LOL Baby Goldie & Punk Boy Love Story & Adventures - LOL Barbie Family Stories

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hello everyone my name is Colby why are you wearing pajamas it's your first day of school why did dress like a baby I'm gonna stick up for myself you're being a bully oh I am NOT if you're gonna be mean to me I'm gonna ignore you being a little mean to one of the new girls Goldie I think I have a crush on her are you going to make fun of me today I'm not going to miss it nobody actually I'm here to say sorry Sherri pong boy I'll go to the pre-k promise you well I'm still talking actually so I want to wait what I need to ask you something Goldie will you marry me you're watching TT toys and dolls guys today we have a brand new student joining us her name is Goldie and she is very excited to meet you all so please would be really nice and welcoming okay another girl we have so many girls in this classroom we're outnumbered it's a 5 to 3 ratio punk play whatever come on Goldie come inside hi I'm Cole Dee's mom she's feeling a little bit shy go Lea come on everyone's looking at me hold it you can't hide behind me the whole day come on hi Coley I am your teacher miss Barbie welcome to our classroom we're all really really excited do you want to give me your hand I'll show you around the room you can say bye to mommy you'll see her later come on Goldie we'll have a good time come on Goldie you're gonna have a great time and if anything miss the bar people give me a call okay hi mama I promise you're gonna have a great time I'll see you in a couple of hours okay come on give me your hand you'll see that we have a lot of fun toys around the class I'll introduce you to some of our friends skater girl lays leather teachers for teachers pets splatters Punk Boy and oops baby how about you come up to the front and introduce yourself Goldie and tell us a little bit more about you oh no I am SuperDuper shy to do that you can do it Goldie hello everyone my name is Goldie and tell us something about you what do you like to do I like to eat ice cream oh that's nice I know a lot of our friends your love ice cream arrey mm-hmm we even have pretend a screaming our toy kitchen everybody give a welcome Club to Goldie and we have a few more minutes of playtime okay okay maybe I'll play in the kitchen hi hello hey goldfish my name is Goldie whatever why are you wearing pajamas it's your first day of school why you dress like a baby these are not pajamas this is my strawberry one seat well it looks like baby clothes you look like you're wearing pajamas that you look like a big baby this is not a baby class maybe you should go to the baby classroom that was really mean geez good job punk boy you made some new girl cry so rude of you you have cooties too I'm gonna tell miss Barbie miss Bobby wait we don't say anything hey don't cry Bob Boyd said I was a baby you're not I think your strawberry ones he is cute drama is are my favorite fruit really do you want to come sit with me come on miss my name is my name is Barbie palm boy was being mean again he was mean to me and he made Goldie cry he told her that she was a baby and she cracked is that true punk boy me you need to have a talk punk boy we talked about being mean to our friends you have to be kind treat others the way you want to be treated I'm gonna have to talk to your parents and I think you need a little timeout session I want you to go sit in the corner and think about how you behave - Goldie and then I want you to sincerely apologize to her hate going to the corner tongue boy okay great this is so boring hi Goldie are you okay yes thank you I'm sorry I didn't go and say something when punk way was making fun of you he sometimes intimidates me I want to be your friend go be okay thank you we're gonna start working on some letters today hi Goldie I'm sorry I called you a baby and I make fun of your baby onesie okay I don't want to talk about it anymore I don't understand why pop well he's not nice to me okay everyone eyes over here we're gonna go over some really fun stuff first of all we're gonna go over our letters here there is for Apple you have to be here for but bus C fork cat D is for dog good job leather K guys stuff for lunch today the school has ume yummy burgers enjoy we'll be eating in our classroom today disappear me hmm case do you like the burgers golden yeah they're pretty good I see now is it so much fun nice boop-boop o gold me I can't find you wherever you are come on we're playing hide and seek skater girl want to play nothing's I'm trying to find the snail I met yesterday where are you go Lea are you over here nope under the stairs nope under the slide nope wash is really good at hiding it's so much fun to play hide and seek with bladders come on I want to go on the slide can't slide cuz I'm hiding no that's why tis not for playing hide-and-seek go found you will you push me down the slide that was not nice at all what are you gonna do cold are you going to cry about it like a baby well I'm not gonna cry anymore I'm gonna stick up for myself you're being a bully oh I am NOT yes you are I'll pour you some one with meat and bothers other people for no reason and now I'm gonna tell my Barbie and you're going to get in big big trouble well guess what my shirt says trouble because I am trouble I wouldn't know now because I can't read yet but you're still going to get in big trouble women Bobby and your mommy and daddy are going to be mad you won't tell miss Barbie I sure will my mommy always told me you somebody bother me at school I need to speak up and you are being really mean Dora play with you young lad what happened I'm so sorry Golding I don't know what kind into punk boy today I will have a very serious talk with his parents and I am going to make sure that doesn't happen