LOKI Episode 5 BREAKDOWN - Post-Credits and Ending Explained + MCU Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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a beautiful Union of Form and Function that's lovely hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan AR and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in episode five of the second season of Loki we have a lot to break down here there are references to Thor the Avengers and some big clues about how the TVA was actually founded to begin with so we're going to talk about all of that and explain how all of this was the plan of Kang the Conqueror and we're going to talk about the post credits Easter EG that I bet a lot of you miss this episode had so many high points like finally getting to see Mobius on a jet ski kind of we knew that the show was building up to that moment but they still found a way to tease us till the finale but if you do want to relive the Majesty of Mobius on a jet ski every day of your life you can get this Mobius riding Mobius on a jet ski t-shirt this is a brand new shirt for sale at our merch store right now at screenrush merch.com I want to thank all of you so much for supporting us at this channel watching us and shopping at the merch store where we design the shirts ourselves and we have another new Loki inspired shirt we're not on the main timeline which I can definitely relate to that feeling we have these and many other Loki parody merch Miss minutes pinup the usual variants variant hoodie and many more shopping our merch store is the best way to directly support our Channel thank all of you so much for watching so now the name of this episode is science SL fiction which tells us a lot about the theme of this episode see science fiction is speculative fiction it's an author observing the world around them and then taking a guess at what comes next so sci-fi is kind of Def by time it's a person Imagining the future and then writing about it but what separates science fiction from say Theory research paper is that sci-fi places character first so in this show we have all this weird timey wiy stuff going on but in a very heartbreaking moment Loki reveals that for him it's all about friendship I want my friends back so the real TVA was the friends we made along the way yeah actually you're 100% right about that and this theme was teased by Victor tinley's presentation when he used the phrase science fiction before it was actually coined in real life laugh it off as pure science fiction and of course Loki has a deeper motivation that we're going to talk about a little bit later so the Marvel Studio logo begins with a choir singing underneath and this is also similar to how the last episode began and in both episodes the choir seems eerily reminiscent of the singing that surrounds the obelisk in one of the all-time great works of Science Fiction 2001 A Space Odyssey the Obelisk appears at moments of human evolution and Discovery and in the last episode it played as a kind of choir of voices from the timeline escalating as we approach the Palace of he who remains but in this episode those voices are dying out as the workers of the TVA are now blipping away and there are other visual references the 2001 and the works of Stanley kubri that oh no life is pain are coming in here all the there always something with him all right what's going on dude what's what's happening in your life well you know I have this holiday party for work oh well that actually sounds like it would be really nice no yeah dude holiday parties are fun what's the problem well it it's my first time seeing everybody after working remotely since you know the virus and stuff and I have been using a zoom filter to cover my thinning hair there's a zoom filter to give you hair yeah let me show you dude if your hair is thinning don't cover it up with zoom filters actually do something about it with keeps they're the sponsor of this video you guys will not believe how many guys start losing their hair but then they put off doing something about it keeps is clinically proven to work with keeps I get a personalized 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something about it right now because hair loss stops with keeps to get a special offer go to keeps.com screencrush or click the link in the description that is ks.com screencrush so now back to Loki where we begin the episode where episode 4 ended with the white screen that slowly raises the f-stop to reveal Loki and he's just fine but everybody else is gone now there is a clue of what happened to them in the hallway though as Loki walks by this poster that warned you that temporal radiation will turn you into spaghetti that's what happened to Victor and it's what's happened to everyone else the entire TVA is now empty even the pie room has no pie very eerie and kind of reminiscent of the empty hotel in The Shining so what even happened here well it seems like this is a fail safe designed in case the temporal Loom fails and the TVA about to be destroyed the message on the intercom says this is TVA code 1229 and thank you for your service so like in the event that the sacred timeline was overloaded with too