London Heathrow Airport 27R Arrivals

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wow the power of flight well BTC site hello sorry about the silly shirt folks but uh what's going on silly at everything uh from um Anchorage this hat remember it um of course you know um anyway hope you're well folks uh what is it just coming up at five o'clock and it's the 23rd of this wonderful I'd look it's hot folks it's I mean I know a lot of people would say in America that's not up but 70 degrees man um if you're standing out in it hot enough uh if you just stay at a stood standing for any uh particular length of time but I'm not going to up on about it um woe is me oh it's uh but anyway listen folks we uh I'll talk about what we were hoping planning for today uh and it didn't happen um you would have seen by the Tweet uh that I um that I actually sent that tweet from that from to lose this morning flew on um hope you're well um flew on um the uh I don't know what it's all about playing what does that mean thanks this is quite nice Brussels uh icon jet airbrushed by hand folks these uh icon Jets none of that um all spray on beautifully done and that is the Tomorrowland uh don't they have big gigs isn't a bit like that one in the desert where everyone dances around naked or something like American push and start heavy dried out blocks we've got Dan Waterman returning member and apparently his uncle's on b81417 is this him here wow oh okay okay I'm just gonna say okay the one behind it Dan's uncles on the one behind it I'm guessing he's either well it could be Kevin piloting it could be on it as a passenger mizam Sky Team Kirsty and Brian pounder Bruce McDonald does Brussels Airlines have a plopsaland special options Gregory jansich is it oh what's that all about he's gone around he got fed up waiting oh darn it is your uncle going around ah [Music] it's right over the top thank you probably been what would that be climb and maintain what well not so much maintain but uh a new heading pardon me oh there's a lot of commotion going on over there in there right oh okay so what was that that that must have been that yeah we will we will this is iberia's 330 200. in from married [Music] [Applause] cf6s very little [Music] reverse action being used now you're not going to make that exit though is he far too far from him he's gonna make that exit easy son [Music] wow fair play that was a fast exit so yeah the plan was um we we well the plan was we needed to go back to Toulouse and test the equipment um and uh the equipment is absolutely fine folks it is actually believe it or not since covid the connectivity has literally gone through the floor um around around Toulouse it used to be a different um Network as well that we used to connect to um now it's all different a couple of different networks but um interestingly um yeah yeah yeah just absolutely zero a bit of a conspiracy theory that me and Jilly were talking about was have Airbus do they have any control over connectivity around their Airfield um does make you wonder but I I think that's a bit of paranoia maybe setting in but you never know do they have the power to be at a sort of like disrupt the networks around there he's full cut it's just so something I saw when I was taxiing out yesterday folks Jordan Charlie the big rule always has its doors open especially in the summer yeah absolutely I I'd imagine that's something that's quite a uh a common sight uh in the land down under Sarah Ansel going to Airbus going to Toulouse on the 5th of September uh doing the Airbus tour going for three days yeah I mean get yourself up there and get yourself up on the bank if you can uh opposite the um it's the southern end or the Northern end of the airport but um yeah hopefully they'll be on the right operations as well it's a bit of a shame because uh the the the operations did change today as well and they were uh depart but you know it it it the end of the the the the the um the bottom line is that uh as it stands at the moment um it's off limits is uh is to lose that's nice had that had that ah back oh for God's sake no if folks just yeah please please don't don't we appreciate your input and all that sort of thing or or suggestions and all that but but really we do know what we're doing in terms of connectivity and systems and all that you can't think about it man you can't use a starlink starlink you need a dish and all these kinds of paraphernalia with you and a modem and all those kind of things it's not it's not practicable you know out in the field you know I mean I know Kevin does he's got a you know off an office um set up it takes him about two hours to set the thing up um but but even even then he doesn't travel around the world but the thing is that with um with us it's uh it's all about being mobile and having the capability um overseas without uh and being able to um uh do everything that we do right here as you're seeing here um but uh but overseas like we do everywhere you know like in America when we go to the US very mobile as you know for if you're remember you will have you will uh know that we from time to time if the connectivity is there do a road trip you know whilst we're moving from one position to the other or if I'm going to get coffee or whatever McDonald's so yeah yeah um until uh until I I we did we did a little bit of research on the French networks and um apparently they're terrible uh ranked very low in in Europe in terms of the connectivity both the mobile networks and also the internet as well um it's pretty it's pretty it's pretty uh archaic is is what we hear but anyway um hopefully they'll uh they'll upgrade their systems and we'll be back there at some point in the future because we love to lose they've shut one of the doors out there I mean they've seen us on the on the tellium yeah Bruce go and shut that bleeding door up there will ya a sue Taylor satin Tottenham zombie very warm welcome London Heathrow 2-7 right arrivals about 70 degrees mild Breeze I would say very little um for these Pilots to think about this morning when um when I touch down the um I heard the autopilot go off at around about 200 feet maybe less than that I don't know blue blue blue blue and I'm settled away back at the right at the back of the aircraft and I could hear it very loud so yeah yeah we will uh I mean obviously we love to well we'll have to go back to Seattle um but but but but but what about the uh what about the what about the triple seven and the uh yeah let's let's go let's go do Skiffs give Boeing some love man John grino good afternoon to you Jeffrey Primus yes that's the key thank you Jeffrey appreciate that [Music] you know 64 mile ethernet lead [Music] Darren Nichols my favorite of the day is to be either Korean Air or Asiana um Dan Waterman been watching since the Gatwick days I can't remember the best of playing live streamer of all time oh thank you Dad um well it takes two to tango Dan um Chile is the uh is the tech Guru it wasn't for uh we would uh we wouldn't have a show simple as that or it would be very well I'm never getting down here at the end of the day what's this doing what's that do I what's that bad dude oh I've turned it off again me and Tech anyway forget it [Music] Adam m94 heading to Heathrow shortly for my ek6 flight to Dubai later on k6 let's see if we can grab that I don't know Emma deal just in time for home time uh dub Jet Aviation srtla with cellular cellular bonding is the future of IRL streaming just need the mobile networks to up their game well that's the whole thing um to be honest with you the networks here in the UK and most places that we go to are adequate of course when we go to the US first thing we do is load up with a T and T Sims um and if the uh if the if the modem's uh far enough we'll go T-Mobile on that so we've got good connectivity in the US most of the time but there are obviously uh blank spots and um you know little uh you know I don't know if you if I don't know if you if you if you listen to dab radio or anything like that folks but you know from time to time you drive through a segment where obviously the networks are um there's a black spot a blank spot basically um inadvertently filmed him or her where's our go around all this talk oh this is him take two thanks and there's no one that can help us at all and to lose anyway yeah yeah and did he just called up that much and see if I got 700 miles long Ethernet leader there's this trailer out the back of the plane on the way over there I'm sure it'll work I don't do it under the ocean why can't we do it hey Tommy Tony thank you very much indeed gifting five big Jetty which is closed up the other door we asked 100 feet Trevor UK lemons good day see how big these engines are on the Neo interesting uh give me an update um but I don't know who it was I didn't sign it off my name the uh the track Whitney engines um and that is that the um a batch of Pratt Whitney engines around about 600 aircraft or affected worldwide um yeah so uh technical so that's interesting folks when I when I was rolling out yesterday you see her number two engine has uh quite clearly got parts missing there um that is an aircraft on ground that DHL jet there was a crane in there yesterday so obviously lifting the um in your own time yes Scandinavian Airline systems not services [Music] old delivery much prefer it with the orange cows um some would differ in their opinion some I I like the new one don't get me wrong I do like the new one I think this stuff is it's it's in certain lights it really works um but I'm just not a big fan of the engine cows what they've done with the engine cows because they kind of look half finished if you see what I mean or like they're running um a um a temporary set of cows Leading Edge cows that is you know the uh the um the nice self or the nacelle Leading Edge intake that attaches to the fan casing which attaches to the thigh bone these are proud witness so yeah quite interesting that um I think the uh is it the FAA have ordered inspections on all um Pratt Whitney engines effective sort of like almost immediately where um because apparently it's the powder that was used in the manufacturing of some components now I'm wondering whether that is fan blades um not the fan blades but the um combustor blades you know the internal core blades that get smaller and smaller I don't know if that is um it's anything to do with that or whether it's actual because they've been the the inspection process is by way of um on these engines they have a Boris scope inspection I want rain man come on I need it to rain I want it to absolutely Pelt it down [Music] Sarah deals gifted five big jet TV memberships thanks Sarah wonderful thing to do uh Tim rotunda okay okay um I didn't I didn't obviously I missed that um Tim um didn't read that it was back then you were saying it was micro dust um I think it was components within the dust um some of the um the application uh in terms of the ingredients of the Dust if you see what I mean um well the powder I don't know about dust or powder isn't it yeah very interesting 600 aircraft but I think they might be uh requesting that all um Pratt and Whitney powered aircraft go through um an inspection at the next available check whether that's a sea check whether it's uh when it's um on offline for maintenance or whatever it might be um and apparently the fix means that the engine has to come off the wing so that aircraft would be redundant for um how quickly they could fix it I don't know it depends on the uh uh the the the the air the airline where