Logan Paul Is Leaving California... IMPAULSIVE EP. 257

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this is the moment that we're all gonna look back and remember and i'm just scared that we're moving on so quick and everything's gonna like you know what i mean yeah like we get to wake up every day and be best friends and make content and go to each other's houses and see each other and be there for each other so it's like we're all separating this is not enough you're tearing up a little bit yeah i just don't want to we can we could still be best friends just with 4 000 miles between us hit that subscribe button welcome back to balsa the number one podcast in the world man it's a it's an interesting vibe in the house today because i just announced and told my friends that this is the last episode of impulsiveness thanks for watching goodbye i'm moving to puerto rico uh moving to puerto rico i was there this past week kind of scouting it out i've been uh fiending for a change in my life and i think i got that that bug bit me that is biting everyone leaving la and i finally got it in west west nile you have the west style virus is that what you're saying because there's some dangerous insects down there in [ __ ] pr there's not so that's what i thought i thought it was uh it was more third world than i suspected so i went out there to scout it and i just fell in love with it and um obviously i'm impulsive and i trust my gut my instincts i feel like it's the closing of a chapter and the opening of a new one getting a lot of senior year vibes around the house i've been singing that song the whole as we go on we really remember copyright for that copyright infringement is forever and i can tell you a little yeah george is really fun so really quickly before uh we started the show today logan just gave us an entire uh powerpoint presentation called why you people should move to puerto rico with me and he for lack of a better word stated his case and a lot of the stuff was aimed directly at me me and him have had some very intimate conversations over the past week uh about why it would make sense for me to be there and why i should pick up and leave and go there and every time i've said hey man listen bro i'm not [ __ ] moving puerto rico with you so he put together a whole poor uh a whole puerto rican power plant you have full jordan belford on me yeah you pounded your head with a microphone and said i'm not [ __ ] leaving i'm not [ __ ] leaving and then george walked in during this power point and now this is his current the attitude towards things i guess i i just i'm i i think everybody could agree that i'm the most sensitive one in the group yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i just [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] guy i'm kidding i just i get i get nervous just because i know right now is that and i would say this a thousand times this is the moment that we're all gonna look back and remember and i'm just scared that we're moving on so quick and everything's gonna like you know what i mean yeah like we get to wake up every day and be best friends and make content and go to each other's houses and see each other and be there for each other so it's like we're all separating this is not enough you're tearing up a little bit yeah i just don't want to we can we could still be best friends just with 4 000 miles between us 17 hours to get to you uh that's never i'm supposed to be ten i had a flight tonight i had a horrible flight you ever had a good pen pal before yes but i was dyslexic and he stopped writing dude you could be really good friends over zoom uh zoom stock is up in a major way this year because everybody's zooming each other let me tell you something georgie and this applies to everyone in the audience when logan brought this opportunity to me he's like pick up move to puerto rico uh come with me we'll continue doing what we've been doing that sounded really uh comfortable sounded like a really comfortable offering to me he said you could come crash in my crib down there make more money we'll keep the podcast going sound it's super comfy and in my life one thing that i know is whenever something starts to feel comfortable it's not a long-term solution it's just not and yeah nowadays in my life when i see something that appears looks uncomfortable like it could result in a dramatic change a drastic uh um uh contrast with what currently exists as my life i welcome that with open arms and i'll tell you why george every time something in my life has changed dramatically the cards have fallen down all around me and i've had to pick those cards up and build something new it has always 100 of the time led to something dramatically greater than what fell down every single time without question and so you have to look at change in that with that perspective that what comes is greater than what was no i i get that and uh i don't know i i get that every single time we get into like an uncomfortable position or a tough spot or something you don't want to go through usually comes out to be like better than you expected uh i it's just to me it's the friendship 28 years of my life like i love what we have like this like growing up friendship was like a very hard thing to solidify like people that [ __ ] with you for like forever and always yeah so and it's just like for example cave is my best friend he's in arizona we're we're far from each other we're still best friends it's it's doable i don't know i just i mean i wrestle with this a lot george i honestly it's like oh i have a really awesome setup here surrounded by a lot of people that i love and i'd like to continue this for the rest of my life but is that realistic no no sometimes i'm noticing it with him man he the deeper and deeper he falls in love with that girlfriend his dad's nothing to i see him less and less he started disappearing from my life but i got home last night from puerto rico