ONE Of THE BEST SAWS EVER MADE. A BIG DoALL Band saw for the shop :-)

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hey guys welcome to the shop it's upgrade week shop equipment upgrade week now coincidentally in my last video one of my commenters said dude you need a new so and so your old one is too small and i completely agree so we upgraded now this piece of equipment nowhere near new right probably 70 60 70 years old but for what you pay you get an absolute beast of a piece of equipment so let me share with you what i got and i'll show you what to look for if you want to buy one for yourself because everybody needs one of these in their shop uh yeah i stand behind that i think so so let me show you what i got and then we'll go over what to look for so you don't get burned right so my new piece of equipment which is absolutely not new it's probably from the 50s is a 36-3 do all vertical bandsaw this is the contouring version which i'll share a little bit more about that with you in just a second but this thing has all the bells and whistles that you could ever want in a saw at a price that probably wouldn't get you a brand new little bitty tabletop saw these days and they're all over the eastern u.s listing after listing of these things for a relatively reasonable price in all sorts of sizes and all sorts of features so there's probably one out there that fit about everybody's shop or budget so let me show you what i know about this thing and what i don't know and you know just give you a good look at it it's absolutely an awesome saw so back in the day when engineers basically designed simply with pencil and paper they overbuilt a lot of equipment and this is a good example of that everything on this saw is probably two times or more stronger than what it really needs to be these days you will not see a saw built to the level that this thing is it's almost comical how heavy duty this thing is and this is the light duty version and i'm not joking this saw is a three-wheeled saw so it has two guide wheels and then one drive so guide wheel guide wheel and drive that is hooked to the transmission good thing about this saw is that you don't have to necessarily run a blade that long you can actually with an extra guard that you can get you can run the blade right between these two wheels here and have a much shorter band you know that's what you wanted to do because bands are expensive right and this saw happens to have and most of these do all bandsaws will a built-in blade wielder which is nice because when a saw runs a band that's this long you definitely want to buy your you well anytime you can you want to buy your band buy the box and not buy the pre-made blade you pay three times as much buying them pre-made when you can simply make them yourself on saws like this really easy it's just simple as pushing a button you do not have to be a professional welder to get a good quality band uh weld with one of these and i'll i'll show you in just a minute has a three speed transmission and a fine adjust here between so it's pretty much infinite between its slowest speed and its high speed you can really fine tune in your surface feet per minute using this speed indicator that's on the saw here neat really really well thought out saw it has a coolant system it has a well had it is missing a few parts a air compressor to blow your chips away this saw also had well i'll show you the coolest feature in just a second it has a built-in coolant pump or head that's missing that as well so we'll have to work out some issues on it but other than that the saw is pretty much complete minus a few little things including the uh the chart that blew off when my buddy al was moving this thing and that kind of kind of bites so i'll have to find one of those to complete the look of this thing but just the cover on the front of this is probably eighth inch sheet metal i mean they talk about over built let me show you the drive mechanism on this thing it reminds me of a small tractor and i'll show you some of the other other neat features on it as well one is super awesome so i've got the motor and gearbox cover off of this saw give you a good look inside here it's got a three horsepower three horsepower three phase 220 motor in it here's the variable speed drive this pivots on this bracket here and changes basically the size of these pulleys and you get an infinite range and from its maximum to minimum sizes on these pulleys which gives you a really fine adjustment on the speed i've got a gearbox here that you would see on a medium-sized yard tractor and actually got a hydraulic pump it is missing then an air compressor or an air pump that's right here which i won't put back on it because i'll hook this thing in the house air and all this did was puff air and blow your chips away while you were cutting so you could see if you were cutting to a line you can see that easier it is missing that and it's also missing the coolant pump on these tanks this is your hydraulic tank this is your coolant tank but just looking in here i mean it's obvious that this thing is you know made to last and this one luckily is in really good shape under here somebody did do quite a bit of service over the years or else it would not be in its current condition that was nowhere near this clean though this thing was completely caked and if you stick around to the end of the video i'll show you just how bad this thing was in here took about two days to get this thing looking like