Doall Milling machine Head and motor work.

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so so the motor for the dual milling machine is pretty much ready to go back together our new bearings came in the other day in a previous video we pressed off the old ones that were damaged cleaned everything up and i think we're ready to pretty much reassemble this thing we got to find the pieces that we need in order to press these bearings on without damaging them then we'll reassemble this and it'll pretty much be ready to be put back on the mill so i got a mix of bearings here sfk which is american made and portugal both really good quality bearings the small one is for the rear of the motor and i deviated a little from the original the bearing setup the rear bearing on this rotor had one of the rubber shields removed because there was a grease fitting that was not at you couldn't even access it so what i decided to do is just leave the back bearing completely sealed because the front one's completely sealed and there's no way to grease it so can't grease the back one can't grease the front one but these should last i mean they'll last my lifetime i'm sure so we'll get the things we need together to get these pressed on that rotor so we're pretty much set up here i think we're going to be pressing this inner race onto the shaft here so ideally we want to press on that inner race that way we don't stress this bearing you don't want to press on the outer race in this configuration anyway because you transmit all that force through the bearing through the balls of the bearing potentially damaging the race which i've done on a wheel bearing years ago i had to immediately replace it so we're not going to do that good to have a variety of pipe sizes at the press that way you're covered in a lot of setups let's see if we can't get this thing pressed on there that went good let's see if we can get the other side to go that easy so this rotor has a really nice lead in machined to the actual major od of the bearing so it's got a slight taper that goes from about here to right where the uh the major odes of the bearing seat starts and that's really nice when you go to get a bearing started because some of them have sharp ledges right at the transition of sizes and just sometimes get canted when you go to press them on so that's nice it's on the other side as well there we go bearings are on the rotor so is that gonna work yes i'm gonna press the rotor into the end bill so here i'm actually loading this bearing actually pressing through the balls of the bearing in order for this thing to be pressed into this end bale a little heat would have been the best thing to do because you could probably just dropped it right in there but i couldn't find my torch at the moment and uh these end bells fit a lot looser than the actual bearing fit to the shaft so you know that little bit of pressure wouldn't hurt anything i've seen equipment designed in a way that really i don't see how you would avoid not pressing through a bearing and to a certain point you know a little bit of pressure won't hurt anything but you start bringing hammers and stuff into the mix and giving those really heavy spike loads and that's where you damage your bearings just a nice press and those bearings can handle a lot more actually than what you would think before you really start damaging the bearing so you so so so okay so this is the top looks good just feels like a decent box nice toolbox add-on you can you push them in hard like so they won't flop open like you're moving the box around and you lock it okay i was like why is it so hard yeah but most time you just close them like that but if you want to push them in to where they won't pop open so there it goes and it'll hook right onto the side of the toolbox that i got and raise the capacity it's nice i'm going to put it oh no i'm going to put it on yeah put it better put it on the other side i need you to if you would hem that up for me let's see how long just to shorten it up you could just take it off down here take it and fold it like this overlap it kind of yeah because nobody knows i would know i don't care okay yeah because i i would like to be able to see where how much oh okay can you tap that down or can you hold hold that in really yeah hold it hold it in real hard right there how can i let go uh just here you push the down button just just barely just real fast just punch the button just and let off please oh okay yeah go ahead let go all the way down that's it it's easy enough i need to loosen that clutch up in that hoist say hi see i'm kind of bigger than the first one yeah in one week a little chestnut he's already grown in just one week he's a cutie so these toolboxes are surprisingly well made all the tracks line up really good i mean i've had most the drawers out of this thing just messing around with it you know looking at the construction of it and it's surprisingly good i couldn't be happier with this thing even the side box that i just got which is awesome and they had this thing in stock which is you know just like this kind of unheard of because they don't keep them in stock even i just took the ticket up there because they have these boxes on display then they have a sleeve with the tickets on it you can take it up to the register and you can pre-order the box because these things are so big they can't keep them in stock the stores aren't big enough so just for for fun i was like well maybe i'll get lucky and i took one of the tickets for the red side box up to the register and i said do you happen to have this in stock and she looked at me and smiled and she said we don't keep those in stock but i'll check sure enough she checked and she's like what you know i can't even believe it and she says i work here that we have that in stock so just got lucky basically and that's nice you'd be surprised how quickly you run out of space with even a box this size so this box full of the smaller drawers you know mostly bigger drawers and one little side of some smaller ones but this extra storage nice and that's big enough right i'm not going to add on to this thing anymore not boxes anyway so here's a look at my old tool box literally falling apart so it was time for an upgrade i've had this thing ever since i was it was junk when i got it somebody gave it to me because it was garbage um but i've had it since i was probably 18. so just like every oil fitting on this machine at one point somebody's pumped grease in all of them basically and the two here on the head they're no different they're completely packed