Vintage & Antique Flea Market || YouTube

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oh ATM hello again my old friend I know I'm gonna need it out here because this place is steeped in Deals and Steals plenty of the vendors pick plastic now but out here it's a vintage antique flea market cash is King don't ever forget it that's what you want to be negotiating with I'll show you as many price tags as I can find but I've said it before and I'll say it again these price tags are jumping off point some dealers do stick to their price but most of them are willing to deal especially if you're willing to buy more [Music] I will show you as much as I can possibly pack into one video and I'm even throwing in a little trivia this time just for fun I'm here with my grandmother today I managed to drag her with me I've been begging her to come and she finally did trying to get you on camera but she keeps giving me the slip run table gorgeous 150. oh my gosh it's so gorgeous I made it over here too late it always is let's see how much it was though sorry about the crackling wind it will go away it's so windy out here sometimes but it's never a cool wind a nice breeze it's always just deathly hot wind oh this one's sold too a little too late a little too late That's The Story of My Life did they both sell for the price that are ticketed yep yes so he says I don't know if he told me the truth or not but we'll never know my allergies are going absolutely crazy out here with this wind but take a look at you're not even gonna believe this this is so gorgeous you see this one condo we call her condo Grandma condo for short it's a long story I will tell you later though wow oh my goodness everybody's collecting records again too look at this oh that's snazzy that is a record collection to brag about needs to be in there there's vinyl record booths all over the place here too we'll run into some gorgeous so you know this is why I need grandbabies this is exactly why but my only son is not cooperating can you adopt your own grandchildren like could I just go adopt my grandkids and then bring them home be like oh look you're a father congratulations Cameron I brought you a gorgeous high chair thank me later here's another music cabinet she's pretty one twin this one's more than the other one it's okay it's gorgeous vinyl records are making a real comeback and if you collect them we're thinking about it you might not have thought of this as a place to look for them but you can find some really great deals and some records you might not find elsewhere for you [Music] there are places that I can find these cheaper but sixty dollars the price has dropped at about half of what they usually are out here [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the booth next door is full records this is just one of the places you can find vinyl records here it it's amazing there's just Table after Table after table full you need records yeah this guy's wife keeps saying let's go let's keep walking while he's looking at records and it makes me laugh because I'm just thinking that must be what he's been saying all day and he finds one thing that he likes poor guy this vendor is selling Antiques and advertising for his YouTube channel that is an AI YouTube channel what a weird juxtaposition right yep the Channel's gone again Joe it's happening AI is everywhere I would never use AI because I think it's just too easy to fool people but let's take a break from all this futuristic talk and head back into the past with a quick trivia question about Antiques and vintage hi I'm Tanya and in no way am I AI assisted you can tell by my natural movements and the perfectly normal way my mouth is moving would you like to play a game just kidding here is the first trivia question are you ready how old is an antique 100 years did you get it right let me know in the comments if you like the trivia I've got more coming up just scattered throughout the video so I'd love to know if you thought they were too easy too hard just write whatever any opinions everything on this table is discounted careful everything on this table is discounted mm-hmm that whole picture is ten dollars oh my goodness this is no joke a bargain foreign kind of drooling over this one oh my goodness this one's stunning I'm loving this oh I'm in love with this pattern these are so cute baskets so cute the little basket's kind of pricey though compared to the the amazing amazing thrift store that I just found and the price is there for a big one if you missed that one this is the video you're looking for you can find it on my channel perfect space pretty how old is vintage 40 to 99 years this is a great Booth a little bit of everything but the real star of the show is coming up I didn't mean this although we will hear more about it everybody asked me where I find such great yard sales garage sales estate sales a lot of places really but this is one of them I have come across quite a few great ones here just notices like that just a piece of paper laying out on a table a place like this with so many vendors is more than just a place to buy stuff it's a resource foreign coming up right now are you seeing that price oh thank you yeah and I can do it better on the price now that we're packing up too oh wow okay certainly a stunner that's big it can do better on that price like what paying me to take it it's practically free now I mean are you kidding me it's as big as my torso where are you gonna find a porcelain vase that size for 65 dollars end of the day deals I'm telling you that's where it's at prices start dropping like New Year's resolutions on January 5th and everything's for sale what French company is known for its high quality lead crystal glass Baccarat thank you ten dollars for the pair you've got to be joking there really are some incredible prices out here [Music] what style does the Eames chair represent foreign 23rd um and if you give me your email address I can send you an email the week that it is with what the address and with a lot of pictures in it okay um not anything that's real old but she she has quite a collection this is a Bohemian flash glass from Germany now where they make the Basin clear glass then they overlay it in molten Blue Glass and then they cut through it um it looked like this except this the red is painted on and then cut through with these it's a layer of molten colored glass over it and so she has quite a collection of that and then um all of this is Waterford beautiful excuse me okay beautiful pieces of Waterford um we're still and then these are um Asian screens these are all Stone uh you know like Jade and then other colors of Jade that that are all that all make up that um that artwork uh and this is the South American piece these are all individually carved Birds standing you know this is about that thick and this whole thing is three-dimensional filled with birds it's beautiful wow all right and that's kind of a close-up uh close-up of that one it doesn't show how it's three three-dimensional yeah these are all um silk thread uh it's not painted it's all thread on on silk oh goodness [Music] and uh and these are Jade Jade Birds um these are more of the silica and uh piano lamp is a group of items um and that shows uh she has a lot of carpets like this that are in there and then one piece I don't have a picture of it if you know what a geode is yeah you know where you cut in half and it's all crystal she has one this big look at that wow okay I think I have it