LOL Surprise Dolls New Red Car

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oh no that's right pull over ladies and i'm bringing you two into the jail what's handcuffs too oh brother okay little doll face we may need to go inside soon no no no i play in the whale oh maybe just for another minute oh watch out what oh hey there doll face whoa hey spice nice car thanks i just got it today hang on let me put the top back no way it's a convertible watch this wow that's amazing i've always wanted a convertible yeah well now i've got one oh you're so so lucky hey well i've got an extra seat in here wanna go for a ride oh i'd love to it's just i've got my little sister here she's playing why the ride want to ride well let her come in here too do you have space for her just hold her on your lap it'll be fine are you sure that's safe of course don't worry well all right come on little dolphins let's hop in the car the girls are gonna get into a little bit of trouble who will come help will be teacher's pet it baby or heartbreaker put your guess in the comments now you promise to drive carefully right spice oh yeah i'll be perfectly safe [Music] you're gonna give them some trouble oh no i think i saw a police officer ah speeding huh hello dispatch i'm in pursuit of a speeder also a reckless driver hear you officer understood officer please proceed with caution will do oh no that's right pull over ladies yes officer oh hello officer can i help you um can you you can by getting your license and registration please oh certainly i'm just gonna take a look around got another passenger in here wait a minute do i see a little girl not buckled up that's it everybody out of the car what what we didn't do anything wrong not only were you speeding and driving recklessly you've got a little girl with no seatbelts on or car seat out of the car everyone yes officer spice i told you we shouldn't have taken my little sister oh this is all your fault you drove so badly well when when we're fine we're probably just gonna take it i've talked to my commanding officer and i'm bringing you two into the jail what oh brother cece wake up but officer we're so sorry please don't take us to jail i'm sorry this reckless behavior cannot be tolerated you're all coming down to the station hoping my little sister too yes we'll take care of her there i'm afraid i'm gonna have to put these handcuffs on you what's handcuffs too i really wish you would stop doing that come on i can't take this i can't believe this is happening spice you were the worst friend yeah yeah yeah you had fun didn't you not having fun anymore enough talk let's get these cuffs on i don't believe this i can't even look at you right now all right come on down to the station we go uh wait for me all right here we are let's head inside oh officer please wait just before we go in are you sure you have to do this i'm so sorry i'll never let it happen again sorry i'm afraid sorry's not good enough now come on in come on little doll face hey charming all right here you go no i don't want to go i don't want to go come on would you just get in here all right everybody in hey officer what you got here a couple of joy riders recklessly driving especially with no little one buckled up is that right we're so sorry we're so sorry we won't do it again i promise can we go now afraid not we've gotta figure out the whole story and what's going on what the punishment should be have space in the jail lock up yeah we've still got some space jail no please you can't put us in there it's fine this will get resolved in no time oh you oh and who's that little cutie hey i win a doll face well hey sweetie we won't be locking you up you can stay here okay ooh pretty light all right i'm gonna take the cuffs off but into the jail you go not so bad in here are you kidding me all right i'm heading back out on patrol you can take care of them oh yeah no problem all right then see you later all right let me just grab the keys here all right then come on around this way oh my goodness i can't believe this is happening you're fine oh my goodness do you see that there's someone else in the jail there's another criminal we're gonna be locked up with i'm sure he's fine hey man what you doing in here oh man i got caught trying to steal a car you hear that he's a thief no said he tried to steal it he didn't actually get to do it oh my goodness all right that's enough chit chat everybody's going in all right back up please sir back up yes officer all right here we go everybody inside all right all right a little bed not too bad excuse me there oh oh my goodness here you go and you go oh um officer i'm seeing that it's a little bit dirty in here could we get like a mob and a broom and something i wouldn't mind cleaning it are you kidding it's a jail get in there oh oh but there's there's bugs and stuff and oh i don't even know what on the floor inside oh oh okay i'm going