they're based whether they have facilities whether they obviously have somebody to either come in and make that fix but I would imagine that it has to be at a facility um where it's um this is one of those Pratt Whitney powered aircraft right here up to 1200 aircraft no 600 aircraft 1200 engines I think from what I hear it's 1200 engines oh okay um what if he's saying it's 1200 aircraft okay maybe a miscommunication that's that's what I read was uh 600 aircraft ship equates obviously to uh 1200 um engines but it might be on the wrong way around or I'm a little bit out of touch in terms of being up to date would have felt that so I think yeah like I say it's a it's a um an inspection procedure which involves the uh the boroscopes which so so the the the the inspection can be done on Wing when the aircraft is uh on the what's that yeah yeah it's 600 um can be done when the aircraft is on wing um but obviously uh depends on the climatic conditions um where they are I mean obviously it's going to be a lot easier to do it in a drier climate than it is a uh in a wetter climate or a colder climate um as an example um it's interesting that that DHL jet has undergone a um uh on Wing repair um I can't quite make it out like see the Leading Edge um nay cell is on but the the the the um the core cows are are not on that aircraft and I don't think the rear aft cows are on either um when I say the cool cows the slider cows um certainly looks like it's open to the elements but imagine they're hoping that that's uh that's going to get quick fixed quite soon uh whether they're waiting for a component to be shipped in I don't know it was a lot of DHL um service vehicles around it wasn't a load of parcel deliveries it was definitely a DHL vehicles or should I say DHL branded vehicles vehicles see the crane is still there I think you can see it oh is it is a good one for you talked on a bit of um subliminal advertising are you ready keep watching the screen ready I'm gonna do it I'm going to do it very very quickly and I want to want you to tell me what you think of when you when you when you see it that was it [Music] yeah condo check slot his slices there were two um blue stripe Condor Jet Set to lose same as a proud Indian um I would joined to announce that India successfully landed on the south what's up South Pole on the moon oh wow cool awesome well done congratulations India had no idea was that on the news I don't watch the news anymore it's just full of um wow well done India beat the Russians to it hey Russians um completely flopped I'm sure that um well they're just suffering well actually you know what it doesn't serve them right it serves it's it's horrible nasty people but anyway whatever Jack Van jacks entrance pointy spinners on that DHL team I'm not sure it's into the Hub listen to the humphones you might be going in one of these Gates I'm thinking one of these Gates over here maybe even there where the other one went out from so uh we'll see what uh see what transpires shall we they're trying to Triple Seven due in 10 minutes diesel one three thank you uh Mel lasalles uh Rampage Rohit John Graham Trent good afternoon to you Simon Hardy Van Halen what's that GP well you know I mean um I think pure really hey Lingus CFM 56 see the big uh hinge door mechanism there different type of reverse I call them clam shells some people um I still do and it's a block of doors obviously there as well again [Music] Darren Nichols does United have a maiden base at London Heathrow see one of their 767 part by one of the hangers near virgin Sanger yes um that big hanger there X um British Airways oh not 737. good idea the size of the engines on these uh NEOS and Max's now [Music] oh I hear a door here is Chinook or is that just a certain Microsoft so yes the um xba hanger is now um being used by United Airlines I'm guessing at some point in time they're going to Brand it or have they been told that they can't brand it or something I don't know uh Nick Gray sung an angle really works favorably for arrivals at this position yes it does indeed it does because a lot of the time foreign [Applause] [Applause] if you look on one side I don't know if you can see it from this angle but you can see the um the opposite side The The Wheels on the opposite side uh got no wheel cover on it but this left hand one uh that left-hand set there see the wheel cover on it because there is actually no Gear door um that section of gear door that you see there is fixed to the um to the undercarriage leg of the um of the 737 so when it when it hinges up it goes up with it and then that's it um there is no other um because of the fact that they couldn't put doors on it because of the ground clearance always been the case quite surprised that I maybe they can't extend it any more than what you've got can you but out of Airbus get away with it oh interesting now Nigel Clinic leap 1A engines in the Neo are bigger than the 1b's on the max okay well bigger as in bigger cowls I'm guessing um really the fan diameter of the um 1A versus the 1B it's interesting interesting factoid thank you for that casing diameter lid 1A versus 1B that's the same to me foreign lovely old 767x Delta 767 converted um still got the Delta Livery on the rudder unless and I'm pretty sure it is a an XL jet because all the all the um the colors uh match it so I might get a little bit of a funky shopping yes oh [Applause] I see sleep climb in it got enough the bank shot of the triple seven she uh when she's side on it was big beautiful big wings big flecks on them as well lollipop see a Virgin Atlantic with their own um team of uh agents on the ground visible by there around the blue yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's usually their Star air jet that's in there isn't it but uh yeah what's the props almost going to reverse it folks but uh here we go but they're um that's the blade pitch being adjusted to create prop from pushing rather than pulling of course uh turbo fan blades don't have that capability for rotating the blades even though they do Twist on the um it's the Pratt Whitney engine because certain amount of twist built into the um into the into the blade itself broke it the Qantas has placed in order for 787-10s Lego dude tjs whatever happened to EasyJet Airlines I don't know you know something we don't so now that's an operator that I can uh never see going um having any financial difficulties whatsoever right down the pipe yeah Monica it's not a rumor Tim Monarch are absolutely 100 reforming um it is official oh they will mate they will Air action 2257 screaming emu uh I'll be at London Heathrow on the third so it's up to them if you wind up hearing me okay um yes indeed we did get to communicate from um from screaming emu pilot with JetBlue over here with the misses I think that's right and uh like I say it all depends on location and where we are on the day it's it or it's it or [Music] nice [Music] effect separation was a little bit on the uh questionable side I gotta say good morning I think a lot of people have flown with Mike haven't they over the years um I think it's an American concern isn't it that are grabbing all of them [Music] wow [Music] that just goes to show how powerful the braking power is on these uh on these Jets reverses and breaks but so it's more on the reverses wasn't it certainly appeared to be awesome awesome great to vacate I think that was uh I think the instructions there were the system the onboard systems were given the position the exit on the runway um and the aircraft will break to vacate um using the Arnold systems oh nice I've seen um air China's chicken salad for a little while haven't we watch it sink foreign [Applause] big shout out to Miles High by the way I'm gonna do some ironically enough Milestones uh later on in the show folks um but Miles High a big shout out to you my friend um like so many been with us for so many years Jurassic member yeah um it's official folks the 747 the boax m47 as it stands at the moment the only uh there are three of the um classic old liveries with British Airways negus and um land or that was it which some people say was the preferable of all three personally if you want my opinion it was boak but she's been broken up folks quadrant of retro Jets no more being broken up at Saint Athens uh near Cardiff you've got to be a bit of a um it's a bit like someone who works in a forgive me for saying it but somebody walks Works in a in a slaughterhouse isn't it having no concern or care whatsoever for animals um I'm not saying that they that those folks do um but is that guy going to put his gear up or not I don't know um yeah before everybody has a go at me like you know oh well obviously a lot of people who Slaughter animals who love animals I can't put the two together myself personally but if there are I do apologize to anybody out there but almost somebody operates the um the um the Machinery uh down at Saint Athen for breaking these things up you know um you kind of almost wanna um have somebody who's got no inkling whatsoever as to what he's about it's just breaking something up it's an airplane I know it's an airplane oh yeah it's a jumbo jet that's right yeah I'm not just not interested whatsoever in its history and the and the and iconicity is this such a word or if I just make that up iconicity it's a good one though isn't it it is a word thank you I'm waving I'm waving but it's highly unlikely they're looking you see it in the Sky with Diamonds scary with diamonds yeah picture yourself on a boat in a river [Music] I've got to say when I got off that um the um the ba jet this morning uh the Neo look down left at the engine and oh my goodness me a beautiful contrast of the of the um the carbon blade um with the um with the titanium Leading Edge and um usually it's a dual engine start on the dream line if they want it um not all Pilots uh utilize it yeah aircraft retired prematurely interesting that uh one of the news reports I saw they mentioned that the um ba 747 Fleet were due to run until 2024. so it would have only been another year but probably would have been extended I would have thought because of the um shortage of um of aircraft Deliverance gotta say um you know uh we love to lose and all that but blimey not much going on down there at the moment folks um when you see it it is um some amazing stuff but uh it's so I would have been standing there in 40 degrees heat today uh 57-47 still operating uh in the commercial passenger role um of course we all know the largest of those operators is indeed lufthans uh I'm just going to look something up real quickly good for you um oh [Music] give me images not images go around go around go around go around the Gear's gonna go up pretty quick here there it is [Music] having your way TV probably to around about uh a thousand kind of climb out to about a thousand feet I'd imagine I hope no it's going right sorry cool aircraft on Runway I think they're being I think they're being extra vigilant these days folks um maybe the pilots unions have said you know I don't know obviously uh rules and regulations for different airlines you know with um with Emirates for example you know their margins uh their minimums and all that kind of stuff is very very heavily scrutinized so um you know um the reason for that go around there will obviously be a report that will go in well I don't know screaming him you might be able to uh Enlighten us on that in terms of a go-around procedure but imagine it goes in that goes in the log book doesn't it specification right on the keys [Music] [Applause] yeah good amount of Separation there still they can roll that on into the uh listen to the engine start humming okay so two stages of high pressure turbine uh 1A 7 stage turbine system I'm guessing stages being the rows of turbine blades is that right okay so yes he's right you know um uh 1A 78 which is 1.9860 the 1B um 69.4 so is it the one a that's used by the 737 Max with the larger diameter mind you the um the 1C which is is it a mixture of 1am 1B engines that are uh under the microscope oh no sorry that's uh practice nothing wrong with Elite so obviously a batch of engines were affected or have been affected or are affected um I think Heathrow are probably a very you know in terms of nats National the the air traffic control services here at London Heathrow are just as Vigilant as the pilots keeping a close eye on everything but they do require require the pilots even though I've got an Eagle Eye on the on the on the Airfield in terms of movements and what's going on um they do rely heavily on the pilots to to make that final decision in terms of um if there's an aircraft still on the runway whether they're going to make it whether they feel that they're far enough far enough off the exit point sometimes the separation is a little bit more than um than others foreign casing Diamond I don't think I think that might be the fan the overall fan blade diameter um yeah fan diameter there we are yeah so um maximum width maximum height okay um so 2.5 meters versus 2.429 2.6 for the 1C which is interesting I don't know if uh what aircraft utilizes the 1C um 1A or 1B for the max which one is it folks let's just have a look see what people are saying here any GPX go arounds can be initiated by the pilot or the controller yes indeed um I'm guessing that um the air traffic controllers will is it is a um try and wait for power check beautiful looking engine in terms of its uh it's Aesthetics Aesthetics of the fan blades themselves are just beautiful on both the leap and the um Pratt and Whitney engine by the uh KLM Cruise David K Elite 1am I say 320 now has 24 500 to 35 000 pounds of thrust uh how to delete one B 737 okay so it's a 737 Max runs a b 23 to 28 000 pounds of thrust 1C Comax c919 Phillips okay so um yeah so that the sea is not really um in in part of the discussion really is it's more uh amb but obviously a bigger fan we're not talking about any um obviously the uh the leap engines on the max aircraft have also um got issues with the um the de-icing system for the air intake the Leading Edge of the engine there you see the Chrome part of it that's the Nay cell has a heating element inside it to uh stop ice from forming um on the uh because it can quite easily do that on the air intake that ice would then be swept into the engine or um ingested into the engine two miles down the road from some Athens and drive past regularly it's a very sad site tell you what it's not just a sad size a bleeding sad sound as well I've um I've been to Saint Athen I've walked down to the uh the crushing area um where they never come out in one piece ever again do they uh we saw a 737 being mashed to Pieces yeah um down there and it was a horrible sound grinding of metal and um smashing and cracking of um it's just uh oh dear idea crane operator and I'm having a lovely time on it like it's like a demolition ball in it still look fantastic yeah they do I love the wing on the um e195 E2 or 175 E2 whichever a raked wing seven the Alitalia Livery oh I wish they they might call this up Jillian to ask if they can win pixelate this one out big blur coming down the runway [Music] some quite a nice Livery though isn't it but interestingly enough yesterday um in the very cheap hotel that I stayed in they had a very small telly um and um it was um it was some Athletics event and the woman was from Italy was there and she had the eater um I don't know if it's she had the Italian shirt on but you know the Livery her Livery was uh was very much like the eater livery help us needs more thrust Azure blue what's These Wings droop folks go from high Flex to none at all look at that isn't that crazy man that thing loses lift roll it all the way down the T5 look [Music] Savoy blue is it interesting nikhil Airbus needs more thrust is that 320 a heavier aircraft does it mean well that's a bit of a late term wouldn't it just made that there's nothing behind it nothing behind him or her at all Elite 1am bus Elite 1B is Boeing leak one C is comac Ian sure thank you um the best Clips Hub what will be the next Boeing aircraft well triple seven X is the next aircraft slated for uh for delivery however um if you're talking about what will be there next um well I don't know is there will be um another option from Bowie at this stage do they really need one XXX is gonna take care of everything in terms of the ultra longboard stuff um 737 Max is doing its thing isn't it it's uh look at the um look at the drain mast obviously a little bit of a hot gases coming out of that engine more happens more when the aircraft is sort of like almost where the where they're um it's at idle got a little bit of um uh Power going through it at the moment but you can see there's a number of different um elements that come out of that drain mast if you look at it up close there's a there's written on the drain Masters like um all the different variables of of fluids and um and say gases so yeah it's you know like hot overflow it's basically where the uh those valves are um are open now that she's on the ground I think they close up as soon as they um as soon as they Light It Up the large Elite 1A and leak one C variants have bypass races at 11 to one while the smaller Elite 1B only has a bypass of nine to one still a lot though in it nine to one but eleven to one um Korean 747 25 minutes out thanks Julie thanks David k for that Vinci shouting out to Karen Northam I don't know yes okay it's two words in one word if you know what I mean northern Angel Northern door what is it North angle is it North angle North Nagle what's North Nagle then is that a place or something oh okay I'm sorry North Nagle uh Karen anyway um North Nagel okay not an eagle okay Karen I'll just say Karen uh Vincy giving a shout out to Karen for the gifted membership on Sunday I was watching the stream on the TV so didn't see the notification until after the show so thank you very much to Karen and anybody else who gifts membership on the channel we really appreciate it I'm sure those who are gifted appreciate it even more but um yeah is he climbing out now no going to be a funky shop in three two one yeah gotta get here Funk and soul show Craig Charles hey yeah yeah take it easy right it's a very good at you this is a 220 now this is uh no it's not 320 sorry it's funny now apologies sometimes at certain angles they can be mistaken each one is especially with that funky canopy see this is what I'm talking about with the new livery for SAS I say it's new it's like it's a good four years old now isn't it but see that blue engine fan casing um some people might like it splash of blue I mean you get used to it Tony O'Reilly get out to you proper uh right about facing it to watch even or you know far from it paella an esteroid [Music] which is the aircraft going out GP we've got a little star alliance too [Music] okay so yeah um obviously um leap powered Maxes I think all of them I think all of the leap powered Maxes are going to need to be visually checked um or maybe um modified the um which basically means the engine nasal has to be um well something has to be modified doesn't it because it's overheating or has the potential for overheating if run for more than an hour which is not good unless you're flying um under an hour because obviously the ice accumulates at high altitude in the very cold conditions um you wouldn't think it's standing on the ground here but up there at 35 000 plus feet you're looking at um or across the Atlantic you're looking at um 38 000 feet and possibly somewhere between 70 and 80 degrees below so lots of potential for ice to form it's not that the engine can't handle it but it's just uh that ice if it continues to be ingested by the engine it may potentially start to disrupt components in terms of their working window S I know this is uh this is the bird I flew on today isn't it the I don't know what it's about play I'm gonna be hanging by nine o'clock mate up since 4 30 this morning done the rounds it was the same crew on my plane going coming back as it was going out can you believe it Carl Withers has upgraded too first yeah that's a little bit of a shame that istanbuls a bit off the cards in it in terms of um getting pulled up by the old bill or yeah see how the um the leap engine has that ancilliary uh bulge on the left-hand side um and the right hand side of the uh the number two but um there is a noticeable bulge which houses the ancillaries actually I think it's on the left-hand side of both edges um yes I think I'm right saying that it might be uh possibly um some kind of ancillary system choke maybe it houses the choke [Music] free agent go now Julie somebody's um really on that one parents there we go [Music] Jack's Van Halen same for Airbus and Brian with the uh VR Jay um the um 195. E2 um 105 E2 as well of course Airbus in terms of any um no no no I don't think the uh I don't think the leap I don't think the um leap issue is concerning um any of the Airbus Jets I think it's just uh Boeing related I don't think the um the Airbus Fleet have any issues with their leap engines I don't think um I think it's something to do with the fan casing itself obviously it's a different diameter isn't it so it's larger so it's only affecting the leak one beats I'd imagine not the one A's look very much the same size don't they but obviously the Boeing the max fan casing is larger [Music] but I would imagine that the uh who developed the um fan casing for the 1B slash Boeing versus the 1A it's a different manufacturer same manufacturer surely they can modify that quite easily I would have thought come on now traffic good day to you Avro Arrow that Korean jumbo will be arriving from Frankfurt Paul G Smith good evening to you uh Claire bear Aviation Lewis chapter 7 I'll be staying at the Renaissance on Saturday for a night at Heathrow and be heading up to Aviation retail Direct oh yeah uh give yourself a budget I would say probably already been there but uh always my recommendation to uh you know try and stick to a budget when you go somewhere like that um it is a preferential thing is it but there's just so many amazing um diecast models at um at Aviation retail retail director is literally very very difficult to um troll oneself best way to put it Jama HTC Tony Duty k1357 in place second time SAS floating what's going on with those trainings interesting Karen North and the goal Nothing Gold sorry okay oh it's not even enough it's not even North it's not Nagel not Miguel oh limey Karen when I say Karen Karen you know I mean you fingers but I'll call the other Clarence by the sun with their surname but I'll just keep Karen as Karen Karen n original oh I know recently issued yellow warning uh for thunderstorms tomorrow morning in your neck of the woods our Kristen thank you gifting 10 memberships thank you Kristen [Music] um Sean Hyun Lee would you ever consider coming to Seoul um gotta get sold we would always consider anywhere folks just so long as it's got a decent amount of traffic um you know and the equipment will work there you know in terms of connectivity uh I was actually thinking about um China earlier