THE LOL DIARIES An LOL Wedding Saga Compilation Unicorn, Punk Boi, Unicorn Boi, Punk Girl

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] on our way you're gonna pull my blanket off of me I'm waiting days not that big of a deal I'm gonna buy my bouquet okay lift up this rug and they started did you clean everything and go and renew them on your support you take care of all your food I'm so sleepy dog I do yep I got everything planned don't worry I mean I'm not a wavy bones and sweetly bones okay okay well let's go get one second awakened oh yay oh I'm so tiny old let me just check my phone and see if the cake is ready to pick up okay yeah I got an email okay everything from speaker a yap yap okay and all the descant RSVP'd Boyd sounds good crying peace myself today is unicorns wedding day who do you think unicorns going to marry will it be punk boy unicorn boy or sleepy boy leave your answers in the comment section it's time to get unicorn out of her nightgown and into her wedding dress here it goes it's a beautiful wedding dress let's get her all dressed so she's not late to her own wedding here's her unicorn headpiece and let's not forget her veil she's looking so so pretty already and one more piece to finish off her wedding day look you look so beautiful and I really don't like writings but I really even [ __ ] for y'all oh thank you sleepy bird I'm so excited I can't wait to see what you're going through okay come on let's go bwa what though well looks like we're having a wedding so let's set up a really nice wedding ceremony of course we will need a wedding chapel and some stone steps for punk boy and unicorn to climb up on we're definitely going to need lots of seats for our guests all of unicorn and punk boy's friends are gonna be here here's some more seats we're definitely going to need some music and a seat for our pianist and we can't forget the altar stand plus we'll need to feed our guests so here is the buffet table [Music] [Music] here's more sweets for the guests because they'll be really hungry after the wedding oh and here comes the first guest angel Wow anybody oh I'll cue up the desperate potty training okay okay let's go find a bathroom and maybe some our guests will come by the time we get back Wow everything looks so beautiful I'm sure you're on your coins we are we happy today come on with a purple Queen to cap fail babe hey babe I'm hungry okay okay give you something to eat but we've had to wait a little bit until the wedding is over come on let's find our seats okay okay come on [Music] okay and here's some more guests oh look it's little spice and spice spice looks really nice well that's better okay himself of course we have to find the best grass we've been doing that all about reading you know baby the Queen oh hi guys when I can wait always I have my sheet music and I'm ready to play the piano for the wedding so tag it because I won't buy things in the corn your best song ever I worked really hard on it can you even I will be played by the piano so when unicorn comes I can play the special song here with your own barbecue comes Sookie understand world okay you can kiss oh wow wait wait wait a celibate you look so pretty blonde boy I really like your dress thanks Mike okay time for the best [Music] applicants [Music] okay the piano is very finely tuned now if you just wait for your coin Oh everyone feel welcome to be wearing and Phil Harvey you connected Sally oh boy okay okay okay boy I'm so nervous and grab a special song run across every day [Music] pro-life Here I am I got the Rings uh I don't know what their ass oh no with a park boy did you oh yeah wait a bug boy did you board the wings huh they were there just a second ago I don't know what happened again oh no this is not good no the wings and the corn so upset oh I tried my best no I went everyone down if I'll pay with a pump will dig up we'll go looking for them and maybe will fling them where we okay wait wait a pump will pump boy go you look worried about the chromium and I found a wings oh boy this wagon bait is where we clanging hey Iook oh there he is boy ready to go mean we go home boy looking for the wings where our found a wing so don't worry Oh we'll get quick we're gonna get back our net space up there jewnicorns he promised to work so beautiful [Music] you were amazing the coin and it with the veil well I think you poor boy you work really nice yourself Billy beloved we are gathered here in the presence of these witnesses to join boy and unicorn in command it will be honorable among all if anyone can show a disguise whether they may not be check it out guys and lol surprise ball just interrupted unicorn and Punk for his wedding what do you think is on the inside do you think it's pump girl unicorn boy or rocker leave your answers in the comment section there's only one way to find out we have to open this ball oh ok so spice is saying this is her wedding present to unicorn let's see what's on the inside let's take off this wrapper and open up this ball ok so now we've got a better look at the inside of this ball let's check out what's inside these pearl surprises so here goes the first ball oh wow it's an outfit it's all blue and it has a little bit of yellow okay so let's go ahead and get into this next ball it's a little itty bitty sneaker in a green color next ball up oh it's a cell phone and it's got an alarm clock on it somebody wanted to keep track of the time so are you guys getting anything from these Clues yet let's see what's inside this ball looks like it's a number one hand and how about