i'm going might as well get comfortable could be a while spice i will never forgive you for this yeah yeah yeah why don't you go lay down on that cot over there are you kidding i don't know what kind of germy person has been on there hey sorry did i mean to offend you come on we'll be on no time uh hey officer don't we get a phone call i'll make a phone call who do you want me to call hmm um why don't we call it baby she's very responsible ugh i was thinking about troublemaker are you kidding me officer can you please call it baby and hurry i'll get to it as soon as i can all right little sweetie how are you doing all right good i'm having fun yeah yeah yay all right but don't do like your big sisters and get in trouble when you grow up no no i'm gonna go make a phone call over here you'd be good okay okay ooh what's that uh hello hello come in anybody there this is wild office a police officer hello hello uh hello uh who is this is something going on yes i need some chips please and a hamburger hey what's going on there this isn't for ordering food hey little doll face you can't play with that that's police equipment oh sorry whoop come on why don't you come over here with me okay oh telephone okay you sit in the chair yes officer all right let me just dial the number here [Music] okay good it's ringing uh hello uh yes ma'am hi hello is this it baby yes this is how can i help you all right this is a police officer i'm down here at the station i believe i have a couple of your friends locked up in our jail oh no not my friends they wouldn't go to jail do you know a spice or a doll face i do know them oh no doll face was with spice yes ma'am they were doing some speeding and had a little sister in the car without being buckled oh no yes we've got them down in the jail do you think you could come down and get them out oh yes i'll be right there thank you bye-bye all right you two in there yes are you gonna let us out uh not just yet but i did call your friend this it baby and she's on her way oh thank you officer thank you hello hello i'm i'm here i'm here uh hi i'm it baby hello miss it baby are these your friends over here um oh my goodness doll face i can't believe this has happened to you i know it's all spice's fault you got into the car everybody blames me but you made a decision oh she's right i should have made better choices now i'm locked up in this jail please help it baby okay okay yes officer those are my friends all right we're gonna be writing them up some tickets can you get them home safely please oh yes oh yes i certainly can alright then i can let them out now all right ladies looks like you're gonna be free to go with just a couple tickets come on out oh let me out let me out careful watch out hang on goodness gracious i i just want to get out of here as fast as i can wait a minute can i get out too oh no you don't you're staying in there all right you all have your tickets you may go you better pay those tickets or i might see you back in here oh no don't worry officer i'll never be back here it wasn't so bad come on little doll face let's go home yeah come on hey guys wait for me oh it baby thank you so much no problem i'm just glad you're home safe and sound and don't go out with that spice anymore oh don't worry i'll never go with her again you want to come inside and maybe have some tea or something oh i'd love to but i've actually got to go catch the bus for a field trip today oh yeah i don't want you to miss that thanks again you're welcome we just have one more pickup girls and then we can head off on our field trip yay we can't wait it's gonna be so fun thank you miss twilight sparkle oh just the one seat all right now off we go on our field trip yay let's get there soon are we there yet oh girls where do you think the class is going on their field trip to the zoo a park or museum put your guests in the comments oh what a nice day that's what she think just going to chew up a little bit of this there we go nice and sticky and oh just like that spice sit down please oh yes miss twilight sparkle da da da did i feel you touching my hair huh i don't know what you're talking about oh no it baby you've got a huge glob of gum in your hair what what spice did you do that who me oh no i think you might have to cut your hair no no not my beautiful hair miss twilight sparkle spice but gum in my hair what now yeah hey no i didn't nobody saw me i don't want to cut my hair all right we're here everybody off the bus and i'll take care of the situation oh sorry it baby i know that wasn't very nice of spice no okay well i'll be back to check on you later oh there's a tattletail telltale telltale you are not being very nice spice you're not being very nice spice just wait till miss twilight sparkle gets here this weekend twilight sparkle gets here ugh oh look we're at the park cool all right time to play oh can't wait to go down the slide ooh what do i