LIVE: London Heathrow Airport

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hey folks welcome to the Sunday show um and very warm welcome hope you're well straight out the box dhla 300 um get to your chat in a second go on with it it's going to go up like a sky going go up like your rocket Jil out of the garden can't clean this I love this light I love this [Music] light yeah not so ke started moaning already look yes no it's heo Frankfurt now a it bit of a windy uh climb out folks oh it was London Frankfurt yeah that's right here Frankfurt he thr there we go wow look at that getting buffed around up there a little bit watch when they uh look at this big man coming in yeah big battle at the moment is it A3 51,000 versus the triple X um the triple XX 9x I say she's making a jump up a stiff old Breeze certainly not a nice uh calm action is it on the um on the control column I've got him I got it yeah okay because of uh well we're hearing that a lot of flights delayed today folks um due to weather or winds at London heo as they put it um but also um he got safe there look how long these dream liners go Man compared to that Triple 7 not even front wheel off the ground there we go only just look how much runway they got left man going to cut to this Rogue arrival and because of these delays uh they are bringing the odd one in uh Rogue as we call it easy nice so we uh we were looking on flight radar earlier just looking at the looking at the holding patterns and um saw an Air Lingus a321 Neo and I swear um it looked the Livery looked blue we were like wow is that a new Lingus Livery did no one said anything about that it honestly does look from the uh the photograph on Flight Radar 24 or one of them at least it looks blue looks really smart actually um he Lingus might want to have a have a little look at that and consider it as a uh a potential you know blue jet good morning everybody hope you're doing well uh cheatah 1903 is the difference between a359 and 1,000 just size uh yeah more or less cheetah same uh same sized Wing I believe um engine has a slightly less power to it um it's a just a d-rated variant of engine uh s same makeup of xwb engine but I think it's just a it's just a tuned down version of the um of the 100,000 thrust uh Trent xwb that uh th uh Powers the um the 1,000 fo uh size and undercarriage is the other thing the one other thing um is that the 1000 does have uh try undercarriage so uh if she's in the air it's a length thing that you need to look at it's literally once the um Tren uh once the gear are are um raised it is literally what you're seeing is the difference is the length of the aircraft and it is noticeable as well very noticeable bit like the 7879 and the 10 thank you CLA gifted membership thank you everybody saying hello in singles um to a a a of course she looks a little bit heavy on the right side doesn't she there or was that just and hot key uion almost looks like we're only making plans for Nel can I say big shout out to uh Russell Epstein from gini Jets to Dan as well was it Dan Dan um from Gemini Jets uh who I met and at uh Kempton park at the model Fair little bit of a funky shot there kind of missed that um Meredith Jane has gifted five memberships thank you Mar uh yeah it's um went down there to meet up with the um the crew from Gemini Jets and also uh Paul at ard models uh and bear in mind that Paul also uh has the inflight model range which is his own gig um one of which I saw the dream lifter in um in neutral well it was unpainted in its sort of like uh its green oxide paint isn't it the oxide paint that they use uh matte beautiful model of course they've got the uh the Airbus Beluga as well which uh which has an opening I think I think both the both models have um it's got a little intersect coming out both models have um opening compartments I think you can actually buy um really cool for the Airbus Beluga you can buy uh um Airbus components that go into the Beluga preloaded if you want s about yeah of course we are at the London fire brigade folks um you know what to do hit that uh hit that QR code uh we changed it back to rent out of a a request by a lot of people um works better for the lfv of course and what they say goes Joshua Randall is a brand new member welcome Joshua and Jess par is a new member as well oh Joshua sorry he's a returning member welcome back Joshua bring my flight radar up he thr to he it what what aircraft was it oh was just an exercise was it oh so where did it meet up with the typhoons is question if it went heat FR to heat then okay here we go folks Houston bound 60 16 or 16 or 60 obviously not 60 no oh my goodness mate oh Jordan Charlie um yeah hello Jordan thank you very much by the way folk uh mate I'm I'm sorry I missed you the other day um to say thank you watch the Tilt interesting that the um 7200 versus the 300 7200 has slightly smaller Wheels um than the 300 and has a slightly smaller actuator arm as well the triple well I say slightly smaller it's it's bleeding massive on the um on the on the 300 it's a it's a serious piece of kit uh the Tilt mechanism or or the um the actuator arm this is nice Sri Lankan 330 headed to Columbo and just one other thing WR nice a nice departure man yeah no tilt mechanism or actuator armor or anything like that on the 330 goes up as it is it just uh automatically um obviously using Hydraulics um tilts backwards but it's not a it's not a um a system that pushes it like on the Triple 7 using a little bit of crab there southwesterly winds at the moment it's kind of hoping we might get a little bit of Vortex off these wing tips but there's uh there isn't enough moisture in the air everywhere I look around okay a350 1,000 with the TR cart under Carriage quite derated every safe and S yeah wow and uh the Aus the Aus the Airbus a 351000 uh also does not use an actuator arm or a tilt mechanism there's actually quite a lot of weight to that whole t tilt mechanism when you think of all the componentry that goes into it so the way that um uh Airbus got away with it uh or or whatever um designed around it was to have the middle section middle set of wheels um ever so slightly the car the the axle ever so slightly narrower yeah getting quite buffeted this jet on its way to Detroit migan yeah now you can feel that win folks I think it's switching to a more or less a westly later on of course uh 3:00 switch over as is always the case old London time so if you uh if you're fancy a membership folks um you can enable gifting um by just hitting that link at the top of the page get involved if you're a new member as well um always like to uh see the chat from you folks get involved in the discussion oh nice bit of Vortex coming off that uh wi tip of that 350 now that's something you don't often see isn't it maybe if we had have been we had have left it with that um Jasmine gun has gifted a membership thank you Jasmine Emma deal flew to lanica yesterday from Heath Road T5 on a 320 Neo with ba um new one um well I S it is it is new in comparison to obviously the CEOs but um uh ran spotter um unfortunately my friend no this is on a main um road down here I mean obviously you can you can come and stand at the roadside if you want to new engine Nell see the engine Nel it's interesting the um there was a uh discussion on a forum uh regarding the third Runway at London Heath those those discussions are ongoing but apparently it's been put to a um uh a private um now it's not going to be a governmental thing I think the government have given the go-ahead for the third Runway but it is now down to the the the private sector we got another Rogue arrival on 27 right I see um yeah is a shame um we um yeah it's gone to it's going to the private sector now uh obviously the local residents or businesses and uh so on and so forth communities around the area that would be affected now it's a long discussion I have to say look at this it's one for M he's here FR sho from KH got to say that was the first time I'd ever been to uh Paris actually in into the Parisian sector and it's beautiful there isn't it got some beautiful architecture in Paris um but um yeah uh third Runway is a discussion which uh which we could have probably but for for quite some time but what what what I want to suggest is obviously as as we did during on the last uh um show uh from Frankfurt because they have a um a third Runway well not third Runway but an additional Runway that they the most recent Runway that they added at Frankfurt which is way over the other side in sort of like a fielded sort of like um uh in in in in fields where it was obviously um easier for them to uh do it rather than knocking loads of of of um buildings and so on and so forth now now as far as I'm concerned if you look at the uh design make up and the structure of London e row like an overhead VI firstly I would suggest that they um that they only make that Runway a certain length therefore it's only able to accommodate um single ale Jets and not even uh twin is Jets or super twins or even the uh NEOS you know the the 330 NEOS and that sort of thing um if they were to um just have those aircraft um landing on that Runway and taking off departing from that Runway then um it would make a lot more sense wouldn't it um because you you you'd be much more in favor with the local residents when you have these things Landing as opposed to big jets um because they're very quiet obviously now the other thing is to bear in mind is the location for it would be much the same as what they have at Frankfurt in terms of the it being offet off offset to a diagonal and the taxi way the only um construction work well I say the only construction work in terms of uh affecting the the local area would be the taxiways to and from um the um you only need really only need two taxiways wouldn't you um or you know or you know yeah yeah just two taxiways i' imagine I mean you could run a single taxi way but then you'd have a little bit of um uh congestion I would imagine with aircraft coming in and going out etc etc um but also I'm thinking that the the the um the third Runway would be way over there the other side of the M25 okay there's a huge area uh the only thing is that I think it may be um you know uh um an area of natural beauty or something like that I'm not sure if it is but it is fielded anyway um and and it would be far easier in terms of um uh affecting the local community in terms of um destruction because the taxiways could quite easily circumnavigate around over the top of the M25 and like they do at um like they do at Frankfurt um I think it would be a far easier thing to um plan rather than having you know because of course when you talk about a third Runway all the all the locals are thinking oh I'm not bleeding jumbo Jets and a38 is landing over me house um if they had if we would if you were to turn around and just say no no no no no we're restricting it just to um the the the modern jets you you know um the NEOS and so on and so forth um oh what's a Neo well it's a very Advanced new type of aircraft which um has a very um uh um improved uh sound uh note compared to the old airplanes which have um older um noisier engines and also not only that but um you know in terms of their emissions um you know if you were to sit down with a local res residence and discuss it openly and be honest about it be in a much better position to uh to get some discussions going uh chemical tanker driver why are they landing and taking off 27 right is it a volume traffic well you you answer your own question there uh chemical tank driver yes indeed because the holding patterns are so busy if you on your flight Radar 24 apps