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in my experience comic conon isn't normally a hot bed for vintage Rarities I mean a 25 piece you can't go wrong yeah it was in my collection for a long time and I'm like that's weird and cool still sealed this year was a little bit different and that's 120 you said 120 okay so it's an original pre that's pretty cool yeah I can put that in envelope for you too if you want one okay um any other horror ones in here do you know of um I think there's the blob in there okay um there's The Relic living Return of the Living Dead I think those are the ones we have okay might have to look for that one real fast the uh yeah I think we turn somewhere in the middle black one now yes on the notebook behind you where I have the prices can you tell me how much your dead press kit is yeah it's on the one hand side uh 75 that one's 75 if you want to do both I can give you a deal for them both okay what do you think on both uh so be 195 I could do them both for 170 I will do that thank you okay yeah very cool 170 170 thank you I'm going to eye a lot and I'm really glad you got them yeah yeah where'd you find these at just like so we got a massive collection of Lobby cards from I forget the gentleman's name of was like an estate if there's other horror movies you're looking for let me know I love stuff like that hundred like FedEx boxes cool yeah thank you so much we got here those are the new ones okay Sun car well okay I'll explain this one later got to get it [Music] though is it a Gordy that is a Gordy um you have any room on these three came to 81 you know I I'll take make it even 75 if that sure that work thank you thank you so much no problem all right good luck to you how much you have on the two uh body Wars pieces what that in the corner uh I don't I don't think that they are complete but if you wanted to pair I would be 25 and 25 and I know even incomplete they're going for like $3 $35 on eBay right now right did you want to take a look at them yeah yeah let me see how much they got in them I sold six seal pieces mighty oh wow Mighty Max is getting hot oh you sold sealed uh Steam scor for 290 here you go right on so they're missing there it's got It's got the guys it's only missing the missil so okay I mean at 25 piece you can't go wrong yeah yeah I never see these things I'll take them cool where you go my friend right on how much is this one D what do you got on the monster ball dog we I'll do 50 that's 75 I'll do 50 bucks they're getting tough I get 50 bucks for loot give 50 thank you my friend thank you ma'am so that was your 50 let me get you the another 50 let me get you another bag too I'm going to keep seeing stuff now I think do your thing brother your thing there's you man thank you so much we got on that guy I could do 75 okay I got 100 these are like these are supposed to be like the the back in the' 60s early '70s it's like a ripoff of Batman they did super bad so they couldn't put any likings like Batman but technically it's supposed to be like kind of a knockoff oh I love knockoffs I had two of those for the longest time loose and I'm like man I have to got on the C the loose one I get 75 for the loose ones so when I got them on a card I got three at one time on the card to the shows and every was like that's so what's what it looks like it's so cool on a car I like the car supposed to D 80 80 on the SOI decent if I a $20 not they're all carded that's that's cool oh lord it's not that price all right all right let's see some M balls not deteriorating so that's good quick question yep if I bought all the Mad balls and all the carded Ghostbusters right there would there be any room there you [Music] think you know what I'm going to go grab the guy that can make that uh deal with you thank you sir appreciate it I'm using this okay instead of totaling all these up because other way that's closer to like $800 right so do do that 371 for the Ghostbusters and that 800 even yeah let's do it cool thanks man none of these are broke on the back it's so hard to find them where they're not just like sticking to the out or like sticking or melting on the did you check all the backs out but there's no deterioration no which is crazy because foam has to be oh I I mean I have a collection of these in and nine out of 10 are awful looking so yeah so it's just like tennis shoes you can if you don't wear them that foam disintegrates exactly the Star Wars foam real quick too what's the deal with the uh oo in there still sealed wow that's cool I'll think about that one that's really cool thank you so much I thought about you know I've seen them graded and stuff I'm like gr keep it myself 7t cool set I appreciate the deal man thank you thank you do you know there's also a magazine about Quest so I don't know that we have but I can show now that now that we already did the transaction well they okay they pre-ordered like 3 years ago and then they finally came out into of last week [Music] so what are those those are Mexican bootlegs okay um that I bought from a guy he um he buys a lot in Mexico and he also makes things in Mexico um so they are if you look too they have Lucho wrestling band uh and then pads and stuff but yeah uh kind of handmade head that's awesome just weird and different stuff yeah it was in my collection for a long time and I'm like that's weird and cool so there's him and I'll show you wolf man too since it's all bootle stuff