many branches the TVA workers would all return to their newly restored timeline branches so the promise that they would live in peace at the end of time was really just a promise that they would someday go back to their old lives before those lives were erased forever what do you mean by that well I mean that when they built the TVA Kang knew this was going to happen like this entire season's going to end up being one big Ora Boris Loop and I think that we're going to see the origin of the TVA in the next episode hey yeah that reminds me I want to finish my joke so there's these two biscuits right and they're wait no they're not biscuits I think they're cupcakes no they're not not cupcakes but they're muffins okay there's two muffins right Doug not right now I'm in the middle of an Easter egg video talking about or Boris loops je I never get to finish my joke so then Loki starts to time slip again now we don't really know why yet but I'm going to offer up a potential explanation in the first episode Loki's time slipping was caused by him being thrown across the time stream then they use the temporal magnet to trace his Aura and anchor it to one place to the TVA but now the TVA is no longer safe from the time stream or temporal radiation so Loki is able to time slip inside the TVA once again it could also be that his cells have kind of been inundated with this temporal radiation notice that his time slipping kind of stretches him like spaghetti just like the spaghettification that happens when somebody is overloaded with too much temporal energy and then he Time Slips and sees his future self again reminiscent of 2001 A Space Odyssey the movie ends with David becoming unored from time seeing his future self as his Evolution accelerates and he becomes a new more powerful life form just as Loki throughout the episode gains the ability to slip back and forth through time and then slowly the TVA is destroyed and turns into spaghetti yeah why is that happening well okay remember the last episode when all of the new timelines were producing an increased amount of temporal radiation that was overloading the temporal Loom see that overload of radiation turned Victor timley into spaghetti and now that same radiation is dissolving the TVA and then later it dissolves entire timelines I spagetti again and then we see Casey in jail actually we see a dummy of Casey that he made in jail which is interesting because this show is obsessed with doubles and duplicates and variants so it turns out that Casey was an actual real life bank robber named Frank Morris and along with John and Clarence and he was one of only three people to ever escape alcatra this is real stuff in fact filmhouse gvl on Twitter pointed out that Justin Benson and Aaron Morehead the directors of this episode played these escaping brothers so like I said this is all like taken from real life and even details like the papier-mâché head left in the cell are historically accurate now maybe this was actually the event that branched Casey's timeline and made him a Nexus variant in our world nobody knows what happened to these Escape e and it's presumed that they drowned but here we see that they made it out just fine again that could be a Nexus event still it's a pretty neat detail that Casey was a bank robber Who as a TVA worker had a drawer filled with the most powerful objects in the universe some of the guys use them as paper weights now all of this was dramatized in the Clint Eastwood film The Escape from Alcatraz and Bradley Austin Davis on Twitter pointed out that Casey says they C us they're going to cut us like fish and that is a call back to when Loki first met Casey give me the Tess aactor I'll G you like a fish Casey what's a fish then Loki goes to a couple different places sylv's McDonald's mob is jet ski store and this is an early clue that he can involuntarily control his ability he's taking himself subconsciously to the places he needs to be and after he sees the jet skis he goes straight to a Time theater just like the one where mobia showed him his life but this time theater is number two5 which Julian morsey on Twitter pointed out is a cute not to season 2 episode 5 and in hindsight Loki had been controlling his time slipping subconsciously way back in the first episode he brought himself into the past so OB could create a temporal extractor and then he brought brought himself into the future so he could be pruned by his future self you see part of time slipp it is that his mind kind of exists across all of time at once so subconsciously he would know that he had to be in that spot so his future self could prune him so he would go back to the past yeah I understand all that great and then we see Hunter B15 working in New York in 2012 now I thought it was kind of weird that they chose that time and place though because that is where and when Loki attacked New York they even reminded us of this in episode 2 I went down to earth and I held the whole of New York City ha with an alien Army see I bet they thought about having Hunter B15 recognize Loki and then being reluctant to go with him maybe it was even a deleted scene but I'm going to talk about that further on our screen