Long Beach Flea Market, March 2024

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so we're back at the Long Beach flea market and this time we're starting at the opposite end and so Joey what were you looking at is that a model look at it that but there's nothing in there oh it's just a box just a box basically oh okay but it's a model right it was a model yeah oh okay you never know I did find a box one time to go with the doll that I found like a few weeks before right I like China head dolls this style right here more so than these kind right here and so I really like these I do have some at home and so that I collected a while back doesn't have a price I'm really curious how much it is let's take a look at the [Music] feet sometimes they don't have feet this has like leather boots you can see prices on them oh okay how much is it I think that one is 650 oh okay 650 yeah okay you look of them they move eyes yeah oh I was only interested in these thank you this one right here I was just looking at this one and this one is 650 let's see let's see let's see this the China head was from 1880 mhm oh oh 3500 oh my gosh you guys that China head doll was priced way out of my range and so but it's always fun to look anyways right so how old are these Joey they're our they're our era which is what's our era I like this is made in Hong Kong so it's ' 60s 60s oh like that one right there little motorcycle guy which one the motorcycle man right here oh yeah yeah came across a couple of vintage Barbie suitcases and this one the Ken one we have a flocked hair k the first Ken it's missing an arm the arm is there so you have to reattach that I was looking at some of the clothes and so it's a little bit of mish mash there and then this one right here it's like the better buy and so we've got a ponytail Barbie in here and so it's a number four Barbie and so that's what he was saying number four and I'm looking to see if the ears you always want to check the ears especially when they're metal earrings see if there's green there it's all right and so couple of little vintage booklets couple of the clothing it's not like real original stuff a few things like I recognized no that I thought yeah the swimsuit right there and but that's about it really so you're really paying more for the doll for 150 I think that's fair you guys I do I think that's fair and the hair is the Saran so she's really nice and so it's really bright right now we got a lot of shade here too let me put her right over here you can see her better and so you can see her hair and so but anyways her head is just a little loose oh is it oh he said her head is a little loose um it's not that bad you guys it's really soft but you know it's old you guys this is really old Barbie so these are usually the last aisles that Joey and I go through at this flea market you can see there's a lot of vintage clothing check out these old chairs you guys and the bar stools look at those chairs back there Joey oh yeah and then these I like these right here glass yeah those are really neat looking right there's toys Joey all right lots of Beanie Babies vintage skateboard cameras and books lots of books vinyl some sort of cake or something cake or Jello or something that's really cools like a heavy cast iron is it cast iron or steel cast aluminum or something but it's still cast though that's kind of cool though isn't it yeah I did find on here it says cozy Village pan it's $15 and it's really kind of heavy it's really cool this would make even a really neat decoration for the holidays these are really cool framed puzzles jigsaw puzzles F your price little house there boat fun stuff you know Mar loves toys you guys a little show and Hut piano I think that's the largest troll troll doll that I've seen so far I didn't know they made them that large and so it's $200 it's behind glass see if I can come up here you can get a better look there he is right there I mean I've never seen this collection this larger collection of birs wow some guy the beach area that had him in his office wow that's quite a collection isn't it for one person oh yeah yeah look at those you guys all of these boats that one's really neat right there oh yeah they're all really nice are super nice are these wooden boats Joey yeah I'm pretty sure these are I know these are all wooden some of them are probably lot of plastic components and stuff but still gas told you go another need a lot of work but they display nice right yeah they display nice yeah so that's really cool that he had them in his office there's a telephone booth that says telepo and there's an old phone in there [Music] and then look at this [Music] ouse and lots of cool things it's called King Barrel www.king barrel. bis Biz wine and whiskey barrel Di for tailor designs and so it says accessories Event Rental so this is cool you guys this is a fun [Music] Booth those are real eye catchers though aren't they you guys look at these plants the succulents oh my gosh look how cute this one is I love the display looks like a little treasure box says $40 I guess for the whole thing you guys that's really cute and then look at this one this one says $30 with the little Windows that's really super cute you guys oh my gosh others I'm so glad we came along these two aisles first you guys cuz later in the day it gets so so crowded and overwhelming and kind of claustrophobic in this area later in the day look at this oh my gosh you can get really creative with these succulents right and here's some more oh I love this one you guys the pink car it says $25 oh my gosh so cute right that little teapot look at this oh my gosh so cute and the prices are so rasonable with these frames $15 there TWY bird with Sylvester $20 that's ceramic and