full of grease and clogged up now these are made to take a light oil and all the grease does when it's pumped in there is just clog up the works and these fittings transmit oil back inside the head via a tube to some critical bearing or bushing that can't be reached by just a regular oil cannon spout so if we want these to ever work again we're gonna have to tear into this thing and get those cleaned out because uh otherwise you know they'll just not work and we can't have that so here's the two fittings i've already loosened them and they are completely packed full of grease and it goes back and pull this tube out through this tube here back underneath the main drive pulley there so i've just got some aluminum here i gotta grab this brake lever and get it off i'm assuming that it just screws yeah yes just screws off because i want to take off this top part of the casting this thing's real dirty in there anyway needs good cleaning completely packed full of grease so now this can come off all right all right so we're going to get this pulley off of here never had one of these off although i have had this cap off i believe that's how you oil the spindle bearings i mean you are right in my way as well but that's okay i want you to see this not much room for us both up here on this uh lift anyway there's two wicks down in here this is an oil reservoir see this has an o-ring it's kind of dark up here o-ring here and on the outside so you just fill this with oil those wicks pull that down i believe to the spindle bearings and you just screw this back on so the only thing that i can see that holds this pulley on is this what looks like a nut here you can see it has holes in it i don't have a pen spanner so i'm gonna have to make something up there is a pin that just about fits it this eighth inch pin these are metric holes i don't have any metric pins so hopefully that will work let's see if we can maybe get some big channel box up there to open it up so to get this out of here i'm going to try this here i just picked up this set of channel locks from uh harbor freight actually their doyle brand surprised at how nice they actually are 28 is what i paid for those i did not have a set this size so i'm glad i bought them because uh otherwise i wouldn't have anything to get this off with hopefully it will come off brass in an attempt to not screw it all up and i've got the brake lever back in oh wow that come right loose okay is it gonna okay those wicks just go right to there and they put oil in that slot there's three wicks having this toolbox is just amazing to me because now all my tools actually have a spot where they can go it's so much easier to find what i'm looking for because my other box was falling apart literally and it was way too small and i don't want to break that so this not only is a pulley but it's a brake drum as well there's some brake shoes in there that when you pull that handle come out and contact the inside of this pulley and hopefully i can get this off without breaking it it's just keyed on there no set screw it has to just pop off if i put a little heat on that just to open it up a bit just a little heat wow made all the difference he is your friend long as you don't use too much of it so there's the underside of the drive pulley you can see they've balanced it it's also like i said the brake drum see it's just like a brake drum on a car i'll show you the brake pads up there in just a second because i got to take them off in order to get to the two spots that i need to get to so here's where the oil for the spindle bearings comes through just simply keyed on and held on with the nut we took off so you can see the brake shoes here we've got two of them just like you would see in an automobile and when you pull the handle it opens them up presses them against the inside of that drum you can pull it or push it right or left whatever you want to call it it works just the same so i already got one of the two springs off so those will come off and then i need to access these two covers here because those are what's clogged up with grease so the two oil tubes went into a hole in each side of these caps these are just bearing caps for the ends of these counter shafts that allow you to switch from high range to low range so we're in high range there which is a one to one gear ratio let me swap that over and now we are in i think it's eight to one uh gear ratio so that's all it is but still those have to get oil on them or else over time you know those bearings would burn up i can already tell you that this one has been dry for a while i can see it on the on the spline shaft there because not only does it oil this bearing here that oil drips down onto the spline shaft that this gear moves on so you know it does double duty there i thought i lost that one all right he's gonna come off here wow yeah pull the grease same here there's some of the grease that i blew out of the small tubes just come out like a little snake so i just used a little pipe cleaner to push through all these tubes and try to push the grease out of the end and then washed them out with some solvent did the same thing on the on the two caps as well uh what little bit of grease that's in the bearings that are left on the head of the milling machine that'll that'll get diluted as you as you put fresh oil and stuff in it'll work its way out but uh putting grease where it's not designed to go causes a lot of work and it's a shame but that's the way it goes and i would have to tear this machine down no matter what having to rebuild it or not simply because it's had grease put in it so i'm sure a lot of you guys already use these i've been using them for quite some time never mentioned them but they're awesome a box of these last forever i've been using these long before i even started tearing down this shop but i went through two boxes between the time that i started tearing down this building and now so that's how long these last and i use them a lot um you know they say lint free that's not absolutely true they don't fall apart when they're wet which is great and they're really strong so surprisingly strong try those out if you're interested they're they're worth the cost i'll say that wow pretty nasty so that's a relatively intricate setup for just a power down feed a lot going on in there so like you'd expect after 40 years that grease is starting to it's starting to separate it's not doing like as good a job as it as it would if it was fresh grease so while this is a part i'd really like to pull all that out of there not do a spot clean on it but pull the bulk