Barbie Doll Mermaid Family Adventures with LOL Goldie Full Episodes

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you're watching TT toys and dolls [Music] another great adventure come back here I told ya come on Izzy told me a party-pooper huh okay at least nori our baby Narwhal is on board come on follow me it's right there thank you for telling me about the ship cars it's amazing come by later I'll show you what I find isn't it just amazing no no it's not it could be dangerous pearl what if I find some treasure I'm going in oh brother I wonder how many years this ship was wrecked it sure looks amazing oh I think not I found something Oh something is so shiny Oh what do you think this is this is amazing Wow that is really really really shiny oh let's take it back to my secret cave pow-pow wait what aren't you excited to add this to our collection hmph I catch a day you meet your gorgeous girl Oh your mom is gonna be in your room to wake you up in like minutes we'll go to the secret cave after school come on come on boy we gotta head home I [Music] gotta hurry up I gotta go home I gotta go home I gotta go home here's your bottle baby you've been a little fuzzy this morning I hope this will make you feel better [Music] well we have another sleepy and cranky kid Oh someone doesn't want to go to spring school today I tiny hurt come on sweetheart you love school we still have to wake up pearl is really shining if they are getting bit quick good morning pearl wake up [Music] good morning sweetheart oh hi mom good morning I'm already awake a wonderful come eat breakfast she doesn't suspect a thing good morning pearly pearl came running daddy your breakfast is already served thanks Steve eat cereal my favorite good morning pearl good morning Iowa little sister I can't forget to say good morning to the littlest cutest memory in the world my little sister Coraline carlines been a little fuzzy this morning she's never fuzzy with me good morning baby sister I'm happy to see you too I have to call you my breakfast I'll put you back in your crib I'll play with you after school here you go Clara and here is your favorite little baby mobile come on sweetheart you have to eat breakfast miss Cora will be here in no time to pick you up pal when you got this morning why do mean little sister I was sleeping of course then I went to your room and you weren't there yummy crunchy seaweed cereal pearl miss Carla's here it's time for you to go to school where I'll finish up your breakfast you have to brush your teeth sorry little sister can't talk now got it go brush my teeth I think she's on to me it looks like my friends are waiting girl are you ready yes miss coral have a nice day at school through her we love you be a great listener always am bye guys see you later I have to show you guys something amazing I can't pearl I cannot get in trouble again I want to see I want to see then come with me be right back I hope this is gonna be a good idea it's up here come on a rainbow welcome to my secret cave of treasures rainbow mo I'm scared to come inside I'll come on whoa pearl this place is amazing [Music] I know it's my own little cave of treasures I've only been collecting trashes for a little while just wait till I sell this place I'll show you around I found this book by the shore it says be our guest it talks about being a fancy princess I'm not really sure what all these things are but they were shiny and beautiful try your no we're not supposed to touch any of these stuff this is one of the best books I've ever read in my life The Little Mermaid that must be where you got this crazy idea just start your own cave oh so what did you find today and well today I found this oh it's so shiny it's called a bracelets it says something on it B and R where is pearl and coral they were right behind me och watching over purling rainbow went no miss coral I don't know these girls are looking for you guys you're gonna get in big trouble oh no oh no I gotta go now yes let me put this away I have a special spot I was waiting for something really really special perfect let's go to school thank you for covering for me Izzy you're the bestest Lauren I could ever have sorry we're late we're here miss poor Oh girls weren't were you at home oh we're here now next time you have to tell me okay girls follow me we have to go to class and we have to pick up a couple more Murphy's on the way come on [Music] girls you can have a quick recess before we start the lesson peril why don't you tell us more of your awesome story right after I go on the slide of course good girl thanks for the treasure today you're gonna find me more tomorrow come on girls let's go on the boat I'm ready this is gonna be amazing just like in the movies I think this is a good spot I'm so excited Barbie I really hope we can find your bracelet I am all ready to go flippers and everything we're on a journey to find my very special charm bracelet the bracelet