LOL Surprise Unicorn & Luxe Boy Go Hospital

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oh good we're bringing in the patient oh yes my very first day as a doctor let me see if I can get some work here at the clinic hello I'm here to help oh yes who's there hi how can I help you hi I'm glad you're not and I'm a new doctor and I'm here to help at the clinic oh my oh that's so wonderful that you want to help but I'm afraid I don't need any help here oh that makes me so sad what am I gonna do um well maybe you could help somewhere else this is the only clinic I know uh yeah it's really the only one around I remember when I started this clinic a long time ago Oh dad gives me an idea I can start a new health place yes yes you should do that oh boy I've always wanted a hospital nearby a hospital what an amazing idea I could have my very own hospital I'm gonna do it that's awesome there's some space next door really I'm gonna check it out thanks so much you're welcome good luck let me check out this space oh yeah I see what she means there is lots of space here for a hospital cool cool cool glam stir nuts Hospital I can see it now ho but I better get to work people are gonna need help would you like to see clam China open up her own Hospital if so hit the thumbs up button let's go ahead and help glance you're not out with this hospital here is the floor of our Hospital we're gonna build up on this well we're gonna need some walls with windows and doors for patients I think we'll be able to put that right over here good press down nice solid wall okay more wall stuff here plus it includes cabinets for medicines and things like that it's gonna go back here it's starting to come together we need maybe a nice good strong post right here and a nice support beam in the middle but this one's gonna be helpful too it's an eye chart we've got the letters of the alphabet here and they get smaller and smaller can you read the smallest row I think we could even put some of our medicines up here on the shelf oh I'm gonna move this support beam real quick and we're gonna put in a sink because doctors and nurses they wash their hands all the time to help keep patients healthy so bring that back in over here when we have glanced or not she's watching every move that we make to make sure her Hospital is just right we're gonna put in a bed okay bed is in for the patient and we want to make that comfortable for them so we'll add in a nice cozy blanket over here we've got our emergency area so I'm going to add in this block and then put our stretcher on top for emergency patients now we've got a little space over here where the ambulance will pull up before I get done I'm gonna put these posts here so the ambulance will be able to drive right through I think we're ready for the next level unfortunately unicorn will be here in the hospital in a little bit what do you think favorite raid will bring her to cheer her up will it be flowers candy or balloons put your guests in the comments time to put in some floor material here we're gonna set it apart over the hospital might need a little wiggling and partly over to cover the ambulance coming in so our new emergency patients don't get rained on okay that seems right and I'm gonna build up some walls here for another patient room let's get those in nice and secure and we'll need a little post here good now of course we need to cover up this side too it's that emergency room covered I've got a little bit of roofing material we do have another door here I'm gonna set this into place pretty good-looking hospital so far just need something up here first we'll set up a little patients room no see we'll get another bed in there how about a chair for maybe a guest that's coming to visit them and even a little side table they can put their water on it we're just gonna finish up our roof over that patients room and there's even a little rail up there good and then right here you can see this is where the ambulance will pull in we've got a little patio space and I'm gonna put up our Hospital sign I think we're just about open for business oh I can't believe it a hospital with my very own whoo I am not dressed like a doctor though that's okay clams not we can help you out with that we've got these scrubs here for you that's something that doctors and nurses wear and every new doctor needs a stethoscope yes now I can listen to my patients heartbeat this hospital is officially open for business hello there unicorn oh I guess I dozed off a little how are you feeling not so good doc my wrist is really bothering me all right well let me just listen to your heartbeat and we'll take a look at that wrist oh yes I'm just gonna bring in your x-ray so I can see how that looks okay well here it is oh my you definitely have a break in that arm oh no that's okay I can get you fixed up really doc oh yes one second lie back very still I'll go get my materials okay are you ready I'm ready is it going to hurt no not at all okay all done huh that's not possible I didn't even feel a thing I know I know but you should still they still I should be able to release you later today you'll just need to keep that cast on for a few weeks ohalright I'm just glad to be feeling better that's what I'm here for I've got other patients to check on you think you'll be okay oh yeah I'll be fine I'll just rest some more good idea oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well hello there looks like somebody's feeling better huh oh hi doc guess I should get back in bed huh lux boy I'm actually glad you're doing better I don't want my patients the space say although you probably should take it easy for another day or so so do you know what was wrong with me doc well you just had a really bad case of the flu huh I can't believe that's all it was well the flu can really make us sick it was good that you came here to get better yeah I'm feeling so good now yeah yeah yeah all right all right can I go home can I go home soon I promise well how about some fresh air can I get out on the patio yeah maybe we'll both go out okay okay just right through here oh it is good to get some fresh air yes it's