Logan Paul STRIKES Content, Pokimane says BAD thing.. MatPat UNFORGIVABLE!

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Unsuprisingly pewdiepie offers nothing of substance and even stoops as low as to just criticize headlines without actually going into the article itself. All of his criticisms have absolutely no depth.

For example: "Why is Gillette trying to tell me -or everyone- that guys are a problem?"

Why is a professional weeb trying to offer me commentary on political issues?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I cannot fathom how people do not understand the advert. The product is aimed at MEN so they are speaking about MEN.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TCBrady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pewdiepie: I don't understand, maybe I'm part of the problem...

yes, you are.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ElDubardo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The ad doesn't paint men in a negative light. It seems to be suggesting there are normal guys who aren't toxic, and essentially saying they should be more proactive in curbing men who behave toxic, and making sure that younger boys see that you don't need to be toxic to be masculine.

Literally a scene where a guy stops his friend from catcalling, a dude helps a kid who is getting bullied, and a scene where a dad breaks up a fight between two kids. It's such a massive stretch to see the commercial in a negative light.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SoftMachineMan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

makes it even more important to spread the breadtube ppl. fuck the white nationalists we need more Contra and hbomberguy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weed_and_socialism πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, it's getting more difficult to watch his content recently. I love the guy and the memes are spicy, but like cmon man. You platform Ben Shapiro, you platform Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin, you say the N word in frustration during a PUBG match, you pay people to say "Kill all the Jews" as a joke and they end up doing it, you promote a channel that has clear signs of Nazi dog whistles in his videos that Pewdiepie specifically watched and commented on. I don't think PewDiePie honestly knows what he is doing, but I think he is extremely disconnected from social issues in America and across the world, and has the most ludicrous takes on topics.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onemadnigga πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

You had high hopes?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ColossusBall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well, to be fair his take on the ad was a little bit more fair that most of the "sceptosphere". At leas he said he didn't care much about it and did not try to manufacture some big controversy about it. Which I guess is something.

I when I clicked the video I was a little worried that his take on both the Gillette and Pokimane would be literal cancer but he handled them almost good enough.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HighCrawler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

