Surprise Dolls + Sisters Mix Wrong Bunk Beds and Pets in Vending Machine

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all right oh yeah yeah put your guests in the comments no space can't watch out huh no you be neat you fear my face you guys may be quiet there's no row in here uh are you kicking me out hey this is my bed uh I don't have anywhere to sleep girls girls what's going on in here yeah what's all the commotion you're supposed to be napping yeah but we can't there's no room in this bed yeah thought you crowded is you kicked me out yeah nothing's in my bed oh my goodness we do have a bit of a sleeping problem here don't we we need new beds yep but we need big-girl beds yeah everybody gets their own big-girl bed please please please watch our little sisters do you think we'll get to sleep with the fuzzy squirrel will it be little spice little treasure or little neon cutie and everything okay in here well we've got a bit of situation seems the girls have grown out of their beds they want big-girl beds one for each of them oh my that's a lot of beds I don't see what other choice we have they can't go on sleeping like this yeah I guess you're right it's not really fair okay everybody let's get ready to head off to the bed store yay everybody ready then off we go come on little treasure okay big adventure today okay we're here my goodness so much to choose from can we get out please we want to look at the beds I don't know I think you should stay in the stroller well I think it would be helpful if they could choose out their own beds I agree all right out you go [Music] they over I'm gonna choose every bed yeah beds beds beds everywhere bed still thinking was a good idea to let them out of the strollers okay we just have to get them calm down they're just excited girls girls come here let's have a break okay deep breath oh we know that you're very very excited but it's also serious business we have to get you new beds the other beds are gone now all right so what kind of beds do you want hmm big beds yeah big big big okay we can definitely get you big-girl beds but they still need to be your size so nothing too big got it got it maybe something colorful you like colors huh yeah okay I see some of that around here and it still needs to be comfy cozy yes that should be comfy cozy well what do you say enough talk let's start looking around I mean look what we have here girls boy does this look comfy cozy are you kidding me this is just another baby bed no more baby pads all right all right no more baby beds so then what else oh look at this bed is so soft guys come check it out ah oh yeah that's nice oh hey you give me some space no wait you're in my way now your feet Hey okay off okay okay okay enough yeah I don't think this is gonna work girls I think you each need your own bed that way you're not bumping into each other okay guess you're right when your own bed Oh wouldn't it be fun if you guys have bunk beds yeah bunk bunk bunk ah telly see ya bunk bunk hey what about me there's no spot for me oh no you're right bunk beds are just too bad it's not enough here's a little bag look how adorable it is there you go now there's three beds it's perfect are you kidding me this is another you know where they get big birds in your book baby bad no no no okay okay come on we're not done looking there's more beds here can you find another venue like hmm this one this bed is perfect for me is for a princess just like me oh hey no fair she gets a big beautiful bed all to herself and I have this little tiny bag I want this bin wait what about me Oh why are you guys back in my bed this is really going nowhere we haven't made any progress they still can't decide on a bed okay I'm not ready to give up yet let's just let's just keep looking all right oh my what a cute blue bed and it looks so cozy hmm did you say blue I like blue oh my goodness this bed is so cozy I want to snuggle up and go sleep right now wish there were some other ones like this yeah me too that was so snuggly little treasure it is it is I found another one and yellow I like yellow now I'm Doug Lee - hmm kids are pretty nice beds and they're just your size but spies what about me I'm getting locked out again oh we just gotta find another one we've got to yeah but Oh found a spy that found it back there oh my goodness you did find it and it's pink just like I like it's perfectly snuggling well he's do seemed like the perfect solution maybe each got their own bed just their size and it's cozy these must be the feds do you like on girls yeah yeah yeah beds beds beds but wait a minute I have an idea what that little treasure let's have a sleepover party with our other loaves sirs but where would they sleep we won't have enough beds for them we'll get more beds more bed but I don't see more beds here guys guys you won't believe what I just found I found these bunk beds hey where did you guys get these beds they look just like the ones that I found today we're here we just looked around for them wait you've got bunk beds yeah I actually think these little pets can turn into bunk beds and and I like that there was three of them so it's just it's just how many we need yeah well now the girls say that they want a sleepover but we won't have enough beds hmm well if we got all of these we would have enough beds that's a lot of beds yes but please please please if their bunk beds will have lots of space and we kind of sleepover with our friends please please please please please please what do you guys think hmm I guess three