healthy for patients too oh my is that the ambulance coming Oh somebody must have gotten hurt excuse me I've got to get downstairs for that ambulance oh good we're bringing in the patient there there that's emergency parking all right who do we have here they'd better get the structure here I'll help you doc thank you thank you all right very carefully with our patient oh how wow she hurt her foot while singing onstage Oh mine yeah she slipped okay let's get her into the emergency room okay there ma'am how are you feeling oh not so good I don't even know what happened can you tell me your name yes I'm I'm Joe Joe Joe Joe see wha I was just on the stage and I was singing and dancing and the next thing I know I found oh my foot my foot okay I'll take a look at it let me go ahead and give you some medicine to help with the pain here just a couple of these things doc all right I'm just gonna need a few supplies let's take a look at this foot oh yeah let's get that shoe off oh my it's already starting to swell okay let me get my things thank you all right there we have it it's all wrapped up whoo it is starting to feel a little better I think the medicine is helping yep that's what it's for definitely gonna have to stay off that foot for a while I'll grab a wheelchair for you oh no a wheelchair yeah I promise it's not as bad as you think and I bet your friends I want to help push you if you say so unicorn oh hi favor babe so nice of you to come visit me yeah I when I heard you were in the hospital I just knew I had to come see you plus I brought something special for you you did what is it what is it let me get it there you go it's jellybeans ah they're my favorite candy thank you thank you thank you you're welcome I was hoping it would cheer you up oh it definitely definitely did did you guess that favor brave would bring some candy for unicorn if so say I got it in the comment huh and while you're enjoying your jellybeans I I think I need to find a restroom oh my I don't have one in this room maybe there's some somewhere else okay I'm gonna run and look I'll I'll be back down as soon as I can okay hurry goodness where is there a bathroom in this hospital excuse me coming through the other bathroom no sorry huh guess I better keep looking oh here's a little door maybe there's a bathroom here ah yes thank goodness I was just about to have an accident hey wait I gotta close the door oh that was an emergency oh boy looks like all my patients are ready to go home yeah thanks for helping us doc it's been my pleasure opening this hospital is the best thing I ever did help help help Neagle pani please yeah me too me too oh my I think someone's in our potty I don't know where you can go wait will young Quinn look what is it it's a potty store really come on whoa no no I don't want to do it pretty please you need to go to the bathroom and this is the Connie we have that is a baby potty and I'm bigger now I don't want to use it what can do boy shower show her how to use the potty that it's not just for little babies no I don't want to use it either I think it's a girl party too and bigger any a bigger boy potty you two what am I gonna do this is what we have you need to go Oh what's going on in here what's the problem I'm afraid little unicorn and look can't you boy don't want to use this little party anymore oh my I guess it has gotten a little small or I guess they've gotten a little big huh yeah hmm should we go shopping for new potties really you think so I was just gonna get them to use this one no no no we want a new potty well I think they know what they want we're gonna have to go get some new potties today yay oh boy here we go would you like to see little unicorn and they'll can new boy get a new potty today if so hit the thumbs up button oh yeah yeah yeah hey mommy's gonna teach you that's quite enough look what you've done you've already made a mask sorry it's really all right nothing's been broken or leaking what brings you here to the store today well I'm afraid our little brother little sister was like a new potty yeah we're big I think I understand that little punk boy he wanted a big potty - yeah a boys potty I know just what you're talking about yes we can find you a boy's potty whoo and the girls pony hand the girls potty something pretty pretty colorful fun hmm pretty colorful fun pony we might have something like that remember guys it's just a party it doesn't need to be too special I think maybe we'll just look around for a while right now that's all right certainly but let me know if you need help Hey look blue maybe that means it's a boy a party let's see I think it's still girls potty yeah and it doesn't look like it's for little ones it's for big people yeah that's not too bad at least I sit on it yeah yeah yeah come on come on let's keep looking okay they will get a new potty today but which one of the big sisters do you think will end up using it do you think it will be unicorn or can do baby put your guests in the comments oh come on this looks like a nice one over here hmm it's so ugly yeah where's the colors well at least it looks plenty low enough I'll try wha-hey fell in this is not good thank goodness it's just in the store not a real one oh man let me see whoa hey the both of you fit in there this is not okay that party is obviously way too big for them all right all right I guess you need to change my thinking thought you might use a little help over here whoo what is this let me see I love this privacy door and it's just the right size give me oh yeah I think there's a boy potty over here is that right that's right and it's blue this looks good Wow I'm quite amazed I didn't realize there would be something so perfect for them yeah well that's what I'm here for to know what they want this is a great help um you guys aren't actually going potty right you know these are just in the store whoops I better get away then yep I could have an accident so what do you think I think we'll take it right wait we're not done looking but this one is so perfect I thought so too I was just hoping for something a little more colorful yeah we want to see everything so we choose