you will see uh how busy the holds are around London patro um and there are around about what is it 47 45 50 minute delays apparently Philip Jones the plan show Harlington harmsworth Simpson will be wiped out if it's wrong Simpson they don't need to do all that do they such a long Runway that these dream liners use oh interesting uh John's saying just being announced BBC news that air traffic control has put restrictions at he airport something to do with traffic flow well I'll tell you what look at this you know what is another thing that they were mentioning was um Staffing uh uh air traffic control um so that may be another issue somebody's uh you know only takes a couple of of people to uh to not turn up for their shift for whatever reason it may be um that that kind of throws the whole thing into turmoil doesn't it although you would imagine that there would be um a few um air traffick contr controllers who might be happy toh step in on a Sunday for a little bit of overtime uh Robert cave eight in the hold over Rockford eight in the hole JY did you hear that it's crazy Caroline crafted ship David Smith can't live near an airport and Loan about the place you're right Dave I think um you know people like us we're the only ones down the street who are like you know wow look at this one coming out standing out in your garden yeah I mean you know you've had long enough to I mean obviously a lot of people are uh not in a position to move you know um start up see how deep and groa 350 xwb engine startup is Caleb 737 on its way out um great to see I have to say um that um folks of KM have uh have touched up the or actually completely repainted uh the the the pride uh the Triple 7 Pride jet um same type of Li same same Livery you know same uh orange pride and orange up front front blew up the back but um with the uh the Dutch flag separating them looks fantastic so because the whole um you know the whole um model thing that we whenever we do something with Aviation retail though it's always very popular so we're planning folks we're planning we're we we've me and Jilly ran a test last night for something that um we're going to be um uh bringing to you uh maybe before the end of the year um but certainly uh in the early part of uh 2024 but we got a couple of things that we need to uh finalize logistically so I did give a shout out didn't I to um to Jason Char uh Jordan Charlie um thank you Jordan very kind of you my friend and uh yeah very much appreciate you really didn't have to do that but it's very kind of you to uh leave that little present of bicky's I fan um nice to meet you Steve sens uh wasn't there a plan to build a new airport in the temp yes well that was something that was uh considered wasn't it um with um I think when Boris was in power know he's in power now old a 330 is been reborn hasn't it really born again 330 um very popular with the uh re-engining and also um design changes to the wing I don't know if it's a completely new Wing or if it's uh or if it's just a um you know they've revised it uh they would have changed the pylon obviously to accommodate the bigger engine uh maybe extended the undercarriage ever so slightly because of the um because of the the the larger sized engines and here we come folks here we go wow look how slow this 350 is going man yeah whoa big old bumpy ride up there man look at that level out wow look at that man make sure I haven't got any messages is from uh Pilots or anything big GL following him up look he's going to switch taxiways May well switch taxiways this guy more or less head on to us as well here we go oh just a little kick through the chicane Nick Gray gifted five memberships thanks Nick thank you to everybody who's gifting appreciate it very kindly Gary pit good afternoon La girl CLA bear is there a diver thr from anywhere um this gu you know Dy man yeah the whole um the whole uh third Runway thing is a massive debate isn't it because at the at the end of the day um it gets dark no at the end of the day there are people who will be affected there's no doubt about it it is just one of those things which you know uh nobody likes to see like with the um the whole Railway thing and all that kind of thing um but you know uh if they can sort of like meet halfway with the uh with the locals with the residents you know um I don't know I don't know in terms of like we're not talking about wiping out entire communities here are we in terms of their housing uh I don't know um Jonathan B there a plan to have a training from the old oil Depot at Langley uh Going Underground to the T5 area um okay well I'm sure there's all sorts of um you know options and plans and that kind of thing but the the bottom line is it's physically building a Runway so all I'm saying is that in order to you know um to make it a little bit more sort of like acceptable would be to have a shorter Runway that's the only Neo modern jets a220s e190s atrs that kind of stuff can land on 737 Max you know 9 whatever um you know quite a aircraft and um more efficient I mean don't get me wrong you know these Dreamliners and 350s are very are still quiet that was very very quiet but you know um and of course they only use that Runway at Frankfurt for landing oh no they don't sorry yes yes it's only arrivals on that third that that that that um that fourth Runway 1 two three 25 right isn't it 25 right I think it is well planned just well planned at the end of the day have no doubt that they went through um M uh you know huge um development um discussions and so on and so forth Shamrock 105 has gifted a membership thanks Shamrock Jordan Charlie Boris Island well you know um it's not such a bad idea um it's feasible but um cor BL me probably get the Aussies to build it uh Lucy mcclusky Korean Air 787-8 over at the VIP terminal arrived this morning Korean 787-8 interesting over at the VIP to ter JFK Tara and LaGuardia na you can say are they um Zach Nick Grace gifted another f ships or is that is that a duplication from my side scrolling to the bottom of the comments folks stand by Shor getting chucked around a bit r rashy good day to you on the UK Pam Bal Pam Trevor Scott Thompson yeah if you're a new member folks please um don't hesitate to come in and uh and chat ask questions um got any questions you have uh people put to me or to the audience that you see here got a very knowledgeable bunch of people or if you've got stuff that you want to talk about um that um that you've seen in the news or uh that you've um that you can't quite get your head around or uh stuff that we maybe don't know you know uh Marcel Marcel porner is a new member a returning member sorry Marcel he's a full striper as well Bruce Fine happy to bring new people to Big jet enthusiasm thank you Bruce C yes stand not too far away after we talking about you know people don't want to get on a train and have to travel you know 30 odd miles to some kind of like to feat the object in it you can usually tell how how Gusty it is when they're uh when they wheels off the ground uh you can see the um the flight surfaces moving on the wing especially those big flapper on that they have on the boeings it's very uh evident there when you're getting kicked around from left to right of course with a big headwind uh as you can see there s got cross element in there as well so good question that Cheryl Howard asking about that ice uh Runway um operation that they had with Norse um good question that would it would they have had to have had a special Tire well I mean look you're landing on Ice basically um there will probably have been a very slight you know coating of snow on it maybe I don't know from the just from General winds but um you know that's one of the things that I was questioning let's just let this 380 go out first [Applause] ah she's heavy she's heavy yeah look at that Dreamliner esque departure now look at the flight surface is on the wings as the computers well the pilot at this point in time making the corrections but uh when they make those Corrections all the uh computers you know gang up together and um operate all the flight surfaces as they need to but this is actually quite a uh just a little bit on lift off wasn't it now it's all mainly on the elevators you can see the elevator still on the climb obviously maintaining a steady climb rate so yeah the um uh the the tires on the North 787 maybe Dunlop or whoever um uh or mellin or perelli or whoever were operating on on that aircraft maybe they have developed special grip um you know because normally the tires on um on these jet liners are only grooved they only have grooves in them um because they're obviously you know they're not used for for for for for steering left and right at in at high speed in high speeds um so they do a a decent enough job in terms of dispersing the water uh um but yeah interesting I mean I I I think that I think that because they have the the the the the tire rubber is so thick on jetliners anyway um I think that um I think that incorporating any kind of knobble if you know what I mean like or Tire or tread pattern would possibly um be far too difficult to manufacture maybe I don't know well you think about it they do it for big truck tires don't they um well when I say truck tires talking about Earth movers and things like that so it can be done but I'm not sure as it would operate well on a on a on a on an aircraft um used to have on the early Lancaster bombers but um eventually um but I I just think from uh from um thousands and thousands and thousands to manufacture a custom set of uh tires as well so good question that because one of the questions that I had uh seeing that nor uh Dreamliner land was taxiing because you know um very powerful engines and you're literally taxiing on ice um there's a TV show in there somewhere is it taxiing on Ice uh anyway just seen that uh AO Arrow uh Ethan J matford Farm uh European Aviation at birming uh Bournemouth sorry has 3 46s he's right there matford Farm yeah so Cheryl Howard hopefully got that um yeah folks please try and be a little bit respectful to all your other um your uh your your colleagues and and fellow um um members on the chat uh please don't have individual discussions Within each other or you know what you've had for tea or you know uh that kind of thing and and and because we like to say hello as a whole hello everybody and then get on with your uh get on with your chat and um uh because obviously it it kind of clogs up the chat and people want to sort of other people who want to come in and and maybe talk about to discuss it just goes so quickly that um griffy 8400 uh A380 takeoff upstairs feel like nothing is happened he's right you know uh got 747 once pilot said 56 seconds to take off felt like forever okay 567 oh no 56 seconds to take Beverly George has a membership thank you chrisy Arthur Benny disa much slower air speed flaps easy sun easy little bit sketchy there should uh might get a bit of uh interesting um arrivals at uh 3:00 swi to save all this do they not land with a much slower Air speeed Force flaps to save all this um well Arthur yeah generally um when an aircraft is in the final stage of its approach it will select flaps full um not always I think sometimes depending on the weight of the aircraft the wind speed um all the general weather conditions whether whatever selection they land with but I think in general if you fly regularly uh on approach they will bring the flaps down in in increments start off with 5° and then move uh or maybe even 3° and then move down to five then seven then um and then right out to the maximum uh percentages and numbers uh dep uh is dependent on whether it's a Boe