Jake Paul & Ricegum SCAM Mystery unbox ? / Ninja New Years Cringe / 📰 PEW NEWS📰

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dog74 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

song id 5:59?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/juanygg 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
new year new oopsies I'm poppy Gloria and this is who knows we have so many oopsies already guys I cannot believe it ninja tyranny Lucy rice come did an oopsie jake paul dierden oopsie and soldier boy did and oopsie it's open see time if you guys haven't seen the ninja clip an oh boy are you in for a treat it's so beautiful I love it so much so apparently ninja was at the ball drop in New York City that they do every year apparently I never seen it cuz I don't live in America but wait I do actually but ninja took part of it this year and I love me some good cringe and this is just what I want I freed up this stuff let's watch if you guys have all floss before go simple I mean like with your teeth 3 I mean you're just going in out in out and it's just it that's it so we're gonna try to get a million people right now to dance in Times Square a million people on in New York City are gonna floss finally finally oh I'm so excited are you guys ready are you guys ready to floss show us what you got so much what you got let's get some floss music on we're getting ready so wet so wet it's so awesome should we count down we're gonna get some tunes off really ready every three two one yeah ba-baby we got no other flushing oh my god the wrong flossing [Music] killing ninja no one is moving the pain can you imagine walking up there you expect a million the crowd of millions to be flossing in unison everyone just picked up this dance to move out of nowhere and they just oh no good [ __ ] pick anyone that knew how to do the dance what is that wait did he just say he's gonna hit his wife for us replay that clip please why are not mainstream media talking about this this just confirmed ninja wife-beater is this why he doesn't play with women we reached out to ninja for a response now I know I'm not supposed to have my own opinion but I cannot relate to this whatsoever I have personally not have any experience of being on stage and not having that connection with the audience not nothing never happened I'll have you know that that was late okay I know buzz cringy as this clip was I mean what do you expect you're not gonna get a couple bunch of New Yorkers in the middle of the rain do getting to Fort ninth dances like who thought that was a good idea but this is not all that controversy if you want to call it that it's really not but twitch was heavily pushing people to watch this on their website to watch this live stream watch a ninja live they promoted it on the very top of all all their banners or whatever and they even had ads on other people's live streams oh is that so it's like oh I click on this person but then an ad shows up of hey you should watch a ninja you don't want to watch this guy you want to watch ninja do the flossing in front of the thousands of people and a lot of people had a problem with this especially twitch streamers doctor disrespects saying dear twitch get these ugly looking New Year's Eve ad rolls off my page don't ever do it again either ever I mean I'd probably be pretty annoyed of that as well as content creators ironically have no say in what ads show up on our videos if another youtuber paid ads or had ads to show up before my videos going hey subscribe to me I'd be annoyed by it I get it guys I get the struggle most likely ninja had nothing to do with that anyway this is a problem when you are lending your brand for sponsorships or whatever this was you are going to get for a lot of stuff because you don't control it even though you personally wouldn't do it that way does that make sense it's the reason why I me personally I I don't accept a lot of brand deals if I don't know exactly what's gonna happen with it and a lot of times it is beyond your control as well I think it's funny though cuz a lot of times you get these brand news that sound cool okay you're gonna livestream on Times Square during New Year's Eve that's a huge opportunity there's gonna be millions of viewers there live or whatever and you'll get paid a ton of money sounds great right and then reality hits and it's like this next oopsie Soulja Boy's emulator console meets their inevitable and no not so to Boise game console we report about this on the last few news Soulja Boy had his own video game console which was basically just an overpriced version of another already available console that basically just emulates old Nintendo games Wow three thousand Nintendo games sounds like a great idea Soulja Boy is selling a console that's basically an overpriced emulator well it turns out now if you go to Soulja Boy's website it's nowhere to be found where is it why is the soldier game I wanna buy a well it turns out the Soulja Boy game console is gone Soulja Boy's a response to this was I had to boss up I didn't have a choice you had to boss down you boss the Frankie down Soulja Boy don't try to up play yourself I love the replies to this tweet by the way yeah what happened to his dream Soulja Boy is sister this is a guy with a dream I had a dream last night that I got married to a [ __ ] SM edge s MH they focus on your dreams create something big make history thank your soldier boy for inspiring messages I don't understand why everyone's hating on a soldier boy he's been so humbled throughout all of this Nintendo ain't gonna do [ __ ] the games were licensed to us why y'all want to see a man fail so bad S&H huh can I just marry a [ __ ] SM Paige for anyone that thing's Nintendo is going to sue me you're right nothing's gonna happen everything is legit my console isn't going anywhere trust me oh I trust Soulja Boy I always lend my trust to this man to anyone that thinks Nintendo's after me you're wrong Media Takeout post that fake story they haven't taken any legal action because he can't that's right they can't that's why it's still available to buy on his website now everyone noticed that your riddles did soldier boy congratulations congratulations who would have thought and attend you though would actually crack down on me so debo who said that day his console sold five million units I sincerely doubt it and if even if you did you're gonna have to pay all that money back aren't you Soulja Boy oopsie-doopsie and probably more you'll probably get fined oh no because you gloated so much about this oopsie-doopsie oopsie-doopsie next oopsy Jake Paul and Raskin what did they do now okay alright okay well they promoted a brand called mystery brand which is it looks identical to one of those csgo gambling sites where you gamble for skins I mean look look at look at the difference I mean they look practically identical it's similar to any gambling sites but instead of gambling for skins you're gambling for actual brand products like shoes and phones and bags and cards you can even win cars how about that it seemed like a bad idea to promote these kind of websites especially considering after the csgo lotto scandal that happened a few years ago where T Martin and syndicate was calling basically owning the web site and cheating their