🚗 Long Beach Flea Market, February 2024

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hi everyone this is Maria it's Sunday morning and it's 6:46 and so we are headed Joey and I say hi Joey say good morning good morning hi Joey and so we've been up really early you guys you know feeding the cats and all that and so we are headed to the Long Beach flea market it's the third Sunday of every month and we're going to make a pit stop at where are we going to stop at Joey we're going to go to the donut shop The Donut Shop which one zomie zombie Donuts yeah so okay we'll see you there donuts oh my gosh I think we're the first people here they just opened like 2 minutes ago and so which one looks good to you Joey I'm just going to have my cinnamon roll okay Joey's going to get the cinnamon roll I always get this little guy right here this zombie guy but look at these you guys that one has bacon there's whipped cream with a looks like a churro sticking out of it look at that one we've had that before [Music] oh my gosh look how cute right yum that one looks good too oh they had some for Valentine's oh look at that one and then it says be mine I recently found some of these at an estate sale like at really reasonable price but this person is always here with fans and look at this collection of little mini masks this is $60 right here and there's some more of these dolls so Joey's coming over here to check out this bar set what do you think Joey that's unusual I've never seen anything like that unusual yeah so cool you guys I really like it it's plastic do you think it's like for the patio yeah yeah look at that bird is that a flamingo or an egret right here Joey it a so too oh okay it's very cool thought was a pigeon with long leg no it's not a pigeon with long legs Santa blow mold and so Joey had spotted this dollhouse so we going to make my way over here oops so check this out it says lundby on here and look at the furniture in the rooms you guys look how cute there's mom she's chilling on the couch it's the bathroom the little piano the bedroom and so I have heard of lundby before but I don't think I've ever seen one in person and so this makes me think of someone who watches my videos Mara in Georgia hi Mara look at these dolls right here they almost look like marionettes or something but I don't think they are but they're really neat looking that's what I mean at the flea market you see all kinds of things it's really like a museum check this out right here there's vinyl vintage vinyl and jewelry and there's Joey Joey it's just lots of fun you get lots of walking in and so this flea market is at the Long Beach Stadium the veteran stadium in Long Beach California oh look at this art you guys I love art like this look at this isn't that cute just love that looks like some old toys here there's some dolls I see Shirley Temple doll back here you guys this is a really old Shirley Temple doll she looks like a composition how much is your Shirley uh 250 250 250 you guys wow she looks really nice and then look how cute I never heard of this game before it's called cabala The Mysterious game that foretells the future glows in the dark that's neat there's a Back to the Future game racetrack Joey there's a uke Joey likes to stop at this booth right here you guys first of all look at their cool F they're a young couple they're very creative and so but look at this it's just so neat and it says vivart custom repairs here and then look at this motorcycle stand I love this you guys I just love this that's fun and then look at all the signs Joey loves to look at all of these I think he got one last time not from here from someone else these are just so much fun these are original you guys they're not like the replicas although some of the replicas are cool too but look at this hi we love your van look at this you guys it's a a vdub bug right no is it no what is it transporter vdub transporter a vdub transporter why does that look like a Volkswagen on top of the top oh yeah yeah that's what I me two and put the back together oh okay it's two halves that put together did you do that I did yeah it's so creative you guys are so artsy thank you yeah it's fun are we on Facebook uh this is going on YouTube oh very cool yeah awesome yeah so nice are you guys here all the time now uh we try to be we we normally take off January and that's the only month we try not so okay but most of the time you're here right is it about in the same area yeah just about the same Ro okay all right thanks what's your business name uh it's called Bug me vintage bug me vintage v bug me vintage and people can find you where um on Instagram or YouTube I have YouTube as well where I I make videos of like how I built this oh okay and it's your channel is bug me vintage so my channel is handbuilt Bob but for like the Vint handbuilt Bob handbuilt Bob Bob you guys okay don't want to forget that okay all right all right thank you have a good sale well thanks and look at this you guys now your wife does the Miniatures right look at this you guys she's so creative oops that is so neat and then over here we have this one right here and they're both made out of can you see the gas cans you guys that is so neat see some doll heads in here some doll clothes Barbie look at that Joey that book automobile year that looks kind of cool Nightmare Before Christmas belt buckle some pumpkins I recognized this from he He-Man this is from He-Man remember my boys played with that look at look at that how cute the little Playmobile guy and I love these right here the bubble bath containers and that's Wendy from Casper there's Rocky and Bullwinkle Joey and I see some little dolls over here what are these oh that's a Kelly doll but what are these right here they look like Nancy an story book dolls they yeah Nancy an how much are they jelly 15 y this one's 10 okay that's kind of unusual what is this it's a wind up a wind up of it looks like is it a rocket yeah it looks like some kind of Rocket yeah wow it says something right here Joey what does it say it says Atomic rocket Atomic Atomic Atomic or just Atomic Atomic Atomic rocket it's probably from what the 60s maybe yeah probably this horror series that looks like fun right so Joey got the rocket I had to talk him into it it was $40 and then the guy said the guy at the booth said we could have $10 off so we got it for 30 bucks you guys makes the wheels turn oh that's cool it's like a steam engine d y that's what it is thank you that is so neat you're so smart that's why I marry him he knows everything he does and then Joe's looking at the boat The Wooden Boat Joey loves the Wooden Boats too that was so cute Joey it was so sweet so Joey explained to the little boy what this was because he was in his stroller goes what's that you know so Joey told him what it was that was fun so these are Palm front and they were painted by the late Dennis Klein and look at these you guys they are so cool so so cool and in Southern California you guys we give a lot of palm trees here so this is so neat that someone