on no Japan earlier on and how good that was in Japan we must go back man yeah China's a no-go Japan was good Japan was good man uh Lord Jason Madden Rwandan flag carrier has revealed its intentions to launch daily direct and Route flights to London Heathrow from 29th of October it's currently flown four weeks thank you for that very very scary yeah there we go there we go so um Dallas this was a press announcement from Dallas Monarch Airlines the iconic British carrier that ceased operations in October 2017 has announced its relaunch after successfully transferring to new ownership after a six year pause I'm gonna make a lot of people having that uh it will promote itself as a premium alternative to competing low-cost Leisure carriers in the United Kingdom as it did before obviously got a lot more [Music] okay so the money is coming from the European Union and the United Kingdom it's kind of remote so yeah parked up next to him watch that wow it's a big load of Starling stays latam announcing uh a new route to Lima in Peru obviously the only UK direct connection to Peru the first flight will be in December but apparently you can start planning now a little bit of um yeah that's uh they do tend to keep themselves say off the uh Off The Runway but you know approaching it one of them wouldn't do much damage but uh whole flipping load of them Natalia and I was cutting the grass the other week and uh I went over just one feather [Music] oh man are we gonna have some fun here in the wet yeah a little bit of housekeeping for for the channel folks just to say a big thank you to our friends at the London fire brigade I'm stood standing on their um on their roof at the moment and we're very very grateful uh to John big shout out to all the folks at Green watch as well who are on duty today um a big thank you to them there's a um anybody living in the London area um might want to have a look at that um scan that QR code and do the home check home fire safety check which is a good thing to do um you know take how long does it take 10 20 minutes to do it uh if that um see if you are there may be just one thing on there folks that makes you think and of course London fire brigade you go to their website as well they're uh always um having different campaigns in terms of uh safety awareness not just fire but um you know just safety awareness in general obviously primarily fire but uh you know we might have a funky shot from a different angle here gonna work a little bit now that guy there hey that's not the jumbo is it no it's a triple seven in the um Occam hold oh dear oh dear outside never mind it's uh wonderful um set up and ready to go isn't she oh we've got a long time before she goes out she's all fueled up she's all fueled up GPX 747's on finals thanks Tony jumbo jet ladies and gents see a dash eight you'll see a four looks like a four to me um she's an age yeah okay I just um thought I think it might be in the um chicken alike made it look like she's got winglets on it and of course a winglet has a number of different guises doesn't it this is a shark that we're looking at here um [Music] so the internet jumbo after the Lufthansa 320 Neo thank you goes out 9 25 a long while yet thank you for all that young I crazy sigh it's a Dashay thank you great what was it nice and crispy Kia have just made the car 747 collapse the Kia 747 City Gen X engines the power of two Dreamliners right here folks all exclusive power on the 747-8 [Music] many many years left in these ones the dash eights I can see Lufthansa keeganes on the on the books for uh many years to come give another at least another decade I thought Sean Pascal be a blue Livery from 2021. so far David Mead but still a wonderful looking look at that profile there folks look at that isn't that beautiful classic I'm sure lots of modifications but uh you know generally speaking that front end is a 100 front end all the way back back to the Jurassic period Dash 8 designation because of the uh use of Dreamliner um technology Flight Deck although the flight deck is still the same familiar Brown that we're used to uh or should I say fleischa brown um you've got that raked wing tip on it much like the triple seven borrowed technology from that as well such a big thick wing on the on the 747-8 as well you ever get the chance folks it's a crazy thick wingtip on it trevline yes indeed Miami next month NASA slash Boeing um design that uh scalloped Cal that we see on the uh on the Gen X engine I'm on the Trent 1000 as well um but um the uh scalloped cow nothing to do with Rolls Royce at all as far as we're aware um it's a it was a because it's a Boeing aircraft the um the development of the uh the engine type was um around the aircraft and therefore those scalloped cows these are 220. see from the angulated uh more fence style winglet on it [Music] I think I've read in the news that apparently um the uh Pratt Whitney engine issue was you know made even more urgent when a I believe it was a a 320 Neo was had to perform a rejected takeoff for for obvious um obviously a power related issue in terms of uh the engine was either spalled up to N1 or takeoff thrust was set I don't know how far the aircraft was through its takeoff run but the pilots had to reject the takeoff and uh take the take the aircraft off the line it was that dramatic um and that's what's sort of like I think sparked off the uh either the CIA or the FAA one of the two m i d mid k s plane involved in the crash was a new bra was that the um uh RAB H yes um in fact we're considering either next week or the week after um either Frankfurt or skip or one of the two um hoping to um is that Apu fighter well that's a cafe jet isn't it Best Clips Hub scream comma Andrew Rideout Judith Moore Karma Scotland through the right Channels with Euro control and your operator for sure they can arrange a visit via net uh we got a good relationship with Max but there's very little that we'd be able to do with Max to be perfectly honest with you um it's uh you know it's kind of been done before in terms of a live broadcast with the BBC all under the strictest of regulations of course um and of course this if I was up in the control tower okay uh you can see that gentleman sitting over there in our he's going to be handing off the uh this aircraft contact uh departures 118 whatever blah blah blah so everyone on the chat will be like Jerry Jerry's uh Julie Jerry seems very quiet today yes because he's in the control tower nice touchdown look at those big blades man [Applause] [Music] worn out those cows on faded [Music] these Fades of gray so it's great oh what's happening [Music] [Music] uh Joe Spitfire 19 watching it from my bed has got two hours until I have to get up for work uh loving the location Joe Spitfire thank you um yeah big thank you to the London fire brigade um once again I do have to say a big thank you to them it's uh it's quite a process quite a procedure when I get here it's not just pitching up like we do other places and um you know saying hello and getting the key sort of thing is quite a quite a A system that we have to go through when we come here because it's obviously you know Hallowed Ground the ice [Music] yeah totally oh my goodness mate now that Qantas jet is not going out yet folks she's um obviously came in this morning around about 6 45 and um sits over on remote stand until it's her time to go to gate it's now her time to go to the game she will be um I think she might have been catered already I think the catering um trucks may have already been big Aussie flagged there on the side less sounds I'm missing them more about them trevline McRae H Irish Dublin my plane I'd love to have one of those for my for my home okay it's now in capital Airlines 332. 11 minutes out what's that Avro Arrow Emirates 380 arriving in about 15 minutes you would hear the silence no agent Cox 380 15 minutes out thank you for that oh dear oh Lord we Fade to Gray and to ride out three weeks till we fly to Malta the last I think outbound and return flight was um lady pilot not that there's anything um special about that I've got to be honest with you um but it's uh it's good to um to to have um young girls who might be watching or looking for a career change or something like that um these uh shortage of Pilots is uh relative to male and female and everyone in between as well of course to um okay one three five seven nice austrians you can see the uh see the green sleeve inside there I believe it is yeah we're gonna we might get a report of bird strikes here just um because there's a lot of activity out there on the field look how many birds there are folks and they're spread out as well they're all over the bleeding place and that's probably because of the um I'd imagine because of um insects uh they're all over the place um yeah definitely all over the place aren't they look Ellis chernoff appreciate all you must go through to get this Vantage Point really excellent by planning to takeoffs yeah and also Ellis for zero nines as well I think we've done zero nights here yeah so what we want is zero nines and pouring with rain or very very windy it's gonna be our best vantage point for zero nines uh up to date folks I reckon there's going to be some um reports of um Birds possibly here from flight Crews certainly seems to be a a lot of them about oh look they're all Gathering down here oh John's got it John's got it oh John he was a good lad victims 320 now lufthansi wasn't it [Music] Jedi Rob Olson welcome back Rob is a platinum member 787 crew are there any a380s yes 787 coupe not that long now until we got a um Emirates throughout arriving let's see the big uh he's going through the uh he's going through the cul-de-sac and it's being towed through the cul-de-sac Ennis chernoff lost track of how many birds I take now uh Andrew ride out I love the new location Karen uh I believe it was Frankfurt as I watched the stream a few months ago now you're making me wrong okay oh look it's going to that gate he's going to a gate there I think there is a double deck gate there uh we've seen Emirates Park up there before it looks like she's going in that gate worst was a duck on approached k-o-r-d oh not good especially uh if it's a you know the bigger the engine the more it can handle obviously but when you're on approach you're uh your engines are more or less idle in a funny sort of way so you don't really want to be hitting something as substantial as a duck or a goose or anything like that on approach on in any gym really because that can do some damage in terms of [Music] [Applause] Roddy Jenkins that's a good one to look up how much what is the um parking fee for an aircraft at London Heathrow I'm sure that uh see now he's off the power so that is an overflow so when he Powers up a little bit that'll probably I'd imagine um it's an old steam engine there's nothing wrong with that engine folks so the big roux is parking up there nice 330 on approach still Claxton how thick is the glass on the cockpit window well it's got to be at least um three caught between three quarters of an inch and an inch I would have said um it's like uh it's like the kind of glass they use on them you know uh [Music] yeah talk about weepy windows and they're gonna stay at that thing flip your neck give her a clean fellas come on bring her over here we'll give her a scrub down poor old girl Heinz was Munich Heinz is Munich trevline venting that's it that's exactly it uh Claire Bears thanks Claire and a great shot of an aircraft um lining up behind him as well look at that stack shot all