the right one well I guess I understand okay let's keep looking hold on to this for us though sure well oh look over here will you Quinn what is it yeah let me see oh it's so pretty it's got a little fishy inside he says flipper Brooke I like it I can fit on it excuse me please it's all pink I don't want all pink potty just for girls and I'm not sure that I really care for the fish being in it oh you don't think it's kind of fun no it's kind of yucky let's just put this one away I don't know how many more of these I can look at I mean this one is obviously way too tall I think it's way too tall for us sure this blue this one here would be just right for us yeah but too tall for them yeah and still we don't have a spot for can do boy come on the other potty was perfect I'm gonna go look there's no way he finds anything better than what we had well just give them a chance it's important to them if you say so all of this just for a party huh I found something I found something back here huh okay all right coming what do you think I think it's great cuz it's like being in the woods it's interesting how does it even work I'll show you this is a little boys potty hmm that's like you're going on a tree is the girls potty behind the door oh it is oh I even see the toilet paper it does fit I can close the door so do you guys like this one better yeah I like the tree I like the tree the tree is so perfect we'll take it um no thank you I don't want to go in the woods you're not really in the woods I know but you know one was more colorful and cute oh come on this one is awesome now look what's happening they've got one that's great two that are great but they can't agree on it they want different things oh now I am starting to think that maybe there really isn't one just for them I know you guys are having a hard time I think I may have a solution I found one other kids potty here I'll bring it up for you tell me what you guys think about this it may solve all your problems hmm let me investigate oh I like this Hey it almost looks like me it says four little girls the pink door it is very colorful just the right size I can close the door I feel like I'm in a castle you can kind of look like you're in a castle yep but what about me oh hey there's a blue bathroom's potty spot for the boys what do you think I can do boy hmm not like going on the tree but it is good yeah I like it too we're like the king and queen of the pawnees well that's definitely one way to think about it so can we get this one please um yeah yeah yeah yeah oh right yes we can go finally well actually I was thinking oh no thinking about what okay just hear me out we got in this new Pawnee um we need to think they can use you know for washing their hands afterwards well that is a good point homeboy now we've got to go find a sink that they like yeah you think Singh thankfully it looks like they've got everything right here oh yeah this one looks like fun yeah look at all the faucets watch wash wash oh it's great when you can make hand washing fun but do we really need three faucets no that might be a little too much this one is nice and it has a mirror it's a little too tall it's too big for us all right all right I guess that means the blue one back there is a little bit too bad I really do like that blue hmm here's a couple more choices yeah they're both pretty cute the double one is good one for each of them yes but maybe a little candy boy could finally get his little tree wow wow wow wow look at this tree sink we thought you'd like that oh boy the tree sink is cool look at this though it's got two faucets hmm I like the tree but I do like having my own faucet Wow scrub scrub scrub together I think we found a winner yeah and I bet you're glad it didn't take too long I sure AM can we get this stuff home now let's go come on kiddos look at all the empty space we need to set up the nursery and bathroom for little can do boy and lo unicorn let's bring in this white dresser it's full of drawers and bins with ABCs and numbers we can also set up a teddy bear and here's a little hat to put on it and we'll slide that right over here against the wall next I'll bring in there twice full of toys like a soccer ball little duckie kitty cat ball and glove and slide that against the wall we don't want to forget our potty things think the sink can go there and the potty on this side so we go to the bathroom and then we wash our hands the last thing that our tree needs are some beds blue fishies and pink flowers they each need a mattress a matching color mattress and a matching blanket then to make more space we'll turn it into bunk beds they rehab it I think them there she's ready are you two happy now that you don't have to use a little baby potty so so happy and now that I'm thinking about it I need to go awesome I get to open my door I'm ready I have privacy and I get a boys party I want to go to do you have to go I can try I must admit this party is definitely better and no fighting over just one yay for me I'm all done and I will close the door behind me well thank you ma'am yep I'm done too and what do we do after we go party wash hands in our new sink wait for me this is money faucet wow they really do love these new things hope this means we don't have any accidents okay we're all washed up well what are you gonna do now let's play outside right behind you hey guys I have some lunch ready um where did everybody go I've been fixing stuff in the kitchen oh my I actually need to use the bathroom oh wait a minute I can't use a little ones bathroom but I have to go so bad huh think I can do it oh boy it's kind of small in there but I really gotta go so be careful unicorn I can't even close the door and so big okay it worked hopefully when will I don't have to no I just need to wash up unicorn huh yeah what's going on what do you mean why are you using my faucet oh um I'm just testing it out works great okay if you say so um hello anybody home hello yeah we're up here oh hey wow what a me please thank you the party and faucets are new aren't they nice they are nice dude desperately in love can't see oh boy except for unicorn was using it