or air bus I think um numbers on Airbus I think snow gromer machine are used to far okay Furrow or plow the ice yes creating shallow grooves yes like they do on the runway here we go there we [Applause] go yeah look at that Vortex over the engine over the wing man there see the wing see the wing surfaces move there a are slightly just to counteract The Twist see the see them moving ever are slightly over the wing there folks that's actually the spoilers the um the ground spoilers and the speed brakes uh they're all one one flight surface that has a double usage so Rohit parkal there we go I didn't think about that of course uh on runways on Modern runways folks there are grooves um that are um set into the runway or cut into the runway sometimes it's more apparent when they're taking off you can hear that whing noise or whining noise as they as they gather speed down the runway but he's saying there that they are creating shallow Groves ploud watch the gear Til There It Is Here It Comes there it is wow quite late so yeah what rohit's saying there is that the The Ice that is um from those plowed furrows um is uh evenly distributed across the runway and that then freezes to almost create a sort of like a a grippy layer on top almost like um you know felt Roofing sort of thing thanks Emma Amo right right right yeah yeah wow Rolls-Royce Tren 800s see look at that got hit then man Donna delin is a new member welcome Donna fighting with that win man I'm telling you Duncan 38 has gifted five memberships thank Duncan so there we go nice bit of fluish nice bit of fluish oh yeah wow look at that yeah nice 7871 also has the uh tilted gear there it is you want to get that gear up pretty damn quick when you got these Crosswinds once you get that positive rate look at the aircraft battling away with those crosswinds off to rad to re hopefully hopefully we'll see Riad streamliners in at Heath thr at some point in the uh in the future I don't know if they will operate a he throw route but uh if ba are doing it then um does make you wonder whether uh Folks at Riad will be uh operating Nashville Tennessee she's op Jordan Charlie Nathan puling Mike D Adam Pano still charging GP still charging we're all good hello okay uh 2025 for Riad air Steve batty saying thank you uh Steve um amazing looking Livery has to be said uh first time we clapped eyes on it was at the Paris air show where they had one on static display real shame they didn't fly it Steve Hughes thank you magnificent oh no F fantastic cam don't get of yourself Jerry madira Aviation spotting Dean M um well it's off 12:30 a.m. here in Australia uh Dean M there you go and you're looking right at the big Rue there um the little Joey uh went out earlier on of course apparently a new airport is under construction at the moment uh St is the um is the uh uh sorry Su I'm sorry it's that new that I forgot Su Sierra uniform Tango is the uh the new name for the airport under construction can't say what it is at the moment but we will be revealing it in the future quite excited to do that actually cuz we are um we are the exclusive uh we have exclusive access all area access to um the new uh s UT airport Gary lion yes they have released a second delivery rad Captain Man uh contest destination membership well we can't give membership that's the trouble we can but we can't well no we can we can gift it but we can't guarantee who's it who it's going to be you know um so man yeah unfortunately we we would um love to be able to do that but the best we can do is gift membership ourselves um oh funky shot coming up in three two 1 nice first funky shot of the day Philip L is sat not saying anything Staples I was watching a SE go this morning as you do yes well I am was intrigued how they use their wings to make Minor Adjustments depending on the wind speed and direction yeah it's amazing I love watching um large birds uh flying especially in winds like these using their outo feathers what's that fit Dean Mela Su Taylor Su Cruz River and Kiki I would hope that anyone who wanted to work at ATC know how to get there in the first place they would be air can't find me way there okay 767 here we go slingshot departure straight out the box firing up Chris Gosman waiting for daylight in Seattle there another song there a there look at the rudder look at the rudder man battling with that aircraft keeping it straight in a straight line um yeah look at that mind you that SS I is it SSI it wasn't onad watch the wing surfaces W see it there you go see the adjustments yeah go on the seag go climb going out now here we go let's get this thing out of here oh Smokey jaw oh there is it waiting for Chad but fear is a regional uh fil Karen North nle northal sorry Aiden C many USA same three letter identifier for the FAA okay um the this airport is assigned Su by the FAA but not no designation from the aarta which assigned Su to SBA Wanga airport okay Sarah Lancaster are you going to North Carolina not the moment not this afternoon Sarah Oh is he just landed has he just landed this guy or am I just missed a a b in reject he's just landed is he cuz he's uh yeah his flaps are full that's for sure Randy bu B uh smallest scaffolder in Europe our Quant is bringing another 380 from the Melbourne route again is that is that yes yes yes yes yes wao so lots of um lots of uh sort like news coming out of um of uh Dubai from the air show signings and that sort of thing but I think the the key battle was definitely obviously between Airbus and Boeing um who won it I don't know the Boeing 79 and 78 order with emirats was ginormous and the reason why I say that and I may be wrong here I may be wrong here but uh the um even though Boeing do have pre-orders or or or Lois letters of interest from uh Airlines such as Luft hanser ba etc etc um number numers are what are key you know in terms of how many have been ordered I think emirats is the first one to sort of like um you know um jump in there with intended orders I don't think they've actually signed sealed and well obviously not delivered but they haven't uh completely signed off on the uh on the trip 7 orders I think it's still a um a letter of intent so to speak um but of course Airbus um have also been busy with their orders as well uh and of course alongside that interestingly enough Airbus announcing um Mor a 351,000 orders which is a little bit strange because as we discussed last week or people were discussing that Emirates shows and this is their words apparently or or or somebody who's spoke to somebody at Emirates they chose the the the the 79 over the Tren over the over the a 351,000 purely based on engine reliability and faith in the engine um overheating issues apparently or or not being able to cope with hot conditions so you know uh and then we read the uh an additional 15 uh a351 th000 had been ordered wow I don't know if you can see that folks but so that takes the order book for uh for the A3 51,000 with emirats up to you see the flight surfaces I know I keep Haring on about it see if you look at the wing you see uh oh that's fun when you're up there at that altitude man see the outboard aerons working away there see them up down up down opposite opposite side obviously uh counteracting the other side pretty cool man and it's basically as soon as they leave the ground this aircraft is no longer a vehicle soon as they leave the ground that's when they get hit by any Crosswinds right now now and of course once the gear comes up as well all of a sudden you've got uh a cleaner configuration which sort of like can I'd imagine possibly catch you out in terms of like all of a sudden there's um you know no restriction uh underneath the underneath the belly of the aircraft uh uh it's caused by the undercarriage blah blah blah so yeah I mean I think that um Airbus SL Airbus a350 uh it was literally the Airbus a350 versus the tri 79 wasn't it um not much I didn't hear much about the single is orders I think the the big stuff you know 7379 versus NEOS that sort of thing um but I tell you what um it have a lot of people are bowing very very happy shareholders especially um but we'll just have to see what uh what try inspires that looks like an A380 that's got its tail um pointing in this direction and she's ready to go in fact I can hear her firing up now uh she's Bound for San Francisco let's [Music] go here we go big head coming out wow this is uh Bain this uh trip seven headed for sorry folks P agas adonus good afternoon to you Gary lion Boeing got 295 or airboss got 8 F wow Gary Lon that's amazing boing got 295 orders and Airbus got 86 wow what I think Boeing have won there haven't they wow man they're still partying now AR they that's a big difference man Kevin Pride deliver yeah they've been um they've had a few issues haven't they uh Boeing but you know to be honest with you so have a us have had their have had their issues um uh suffer 63 the shock order was the fly Dubai Dreamliner ordered a step up from the 737 Max okay fly Dubai um Dreamliner order uh tell me more on that suffer 63 please uh Jake I don't prefer either to be perfectly honest with you in terms of for airb versus Boeing Matthew Yan most probably because of the pratton Whitney issues um pratton Whitney's on what aircraft CU obviously the max the 737 Max is powered by the leap engine not crack Whitney um maybe um uh and also the whole new aircraft um being fitted with the um Pratt Whitney PW engine um will be taking new the the the revised engine would they maybe just not happy with yeah but in terms of the big players really is Boing and air busing it you know um I mean obviously you know uh there are obviously you know regionals ATR and uh you got the embas as well you know um which are the E2 jets for single Isles um you know they come on strong in the last you know well for the E2 jet certainly see that Wings flexing on that trip s is tell you what I did see Su for 63 be ordered 30- NS interesting is that possibly because of high capacity routes with fly Dubai also I thought fly Dubai was just a regional sort of another nicely done now where is uh yeah um the uh Dan who's the um I think he's literally the owner or something he started Gemini Jets anyway uh Dan the fell from um from from Gemini Jets who was at um at the model show today um lovely fella but um had a couple of beautiful models man I mean we're talking um what would they have been um cuz they're not 200 scale are they cuz those those they were massive almost like the kind of thing that you find in a in travel agents you know back in the day beautiful branth 747 s um and a beautiful PanAm TriStar on stand just absolutely beautiful um quite reasonably priced as well when you consider how much the uh the the 200 scale um models are so you know um specialist orders of course uh Emir fly Dubai list price total order cost $63 billion Gary L wow Melanie good afternoon to you Les Fuller love a380s but not flown on one for years you never know you might be able to fly on one with global Airlines if it ever happens know good thing is that we're going to be seeing these big old lumps Fly for a long long time many many more years to come I think you'll find folks CU obviously eventually they will be phased out um you know the some airports have been um have have now banned 747 older type 747s from operating out of the airport out of their airports um that's some airports in the US I think um and that's based on the older very old sort of like you know maybe the uh RB 211s the Pratt Whitney the CF 6s nice nice Anastasia Harry yeah it's an ongoing discussion in it Aiden Campbell I love him Brees feels like you're flying on a slightly larger private jet tell