screaming emu several inches thick effectively bulletproof wow several inches thick flipping egg that is crazy isn't it 12 mil thick trevline thing so that's a lot different than several inches um okay now yeah of course it is but imagine the inside is a little bit better than the outside yeah 12 mil is saying the outer pain of an aircraft window is 0.47 of an inch 12 millimeters one for Irish doubling separated by six millimeters uh air chamber wow making a total thickness of 22 mil for the entire window which maybe may seem thin but the outer pane is thicker than the planes fuselage the ounce of pain 707 10 out of 10. well Jonathan Livingston Seagull was popular hughin joeing love it when they give the Trent some Welly on Landing yeah those Trends 700s man and you wait till it rains man that's what I'm waiting for is to show you that uh crazy um you know um physics in motion even on these little iaees they can they can open them up make a lot of disperse a lot of water makes a right state in a Runway well everything around it really oh yeah the frame itself might be two three inches thick um I don't know I don't know I predict he's going to load it up this one inboard reverses only foreign no no I want some rain is what I'm saying folks I can't wait for the rain to to you know uh to come I want more rain I need rain we need rain uh the best Clips hub a whole a few millimeters wide was drilled into a plane oh lost that one would it lose pressure instantly uh yes best clip hubs uh best way to explain that is pop in a balloon is uh is the best way I can describe that inside pressure exceeding the outside pressure sorry about that [Music] afro Arrow thank you even at the Gold 330 being uh dwarfed by that 380. foreign Great Sound dying 78 yeah good point get the hoses on boys [Laughter] fire fire the runway's on fire William Patrick come for Scotland cumber Scotland uh we'll get it we'll get it we're just unprecedented um conditions at the moment which everybody wants isn't it but for me as an aviator I love to see these aircraft perform uh in that kind of environment windshield had seven layers full glass and three PVB giving it a tote fix of 38 mil Dreamliner Boeing 7879 as a win ch um five layers yeah there's all sorts of you know anti-shatter isn't it like um this is my favorite uh Lufthansa Livery even now love the old delivery look it's just a great combination [Music] I still don't know the actual um uh um confirmation about Lufthansa in their uh 320 Neo Fleet and the fact that um the first batch of them were track Whitney powered and they were really not happy with them so they um ordered the next batch a whole new batch of 320 NEOS but with the with the leap engine I don't know how much truth there is in that I don't really know uh fishing with Mr W very new triple seven that Qatar jet thank you for that Jerry cannot help myself I'm sure yeah um Emirates and John Grinnell um I'm up to date m five layers on the 787 Bob M saying okay there we go five layers um yeah yeah yes yes okay okay with all the layers combined is what screaming emu's saying everything combined the different the you know you've got the um the heating layer the heating layer of the the anti-ice layer all those kinds of uh different components the different PVP you can say um PPG which is obviously a um um sort of like a some kind of a anti-shatter type uh no no no no I think it's I think it's either P for VG or PG Timber can you go to Anchorage this weekend this is oh PPG is the glass maker okay oh wow they make every glass windscreen in the world wow ice cream man thank you very interesting every glass in school aircraft aircraft windscreen thank you there is a flexible layer isn't there a flexible component that's it within glass so it makes it when you smash it it goes all floppy doesn't it toughened Glass isn't it I think that's tough not laminating or is it laminated is the other way around [Applause] set the sliders you're going to see the um the turn left right turn left let's see the pattern of the blocker doors nah too late oh they're like oh Saw The Light sort of like um see how here venting its frustration uh tampered tempered and laminated Tim Rotana look at the five comparison like foreign Derek has gifted a membership you are most kind sir for what I'm not going to answer that to be honest with you Istanbul heard um zombie I was overhearing somebody yesterday talking to somebody who's obviously talking to them on the phone about how good it uh um Turkish are to fly um Business Club class [Music] wow Eddie Howard nice tap Neo Army outskoff quick look at that all replacement cows on that on those engines [Music] obviously all serviceable serviceable parts the um the engine cows the sliders this is a model over 41 wonders if I'm drinking alcohol this is a um double shot espresso so uh prepare for me to go when I know it's supposed to be cold [Music] [Applause] thank you yeah nice [Music] triple seven SMG 90's starting up there [Music] funky yeah sorry engine cows opening on open on that number one where are they some kind of an inspection going on there looks looks to be actually the Mast the um the vent mast Bob M has gifted a membership thanks Bob number two star [Music] [Music] I think the biggest engine diameter at the moment is the xwb perhaps catch up catches on ba978 okay France CFM power saw one of these at uh to lose earlier believe it or not someone oh it's a 3-1-8 oh no sideways no okay even a monstrous triple seven is uh dwarfed by the um 380 isn't it how how impressive is that it's uh Singapore wow look at that for uh [Music] nice bit of Aero break there kind of eyes are reverse but I think even even at idle the um the block of doors come on and so that you are blowing air out the side of the engine so they're still efficient and effective I'm guessing super 80s Swiss Air getting more huge thanks for the gifted membership I received I think on Sunday show there we go Thompson she is indeed smiling Ronald with wings has gifted five memberships thanks Ronald I've got you this time mate look at the digital plane having a look at the big plan hello g'day bonjour Chinese oh I love that man still firmly on the reverses and making the exit love that bless you awesome Terry mcgurk last I'm a member there we go Terry good to see you my friend diesel one free look at this serve sort of like um unsure about the smile at the moment with that triple seven but as it um goes further away from us you'll see that smile pick up here it comes now so Olympic anxious but here it comes Daisy dizzy smile dude I can't not see it but can't not see it packed full enough [Applause] [Music] Big Mac has gifted a membership thanks Big Mac [Music] [Music] Joe Thompson is like the arrow in the FedEx Livery isn't it yeah you can't see it now once you know it's there we see it Condor Condor Condor alert Condor alert Condor alert [Laughter] narrow Boat Boat Georgie Boy watch the lockdown show uh last night so busy wow too much yeah we were busy was 50 days non-stop on it or something crazy like that lock it down three oh my goodness see that uh a little better now without the Heat case definitely a AOG repair right there yeah he's definitely missing um some components isn't he may actually just be the um may actually just be the the um the core um yeah that's definitely a um it's definitely an issue they're having there in it [Music] Bob M indeed it is a Rise From the Ashes isn't it with Monarch went bankrupt someone's got hold of them obviously uh you know the uh the structure is still there yeah the engine cowlings um there's enough there's three different elements to them the sliders the front end of the fan uh that attaches to the phone case fan casing you see the sliders here sliding back second the third element of the engine cow it's a moving structure slides on those um actually slides on those sliders that you can see there like pins they slide along those sliders and then the uh core cowling which is the one forward of that screaming with three miles separation in the U.S standard separation could have fooled me on a couple of occasions and a couple of occasions here is uh it's been a lot less than that I don't know has it certainly seems less than that sometimes during busy periods that's why they use Dean moles I was uh Dean [Music] uh three miles a thousand feet traffic line I was thinking two normal miles to be close wrap HP watching Big jet for four years and today I subscribed brilliant lockdown shows were brilliant highly entertaining Martin Smith to entertaining and very tiring I'd never want to go back to that again not I purely because of the workload it was so intense believe it or not both um you know really really intense early morning every morning uh when we shut down every night we had to pre-plan the next day show uh during the show we had to keep um rolling as well and um but it you know even though it was from the comfort of one's home so to speak it was um very very tiring both of myself and for Jilly so you know um you know if it happened again we'd do it again it's as simple as that but uh we'd have to do a um yeah a Barney Rubble the thingamajig and the discombobulator in the engine are all wanged up into each other um yes obviously um Engineering Management personnel there members of the engineering team um I'm going to look at that pilot that's the pilot in it is that the pilot look like I kicked in there or a pilot 707-10 Rolls-Royce Trent one thousands heavy on the brakes oh it's got a little panel there a replacement panel there in the um core cow quizzes are still especially worth watching even now prices especially Jerry's time clock issues I never got outright did I did it hold on hold on wait a minute dawn has catch the engines done Pub question mark yeah don't follow it on there look on there oh shut off that one really has a nice first-class sweets which one are we talking about Ellis oh thank you Martin 2017 when Monarch went bus Steven Owen yeah I don't know if um the demise of Monarch was um just as we were starting them I'll take that [Applause] Bobo good evening H Ali Francis our Pilots restricted by a certain amount of hours then they can fly in a day or week yes much like any operator of um you know passenger carrying a craft interest ba check coming out of the hold and then gonna go north of the Airfield into the uh [Music] uh I'll rest the wrong one in it that's Michael [Music] anyways [Music] then CF6 inches saw that land earlier folks remember listen to that go home left turn coming up [Music] oh let's go it says here if you turn that screw to the left [Music] give it four tugs hold on a minute what's John got looks like he's got something in his hands in he he's definitely got something heavy there aren't he it's a component of some sort in it uh Emmy Harkness which aircraft uh Airline is in front of you with the engine cows open Emmy that is a cafe pacific a350 I think it's a 900. although it'd be difficult to tell um you can actually no you can't see the um the best Clips losing light real quick James a drummer V8 1982 hang on there office page missing yes battery there goes Central fan belt uh change yeah have our own Durex and it gave away a quiz answer or two but they were fantastic yes I did oh they were um and that's the other thing as well folks everybody was like what are you gonna do you have a quiz when are you gonna do another quiz when you're going to do another quiz with those quizzes those quizzes were a bleeding nightmare um trying to set up because it was easy at the first one because you've got hundreds