anymore I'm very proud of you for sticking up for yourself and telling me that's the best thing to do in case of a situation like that you always need to speak to your teachers or to another adult if someone is bothering you I'm sure punk boy does not mean it he is a very kind boy I don't know what he's going through but I will be speaking to his family punk boy that's not cool the way you're acting who wears Goldy is very mean well it's not fair I wanted another boy to come to the classroom you are always hanging out with ladies and then teachers boy is always studying and no one wants to play with me like fun games like pinball and going into mine and picking up warms nobody wants to do that and then we have another girl in the class and she doesn't want to do anything fun it's not fair yeah but that's not goalies fault you need to be nice that's not the pong boy we know my first day of school was until bad I made lots of friends even the punk boy was really mean and bullied me today I applied because I stood up for myself and it got us focusing on the bad things I'm going to focus all the new friends I made like teachers bed teachers boy splatters oops baby and me they're all very nice to me I know tomorrow I won't even have more fun at school you guys want to see a pipe you give this video a big thumbs up all right guys we're going inside lovey let's go together okay it's really fun to have to pay rent all to myself me and my think an inkling in the playground Golda you have like five more minutes to play before I have to drop you off in your classroom okay mommy thank you for letting me bring my favorite name to school today I Cheryl my friends are going to love it yes but remember if your teacher Miss Barbie tells you to put it away you do it right away okay mama let me go down the side hey I'm a little nervous to go to class today that's why I wanted to bring my finger Ling now Goldie we talked about this remember if someone is bothering you in school you tell your teacher right away I know that you are very special Goldie you don't ever forget that now let's go good morning good morning miss Barbie good morning splutters you have a nice day today okay okay daddy see you later have a nice day at work but you're good to play with my favorite toy good morning come on Yuma Spivey good morning oops baby are you alright yes she's okay she had a little allergic reaction this weekend still she has a little rash but it will be going away in a couple of days I'm not even eating anymore and it's not contagious why mommy goodbye be good hey oops baby I'm so sorry you still have your rash that's okay let's go play with a doll good morning ha good morning can't wait for naptime oh hey guys oh great my friends are here yeah we just got off the school bus okay you guys have a couple more minutes of free play before the class starts okay Koli you have a nice day hi mama hmm did your lunch okay have a nice day guys hi everyone look what I brought I brought my fingering that's nice that's really nice Goldie oh hi Foley come play show us your fingerling my fingers name is Mona isn't it adorable that is so cute very adorable good morning miss Barbie I'm so sorry we're late yeah sorry we got stuck in some traffic come on Punk boy my mom my dad have a nice day buddy bye honey we'll see you after school I'll come pick you up be nice your friends always you wanna play with the toy soldiers with me yeah sure let's go attention all soldiers get in the line please yes sir line up soldiers line up let's line up the soldiers one by one there they go all lined up okay guys okay I have a funny tale to tell you what kind of key opens a banana hey hey hey game of the toy soldiers Goldie ouch I'm so very sorry I want mucking around and being super clumsy I'm sorry it's okay you were kind of funny big a monkey Oh you are such a baby you're such a clumsy baby look what you did you ruin our game that's what you should be in the little tiny baby class because they're sitting in their little swings and their little strollers because I don't trip everywhere and break toys I apologize and I said I was sorry plus I didn't break anything and if you want I can play them back in online for you just like you're playing no I don't want you to touch them and touch my toys come back and cry again I apologized and said I was sorry you gotta be mean to me I'm gonna ignore you palm boy it's not a big deal we can just put them back in a line you know great now we have to deal with this baby in our classroom partly made me sad I didn't mean to fall in his toys but it was an accident and I said I was sorry hey Goldie you okay I saw you fall yeah I'm okay not the killer monkey you got there are things it's a finger name her name is Mona can I pet her yeah she's got really soft hair yeah she has big hair like you what's your deal with Goldie pong boy what do you mean she's just a baby she's annoying she's actually pretty nice you need to calm down a little bit you know okay guys find your seats [Music] come on garnet cut down the shine why have you been caring about that monkey olie polie because of my favorite new toy it's a fingering her name is Mona only babies play with tiny bit of monkeys that's not true that is a baby toy give it to me no it's my monkey now [Music] come & get it ha ha give me back Mona right now what are you gonna do baby Goldie are you going to cry come get it see if you can catch me up here up here let's see if she can get Mona now I'm sorry bully I don't even realize I could throw bahai I wonder how you're gonna get your native baby monkey I was so mean you did it on purpose did I goalie I'm gonna tell miss Barbie you took the toy from me and then you threw it up there's like couldn't get anymore I tried to be nice and not you I love what you did now are you even sorry nope cry