you what he's absolutely right there you know um the E2 because it's a it's a 32 configuration isn't it on the Embraer um and it is a great seating configuration I think it's the same on the uh on the old 195s the the CEOs I guess we can see that little tiny movement of elevator going on there there it is get caught buffeted so while that gear comes up flying pilot say look doesn't look like there's much going on there does it just let it fly hand Mo make I FL but I do prefer to see the Rolls-Royce badge on the engine cows yeah good for you mate um yeah it is always nice to see the uh the old Rolls-Royce insignia just like on that 380 there Rolls-Royce Trent 900s it's another Rolls-Royce power jet 800s oh listen to follow her around should get some over-wing Vortex fluish as we call it other people have started adopting uh flu William Smith thank you William has gifted 10 memberships what a lovely thing to do thank you sir WV landia 63 oh okay so um okay so fly Dubai fly as far north as Poland and East to Moscow interesting interesting Chrissy loves flying on an Embraer I'm sticking with my guess of a satellite miniature Wonderland airport AF satton green Great Golf Club at satton Green play it many many times supposed to be uh being demolished for redevelopment interestingly enough whether it'll happen we don't know Randy bus bound flying jet blue tomorrow on the red eye done that a few times from California from Los Angeles and back internally that is wow I'm absolutely Blown Away by that that that difference in the number of orders with Boeing compared to Airbus air CL must have gone home with their tail between their legs man I mean don't forget that a lot of those orders folks we look at them as orders but they are probably letters of intent uh both for air bus and for Boeing um you know they're based on you being able to deliver them on time um and scheduling and so on and so forth um lots of orders do get cancelled in fact when you uh when I get my um hello watch this thing go up man watch stand by GP stand by I didn't hear that had a j flying past me what was that to say that again now what's that oh it's not a question yeah I mean I mean yeah who is he J yeah Peter honestly you know what I'm talking about Peter I don't want to get into sort of like discussion about you could of course you can say what you lie on the chat you know it's your prerogative isn't it but we prefer to have people talking um sticking to the subject you know matter which is Aviation um I mean Hey listen I'm I'm guilty of it um I'm probably most guilty of uh coming off off off topic um you know so but but what we try to do obviously is just keep things on you know um on a on a on a on on a level in terms of um you know do I need to explain yourself you know we're all adults in here AR we yeah but if you keep sh if you keep if you if if everybody comes in and says hello Steve hello Bob hello John hello Sally hello fa hello you know that it just constantly if everybody does that then that just just just just quags up the chat do it clogs up it sorry you know clogs it up you know because that's what I said yeah yeah you know we don't we want to be talking about you know oh I see Emirates ordered another this or I see that this that in the other order I you know um interesting to see this planes coming in from so and so that plan's going out to so and so all that kind of stuff not I I had too many pieces of broccoli for dinner just try if you can and stay on subject that's what I'm we're all adults and all remember that BBY 13 mirors Lloyd B Alex coms Alex Comics great news about the Barbados conour watch The Vortex over the wing from the engines folks look at that see the see the vortex created by the uh Vortex generators funny enough Splitters big load of wing flight surfaces on These Wings man um so it's quite apparent when these things climb out seems to be a lot of it's on the elevators rather than um a big lump in it Jeremy Smith I like the Air India Star Alliance Livery yeah some of them some of them um uh do some star alliances have the tail liery and some have the Star Alliance tail liery that big ba plane uh Jerry what does the engine cost Craig O'Brien wow yeah well the thing is that it's an interesting question because in terms of engine costs it's the the engine the deal that the airline or operator lease operator whoever it might be does with um with the uh engine manufacturer is actually they don't go in there and buy them cash they will uh uh buy or or or sign uh a contract to supply the engines and maintain the engines as well um so it's a maintenance contract that's where actually the engine manufacturers make most of their money from but you know each engine oh oh that's a tricky one um I'm going to say 30 million let's just have a look and see whether uh uh let's see how much does uh uh roll xwp engine cost question mark Go 25 million did I say 30 million I think I said 30 uh so um there you go round about 30 million so 120 million um is the uh is the list of price guess you say mea using their little uh 320 if there anything to do with their uh their neojet maybe in for maintenance do they perhaps use track weakness are expecting a little bit it and I'm feeling a bit now um which is problem so there you go 25 million p uh Alex Collins AE Alpha Echo I think that is in Barbados will be available to view again the airport is taking over The Hangout as an additional terminal okay so what they going to do they're going to build a terminal around the around the cold that would be pretty cool cuz I suggest suggested that they did that at he thr Terminal 5 but way too far off on it oh listen to that oh mate what a sound that's got be a g90 firing up in it there is no sound better than that in terms of startup sounds anymore grumpy toffee buy a lot of broccoli with oh oh oh oh who whoa whoa sorry man sorry sorry sorry keep your eyes on the prize Jerry so somebody saying yes about the terminal apparently we got a rogue uh arrival on the run on this Runway uh Dave Carrington Singapore Slinger due roughly at switch over oh let's hope she's a little bit late at the moment they're putting everything in the holding patterns AR they so there's a good chance yeah matford Farm I think it's Boeing that has a massive order to re-engine all the B-52 aircraft well matford Farm I think it's actually uh Rolls-Royce who have the uh the contract there is it not because it's all going to be the Rolls-Royce engine on the B52 [Music] um Rex Magnums taking the day off H and he yes J The Hanger is going to have security and some shopping inside it some security okay uh that's cool uh okay so it's part of the airport is that going to be like bolted onto the airport it's going to be integrated within it um be good to know thanks for that little bit of uh crosswind activity which we're expecting to see at 3:00 winds are expected to die down though around about the 3:00 Mark but uh I think the Slinger will probably come into this Runway based on the current delays that we're we're um experiencing around about 40 minute delays both arrivals and departures mics yeah you know screaming am you I've mentioned broccoli but I think I've got away with it I saying all the broccoli things coming up now yes yes hot mess Mama good night to you Rick Rashid do uh DHL fly to EG GSS EG GSS stand still oh okay so staned uh I think they may have an operation uh a couple of operations a day maybe DHL most airports to be honest if you do have a uh um a regular um e-commerce flight be it DHL or U UPS wow Shamrock 105 A380 costs $1.2 million per month to lease um is that is that with the contract with the with the maintenance contract as well because that's a huge part of it as well of course Rob vanroy has gifted a membership thanks Rob Robert Hilt CX7 du in around 1630 aen Camp yeah it is it is didn't even know we had it oh okay painter girl good question that could one make jet fuel out proper um well it's it's waste in it it's biof fuel um so theoretically yes cuz that is more or less what um what jet um sustainable aviation fuel is uh created out office of vegetable oil and stuff like that isn't it probably need quite a bit of broccoli to make uh enough fuel to power one least yesterday in fact you know we all joke about it um but that is the the reason why oh look at that clouding man yeah I just sling it l g GG um not a stupid question GG nothing is a stupid there is no such thing as a stupid your planes are getting longer uh GG not really my friend um the newer aircraft uh like the let's just say this a350 has two different variants the 900 and the 1,000 obviously one is longer than the other 787 8 9 and um 10 to say 8 9 and 10 787 8 9 or 10 uh obviously 10 being the longest variant a3201 um is the longer um 321 is the uh longer of the um of the three Neo variants um and of course the Embraer uh the E2 um prit hter is uh but yeah no um I think you'll find my friend uh Gigi that um maybe you're seeing that but it is not the case however I know what you may be uh trying to eek out me is that rather than building big huge 4 engine Jets try to extend these uh jet LS personally wow okay we got ba3 on approach to this Runway folks Smokey old set of Trent on ear look yeah there will certainly be not be any um not in my lifetime anyway um four engine uh new four engine Jets um possibly the future uh we're talking about way way way into the future um possibly four engined um hybrid Jets we never maybe an option um but um certainly as it stands at the moment I think the triple 79 is really as far as they're going to go in terms of length don't think the a350 don't think these Jets can be extending any further um because obviously uh you know to make them longer you need a bigger Wing you know um there's all sorts of different parameters and of course then you're sort of like encroaching on what is um what is possible in terms of uh parking at at an airport or at Gates uh because cuz there is a maximum Wings span which is why the triple 79 has those folding wing tips uh so that they could develop that huge carbon Wing but um make it able to park in its um in its uh usual stand so the bottom line is that the triple 79 can park anywhere um it likes really getting a bit beaten up World 320 not long out the pain shot that one car Smith cheing from prati dancing SE guys uh William Smith I gave him a shout out for his 10 gifted memberships thank you mate Bobby 13 as gifted five memberships got a rogue 350 arrival 27 right in from Phoenix Arizona so these big sheds here folks with the crosswind effect um or with a crosswind element which you got a little bit of one there not a direct crosswind it's a southwesterly but enough to give these guys a little bit of a shock um as they pass through that segment where the wind is whipping across those sheds hangers I think you call them that call them sheds I like to call them sheds she's dropping 50 40 1 20 10 nice yeah bit heavy on the front there mate you deated City wow it's quite difficult to go in tight with this height this heavy wind okay are you okay you be you sorry just see someone right down SM anyway Sue Tay seen Captain Dave land running while well the trouble is you see um all our pilot friends from British Airways are no longer able to sort of like communicate um with us really although um you know we do from time to time hearing we do yeah oh is he okay okay well I think some people are just maybe a little bit more um you know cautious than others yeah is he Scotty B's flying out today Gary good child enjoying a bit of Big Jack big jet action with the cat me winds faster takeoffs and slower Landings loco loco well say you say slower Landings