and hundreds of questions but by the time we reached the Google knows how many of them you're running out of questions man and you've got to do the multiple choice and and the pictures and oh yeah yeah we had to make them easy and yeah oh yeah it was not easy man a couple of different Spinners on this one different Spinners but uh [Applause] see the see the veins there folks see the fins directional fins um behind that panel there the AFT panel there's a set of blocker doors um there they are you saw them did you see them did you see them close do you see the block of doors closed that's the first time I've seen it oh I'm so excited sorry I'll be waiting for that moment thank you thank you Lord of Aviation craft maintenance manual by Ikea thank you for purchasing the Rolls-Royce xwb instructions number one take this off I don't think that thing is strikes again Sarah Langston I used it with my students it's good for interactive quizzes oh what the program that we used oh yeah but that was a nightmare as well wouldn't it in putting everything and giving it you have to give two one correct answer two incorrect answers oh my goodness [Music] Steve what about this um nice smell of her jet A1 obviously not coming from that aircraft but uh sweet smell of kerosene 's cats so major traveline Heinz menu here xwb engine 2000 and um 17 at the present Valerie Dickens welcome back Valerie red star member oh we enjoyed doing them oh most definitely when it eventually came to it it took probably I'd say the best part of four hours each show to to produce didn't it you know in terms of all the research and all doing everything you know loading it up and yeah really enjoyed doing it man really enjoyed doing them because it made us all forget about the Harsh Times didn't it Asiana yeah the rants the early morning rants oh that was heavy on the right side wasn't it wow [Music] now you'll see the um cord get exposed there it's much more apparent on the uh on the GE wasn't it sitting heavy on ourolios isn't she man look at that in buns come on Jerry to a quiz oh oh got it got it always love to see my time Pete happy gonna see him again there they are they're the block of doors see him watch some clothes there it is wow when I say blockador so I'm talking about redirection um doors which basically well actually it's not really it is it well why is it in Jerry is or it isn't it basically blocks the flow of air going back out the engine uh the bypass air is is blown sideways literally um or blown out of the side of the engine cafes yeah beautiful triple seven I think um aha slides that was it yeah well it could be a bit of a funky shot coming up here is there come on up to yourself yeah that's true yes an oldie idiots who came on there like you know with silly names and all that trying to catch me out and they did from time to time yeah yeah like you know like yeah yeah like um yeah Mike somebody or other [Music] and you were like Jerry I think that's a fake name I'm like what what oh no you idiot yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] yes yes yes wasn't that one Jerry's my dad or something like that sorry yeah oh look uh now the core cows are up folks see we've got a different cowl up now we've got the AFT cowl and the forward cow wow yeah see now you can see the core shroud there you see it the small cowl there oh okay so that aircraft has officially been delayed is that a big front coming my way or what oh say it okay Airwolf someone just said Airwolf was that what was that the right was that the right one that I did I don't know [Music] but then there was the other one wasn't there the one that I'm sorry Mike oh any one of you make a coffee I'm sorry Michael all right Avro area the unexpected pleasure of the at-home lockdown was the live cam of Jerry's God such a beautiful space and very calming to watch during such stressful pandemic times very okay so uh that's interesting so did we have it locked out on the garden for periods of time also well we did Garden Camden didn't we for over for for uh cruises didn't we for Donald where's your choosers and it's shown off in the 359s the copies over the nose were on the DC-10 md11 they were 20 feet ahead of the nose or yeah indeed they were um even more dramatic was the Concorde they had to literally um well I'd imagine on the dc-10s as well they would have had to have literally almost as if they're taxiing off the Runway to line up um because it was so far behind them the um the nose gear Aiden m94 currently watching from terminal three today to Aiden Condor alert Condor alert Condor alert Condor alert Condor alert so now they've got all the cows out near Vera has gifted a membership thanks Vera what a wonderful thing to do thank you to everybody who's gifted memberships today but by the way folks we really appreciate it charging the garden Avro Arrow Cruiser was gifted a membership by Vera there we go thank you very much indeed oh okay is that what I did was thinking of air we'll put sang Knight Rider Chuck Bell Chris phone live chat it's before YouTube chat for the first time ever wow aerocentric Concourse nose wheel 30 feet behind the pilots oh this is nice look in Brea a 195 E2 3-2 configuration very comfy very comfy jet and uh the raked wingtip see um some people might be confused that this thing doesn't have any winglets well it does but they're raked wing tips so it is classified as a winglet if we're looking at um different styles of um of wing design you guys want to get that fixed before the before it gets dark don't you who's got a 16 mil Bob listen to this oh maybe not system of reverses of course I can feel I I can feel the wind now I can feel the wind blowing in off that front mate it's not going to rain is it I can further can you can you not hear it James nice 27s yeah yeah what I'm saying right is that that is a big flipping cell um as you can see and I can feel the wind coming off of it um what do they call it a Thrust front or something like that don't they in terms of um very nosy aren't we it's a bit like a formula one where they drive a big screen in front of it so you can't see what's going on in there surprise order mechanics aren't staying with their backs to us oh same Stein is number two like we did I think he's starting his number two on the move Lance D Atlanta's gifted a membership thanks Lance I think is is it Lance D Atlanta I see ATL and that's and if you are new to membership please don't hesitate come in and have a chat with me um don't feel in any way um don't feel uh there's something over the other side style isn't it isn't it yeah okay well it's definitely of course that's um those cows are uh powered by um hydraulic struts um but also electronic Motors [Music] Scotty Ambrose tuning in from Winthrop Massachusetts something's hammering down a Runway isn't it I'll cut that says our triple seven to me Lucy Roberts see you Lucy glad you're well don't work too hard it's easy to send it down in it I'm a workaholic but you know you've got to rest every now and then mind you talk to me mate the other day and he said so when's your last go on holiday I said well to be honest with you I don't really go on holidays well you know once a year I go on a break with me mates um on a golfing holiday but it's no respite because they're all a bunch of flipping like you know 40 pints before they even start playing in the morning it's a bit of a joke there obviously but um you know a bit of an exaggeration maybe four points but I don't do any of that so it's like you know yeah man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah easily no no no no no no it's just they can um because they're not restricted um but um you know and I'm not scar on the sky um there was a certain conversation here comes the old girl look that's a roundabout place it's not in the morning mate it's not it's uh yeah yeah we tee off around about one o'clock in the afternoon it's not Four Points along for breakfast this is a beautiful airplane saw a brand new one of these at Toulouse this morning parked up oh yeah I know yeah beautiful Landing a little bit of a kick of the rudder oh man don't ever change your Livery please China Southern please do not change your livery it is beautiful absolutely perfect color combination coordination and everything just the whole thing is absolutely Sublime and um I have to say uh and I think Jilly's in agreement with this one in fact one of one of the best looking A380 liveries out there on the 380. yeah there she goes again wow I flew on that aircraft this morning on her first oh return operation what time did she arrive in Toulouse this morning then Julie for me to catch the six was it seven what was what I can't even remember what time my flight was 7 15. 27s 27s wobbling I'm flexing around on the pylons man looks like Chris o Pole right does on Instagram last day yes we would have seen I'm pretty sure we would have seen that I know it's only easy jet but worth a look in it is it squeezy yeah no yeah no no I think it is yeah what time did that uh Jordan Charlotte oh is this Eva yeah nice it's another nice Livery oh easy son wow over flared it there a little bit cruising for a tail strike there colorful memory I like it same sort of green as the um Uzbekistan d-rated gbg61 just cannot believe the size of that tail fin on the 380 yet dwarfing a triple seven oh screaming Amy if you've never been to a model shop haha and you're coming out here mate I'll tell you what I'll um if I've got time I'll take you to Aviation redial retail direct but just be prepared to make sure you can sort of like I don't know how you're gonna keep your wallet closed it's yeah I don't know don't bring it with you maybe and I'm sure the a um Ard will have um a JetBlue 220. I must have I've got literally every single conceivable model uh both Jurassic all the way through classic military uh all different types of um well all deliveries and everything everything everything you can possibly imagine um so yeah ashy fire might sound simple what do the numbers mean on the front wheel actually fire not a silly question uh everything's a valid question um usually it's the last two um digits of the uh airframe uh sorry the aircraft registration so 3-0 there as you can see there sometimes it has etops written on it and also um the etops um limitations as you can see a little Yankee mic significant to signifying there and uh here is here is an aircraft that we saw extensively at work during the covid pandemic didn't we that airplane right there she is probably the the toughest working triple seven during the covered pandemic man passenger freighter we've got a little bit of yeah there's a little bit of a crosswind element at the moment she's sort of not catching these guys out but I might have to switch the um can you see the there's the wind sock as you can see down there sort of like a Gusty sort of like um Chuck Bell [Music] look at this triple seven smiling at the other triple seven that's on his way up there [Music] Joe Thompson there we go thank you Joe yeah I do from time to time uh you know me stuff doesn't make you sound like it's easy charging [Music] Chris Merson Pax Freighters were referred to as Combi State yes they were but Chris I don't want to be sort of like you know pedantic is it pedantic the right word um but that was a Combi freighter where the freighter portion of the aircraft was pure freighter was pure Freight like the um like the KLM Jets like the South African Airways uh Combi 747s uh what I'm talking about is uh passenger all-passenger jets that have been um that were used for