too did you guess that unicorn would be the one to use the little potty if so say I got it in the comments what are you doing here favorite babe are you gonna play with us Oh No sorry can't stay I've got my own house to fix up really yeah I was just looking for some ideas see what you guys had done oh I get it yeah that's nice we'd love it from senior house sometime um yeah sure no problem I'm gonna head out though uh you know I can't wait you gotta get it set up here it is my new beautiful home so lovely and ginormous it's just perfect for this Farrow babe hmm but I don't want anybody seeing me going in it's a super secret in there nobody can find out what's going on Shh would you like to see in Farrow babes new home if so hit the thumbs up button I just love my pretty paintings on the wall oh they remind me in days long ago tookies a little more light in here though there we go that lantern should do I think I'll put some of my bowls in here and the basket hmm that basket might be good for scaring off anybody that's trying to find my treasure I know up with this scorpion in it that'll keep people away okay outside might need a little protection too there you go I think this dog might scare people away we need to press the secret passageway button ah yes more of my lovely paintings I think I know what I want to go in here hmm it's gonna take up a lot of space though oh you certainly are big I hope nobody finds you I think you'll be safe in here hmm maybe I should add something for a little protection I think a skeleton might do the trick time to close up uh-huh not to my treasure room I don't think anybody will be able to find this place and get my treasure inside here's a treasure chest full olden things bowls and and water pictures and all kinds of neat stuff okay there we go even got this golden urn and a little genie there maybe for making some fun wishes I've also got these for fun containers they all have different heads on them like an eagle human a monkey and a dog let's find a special spot for them I also have this for my gems rubies and diamonds and all kinds of gemstones this is a safe hiding spot but I might need some more protection don't touch those gems or you might get bitten by a snake and there are spiders crawling around in the gold better watch out for them yep I think that'll do it anybody tries to come and find my treasure they might find something more than just treasure I think I need to just run out for a few more supplies let's lock up nobody's looking she's gone yes she's gone come on I just know she's gotta have some fun treasures in here somewhere yeah we're gonna find it we're treasure hunters we sure are now hmm this doesn't open like a regular door hmm what do we do I think they'll find some crazy stuff in there one thing might be a little sister what little sister do you think is hiding inside could it be a little angel little shortstop or the SPF cutie put your guests in the comments I don't know let's keep booking good I found something it's opening its opening whoa where are we I don't know but there's this little button over here hmm wonder what it does whoa it's sliding yeah but nothing happened not strange come on let's look around the corner hmm look there's a space over here a little punk boy I want to push the button again he goes ah oh my gosh what do you think it's some kind of money Oh No um maybe we shouldn't stay here oh come on that's gotta be all of it it's just because they're hiding some treasure we gotta find it look I think I can see up the stairs there's no skeletons um-hum all right just a little bit more looking around okay this doesn't seem so bad no sis got like pops and stuff in here a nice little basket I bet I can fit in that basket huh huh I got em don't worry I really think it might be time to go come on come on we're so close and what being so brave you know we could have just asked favor oh babe to come over Nancy doesn't want to she keeps hiding okay let's keep looking Hey look another button what's this - pom-pom boy what's going on in there help me help me here give me your hand something's got me hold on hold on I got you yeah you stay down there I think I'm ready to go right now little punk boy oh look I think we found it no don't go in there please there's gotta be something scary favored babe has traps all over this house I'm going in it's just enough space for me oh please not well look it's opening I see gold really yeah okay oh my goodness just look at all this stuff golden gems wait really yeah look okay don't be scared there's some creatures in here really where where where oh I see the spider in the snake Oh okay sneak I'm not afraid of you Saint what are you doing I got him I got Allah oh my goodness you're so brave yeah I took care of that snake and now all these gems are mine they're so sparkly and beautiful I like this treasure maybe I could just take one thing oh no we're not taking Pharaoh babes things we just came to look oh but they're so pretty oh don't look over there what is it oh I think I got it I think I got it come on we're getting out of here right now yeah let's go but how do we get out how many maybe it's this way through here come on let's look whoa what's that let's just go whoa this thing is huge yeah don't touch it starting to shake little snuggle babe how did you get in there I don't know come on come on get out of there come on repeating out of here once and for all huh we made it out thank goodness no more coming back you got it I don't want to come back here anymore I thought it was kind of fun did you guess a little SPF cutie was hiding in the house if so say I got it in the comments mmm okay looks like it's safe and secure let's just check on the treasure yeah looks like everything's just the way I loved it thank goodness excuse me please what a heartbreaker hello what did you get in here uh I just came in the door Oh cutie snake what what are you doing here I really need to go party do you know where there's a potty around here I don't have a potty for you around here oh my god oh hey guys sorry sorry whoa are you ok the next boy okay we're here guys all right yay but why did