is it is it slower Landings they've still got to maintain that uh approach speed haven't um sometimes you do see them actually Landing a little bit too fast which kind of creates that sort of like negative effectly if you're uh you know if you if you if if you come off the power if you think about it if you come off the power and uh land slower or should I say you know try to uh uh the aircra going to be affected by especially by a strong headwind SL crosswind element in it uh Ashley May Jerry 380 Singapore Slinger uh 155 now is that 155 we're hearing HGC clean looking Euro wi JP Krauss same ground speed different air speed ter jokes wa no no individual contact please even with your cat yeah yeah sorry I jumped away there ma know he's a listener and he say he's work you got go next few days cat's going to get broccoli for dinner uh screaming am ground speed is affected by wind speed air speed is not our approach is are the same speed there we go so you have to maintain the same approach speed regardless of what the conditions are um but some I have you know um whilst doing that especially in a very very strong head wi um can you sometimes especially if you sort of like hit pockets of um intense winds can you potentially uh land a little bit too fast um even though you're not you know planning to do so should I say um like the uh virgin 350 that we caught a little while ago I heard [Applause] it you land that too fast don't you know what um yeah I did hear it from someone and I can't say what it is but apparently the a virgin 350 that we caught Landing 27 left a couple of weeks ago in high winds landed uh five not above the uh intended uh uh landing speed um which is why the aircraft um sort of like uh floated as we call it it's the best way to describe it had a bit of float on it um because it still wants to fly let's face it um when an aircraft is uh you know um even when an aircraft is landing even though it's got flaps which control The Descent uh all of that kind of stuff she'll still want to sort of like fly in a funny sort of way but um you know so play spotter 22 what do you think of trans savus 321 now oh we'd have to get out to uh we'd have to get out to somewhere like skiple to see that wouldn't we you Ray D on this dreamline just a primered one obviously a uh unexpected uh switch out of radar fly that he yeah being chucked around there man a stand be St she's a clean airplane there you go there you go there's the wing flight surfaces well I say that speed brakes and um ground spoil that you see there moving on the wing there in in in a in line with the um the ailerons and um and the flapper on just to uh to to to to to minimize the Twist on the wing that is uh and therefore obviously minimizing the um the stresses on the wing what have we got 23720 minutes remaining 20 minutes remaining of um departures out 27 right Paul Skilling has gifted a membership thank you Paul don't you know what I heard it through the flight L James kitler thank you very much uh you know don't don't feel obliged to give us a like folks it's entirely up to you I'll be honest with you I've said this so many times before when I watch videos but that's just videos if it's a live video you got time to sort of like um drop the thumb up in there you if you want to you know it's don't feel like obliged you know we're all lazy we all we all s of in our hurry oh I can't use my finger in a moment picking me nose or drinking a drink or stroking the cat oh a look at that Spectrum yeah it's not7 in it oh expect you cables running to it and all that wasn't that the beep beep table tennis or whatever is it is it alexand wood hello Rob Ash PL Michael White uh thank you James Mel pressing the like button is the least we can do for thank you so much we uh we work hard you give a like more more more an appreciation for our efforts I think it would be the way to look at screaming stly he's not letting go is he big old set trend 7000s on this Delta jet no doubt on the 20 Seattle or Atlanta J M yeah look it's got stra yeah wow big wing might be right in saying that Delta were the first operator certainly as skipo to run the 339 wasn't it and I think Delta were the first or was it was it Delta ran the first uh 339 uh into heo oh hello we got a gust front I've got a gust front and that's not cuz all the broccoli I at last night I can feel a g front oh yeah I'm going to get rain man I'm going to get rain can you feel that yeah it's rain over there there rain over there I need to be ready for this xite it comes here it countes there it countes just about to blow my mind honey honey yeah should be man yeah nice shot already hold it right there okay coming in Mother Nature give it all your go ready for you it's a bit of PR it over the north edge of the field and it's all around me all around my cat oh cool man is it Georgie narrow Bo still got the FY crew t-shirt which I pulled out of my um B drawer the other day i' I've know Georg narrow Bo I've SE GM oh oh uh [Music] Georgy boy in it Naro River and Kiki let's just be thankful the sun isn't shining on TV help me close to your heart believe me give all your love to me don't know much about history know um don't know much uh about Jerry on the Spectrum I think here in Spain YouTube is on the Spectrum oh okay not the spectrum that I was thinking what's that nice level was going to out now that 350 was taxiing out here wasn't it what's he done why do he turned around oh he's going past you're right there lad yeah I'm all right just uh I'm think flight radar at 24 see if she's pointing the opposite direction oh in from Vancouver that's interesting she's in from Vancouver they're just wasted oh waiting for a gate uh yes he's still charging everything's fine I know the batter's fine cuz uh we got 4 hours on this this check right okay here we go uh A330 CEO she's ground for she's gone off radar in it sometimes when they're screaming down WR way tread 700 I wonder that BL the yeah come on girl right now let's uh get those wings fluffed up shall we come on I want to see uh ribbons and all please yep nice sh the usual please might it might happen around about the switch over point so I'll have a couple of minutes to run now to grab it yeah yeah man 3,500 ft a minute or something straid like that a it starting is descent in about 60 seconds that's crazy man having to pitch the camera right up at an angle to get that level out already look see sides are off I know it's a freight he said perect let here we go El bandito trash Panda Amy wi housee yeah Sony nut 5 is in welcome Sony now glad to see you everybody here hope you're all doing well on uh aviationist a lovely bunch of people I've got a lovely bunch of um when I went to that fair at uh this morning um just nice people there just it's a great Community is it the aviation Community just people who are genuinely sort of like obviously there's a few uh bad apples in there we know they are you know we know their names and all that sort of thing but they you know just waste their time sort of like you know being idiots but you know all of us lot we're all a great bunch of here we're so lucky to our literally do have each other we've got our backs man we've got each other's backs as best we can anyway John gram I remember a Ron flying the a300 yeah wow course emirat started operations with the a300 didn't they uh I think they also moved on to the A310 shortly leand name throw his name of the ancient Hamlet Heath row upon where the airport is now built the settlement which was largely an agricultural area was demolished fully in 1944 um yes but they did um when they built Terminal 5 they did some serious excavation didn't they and found some uh incredible um artifacts dating back to those times when it was fields and Dales and beautiful just ancient communities wow you see the extent on that how cool was that man bumpy bumpy R up Thomas James Mel great community on we always so knowledgeable and helpful any questions is always treated with respect and answered yes James um although I must say folks um if I don't answer questions or I don't reach a comment out it's not preferable in any way shape or form uh it's one thing I definitely do steer away from is any type of preference it's just the the literally the speed at which the um the the the the the chat moves sometimes is difficult to keep up so hopefully if I don't answer it somebody else will answer it but if you got any questions please you know repeat them if you want to Jill's also as well as everything else she's doing um trying to keep an eye out wow ran that one on the mains for a while didn't she no idea mate [Music] Tomy well that's it 254 and it looks like they have um brought proceedings to an end quite quite quickly ly quite early today 6 minutes ahead of schedule um they have uh switched operations ladies and gents by the looks of it that 350 still doing rounds looking for a gate in it get your Gates here lovely gates free for the part two free for part two free bunch of broccoli with every gate as well only special for Sundays hot mess bumber I thr Arrow jil's job description lengthens by the hour think of these folks along with uh all the other amazing people there's just two people in amongst the thousands of people who work at Heath thr um looking after every na bolt literally um maintenance teams checkin teams um cleaners although um although there's that new cleaner now a there that that that that robotic one that I see every time I'm coming to T5 he's goes are you right there mate he just goes past all right then thanks it oh and H consern that oh start up Rob ashon air L from Dublin first arrival on 27 right done with their uh inspection now Sarah Lancaster buffer for Sarah Lancaster uh in France I think Sarah's l in friend uh Penny H Haskins no planes taking off Penny no we're done they all be lining up if you look on your flight Radar 24 assume lined up start up somewhere there 3 just popped up Jane Wardell actually Jane Wardell is there anything wrong with the app no nothing wrong with the app apparently folks all right all right yeah if you've got an issue with the Android if you're running an Android phone and you got an issue with the app it's likely to be your phone and your compatibility with the app on your phone uh you may need to uninstall and reinstall okay all right nothing can fix it it's just Android yeah you need to get a newer phone or um I don't know Android Android operators are always very very sort of like you know oh it's better than Apple it's better than Apple well okay fair enough uh very very defensive aren't they but um uh yes okay and I understand that some people may you know it's very difficult when I when I used to operate the black current phone oh Blackberry sorry listen to that startup uh it was it it took a lot it didn't take very much actually cuz I went around with makes house and he had he had the new iPhone five or whatever it was and um he was like try that out I was like nah no no mate I like me black me Blackberry my Blackberry I like this little sort of like uh little mousy thing that I've got on the Fe yeah yeah yeah yeah but just imagine you don't have to worry about all that you just use touchcreen technology I'm like yeah okay all right all right give sit here then oh oh oh oh really oh you open it doing that oh oh I like that so um a couple of days later I I had a black an an apple interesting uh looking he throw security vehicle must be a new one crumpy t off sometimes it works control or delete you never know was St Carol Smith picture great on my Samsung n Rin he's just looking at all the planes in here as she wait for the gate mate it's nothing worse I've