that belonged to our great-great grandmother Barbara who I was named after I lost my bracelet when I was deep diving with Ken and I know I probably won't find it but at least we give it a try this is gonna be such an adventure okay I love all this sappy talk but can we go in the water now can't wait meet you I wonder what we'll find there are some rules we must stick together yes of course okay okay I'm going in get ready Chelsea I'm ready too okay your oxygen tank is ready what if I see a mermaid shells we already talked about this mermaids are fairy tales but barbeque said anything is possible that is true Chelsea are you guys ready yes I'll go first [Music] [Music] let's check down here if they look a real-life little girl like me I don't know pearl it doesn't look like a good idea just think what would your grandfather say Papa thinks that it's great to explore Oh kids these days are weird what do you mean I heard they do funny dances and they call it the flaw and they also like to play with slimy stuff for fun well that sounds cool like a knob pearl I think we should go look she's coming oh I'm scared she's harmless oh I'm scared I found something I found something false alarm is just an old Boot Hill this is amazing oh look at all the pretty colors look at all those finish look at the coral whoa [Music] where's Chelsea I don't know I told her to stay near us get rid of the old boot oh is that what I think it is hello it's okay don't be scared my name is pearl um and this is Izzy come on Izzy and they're coming no no no no why not come mermaids are real duh of course I'm real what do you think I'm a mermaid and what are you I'm Chelsea I've never heard of a Chelsea before I got humans couldn't breathe underwater I have an oxygen tank oh this is Izzie she's a little bit of a scaredy-cat Oh amazing are you a marble I'm not sure they just call me Izzy what are you doing in the ocean I'm helping my sister Barbie find her lost bracelet can you help me find it what does the bracelet look like it's shiny and gold and has three letters on it sounds like the one that you found pearl huh I think I can help you come with me I wish I had a camera to take a selfie with a mermaid whoa what is this place this is my secret place look if this is where I keep all of my treasures things I find around the ocean think so belongs to people like you I've loved the human world oh please tell me what it's like I'm sure it's amazing not quite as amazing as this place oh the best day of my life I like you tell see you're funny you said you could help me find my sister Barbie's bracelet I have a little treasure chest I have pearls and diamonds this necklace belonged to a sea witch pretty crazy and where is the bracelet wait till I tell Barbie about this is this your sisters bracelet yes let's beat em are stand for Barbara Millis and Robert we call her Barbie something's wrong with my oxygen tank what does that mean pearl without her oxygen tank she can't breathe you need to help her don't take her to the shore now I'll help you Chelsea go get help busy nope you'll be able to get her out faster but we need to hurry [Music] Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea come on where's pearl hose pearl what are you talking about Chelsea and where is my friend problem mermaid the mermaid Chelsea it's okay Chelsea you probably swallowed water no no no no I met a mermaid named pearl Chelsea just relax and drink some water something happened to your oxygen tank she's probably hallucinating guys I'm okay yet you have to believe me a mermaid named pearl saved me she was showing me her underwater keys and she has your bracelet and then my oxygen tank stopped working and she helped me come to the surface and brought me here to the shore well not only hard for her little dolphin friend okay Chelsea I think it's best you lie down you should have never swim alone to stay with us Chelsea I can't believe you guys don't believe me I know what I saw and I really hope I can see pearl again okay Chelsea I think that's enough underwater adventures for one day let's go home Barbie tomorrow me and you can come and continue looking yes Chelsea I think it's best you go back home and relax huh I'm telling you guys I met a real human and she was really nice that necklace I found belongs to her older sister Barbie okay pearl I think you've been reading too many stories and your imagination has taken over oh I don't know Chelsea I can't say I've seen a human myself well Izzy was there to prove it I'm home hey guys pearl Perle you won't guess who's here Oh papa grandpa's here huh yes that pearl is just like I was when I was her age curious about the human world she's more like you than you think pearl how are you sweetheart I'm good abso much to tell you how have you been pretty busy making sure everything is good here in the ocean I'm sure for a sweetheart get ready because we're gonna be having dinner soon as a family so pearl