you bring us to the park of the shopping part we didn't have a stroller that was big enough for you oh yeah but everybody can get out now woohoo yay all right I'm gonna go play in the sand with you I can get daddy wait I'm gonna play in the sand - I'm gonna make a sand castle yeah and I want to dig for dinosaur bones and I wanna look for shells whoa guys one down hey you guys left me on the sandbox none of space for all of us oh stop don't push whoa whoa whoa what is going on here we all want to play in the sand but there's not enough room well that's no good we certainly shouldn't be fighting well what do we do about it hmm maybe we can get another sandbox in here something a little bigger hey that would be excellent would you like to see the little brothers and little sisters get a bigger sandbox to play in if so hit the thumbs up button I think we might be able to help them out here this looks like a pretty big sandbox it could be a lot of space for little brothers and little sisters and there's even a bench for someone big to sit on that looks like a nice good spot it'll match up with the other one I'll bring in a little sign that says sandbox and everybody will know what it is here's another little clay spot it's like a little wooden castle now of course we need some little sand tools for example a bucket here is a little rake for smoothing out the sand here is a shovel for digging maybe digging for those dinosaur bones here's another little scoop to do shapes in the sand a little watering can sometimes the water helps to see them stick a little better here's a fun truck we can drive through it and then I've got a couple of little cups here and things that you can also stuff with sand so that you can make a special shape with them I'm sure the kids will have fun in the sand bar I've also got a little train over here who do you think will drive the Train will it be little Luck's boy money on cutie or low-lux put your guests in the comments all right come on over everybody the new sandbox is ready it looks like so much fun all right yay I'm gonna make shapes with these pup I think I will sit here and be the manager of the construction site oh cool look at this truck I want to build up something super tall right let me start by filling my cups with sand Shh Oh perfect now if we have to do is turn them over very carefully one two okay slowly pick it up slowly slowly just like whoa perfect now the other one here we go perfect stay in shape that is an excellent job neon cutie okay thank you now I will get to work on my giant sand dung can I help can I help sure why don't you rake out the area okay here we go great great great I'm smoothing I'm smoothing I got it okay now we need a bucket full of sand one bucket gotta fill it up with sand let's add a little bit of water to make it nice and firm okay now let's turn it over here we go carefully carefully whoa look at all the things and we scoop out an opening wow I love this sand dome hey think we bit could drive my truck in it be careful be careful oh it doesn't fit oh no that's too bad but I can I'm gonna go put some 100 dony on cutie wait for me all right now we have the sandbox all to ourselves woohoo I just wanna swing - boy hey hey wait for me I'll swing with you oh okay hey Lindy I'm kitty do you know how to make these things go higher no I'm not very good at swinging oh boy oh boy you know yeah what's wrong can you give us a push oh sure let me just go around behind you here you go big push for you whee and one for you with the yay more and more alright alright here you go whoo - at once will super power swings high good I just want to come back Wow oh sorry sorry sorry whoa are you okay no thanks boy yeah I think so I just wanted to come by and say sorry for knocking over your sand stuff oh thanks I'm sorry for bumping into you yeah I got too close to the swings I should know better yeah you silly anybody wanna ride the train me me me yeah come on oh-oh do something fun on the swing I won't drive the Train oh no no me I think I should get to do it no I want to do it even though it's over mites and remember yeah my said sorry and you ran into me with the swing but you got in the way I got a great idea I'm gonna drive to train all avoid cha cha cha cha whoa leaving the station yeah I love this train we will we will here we go round and round whoa whoa hey guys I wouldn't get one excuse that's what well I can stop the trains running into me I'll save you I'll save you gotcha huh maybe we should get off the train now did you guess that low-lux would drive the train if so say I got it in the comments ooh a seesaw let's get on it oh that does look like fun yeah I want to get on and after them actually go to the bathroom oh I'll go with you okay let's go oh yeah the new up-and-down could be so so much fun all right me first yes I got to the privacy one first oh I guess I have to use this tree no nicely done yet no you know not yet okay oh wait I'm I don't know I will watching watching watching this is such a cool sink yeah I'm gonna know - whoa one faucet but it fills up with water splash splash splash I don't think we're supposed to be splashing I know but it's so much fun to play buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz Oh better get back and see what everybody's doing okay hey fetch boy fresh boy we haven't seen you for this whole time what you've been doing I stayed over here in this sandbox to play there was lots of room for just me Oh oh good thinking I'm gonna climb to the tallest tower I'm getting good on the slide here I go hi hello there huh you're silly I know I know I'm coming whee splash in the sand hmm it's a nice soft splashing spot hey guys look at me well you're up there so high you better be careful of course I'm careful I'm a big boy you know what oh no wait I'm stuck I'm stuck up here somebody help help I'm stuck I'm stuck oh no we'll go get help don't you see what come on boy we need help well let's boy is stuck what what what's going on see if there he's stuck oh man Joe Joe you stay down here and catch him I'll go up there and push him out to you okay okay I'm here to get you unstuck don't worry