got to be honest with you I'd rather I think I'd rather Circle in holding patterns obviously they couldn't do it because of the fuel blah blah blah but I'd sooner Circle than wait for a gate Man Poor so and so moving they're moving Tony Haynes um we're just waiting Tony first arrival is now we've just um just had to switch over literally um 301 now so they stopped um operations look how long that Triple 7 is man and just goes to show how long they are sometimes they you look at these things and they are enormously long Ro there is a whole P of over yeah t Michael White has gifted a memb with his little cat there look at the little cat face okay here we go then folks still a decent enough um you that wind that wind uh was more or less bang on wasn't it it's a West southwesterly now I think so a little bit um more uh head wind to deal with which isn't a problem it's just all about you know this is all stuff that they practice in the simulators of course you know very rarely do they um practice you know lovely flying conditions I'd imagine unless they're sort of like typew rating or just um uh just just putting hours on the on the book you know refresher courses that kind of thing but um you know when you're uh when you're when you're flying a simulator uh pilot training obviously it's uh it's important to know that you can uh handle these um you know uh in Clement conditions would you say oh he was waiting for that gate wasn't he he's in there now is it he smile uh Melanie 350 wait for the gate we had a gate but no air Bridge we've had that a few times yeah and you know what sometimes uh it's because the uh the operator of the air down like an idiot he's out front is he he's here already okay right stand by folks just going to run down quick and grab me food um I'm going to keep it on that shot there stand by folks stand by please give me a couple of seconds just to need to run down and get me food for oh okay 380 ha right on the Bell see those plumes of smoke coming out there folks that's the uh pilot making incremental speed adjustments just to keep the speed up try to maintain that approach speed oh wow felt that it came down heavy didn't it you know if I was a if I was a a delivery to the only thing I would make a point would be really the bleeding directions it's not difficult to do is it let me just read the directors and make sure there's no special requests or wow see one thing I noticed recently on the a38 is all this new paneling here on the pylons on the engine pylons so strengthening maybe maybe titanium sections I don't know but certainly something I've noticed um um across the board on the a380s opportunity to eat this food just your bum looks ginormous in that you first officer in charge Landing it anyway yeah turn left over Crest don't cut easy day oh we're going to get wet Runway now okay um right now no oh yeah good point good point yeah good cool that this is the old M AR you oh that's cool man thank you for that feedback what's his name mark applebe look regular thank you Mark much appreciated good feedback though um obviously knows his stuff about frame rates and stuff like that and it uh apparently plays brilliantly on the TV so very happy to to get that information and get that feedback thank you Mark F fly I think it's only going to be brief the uh the rain the weather forecast was absolutely spot on Jil the winds have dropped right down buing 787 first aircraft I believe to adopt the um head-up display unit which is um a pilot Aid not to see it here not sure if the uh if the uh head-up display unit is perhaps um recycled during uh during taxes or um you know stowed should I say lights are on oh screaming emu e190 had that HUD way back in 1990s wow that my bad then so completely wrong there imraa first to adopt the HUD maybe the uh first wide body jet liner to use the HUD but you said it already Jerry so uh I fin trying to backtrack on it Sam [Music] hope BL me okay so this is interesting screaming IM saying that Alaska's 737 NGS as in Next Generation CFM Power Jets uh had head up display too which does that mean that Boeing were the first to adopt it before in prayer it's a 787 hug permanently fixed then uh suffer I think that Global dropped that idea of having uh Gamers class um on the basis that well to be honest with you don't make a great any sense does it anyway maybe it's just a PR stun I don't know Nigel Gil Slinger 380 3 minutes out thank you Nigel yeah that's probably why they came up with the idea but it was quickly poo pooed by the technicians Melanie seems really to have three aircraft in from Hera since the switch over jail a and8 and now ba8 well I don't know about timing just oh he's got his nose out of a out of alignment look new set of ribs on the front scrip de H is not permanent you can remove them but you can't change out the plastic no screaming I'm talking about like uh as in folder way are they stowable as it you know I either want it or I don't want it you know um is it or not for a pilot to use it or don't use it uh is what I'm saying as simple as your your your your sun visor you know that you use blah blah blah 27 crystals John le an APU auxiliary power unit on the rear what are we talking about there uh uh found article on a simy buying 727 mention of first with the HUD from 2012 yeah but didn't scream an emu okay so the um Boeing implemented the HUD from 2012 onwards so it seems to me you lift your life like a candle in a wind never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in um now it seems to me that imraa were the uh the first to adopt the HUD nice R doesn't like the HUD in the Sim it might be a different thing if it's an in reality I think I think on a screen with a HUD in front of you might be a little bit offputting perhaps but it's something you get used to isn't it antic collisions faring away there listen to the um the hum of the Trent that's the sound of working on Luke Reen's Cafe 350 in a few minutes thank you soty and here she is folks the Singapore Slinger flying this backto back down to Sydney next year oh okay sailor might on the max bone say they can be stowed away oh bit of an odd flare there man bit of an odd flare but got it Down Smooth in the end though wow look at the wings just deflex man go through the neutral love that noise man bleed air coming out well reverse a or bypass air being blown out the side of those engines man Mike James want sling out to sh left Pilots have difficulties sing from being a first officer to a captain in glion just so don't have a problem with adjusting to the new um to the new salary that's for sure go talk about Wing Flex watch this deflex watch this Wing folks when this thing hits the ground watch watch the wing there look at that def flexing that's insane mark thank you Mark he's GI did a membership a kind thing to doal with Wow sank down on the front there nice how little the ground clearance is on the Dreamliner man it's insane isn't it shot delete thumbnail oh yeah uh saabira good question U because obviously if you're new to Big jet TV I have called the Singapore 380 the Singapore Slinger uh since I literally since big jet TV was born all those many years ago uh I call it the Singapore Slinger um because after the famous cocktail the Singapore Sling um but um I just call it the Slinger I just put the ER on the end cuz uh got extended range Singapore Sling in it Steven Stanley so soal watching the 380s on TV the sense of scale really comes across loving it oh that's brilliant Sten awesome Max deflex on the wings is awesome isn't it it's insane especially on the Dreamliner but the 380 you really notice it because it's such a big wi that it's um and um interestingly enough um somebody on Twitter messaged me to say I heard what you said about the or it was one of my comments or something something like that saying I heard what you were talking about with the um the flex of the um the flex of the wing on the A380 and how she is uh she's more happy uh being Airborne than she is on the ground um or actually sorry be more happier on the ground than she is Airborne or whatever it was um I I mentioned about the flex and it is actually um yes she is happier in the air than she is on the ground because the the the wing is actually designed to flex and in an Ideal World um you know that's where that's where they um feel at their best and of course um when they're on the ground uh it's it's it's almost like having weights on your arms and having to carry around a load of weights on your arms and trying to keep them straight um there's a lot of stresses go through that Wing when it's on the ground in L France a220 Miss year there we but Max great to see you seeing that Ian Maris Thomas saying I found out about you guys on TV's Heath R BR Britain's busiest airport and I've been watching ever since brilliant yeah a lot of people's found us on i' say I'd say the majority of people have found us um apart from obviously those wonderful amazing people who uh who've been with us for all those years so many years now um you know um found us from um storm Unice and Kira yeah all the Storm shows should we say s might WI a 747400 at the Buffalo airport last week and had a chance to see up close wow didn't seem as big as I remember as a kid very rare at bjf I talking of 747 freighter a big shout out and congratulations to um Doug Keta um the top field dragster team of course uh Doug the the son of Connie Keta um from Keta Airlines um a great family and um I said my I said my congratulations and they gave me a light so thank you than every Scott felt him six years he's been well wa wait watch waiting or watching Steve batty strange Air France only used the a220 when back in the day they were using the a300s and ba were using trist Stars wow has the demand gone down you know what is crazy that you say that Steve but um I think the a300 was the a300 the first twin a jet um but I think what it is Steve is just that they would rather use more than one service a day give people more um options in terms of uh you know if you've got I mean I don't know how many times they operated the TriStar to Paris and vice versa of the a300 into London Heath thr a day uh back then but demand has probably picked up and that's why they've opted to use these obviously far more fuel efficient aircraft than using a big aircraft kind of makes a lot of sense doesn't it uh better on the environment um cheaper on the pocket for the customer as well I'd imagine um but um but yeah they I don't know how many operations they ran during the uh during the day back in those old days with the a300s and the trist Stars man ba they ran ba trist Stars down to um down to Paris did they flip you maybe I uh maybe I'm wrong in terms of maybe they have maybe demand has gone down air action 2257 that's gifted a membership thank you sir oh there we go Howard Scott say demand for London to Paris has declined uh because of the Euro star Service quicker and much [Music] easier I can kind of relate to that uh we still got to get to where is it Eurostar goes out of where which um which London terminal is it a get them Great quest question there from Howard Scott oh no no sorry John Pier would it John Pierce oh it's some panras is it okay um Jerry do the aircraft Wheels skip before they start to revolve hence leaving a load of rubber on the runway well the answer to that is you know the wheels are not are not locked in any way um they go from zero to 2,000 RPM in the blink of an eye literally uh but that initial contact uh yes they will leave R Rubber and sometimes depending on the weight of the aircraft or or depending on cuz that's why it's important to land the aircraft sort of like