this ball we've got some cute little glasses and finally our very last ball there's another sneaker but this one is blue so we've got a green sneaker and a blue sneaker okay in the middle says lol it's not giving much away let's get into the next layer and here is where some more surprises lie let's check out this one first oh it's nice and gift wrapped let's unwrap it whoa we have a really cool looking backpack it's got the same color theme as the little outfit and our very very last surprise let's get it out have you guys guessed in the comments section who it might be cuz we're about to do the review one two and A three its unicorn boy whoa he was in the ball this whole time but I wonder what he's doing at unicorn and punk boy's wedding let's get him dressed here's his little outfit it's some cute overalls now he's not dressed for the occasion he's got some casual clothes and here he has a number one hand in gold plus he had a cell phone timer set let's get his shoes on he's got one green shoe and one blue shoe here we have some glasses let's get his glasses on so he can see well and he also had his backpack with him so let's get his little cellphone in his backpack let's also get his number one hand in the bag I'm sure he needs that since it was so important to be with him in the ball and let's get his backpack on and here he is he's just so so adorable he's got a gold unicorn horn and let's take a closer look at his face he's got freckles on his cheeks he doesn't have lashes like the lol girls and he's got green yellow and blue streaks in his hair he's also got blue eyes and green eyebrows yeah under Clause argument I mean I'm a boy now it's time to go stop that wedding uh-oh unicorn boy came to stop the wedding this can't be good I'm having a kitchen who are you I'm killing the corn boy good boy what are you doing huh you're letting guests don't look at me looking for one of the gifts unicorn if you would merely me number one fan see no more thing remember when we were at the playground at they kale you wanna pick you and me I'm gonna dig your microsuede money they get together oh I bought playing spades oh I'm coming your face look at me yeah you okay so much fun playing with a fan on your fans like oh oh I'm sorry what do you think best faithful life yeah this life is so may you have another unicorn ramp yeah well you're the prettiest ever appeared in the crumb boy I mean with my familiar someday okay I'll no you gotta promise you call me up want me won't you have made me the happiest unicorn evil okay on with the band Wow who are you who is that oh but like I'll piggyback well I'm sorry I need to feel thattaway unicorn boy how do you know you're a romantic value but just plain oh no no I'm having second thoughts look put put on with the pan oh boy let go Emma George things about unicorn we will be the bestest Lance and helps together our boys is better than Sesame Street what do you guys think unicorn should do how about you vote on who unicorn should marry should she marry Punk boy well yeah Chris I'm gonna be or should she marry unicorn boy vote for medium the coins glad he called along potato you oh okay well well and we have and if things weren't crazy enough they just got crazy or at punk boy and unicorns wedding we have a purple pearl surprise ball but just randomly showed up it must be important so let's go ahead and open it up take the wrapping off first and get on the inside okay so we're in the ball maybe we'll find someone in here that can help the situation out do you think we're gonna find cheeky babe grunge girl or pump girl leave your answers in the comment section all right here we go into the first ball we've got a studded necklace okay let's try this next ball there's a little sneaker on the inside a red sneaker and let's see what's inside this ball we've got a microphone are you guys getting anything from the clues I wonder what we'll find next let's get inside this ball Oh nothing's shaking around in there kind of what's inside okay so looks like an outfit and the outfit says double trouble it's got two little broken hearts on the shoulders and it's looking pretty familiar hmm so let's check out what's inside this ball it's our other shoe okay so we've now completed our pair of shoes and into our very last ball Oh looks like we've got some glasses some heart-shaped glasses I wonder who we're gonna find well let's get into the second layer looks like we've got a couple things in here we have a brush box okay so we've got some paintbrushes on the inside somebody likes to paint and I thought I saw something else yep it's a painter's palette with some paint on there all right our very last surprise have you guys guessed who we might find because we're about to do the big reveal it's Punk girl or cheeky babe turned into Punk girl if you guessed cheeky babe or Punk girl say you got it so let's get punk girl dressed up this was her cute little outfit and we don't want to forget her necklace slash choker let's get her shoes on and here's her microphone and here is her sunglasses her cute heart sunglasses oh she's just looking too adorable so let's take a closer look at our little punk girl she's got leopard print on the side of her head and it's blue just a like punk boy she's got purple eyebrows a Double Trouble t-shirt with little broken hearts on the shoulders and her outfit also comes with another shirt wrapped around her waist I'm really liking her color combo she's looking really cool so let's give her her microphone I wonder what she needs that for is she going to sing a song at