then you have other things up here like a Little Teapot little houses wow you can get really creative right this one says travel often love deeply that's 35 there's a window and look how pretty this looks the watering can is really cute look at this one and then if you're into the stones the gemstones I should say check out this push button foone it's covered in fur red fur and so that's different right and then look at this how really cute where the little Pillsbury Doughboy is and so that's a child-sized kitchen cabinet it looks like it's handmade which is really awesome and then look at this wheelchair here you guys this is definitely vintage I mean look at that that is really something there and then there's some bicycles and there's my husband Joey say hi Joey say hi to everybody hi Joey say hi to everybody hi everybody and so but oh my gosh Joey did you see that phone oh okay yeah yeah I don't know is that from 80s or '90s maybe I know need a haircut though it needs a haircut he said oh my gosh oh how cute are those right really cute they kind of remind me of kles super cute the Barbies are they Barbies these right here Barbie a I sell all of them for 50 the suitcase plus little in oh these right here too those are $2 for who are these what is it a l l o t TI i i e l we learned something new today you guys 201 oh gosh I missed out on these oh okay and and that's a cute little suitcase too wow here let me put this one back there I'm knocking everything over you guys look Joey our favorite Booth one of our favorite booths right yep see if they got any popup books today yeah Joey mentioned the pop-up books because we collect popup books and we have a lot of them you guys and so we have purchased a lot of our pop of books at this booth here at Long Beach flea market do we have this one I don't think so no I don't think so wow you guys look at this oh my gosh I don't know how many we have we have a lot of them and so one day we'll show you them you guys our collection this is nice I love this and so Joey has a really good eye checking them and so he's going to set some things down cuz you have to be very careful don't want to tear them oh my gosh look at that these are so awesome now all of the books here you guys I think these are all children's books right Joey yeah and so but these popup books this is what we love and we've been collecting for quite a while oh my gosh I love 12 Days a Christmas we already have Christmas ones I about a haunted house one oh a haunted house see what H this okay ooh nice I don't think we don't have that one oh my gosh look look you guys look can you see the haunted staircase the spooky staircase and the portrait and then it has tabs on here too look Joey right here there's a tab right here so if you pull that what happens let's see what happens here oh her eyes move in the portrait oh that's spooky that's fun that's so fun okay definitely want that one Joey oh my gosh I haven't even looked at all the pages but I definitely want these that chair with the autom looks so comfy right now Joey went to go check something out we ended up buying two of the popup books but doesn't that look comfortable and so but anyway so I'm going to meet him down at the end of this aisle just so much to look at and it's such a beautiful day today so we're getting close to the end of the flea market you can see the stadium right here the Long Beach veteran St Joey did you check out the driver the driver of this car looks like me looks like you let's see you guys look who is this it's pee Herman so funny and there he is you see him right there that's so funny it's cute and then here's some old signs Interstate 405 Rose Drive in Whittier this is beautiful so pretty and so look at that table too but I love the fabric on those chairs the Mac matches getting near to the end of the flea market and Joey spotted this it's called a what's it called Joey Bo basically a motorized Bo they had cars they were called motor rics and then they used and they also started doing boats before they went stopped making on Bo it's got a lot of first I've seen since I was a kid in the late 60s okay and there it says marine motor there and automatic Bor battery oh it's by Ideal Toy Company okay that's pretty cool you guys that's pretty cool it's a robot and so I just think this is so cute Joey says where would you put it I don't know looks like somebody made it and so this top part here it looks like oh my gosh I want to say almost like from the drive-in movie theater what do you guys think and so I don't know but it says on here t coffee sugar flour oh and down here it says an original one-of aind refried robot by Duck I love vintage photographs you guys in these vintage frames and so but this one caught my eye and so a little creepy right but in a way kind of cute in the comments below let me know what you think all right you guys we left the flea market we stopped at Starbucks and I got my IC tea tea and so this is black iced tea sweetened with sugar-free vanilla and Joey you got your dragon fruit drink dragon fruit dragon fly with lemonade with lemonade it's really tasty you guys but it was a really good flea market don't you think Joey oh yeah there's lots of stuff to see yeah and I went back and I got that Barbie suitcase it's not Barbie it's a Barbie clone suitcase fashion suitcase so I went ahead and got that it was $40 it's the only thing I bought today Joey and so but anyways lots of fun stuff to look at we hope you enjoyed this video at the Long Beach flea market okay talk to you later everyone bye bye
Channel: Maria Toth
Views: 9,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bJskk5RVld4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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