it does so don't be fooled i didn't buy it like this it was really really really nasty and almost all of them will be so let me show you the neatest feature on this saw and that involves this hydraulic this little hydraulic pump so a lot of you will be familiar with the roll in type saws the hydraulically powered saws that actually push your work into the saw blade for you and you don't have to do it manually well this saw has a hydraulic table that does that exact same thing which is absolutely awesome now i don't know that if it works or not this thing did not have hydraulic much hydraulic fluid in it and i just drained all that out because i wanted to clean everything up cleaned out the tank and i'm waiting on my hydraulic fluid to arrive to test that out although it's a really simple system and no matter what you know i'll get it fixed so that is an awesome feature to have and i'll show you underneath this table in just a second here's your controls to control how hard the table pushes into the band how fast it moves you can reverse it you can choose your speed you choose your force i mean this thing really does have some awesome features and i've got the belt off of the hydraulic pump right now simply because it doesn't have any fluid in it at the moment and i wanted to flush that system out so let me turn this saw on and i'll show you just how quiet this thing is you know relatively quiet and i'll show you the way that this the variable speed pulleys work on this thing because it's really neat let me turn on the face converter first because it won't work otherwise so i've got this thing at its lowest speed and medium i've got some new belts on order for it they are a little squeaky here and there but for the most part this thing is quiet considering all that's going on to drive this thing it really it sounds awesome let me move the camera around here and i'll show you the variable speed drive setup and i'll go through the motions and you'll see how it works it's neat okay so i'm going to speed this thing up a bit and you'll see the pulley start changing size [Music] and you can tell how fast like i said your blade is moving and surface feet per minute based on uh on the little speedometer here i guess you'd call it now let me show you underneath the table of this thing because it's awesome so i have not cleaned out from under the table on this thing so it is dirty but the table tilts so you can cut cut an angle with it here's the hydraulic cylinder it has two large linear bearings i guess you'd call those that the table slides on and it's powered like i said by that hydraulic cylinder and you can move this table up to 30 degrees now it has a graduated scale on a pointer down here so you can get the table back square but you can you can simply use a square off the table and do that on your own as well and obviously like on most band saws adjustable so this little extra table here is just for your work that's hanging over to support it it's probably about 300 thousandths maybe a quarter inch thick cast iron good example of you know how overbuilt these saws were table is a coolant through table so any coolant that gets on the table is meant to drain to a drain over there that goes back into the sump it has end stops so you can set how deep you want the table to go before it stops and then you can reset it with your with your controls here t-slots so you can hook a vice to the table if you want or pretty much anything clamp your work down let me show you what this feature here is that's pretty neat i may never use it but it's neat all right so see that piece of tape right there when i turn this handle see that turning let me show you in the book what this contraption does and it also involves that back bracket so here's a really neat book that i've had in my library for quite some time i did not know that it would ever come in handy i've looked through it before it's all on contouring band saws by do all so this is the book on that saw's you know primary feature so here's a good example on the front of the page of cutting you know cutting to the line right cutting radiuses got a chain that runs around a fixture and his work is in the middle and i've got a couple pages marked here you can see by turning this hand wheel it turns this cog that's hooked to the chain and therefore turns the work that's getting cut in the saw here's a top view you can see the chain runs around and it gets pulled through the through the band and you can turn that work by turning the hand wheel see there's the same same unit that my saw has on it there's a chain that's running around and he's turning the handle so pretty neat different type of setup but you know doing the same thing turning the work by this hand wheel cutting to the line while the table pulls his work through the saw so that's pretty neat i can't wait to get set up and actually try that although i don't have any of the chain or the cogs or fixtures but that's all stuff that i can you know come up with probably but pretty neat that saw's got some pretty cool features i had never seen this done in person but i'd like to try it so soon i'm going to move this filing cabinet so it's kind of tight back here but this is the blade welder and these are the saw controls this is for the hydraulics to control the table this is your air this is your coolant this is your coolant pump on or off and saw on and off so blade welder this is a grinding wheel actually so it has a built-in grinder it sounds really good