Joe Joe will catch you oh no I'm scared I'm scared hang on hang on whoa gotcha huh whew that was a long fall I'm glad you're okay yeah maybe I'll just play here in the sand for a while Hey Joe Joe yeah what's up punk boy um I was thinking maybe you mind if I go home and get some sleep I hate to leave you here with all these little ones but so so tired I've got a big day tomorrow you know yes I know you do sure it's no problem go ahead and get some rest Thanks oh so tired anybody here wait do you want to see punk boy get married today if so hit the thumbs up button and who do you think he'll marry who will be unicorn may be favored babe or Joe Joe see wha put your guts in the comments Oh in this courageous I don't know need be sleeping hello pump boy you need to wake up please fine boy hmm hi boy hello mr. big day today you need to wake up why it's what unicorn what is it why are you waking me up you don't remember what today is mr. no what is it it's your wedding day what oh my goodness I totally forgot did I sleep through it is it okay where do I go okay simmer down simmer down I figured you'd still be sleeping so I came to wake you up and help you get ready oh so I didn't miss anything no you didn't miss anything thank goodness okay what do I need to do where do I start where do I begin ah do you want to see Punk boy get married today if so hit the thumbs up button and who do you think he'll marry will be unicorn may be Pharaoh babe or Jojo see wha put your guests in the comments all right all right no need to get all gussied up getting ready that's where we need to start why don't you head to the bathroom I'm so glad you said that I really gotta go oh I can't do anything until I go to the bathroom ah that's better how about a shower so don't smell too bad yeah just hop right in here for a quick little bath a little privacy please Punk boy are you in here did you go to the bathroom oh you've gotta be kidding me where is he now he's run off uh boys what are we gonna do with them he's gonna waste so much time but I didn't see where he could have gone mm huh somebody in there hello anybody here oh hey come down here good okay I'm taking a shower oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry man can't even take a shower and peace around here haha I might as well get my teeth brushed here we go gotta have fresh breath shhh shhh shhh my wedding day let's get a bit of water ha ha nice and fresh huh I'm cleaned up what do I do now oh man I don't know you know one unicorn um yes within me I don't know what to do next ok let's see you got a shower did you brush your teeth yeah yeah well why aren't you looking at me well I didn't know if you were dressed or not I've got a towel on oh okay so you brush your teeth you've showered you smell nice and clean yeah yeah none of those things I think it may be time to get dressed really you know in tuxedo time all right love my tuxedo Oh looks like unicorn they don't make clothes for me awesome start with my pants excellent and now my tuxedo suit yeah I love the black and white perfect even has a tuxedo tail in the back slip on some super cool black shoes oh yeah this guy's ready to get married today hmm wonder how my bride is doing I just don't believe it how could someone be sleeping in so late on their wedding day one of the most important days of their lives [Music] hmm maybe she's dreaming about her wedding Oh Jojo Jojo see wow she must be having a nice dream um enough dreaming though sleepyhead time to get out of bed hmm oh she really is tough to wake up well desperate times call for desperate measures Jojo I have to do this for your own good it's time to wake up sir are you okay huh oh my goodness Pharaoh babe why did you do that I had to get you up it's an important day today's an important day huh having a beautiful dream about my wedding hello today is your wedding day okay so now that's why I'm here I'm here to help okay thank goodness huh how do I begin why don't we start with getting you freshened up in the bathroom huh good thinking yeah that breath could use some work Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes time for a potty break huh I can't do anything else until I go to the bathroom but now it is scrub-a-dub-dub time to get in the tub let's get ready want to be cleaning for my wedding okay ah yes a nice soaking bath scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub wanna be y'all clean I'm getting married today scrub scrub scrub Jojo don't forget to brush your teeth okay got it favorite babe huh she's right huh can't soak in the tub forever here we are now we'll brush up the teeth make sure my breath is fresh for the first kiss Shh time to rinse yes fresh now what about this hair ah I should do it looking good to go whoo I think it might be time for a wedding dress oh wow is that my dress it sure is it's beautiful Jojo thank you so much I can't wait to put it on I can help you with that there's lots of buttons oh thank you okay I think we can help Jojo get into her dress a beautiful white wedding dress look at the glittery silver on the front well put her shoes back on oh she is so adorable what do you think say ro babe oh my goodness I could just cry you're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen okay well I think I'm ready well then I believe it's time to head off to the ceremony oh I'm getting so excited oh my goodness we better get it set up for the ceremony first we'll start where the ceremony will take place isn't it beautiful this grassy area with a stony spot for them to stand all these beautiful flowers around then under this archway is where they will get married so get that put together it also has beautiful flowers on top here is a nice table for our cake to be sat on oh and look at that cake here is the special wedding drink and two glasses for the bride and groom we'll also need to set up some chairs so that the guests have somewhere to sit and watch the ceremony as it takes place well I think some of our guests are arriving now oh my goodness only on cutie look at how beautiful it looks here yeah pretty pretty for wedding let's find our seat this is simply gorgeous oh what