there's not really date stance there's not really years you know okay and a lot of Mexico stuff is blow so it's on the inside you know so those are cool are they 90 a piece yeah what you do on those two plus half court over there plus what um half court half court oh over there um got 90 on them right so 270 for all three how about 250 for all 250 awesome thank you sir where's your store at uh Michigan Michigan okay we've got we've got more weird we've carryed saubi vinyl and Godzilla and all sorts of cool stuff so all the old comic stuff all the old the newer toys and older toys and then yeah okay weird stuff is kind of our love so I love it man there's those and then um if you want to see the pretty lady with the red hair she can um get you in that pleas okay thank you thank you you know what I think I want to buy your exclusive too that's pretty cool these things are just popped off they'll pop right back in anten thank you so much appreciate it good luck to you I wanted to ask so we made it back to the showroom in my experience Comic Con isn't normally a hot bed for vintage Rarities this year was a little bit different of course I'm talking about Indiana ComicCon not really sure how they are across the rest of the country I sat up and sold there last year this year I just kind of wanted to look around see if I could find anything to maybe fill in some collecting gaps here and there and I'm pretty happy with some of the harder to find pieces I was able to walk away with I went pretty heavy on the gross out and horror and horor adjacent and in my eyes that's a pretty successful day so real quick let's take a look at everything so if we take it Booth by Booth my first and probably strangest pickup of the day would be this signed crybaby DVD the reason I got this is because there was a time in my youth where I was obsessed with this movie it made me a Johnny Depp fan back then it got me into things like 21 Jump Street and then Edward Scissor Hands and all that stuff so even though those times have changed it was a pure Nostalgia grab I believe the tag said it was signed by Johnny Depp but on closer inspection I'm pretty sure that's John water signature doesn't make it uh any less cool or any more cool in my opinion but it definitely changes things uh not really why I grabbed it but that's where we are with this one at that same booth I did bundle in this Gordy rack toys TMNT flash gun I have a whole display of those down there so that'll fit in nicely because I do not have this one and then I kind of got this set of elvir trading cards through in for free I'm not really sure what these cards are from they just say alvara Mistress of the dark on the back there's no dates or anything but they were basically free so if you know what this set is from definitely let me know at another Booth something instantly caught my attention a while back when I was checking out the battle Babies collection my friend Brad kind of schooled me on these body Wars toys I've been on the hunt for them ever since this is the first time I came across any we have two they are incomplete but we do have the skull guy here he's missing the miss inside there and then we have the brain also does not have a missile they might have had some more little guys with them too still kind of learning about these but you just never see them so the first time I saw two picked them up I think 25 a piece was a great deal because I've seen the figures alone sell for 20 or more and they displayed just fine like this as I was going to pay for the body Wars I saw another item I've been on the hunt for this is an ilco Monster Ball this is the Wolfman version there were a few different ones like the mummy Dracula we have Frankenstein or Frankenstein's monster down there kind of a cool take on a madballs knockoff in fact I discovered these a few months ago when I was searching for madballs knockoffs uh something about these popped up didn't know if I'd ever find One A lot of times the packaging is pretty messed up on them this one's pretty great in all honesty it's got a little creasing on it but that displays wonderfully it was 50 bucks I think that's about right in this condition could be worth a little more but I'm just happy to have finally found one and the last item I picked up from that Booth is a 1966 Batman knockoff called a super bat it's this weird little troll looking figure kind of in a Batman style costume with a batboard super sweet basic knockoff artwork on the back tells the tricks he can do like the boss or the wheelie the flya away even the hot dooger the head dip the kamakazi and of course the butt breaker seems like a pretty tough piece to find especially on the card like this I did find one on worth point I think it was like around 175 or 180 so to get this one for 75 I am super happy about that I thought these were pretty great they're old horror movie press kits I mean there was a big bucket full of press kits I went for the horror ones we have Friday the 13th and the Return of the Living Dead I think when they sent these out they might have had like a letter with them or something these only have the pictures with the explanations of the pictures I believe the Friday the 13th has eight different photographs stills from the movie and then they have these little papers that are explanations from Paramount Pictures uh this one says Harry Crosby wields a machete against an intruder that has entered his