this is the blade welder this is what actuates the welder you can choose how thick of a blade you're going to be welding has a light that actually does not work or that's not plugged in it also has a blade cutter this is just a bandsaw blade that needs welded i need to sharpen sharpen this blade cutter but see cut your blades and you put them inside the welder here this is the old style so they are more modern versions of this but this does work and once you've properly selected the size blade that you wanted to weld you just push down on the handle [Music] it pushes them together and welds them and now we have a successfully welded bandsaw blade that i will now grind because it does raise up some slag all right you'll grind it until it fits through it has a guide there or a check a gauge that you'll know when you've got it ground to the proper width you can also anneal the blade once you've welded bring it normalize it right by pushing this button here heat it up to a dull cherry red and then cool it down slow and then in theory you should have a properly welded bandsaw blade so that's a really neat feature to have so i haven't ground this one down real good yet but in theory your weld should be as strong as the blade ever was originally it shouldn't break and that's a pretty decent weld if you bend a radius like that and they don't pop usually they'll hold so i would consider that a successful weld so let me show you how to quickly store a blade or to fold it up where it's not so large and i put my foot on on the bottom find the center and pull up on it take my hand and turn it backwards right push down while turning and there you go now you got a successfully uh rolled up blade and to undo them obviously you you're going to want gloves but you've got to be really careful a lot of people just throw them out on the floor but i don't like to do that i just try to be really really careful when i unroll them so let's quickly go through what you need to look for and i'll show you the condition of all the parts on this saw that are of importance as well we'll go over all the parts that you need to look for if you wanted to buy one of these for yourself now on a saw like this and of this vintage you're really going to want some good pictures if you cannot go and see the saw in person and the main thing on these saws really is the condition of the variable speed drive now they made a lot of different versions of it and not all of them look like this one does but probably the majority of the older saws will look like this i've heard a lot of stories of people buying these saws and the variable in fact tom lipton uh from ox tools was one of the gentlemen who i believe bought a saw like this and then found out that somebody had stripped out the drive system on it and then tried to adapt it to something you know that wasn't it wasn't meant to be simply because they may have had some problems with the existing unit and didn't know how or wasn't capable of repairing it properly you want pictures of the drive system to make sure that it's at least all there before you buy one of these that's i think the most important thing let me show you some of the other things because there's a lot of other wear items on these saws that you know you're going to have issue with especially with a saw like this and this one has those issues so it'll be a good example so where item number one will be the tires on the uh on the guide wheels here now this one has obviously since it's been new has had a set of tires or two on it in fact it says replaced rubber tires 316 1965 so i know that they're at least that new actually this thing's probably had multiple sets of tires on it but these look they're all there there's no chunks out of them they are dry rotted a bit they didn't do the best job putting them on but they actually run pretty smooth so you know that is serviceable in my opinion now i've checked them all and they're basically all the same do have some dry ronnie on them but you know they are there and you can get them they're not too unobtainium so that's one thing you want to check if they're all broken out these rubbers on the wheels you know either pass on the saw or consider the fact that you're going to have to replace those you also may want to check and see if it has all the guides this saw has a rack for them for the extra blade guides that hold that rub up against the different width blades so that's a nice thing that these are in here so let me show you some other things so if at all possible with any piece of equipment really not just saws you want to hear it run you want to see it go through all of the motions and you know that gives you confidence that at least everything's there and it's working somewhat the way that it should it has a good chance of being in decent condition if you cannot hear a saw run or a piece of equipment run i immediately reduce what i'm going to pay for it by a third because i assume that there's going to be stuff wrong with it and usually pieces of equipment that have age on them there's going to be some things just to be expected so buy accordingly if you can hear it run do so but if you can't reduce what you're going to pay they should not sound like a soup can full of marbles when everything's in proper order they're pretty quiet i'll show you some things to check for if you can in person on on the drive mechanism on these because there is a lot that can go wrong back there and i'll show you what to look for but while