baby cry baby cry baby it's on kick ball damn sure miss Barbie can get it down for you mm-hmm huh boy come here please I'll be speaking with your parents when they pick you up today I don't like this behavior we've talked about being nice to her friends what you did to Goldie was extremely mean you made her really sad what do you need to do now I'm not say sorry she shouldn't be bringing those toys to school anyways come inside with me Punk boy here you go Goldie thank you Miss Bobbye Mona mr. and mrs. conk boy thank you so much for coming to speak to me today first off let me tell you how wonderful of a boy humbleth he is a really really smart kid he's very very creative thank you miss Barbie but in the last couple days we've had a couple of issues specifically with one of her new students Goldie this is not his usual behavior but he's been really bothering her and calling her name's teasing her have tried to speak to him a couple of times but I think it's time for maybe you guys to step in and speak to him as well I did not tolerate bullying and teasing in my classroom and I know pong boy is a really sweet boy so I don't really know what's bothering him but but I think we can all speak to him lovingly and find the reason why he's behaving this way we will speak to him right away that's not usually how Punk bleep ehave we will speak to him at home right away punk boy we spoke to miss Barbie today and she told us you've been having a couple of issues that's being a little mean to one of the new girls Goldie yeah what's going on buddy I don't know dad she just came and everybody wanted to be her friend and stuff and she didn't even pay attention to me so I kind of found a way to pay attention to be in and there was by bothering her and calling her name's and I was just but she was giving everyone attention but me and the only way she started noticing me was when I was making fun of her I really owe goldie an apology punk boy that's not very nice if you want to be her friend you have to find another way you can ask her to play I think I have a crush on her punk boy that's okay but there are other ways to show her that and to be your friend and be nice I have an idea I believe good morning hi can I help you are you going to make fun of me today I'm not going to miss it nobody actually I'm here to say sorry you said sorry last time and know what you did to Mona nobody I really really really am sorry and your shoulders I'm sorry I brought you something what this alien toy from my toy story collection is my favorite and I want you to have it because I know you like to play with like little animals and stuff really I love Toy Story but if there's a drink or something no no and I want to say I'm sorry that I was mean to you but I was a little bit jealous that you were giving everyone attention in class but me and I wanted you to notice me well couple you just have to say something about it you didn't have to be mean you made me really really sad here but thank you for the toy I promise to be nicer okay sure I would like that I would like to be your friend do you don't wanna make some clear warmth with me yeah I would like that come on look I got a play-doh moustache that's funny huh this makes my heart happy good morning class as you guys know the school year is almost coming to an end and we thought it would be so much fun to have our very first pre-k prom yeah what's the prom uh what is that a prom like in the movies well it promised like a school dance for the end of the year or their graduating class in the high school gym we're gonna decorate it have snacks games it's gonna be a lot of fun can we get to wear pretty dresses well that's totally up to you you can wear whatever you'd like and if you guys want you can even bring a little date or just come with one of your friends a date no way Oh hot date huh interesting I've never been to my school dance before me neither and you guys will even have a chance to vote for pre-k prom queen and king it will be lots of fun great my first school dance and I'm still covered in spots huh I wonder if I should ask Goldie to go with me I know exactly who I'm gonna ask I was wondering if you wanted to go to this pre-k prom with me I love to stop it guys rip us well that's the Bell I'll see you guys tomorrow hi Goldie I'll see you tomorrow good bye pipeline you tomorrow I wonder if I should ask her to the dance hmm gonna have to hold it to the fans hole I don't know sister I don't know I'm really shy well you don't have to bring a date I know I'll think about it let's go skateboarding is dope okay so I really want a squally to go with me to the pre-k prom but what if she says no how how do I even ask her it's so embarrassing and awkward oh hi Goldie do I go to the prom with freak a prom with me no no hey Goldie don't whine I'm gonna pass I hope boy have the courage to ask her tomorrow so Cody what are you gonna wear to the dance well I asked my mommy because I know how many dresses and she said we could go to the store and choose a dress for the dance time is running out I gotta ask goalie Oh what do I say I don't even know what to say to her Oh Punk boy are you okay miss Barbie I have a dilemma I have a listening ear okay so you know we have that pre-k prom of course well can I tell you in your ear okay but I don't know I don't ask her I'm really embarrassed you don't have to be embarrassed Punk boy just ask her she is Swede you guys are friends the worst you could say is no just be yourself and be honest thank you Miss Bart we are you gonna go with anyone I don't think so I think we're just gonna all hang out what if somebody asks you me I am zinc that's scary let's go to the playground goalie wait hey Goldie what's going on nothing just blink to the pea Graham it's recess oh yeah yeah of course um um I wanted to ask you something