cabin in Shan s Cunningham's Friday the 13th if we look at the Return of the Living Dead I believe this one has 13 photographs inside the folder here it has uh contact information for the movie company in this case Orion pictures but in a world of mass-produced modern horror action figures and stuff like that I just think it's a really really cool thing to come across and being able to use the folders themselves as a display piece I think that's pretty gnarly the biggest buy of the day came from a booth where I saw a wall of real Ghostbusters monster carded figures and then as I walked inside the booth I saw a nice display of carded madballs one of my favorite toys in the entire world I never see them in this kind of shape or this kind of quantity I instantly knew that we were going to be working out a deal here now what makes this even more special as a whole as far as the Ghostbusters figures go this is the entire set of the monster line on very very nice cards with very nice bubbles if you know anything about Real Ghostbusters cards they are generally in pretty rough condition they're just so oversized they got smashed a lot these are just pretty crispy overall and I'm always a sucker for the uh Toys RS clearance stickers and stuff like that in fact these were 50% off the last full set of these I saw sell in this nice of condition sold for like 750 bucks which is pretty close to what I paid for everything so the deal was obviously there for me aside from maybe the uh Ecto glow Ghostbuster line the monsters are probably my favorite I'm pretty sure I have all of these loose but could not resist the uh minty carded set likewise as far as the madballs go this is the entire set of Series 2 there are eight characters from Series 2 you can see them lined up all around snake bait right here but we also have swine sucker Bru Brother Wolf breath freaky fullback splitting headache lock lips and of course fist face most of these when you see them they're going to have plenty of problems they were made of foam and that foam did not hold up even inside the packaging in a lot of cases this is my current carded version of swine sucker as you can see compared to this Crystal Clear minty version here uh he did not hold up well over time he is completely melting inside of that package the package itself is in pretty good condition but it just did not work so believe me when I say finding an entire set like this in this sort of condition pretty exciting and much like the Ghostbusters a great deal the last complete set of Series 2 in good condition like this I believe sold for somewhere around $600 so when you add it to to the Ghostbusters consider what I paid we're looking pretty good here and lastly shockingly enough the mega Madball score may not have been my favorite find of the day I was actually getting ready to pack it in and uh a couple of these fellas here caught my attention this was a booth called Collector's Corner they're out of Michigan seems like a really cool store hopefully I can make it up there sometime these are just some crazy bootleg monster figures like wrestling bodies with uh wolfman's head and Frankenstein's Monster's head I don't know if the bodies were made at one time and the heads were made later just to be put on there don't know much about these at all but that's kind of the magic with something like this I think they're pretty intense though they they stand probably I don't know 16 in tall or something I just love everything about these things even where the paint starting to chip off you can see uh Frankie's Tattoo there on his chest popping right off I thought 90 bucks a piece was a great deal Bo legs always throw me off I I never know what something like that's going to run so 90 a piece I was definitely comfortable with that and then to get the uh TMNT half court thrown in for 70 on top of that he only has one accessory but this one accessory here sometimes will run you maybe 40 45 bucks on its own so the entire figure for 70 definitely happy to add this one to the collection as well and then as I was getting ready to leave their Booth I saw that they had this cool store exclusive a collaboration with hop toys hop stands for or high on plastic this is a robot monster I I think it said there were 50 made maybe it said 100 I think it was 50 but it's a tardies Collector's Corner exclusive not vintage or anything but I thought it was pretty cool looking it's actually a pretty massive piece but it's dwarfed by the uh monsters there I was happy to grab this in support of what seems like a really cool store again like I said hope to visit there someday that is all I got for you this time as always I want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you [Music] bye
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 227,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I WAS SHOCKED TO FIND THESE AT COMIC CON!, Vintage toys, Toy hunter, Toy hunting, Vintage toy hunter, Vintage toy hunting, Comic con, Comic convention, Vintage toy show, Madballs, Buying vintage toys, Selling vintage toys, Collecting vintage toys, Vintage toy collection, Action figure collection, Vintage horror, American pickers, Froggy flips, Froggyflips, Froggy, Froggy toys, Best toy collection, Best vintage toy collection, Best action figure collection, Toys at comic con
Id: p3gfhpT483c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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