more beds wouldn't be a problem yeah oh we've got all of our beds here I think we're ready to check out hmm hmm what's going on allspice I'm just thinking um I just talked to these two for a second um okay yeah yeah yeah um we want more beds no you've got plenty of beds now even for a sleepover it's just that I see more over there we could have an even bigger sleep over what we've already got six beds you want nine beds yeah best sleepover party ever well I think maybe we need to have a discussion now okay what we do it's too many pets I don't know if they'll fit I think they'll fit their bunk beds oh it would make the girls so happy yeah but that's a nine beds we don't need that many beds they could have a really fun sleepover all right let's do it for them everybody agrees yeah okay all right we have reached a decision we will get 209 best yeah Wow look at all these amazing beds yeah I can't believe we've got so many we're gonna have an awesome sleepover party yeah let's hurry up and get home so we could do and call my friends yeah I'm ready for way for bed moving day all right girls here we go the first three beds there now in your room watch out only I'm kidding oh oh oh excuse me in timings next group of beds where we gonna put them over here watch out little treasure all right this is everything hope there's space for it oh wow this is so amazing we have so many beds I know we could sleep in a different bed every night yeah I want to share mine with you anymore are you hey we're smell spice +5 smells funny so are you I'm over here on the toy box I can't find you oh there you guys are come on come on what are we waiting for let's call our friends hi guys Wow you're so lucky that so many beds yeah we know this is crazy can we pick up our bed sorry yeah I want to be in a yellow bed oh my goodness this is bananas this is the biggest sleepover party they've ever seen yeah whoa are you sure there's enough beds for everybody yeah we sure okay okay girls we can have lots of fun tomorrow but for tonight we need to go to sleep everybody ready to get a bed wait wait what about a cuddly toy to sleep with hmm that's gonna be a lot of toys let me see what I can do how about this you all find a bed and I'll get you a toy okay oh my look at all of these pets and little sisters that's crazy okay okay girls uh spice to me to bring in some toys so I've got one for you to be spiced your little fuzzy squirrel little treasure a little car for you little prankster little bunny rabbit thank you it baby I have a bear bonbon a book cause you love to read Nani and cutie easy ducky a rattle for you go sleeping baby a little ball for you love and another little stuffed animal for you though fancy did you guess the spice would get the little fuzzy squirrel if so say I got it in the comments okay everybody's got their toy good night what a day hey neon kitty Shh I just got them to sleep Madame Queen what are you doing here oh well me and superbaby heard about all the beds you had we had to check it out Shh okay I'll be quiet wow this is incredible you've got so many little sisters in one place yeah it's amazing well there's sleep now you guys want to stay for a movie Oh wish we could we actually left our strollers behind with some of the other lol we need to go back and pick them up yeah but maybe another time all right okay let's go get those strollers super baby okay guys we're back um the characters are empty were little sisters oh my goodness you're right I don't know we've we've just been standing here talking they must have run off without us oh my goodness that's terrible how are we gonna find them I don't know we better start looking around quick what is that behind you huh what is this some sort of vending machine oh yeah why don't look at this I see little sister's faces on the front could they be inside oh no how do we get them out well to get something out of a vending machine you have to put money in it I see some coin slots up there oh um anybody have any money I have some here in my purse I hope it'll be enough it looks like it should be we've got to give it a try I hope we can get our little sisters back do you know the names of all the little sisters trapped in the vending machine if so put your answers in the comments honey I'm gonna start with this penny see if I can get little super baby out let's do it for a super baby one penny and the penny slide now we'll come down now we'll press six for a little super baby whoa hunches and stuff came flying out of there oh-oh my little sister I'm so glad you're back yeah I got stuck on a vending machine I see that that was not very good of you yeah but I got some fun surprises well I guess we should see what they are hmm this looks like a cherry Pepsi wild cherry but it says flavored lip balm wow it really looks like a Pepsi can let's see if we can get the lip balm opened up I'll just peel this away and give it a twist Wow look at that from the bottom I can twist to make it come up so you can put it on your lips mm-hmm want to give it a smell oh yeah that was like : all right I'll twist it to put it back down and get our cap back on that's so fun look grab that grab that okay climb it pull nice and hard wow what a big surprise it's a My Little Pony mash'ems mashmallow slow thumb squeezy cool who's inside Rainbow Dash well she feels super soft and squishy I'll have to give her a big squeeze look at her little tail and her cutie mark here we've got blue purple orange streaks yellow red and her hair okay I'm gonna squeeze her in my hand slowly