we're up front let's first look at these blade guides because these are a major wear item and this is a good example of a warm set of blade guides so here's a look at the blade guides on this these are simple friction guides they just kind of push on the blade these are adjustable and they keep the blade centered keep it from wandering from side to side and then on the back this one has a bearing here pull that back and spin that bearing and it's super crunchy and it's no good he's replaced in fact it's wore all the way down to its rubbing the shield the metal shield on it so all of these either need replaced or if you had a surface grinder you could simply redress these guides but you get the idea there's all sorts of different blade guides this is just an example of one configuration but assume on an old saw that you're going to have to clean up adjust or replace everything that guides the blade let me show you the lower one because it's coming completely apart the bearing is completely obliterated down there so it's been a long time since these blade guides have been serviced at all i'll show you if i can get this loose with this back bearing on this one maybe i will but this is all parts that are relatively easy to fix just not a deal breaker long as all of it's complete see that bearing there all the balls are completely out of it just shot that's not uncommon but you get the idea all that's going to have to be fixed right so buying one of these vintage saws i mean it's kind of a gamble really you have the potential to get an amazing saw that most of us could never afford to buy anything even close to that quality brand new but you also have the potential to get an absolute pos something that's been rigged or modified in ways that it was never intended to be and half works right does not have the features that it probably should have there are lots of cases of these things have an issue with the drive mechanism and that's only because they never got serviced because otherwise they really do hold up forever and uh you know people buying these and then finding out that hey you know it's been stripped and modified and just not what it's supposed to be so if you can get some pictures inside the engine housing engine motor housing for the gearbox speed control whatever it's a good idea because you don't want to have to replace this kind of stuff and i mean you don't want to have to do any more work than you have to because on a saw of this age you're going to have to do some work like these belts 60 80 bucks a piece you know imagine if this pulley was bad and the machine work that would be involved in that and you may not you may or may not have the capability to do that and then you've just spent your money for nothing so for a lot of people it's a big gamble so i think you get the idea there's a ton of work to do to this thing that i don't have time to get into this week but we will get this thing up and running very soon and i'm extremely excited to have this i've been waiting years to get a proper bandsaw and up to this point a lot of you guys know i've been using the little harbor freight 4x6 bandsaw and it's done almost everything that i've needed to do albeit a little bit slow you know it's perfectly capable a little saw that's why i wasn't too in too much of a rush to to get something like this but in any shop if you do any work you'll spend a lot of time at the bandsaw cutting you know rough stock to size to machine and it's important i think to have a nice bandsaw all the woodworkers know it and anybody who's been into metalworking for you know any length of time will appreciate a quality bandsaw we have a much saw much like this at work that i've been using forever and that's why i'm partial to uh to these do-wall saws i've got one outside that needs some love for too long hopefully now all my parts are sent off to be ground for the do-all-milling machine so we should get those back before two off along and that will mean that this milling machine here the old uh bridgeport clone will be out of here and i'll get a lot more room over in this area and i'm excited to get that dewalt milling machine done as well so stay tuned if you want to see how this thing got off the trailer and got in the shop man that was an adventure and huge thanks to my buddy al for all the help on this thing he is an amazing individual and there should be more people like him he really is a awesome guy so thank you al i appreciate all the help and uh maybe next week we'll make our first cut with this thing test the hydraulics see how see how or if it works it will but you know maybe not as soon as i'd like but we'll see so that's it check out the end of the video tell elizabeth happy birthday because uh monday this coming monday is her birthday so she'll appreciate that so that's it thanks for watching hopefully you enjoy the unload footage see you next time oh no i didn't tell you that my truck is broken somehow it got broken somehow a guy broke it ah the brakes were hanging up on it and uh and i was angry it was the day i went and got those tanks okay how just a couple more details how did this all happen i mean yeah i need i had to go get those cylinders right i was in a hurry and it was just one of those mornings where everything was going wrong and the brakes were sticking on it and i was like okay so somehow the accelerator pedal got held to the floor and then the clutch just got dropped out on the slipped out of the clutch the clutch slipped off my foot