I actually wanted to tell you something um um um um okay go ahead um I'll see you at the playground okay [Music] oh I know I like all flavors of ice cream uh I called again I'd talk to you for a sec alone for a minute yeah sure she's gonna ask or he's gonna ask her um hold it but I was wondering if you I was thinking if maybe you would um well I'm not sure if you have if you're thinking of it but maybe if you're going um cher pong boy I'll go to the pre-k promise you while I'm still talking actually so I wanted to wait what hey really you want to go with me wait how did you know Malcolm asked you well we were kind of starting a fire for a long time Plus Lazar told me you wanted to go with me to the pre-k prom oh shoot I was easier than I thought I'd be not scored and hey leather thanks for giving the bully a heads-up she said yeah well I told you just to talk to her teachers boy why do you look so sad nothing nothing really nothing I was wandering do you wanna go to school freak a prom with me really you want me to go with you yeah you're really nice yeah I think so whoa okay I'll see you then well I never some hoops maybe we'll want to go with me that's pretty cool why didn't everybody be so weird I'm not going with anyone me neither we're going with nobody nope nope nope nope nope nope [Music] okay this is the last balloon oh ouch I'm okay wow I did a great job nothing says party like balloons how's the food going Stacey amazing of course these preschoolers are having a better school dance than we do everything looks great I hope barb it's gonna like it teamwork oh my goodness you guys thank you so much you did amazing with all the balloons skipper and the dance floor why don't you guys get a disco ball from and the banners and of course a delicious food my students aren't going to be so happy wow those are all the balloons I can blow up we ran out of helium the helium makes your voice sound so funny they were here the little boutique they have the cutest little dresses ever Wow everything is real pretty how will I ever choose a dress hi and welcome to titi boutique we have the cutest little dresses are you shopping for a special occasion oh wow I have my very first pre-k prom school dance and I don't know what to wear well we have a lot of options let me give you a quick tour we have headbands and shoes over here sparkly sparkly dresses sunglasses and accessories more dresses more and more dresses and even more dresses back here that's so many well what's your favorite color maybe we can go buy dots I like pink yellow and blue and also purple how about we choose a couple and you try them on that way you'll find which one you like the best and that's a good idea we have a dressing room right back there okay that's try on some dresses how about this one oh that's so pretty Goldy I love the glitter and the colors I don't know about this one it's too glittery I have glitter on my eyes I don't know about this one it's adorable [Music] this is pretty and I like golden we and that is so cute Goldy how about one of these these are our new arrivals this one's pretty bunny Soneji inside I really really like this one I feel like Cinderella I think this one was her favorite yay a wonderful we'll take it I hope you have a wonderful time in your dance thank you he's mama and you're welcome now let's go get you ready it's probably a great job with the party she sure did teacher's pet this is my friend Locker hello there Horace Goldy she's not here yet whoa punk boy look at you you're all dressed up I wanted to look fancy for the party it looked like a magician there's Goldie hi hello everyone hey Goldie and look nice pond boy thanks ru you kind of look like Cinderella thank you Wow everyone looks so nice their dresses are so pretty and sparkly how about we take some pictures and then we can get some snack cheese go once I get some snacks Pizza is like my favorite ice creams my favorite but this is pretty good too he'll want some cupcakes I do I do and so good DJ skipper blue [Music] okay preschoolers it's time to announce prom queen and prom king you guys have voted and the results are in oh I wonder who's gonna be I don't know I don't know [Music] coley congratulation can't believe it I've never won anything in my life and the prom king is come boy relations come for graduation let's slow it down for the preschoolers I had a really good time I'm so glad we're friends meet you this is just too adorable good morning everyone today we're gonna get ready for a very last show of drama class I thought we should end the school year with a love story Wow seriously can we do like The Lion King again well I think it's only fair to choose as a class let's see raise your hand if you guys have some ideas look into a Disney Cars show okay who else what about frozen there's a new movie coming up everybody loves frozen I read enough - frozen movie it's one of my favorites I like frozen - I want to play Elsa I like frozen I like frozen - Olaf it's pretty funny I could play on I already look like her a little bit oh well it seems like most of the class agrees with a frozen show awesome this is gonna be so much fun so we will do the frozen pre-k show everyone now I know some of you enjoy singing and acting more than others who are like tradition for the roles of Elsa I wouldn't miss Barbie I would I want to be a priest flick I'll be Christoph I want to work on fixing the sets and and finding the costumes how about you goalie well I'm too shy to act in front of everyone I'll just be a helper well it's settled everybody has a part now I thought we could do a little twist to our frozen show and talk about the love story between on and Kristoff we'll work on the script I know the audience will love it you guys go to the playground and we'll continue talking about it excuse me pardon me