rising let's see if I can do it like this so she'll stand up so fun alright time to get you and your carrot system when else can have a turn getting there sister okay I think I'll go I need to get that little cheeky baby out there hmm I'm gonna be looking for a nickel I need five cents alright got it right here time to put it in the slot alright here we go one nickel five cents going in and we're looking for the cheeky babe so Preston number two all right unbelievable I see my little cheeky babe in there well let's get some of this stuff out of the way to meet you here come on out alright there you are we surprises surprises yep but let's talk about you in a vending machine well it's an accident not letting it happen again no no no alright then let's check out these surprises okay what kind of surprise do we have here it says dots cherry flavored lip balm Wow okay let's see so I see oh the little cap comes off and I can see that there is a lip balm here and there's a little turn at the bottom there we go so you can see it coming up as our lip balm says cherry flavored I'm gonna take a smile yum yum cherry I went smell okay oh yeah teri okay we'll save this for later so I'll turn it back the other way and remember to put my cap on now to see what other surprise we have smooshy mushy besties that's interesting says yummy scented what do we have a little macaroon got a nice little filling in there maybe a little strawberry on top and a little keychain to put on it super cute and it's another squishy it's so tiny then let me squeeze them up well buddy pops back I'm gonna squish them with my fingers squish squish penny grows back how cute all right - back in your carriage okay my turn my turn Oh little sleeping baby how ever did you get yourself in this predicament I've got a helper all right I believe the next Queen spot is for ten cents so I will need a dime hmm see quarter penny here here's a dime okay let's put it in the slot ten cents one dime let's put it in all right I don't see those sleeping baby here but I do see her here so let's press number four my goodness look at these surprises french fries a little sleeping baby and what's this oh my goodness what is this a lol surprise this series one this looks kind of strange oh my little sleeping baby I'm glad you're back yeah look at all this cool stuff is that why you went in there yeah of course well let's check it out okay this is an interesting package of french fries because they're not real vanilla lip balm hmm how do you open this up I got it you just pull it apart so you can see the swirly lip on right here you rub your finger and put it on your lips let's give a smile oh yes I do a yummy vanilla scent even though it's red like this it looks like it could be you know strawberry or cherry it definitely smells like vanilla alright so we're gonna put our cap back on our lip balm keep it from getting yucky stuff in it and then we'll take a look at this very mysterious packaged lol surprise alright that see it's in a pink egg it's so strange Oh Mike what do we have here this doesn't look right at all this is a big sister she's cut her head off okay this is not a real hops this must be one of those fake lol's Wow yeah the clothes are kind of different the shoes and what does she come with a little ring a flower and a cone mommy's oh that's not for you that's to get back to other little sisters oh alright then I believe I need to take a turn here hmm did a penny a nickel a dime what's supposed to be next quarter got it okay biggest one in here whoa okay let's get it in that slot okay the quarter goes all the way down here where it says 25 cents and here we go your snuggle babe let's push our button what a big surprise just came out of there plus some Hershey's syrup oh good and little snuggle babe hi brought back agave bar whoa you got an lol surprise confetti pop in there yes isn't it amazing it sure is alright before we open our confetti pop let's take a look at this Hershey's syrup it's such a little bottle Oh flavored lip gloss I see now so I'm thinking you maybe twist yeah twist off the top it's one of the wet kind so let's see if I can just yep you were just gonna squeeze a little bit out and then rub it onto your lips well that's now super chocolaty I mean I'm gonna put our cap back on so it stays fresh now for the real fun opening a series three lol surprise confetti pop here's where we start feeling feeling I got it oh okay our secret message fell out rock beat Oh Rock the beat I like it this secret message means we could either get funky QT or cheeky babe who do you think it will be put your guess in the comments time to peel away another layer almost got it good here are our collectible stickers we can mark water lol does with water okay last bit of wrapping here here is our tattoo ring it's music notes with a microphone alright time to start opening some super fun surprises all right first one all wrapped up opening whoa these are really interesting because they look like glasses sunglasses but it doesn't look like you could see through them they're just all silver strange turning to get to our next surprise blue look at this silver to match the glasses it's one the milk cartons with a little strong squeezy and turning again you can already see our ribbon in there see if I can get that out I think I got most of it get out our surprise now we can see what we have whoa lots of silver with this one silver boots they kind of remind me of gogo girls go-go boots might need to turn one last time for one more surprise here