Crush rewind podcast which you can find on all these platforms Please Subscribe and we also put it up here on the YouTube channel also I am she who remains on Twitter great name she pointed out that B1 15's real name is Varity Willis now in the comics vity Willis is a superhuman that can see through any lie and she's also Loki's best friend and this makes perfect sense because Loki's the prince of Lies the guy you can never trust so of course the one person he can actually have a true friendship with is the one person who can always call him out on his BS so Hunter b15s a doctor on the timeline and we see how caring and empathetic she is that is a trait she carried over into her life as a TVA agent those are people and we see this here with everybody even though their minds are white they still retain their personalities Mobius is still selling jet skis there was a beautiful Union of Form and Function which we call the jet ski and OB is still a tech genius who designs his TVA lab to look like his office on the timeline but more on that later hey look at this M's a buckeye he is a widower in Cleveland Ohio selling jet skis and raising a future serial killer is he burnt yeah he's burnt how did he get burnt afd Timmy on Twitter even pointed out that the action figure is dressed like a TVA worker maybe an indication that the TVA is constructed from the memories of these variants wife is long gone and I can't ride two of home but actually he doesn't say that his wife is dead just that she's gone and notice that he lives in the year 2022 so his wife was probably snapped Away by Thanos in the jet ski shop we can hear lover boys everybody's working for the weekend an 80s power ballot about struggling through the work week to be able to enjoy yourself over the weekend so one that's a perfect song to write a jet ski [Music] 2body but also this is what the TVA agents are doing on a cosmic scale working tirelessly for Eon so they can meet in peace at the end of time that big weekend in the sky and then we go to ob's original timeline where he is an aspiring sci-fi author who wrote the Zartan contingent a book we saw in the closing credits now I have speculated in the past that this was actually a book about people who followed the path of Zaron the Cobra soldier from GI Joe well I was wrong the store owners say science fiction is a well we respected in s provoking genre well nobody buys it here and you know what that's kind of true there was a glut of sci-fi book sales in the 1990s notice how there are bestselling authors from the period here like Tom Clancy and Stephen King's insomnia not his best book then he goes to his Workshop SL office which looks so much like ob's Workshop in the TVA there's the vacuum tube machine the shape of the doorway the shelves the fans yeah what's up with that well if I had a guess I'd say that OB was able to design his own Workshop so maybe subconsciously he made it look like his lab on the timeline but also this could just be a major clue that the TVA was actually built by the workers we see in this episode which again would make this whole show a giant time loop it's like a s eating its own tail and notice too how he is surrounded by fans kind of like the circles in his jumpsuit in the TVA now fans are just another kind of loop they just spin round and around with no real beginning or end like an Ora Boris and this placement of fans above him is very reminiscent of the windows in the office of he who remains so we might find out in the finale that all these things are connected or they're just connected by great production design when Loki's talking to OB they employed this really cool editing technique where they transition by playing voiceovers over people in the future like this you need to learn how to control your time slipping I can't control it I can't just make it happen this is a great way to convey passage of time so we don't have to listen to Exposition but it also feels like we the audience are doing some time slipping of our own kind of sliding through the future like we are unstuck in time OB has self-published a book called the Sons of Juran and he also says that Loki is one of his characters brought to life so I kind of think this is a nod to Thor that this novel was about two brothers who served under a king just like Loki and Thor were the sons of Odin and we also see his Post-It note board that has notes about sons of yoran written on a slip of paper so look this is not some kind of meta Clue board like I broke down in episode one it's just his vision board for his novels I was wrong how do you know it's a self-published novel that's a good question because this box of books reads kqb self-publishing okay then he teaches a theoretical physics class at Caltech which makes him one of the perfect people to rebuild the TVA not because he understands machines but because theoretical physics makes you leave deep into these strange logic configurations like when he heard that Loki did something impossible time slipping inside the TVA OB understands that this means theoretically anything that was considered Impossible Is Now possible right what do you mean by that okay so theoretically if something isn't