see is that a tricycle awesome time for the bus to pull away all right now tell me about what happened see miss twilight sparkle spice put gum on my hair and now i might have to cut it i don't want to cut my beautiful hair okay okay okay calm down calm down spice did you do this um yes i did well that is not nice at all uh it baby i think i'll be able to get it out without cutting your hair okay listen spice i need you to apologize to it baby for being so unkind to her i'm sorry i don't believe you can i go now no i think maybe you need to take a little time out before you can go play what no fair i believe it is fair please be kind go take a break can i sit under the slide sure okay it baby hold still i think i'll be able to get it out i hope so all right there i've got it the gum's out of your hair oh thank you so much miss twilight sparkle that's all right i hope you have a good rest of your day go ahead and play at the park okay did you guess that they were coming to a field trip at the park if so say i got it in the comments you okay now it baby yeah i'm doing better i'm just gonna stay away from spice as much as i can so mean yeah she's a real bully she's always picking on everybody i know i'm glad that miss twilight sparkle gave her a timeout she doesn't get to play as much yeah are you ready to go play let's do it hey fancy yeah beats wanna see me go down the slide yeah go okay i'm gonna go fast here i go that's so fun i'm gonna go again okay i'll watch you okay i'm ready are you watching i'm watching here i go [Laughter] i scared you i scared you that's not very nice see i can scare you too beets are you okay are you okay [Music] i think so i fell but i don't have any scratches no i don't see anything that spice is such a bully yeah what do we do about that i don't know but we better tell miss twilight sparkle what happened yeah you're right i'm trying to sparkle on the twilight sparkle yes what's going on i was gonna go down the slide and then spice jumped up and growled at me and made me fall off oh my are you okay yeah i think i'm all right yeah and then she growled at me because i told her it wasn't very nice spice come over here please yes mrs twilight sparkle what can i do for you did you jump out and scare beads so that she fell off the slide what i was sitting under the slide just like you told me to that is not true you jumped out and scared me yes and i saw it liar liars pants on fires spice alright i did it i was just trying to be funny well it's not funny to scare people you owe them an apology i'm sorry you got scared spice okay okay i'm sorry can i go play now no ma'am not until you fix your behavior are you girls okay to go play now yeah we'll be all right here come on beads hold my hand oh thanks fancy hi miss twilight sparkle hello honey bun what are you gonna do here at the park i'm gonna go in the swing i love to swing so high it feels like i'm flying well okay but be careful promise i promise okay and swing weee yay i'm swinging so high and so fast whoa oh it stopped i couldn't help i could push you um no thanks spice i'm fine maybe you could let her try honey bun i think she's trying to be nice yeah i'm trying to be nice you promised i promise i will just push you that's all okay see oh yeah thanks spice that's perfect you're welcome well it looks like you two are getting along nicely i'm gonna go check on the other girls and oh whoa spice a little easier not so hard oh no oh is everything okay over here no spice pushed me off of the swing no no i just did what i told you i was gonna do i was going to push you and i did you're not being very nice you said you were just gonna push me i thought you were gonna push me nicely on the swing and you push too hard well you didn't say not to push you hard oh i won't trust you anymore spice spice you need to be nice to the girls so that they will be friends with you don't you want them to be your friend no i don't care i don't need any friends everybody needs friends no i don't need friends [Music] i love the tricycle i'm going round and round in circles tricycles are so much fun [Music] yay stop stop oh oh spice i almost ran into you sorry about that i don't care give me the tricycle oh i'm just playing on it for a minute as soon as i'm done i'll bring it to you no not in a minute right now but but spice i'm playing i just got on it i don't care give me the tricycle okay okay spice all right you don't have to be so mean you just wait spice wait for what i don't know just wait they'll never do anything i'm not afraid of them try time yeah i'm having so much fun see i don't need anybody i can have fun by myself [Music] um excuse me missy yes mrs twilight sparkle you're not supposed to be playing you were in a timeout come on i won't get to play at all and whose fault is that their fault no ma'am all right i'll get off nobody likes me spies spies hey guys i've got an idea you ready it's how we can