tell me what kind of adventures you've been on lately I saw a human today a girl and her name was Chelsea and she was really really nice I wish I could go visit her in the human world Oh grandpa what could I do do you believe me do you of course I do we've had our fair share of interactions with humans I have to show you my latest collection it's a secret all right skipper let's give us another try whoa Barbie Barbie [Music] we love hearing your stories grandpa well I have a lot of tales to tell my friends family needs my help mom we have to go let's go get them to shore fast [Music] Barbie skipper I can't believe it they saved us Chelsea was telling the truth and love Barbie look at your breasts everything Chelsea was saying was true we should have believed her now how will we ever see them again we have to go tell Chelsea pearl you were very brave today we're really proud of you Thank You grandpa I think it's time you talk to your parents pearl we need to have a talk you grandpa told us about your case I can't explain look pearl I understand your fascination when I was your age I was the same way really so much that grandpa gave me this necklace uh-huh what is the necklace do this necklace allows me to turn into a human oh how come he didn't tell me anything I wanted you to be old enough but I think you're old enough to understand without work on me - mm-hmm it's a big responsibility pearl do you think you're ready what should I do you guys Oh tell me down in the comment come on daddy and let me show you my secret please [Music] whoa pearl this place is amazing kind of reminds me of my secret place when I was a kid but a lot better I have to show you all of my gizmos I've been finding all these awesome things in the last couple of months and now I'm so happy I can finally share them with you and it doesn't have to be a secret anymore me too pearl you should never hide a secret from your parents come let me show you whoa you have found some amazing things here this is one of my latest finds it's a really really really old computer monitor I think it belonged to a bank or something I also found all these perfume bottles from a ship I also found this thing I have no clue what it is even my friend Chelsea had no idea well you sure have some fascinating things here sweetheart daddy can you tell me how the human world is like won't Pearl I think it's time you see for yourself huh what do you mean you mean the necklace I talked to your mom about it and I think you're old enough huh how does it work daddy I'll tell you but it's a secret I'm sure Chelsea and her family will be able to show you around oh I can't wait I can't wait daddy thank you you're welcome pearl I can't wait to hear all your adventures [Music] pearl what's the big deal about the human world I thought you liked it down under in ocean come on easy you know I always wanted to see the human world and what it's like what it's like to have legs and Runyon vite a bicycle you're probably gonna find a brand new best friend and forget about me busy come on you're my best friend I just don't want you to forget about us of course not is it I promise I will bring you a magical surprise back no we have to go be safe pearl why should I you know I'm gonna go find her oh sorry pretty seashells a little seashell tell her I wanna see her Chelsea yeah oh that's a beautiful necklace thanks Chelsea it's more than just beautiful it has magic powers daddy was right you have to come with me I have to show you around how the spin feels so funny whoa I forgot you probably never walked before um let's see just one foot at a time you got it I've got the hang of it amazing you show me the mermaid world now I have to show you my world have you heard of pizza before huh this is where you live well yeah that is impressive as the ocean but that's our house pearl we are so happy to see you again we really want to thank you for everything you did and this truly means a lot to me pearl how are you here walking it's all in this magic shell my dad gave to me hi I'm the other sister that you haven't met before I'm Stacey honey I cannot believe you're real I don't even believe you're real well what are you doing nothing is touching your hair Stacey don't scare my friend away Oh what is this sweet friend that's Toby he's a doggie he's adorable I think he likes you so Chelsea what human things do you want to show me oh I don't know I mean we can go to the playground we can go to a movie theater we can go get snack Pizza ice cream cupcake what do you like I have no idea any of those things are oh boy do we have a busy day come on Blair what are you doing behind the bushes Shh nothing okay I think you're losing it what other Roberts girls doing wait wait Topsy your friends will ask you who your friend is what are you gonna tell them we need to keep pearls identity safe like you say she's our cousin well the twins are coming who are they my nosy nosy neighbors hi Roberts