but then it is then theoretically anything that isn't can be and it takes that kind of like timy twisty logic to understand the TVA and look the TVA the timelines it's all built on probability so once you understand whether something can or can't be then you can understand like all the probabilities the different universes will exist in the m Multiverse which means that you can build a probability drive to navigate the Multiverse like the one that Kang has in Quantum Mania yeah dude slow down basically the Multiverse is composed of probability whether or not you woke up and were late for work one day to navigate the Multiverse Kang has a probability drive that probability Drive is like a tiny supercomputer that can navigate whether or not all these different events occur if you know if somebody's going to be late for work then you know whether or not that Universe would exist in other words the probability Drive is built on theoretical physics but the most important thing OB says is that science it's all what and how but science fiction is about the why it's about character the reason people do things and exploring those reasons for Loki it all boils down to not wanting to be alone because that's how his entire life began abandoned suffering left to die later on OB tries to trigger his Time Slips with shocks proposes it which seemed like a call back to Tony trying to trigger Bruce's transformation into the Hulk surprises ow nothing and then Loki remembers that he has a TVA manual which was written by OB and this is so sweet because like this guy dreams of being a famous writer and does science stuff as a side Hustle but in the TVA the science is what made him a revered riter his photo is even inside the dust jacket of the manual just like it is in the Zartan contingent but I do wonder how much of this is going to end up being part of another AA Boris Loop OB said he learned everything he knew from Victor timley and maybe timley is actually credited inside this manual similarly later on Loki tells Mobius the line about jet skis that form and function that Mobius told to him a beautiful Union of Form and Function there was a beautiful Union of Form and Function and this is similar to how Loki gave OB his nickname in the past may I call you OB OB I like that hell he might have even given Mobius his nickname it's a pretty cool name and this would be so appropriate because an Ora Boris and a mobia strip are both endless Loops without a beginning or end just like our Mobius Ry aesy t-shirt and then we see that OB has built a rig t pad that cost him his job and his marriage but he still seems happy kind of like he does in the TVA so I just keep out it forever no sleep and I just love how much these janky time doors are even more like the time doors and Terry gilliams Time Bandits this show really draws from some of the all-time greatest time travel movies and TV shows also the main threat in this episode seems in part inspired by the villain in the never- Ending Story The nothing in that movie the fantasy land of Fantasia is slowly being broken apart and turned into nothing until All That Remains is a void very similar to what we see after the timeline branches die and the show these hands these look like big strong hands exactly so when they get everybody together Mobius immediately goes for the coffee just like he does in the TVA when he loves a good snack and a bevy it's really good also notice how in ob's Workshop he's created models of these Quantum particles just like the ones we first saw in the quantum realm in Ant-Man and then during the multiversal acid trip in doctor strange and then we shift back to Sylvie in the 1980s not noticing that her delicious tasty McDonald's is evaporating and that's really to bad because McDonald's does make some high quality tasty tasty food they sure do Doug McDonald's it's in that show Loki Loki shows up and now we see that he is starting to be able to fight off his time slipping but what's more interesting here is why he needs to fight off the time slipping if he can instinctively control it why does his subconscious want to take him away from this moment I think it's because he's in love with Sylvie and he is afraid of her rejecting him once again because as we learned he's afraid of being alone now at the bar there are a few hidden Easter eggs We Begin the scene with the Z IC arcade game ziac craves blood so you'll remember that zaniac was the name of the horror film that Brad starred in at the beginning of episode 2 and that happened on the sacred timeline and as we pointed out in episode 2 this was based on a very obscure character from a Thor Comic an actor who played a serial killer called the zaniac in a movie but then was possessed by the zaniacs real Spirit now we saw Brad playing this part on the sacred timeline in the 1970s meaning that the movie and Brad's career as an actor probably were part of the Sacred timeline but the movie was apparently so successful it spawned a video game and that actually is Raphael cassel's voice in the machine now around the bar there are posters from various bands like this Blondie poster behind the bar and this poster of a flying saucer abducting somebody