and uh oh there's a half there was a unpleasant pop and then i've had to put it in four-wheel drive to drive it up on the hill and have the front end pull it we will get a picture but the world being shocked about trailer brakes not working even on a trailer that is two years old that's that ain't right that just ain't right i mean i'm sorry man this wasn't a two hundred dollar trailer no i don't know it's not a 200 i don't doubt that it should not be doing this it should not be doing this so we were going to disconnect the trailer from the truck we're going to chalk the wheels and jack it up the back of the trailer to give us less of an angle when we pull this machine off so al's suggestion was that we just pull the pin on the trailer brakes electronic trailer brakes instead of chalking the wheels so pulled the box that the battery's in this trailer is two years old and uh the connections are just rotted completely off of this thing so we're using a large dc power supply adjustable dc power supply because i don't have a battery laying around to power the brakes and hopefully they'll work that's the plan we'll see let's hook it up man for a an essential item like trailer brakes to be as garbage as these are breakaway this yeah safety breakaway trailer brakes so when the trailer disconnects it's supposed to stop it uh no the nose and the ones in that bumper might be a little bit smaller those are too fat there yeah yeah it's pulling all right eight amps now i'll put it neutral let's see if yeah not surprised trailer brakes didn't work though did the wheels seem to be moving or they seem to be locked i don't know i couldn't tell i didn't look we can uh i want to let's do it right let's just make sure that it works what are you doing i'm just throwing it up so i'm going to put it in here yeah just to make sure that it actually works no well they may work now now that we've somewhat tried to fix them keep going yeah they're working so it's not the brakes it's just all the electrical little bits and pieces that are supposed to power right all the parts that you really should count on up up front there to stop the trailer if it comes off both the battery and the pin no good let's not kick the extension cord out while we're doing it no that would be the definition of a real wow talk about enlightening yeah that's a shame that that stuff was so cheap i mean well first of all it's got the plastic wire loom that they put on around all the wares and it goes through a hole you know in the box plastic wire little can't seal anything no no and what do they expect at the back end of a vehicle right in the minnesota yeah yeah god we're lucky if they last five years that's interesting so now that we somewhat got the trailer brakes sorted it's time to try to get this thing off the trailer and uh i'm guessing this thing weighs anywhere from two to three thousand pounds and there was elizabeth reminding me that this video is not sponsored by haynes and to tuck my shirt in this piece of equipment's going to be pretty top-heavy large cast iron table up high it is obviously a tall machine so you know we have to consider that as we move this thing you know down the trailer ramps we also have to get it off of the pallet we're going to move it down the ramps and then remove it from the pallet right as it comes on to the shop floor that way we can roll it on pipes because once this thing gets in the shop i don't have any way to lift it up to remove the pallet out from under it at least easily anyway so we're going to try to do it all in one go and each one of these pieces of equipment that i move is a learning experience in itself and they're individuals so it's fun and testing at the same time i guess [Music] woof [Music] foreign empty [Music] that's the only button you you won't delete nothing like that that one yes right stop and start yes oh all right tight seal what is that hmm uh and do it and uh it knows not what's happening so let me use a couple of small parts to make it 100 happy like a new filter bag it sure would be nice if it had a tag on top though [Music] what i thought no one has any clues yeah that's probably a four gallon tank you know i wonder what they used to set the level for i mean they say two and a half gallons but it's about dipstick with that but i wonder why why two and a half foot out of three so there is a look at the filter that come out of the hydraulic tank on that saw not what i expected it's actually a braised or soldered brass mesh or screen right and not crazy dirty not completely clogged or anything like that just needs cleaned up and i think that's it cork gasket around it pretty old and well made actually uh so there we go clean clean there we go that was hard now i'll just disconnect right now [Music] yeah they're either dry or they need replaced we'll have to see grease it run it and see that's a common theme yeah well people never grease the motors so they go bad all right so that's loose [Music] huh heavy as it looks so hmm i'm doing all right okay the birds fly south as the light leaves your eyes hold on to your oh i know you wanna scream [Music] since the day you're born you're just a flower on your own waiting for the sun to blow soon hoping to break through the storm
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 28,352
Rating: 4.963985 out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy
Id: T_c4G1lQlpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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