right ready to open here it is our outfit black and white striped shorts with the super cute pink and blue top adorable watch out everyone [Music] there we go it's super cool funky kitty funky QT is going to get dressed her shirt is on and we're gonna slip on the shorts and it go and I'll these super awesome boots I almost got it there come on get that boot on okay I think I got it now what do we do with these glasses I'll put them on our face it's pretty fun but I can't say anything I think I'll go ahead and take them off okay funky Katie do you change colors no let's find out what you do oh I see the water is coming out a little accident that was a fun surprise but I really got to get little prince two out of there hmm what should we try this time how about one penny and one nickel I've gotta grab two coins okay here we go let's give it a try okay so we're just gonna try one penny one nickel um no pranksta here I see now little princess here number five Press oh whoa Wow one big surprise here and do we have what we need we sure do one little pranksta yet another fun surprise what's this one a crunch bar Oh a crunch flavored lip balm this is a lot like one of the others take off the cap nice and dark like a chocolate crunch bar and twist it up wondering if it'll smell like chocolate mm-hmm smell that girl's yummy I could eat it no no no this isn't for eating all right let's twist it back down and put our cover on then I gotta check out the other surprise it's a la loop see mini doll let's get it open okay so I'll pull these out one at a time I see that we have our little doll here she's got yellow hair and a red body okay oh look at this some painter splashes of some sort and her blonde pigtails okay I'll slip that on her head and then we'll pull out Oh her outfit she's got some splashes on her pretty dress - oh no I hope those come out in the wash all right I'm just gonna get her dress put on her there we go she's looking so cute couple more surprises in here oh oh I see where those splotches came from the paint can and finally something tiny of course hurt a little shoes red with white socks okay I love that the socks have little ruffles on them and her shoes have little bows she's very very cute what's your name for that we have to look at the guy and we see here spot splatter splash this is painting party home right my little sister you need to hold my hand I don't want you running off anymore who still needs to get their little sister I do I do it's a little cosmic Queen Oh hmm what coins will I get um maybe a dime and a quarter let's try all right there's my corner oh yeah and my dime all right let's put our dime in ten cents quarter twenty five cents and we see little cosmic Queen right here the number one button press my goodness Oh cousin Queen fell right out you've gotta get these other surprises out too okay I am that's the strange surprise hmm Oh another one of these well fake lol eggs we got you back we got you back whoo well let's see Madame Queen a handbag rabbit - not a real one hmm I guess you can't pull it apart can you twist it oh I see this side we can pop open whoa look at this shimmery lip balm down here so pretty all right I'm gonna give it a smell and see if I can tell what flavor it might be smells like it might be another vanilla one mm-hmm I love that it's a kind of a secret disguise nobody knows it's your lip balm and then for our fake lol egg [Music] hmm what's this Oh a seat little shorty hmm looks closed not quite like our real little shorty she comes with a blue ring a pink flower and a blue come okay I'm putting you in your carriage and you're going to stay there you hear me yes ma'am we got out all of the little sisters did you guess that it was little snuggle babe the cheeky babe little cosmic queen a little sleeping baby little pranksta and a little super baby if so say I got it in the comments it's been kind of fun we got them all I wonder what happens if I put in more change let's try what if I put in a nickel and a quarter something what in the world do we have here oh it's little Sprint's it's another little sister we just couldn't see her and we've got a little coconut cutie I can't believe you all were in there and wait a minute this is a fake little jitterbug oh and a fake look cozy babe what are you guys doing in there here so I can do babe and our last one oh wait this is definitely a fake little rocker let's try again how about one two quarters okay who stumbled out this time someone glittery little sugar queen oh no one fake little surfer babe here's our little go-go girl oh no not a real little heartbreaker wow this is crazy definitely a fake little fresh and one little fancy oh boy all of our characters are full now home I'm wondering if somebody can help me out hey if you don't mind what is it that you need sleeping meeting you see I'm supposed to meet lux at their school lockers I can't take our carriage back oh yeah sure we can get it for you thanks so much okay I'll tell what he's up high
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 22,493,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dolls, LOL Surprise Dolls, surprises, surprise, unboxed, MGA Entertainment, LOL Surprise, L.O.L. Surprise, lil outrageous littles, lol, lol videos, kids youtube, fake vs real, blind bags, lol surprise confetti pop, lol surprise series 3 full collection, fake, big, wrong heads, customized, wave 2, vending machine
Id: D3Sc5cr5Tuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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