Massive1953 Doall Saw repair and test run.

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so if you watched my last video you'll know that this big 36 inch dual band saw is very new to me i know that it runs and in theory you could stick a blade on this thing and start cutting with it but it has all sorts of little issues that need worked out and i don't like messing with equipment that doesn't work the way that it should so let's test the hydraulic table out on this thing we got to fill the tank up test the pump please let this thing work work out all the guide issues on and on and on right there's a million things that need to be done to this saw before it will work like it should we got to make a new blade you'll see ton of stuff so let's get started because i'm stoked to be able to use this thing so the first thing that i want to do to this saw is drain the what what's in this gearbox out because the chances of it being any good are probably zero and i'm gonna put in just a lightweight motor oil just to flush this thing out until i get the proper stuff to put in here but i will trust the lightweight motor oil far more than what i trust what's in here now so we'll flush it and then later we'll change it with some good stuff hopefully i'm getting metal chunks out of here the side of oil is promising but it is full of goo probably a pint or two that's not a great thing lots of fun metal debris but you know who knows the gearbox this old's going to have some metal in it so this is why you trust nothing and check everything not much oil in there see all the fine metal particles hopefully you can see those i mean that's not surprising with the gearbox of that oh that age and it doesn't really concern me long as it hasn't been ran dry right that's the main thing and hopefully there's no real damage in there but this is why we flush them out so there's maybe a little better look at what come out of the oil on the first grain lots of little sparkly bits in there nothing surprising almost every old gearbox that doesn't get changed regular will look like this you know those little sparkly bits come from the gears rubbing together over time raising up burrs and then little burrs and metal breaking off and falling down to the bottom of the gearcase and you know usually that's where they stay and that's why we're flush and flushing this out so i got the drain plug back in it and the first flush is just going to be diesel fuel just a light oil right this stuff will break loose any of the sediment and stuff that's in there and then we'll drain this out and hopefully it'll get the majority of the goo out of there okay so it looks like this thing holds around the court so we'll just run this slow you under no load and just kind of flush it out right so last week a viewer mentioned that it looks like that main drive pulley coming out of the transmission is running out like crazy but that's just the pain on the pulley it's it's actually runs very true when i first seen it i thought the exact same thing and i checked it and there's nothing wrong with it it just kind of looks wonky all right let's see uh what comes out on the first first flush so after the second flush with the diesel fuel that's what come out of it not a whole lot so it's getting cleaner and you know it'll continue to get cleaner i'll do this a couple more times and uh it'll be good enough so i flushed this gearbox a total of three times twice with diesel fuel just to get the big chunks out and then the final time or not yeah the final flush i guess you'd say with a 10 to v30 motor oil just standard cheap detergent motor oil in hopes that it'll remove some of the tarnish and suspend some of the uh some of the other junk that's in there and then you know we'll drain this out and soon when my actual gearbox fluid this thing recommends comes in we'll fill it with that so here's an opinion for you so take it for what it's worth back before we started racing to the bottom to see who could make the cheapest garbage possible at the at a minimal cost and a maximum profit we used to make stuff like this back in the 50s air travel was relatively new and it was you know kind of the hype at the time and everybody wanted stuff that was somewhat aero plane designed or had similarities to the things that the highest technology that they were seeing in the skies like stuff on cars that were the dashboards resembled the cockpits of airplanes and so on and so on back in the 60s and 70s it was you know some like rocket type designs everything was neat and head shape and was you know i don't know somewhat inspiring to me just just the look of them now everything is absolutely as square as possible it's no character at all cheap flimsy stickers that are even put on crooked of this new stuff it's like wow could you not take five seconds to put that sticker on straight even though it's just a cheap sticker at least have some pride enough to put it on correctly so we won't see an error like this again unless people decide they want it but you know this is back when they made cool stuff right so here's a couple quick examples this casting that is the gear selector this wouldn't be here at all it would be a cut out in the body with stickers that show you what gear is what this gauge here would never have a chrome quality chrome bezel around it it wouldn't have dished glass on it that's spherical really nice this cover for the grinding wheel would be an absolute box the cover for the light would also be an absolute box and there's just example after example on the saw of extra work that wasn't needed but they did it because it was cool i mean cool costs money but man some of the stuff you think they could incorporate into these new designs you know yeah it may raise the price a bit but you're going to get a nicer product you know this is awesome to me so here's another example of just plain cool from a very similar era a little bit older look at the speed selector on this thing now they could have easily done something cheaper than this and far more simple but yet you know they wanted to stand out right they were making names for themselves they were trying to you put forward the image that their products were quality check that out a big brass ring with this beads on it that rotates when you turn this handle just absolutely awesome you will never see something like that today i don't even know that most people are most companies are capable of replicating the cool stuff that they did back then so i know that some people will make the argument that if you make equipment more labor intensive to make people will just buy the cheaper stuff and some of that i'm sure is true but there were cheaper saws available when these were sold and companies bought them by the semi-loads i