Pawn Shop Picking Guitar Safari - Vol. 1 - 13 Shops in 2 Days

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hey guys just got wrapped up on my pawn shop picking tour round uh hit quite a few pawn shops didn't pick up a whole lot of things relative to the number of shops i went but i got some good coverage i'll show you here a lot of different stores and talk about what will look good what mostly didn't along the way what to look for and i'll share with you the treasures i found all right here we go well in order for me to show you guys a lot of pawn shops i'm have to skim over a lot but there might be some things that i skim over you like but the reality is 80 of stuff in pawn shops is cheap junk or stuff in bad condition but i have my things i like and what i'm looking for now here we have a couple nice pv examples a renowned 212 and abandoned all right looky here right off the bat we have a pb amp with a line six there's an old vintage 12 string [Music] a couple deans here i'm really interested in see what this place has got quite a few guitars [Music] okay yeah let's hear the case a few petals a bad overall selection for a pawn shop a doe bro fender there i think so fake now this is a cool strap with the strat on the headstock made in japan but they're asking 850 so i'm not going to mess with it oh a nice seagull 350 bucks though a bad price if you can get a discount epiphone hummingbird but it's just feel kind of cheap to me having alvarez hey more pv little rolling keyboard amp 250 on set 199 119 as i say not a bad price we got here bases just kind of running the mill stuff there keith urban acoustic no thanks oh some big pbs pv speakers 379 a pair need a bigger truck [Music] just you're kind of running the middle stuff for a pawn shop that's kind of cool oh what's that a gold pv logo hmm haven't seen that before [Music] looks a little aftermarket but we got in the case here okay some mics recording equipment a little tiny orange amp it's cool don't need one of those a crate mixer old school probably from the early 90s or late 80s half a trombone all right let's see what we got here around the corner a few bases down low quite a few guitars okay what's we got here i'll get a little mini squier fakes les paul okay got an epiphone oh that's pretty cool bass hmm not familiar with those looks pretty cool yeah nothing really catching my heroin guitars we got for amps oh some big pa speakers little tiny silver tone line six behringer no thanks what else we got here a couple petals okay not really much so yeah on to the next one okay a couple little space sampson oh right off the bat we have a pv combo 300 bass ant pretty cool amp just not something i need right now over here we got a nice alvarez parlor oh look at that yeah double neck acoustic left-handed squire no thanks phone what do we have here a few guitars and some acoustics it's interesting there wood grain they got an electric electronics cabinet mike's that's a small pa now that is a pretty cool looking top a cheaper guitar ago that guys aren't too bad nothing really here for me what's this oh pv xxl but 600 bucks it's on the high end i know some of these places they'll take lower offers but when you mark stuff really high i don't even mess with an offer it was listed around four or five hundred and get it for three i'd get it all day ooh a pvt-15 500 on sale for 400 still not a deal no thank you hmm this place has a lot of old amps interesting seeing what you got for guitar stuff okay appreciate it [Music] roland rogue it's over here crate row case pa stuff dusty drums random stuff on the shelf some kind of empty case old cables man this is a pretty crusty shop of all the ones i've seen this amp's kind of cool spirit 50 rolling hmm [Music] now here is a gibson sg special probably 90s or 2000s they wanted 12.99 for but for me it's not worth anything over a thousand now this place has quite a bit of selection there's some amps pv no one i'm interested in though a little ampeg and has quite a eq some bases all kinds of different guitars here but nothing really tickles my fancy a few acoustics hmm [Music] okay ooh i like the red fender amp i've had two of those before bought them for like 50 bucks and sold them for a hundred that's a cool pvpa i've got two like that already though what's behind the cabinet oh full drive two mosfet not a bad little overdrive pedal that's an old guitar nothing else we got here okay little pvpa that's just like the one i already had the blue i'd like to get my hands on that if i get it for the right price okay that's my bad telly decent selection guitars here what's over here okay taylor go bro it's around the corner here some drums pa speaker oh red rolling micro cube i ended up talking her into 70 bucks a piece for the roland microcube and that pva mixer the pv one so one trick to use here is after 140 and then when she said she accepted i came back and said okay 140 cash all in all right last one let's see what they got looks like the guitars in the very back here on the left that's a pretty cool epiphone silver verse there go bases it's down below so i had to make a little road trip and thought i'd take advantage of it and hit up a few uh pawn shops along the way along with uh i looked at the route where i was going and looked on facebook marketplaces and craigslist along the way and bought a couple things um from some people that i normally wouldn't be able to see for local sales so between that and the pawn shop it's got a few finds and just had some interesting experiences i've seen a lot of different things in pawnshop all right i just got back from my guitar safari doing a little pawn shop picking these two items here actually i got just off local uh facebook sales um while i was traveling around but anyways made some trips to some different uh pawn shops here's the goodies i got start off here on the left this is a pvt-40 this one actually didn't get to record the uh interactions the first pawn shop i stopped at but here's one they had it marked for 600 i offered three and ended up settling at four with tax included but as you can see it's got some corrosion here that needs to be cleaned up and obviously new strings which you need there but still that's a nice uh fine back here i love the rolling damps this is a 40xl cool one about this thing this one has the built-in uh looper on it in addition to all the typical roland effects you might see and these down here these are my favorite uh man uh if you don't have a little micro cube like this with batteries in the back oh you're missing out i think i got this one and this pv back here for 140 both out the door so often doing pawn shops is just tell you know offer them a number and then tell them you know hey total tax included this uh studio pro i got for 85. this uh session 400 was a nice fight i got it for 150 with this univerb 2 uh pb um rack effects and this cool i think it's a volume pedal made in usa good rich vintage volume header here so these are amazing amps with nice black widow speakers um this guy was clearly a pedal steel player they said you can see he's even got his uh locations he likes his settings so i got that for 150 for all that uh back over here y'all know on the roland oh i'm about to look back real quick actually i already forgot um i think i paid um might have been 100 straight up for that the pb end up for 400 like i said so i think overall pretty good deal
Channel: Brian’s Unique Guitars
Views: 27,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guitar hunting, Guitar safari, Pawn shops, Pawn shop deals, Pawn shop guitars, Guitar collecting, Peavey t-40, Peavey amp, Roland amp
Id: uC3t_w1nQtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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