a special day hey guys hey little fanime are you sleeping you can't sleep through the ceremony it's too special their myths oh my goodness the ceremony hasn't started yet happy it has it no no max what are you doing we're Slovak so that's pointing oh um they'll be here you'll see I'm just gonna take my seat right here hello everyone on behalf of the bride and groom I want to say thank you for coming the wedding should be starting any moment this is so exciting I love weddings I know that was making me cry oh my goodness what's this a surprise guest has arrived who is it an lol surprise confetti pop someone from series 3 wave 2 we better hurry and get them out this wedding is about to start let's go let's go we don't have any time to waste here woah here's our secret message sunkissed sunkissed this secret message means we could either get Riptide waves or SPF cutie who do you think it will be put your guests in the comments well whoever it is needs to hurry and come out before this wedding is started great we'll find out what our doll can do one of our stickers got stuck here let's get that off look our changing colors sticker don't roll away we need you feeling getting closer to finding out who our surprise guest is we've got to get these surprises first though out we go oh how fit is here cutie cutie bathing suit turning got it next surprise when we have super awesome sunglasses pink and a neon green - fun let's go and spin again revealing a new surprise [Music] here is a pair of cute little pink shoes one more spin here whoops our ribbon got caught up there we go our last surprise from this section is our water bottle soda can with the straw and the handle I like that time - confetti pop whoa and let's see who our newest guest is whoa whoa it's Riptide guys let's go ahead and get her dress let's put these bathing suit bottoms on although I'm not sure a bathing suit is the right outfit for a wedding but that's okay she's a surprise guest there's that we just need to get these shoes on her feet and the other one go ahead and check out these glasses wow it shoots ready for the beach than a wedding let's check out what she might do ready Riptide whoa whoa do you see what's coming out of her ears that's the mystery one here getting the ground wet everywhere someone might slip better stop I'll just find a spot over here where I won't be in the way oh here he comes it's our little ring bearer isn't he adorable oh I didn't I did it good job Shh you have to be quiet now okay and now it's our flower girl flowers flowers so pretty good job good job okay this is my spot here comes the groom everyone oh my goodness this is such a big day okay remember what you're supposed to do you got this Punk boy hello it baby hi are you feeling nervous I just can't wait to see Jojo please stand as the bride comes down the aisle hello hi oh my goodness she's so beautiful and her flowers / bouquet is gorgeous my goodness what a lovely wedding I love her dress okay quiet down you may all be seated the bride and groom have chosen to say a few words to each other hey Jojo - boy I'm so glad I get to marry you today when the first time I met you I knew you were the right one for me you're so kind and caring and sweet and I'm so glad I get to marry you today oh come boys that's so sweet that's why I love you so much you're cheering and sweet and so thoughtful this is the best day ever okay if baby I think we're ready do be beloved we are gathered here today to see the union of punk boy and Jojo see wha is there anyone that disagrees with this union no-good Punk why do you promise to love Jojo in sickness and in health I do and you promise to take care of her always I do enjoy Joe do you promise to love Punk boy in sickness and health and take care of them always I do by the powers vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride I'd like to present to you mr. and mrs. Punk boy yeah [Music] [Applause] it's time to cut the cake okay here's a bite mm-hmm don't get on my dress can't hear some for you smoosh mice mice oh and a little something to drink Cheers to the rest of our line oh now it's time to head off on our honeymoon oh I can't wait for our trip whoa look at this mummy gets a door for you oh thank you what a gentleman all right a convertible goodbye everyone goodbye thanks for coming to our wedding goodbye yay look at the cans did you guess that Punk boy would get married to Joe Josie wha if so say I got it in the comments huh that was beautiful wasn't it yes it was oh my phone hello hang on a second I gotta run to the bathroom this morning is morning okay let me know I deal with my new matter that's why why screaming I remembered what did you remember we got all new bathroom but it's not ready yet oh that's right it's not we're supposed to be is it no uh-oh what's wrong I gotta buy enough - oh no no no no let's wake everybody up come on come on come on wake up wake up wake up Oh your corne she's always so sleepy come on let's go here hey whoa baby baby baby please please wake up huh huh what when that's it boys what's going on wait I go potty so go no remember the bathrooms not ready oh no that's right Oh oh no oh wow hello everybody okay yeah I'm okay so fresh boy you all right yeah I'm all right how does she sleep through all of that I don't know she's very sleepy all right let's go get the bathroom setups you can go potty would you like to see our little lol family get a new bathroom if so it's a thumbs up button the boys were right all the bathroom stuff is here but it's in a jumbled mess we've got to get it set up I bet there's some toothbrushes in here what color toothbrush do you think the unicorn will use will it be blue green or orange put your guts in the comments here's what I think we should do let's start with the shower it's got a towel bar and a little showerhead that can come off so you can move it all around you to get nice and clean and there's a rain head shower head on top all right one shower got it here's a nice light to bring in in the bathroom there we go we've got it turned on but we don't need it right now next up some shelves we've got some bath items that we'll need