family what do you guys up to huh hi Stacy huh huh nothing just hanging out hosing your friend hello my name is cousin huh her name is pearl she is our cousin um first Laura huh I thought all your family was from Wisconsin yeah um we have some newfound family in Florida yep well they would love to stay and chat but me and Charles are hosting our very own dog competition yeah we're training our dogs that are like really cool stuff I don't think your pup can compete though we don't take skateboarding as a skill see you later hon bye Stacy hmm come on Charles see how that was close something smells fishy around here I don't know you're talking about Blair I'll keep my eye on them first thing is wearing some shoes you'll thank me later okay this is a skateboard it's pretty simple you can do it even our puppy can do it okay we need to talk about snacks I brought all the snacks I could find at home you have to try it we've got gummies pizza Pringles a blizzard Cheetos sandwich burger doughnuts basically all the yummy stuff it smells amazing where do I start I would start with a pizza just so delicious mm-hmm are you trying to say that they don't have pizza and Cheetos in Florida huh huh interesting how about a bike right to our favorite trail sounds like fun [Music] well guys thank you for bringing me here this view is amazing it's one of her favorite spots Wow we love coming here and having picnics and just just smelling the fresh air wait till you see the mall and the movie theater there's a place called Chuckie Cheese they have so many games it's crazy Chuckie 1 this is a movie theater we watch movies on our really really big screen huh like moving pictures yeah yeah something like that and that's the snack counter there's a lot of snacks in your world tell me about it I'll get the movie tickets okay and after tickets for the ferry movie try this is cold popcorn mmm oh are you gonna come to my school I'm part of the cheerleading squad and we literally have the best team in the whole county cool wow it's cold yet sweet yet amazing this is definitely my favorite this is the playground Oh some of my friends are here let me introduce you to them okay hey guys this is pearl my cousin hi pearl I'm Jamie hi I'm Leah hi I'm Peter hi look guys I just won this fish I thought a carnival next door isn't it cool but are you gonna climb I'm not probably Goldie the goldfish headed why would you do that do what win a fish I know I didn't think I could win either but that's so cool this fish belongs in the ocean not in a bag oh no I'm gonna put her in a fishbowl when I get home no you need to release this fish right now Chelsea what's going on with your cousin ah a pearl I can explain let's take a walk what was that about she was pretty I like her hair okay then that fish doesn't belong in a fishbowl Chelsea I know pearl but but he would take care of it um things in your world are really different they are Chelsea it's up to you and all of the humans to take care of the ocean it's extremely important and you're right I had a really wonderful time yeah Chelsea but I think it's time for me to return yes of course I hope you can come visit again I would love to you're my friend Chelsea Oh Oh careful little one um huh pearl pearl tell me everything um hum how was it sweetheart it was amazing everything I ever dreamed of mummy won't take us it himself more it'll bring me something back I sure did chocolate chip cookies cupcakes and pizza trust me you'll thank me later oh this looks yucky Chelsea introduced me to all of her friends I wrote a bike well sort of I I tried so many snacks and I played and I ran and I danced and it was amazing can't wait to go back there again oh this is really good I'm so glad you had a good time pearl but remember this is your home the ocean need you I know mommy and I love it here but I had a great great great time and not with my special necklace daddy says I can go as much as I'd like that's true pearl but for now I'll take the necklace back just in case yes of course you will have to ask for permission next time you use it hi guys I had an amazing amazing time in the human world but you guys like to see more videos of this mermaid series please give this video a big thumbs up right there and also tell me what you would like to see next
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 4,436,279
Rating: 4.4100571 out of 5
Keywords: barbie, toy, doll, lol surprise, lol doll, barbie morning routine, children, kid friendly, fun, family, toy video, family routine, barbie family, barbie mom, toddler, dolls, for kids, toddlers, toy food, come play, doll play, lol goldie, baby goldie, punk boi, barbie lol family, titi toys, toys, colors, with dolls, breakfast, healthy, school routine, lol, goldie, barbie mermaid, lol mermaid family, dreamtopia, titi toys dolls barbie
Id: LaTF0f8uqhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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