clean it off suck coming through our lips baby you're so silly Goldie do you think call me a good princess onam I sure think so you already have the same hair color and everything I wish I wasn't too shy and I could act in front of a crowd I'm sure we'll find you a part of you like now let's go play I can be in charge of hair and makeup hey Goldie look look I got on your palm on a sea it's a Power Wheels car wow that's really nice oh cool they have a little tight cards the last one to the little toy cars are on egg haha you get the purple one so Goldie how come you didn't raise your hand to be on cuz I'm kind of shy about acting and singing in front of people that's too bad cuz I'm Christoph it would've been nice if you were princess honor it's okay I'm gonna be like a tree or something is gonna be real fun I'm sure you're gonna be a great Kristoff okay guys it's our first rehearsal miss Barbie all the costumes are ready do you want to stiva a good job teachers but this really looks like Christoph's outfit so these foots are pretty cool to look just like Bertha's are no I even have to keep Thank You teachers pets where's my costume where's my costume I look really good you guys look amazing how do I look Goldie you look just like Kristoff without the blond hair of course I'm really excited are you nervous to be onstage punk boy no I kind of wish you were princes are know okay kids everything looks amazing let's wrap up this party and get ready for the show [Music] there's a lot of people in the audience you guys okay everyone it's the day of the show we have to put our best performance let's see who's here we have boobs baby as Elsa please and goal be right here and ready we have pump we as Kristoff we have lather as Olaf you got it I got my mask ready where is skater girl I really need to get her makeup done on to have her stage makeup I don't know I'll go tell miss Barbie okay oops maybe some more lipstick you need stage makeup take take lipstick thank you you also need some blush on your cheeks ah who's next pop boy why do I have to wear makeup it's stage makeup I already told you don't you know anything about theater this is a teen I feel sticky all over all professional actors need to wear a little bit of makeup before going on stage pong place oh stop it okay you ready everybody's here except skater girl who's gonna play on uh miss Barbie skater girl fell over escaped or yesterday and sprained her ankle she won't be able to come and play at onna oh no is she okay she will be fine but she can be on her feet oh no that's okay hope she feels better thank you I'm sorry I couldn't call earlier it all happened yesterday afternoon okay I need to talk to the kids okay guys you all look amazing but we have a little problem I knew we'd skated right she's not coming hello skater girl got hurt while she was skateboarding and she will not be able to play onna who can replace her I can't I'm a snowflake I need to have a mostly for my you letting code numbers I'm the makeup artist I don't know any of these songs and I have extreme stage fright I will probably pass out what are we gonna do oh no the play is ruined and Olli you're no lawful songs can you play Lana um I do know all the songs but I'm really shy on stage I don't know if I could do it please Goldie we need you huh please Goldie will you'll be my princess honor please Goldie this play depends on you come on Goldie we can do a frozen story without enough police I have the costume here and everything well okay I guess perfect thank you Goldie sputtered can you get Goldie ready from her on apart we'll take care of it all the parents are here you look great Golda you're gonna be amazing holy unicorn I am so SuperDuper nervous huh huh holy you look amazing Thanks punk boy I'm just so nervous I can't believe I'm gonna have to play this part it's okay I'll be right there with you okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to our pre-k frozen musical show we hope you enjoy it Elsa wake up go back to sleep Barnum do you want to be able to snowman you can do it Goldie do you wanna build a snowman come on let's go and play I never see you anymore come out the door it's like you've gone away we used to be best buddies but now we're not I wish you would tell me why do you wanna build a snowman okay bye guys I can't just see her in clothes let it go let it go can't hold me back anymore okay it's your turn go go be a snowflake okay I don't care let the storm rage on the cold never bothered me anyway the hot and the cold are just so intense put it together it just makes sense pop but up but up a but up about a boo boo snow is the right time to go inside and cuddle but put me in the Sun and I'll be up up happy snowman oh he forgot the words reindeers are better than people then don't you think that's true yet people will be sure and curse you and cheat you every one of them's bad except he'll come on Christophe you have to help me find Elsa I can't believe you gotta marry a guy you just met Goldie I mean honor what do you know about love a act of true love will thaw a frozen heart okay call the you can unfreeze now Kristoff thanks for coming back for me trying to help me man else I have nominate you the official ice maker of arendelle it would be an honor I need to ask you something Goldie will you marry me huh I mean I mean not Goldie sorry um Princess Anna will you marry me yes I would Kristoff I have to kiss your hand now okay give it up for the cast of the freak a frozen show [Applause] goli you did amazing Thank You pong here take you a little bit more blush some powder and lipstick perfect I'm ready little sister how cool is it that you fit in my toys drawer you do sit next to my genie mermaid how about I take you on a trip to the kitchen is everything ok Goldie oh yeah choo choo choo choo choo choo ma ma