out of there replace it with some new fresh grease but i'm going to have to contact the manufacturer if i can see what they recommend what type you know and how much to put inside of this head worst case scenario i just pull a pull out you know all that i can weigh that put that mount back in with a little extra from what i've lost i'm gonna have to do the same thing with the upper part of the head as well because it's a 40 year old grease that needs replaced so but i'm gonna have to stop on this this week i've got other things that i have to do unfortunately so i got a relatively quick lathe job that i got to do 304 solid stainless steel blind flange for four inch pipe that i got to make for a custom application so let's write the program and then we will get this in the lathe what's he doing hey hey chestnut hey come on come on come on come on come on come on look how big his tail has gotten in just no time at all so this should be a relatively straightforward machining job other than the fact that it's stainless and that can make things a little tough but all we need to do half inch hole all the way through everything inside of the seal surface here is going to be dished out we're going to have a 3 8 inch radius that runs up to the seal surface here and we're going to go down about half the thickness of this flange we're going to create a pocket basically for liquid together now this is 150 pound class flange it's only going to be exposed to 2 bar in this application that's going to be put in or 29 psi so low pressure application but that's what we need to do so i'm going to put a couple marks on here just so i don't make any mistakes and then take it over the lathe and start making some cuts so uh so because this is stainless and can be a little tough you know pilot drill it can't take it easy try not to let that drill rub to work harden thing with stainless is once you get cut and keep the pressure on and keep it cutting seems to work out better so so so there's the tool we're going to try just a 3 8 radius carbide insert so we'll try that we'll see how that runs we may have to hog out some material first with the standard standard holder so this first cut actually all the cuts were 25 000 of an inch depth of cut and i was really expecting this tool to chatter quite a bit given it's such a large radius there's a lot of tool in contact with the work here and surprisingly it worked out pretty well i'm trying some of the anchor lube see if that helps with the finish or the smoke so so so far so good i think it looks all right it's plenty good enough for what we need still gotta go quite a bit deeper but it's going to work long as that continues this anchor lube is working pretty good all right that's it that looks pretty a good bit of chatter in the bottom of that radius but that is a big radius in stainless right to cut all at once i'm very happy with that so that looks perfectly fine to me there is no requirements on surface finish on this thing it literally is just a void so that will be perfectly fine i'm surprised it turned out as good as it is considering how big that radius is so let me show you what i've been doing in my in my spare time this week which is uh very limited this is the carburetor off of a kawasaki engine that's on a zero turn lawn mower that's out here mine belongs to my neighbor and it had set for quite some time with fuel in it it's never a good thing gummed up and won't run so that's a little side job along with a lot of other stuff that i've been doing this week let me show you how much progress that i've made working around the shop trying to get things straight so i got the front left corner of the shop relatively straight i spent two afternoons this week going through just trying to get everything cleaned and organized this was by far the worst area of the shop now i did work on this a little in the past but i finally decided just to go through and get everything at least really close to the way i want it i still going to put cabinets up on the wall here i've got some stuff that's just in storage underneath the welding bench for now until that happens got my grinders all cleaned up and over in there somewhat final spot i'm also getting the cutter grinder lined out and the surface grinder lined out to get them hooked up which is still you know probably a couple weeks off but all i like is this area of the shop right here in the middle i'll turn the camera around show you so i can finally see the finish line and i'm really close to being completely operational again there's still a lot to do but not near as much as what there was it was somewhat overwhelming imagine every tool that you own being shoved over into a corner covered in dirt dust and over a year of set and unused rust and having to clean all that stuff organize it you know finding new homes for it because everything's changed it's just been a amazingly large job that i'm glad that that's coming to an end move the cutter grinder out a little bit kind of wiped it off it's going to be pretty much in that location got to turn the surface grinder 90 degrees move the knt a little bit obviously move my cabinets and stuff to their final position and hang some more cabinets but it's getting really close um the major work is pretty much done now it's just final placement and power so it's coming a lot we're coming along i've spent a lot of time this week just moving stuff around so i don't know anybody who would say their shop is done i know a lot of people whose shops are functional but still a work in progress and you know that's kind of where i'm at and probably where i will be for quite some time but at least once all my machines are back working again you know i'll be at the point that i was before the tear down of this wall and half the shop started which will feel good so that's it next couple weeks i'm going to focus on getting to that point hang in the cabinets and hooking up these two machines so that's it thanks for watching thanks to my viewers patrons subscribers anybody who's helped me get here and uh i appreciate it we all appreciate it more than you know so that's it thanks for watching i'll see you next time leaves your eyes hold on to your dream oh i know you wanna scream since the day you're born you're just a flower on your own waiting for the sun hoping to break through the storm
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 66,279
Rating: 4.9691644 out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy
Id: XJM63n58c00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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