motion it you know obviously it's motion but rather than dropping it down uh which will create especially if you're flying a heavy aircraft it will create bigger not flat spots but bigger bigger marks on the tires Swit this Tom Drake thank you for the answering Darren Barnes on the rudder obviously asked the question about the rudder only used really uh during um takeoff and approach but not even so much on approach okay can come on do your stuff son see the rudder being used there but uh once she's down to below 60 knots of course um the rudder will uh sometimes the rudder system will lock on depends on the operator on the different type of aircraft but it's why sometimes when you see um the um the the pilot will use the rudder pedals to steer the aircraft around the Airfield others use the tiller it really is all down a pilot preference wow St James mckel uh good night from the Philippines a very good evening to you my friend s Lancer nice Flex Beverly George tarot 10 minutes out looks like a 350 indeed it is another Cafe Pacific jet little bit right side heavy wow look at that front ound in there as the pilot app applies the brakes of course no brakes on the front wheels you will get the front dipping rising and falling depending on the uh braking input from the pilot just climb brakes there just uh a turn off that's one of the things of gain offs I've said it before you know uh that I noticed was the hardest thing to do when I was in the simulator was taxi and when I say that in the simulator I'm talking about a a full motion simulator um it was the it was the it was crazy how how heavy it was man well heavy man not always NAD we've had a few uh instances of uh heavy Landings with 350s from Nairobi see it Tony yeah uh Nigel that's what we said uh that's what we said earlier on when somebody reported that um delays were due to high winds and uh sta shortages with ATC we were a little bit bemused because uh at the time there were no high winds there have been high winds but nothing that would have slowed the um slowed the the traffic to the point I think everything in the hold was down two the reasoning for that was purely down two obviously the um um one or two staff members who didn't make it into work today with uh ATC with air traffic control um hope they're doing well and um of course you know um that will when you've got um maybe one operator controlling two positions that uh may be your reason why Captain didn't video you was being really critical of San Francisco ATC for refusing to give lifty increased separation at night as it was company procedure they ended up diverting wow Atlantic all 787-9 variants no t or Eights on their books our um our virgin done with their deliveries uh new aircraft for the time being and they uh I know they not that long ago had one of their 330 CEOs painted up um repainted should I say Michael K's flight oh it was it was Michael who emailed us that's right yeah um hopefully uh is he is he gone yet he's still on the chat obviously Joanna B this was my jet I was on from Las Vegas in October um this Dreamliner here I'm guessing was blaming anyone um I I said it's possibly the reason why I mean the news stated um I'm only I'm only repeating what the news said that um delays were down to uh staff shortages and high winds at London Heath throw and the winds were at that point in time around about 30 mph I think tops which is no problem at all for these uh for these pilot and certainly wouldn't like I say cause those amount of delays um so I'm saying that it's not blaming anyone obviously you know was linked to the shortages of ATC and like I said I'd say that it was probably more linked towards the shortages of Staff with ATC than it was um with the weather conditions um Miss Miss tell go tell go man fully blown out Ben can't wi can you Bruce Fine any special delivery any special deliveries today no just me McDonald's um uh any special liveries today well I'll have to say just before we went out I was uh we had the Saudi Arabian Airlines uh Triple 7 um jet in the new livery it's the new livery but it's the old Livery if you see what I mean but uh yeah she went out just before afro Arrow well before noon here ear3 type of swinger be on the jet kind Melody Marley Joy day to you yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly if only the passengers knew because they fed the wrong information they all the time the media and and reporters who've got absolutely no knowledge about Aviation or or it's links to whatever it might be linked to if you see what I mean um it does get my goat I tell you when um when people um do sort of like you know journalists jump all over you know um I tell you what I wish I could uh shout at some journalists like old Toto wolf did the other day okay got see the last time we mentioned that isin't it annoying when youve um you got a uh you got double cap in you and you you you really oh diesel 13 virgin 357 minutes out River and Kiki uh yeah you know what this is why folks this is why it's quite um uh unfortunate when people say oh I'm never flying with that Airline again never ever ever miss my connection flight really unhappy with them well you know if if it's when is it actually down to the airline it's usually down to operation procedures is it not you know um it may be that you were delayed on your departure out of the other end you know um there's all sorts of different things that can create uh you know if the baggage was late being loaded at the other end uh that's not really down to the airline that's down to the ground operations teams um but then it might not be down to the ground operations teams it might be down to the it systems um with the bag recognition that's going to the individual flights so you know you need to sort of like before you sort of like you know rip a um rip a hole into a specific Airline or whoever you need to maybe step back and have a think about was it is it really is it the airline is it if you if you're on board an aircraft and you've got a stewardes or sorry a flight attendant who comes past you and literally flings your dinner at you says eat it shut up and don't ask any questions or or is just very uncooperative or uh won't get you a bottle of water is just not they're very bad and you know the the the cabin service sometimes can be that bad that you don't want to fly with them again that's when you can feed it back to the airline isn't it um but uh but people sometimes are so quick to you know judge the airline um or the airport or whatever it might be um you know it is just um so so many different variables when it comes to uh when it comes to airport procedures or any sort of Transportation you know Railways you know Mr G yes maybe it is going to get a bit get dark already Bobby one3 all the holes line up to create a delay or can you taking the Mickey out me uh screaming AMU I had a Virgin American flight attend literally throw a sandwich into my lap from three rows back once pretty solid toss fantastic hey I'll catch this do that bottle of water Wasa does the Final Approach mean you've joined the back of the STA I'm on Final Approach yeah that would be the you are on the approach Pat in the approach um um hold not hold sorry um well it's it's a funny one isn't it because you know when you when you join um the Glide slope um you are um oh oh I see okay yeah there's a holding approach pattern isn't there you know like when you're uh when you're on in one of the um holding elements of the Airfield you know the oam or whatever it might be um but uh once you've joined the um the approach the Final Approach then you're uh calling the uh calling the tower um and the the um the approach I should say nice no you have to uh actually I think somebody like screaming emu or one of our pilots on here have to give us that but but the bottom line is that there's there's different radio um you know you'll connect to uh Heath approach on 118 d d da then you'll call into Heath approach approach and uh be a uh speeder 3 um fully established 10 m Tower will then um call out um continue continue your descent and you will follow your descent pattern of 3° uh which is normal here at London Heath around about 3° most airports are about a 3° approach um but when you're out um and you haven't uh contacted approach yet you're still within the sort of like you know um handoff Towers uh one one of the um the um uh uh control centers the air traffic control centers it's only when you are on the Final Approach which is uh when you were established on the uh on the Glide slope that's when you control when you contact London Heath Ro approach which is on 118 whatever it is um that's when you speak to these guys and girls here in London e obviously there are different control centers um around the world the last one is um just St in Scotland isn't it big hand off yeah nice Omid Atlanta flew to heo earli this month from Atlanta why is ba using remote stands now uh for arrivals and departures using well they kind of always have done Omid depends on you know how busy they are really and it's Ba say part wherever they like uh or are you meaning remote stands as in uh out of T4 and T5 when you've got those uh remote stands where you have to bus it out where they bust you out yeah um well again it's down to um lack of stands really what stand all right rich believe it mizzle mate mizzle yeah yeah that's all on the flight plan as well isn't it you know the uh the the um The Descent pattern is is is it's it's more or less the same approach is the thing that's different than there you know in terms of like you know sometimes it might be a shorter approach on some airfields um or uh or even longer than others but um yeah Captain anabas so you will be with one of the London South airspace controllers there there you go they will pass you on to London director who is responsible for the holds and uh and aircraft after departure then you will get past to London Tower and that's not the Tower of London it's um the London thr Tower for your final segment of approach thank you Captain anabas terrible 31 he said 318 well you know how do I C how do I not catch a cold or flu yeah just staying as healthy as I possibly can good um luckily I don't have to get on a train every morning or uh you know around kids or anything like that who's sneezing the little CH look at him big tail up um yeah um yeah I I am very fortunate um obviously I fly quite a lot so you know I'm um you know that's the only time that I get really exposed to to to human beings um I tried to sort of like I still sort of like you know I still use the old um hand cleansers when whenever they're around he thr airport they dotted around this one might make a a bit of a noise here we go I did that F did me come on up don't it it's very sort of like yeah um it's um it's it's very interesting um makeup that technically well the the the the the the wiper the wiper units on um on on the boeings especially on the Dreamliner there's a lot of Hardware there whereas uh the airb seems to be a little bit more low profile TCC been manif the a looking at that Taron jet I was looking at the model the the the branth international um 747 s model oh F SE oh that's because you pluged in stupidy tell you what to get towards that time of a with the old f are start up still there she goes sh I like honestly egpx it's great information egpx thank you um everywhere I look around but I don't know I'm being foolish oh yeah that's how it like that's how me cre it now flipping it with a wind element as well um I might have to nip down and get some uh I think I'm going to have to nip down and get some wipes GP just because uh and it's