has all been polished was cut off the top the top is laying there and um then the big bowl stands about so high she bought it about two years ago she paid ten thousand dollars for it it is beautiful I have never seen anything like it she is offering it to the Crocker Art Gallery as a donation and if they don't take it then we'll be selling it at the um at the estate sale I mean we can't even move it I mean it's just a rock this this big around that's incredible beautiful I love estate sales you just never know right yeah or very little for that end up worth a lot yeah or they inherited yes yeah what's in their attic Grandma's Grandma and the younger people aren't interested in it just plastic plastic plates you know they don't give nice dinners at Christmas time or Thanksgiving [Music] Lennox place settings and I just I just can't tell you the younger people don't good for Crystal yeah I gotta get out of here so I'm just gonna look this way and leave so fast oh it is okay bye love you thank you that's my next door neighbor who does all my well-being and a helpful guy you know [Applause] we bought the house next to us when he was right at a high school I think yeah wow a lot of people looked at it because of the nice white seat but I'm gonna have to paint it together I like it instead of a waste of time a little bit the lady in the next Booth is talking to my Grandma right now she's a magnet people just talk to her what manufacturer produced hobnail glass Fenton no okay I'm not supposed to be doing this I am supposed to be I did a couple things you're done now I love your skirt oh thank you wow oh really she had that [Music] [Music] today foreign [Music] what kind of glass glows under UV light uranium glass sale everything five or ten dollars this right here this is one of the best reasons to go to a vintage antique flea market now if you have the time and the patience to go to garage sales yard sales and estate sales you may very well do better than these prices I mean I do too and personally I actually find that to be a lot of fun but if you're looking for something specific odds are you'll find it here there's a vast selection it saves you time and you can always get a good deal foreign oh these plates though be still my heart oh my gosh sorry about my Medusa hair messing up the view luckily it's just my shadow because if you look straight at it it'll turn you to Stone I tend to shy away from making appearances in my videos during this kind of heat because I look like I stuck my finger in a light socket and I just feel yucky also I'm a little out of practice and I'm still getting back in the groove things are just taking me a little bit longer editing and all that good stuff so I'll catch up and I'll get back to my normal routine soon not to mention I will be real happy when allergy season is over [Music] thank you [Music] it's too crowded for me to go in there and film but you could spend hours in this place just under this one tent it gets much more crowded in here too final records have made a huge comeback and the demand is growing [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what company is famous for stained glass lamps Tiffany Studios [Music] this card is ten dollars going to look at this cart [Music] really she said she had one like that when I think of all the things she must have had that I wish she had held on to that cart was so cute and I know hers was absolutely pristine she keeps everything pristine [Music] thank you Penguins the only thing better than Penguins is brass penguins [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that is where was porcelain originally made China they're all plastic so exactly if they're if it even wanted to work anyway yeah it is it's pretty cool do you sew uh-huh what have you made like a dress so far it's more just like I've made like alterations but I would like to get more get into it more yeah but I was just passing it actually works I know I know it's pretty cool though but you know what if you go into like a stay safe and their Lady of the house or maybe even the men a brandy fine that's expensive I can't tell not a nice ring yeah it does my grandmother's calling Hidden Treasures Randy finds now because she saw my last video about Randy finding the picture of Billy the Kid and she helped me with that video actually she helped me make it and gave me her input while I was editing it she is so cute and I think I'm gonna have to start calling them that from now on they're just going to be Randy finds she also let me use her own precious photos of our actual family to make that video so that was really wonderful for me oh [Music] foreign [Music] well you have a good eye so you're helpful to me at least I don't know a lot because I'm just flying around yeah oh that's gorgeous thank you what year did commercial barcodes begin 1974 okay so I'm going to tell you the story of my grandmother and how she got her name I said it was a long story it's not really I don't even know why I said that maybe because anything passed like a sentence is a long story to me but anyway so we have so many grandmothers because we have so many generations in our family it just got confusing to figure out who was talking about who so we just gave them all nicknames that everybody used across the board instead of saying like Mom Grandma great grandma and sometimes those names changed for instance condo Grandma was not always condo condo grandma she used to be country grandma she lived in a rural area and we thought that was the country so we called her country grandma and then when she moved into town she moved into a condo so we called her condo grandma and she's been condo ever since before my great-grandmother passed away we called her big grandma which was hilarious because she's one of the tiniest women you would ever have seen in your life okay personal family history lesson over but it's interesting how much being out here reminds me of family members who have passed on the sounds and the sides things that they have in their kitchen holiday dinners every time I see their particular pattern or something that they served food in or something that they had in their home a vase a lamp anything it's interesting how much it reminds me of them I wouldn't have thought it would strike such a chord but it really does The Nostalgia can get really personal out here and I love that [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] which design aesthetic is known for whiplash curves art nouveau it really is adorable oh the bench is separate wow foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] what decade is associated with lava lamps 1960s [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what am I checking out here oh wow that's so fun a little confused that'd be so cute yes it's really pretty really pretty I like that but it's not it doesn't have the colors like that those are so cute [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thanks for hanging out with us and until next week happy thrifting
Channel: Lazy DIY
Views: 39,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Antiques, antique shopping, antique, flea market finds, antique collection, vintage jewelry, vinyl records, vinyl record player, antique furniture, antiq, antiques sacramento, antique fair sacramento, antiques for sale, antiques for beginners, antique home decor, antique home decor ideas
Id: DssnH509-ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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