yeah he's really fucking dumb.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/styles322 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Matpat did an oopsie. Logan Paul did an oopsie. Pokimane did an oopsie. Gillette did an oopsie. Soulja boy did an oopsie We have so many frickin' oopsies I am freaking out This has never happened before on Pew News My name is Gloria Borger, and welcome to Pew News The most respected, most trusted and highest quality videocamera footage production news source. I'm not supposed to flirt with my audience but you look really great today smash like? let's get in to the oppsies! But Felix why don't you report on positive difference. It's Gloria! It is mam Our first oopsie comes from none other than Logan Paul. Logan paul did an oopsie? What? This is so dissapointed, PewDiePie just wore Logan Pauls Merch! I bet he's furious right now. This next Logan Paul scandal is his worse yet. If you thought the suicide forest stuff was bad just wait till' you hear this! How does Logan Paul still have a career after this? I thought Japan forest was as bad as it gets but apparently not. I'm disgusted. I didn't think Logan Paul could get any worse off than Japan. Okay, so what did Logan Paul Actually do? Let's check it out. Why don't you say this part? It's male only march, we're gonna attempt to go only gay for one month. So, for one month and swi- and then go back. Oh my god, I stuck my neck out for you Logan Paul I mean PewDiePie What the frick man? I had yo' back! And this is how you repay? PewDiePie: I'm going to support Logan Paul, I think he's getting better. Logan Paul, I think he's getting better Logan Paul: I'm going to pretend to be gay for a month Am I a joke to you? Logan Paul? LP Is that what this is about? Can't you tell I'm shaking and crying right now? How could you say this? Logan Paul would never say this! Okay I get what people are saying, homosexuality is never a choice. But I also think that's not what he was saying It's just like saying the people that say... Hey no pee January You can't say that you're teaching kids not to pee and that's really harmful I don't know man Male Only March. Was that It? Such a stupid joke Like is that really worth getting upset about? Personally, I don't think so. So i guess you could say... I'm still a maverick. Where's my Maverick Merch? I threw it away? Thinking I would never wear it again? Aw damn it! I didn't. I do think it's interesting though. Because now, Logan Paul has a broadcast. Out of all things, and he is under such a magnifying glass. That even small stuff like this. Will 100% blow up in his face and If anything his podcast probably just. benefit from it anyway like I didn't even he know he had one so. That's how thee works Just getting pissed off at things if you really hate it that much. just stop talking about it. If you really feel like you want to be offended or angry about something which I can understand We live in a dark place well then I have the story for you. This is the most upsetting news story of all time here Pew News. A record holder. And I'm not supposed to give my opinion. That's a scientific fact. Beloved cat fired from his job at a local public library. This is it. I am not supposed Browser! His name is Browser. It's the beloved cat that has been a fixture of the local library for six years. Recently lost his job. He helps children read On June 14 the city council the City Council. Now is the time for us to rise up. I don't care about T series anymore. This is the issue. I will stand for fighting to death more. Oh wait. Beloved cat will keep his job at the local library after international backlash. We did it. We did it. Good job guys. Give yourself a pat on the back. We did a change in the positive world today. Who says this channel was all about drama. I covered important news stories here and that's not my opinion. Back to straight next oopsie So my PI was trending on Twitter a few days ago. Why did he do. Did he tell more lives about how PewDiePie So success went. mad pain when that lie on his channel and he played this game called Heart bound. The game looks very similar to undertake so I had decided hey I'm gonna title this under tail All right see. Well nothing wrong with this. You can say but wellno apparently the deb of the game was watching developer hard bound and he made a comment that the title of the video was The next undertow game is here. There was no link to heart fan but there were links to his other undertake videos. There was a bunch of hashtags and tags for under a tale to heavily promote undertake when he's like well my game is hard banned. Why are you so obsessed with a hundred people. And he called them out on Twitter saying I'm pretty disappointed here. So is our community your reason that live came across as understated clickbait instead of being about heart fan. You never link to our game and you got our studio name wrong as well. And Matt replied with I'm sorry to hear you're disappointed in our recent play through of Heartbound. But what you see there's a twist coming up here boys not girls but what do you see as disrespectful. I would argue the opposite. Let me explain. First I don't review the thumbnails tags and descriptions someone else does okay. I don't care. That said their goal is to make life streams searchable as possible and for games with limited search ability. That's important and I say gets them the audience and attention they deserve. Basically your game is not interesting enough. I don't know what to tell you man. Your game is great. And by relating it to something similar that an audience already knows and enjoys. We're hoping to introduce them to it. They might not have checked it out if it left with zero context. That's the rationale. Hope he makes it so in a way from a YouTube perspective. I understand this. This is what you two birds do. I mean when people play Delta rune which wasn't really under their tail sequel Toby Fox himself said it. You know it's not undertake to but people still tag it or titles as under tail too because that will get people's attention. You know they're curious about it undertake to us here and they'll tell you to do it better under tail YouTube or do this to appear in the search for example you search on something. Oh undertaking the title that's more likely to show up unless you're pretty high. Is a god damn moron. He doesn't know how to Title IX. God damn it. Why did I not think of this. Now it's fine. I get him mad PA's rationale 100 percent because technically it will bring him more attention to heart bound if he associates it with undertaken. And his game already looks very similar to hundred tale. So why shouldn't he. I mean I'm actually you know despite the delivering of what he's saying. I understand his message and actually agree with it. However he then finishes off with that for some goddamn reason saying that regarding links we don't tend to link back to the games we're playing. That's not an intentional slight on you. It's just really something we do for games that aren't fan made or free. So basically no I'm not going to link to your game. Why this. I don't understand whatsoever. All