has turned them into art what do you think Joey which one is your favorite it's like Mar Monroe yeah I like them all at that a tiger over there cheetah spotted this Troll and came right over here and so but we have a few of them right Joey I think we have maybe three but the smaller ones and you know I never thought I would want to own one of these Trolls but they sort of grow on you and this is the tallest one that I've seen so far Joey yeah oh so that really cool and they're made in Norway you guys they're from Norway so probably when people went traveling they would pick these up they would buy these as souvenirs there's some old GI Jo's here look at the ukulele Joey just all kinds of fun stuff I see a Rambo Rambo lunch pil back here there's all kinds of lunch boxes this is an old typewriter it's a Remington but Joey I don't think I'm old enough to have used this typewriter you think close he said probably you guys isn't it cool so cool check out these Antique Chairs these vintage chairs and so the name of this company is called Revival Antiques and it says they have a website and so but anyways very cool look at these these are so cool this is really nice oh thank you yeah this is just what we had in the storage but if you go visit our website or come to our store okay it's like a museum oh really where is your store it's in Pasadena Pasadena yes about where off of ferro's Boulevard so Oldtown Pasadena oh Oldtown Pasadena and the name of your the name of your store is Revival antiques Revival antiques you guys Oldtown Pasadena and so it's right there on Colorado Boulevard it's off of California and phoh do you recognize this character I mean if you grew up in the 60s maybe the ' 50s 60s maybe Cartoon Network I'm not sure you guys but this is babalo and quick draw mcra sidekick oh my gosh so cute right look at that I didn't recognize him at first you guys it's been a long time so it's nice seeing him today hey Ronald there's Ronald McDonald root beer and things go better with Coke and over here you guys this is so adorable I love this park bench it says drink Coca-Cola Fountain service Jo we spotted these this table setting okay you guys I have to share these with you they are so adorable these handbags look at this just so cute this one has a flap this one is 45 $5 has a little teddy bear embroidery like the Vintage kitchen towels they've used repurposed and doilies just so so cute my mother used to sew all of these towel things the embroidery look how adorable what a great idea and then look at this one back here it says clean day and then I want to show you this one cuz you know I love my dolls and so that's a v from a vintage doll you guys and then it's got doilies here and look at the patchwork Fabric and then this this one is super cute also love it you guys and then this one is really super cute look at this you guys I love how they hung this on the front on the flap this is a crochet like from a doily and it says wash day really love that and this one right here let me get out of the the shade there so cute you guys going to put this back up here and so pricewise they are I saw one was $45 this one is 45 and this one is 45 and so just super cute let's see what's back here oh okay maybe we saw this one already and then oh my gosh you guys just so cute I love this what a great idea right so creative I miss these These are on the other side look how cute there's just such a variety and then Joey found some jackets oh my gosh look you guys want a chicken I don't want a chicken on it though it's 65 can you pull this one out Joey so we can see that's cute that cutie cute it looks like a robe though right I think it's a robe but it's so cute and then there's also looks like aprons and then there's baby bibs bibs there's baby bibs you guys although this one's kind of scary for a baby right and so I like the purses better so this guy had to be in my video check this out he's carrying all those books so heavy looking right the books and anyways this is $250 and so it's pretty tall you guys I mean I'm 5'2 and it's just a little bit shorter than me so while some of you may be waiting for your prince to come this is what he's doing he's hanging out on a park bench look at this you guys this is so cute isn't that cute that chair right and then look at the one back there the hand with the alien on it oh but that is so cute looks like rainbow chch Barbie and her friends lots of accessories outfits Fashions clothes because all about the fashion for you or your all of this you guys and so look at over here you guys there's Ricky and Lucy celebrity dolls more Barbie Masters of the Universe look at this there's Skipper and her friends and this is really cute right here you guys looks like Bratz dolls and then you'll find little buckets here with Fashions and then lots more Barbies back here the other ones are more heavier and oh my gosh you guys just so much to look at so you come really have to take so much fun they called [Applause] have so cool if anyone needs a pencil here's one here at the Long Beach flea market this is my last purchase for today and so these hand puppets are from the Mr Rogers show right and so even though we didn't watch Mr Rogers I just like the looks of them you guys someone mentioned Punch and Judy and that's what it sort of reminds me of and so really nice and this gentleman here these belong to him and he had them at $40 let me have them for 30 thank you so much and he said he made the wooden bases with the uh prong sticking up so you can actually put the puppet over it so this is going to look great in my doll collection you guys so we've left the flea market look at Joey's glasses honey your glasses are on crooked my face is crooked oh your face is crooked yeah that's better anyways you guys we just finished uh eating our Donuts from zombie donuts and we stopped at Starbucks for a drink heading home and I'm going to make some lunch for us and then it'll be time to feed the cats again honey oh yeah and so did you have a good time at the flea market Joey it was fun it was really fun we saw a lot of neat things you guys and so we were thinking next time we're going to start at the opposite end of the flea market because those last two RS get really congested right Joey it's like more narrow and it just gets really congested and so but anyways we thought we'd try that shake things up right Joey okay thanks for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed that let us know in the comments what one of your favorite things were that we showed you shared with you and also let us know if you like to go with the flea market sorry the car is bouncing up and down here on the freeway and so but anyways okay so let us know if you found anything really cool at the flea market and your never went okay talk to you later everyone bye say bye Joey bye everyone that
Channel: Maria Toth
Views: 3,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r4D1Zh9ZM2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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