carrying um PPE where they didn't take the seats out they used the interior of the aircraft um to carry um uh to carry um boxes literally so they were called praitters um it was a new terminology um whereas the um the combi freighter was just that a combination of Passenger and Freight uh Freight to Freight second I actually flew on a South African Airways uh Combi 747 down at joburg uh from London Heathrow many many many moons ago um but yeah back of the aircraft was the um was the freighter section and forward section obviously was the um was the uh the passenger so it must have been a bit of a nightmare in terms of weights and balances I would have thought they couldn't really carry heavy heavy Freight I'm guessing they were regulated to what sort of like um weight like cap Mark b c l e good at you Chuck Bell please and send you a Cuban sandwich in a coffee Chapel thank you yes um off to Miami at the end of September folks that's going to come up on us um uh very quickly I would imagine um but between now and then uh we'll do a Euro show whether it's going to be it's either going to be one of the two it's going to be Frankfurt or skip hole one of the two uh Darren Nichols down there was my first ever flight an old rust bucket 727 from Gatwick to Calgary Sardinia August 1974. might even be waited on by my stepmother who knows she was on the down air 727 what's that cheap uh oh big bouncy bits and crystalline flibbly bits uh Bob m is there any bit of the old Queen's building remaining in London Heathrow or has it all gone completely Bob no um there are tiny little fragments of it uh the red brick segments um which you can see um there which is just bristling now with you know air conditioning systems and um communication towers and all that kind of thing but that's the old um that's one of the old um radar Towers there um possibly a UHF radar to Adam but um but you see the red segments yeah that's where the old Queen's building used to be over there of course now it's uh just engulfed by infrastructure that's my little piece of LAX I call it um which is of course not uh that is just a a passenger walk bridge to the parking lot what a really parking stuff in front of it now oh don't tell me they're going to double up on that are they well parked mate well parked are they covering it up on purpose though there's someone filming you Catherine green Jerry please go to Frankfurt [Music] I was gonna say that she stayed overnight okay yeah because when I got there she was uh she was um under the Violet darkness and she otherwise she would have a Singapore Slingers pushed back isn't it um yeah so uh that was bluebird's first operation I flew on today we call it Bluebird that's not its official name folks uh British Airways call it the um I don't know what they call it Electric Blues welcome back Electric Blues okay um American triple seven with Trent seven eight hundreds sorry um about to fire up she's got no winglets this is one aircraft um I wouldn't say from the modern era because there are obviously it's one of the very early triple sevens I think with American Airlines at 200 . [Music] foreign big swing man all right energy being uh exerted lateral Flex forces going on oh really come on flies a lot doesn't he oh yes at the Renaissance yeah yeah aviation in 4k we caught his Landing then electric blue it's Chuck Bell I need to attach five Gen X engines to the green md-11747 kc10 dc10 I call it thanks Chuck take care all the very best to you my friend to everybody for their amazing support here on the channel we really uh really do appreciate it folks um I know I do up on about it quite a lot it might get a bit of a a power up from this triple seven as he pulls away from gate or pulls away from um the pushback point Lloyd Bell midwitch Ed Air China 747-8i to there on Wednesdays I'll try to be honest Derek peacock thank you Derek Jimmy G will show on retro chat this evening very nice to see the American trip looks so much Emma Harrison [Music] it's fired up so yeah pops me okay 37 minutes and Counting folks Emirates see on a crunch oh yeah the tune review back to review because I remember Emirates 300 a 383 teams back when they only flew in and out of Gatwick yeah wow of course um Emirates started their operations with a300s didn't they crazy man na310s American airlines operate the A310 as well then certainly the a300 I mean really it was the first wasn't it the first what I think the a300 was the first wide body Jetline I know 767 wasn't that far behind it but um twin engine that is twin engine wide body jet liner um because obviously the TriStar on the DC-10 were for that oh just quick oh did I get it I missed it sorry might get a big power up with this guy pulling forward here we go [Music] [Music] CMS don't worry I can see ya another come towards us mate you're coming towards us come on son there we go there's a good leg foreign nice [Music] Joe Thompson uh Tianjin um A330 28 minutes out that'll be nice that's probably that Tianjin lines 330 will be a uh um Rolls Royce 2700 powered jet I'd imagine Jordan Charlie first flight was at 7 47 to Kuala Lumpur on ba all the way to Australia wow he was full a300 was the first wide-bodied twin yes indeed there we go um and uh yeah Airbus were the first to it to do it and that was pre-fly wire as well remember folks we're a tri-stars l1011s um and DC tins a300 all cable operated believe it or not we talk about cable operate we're not talking about like you know from the foot pedals all the way to the to the elevators was one cable system is a very sophisticated system of of um wheels and pulleys and all different stuff like that really cool really cool to uh to look at and probably um hydraulic systems as well I would imagine a bit like power steering in a funny saw way I'd imagine those cables were operating um or operated with the help of power assisted hydraulic systems Zoe black span air let's buy an air that been on a 707 or a or a or a uh wow she was going some vistara in it [Music] yeah man this spot is great in it let's all say a big thank you uh to the folks at London fire brigade and like I say folks um take a little bit of time out if you can don't have to do it now but um it doesn't matter where you are in the world as well um it's obviously relevant you know to um to anybody living in the London area because the uh these guys at the lfb will go out and fit free of charge um a fire alarm uh in your home FOC but only for those living in London obviously you know if you've got one in Miami and you need one for I doubt they're going to fly out there to fear but anyway they do it free of charge but hey wherever you're living in the world everybody's uh got the same um system of living haven't they you know in terms of you know their house you know and how well they are protected how well you are protected um and regardless of how well you think you are protected there may be one little tiny thing that you've overlooked carbon monoxide detectors I know I keep saying it every time Julie but I think it is that carbon monoxide detectors so important to have in your house um and please don't say oh I don't need one of those you know it's like okay well fair enough you don't you don't think you need it then fair enough whatever but for all those people who are um um you know uh uh they've got their heads screwed on love watching the Jets up here and Tottenham suit sail the same what's that what Nicola Nicola calling on this jet okay well we just got it a bit of it oh Stone man JD Stone they do the same here in the states they'll even install child seats there you go they won't supply and install the Chelsea I'm sure they'll install the child see I don't know I might be wrong um but the London fire brigade will supply and fit um a fire alarm if you need it [Music] those cats actually on purpose kiss uh yeah that's all the time it's not like you know oh my God the engine's gonna fall off no I don't Martin that's what the uh that's why there was a little bit of a delay in in uh in US uh officializing this position so to speak um was so that we could I don't know 757 sir beautiful man makes my day seeing one of these especially with rb211's bolted to her wings look at that array of flipping it's got more lights on it than Judy's Garden see the Great Wall of China from space but you can also see Jilly's Garden at night nice look at that folks isn't she a beauty she's only a 200. but she's still beautiful man look at that Alan Robbins uh welcome back Alan TCC yes at this indeed still got the Rolls-Royce Livery emblazoned on the engine cows good to see she's got all her bits and Bobs in order although saying that the AFT check this out for a taxi [Music] big old five door look at that slow down son see how Bill's after him look at that [Music] delayed delayed that yeah yeah beautiful airplane TCC 50 knots that's that is using the maximum taxi speed uh allowance I think 20 knots I believe my mum's definitely going to Iceland you see hey slow down son 32 knots there you go I think that's someone who's very familiar with the layout of London Heathrow so we're looking out for which um EK is it GP [Music] screaming emu 30 knots maximum taxi speed in this book K5 folks you can have 380 707 both beautiful marbles of engineer but I love love the 747 triples Jess saying yes yes I have a very fond soft spot for the um for the older aircraft in my heart um love them love them all love all Jets any type of airplane that flies in the skies look at that I've definitely dodged a bullet there GP look at the um that cloud line there man yeah um very much uh luckily avoided that weather front got a bit front in your son hey it's Shadow Jordan Charlie longy Rick oh there's one for uh screaming in you all the way from New York is it from New York this one I don't know hey are you doing yeah they um interestingly enough I did actually read an article the other day about the potential for the a220 to fly across the Atlantic it will do but it would be very very restricted in terms of freight volume and passenger volume or one of the two um only because um it's maximum um yeah because you have to allow for weather you have to allow for the diversion etc etc um so you know you kind of would be restricted in terms of the amount of freight you could carry therefore it wouldn't make it a very profitable um because they were talking about the a220 whether or not the uh you know whether it's going to be an XLR for example version of the a220 doesn't look like it will be purely because of the fact like I said um you would be heavily restricted so it looks like the um a220 is going to be used primarily for um short haul routes well I say short haul it flies sort of like I think um doesn't it do uh don't they do um Norway to to to the Canary Islands or something like that right on the limit of of being um profitable so to speak in terms of um density you know it has to be um relatively high density is what they're looking for and one thing that we learned a while ago was that every single jet blue tail fin is a different Livery oh is it older talking of old airplanes look at this old thing look this time thing seriously considering what oh why go for wide body remember when they've got the 321 yes of course they're seeing it as a potential high capacity a group this lovely old thing folks that's proper old school that is old Pratt Whitney's singing away [Music] oldest plane on the Airfield I think folks I mean in terms of its design look at the different variations of uh of what that aircraft has been through in terms of like you know um