to go on here and look at this this is nice for a big family a counter with two sinks but we sure I'm missing a lot of supplies and how about this our toilet this is the most important thing we need right now maybe that can go here in between the light and the shelf I've got a rug to put down in front of the scene here is a towel to hang on this towel bar for when you get out of the shower we've got a scrubber for cleaning the toilets sometimes you need that scrub scrub scrub clean clean clean and when you're done there's a little spot to put it in so nobody has to touch to that spot now to our shelf I'll add this bottle of perfume one cup with a blue toothbrush another cup with an orange toothbrush right there got a little bucket we can put some low and cologne and stuff in there we go and another useful bottle on the bottom whoops get that on there now to put our supplies over here bar sink there's an extra towel rolled up I've got another bucket we can put our hair dryer in and set that to the side this basket will hold our comb and brush for doing hair we have a second bucket for toothpaste and perfume let's get that under the other sink very often in the bathroom you might have a scale set that over here and then in this bathroom we also have an exercise bike can do your workout and then get cleaned up oh oh yes it looks great little French boy and the last point the bathroom is ready yay when you go so bad okay though that's boy you can go first thank you I think I'll take a shower where you guys are using the bathroom oh my thank goodness I can go now huh I like this bathroom okay time to wash my hands my turn my turn whoo that was a close one hey two things for washing hands hey little x-point Hey look we could both wash our hands at the same time no huh I feel so much better now me too what we do hmm okay pajamas off let's get in the shower favorite babe what do we do now um can you go wake up can you make up unicorn for me oh yeah tell her to come get ready okay so how we can do this I don't know she sleeps so soundly I've got an idea I'm gonna go on the other side buy one ear and you stay by this year and then at the same time we'll say wake up in her ear okay I'll stay here are you ready over there I'm ready one two three wake up unicorn huh oh you okay sorry oh well you guys got me wait that's not very easy to do I know we have to come up with a clever play hmm-hmm favorite babes game showers she says you need get ready yeah time to get ready oh yeah I'm gonna get on the exercise bike first though I like to start my day with exercise okay let's stay here oh good you're up yeah the boys did a good job waking me up I'm just getting out of the shower now can you get ready yeah mind if I do a little exercise first no I should take a little while anyway thank you all right I'm feeling the burn go unicorn go let me just step over here on the scale for a second excellent now time to get this hair dried hair dry run perfect just need to brush it up a little bit think that brush is in here yes it is brushing those bangs down perfect and getting all the sides and the back everything inflate got it time to get dressed here's a look at favor babe's outfit gold hand like a teal blue color which i think is really cool and she's got this skirt to go with it also gold with some super fun little accents on it she even has a leg band and an arm band and some gold shoes she must love Oh hurry I think I'm already time to go check on the boys I'll be in a minute oh okay enough bike riding time to get cleaned up after a good workout need to get in the shower Shh let me just get this down Shh so I can get cleaned off all over Shh perfect I think I'll go ahead and get dressed before I do anything out what is Unicorn gonna be wearing here's her top matches our hair pretty well it's kind of a little tank top or almost like swimsuit top that has a zipper on it there we go on her arm see how cute she's already got these leggings on here is the bottom which you can see kind of like a swimsuit bottom too it's got ruffles going all the way around and she wears a cute pair of sneakers pretty green with gold bows and finally you don't want to forget her unicorn corn super pretty with flowers the ears and the gold horn yes now I feel like I'm getting ready for the day hmm what's next brushing my teeth just need to grab my top and my toothbrush don't want to forget my toothpaste all right a little bit of toothpaste and you're all set top to bottom all the way in the bag want nice clean teeth now it's time to rinse get a little bit of water my cup ah fresh did you guess that unicorn would use the orange toothbrush if so say I got it in the comments oh you know what after all that getting ready I forgot I needed to use the bathroom okay no I think I'm really done getting ready wait we mean really rings oh my cell phone let's see I think I got it here somewhere oh here it is ha ha ha ha okay let me just get it out here oh you oh oh hello oh no it's not working oh yeah I need to find a place for this and watch my hand okay huh what's going on in here I heard screaming hey dropped my phone in the toilet yeah yeah I just put it over there for now I don't think it's gonna work anymore whew do you think we could go to the store and get me a new cell phone huh I guess we're all ready you ain't might as well go all right let's grab the boys
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 14,691,985
Rating: 4.6161299 out of 5
Keywords: ambulance, wedding, cake, lux boy, luxe boi, big brother, custom, style, playing, water, jouet, hairstyle, shopkins, friendly, doctor, kid, barbie, salon, принцесса, игрушка, baby photographer, 公主, fail videos, doll, barbie doll, happy, видео, barbie hair, hair fail, 娃娃, juguete, hair, swirl, family, ice, toy, hospital, video, long, friends, barbie videos, world, गुड़िया, long hair, pharaoh babe, extensions, cookie, खिलौना, वीडियो, princess, brinquedo, mini, केश, easy, punk boi punk girl wedding
Id: 4XOqc-rSrA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 27sec (3867 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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