ma you look fancy I think you Goldie where are we going why should my little sister and I wear I have a few fancy dresses oh no no no Goldie remember I'm going to a charity dinner with punk boy's parents I like dinner I like party can I come too unfortunately it's only for grown-ups but don't worry punk boy and little punk we're coming over and you'll be hanging out with the babysitter oh you're gonna have a great time and it's only for a couple of hours Oh what if I amaze you then you can have the babysitter call me okay hmm I will help with little Baldy I know you will you hear that a little coffee oh hey Goldie hello punk boy hello I made a pot boy isn't it cool that we get to hang out while our pair go to a boring dinner party are you okay pool boy I've never had a babysitter before the pump well you can sit next to my little sister let me take my mermaid out of here Arnie is adorable yeah kind of thank you for coming over you're welcome I love kids we're gonna have a lot of fun so we have Goldy punk boy little Goldie a little punk boy big can be a handful so if anything just give me a call no problem it's just a couple of hours great kids I think Matt's a babysitter she seems nice hi kid I'm your babysitter Barbie who's ready to have fun I am we'll be back in three hours yes please give us a call of anything I'll call and check up on you guys in a little bit have fun guys and behave nice tongue boy be a good listener hi mommy Thank You Barbie so what are you guys gonna do first huh I repeat I think my little sister is tired means needs to go down for a nap yeah baby sleep like all the time but not ours right goalie we want to play mm-hmm well how about you guys play with something I'm gonna make the babies a bottle can you guys keep an eye on them for me yeah I always help out my mommy because I'm the big sister yeah you go play with this toy it's everything okay over there I'm finishing up the bottles yes everything is under control litical they will drink her bottle first and then it will be your turn little punk boy now it's your turn so Paula what do you wanna do how about we play dress-up no thank you do you wanna watch a movie all right continue reliable Pat's movie it's real funny yeah sounds like a plan okay both babies are fed I'm gonna change your diapers and put them down to sleep we're gonna wait in the living room can you make us popcorn yes I'll put the babies on and then I'll make it for you right away okay now it's time to go night-night you're fed and changed and ready to go night-night until your parents come back you guys do look sleepy they fell asleep they must have been so tired so what is this movie about again it's called secret life of pets is about pets they'll have a secret life okay okay the movie is on the babies are sleeping and the kids are watching something this has got to be one of my easiest babysitting jobs here's the blankie guys oh that must be the popcorn here you go kids here's your popcorn I've actually never watched this movie before can we get some candy y'all love candy oh I'm sorry guys I think it's too late for candy I really want some candy punky I think you should go check up on my little sister and little pond boy you're right I'm gonna take a quick peek pop wait here look I have some leftover Halloween candy scientist label box but it's a secret yay candy um this is from like Halloween right Rin a couple months don't you think it's there like expired or something I didn't think of that um I think candy expires in like thirty four years or something it's a little bit chilly but it's still delicious I'm gonna have a snicker bar I'm gonna have some peanut M&Ms I have to be super quiet I don't want to wake them up oh my goodness where are they they were fast asleep huh where could they be okay remain calm uh turn on the light and these babies where could they be oh no their parents are gonna be here soon Oh [Music] I looked everywhere in their bedroom and they're not here I'm gonna have to ask Gold am Fong's weight to help me out everything was going so perfect bleep burger wait okay kids yes yes what are you doing nothing nothing well we have a problem I cannot find your little sister and little brother anywhere I've put them down in the crypt asleep and they were fast asleep before I loved it can't find them I looked all over the room you guys have to help me oh you're in trouble oh no my little sister she liked to play hide and seek sometimes one time she hid inside of my backpack I'm not the parent oh no no no hello hi Barbie is everything okay uh well I'm sorry it's a little bit loud here we'll be heading out there soon okay well there's a small problem sorry can't hear you see you soon bye oh no I I didn't even have a chance to tell them okay guys we need a game plan I'll look downstairs I will look upstairs you should probably look outside Barbie outside there's no way they could have left the house it's dark oh no no okay everybody go find them bowled a little pong bully I don't see them anywhere they're not in the bathroom nope not in the bathtub okay none under Mama's bed this is a babysitter's worst nightmare look look I'm gonna go look outside I didn't find them upstairs I didn't find them downstairs no no no no room kids don't cry everything is under control okay okay um well keep on searching they're just babied how far could they have possibly gone huh your mom just texts me they're on their way they'll be here in 10 minutes Oh No if we werenít equality and a little punk boy where would we go I don't know we already searched downstairs like six times let's go look upstairs a one more time closets everywhere we're home the babies are probably sleeping yeah let's go kids oh here they are they're sleeping Shh perfect it's getting pretty late I'll take the boys home oh no they're here I am so so