you have to do is link to the game. How is that too much to ask for someone is calling you out on Twitter or being like dude what the hell are you doing. Just linked to the game. No. Why. Why my pack. I'm shaking and crying right now. I would never do this. You're broadcasting their game. The minimum thing you could do is at least link to the game. I get it. I don't like putting the actual name of the game in the title as well because I know people don't click on my videos for what the game is. So there's really no reason for me to do that and I know from experience that that that's a fact as well. If people enjoy the video they know what game I'm playing so I'm like well if they want to get the game surely they will buy it. But if someone request you to link the game why can't you just do it now. I think I know the reason why. Which I haven't seen anyone else discuss but basically the way the YouTube algorithm works is that if you link in your video to something that goes outside of the platform the algorithm doesn't like that they want you to stay on YouTube so that if they link to other games in their videos and people click off the site then that's bad for that video and it's not going to get recommended and get as much views. That's mostly I'm not saying that's the definite reason why but I know that my iPad is very savvy with these kind of things and that's most likely why he chose not to link in that description. Still just link the god damn game. Now the craziest part of this was that Toby Fox the creator of undertake came in and out of nowhere flap his dick on the table and said you should link to any game you play. Creators need all the help they can get and think carefully if you're missing in your audience with how you present your videos. You went too far this time then mad Pat went completely won Adrian said Sorry I mean no disrespect. Apologies are one thing but actions are another. Now I will link all of it and I mean is there really any reason to be mad at this point. I mean he's changing his methods to something positive and I think you know you did wrong. You do the right thing. What else can you ask for. I think it's fair to say at least then it's kind of weird how he blatantly said no. Up until the point where a bigger creator calls you out on it basically that's when you realize oh oh well maybe I shouldn't do this. Oh OK. Damn. I messed up. Now pirate software the developer developers saying it would really fall if everyone stopped attacking my iPad on our behalf. We have an issue he thinks and I thanked him for the pics everyone went home happy and the progress was made in our slice of the Internet. So the whole thing is settled. There's really no reason to talk about this. I just wanted to give some further insight and I do think it's interesting as well with the whole linking thing. I think we as YouTube need to be better and myself included and respecting the footage that is giving us the content. I think that's the least we can do at least. Which brings to oopsie number three. Backstrom. We got two more boys. So I brought up Pokemon in one of my reason videos called Stop doing this basically saying stop copyright videos the idiots you're making everything worse. People abusing the copyright system which is already so broken. Ace is bad for everyone. That was my point on the video. So I called out a couple of examples and Pokemon was one of them and I would have to say I think pokey as example was the least harmful one. And I was almost arguing in her favor but then I didn't know this but apparently someone else called her out at the same time made a video called The Dark Side of poking me. So when bogeymen made a response to my video and the other video. Well people weren't happy about it. It has almost as many likes as dislikes. People were very angry and personally I didn't understand why people were mad at all. I just thought well she addressed the points. What else can she do. Really. That's not Petey pie. That's Gloria Borger. You mean like Jesus Christ. So I wanted to break down why are people pissed off. So in a way I can understand why you want to take down this video because this selected thing blows up and becomes even bigger. 3 upload of the Twitter beef wasn't transformative content so I was able to get it taken down to my fan. But again I was in the right by thing. But the problem here is that you're just drawing more attention to it trying to like hide all that drama only ended up bringing more attention to it. Again in the moment I was just doing that because I thought it was something that would calm down all the drama but I think the video was uploaded within 24 hours and they asked if I wanted to get it taken down again but I just thought it was time to leave it. Ok. So basically PokΓ©mon took down a video that was a Twitter beat between her and kickstart. My point in the video was while I get that this looks bad for you and I understand why you want to take it down but you're just going to draw more attention to it anyway which is has clearly done as well. I mean this whole thing is crazy how much you blew up over something so small now. People were I think rightfully saying that why should you take them videos that you deem are not transformative when you have content yourself that is arguably not transformative at all. What gives you the right to strike out the content creators when you do the exact same thing. I think that's the main issue that bothers a lot of people. I mean she even put out one videos and I don't know went to the bathroom or something just where Dre I get it. That is different for us as dreamers as well. Obviously if you stream for hours and hours every single day to have all of that original content yes it's going to be some of it. That is it. I get that I'm personally not mad about it but I still think you know the same argument still applies. What gives you the right to strike other people if you're doing the same thing basically. Now the other reason why people were upset was because she discovered that someone else had re uploaded her content and kind of put it heavily sexualized titles and thumbnails around a French guy. Early media made seven hundred thousand views yellow. So this is where you get your 550 check from huh. No I don't. I went from one position actually. So just do it for fun. Ok. So this guy that she was talking to and discard is someone that like I said a real Plutarch content and now YouTube vids as well. And some of them gets a lot of use some of them get no traction at all but they're not monetized essentially. So I don't know she made a response about this whole thing saying basically that I will sometimes take down videos when it's a straight read upload of my stream and when it's like a gross and misleading title I also take those down because my mom really doesn't like seeing them on YouTube. All right but basically she doesn't like they have bad titles around her which again I can understand. But same argument again Why. Hey I'm so sorry that it takes so much time to go to the top of some fortnight just right click and save all the mass and then just like put them all into me and I'm just