evolution that evolved into the A330 40 then as well oh it's not living up in terms of range because everything seven eight cfm's on it [Music] with a 321 XLR hasn't really not living up to expectations really okay I'd have to delve into that one because it hasn't really I mean the uh 321lr is um is operating of course uh with its um additional um belly tanks I think they are uh to give you that range and then of course the um the XLR again modified with even bigger tanks for more range I don't know living in in what respect is it not live to x-rays is that fuel burn is that efficiency um is that Comfort passenger Comfort is that a freight capacity um you know there's a number of different things that you you need to take into consideration when uh looking at um don't be shy fellas you know come on proud of the fact that you're working hard on an engineer it happens to everyone oh okay interesting uh screaming yeah so the 321a XLR required a redesign of its fuel tank to put eas-a and it's knocking the range down a bit interesting okay so uh no more Rome to New York then um or uh Middle East Airlines new livery well most recent livery still using the old um aftershave tree Neil Alan Eason not being a member for too long really enjoy the shows can I always Place how many flight crew do they have on cargo plates great question that Alan it depends on the route um but uh you know even the long-haul flights that they uh operate from here like um uh Qantas with their direct um flute flight with clocks Sydney yeah it's Sydney in it uh it's Perth sorry my apologies yeah perth's direct route uh will it will require two and a big cruise I think um and uh so yes the um the big long haul flights um if they're going like for instance from Chengdu all the way down to um liaise or something like that which they do believe it or not um not all of them stopover for fuel in um in Anchorage A lot of them do go um direct and as a result of that they will need of course um double crew so there is a big crew rest area on the on the on the freight as well the big jumbos put it that way ample space there for the for to to carry two Crews um so yeah yeah anything over a specific time uh once they go through that time uh they obviously have to change over and um that requires them sometimes doing it on route and watching your channel Charlie Wilson have been watching your channel for many years oh many months now can I get a shout out now I've become a member of course you can Charlie thank you Charlie Waterman aviation in 4k uh it was supposed to be a surprise show if you read the tweet from earlier on today um you would have seen what we were supposed to hope we were hoping to be in Toulouse today but uh it didn't work out for connectivity reasons and Hartley good evening to you Andrew Alban we're looking out folks for EK three is it Julie uh ek5 sorry super 80 Swiss Air is a newer air multi-livery than this one uh oh I don't think so I think it's there's Malta isn't there and then there's air motor or something like that isn't it chocolates no maltesers that one is Malta in it is that air Malta or is it because it used to be emeralds didn't they oh good I always get it wrong stood up yes we did the malta air that's it so they renamed air Malta Malta and then there's Malta air I don't really know and then flies out a lot have a great deal happening there is there oh Jan um how was your wrist absolutely fine oh yeah um thank you very much for asking very kind of you um ek5 estimated 14 minutes Jones Harris uh hughini Korean 747 pushing back Mike James saying oh really okay we're gonna get a Korean jumbo um hopefully departing before the end of the show foreign can I just say a big thank you to everybody who's hit the London fire brigade website as well folks um because uh you know they deserve um support as there's any fire department anywhere in the world um because uh a lot of it a lot of them are volunteers uh the personnel and um you know we really appreciate it we really appreciate all the hard work that they put in um so uh it's it's great to be able to support such a good cause put it that way six thousand percent increase in web uh hits um the first time we came here which was um quite remarkable oh okay we're losing um pop Focus nice United triple is it [Music] we're gonna have to get some uh Connecticut so get a lightning rig over there aren't they they're going to carry on working on that 350. on that xwb Ryan McShane A380 11 now ek5 over Brentwood Alan Robbins United triple percent 200 ring isn't that a beautiful airplane has already happened at London Heathrow Arrow nice landing from United screaming emu Kathy Williams dead Butler lights start showing it is your exit point coming up this way please please always say please you know why not um Rosen one minute out thank you George tube loves watching the show thanks George Woody 56 good evening to you Summer's not over yet folks [Music] to get the old uh get a lighting tower under there aren't they well they already got it you know I already have it I don't know there's a lot there's a lot going on under there that could be um they might borrow they might because they're one world they might borrow um apart from um from ba from their stores you never know uh and this is an AOG specialist that happens to be carrying through xwb spares but uh generally you find that the likes of can't see the RoadMate filmed by Caprice remember now for just over a month loving it Jerry I find it fascinating just watching planes Sean is awesome Sean thank you thank you everybody at the end of the day folks like I always say you are the fuel of our um of our Channel you are the folks that power this channel will anyone have an idea how long London City security takes for us listen to that [Music] nice let's see if we get the number two startup from that uh Air China triple um [Music] Mike James Korean said 47 starting a taxi down Sierra who's going to get here first yeah hit that like button folks before we sign out go on here we go number two star nice the whole sequence of that start is just brilliant yeah Phil Compton as the CX flight has gone Tech does Cafe have to pay for the entire time it's on the ground filter guessing I probably will you know um space is a premium at an airfield like this damn Nichols heard that Emmett's relying on a seventh daily flight lucky for utilizing it should have said three I'm not sure if it's every day or when from down your right you are right my friend and we really look forward to seeing the Emirates triple seven back here at London Heathrow um you used to see it during the pandemic course all the time uh the 300 big juicy triple seven Bigfoot [Music] starting motor screaming in the U.S exactly that's what I thought um it did look like it's hot because illusion in it um I think it's a stand um appear um whatchamacallit would you call them see the orange see the yellow flag there with the stat marker and the guide light guiding system I'm sure they put those containers there for a reason for us I'm sure I did because they do watch didn't they HGC K5 is number six on flight radar okay folks how about that let's get ek5 to number one oh number seven Joe Thompson saying just gone past the Virgin Atlantic Hangar on the perimeter and I saw DHL with some sort of rainbow on the tail your right aviation in 4k she is also an AOG aircraft on ground what's this all about what saw this then uh not on the blues uh so obviously not a um an emergency to quickly switch folks down right Martin Smith number five shut up in bird she's number five Halifax Nova Scotia he's a lovely Town number four Nick Woodward she's number four thank you Avro HTC Jules Harris DJ Silver Surfer 966 love Heathrow at night Jeanette Haynes love any Airport tonight to be honest with you oh hello [Music] nice Woody 56 g'day Woody all lit up look got our uh Taylor luminishing lights on as well see ya that's all um as they land these Jets um everything has I think that's big think of 380 my friend or even a 747 um now you see what I'm talking about with the uh she's number three it's gonna be dumb it's gonna be done she's number three George tube she's on finals now Richard dockray thank you number three screaming emu Sarah Lancaster Richard Melody Avro Arrow uh Jenny McDermott Alan Scott come on folks let's go to Flight Radar 24 I'm gonna go there now actually and um I think I should play my part should I not let's hit it oh she's two out flipping it okay where's that jumbo that jumbo is very close to the end of the runway uh that's pretty cool yeah love airports at night come on folks forget about it jumbo for now oh no I'm not that one um okay EK five I clicked on the wrong one save that then clicked on the ba one is a little bit um okay she's number one she's number one when she's at uh 500 feet approaching minimums could well have been thanks everybody yeah she's number one thanks everybody down down get down evening pump Pickers Emirates this week at number one Carol Smith just made it before you packed up and went home it's what happens okay I have a listen to this folks [Music] how about that how about that for a finish I yeah oh there you go folks I'm gonna lose that one but I just want to say a big thank you to everybody who's tuned in you are amazing people ladies and gentlemen everybody out there hope you're well stay well be safe be nice to people um I must admit one thing that I did notice it went from being in America a lot here when you walk past people they smile at you I always smile at you and I've been doing that a lot recently when I've been walking down the street just looking itself you catch eyes with them smiling they're not going to think you're a weirdo or anything just you know share a bit of love folks we are great for that and I know that all you people out there members of viewers subscribers uh you are just a great bunch of people and we cannot thank you enough and we are blessed to have such a uh amazing um community of uh Aviation fans from all around the world [Music] yeah and she a beautiful jet lovely old Pratt whiteness uh thanks once again to the London fire brigade make sure you hit up their website folks scan that QR code and um and go and um if you want to uh go and have a look at their um [Music] that page home safety check can't go wrong from doing something like that in the meantime all the very best to you look after yourselves thanks Julie and um we'll see you soon and I mean they're mostly Shirley folks I'm just about done Julie look after sales folks um and um we'll see you on Sunday is it Wednesday yeah it's Wednesday I think see you Sunday folks look after sales love you each and every one of you uh you are wonderful wonderful people thank you good night happy birthday boss [Music] thanks for watching Big jet TV everybody foreign
Channel: BIG JET TV
Views: 331,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planespotting, Heathrow Live, Heathrow Airport, Big Jet TV, bigjettv, Bad weather, Planespotting Live, Heathrow, FLYING A PLANE, HOW TO FLY A PLANE, BOEING 747, HOW DO PLANES FLY?, AIRBUS, STORMS, WINDSHEAR, HOW DO JETS FLY?, AIRPORT, AVGEEK, AVIATION, AIRLINES, AIRLINERS, BRITISH AIRWAYS, VIRGIN ATLANTIC, CARGO, FREIGHTERS, CARGO HUB, EMA CARGO, Plane, Manchester, Airport Live, airport webcam, singapore, dubai airport, airplane landing, airplane take off, Boeing, 747, East midlands, Pilot
Id: 9SvpdzqqA5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 45sec (13665 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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