take care of spice yeah what is it okay let's huddle up yeah and then we can yeah you know what that'll get her all right everybody ready yeah break oh look at me i'm standing next to this pool of water i hope i do not fall in time to push someone in the pool oh no you don't that's right not this time spice yeah you're not hurting minnie buddy anymore yes it's time this bullying stop huh huh what's going on oh no are you guys ganging up on me don't hurt me don't hurt me okay miss twilight sparkle i promise miss twilight sparkle the twilight sparkle she's not going to come for you oh please okay okay i promise i won't do anything naughty anymore to any of you we don't trust your promises um um okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i i i won't do it anymore i promise uh please don't hurt me please please there's so many of you it's okay spice you can get up we're not gonna hurt you yeah we're not here to hurt you what you're not oh um i knew that we just wanted to scare you so you know how it feels we'd rather be your friend and get bullied by you what you guys want to be my friends even after all the bad stuff i did to you only if you promise to really really not do it anymore yes i can promise i can promise that okay friends yeah friends with fancy cherry honey bun beets it baby and youtuber bb let's shake on it okay friends now and let's go play yay all right girls i know you're all having fun but it's time to get back on the bus oh man yeah we were just about to play oh i'm so glad to see you guys have all made up yeah here comes the bus okay ready to get on cherry yes all right that's two girls on the bus i had so much fun at the park today miss twilight sparkle i'm super glad fancy still feeling okay honey bun yeah i'm fine ready to go back to school though plan today with spice oh thanks i'm glad everything worked out okay me too all right my last two girls oh um hey baby why don't you go ahead no that's all right i insist you go okay thanks so much spice well don't you have wonderful manners spice yes thank you miss twilight sparkle did you check out the license plate earlier in the video if you saw what was on it put it in the comments i fooled them all they think i'm so sweet and nice now now i can really get them hey cherry yeah honey bun uh where's coconut cutie today oh she decided to go to the tree house to help with the little sisters oh okay cup two three four cut two three four cut one freak oh how's it go again one two three four oh yeah one two three four all right here we are girls wait a minute let's see one two three four baby where's the other girls i don't know this is all that are were here but i think i might have an idea where they are really where no i know i know yes little honeybun where are the other little sisters they are hiding shh oh you are supposed to tell will she asked yeah they're hiding here in the tree house oh a little game of hide and seek huh sounds like fun what do you say we play along yes that sounds like a good idea all right let's all head into the treehouse and see if we can't find those naughty little sisters yeah let's go get em all right here we go oh oh my goodness surprise it's me little honey bun you startled me i'm sorry about that but you found me yes we did all right come along with us yeah let's go inside this fun tree house hup two three four hop hop hop here we go into the tree house all right come on wait wait wait coconut cutie can i just get one thing please um all right we'll meet you inside okay all right here we go how many little sisters do you think are hiding in the tree house we found one already that was a little bonbon or how many more you think we'll find knock knock knock hello somebody in there i think you are come out of the little mushroom peekaboo little cherry is you you're so silly yeah i've been hiding in that mushroom a long time well i found you yes you did best buddies let's go come on little cherry let's play in these acorns oh i got the yellow seat i got the orange one hey um can somebody help we need a push over here i think i can help you out here you go [Music] way faster faster oh no my head is spinning and spinning it's so so fun oh we're like a tornado oh no my goodness i can't do that anymore oh come on no thank you i need to take a break oh come on who wants to spin i could spin with you alright will fancy hoppin okay come on guys who wants to go down the slide yeah that sounds way better i'll go too okay we gotta hop up the mushroom steps ready hop up top we go okay i'm coming two one two three four here we go wait for me guys oh oh i got it now we go down [Applause] now we go down me too come on guys wait whoa why excuse me my coconut cutie yes honeybun can you help push me on the swing oh sure swings right over here oh boy oh boy look what i see i see someone hiding in the swing found you found you oh man we found a little troublemaker but i would