think a lot of these factory owners and stuff were proud and you know they like to see their employees working on quality equipment instead of these you know little pop cans that just somewhat resemble what they're supposed to be it's like buying a pair of scissors from the dollar store you buy something that looks like a pair of scissors but after you use them two or three times the blades are dull and the handles broke so there is room for awesomeness and i think that somebody should step up and take advantage of that because i do believe that it would sell instead of these shoe boxes that we're forced to buy these days old built for the hydraulic pump that has broken all the pieces and a new one nice and soft so here's kind of the nerve wracking part and i'm hoping this hydraulic system on this saw works we've got four gallons of the mobile dte 24 ultra they are very proud of this stuff but that's what this calls for so we're going to be pouring it into the tank hopefully the hydraulic pump works i added an extended drain valve here because it just had a plug in the tank before and it would be impossible to drain this thing the way it was set up without it just schmoozing out all over the all over the foot of this machine so this will hopefully allow me to stick a hose on the end of that barb fitting put it over into a container maybe push a little air pressure inside the tank and blow it out that's kind of the idea so let's fill it up we'll put our belt on and then we will try it out so so there we go four gallons later so let's service these worn blade guides i've got new bearings for top and bottom and we will quickly surface grind the ends of these guides get them back square flush smooth again how does that come out there oh yeah set screw just barely on there okay so blade guards are one of the most important and one of the more overlooked parts of a bandsaw i mean it is what determines whether you're well added a couple other factors whether your cut is straight or not right so i want these to be in good shape ah so here i'm just cutting off what's left of the lower blade guide bearing um it had come apart who knows how many years ago and all that's left basically on this shaft is uh is the inner inner part of the bearing race this is just a good way to get them off just split them almost all the way through and then hammer in a chisel to to break them they're usually so hard they break pretty easy so the reason i'm cutting this bearing uh race off of the shaft is because i intended on on reusing these and not having to go through the trouble of making new ones but they just were so rough that i just decided not to do that and went over the lathe and quickly spun out a couple just better make them new not have to mess with these ones that are all scored up so in order to avoid drilling holes in my workbench i've clamped my arbor press to the table with this one large diamide clamp which is really more than is necessary for the job that i'm going to be doing now time i'd sent me these clamps probably a year or so ago and i've been using these over at the welding bench almost exclusively and they quickly became my favorite clamps i'll grab these things anytime that i need a clamp and if these will do the job that i want these are the ones that i grab versus the old style just standard c-clamp nothing wrong with those but you know these are nicer i like the swiveling jaws just a good design so check them out they're great company american-made and they did not ask me to show you these right this is on me and i appreciate the support and i appreciate these guys supporting the varsity summer bash and the machinist community and community in general they don't have to do that so go check them out you know they like i say they're my favorites and they're not very expensive given what you get keep going like that's it all right yep no a little more just a little further there you go looks good thank you he's a good good doll he just about understands that much yeah yeah i'm sure he does understand a lot of words when you start talking you got to watch what you say yeah especially if you're leaving or going or yeah oh yeah they notice those changes and patterns they watch people close you're shedding buddy you're shedding yeah okay so so because i want to do these all at one time i have took a carriage bolt and ground two sides off of it that way it slides through you can put a nut and a washer on and line them up and then we can clamp these in the vise and not worry about it not clamping on all of them all right we'll just tighten this down that should work pretty well so i've got my blade guides clamped in the vise here in the book it says that they should be very close to closer you can get them to 45 degrees because of the angle that the actual holder that these bolts in hold these if you don't get them at 45 you're not going to touch on the blade flat right you're going to touch on either to the tip or the back end the blade guide's going to wear quickly and then you'll be cutting a zigzag so we don't want that so in order to set this sign plate up i like to use the machinist calculator really quick great tool got a ton of other functions there is a really useful in the shop as well but if you just want to figure out sign and you don't know the formula to do that on paper the suburban tool app works really good how to use a signed plate i like that i got it on my phone for for quick reference but here's our stack which is two two inch point seven and point one two eight so two point eight two eight inches below this back roll on this four inch sign and that gives us 45 degrees all right as close as we need to be to 45 degrees which is good enough so i'll tighten this down stick this on the grinder make sure that my vise is square and then dress up these uh these guides i've got quite a bit to grind off of these they're hardened so i don't want to overheat them so we're going to be using coolant just trying to touch off here the highest one overheat them and make them soft they'll just wear extremely quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right that's one side [Applause] so those look awesome really nice nice match set of half inch guides and in the book it says after you get done grinding them to make sure to uh roll over these sharp edges you know they're not they're not needed right that's what we're doing just stone the edges this set of blade guides has been used and abused for a very long time we had to take quite a bit off of them i don't know how many more times they'll be able to be ground but yeah if you get a lot of adjustment there but you get the idea these um you know you can only take so much off of them before you lose the ability to bolt them in the holder there's