the wedding yeah oh did she just say what I think she said hey guys you're not the first line wait what are you doing Neil I thought you moved away well I did but now I'm back I can't wait to marry your new coin huh oh boy look at the best wedding I've ever been to right why can't you like him marry ho because he's my base ring and I love him you do well I don't baby the perfect perfect day because I love unicorn boy I work in the air we unicorn boy well you have made me happy unicorn your face Mercury Venus Earth Mars only damaging the convoy on the face of the planet we're so happy for you well can the corn I'm happy you're made the decision because I've always walked Banquo he's my best friend and he's the one who taught me my abc's of 1 2 3 when I was really struggling and we always used to play in a rock band I have the best result and you're my friend too you're the coolest unicorn I've ever knew thank you punk boy and we're happy that we can make a happy day pill so what do you say punk Wow Wow perfect well that went much better than we thought I was gonna go we're having a double wedding day so let's get pop girl ready for the occasion let's take off her little shoes she won't be needing that microphone anymore and let's switch this casual outfit out with something a little more dressy let's take off the studded necklace and here is the perfect wedding dress wow it fits just right now she's gonna need some gold shoes to match her dress here's the right foot and the left foot we can't forget her veil and here's a matching headpiece to hold the veil in place and she looks so pretty she's ready to marry Punk boy I got back boom oh and let's not forget unicorn boy he also has to get dressed for the occasion how about we leave his glasses off for the wedding and his overalls he's going to need a nice suit he's looking good already and of course he's gonna need some bottoms and let's get his shoes back on I think his own shoes will add a really nice personal touch to his suit oh the best day ever sorry bug boy but I'm going to take your spot now oh okay you guys okay that was interesting yeah shall we begin yes Barry beloved we are gathered here today and appointment of these witnesses to join unicorn and unicorn boy and matrimony if anybody can show just cause why they may not be doing together let them speak now or forever hold their peace come on Lily okay unicorn did you take your equine boy could be don't wanna leave a gig lol I do and unicorn boy do you take the unicorn to be the walk away wedeck oh hell I do by the power vested in me I now pronounce you I'm in life domain oh boy [Music] so gross totally what a please water running down 25 billion this being so beautiful feel beautiful it skills I'm not going down I think you the best wedding ever oh you're wonderful okay okay okay do you walk so pretty aqua I've never seen anything prettier than you then you think you're gonna work too bad yourself okay they save the second couple I'm dating Erica T they are we beloved we are gathered here today in the presence of these but it is to join punk boy and punk oil in matrimony commanded to be a little among all if any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together let him speak now okay no objections is ready speak now or forever hold your peace all like punk well did you take pump boy could be your waffling hwagok lol I killed a poor boy do you take back pearl could be don't waffle we waited lol I do well T I now pronounce you I think you mean that super nice how it all worked out but of course we have to have another special wedding gas let's see which special guest is inside this lol ball alright so the secret message is Sunkist that means we can either get Riptide SPF QT or waves who do you guys think is inside this ball I guess we'll just have to find out we're just gonna get inside all of these surprises and open them up all at once [Music] and here goes the zip to our confetti popper it's time to confetti pop for this special wedding occasion one two and it's at 35 so here's the finger tattoo to our ball our first accessory bag a water bottle let's just take her out it's wait oh and she's on backwards there you go that's better oh I thought it was gonna be someone else trying to stop the wedding here's waves all dressed up she actually looks like she's ready to go to the beach what is waves this water surprised everybody don't mind me I'm just going to say that my okay okay everyone now it's time for a very special job it's a beautiful night we're looking for something Frank ago hi baby I think I wanna marry you open the bar oh hi baby speaking of tears and the caffeine congratulations to Punk boy and punk girl and unicorn and unicorn boy the reservoir that's it for now unicorn and unicorn boy and punk girl and punk boy are going to party with their friends if you enjoyed the video be sure to give it a huge thumbs up and if you're new to the channel subscribe to join the fun hope to see you again soon bye for now Oh glow up throw the bouquet okay I got the bouquet clip the bouquet really pretty bouquet by the way [Music]
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 17,295,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol surprise wedding, lol surprise unicorn boy custom diy, lol surprise unicorn marries punk boi, lol surprise unicorn unicorn boi wedding, cupcake kids club lol surprise, cupcake kids club unicorn boy, cupcake kids club big sister show
Id: Sk6GVbtD210
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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