just want to swing all to myself well you have to be able to share uh yes share with honeybun all right girls hold on tight time to swing so swing is so fun hey you knocked me out there no i didn't come on come on just hop back in it was an accident okay ready to swing some more yeah how about one big giant swing all right girls i've gotta check on some others can you be okay yes all right couple more swings time for me to go play upstairs oh well look at what this is it's a little leaf salt whoa whoa whoa going back and forth it's like i'm skateboarding or surfing i'm so fast i'm so good i'm so tired we'll say swing huh huh well beats is that you yeah i was hiding up here oh i guess i found you um okay what is that it's a secret passageway come on i got something to show you okay okay i'm coming let me in what you gonna show me is this right here um this is just an old vlog nope it's a magical log are you kidding me no just watch ready one two three whoa a yummy nummy berry pie i know isn't it amazing yeah let's dig into it okay let's go oh no you don't oh no little spice took our pie let's go after her hey little posh what you doing i'm gonna climb up to the top of the tree well okay but be careful up there okay wow i can see so far away from up here hey there's my house whoa and i see a school and i see the boutique and the clinic wow i like being up so high all right girls time to come together we're going to meet a new little sister oh yay better get down coming down watch out guys yay cherry cherry fur baby are you coming we're all here i'm coming i'm coming oh oh sorry oh oh hey sorry girl sorry i i didn't know that the slide moved i kind of tripped over it hmm what what's back here hmm little diva i found you i can't believe you've been hiding this whole time yep i'm super super sneaky yes you are well come on it's time to meet a new little sister oh yay all right girls listen up i want you to give a big welcome and be super duper sweet to our new little sister that joins our class but who is it well we don't know yet we've gotta wait and see oh where is he i don't see her she's coming vampirina's gonna bring her oh vampirina yeah are you all ready ready okay vampirina all right guys here she is whoa she got away from me it's your new little sister yay well i think the little sisters are very excited about the new little sister coming so let's see who it's gonna be all right i'll pull this open okay here's our secret message do you know what it is if so you could put it in the comments for me all right i'll finish pulling that off and then start on the next layer [Music] got it [Music] okay our little sister will change colors let's keep digging in here we go little more oh goodness let's just feel it open and get her out here all right now we've got everything who's it gonna be [Music] okay this hat says chill out and here oh little pink ice skates all right here's our new little sister it's little snow angel oh it's so cute little snow angel hi guys hi hi snow angel so you guys want to play or something well actually we already been playing so no thank you hey don't be mean i got another idea what what do you want to do let's have a sleepover party whoa well diva i think that might just be a great idea all right everybody into the sleeping bags yay did you take a guess at how many little sisters would be hiding in the tree house here they are it's five if you guess five say i got it in the comments all right let's start with the rainbow dash sleeping bag we'll put in a little fancy little shorty and i think we could probably fit little beets in there doesn't that look cozy okay you guys up here in the top of the tree house there we go here's the kooky cookie sleeping bag all right little spice can go in there with little posh you better be good i will and little honey bun cozy clothes all right you guys can go up here too here's a fluttershy sleeping bag we'll put in little diva little snow angel and low bonbon this is so fun all right i'm gonna have you guys lay down here now how about a strawberry kiss sleeping bag with lil sis swing a little troublemaker and we got little cherry in here it's a little squeezy but i like it all right i think there's still space down here for you guys you guys sure do look cozy you sure do vampirina want to stay and hang out and do the sleepover with us oh i sure would love to oh wait did you hear something i think i did uh oh there it is again oh that's my parents they're calling me i i better go guys uh i'm coming guys
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 13,710,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy omg, custom, hextian, omg diy, doll makeover, ooak punk boi doll, lol dolls, LOL OMG BOY, unicorn, cupcake, custom doll diy, lol surprise dolls, ooak omg doll, cupcake squad
Id: C4W9h0Gz5qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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