thank you so much the babies are sleeping the babies yeah little golden little punk boy they're slipping in their crib now so thank you so much did you see that the babies are in their crib yeah they're sleeping but we wait up but uh thank you so much will definitely call you again what what what huh huh huh Oh Goldie Goldie come on Punk boy sweetie we have to go home thank you guys for helping me it will be our little secret okay note to self do not babysit for kids at once what blimey I wonder where they went I don't know little sister you can never ever ever how I fight again cozy cozy cozy did you guys at home see where my little sister and little punk we hid this whole time tell me down in your comments come on everybody 1 2 let's get this club house ready 1 2 1 2 whoa steady whoa whoa boy whoa careful deucey dude you're kind of heavy [Music] it looks really good guys it's time to put up the sign I've got it right here okay we're missing the most important sign who has it I've got it right here okay the R is backwards but I'll let it slide finally my friends our Clubhouse is ready as your Clubhouse president I have a couple of rules and things we need to go over come on everyone welcome to the Alamo boys club as you guys know I am the club president smartypants and yes that's my picture over there let's take a roll call of all our members ten boy here sunny here nightfall here luau right here boy next door present juicy Jude how do um and his royal heinie how do you do now that we have our Clubhouse ready everyone can bring stuff fun stuff things that we like to do let's come up with a secret password to get into our Clubhouse I came up with a password idea Oh oh no this is not it this is just my drawings here this will be our password blast the music if someone knocks on the door the only way they can get it is as they say the password got it yeah yeah got it now everyone go bring your stuff and we'll meet back here and the number one rule can you please tell them my fault yes the number one rule of the LOA boys club is absolutely no girls allowed but why my best friend is a girl because it's the elbow bullies club girls are gonna want they're really to to than unicorns and glitter slime in my Clubhouse and I don't want any of that now everybody see you back in an hour how about our sisters they count as girls or no sisters allowed either now everybody go I kind of think there's no girls rule is really silly me too me too I'm all about peace and love but this Clubhouse is really cool I've never had a clubhouse this big before me neither what are you gonna bring I don't like my skateboard and stuff and some snacks I'm gonna bring a music player Goldie you look at the sand castle I built oh and look so nice coconut cutie you're really good at making sandcastles yes have you heard from palm plate today no I have it I know that he's been hanging out with my brother oh oh wait look here he comes [Music] oh hi Goldie hi boy what are you doing I tried calling you this morning but your mommy said you weren't home oh nothing you wanna go play in the sand with me um sorry but I can't where are you going with all this stuff what stuff I love this stuff I see your woody I see your froggy I see snacks wait are you going camping I'm not necessarily but I really have to go Goldie I'll see you later bye something we are going wrong mm-hmm we should go spy on them let's do it let's call my little car I'm here hi I pause boys I got a little carrot wait don't say maybe a little what the secret password blast the music okay come in okay our spine is lop party streets cool club houses filled with cool stuff got snacks a lot of pong boys toys a creepy frog with three eyes I brought a really cool microscope so we can look a bug a microphone cuz I know a lot of you guys are seeing us here more snacks wouldn't uh-oh who brought this frame oh that's my frame it's my best friend Goldie we said no girls a lot one boy another girl it's just a picture okay okay I'll take it down here what's this a secret Clubhouse no girls allowed it says Ella well boys let's peek through the window have a look at the caterpillar through the microscope that looks real creepy knock knock who's there cows go cows go no silly cows go Moo I know get all the Dino right now mister or you're going to jail chocolate milk go oh oh oh no arm is there and pump Lee is your to and all the boy they made their own club and didn't include us now why would they do that for let's go ask them hello girls can I help you do you know the secret passcode better yet but you not read the sign we don't know the password and we can't read the sign but why can't we play in the clubhouse because it's our Alamo Boy Clubhouse sorry see you later if you're another password you can come inside no fear Oh guys what do you think we should do shall we open up our own girls club oi or shall we talk to the boys and convince them to let us play with them tell me in the comment so the boys didn't wanna play with us in their Clubhouse so we open our very own and our Clubhouse is on wheels so we can take it anywhere we want we've got a lot of fun things inside I think we should park right next to their Clubhouse good idea all the girls are already inside the camper let's go coconut cutie later they see a camper mr. frog is looking a little sad I think it's because it's so hot in here I know we didn't consider the hot summer months it's okay just open up a window or something who wants to come look for treasure we do we do hey smarty pants hole with a the door oh it was Goldie and coconut cutie they thought they could come inside our boys Clubhouse haha nope I told them no way boys only and they did never know the secret password I hope you didn't hurt her feelings nonsense Dobby fine pong boy oh no we have a leak in our Clubhouse it will be