that is actually from a 1980s DC movie this is your mom and look this is supposed to be a bar in Oklahoma in the 1980s but nobody's smoking totally unrealistic took me out of the moment so Sylvie refuses to help because she's got what she wants a life free at the TVA where the variants are also free to live their lives now we've talked before especially during season one about how this show has an underlying theme of Free Will versus determinism power there's a higher power that will judge you for your indecency Tom Cruz Sylvie thinks that they're all free we're right in our own stories now notice the bartender even says excellent choice syv highlighting her belief and Free Will and by the way thank you Ramsey blanch on Twitter for pointing that out but as I'll talk about in a bit I don't think they are I think that everybody is still following the plan of he who remains AKA Kang the Conqueror now this theme of Free Will versus determinism has another parallel theme anarchy versus fascism she thinks I'm a fascist I don't control the railways or the flow of Commerce Loki is supposed to be an agent of chaos but in reality he gravitates toward order and fascism you were made to be ruled but Sylvia is the opposite of this she believes in total Free Will no system of control whatsoever TBA is the problem it's broken it's rotten so then in the record store the clerk gives Sylvia a copy of velvet undergrounds loaded to listen to now there's a few NE Easter eggs here first of all music producer Brian Eno famously said this about the Velvet Underground the first Velvet Underground album only sold 10,000 copies but everybody who bought it formed a band and after listening to this album Sylvie is suddenly ready to go join a band next the song she listens to oh sweet nothing is actually the last track on side two of that album so she actually should have put the Needle on the inner Groove and not on the outside vinyl records have a Groove carved into them that a needle reads and interprets as music so like a vinyl record is actually a lot like a timeline it is a path that you travel in a linear line while beings like the TVA can actually see the timeline happening all at once like we do when we look at a whole record so records are actually just another type of loop but records will eventually run out when the needle hits the label now some record players automatically restart the needle at the edge but others just end like what's happening to the TV a so the song that Sylvie listens to oh sweet nothing should have been like at this part of the record but she plays it at the beginning groove on the outside this shows just another variation in her timeline so the song she listens to goes through a list of people and describes how none of them have anything or anybody now the store clerk says we'll either cure what's sailing you will make it a whole lot worse and what this means is that you could hear all the lyrics of this song and become depressed or you could see this as an escape from responsibilities if you have nothing then you have nothing to fight for and you can just exist probably wouldn't surprise you to hear that Lou Reed was also addicted to heroin and so this is where Sylvie falls into she just wants to exist with no attachments or responsibilities but then she sees what a life without order leads to complete entropy and destruction in other words Sweet Sweet Nothing Mike McCarthy on Twitter also pointed out that this track starts very simple but then gets more layered as more layers people are added until it becomes upbeat and out of [Music] control but then it suddenly Loops back around to the original simpler Style again here we have the recurrence of loops and the Ora Boris henting that all this stuff is just going to lead us right back to the beginning and the founding of the TVA and actually I kind of wonder if this is what the destruction of a timeline looks like from the point of view of somebody who lives on the timeline that Kang destroys like the TVA pruny timeline are very neat and clean like surgery but when we see Kang pruning timelines in Quantum Mania it's so violent I bet it's horrifying for the people on those timelines to see their universes disintegrating also it would make sense if Kang use temporal radiation to destroy timelines after all radiation is a type of energy that you could harness and turn into a weapon and then we get a scene that gives me flashbacks to our Collective trauma of Avengers Infinity war that was my War I had flashbacks for years soie Returns the team is United but it's too late the temp pad evaporates and then every everybody becomes spaghetti I was thinking that Sylvie would have been immune to this since she has he who remains t pad but no Loki's worst nightmares come true and he is alone and worse than that this o sweet nothing can't even affect him he is immune to its effects please kill me I'm serious please kill me I'm not singing I'm asking so he's grabbing at reality hearing the voices of his friends like Mobius repeats his line from season 1 you know where I go if I could go anywhere whever just I'm really from remember this was the moment right before he was PR and he said who had