way to victory faking reactions going wow I'm winning so much so now we have Jay Paul promoting this [Applause] I spent five thousand on mystery boxes and you won't believe what I got an iPhone an iPhone and then rice come as well promoted this so you want a $10,000 handbag what are the odds something smells a bit fishy about this they both won considerable amount of items just from unboxing just a few at least what they showed there's a couple things wrong with this but I'll start with the most obvious one rice come and Jake Paul have considerably young fans and promoting a gambling website in general just seems like a bad idea for these people to do now obviously they don't care and if they don't I mean what can you do I personally don't like this argument cuz I get it a lot myself people go oh or you make a pretty inappropriate jokes but you have kids watching you well it's not my responsibility who watches my channel I think though there is a problem with Jake who basically admits that he knows kids are watching him who is your audience who do you make your videos for if my audiences is definitely younger I'd say it's like eight years old - like 16 years old and so that's where I try to like cater the content hated the content by promoting gambling okay it's not like it's a big expose that these people aren't the most morally ethical or whatever but the second problem with this is that smaller youtubers have already promoted these websites and they've been called out for it this is how their promotion looks like oh baby is right oh I gotta do the cut proper you know shut the hell up shut shut up No is this is this a joke this is supposed to be legit what do that can't be real that can't be real it's not it's not real hey here's what it actually looks like when you're unbox basically 40 boxes nothing over 50 15 bucks now obviously this is not proof that there's foul play there's nothing concrete it's just saying well it seems like they're winning more than it actually is now the third issue with this is shipping on all these sponsored videos they kind of make it seem like it just takes two days or a couple days to get your items all right guys it's been two to three days I don't even know I think it's been around two days and guess what we got some stuff but online it says people are waiting over 65 days and no progress on their items people are saying that they're not even giving a proper tracking number for it given the benefit of the doubt these mashed ups can happen obviously shipping gets is a lot of times out of the control of the supplier but considering how you advertise it making it so easy to get the items it's kind of false advertising now the final juiciest bit in my opinion is that on the website it says that you can win some pretty crazy stuff just pay $4 and you can win a strong no me i watch that's crazy expensive a Lamborghini a Bentley another Lamborghini another Mercedes a Range Rover Bob above all these super expensive items obviously so someone on Twitter called crypto Delta found out that here's the odds that they display that is the chance of you winning one of these items hey look there's the there's a handbag that rice gum 1 0.16 percent wow it must be a really lucky guy and if you look at the most expensive items a Lamborghini for 0.15 percent that's sort of a reasonable percentage considering you're only paying $15 right it doesn't really make any sense it would still be that sort of a high chance I know it's high on quotation mark for you to win one of these in crazy expensive items you can still have a decent chance of winning any of these well basically this website has a feature called create your own box where you can basically make identical boxes as anyone else so this person decided to create the same box with the exact same items with the exact same odds and the price that they calculate for this if you put in the same odds in the same out and it should show up on the same price I know it's a little confusing but it basically should show up that it costs 1499 dollars for this box because it's the exact same boss but as it turns out for this to be profitable or for this to meet ends I guess you could say according if you create your own it costs seven thousand five hundred and eighty nine thousand dollars for this box so basically if you were gambling for the odds that they say they have you should have to pay seven thousand per box but in reality you're paying 1499 which means that these odds are bogus they're not correct basically proof that what they're displaying is not attainable in the way that they say it is so all the sudden this idea that they are marketing through youtubers that it's easier to win something then it actually isn't doesn't seem like that crazy of an of a concept anymore suddenly that's not such a crazy of a thing I'm gonna put my tinfoil hat on for just a second here it seems like the people that are sponsored are genuinely surprised over winning these items it seems like they're almost skeptical in their reaction if you watch [Music] shut the hell up shut shut up No is this is this a joke this is supposed to be legit I don't know for sure like I have to wait till this comes in because this doesn't look the exact same but this says nike air off-white vapour max black great I like how he's doing a sponsorship with his company and he's still he's not even sure if it's legit he's like I don't know if this is legit what do that can't be real that can't be real my theory is that they create an account and they give some better odds to that account that's obviously just a theory I have no idea if that's true or not that's just what my guess would be they give they say hey what's your account or it will give you an account or something like that and give you improved odds while you do that is my guess I have no idea if it's true or not but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case let's just put it that way keemstar said himself but he was upper offered a hundred thousand to do a promotion for this website and I I can confirm i've been reached out by similar websites and they they pay an insane amount of money that's crazy amount of money in these things so obviously they're very profitable it's this kind of messed up to see youtubers still promoting these things there's so many youtubers it's hard to know exactly the ins and out workings of every brand you work with but seeing big youtubers promote something like this that's clearly been known to be sketchy it's it's kind of messed up okay so that was it for puny hope you guys enjoyed this episode smash like if you did a great way to support the show is to buy some merch everybody everyone that buys emerg have a 0.16 percent chance of winning a Lamborghini so make sure you go on and take this offer right freaking now that's it for me for now I'm Gloria poppy and doopsy juicy bye you want pyramids we got them oh you're into castles huh we got you covered baby you want some bets easy we got it all this game is still relevant goddammit
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 11,083,953
Rating: 4.9514775 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, pew, news
Id: b_gitOw1TZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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