fine just put a bucket in there guys oh it's no big deal it's just some water okay I think wrong he's feeling better now he also wanted to get a cool dip it's so hot in here well I'm going to go look for Tricia who's coming with me we are see you guys later I'm kind of hungry don't we how many snacks left I think we ate all our snacks all we have left are these canned beans and they're cold they're kind of gooey what's that noise [Music] I think it's a good place to park right here whoa well well what in the world can I have my binoculars please here you go smartypants we have new neighbors somebody needs to go investigate how I'll go find out who they are here take the walkie-talkies buy it whoa it's nice all right it's real nice go and try to get a peek I've also got bunk beds then go have a sleepover what do you see over and out well I see a pink camper looks real nice they have a cute dog window what else who's inside mm whoa I see a bunch of girls Goldie's they're my sisters there - coconut Q&A skater girl oh they got cupcakes hey they even have a pool what what do you mean they've got like a full-on camper hmm so they decided to open up their own Club huh they have a pool and cupcakes cool I family should go say hello nonsense this is our boys club they're trying to compete sounds to me like a bunch of copycats my pants can I help you what exactly is going on in here this right here is my girls only Cup and that means you can't come inside because it girls you guys got to be in there yeah we also have a pool and a toaster um toy oven that makes real pizza real pizza like warm cheesy pizza yep too bad you made the rules of having a place on the club I'll see you later bye Oh their Clubhouse is really cool what do I tell the boys hmm welcome to everyone to the girls club we are very excited to have you all here today and thank you to everyone for bringing a bunch of yummy supplies and snacks treats and toys to make this the most fun Clubhouse ever where everybody is invited even a little sister's the greatest being a wider Clubhouse and now we can take it anywhere we can take it to the park to the playground to the beach anywhere we can have sleepovers here because we have beds and we have a real working oven and fridge to make yummy food which we already have plenty of we got the best toys and we can't forget about her pool yeah it's pretty warm outside we should definitely go to the pool soon do you guys smell but it smells like freshly baked cupcakes who won some yummy warm pizza needs a beat ah ha ha water feels so nice yes especially because it's so hot today I want to go on the slide and look they're swimming in the pool we should go talk to them and see if we can go to their Clubhouse - nonsense guys we have our own Club how relaxing smarty pants they have a super cool pool I want to go me too but but we can't cuz they said that it's a only girls club don't look now but the boys are staring at us they're probably super duper jealous that we have the best Clubhouse hyper oh well whose fault is that definitely not ours who wants a burger or a hot dog who wants to see me surf the waves yay [Music] I already got my swim trunks I'm gonna go swim come on I'm sure if I asked my sister she'll say yeah I kind of feel a tiny bit bad because the boys are not anything fun today like guys oh well they're the one that started it I know but it's not really nice how about we vote do you see whole ones that the boys play with us hey kids I vote for the boys to join us ah it's not really my brother's fault well my brother started it all so I don't know if I want to vote for yes I don't know if I want my brother to come join us oh come on teachers bad that's not how you really are you're right I vote yes I vote yes - just because Sonia is kind cute I guess I'm outnumbered but I vote no okay I'll go tell the blades they can come to the pool it's Goldie hi Goldie your glob looks really really fun facepalm boy is the only reason we open up our own Club it says because you guys didn't want to play with us I know that was a terrible rule Oh what did she say did you say yes come on if you want to talk to me you can come outside you know hi Goldie I'm sorry I was kind of mean to you earlier you know I kind of kicked you all and everything you sure did smarty pants but we are nice and we know you guys aren't having much fun in your Clubhouse so we decided to invite you to play with us our Clubhouse has no rules everyone's invited so the members of the Girls Club decided that we will net you guys play inside our Clubhouse - really whoa well well that's cool I guess yeah you think you're Goldie I can't wait to tell everyone we're going to the pool your kissy thank you no thank you Goldie come on yay come on guys oh yeah it's okay father I forgive you oh I don't even have a swimsuit but I don't care [Music] marshmallows it makes noise we've got marshmallows for everyone hey that's my marshmallow I'm sorry I didn't stick up for you earlier that's okay Tommy I forgive you we're best friends right time yummy and curly [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 23,645,203
Rating: 4.6203365 out of 5
Keywords: barbie, toy, doll, lol surprise, lol baby, morning routine, doll house, playing, barbie family, lol family, for kids, playground, barbie babysitter, fun, toddler, barbie mom, ken dad, toy video, nursery, bedroom, barbie house, slide, games, park, titi toys dolls, titi toys barbie, school, colors, coloring, painting, baby goldie, bedtime, play date, roblox goldie, baby goldie videos, chelsea, pet, punk boi, lol surprise bully, school routine, school dance, goldie and punk boi videos
Id: G-JfYDZmJ_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 20sec (4280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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