a jet ski and what really triggers Loki is this line also from season 1 do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose now the first time Loki heard this he took it to mean to lose as in to be defeated which is the role that he plays in Norse mythology but it takes on a more personal meaning now it means to lose people to lose friends to be unloved you know his worst fear I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be and then the sphere finally allows him to control his time slip but notice he is not moving his body through the past like he was before he is moving his mind through his body now this is a kind of time travel that's called well I I I think of it as being unstuck in time the most famous use of it is Billy Pilgrim and Kurt vonet slaughter house 5 it's when a character's mind can shift back and forth through their experiences and affect the time stream in the past or the future now this is the complete opposite of what we've seen so far which is the it was always meant to happen kind of time travel what does that mean well it's like Loki time slipping in episode one right he time slips to the Future so he can be pruned by his future self so now Loki is fully an agent of chaos who can remake the events of the time stream however he sees fit he says it's not about where when or why it's about who I can rewrite the story again going back to that metaphor of Science Fiction and how this is all a story that is being told he sends himself back to this moment in episode 4 just after Victor timley descended the steps to go toward the temporal Loom notice how in the credits there are subtle variations letters drift out of place from names the solid lines Branch like the branching timelines it's a neat way to show that this entire episode in the show is falling apart I don't understand what's happening why it's why it's all falling apart this is actually the deepest cut Easter egg in the episode The endin Years on Twitter pointed out to me that if you string all of these melting letters together they spell out I vow to always remember the days when I uncover a hidden gym in the small bookstore I stumbled upon which could be on to OB trying to smuggle his books into small bookstores and yes everybody there is a brief post credits teaser Kevin Matthew on Twitter let me know that there's an audio message from zaniac at the end you died insert your coin loser because you know after you lose in an arcade game you can insert another coin to play again and that is exactly what Loki is doing here he lost but he's got more coins he's got extra lives and now he can change the story however he likes so as for what the hell is actually going on here we do have like Theory videos and our review video where we're going to dive deep into the mini possibilities but I think what's happening here is all still part of the plan of he who remains we even see at the start of this episode there was a contingency plan in place in case the loom overloaded I think he who remains did the math and figured out that somehow the TVA would always fail there would always be a Loki some kind of Chaos Agent who would show up and mess up his plans so he who remained SL Kang decided to harness this Chaos Agent he placed Loki in a time and place that would actually make him learn to care about the TVA and he gave him the power to fix the TVA by unsticking him in time this way he could turn an agent of chaos into an agent of order you work for me now oh like Neo in The Matrix exactly Neo in The Matrix represents a mathematical remainder that the machines canot account for so instead of trying to fight that remainder they harnessed it and they gave Neo a choice which would ultimately lead to them still ruling over the humans and I think that in the finale of this show we are going to see this all loop back around and that somehow we will see this Core Group in this episode form the TVA and I think Loki is going to realize that in a way he ends up imprisoning himself but he still goes through with it because he wants to be his friends it turns out that Loki's fatal flaw isn't that he wants to rule it's that he never wants to be alone hey man I just want to say thanks for the keeps the holiday party went great and I'm glad to hear it and just a reminder everybody to stop your hair loss today click our Link in the description for a special offer from keeps but I want to know what you guys thought of this episode tell me your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here welcome to the Channel Please Subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 470,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki episode 5 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, loki new rockstars, loki breakdown screencrush, loki breakdown ryan arey'loki eatser eggs, loki seaons 2 epsiode 5, loki mcu, mcu easter eggs, mcu breakdows, new rockstars loki episode 5 breakdown, loki episode 5 breakdown comicverse, loki episode 5 breakdown season 2, loki episode 5 breakdown reaction, new rockstars loki, erik voss loki, loki episode 5
Id: XAVYwEd3Y-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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