle 66 oiler everybody likes them a lot of people collect them really nice oil can well made all right got a good look to it buddy mine ron white who hooked me up with the gauge pins in the kirchner box collects these he's got some that are incomplete and he needs a few parts so let me show you what we're going to do the parts we're going to make and we'll burn some out real quick so there's our stock just brass stock now i've already burned out a couple of these so i know the order of operations that i'm going to be using to make it but there is the part that we're going to make minus this nut here the spout and the tip now spout's relatively straightforward although i did spend about 20 minutes maybe 15 trying to figure out what threads were on this thing i was looking for something complicated but it is just a simple quarter 28 but there's the harder part to make because it's small hard to hold and a pretty small hole through through the part 33 thousandths or point eight point eight something millimeter so we're going to be using the mini lathe because we got pretty good feel through the tail stock of that thing so let's get set up and we will start out making the tip [Music] [Applause] so so we've got our compound set up at about 13 degrees because that is the angle of that tip we're just going to do it by hand tail stock out of the way [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we got a nice sharp center drill in the tail stock of the lathe here and i'm just going to lightly spot the front of this oiler tip that way my little drill has a nice little spot right in the center to start we'll drill partially through this maybe i don't know halfway we'll part it we'll flip it and then do the rest of the operations on the back side this is just so i get good and centered in the end of that tip [Music] so this is definitely the hardest part not breaking that little drill off in this thing [Music] so just keep backing out and clearing the chips out of this small grill wouldn't take much for it to lock up in there and break so and that's probably deep enough a little breakthrough on the back side when we do that reverse operation so now we got to part it off so i really need to put a carriage lock on this there's a lot of nice modifications you can do to these little lathes to make to make it easier to use them because they are a little tough to use but you can make good parts on people do it all the time it is tougher if you can be a really good machinist on one of these you will be excellent on a nice lathe or a bigger lathe can't say that some of these are nice but you get what i mean squaring up the tool to the work come in right there [Music] [Music] so those of you who've watched the channel for some time may remember me putting tapered roller bearings in the spindle of this machine and it does seem to have helped especially with parting and stuff although it's you know still gets chatter through the rest of the machine it is better than it was just turn our part over now work the back side [Music] so we're going to center drill it and we're going to drill it about 200 thousandths deep with this number three drill and then tap it with our quarter 28 bottoming tap [Music] i've got my drill marked with a sharpie so i know this is not like a super precise part so my sharpie line on the drill is good enough i'm going to stay a little shy of that sharpie line so the way i'm going to make sure to get a good straight tap on this thing is to start it just by hand with the drill chuck turn the truck by hand basically so that's it i'll just face that off to clean up the back you could just touch it to the grounder that's it tip is done so now we're going to make the spout and we'll just mark this that's the long we have a long threaded portion and a short threaded portion and we're going to turn down the od of this tubing just a little so our die starts easier on it because it is slightly large [Music] and tapered the tip there a little bit so the dye starts easier so a little bit of oil got the jaws backed all the way out on the chuck because we're going to use that to press on our quarter 28 die turn it by hand hopefully you have to get it started okay i think we're getting started i'm gonna move this stuff out of the way and run it up to the little bitty shoulder i got there and this hand will be threaded okay threads so there we go now all i need to do is cut it to length and do the exact same operation on the other side and that's it all right we'll clean all the burrs up and be ready for for use made a nice thread so there's the original and a couple that i made another spout there these won't fit in until they get a little patina and some dings and scratches on them but there you go look good a little part replication there for the eagle 66. so my mother and chances your mother were right if you go looking for problems you're going to find them and we did on the do all gearbox i'm glad that i looked at it because those problems weren't going to go away and chances are they would have just gotten worse as time goes on probably would have ended up with some stripped gears and who knows what else but now that the dow pens are placed it's all cleaned up and new lube and seated proper i shouldn't have any more problems with it so also glad to get those parts done for my buddy ron on the eagle 66 oiler so now he can take those parts put those on his incomplete oil cans and set them on his display shelf to look at if you're going to collect something you might as well collect something cool and those are so i think that's it for this week anyway got some really exciting stuff to share with you next week so look forward to that so that's it thanks for watching thanks to ebay who supported me on this project it's much appreciated couldn't do without you so that's it thanks for watching i'll see you next time as the light leaves your eyes hold on to your drain oh i know you wanna scream [Music] since the day you're born you're just a flower on your own waiting for the sun to blow soon hoping to break through the storm
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 47,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy
Id: HK__nwtwXCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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