there when I look in your eyes moisture in the air decent purchase this uh it's co mate chirping bird E31 do 13 minutes ever 31 sking uh radar shave rain is passing yeah do blindy yeah yeah oh no not if it's not it's in the bit dark what's the point uh well just about will it we'll have a look just have a look well no not Sunset sunset's already been in it sunset's at 530 4:30 or something uh 4 no it's only four I like every shight and every sound yeah I don't think this is going to last very long this uh this preet it's an absolute shot what's that okay okay Bob sh boy it was at 16006 so it was a minute ago Sunset was a minute ago that sun set but light um we're still in the Twilight Zone aren't we are we makito good afternoon to you makito hope everybody's doing well hey how you doing but it's there when I'm looking you moisture in yeah somebody said that on TV yesterday bit of moisture in the air hold on a minute I didn't s it listen to that thing going now you weather forecast can't be singing out me get bit f yeah tap 321 NX just put in the whole sailor mic uh Mark it's uh Christmas Day we don't we don't make plans until literally the uh but but but rest assured we will be doing a show on Christmas Day ladies and gentlemen and the reason we do that is because uh we know that there's a lot of people out there who are perhaps um you know don't have family uh coming to them or you know um maybe they're on their own or whatever their circumstances may be um the bottom line is that they're on their own and uh we want to keep them company for uh for a few hours say hello and um wish everybody the very best for the day okay so that looks like their new um their new yeah you've got uh you look on the uh back I'm going to get hit by that rain there I think based on the um based on the simulation that I just did come let's get these reverses going boys and girls swordfish coming back from New Zealand on Christmas Eve is that Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve Christmas Eve get one of those ones where you'll land you'll depart on Christmas Eve and land on Christmas Eve or something stupid like that Diane 78 is got Christmas day off can watch big jet TV there we go all run wrap the presents together this is unmarked 7:47 no it's not yeah I that on the news yesterday be to start get next week that's an old airplane is it that's the 25th NG Li Me O Riley that's all I think there she is thank you Bruce Shane D 737 800 Carol Smith heard a j go a low loud above me uh Flight Radar 24 on to try and recognize it great info salor Mike 737-8 only 7 years old the 737 NG's been out for for decades is it I'm a little bit confused is that the 25th 737 NG I don't know Harrison as confirming also only 7even years I was going to say you know that be uh yeah always uh we're always live on um well normally we live on New Year's Day actually I know I do get invited to a golf match or something on New Year's Day but um I last I know we obviously do Boxing Day and Christmas Day and boxing day don't we Bruce a algus has about five or six in either New Year's Eve or New Year's day isn't it that we normally do isn't it SC is probably there 25 737 okay okay wow why would they make a big point of NG on it that's I don't understand it's even if it's their 25th NG say 73 99.9% reoccurring of passengers for uh people traveling on those jet liners have absolutely no idea what aircraft they're flying on what type it is apart from obviously when they're flying on an 80 um they haven't got a clue um so it's just I guess for their own personal marketing propaganda I guess you would say that we do what Barry Thomas no I agree with you Barry no paying passengers should have to put up with um a angry crew or anything like that most definitely unless you've done something wrong you know like you got up out of your seat you know on approach or something and they're you know shouting at you sit down or something like that you know um but other than that you know should be uh be honest with you shouldn't be a cabin crew member really or anything to do with cabin crew if you're uh if your your job is to look after and make people happy um then uh you know you're in the wrong place if you if you're a victim meldrew type I don't believe it marget he wants a bottle of water Wayne harw that's what we're here for Wayne oh we got a push back and they are GES as well so we might get a bit of a booby [Music] stup star push push it star saor mik beginning to light the uh 767 400 variant oh yes I love them both I love the uh three and four um but the 400 variant super long super stretched come get in the focus son Cam's been a bit funny dating D has cats um Can someone answer why the fa pulled down my window shade in the middle of at night over the ocean Dawn do you know what that is actually a nice thing to do isn't it because the last thing you want to do is be woken up by blistering Sunshine coming through the coming through the window isn't it so they've done it um for your own benefit da for I s a lot of fun flight Nigel 30 years ago ba flight to Denver grumpy and dumpy female person offered to have me arrested on arrival after complaining no food left including young children and no if no food left including young children I don't think they're going to be on the menu on it well I quite understand that really um I'm I'm sure they meant including the young CH had no food for the young children no flight entertain offered to have me arrested you know what that's that's definitely worthy of a of a of a complaint in it generally they do um generally they do uh they do respond I have to say cuz Airlines need to oh wow that's brilliant where where's it where's is that further down to window to get the sun on my face finish winter 6 y say bird in the aisle lady in the a I'm guessing in the a invited her mate to sit in the middle seat mate didn't dance like the sun in her eyes and close the blind well you know sometimes is that is that here we go yeah you live in it yeah Daniel Burns EK 31 Track by over 12200 people wondering how many of TV viewers 5% see we still got 5, 500 people watching hope we're all doing well out there and that's to each and every one of you folks hope you're um having a great remainder of your weekend or uh maybe some people already into Monday he GPX My Window Seat my BL 77 pass dim the windows remotely yeah they can can't they Bob Sho 380 has so many brakes on its Wheels air bu thought that it didn't need at all its customers insisted on at least some reverses however yes Bob um mentioned that quite a few times on the show uh incredible that when Airbus developed that aircraft um because of the number of breaking Wheels every single wheel apart from four wheels on that main undercarriage um Wing brakes uh wing and uh body gear um offering braking but when we talk about brakes folks we're not talking about a single disc brake we're talking about around uh at least on the A380 I think there's probably possibly anything from four to six discs per wheel um so multiply that up and you'll see the reason why Emirates um sorry uh Airbus um develop that aircraft with not needing any reverses but uh I think they they traded off and met half way with the uh with the operators um when The Operators were a little bit uncen with having um that might be a screen grab their GP I don't know there bang um yeah um so they met halfway they said let meet in the middle and we'll um just to make the make make the The Operators happy um and also possibly even to make the regulator happy that she has got at least some um engine braking power should there be a brake failures etc etc or a massive hydraulic failure um you know just to just to be on the safe side and they use them they use them they use them and boy boy do they use them sometimes somebody say that they flew um Matt flew with Singapore Airlines in March in business have to say their crew were absolutely amazing nothing was too much trouble um yeah well there we go yeah don't how they do on a 13h hour flight it's just because they're impeccable on just um very um you know customer relation related aren't they you know it's what what your job is isn't it you know so you got to put on a a happy face you know even if you've uh even if you got tooth a or something you know or whatever it is you know that might be but um Mike you to be able to smoke hot coffee in people's laps too you Michael q at B7 we just caught headed to Atlanta uh travel uh flying on the dreamline as you can um control the um yes indeed you can control the um Eng St is an engine St sounded like a 350 engine start possibly or an A380 engine start Nigel gaale following on from his uh grumpy ba flight attendant on arrival met by De the manager of the airline obviously who whisked us through security Etc and all four of us were upgraded to first on the return flight there we go um so yeah that's definitely worth it in it Chris Winchell has gifted five memberships thanks Chris right folks we're going to we're going to leave it there of course we are going to be back on uh on Wednesday oh somebody waiting for Malaysian is it okay uh Shamrock 105 cxf delayed to 1659 dark then folks we'll get a couple more screaming in you double thin air well it's probably ba um maybe one of them is a ba operation the other one maybe th air um I know that fin are uh um I think dry leasing they dry leasing these Jets um I you with the um lack of uh air crew and um cabin crew might be uh wet Le Jumbo's going to be in pitch dark folks so going to catch a couple more up thank you everybody very kind words you are amazing people and um don't ever forget that you are amazing people know you are loved there was 346 oh that would be um that'll be lift if there was a cruiser above me now I'd be able to get it still uh still got tiny little bit of light left you'd have to watch a certain TV show nice know that you are great part of the flight that is cloud surfing man screaming is going to go and pump some iron yeah yes yes go there's your Malaysia there we go turn it on son always looks clean at the night in in the dark don't it any chck it's time in a night to c a car it's an old rust bucket well folks it's been fantastic once again thank you everybody for your uh for your generous uh gifting uh welcome to all new members as well um we are going to America on the uh 29th and 30th we will be live in the USA and um we're not going to tell you until we're there literally well actually we can tell him the day before can't we J we can tell him the day before cuz um yeah squirrel ba should just fire squid now Jil um is uh is under contractual obligations to not uh say a bleeding word exactly how it's written don't say a bleeding word right folks uh um look after yourselves we will catch up with you um know what I'm going to look like um I'm here uh but anyway listen folks thank you so much it's been great once again um give us a like if you want to give us a like uh make sure you subscribe to the channel if you're a new viewer to bigj TV uh today um then hit that subscribe button not because we're desperate for subscribers was uh far from it all we want to make sure is that if you have come to this Channel and [Music] you're yeah sh the out BOS f [Music] it you're watching Big jet TV yeah yeah know
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 115,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Manchester, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, East midlands, Pilot
Id: U7QiQeNEa4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 50sec (14390 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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