some big ones up there groundhogs i think that's it at least for now ta-da okay so so setting up these blade guides has become quite the pain in the you know what um i've been back and forth with this thing working on it for about an hour and i'm trying to get the upper guide in line with the lower guide i want this bearing on the upper guide this is a parallel just held between these two metal guides with a little friction i'm pressing it up against flat up against the face of this bearing well before when i just bolted this together as it was these were not this bearing face was not in line with the bearing face at the bottom in fact it was probably about 60 thousandths or better uh off this upper guide was back in relationship to the bottom one so i added some shims behind this whole unit to space it out moving this whole ram up and down checking making sure that this parallel just brushes the top of the bearing on the lower guide and that everything is 90 degrees to the table i didn't want to show all that because it's quite slow laborious boring you get the idea i've been struggling with this and i think that i got it so let's make a blade for this thing and then see if this table works that's really what i want to do so here's the blade that we're going to use it's an older roll of sterrit flex back this is half inch wide 25 thousandths of an inch thick 18 teeth per inch raker and we need a band that is 174 inches long so i'm just gonna pull this out set this up against that anvil now at work we just push this up push the end of the band up against the wall we have a mark on the floor that way we don't have to pull out a tape measure every time to get our blade length because we can go through them quite often so before we weld this blade we need to grind the ends of it so that when they mate up you know we get a nice straight band so we're going to take one side of the blade and flip it over opposite of the other and that way and hold them up against each other as with the sides as parallel as we can get them and we'll grind the ends now since we've done that since we made them opposite of each other when we flip them back because they're both ground at the same time they'll be nice and straight wow that's [Applause] noisy you get the idea hopefully that made sense uh looks okay yep okay what i want you to do is just hold on to that end oh it's gonna go in here let me go around this wheel though okay yep i won't do it all right that should be on there and yeah okay i'll adjust the tension in a minute well i better leave this open to make sure it tracks all right so you may want to step back just a little because if this blade pops yeah we're good okay being a new blade it will stretch some so keep an eye on the tension okay now i'll run these guides in and i think i'll be ready to test this table no leaks that's good i guess it's the moment of truth it's doing something oh it's reverse feed it is it is working speed layer [Music] it is working reverse okay so it just bypasses itself feed increase the speed that is absolutely awesome forward reverse i love this already ah what else oh we can test i don't know if we can test that or not not without a cut pressure how hard it pushes this table into the work forward or reverse now forward [Music] reverse feed speed oh man i'm so so glad it's working forward this is just advanced right advanced in one direction or other there's no speed control there well maybe you can feather it let's see yeah not easily though so let's try to cut this piece of half inch plate i think that's a really good first go i know it'll cut by hand right i just want to make sure it cuts hydraulically all right so we're clamped down and i think ready to give this a shot speed the blade up just a bit okay feed in that is it about one reduced it down to about half too hard wow that's doing awesome i'll speed this up just a little demand about 188 surface feet per minute on the blade like the guide bearings and everything are doing what they should be doing top and bottom man i'm impressed that is awesome first cut wow learn how to ease this thing instead of just wide open i like that exciting okay oh you've got squirrels in her peach tree see the one come across yeah there's two two larger ones and two little babies i don't think there are any of ours here get your butt off the road squirrel so that's as far as we're going to get this week did make a few cuts with this thing and i'm amazed at how straight this machine cuts you know when everything's in line they should especially a machine that this that's this rigid so got a lot done on this machine not as much as i would like to but i'm working on customer jobs and everything in the background as well which you know some of it i show some of it i don't but still a lot to do on this machine before it's done but this is a usable machine now and it's a great asset to the shop that's for sure i'm stoked to add this thing and not to mention the hydraulics on this thing worked which i was 50 50 on whether the table would even work at all or not because when i got this thing if you watched my reveal video on it the pump was basically running dry it had almost no fluid in it at all and who knows how long it had been run like that and for me i was like well that pump's probably shot but luckily it works so that's a good thing so i guess that's it i want to get a coolant system on this thing as quick as possible because coolant and sawing go hand in hand your blades will last 50 percent longer or more even in my experience if you use a good flood coolant on a saw blade and don't get into anything super hard it makes a huge difference so i want to get that straightened out on this along with several other little things right so a lot to do but at least it's usable now and i'm excited to have this thing so i think that's it got another youtube machinist coming to the shop this weekend which i'll share with you so that'll be that'll be pretty neat to look forward to that uh someone that you guys probably know but maybe maybe not we'll see so that's it thanks for watching thanks to my viewers patrons and subscribers and anyone who's helped me out on this project or the youtube channel in general it's much appreciated you guys are absolutely amazing and that's not an understatement so thanks for watching and see you next [Music] leaves time eyes hold on to your dream oh i know you wanna scream [Music] since the day you're born you're just a flower on your own waiting for the sun to blow songs
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 36,544
Rating: 4.9741559 out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy
Id: O0dj4eMq3DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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