like explaining it I'm so sorry. Okay let's be real here. Re uploading fortnight compilation clips to monetize that content is kind of the lowest form of making money on YouTube. I mean let's get really back. If I had I did think of the easiest way to make money with no personality on YouTube I would literally just re upload streamers highlights and that seems to me like the easiest way to just make a quick buck. I'm not saying that doesn't take any effort but it's still so I understand why you said there's been a lot of people seem really upset like all that she was being really mean to this guy or whatever and that she showed his Instagram on the screen as well as the way in that to attack him. Some people. Formally you on Instagram Tim. And I agree she shouldn't have pulled up and scram on stream. That's a bad move regardless if she was making fun of him or not. He even said himself that people find his Instagram just from talking to him. So people were bound to find it anyway but you know it doesn't look good. I'm so bored by this. Now we know why people are upset. I guess maybe I missed something. I don't know. I think your pokemon just had reached out to a guy who did the chemo started video first and said Hey would you mind removing this video. Then this whole thing would have been avoided. A lot of people don't really know what a copyright claim entails. It's basically forcing you to go to court. If someone fights it you have to. It is a legal move to make so a lot of people put up a copyright strike to take down a video. They are not aware of what they're actually initiating. So I take down requests I think would be a great solution to a lot of these issues. I'm going to bring it up to you too hopefully. I don't know if they agree or not but that's it at the end of the day I don't care. This is such a boring drama. Jesus Christ Meme review. Oh we have two more oopsie. How is this. Oh my God. Jesus Christ. Let's just jump into it guys. We're almost there. Soulja Boy did a new procedure again. You'd think after Nintendo cracked down on Soulja Boy he would stop. No Soulja Boy is like OK well then Sony it's Sony time everybody Soulja Boy announces a new sketchy console which looks identical to a PlayStation Vita and why why should you pay thirty three dollars for a product when you can buy the exact same price. I mean look at that. That's literally the places where you can buy the exact same product called Soldier game and it's ninety nine ninety nine. Oh that's a great price. Why pay a third of the price when you can play it pay way more. Look it's two hundred dollar discount. What a great deal. What is even that what is a police station Vito. Oh my God. He sells it at the same price. Why buy a real here. also announced this soldier board. What's next. When are we seeing the soldier condoms. Come on Soulja Boy. I thought you were an entrepreneur. Finally we did it. That final scene. She liked the best a man can get. Or is it. She led faces backlash and boycott over me to advert so she let upload short film called. We believe the best men can be and it's safe to say that a lot of people didn't like this video it's right now sitting on fifty two thousand dislikes and only eight thousand likes eight point five. I really really appreciate the Guardian's title on this. It doesn't show any bias at all. Gillette hashtag meat to add on toxic masculinity gets praise and abuse that seems like such a fair assessment you know. No it doesn't. I like how they didn't call it criticism it's just abuse. Everyone dislikes this video abuse. This poor brand this poor Jew multi million dollar brand is getting abuse. It's a it's in a billion dollar brand. It wouldn't surprise me abuse given a lot of criticizing it. Jesus Christ. They're so desperate in the Commons as well. They're leading a bunch of comments from the video they even penned a comment saying best commercial Amber. Oh my God. Best commercial ever. Just give up. She let you made it in video. Okay let's go through it. Bullying me too. It hasn't even started and the first thing bullying. Hey do you guys know only men bully. That's the only thing that happens. Bullying me to movement against masculinity toxic masculinity. Everyone. God dammit guys. No one likes mens anymore and we have a man heavily man oriented brand. We're going to have to rebrand the whole thing and command toxic masculinity everyone who doesn't like to have their moral combat defined to them by a shaving company. Maybe I shouldn't be such an asshole to women you know that Gillette ad really swayed my mind on things. It really opened my my eyes to the issue. Oh look they're bullying guys bully. They you know that guys bully people can't hide from me. Women never bully anyone. It has been going on far too long. What I actually think she's trying to say. Making the same old excuses will be boys. Boys boys can fight each other boys can't wrestle with each other And there will be no going back. Because we we believe in the best in men. Men need to hold other men nipples. Sweetie come on. I don't understand. What is the context here. Maybe I'm part of the problem. I don't get what the issue here is so they're filming something and he's saying smile sweetie. And this guy is like yo yo. Come on man. It wasn't the kind of thing we're just going to assume then the act what is happening way. Cool. Not cool man. Never approach a woman. Not cool man. The right way. Yeah. Not cool man. This guy is like Dude how could he. How dare you. In ways big. Man And small. I'm Joe. But some Is not enough. Them. Because the boys watching today. Will be the men of tomorrow Watching this video. Eh it doesn't piss me off. I don't really care that much. I just think it's very it's cringeworthy. That's what it is. Why is Gillette trying to tell me or everyone that guys are a problem and really putting all the guys that are problematic in that same category. Why not focus on something positive instead a positive example to showcase men that actually do something good. If you want to have an inspiring message instead of something that said shame on everyone you know at the end of the day Gillette goal is to sell products you know their motivation behind this video was to do exactly just that. That doesn't mean that's necessarily bad but at the same time again it's so crazy that they're trying to put up this message to sell more products. It blows my mind that they thought this was an actual good idea. There's a lot of constructive comments in there. Someone actually commented. My wife son love this. Thank you. Happy to hear you enjoyed it. And thank you for watching. Is that real. That's great. That said for pioneers guy. Hope you enjoyed this episode smash like if you enjoyed and as always smash subscribe to series. Literally right around the corner full on panic mode. Thank you. Check out New merch and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye.
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,795,779
Rating: 4.9211864 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: bOgApS67xZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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