to an empty ass house [ __ ] i said this i said this i'm lonelier here than i would be in puerto rico how about i'll i'll move in here my girlfriend could have the master at my house right this guy's never here unless he wants the game i don't even know if i'm keeping this house dog no i'm wrestling with a lot right now you're giving up look what we when we won slow down slow down look what we [ __ ] won is that you in that picture well when i look back on it it is look like spencer you're throwing this all away no i'm not no i'm not no no also people are gonna believe your [ __ ] bro slow down last night was valentine's day the entire course i was with my girlfriend the entire course of uh my relationship you've also been in one and were equally unreachable doing your own thing in your bedroom and i was doing my own thing and just for the past couple months it also doesn't matter because to be quite honest with you over the past let's be fully transparent here and talk about things that really haven't been talked about much off off camera um for the past year you've moved very much into into a business uh sense that is extremely logan paul focused which would as it should be rightfully so but at times it feels like there isn't much um collaborative room for a mike malak in that effort and that that's that's all by default by design boxing uh the crypto the pokemon those are not my passions those are your things and i see you walk around the house from day to night with the ear pods in talking to people about those pursuits and it's really hard for us to airpod [ __ ] guys guy yeah that's how you know yeah i'm tr i'm day trading what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah i it makes sense um and and the puerto rico move for you two i will say it doesn't make any sense for you i have two [ __ ] you could swing it like last year you would ask me i would have been like yeah i like i can't now yeah i just i i have to get out of la i i've been feeling it i even before i went to puerto rico was looking at a couple houses in la just to just just yeah to change it somehow i will admit this when me and bell were having like a heart to heart because everything was like kind of changing i did say this i go i pray that logan does go to puerto rico because i just feel like that's your next thing it is good for you so if it's good for you then it's good for me yeah but [ __ ] my cats are ruined by getting a girl so i feel like people are wondering why puerto rico right like how random yeah taxes it's one it's one vertical yeah it's one it's a big one it's 96 of a big one which ironically is the same amount of money you keep every year if you move to puerto rico it's it's yeah yeah yeah there's a did so she showed us in his powerpoint mamacitas but we couldn't [ __ ] see her face so like that was [ __ ] terrifying um yeah i mean it's getting crazy here in california you know paying taxes uh everybody is leaving and for what because the potholes in the streets are not fixed homeless people homeless people everywhere um a darth of uh employment covid not handled the right like i don't know it just i don't i don't i don't love it and so i i kind of looked at uh texas a little bit you know like rogan miami right jake moved to miami i flew down there before puerto rico again on a scout checking it out yeah i did not like miami texas felt as just as isolated as puerto rico and same with miami miami texas both have no state tax i think it's 13.5 percent which is not he's not nicer than here in california right no california's got the thirteen percent thirty five percent is that's what i'm saying texas and florida don't have that so make a million dollars you save 135 000 if you live in texas or florida but um texas just felt like like literally in the middle of almost nowhere and the the heat i didn't love and miami yeah we were there we went down there together i went on that part uh no no coving they don't even acknowledge that it exists there i you know i was at a dinner and uh took a walk upstairs uh later on just for a couple minutes to to a lounge that exists there and uh wall-to-wall capacity packed and and absolutely no mass people just partying it up like it was 1999 again and uh supposedly that had nothing on tampa bay the tampa bay celebrations were even bigger and so it was a it was a wild um contrast once again uh from from what we see here in la and i think what's going on anywhere else but also you just you just didn't jive with it beyond the code beyond the covenant because i knew you would have not actually yeah we're not partiers we don't like to like rage and [ __ ] i i like being out once in a while yeah like i mean i don't know i can't speak for you but when we did go out all the time it was very like it was like once in a blue moon we did it really nice made a great story and then came back but miami's like these [ __ ] are like it's all i'd be coming home they'll be getting ready to go out dinner starts like midnight and the clubs are out people are at the club still like eating and everybody has just like a white nose it's like powder on it i don't know what's going on i'm 25. they don't even know how to do their makeup properly i got no energy energy anymore i want to i want to do different [ __ ] um the the best way i can describe is i felt like the people in miami i i really felt to my core that their intentions didn't align with mine like you know trying to get laid trying to [ __ ] drink do drugs party um some of them trying to make money but i'm out here on a creative hustle a grind and uh especially with boxing puerto rico makes sense because you enter training camp for two to three months straight at a time where you can't do anything anyways i can't go out and enjoy that miami yeah i think but i go out and enjoy the late night life like it makes sense zoning in twice a year for four to six months it's nice and it's nice to do it in dorado aka [ __ ] heaven on earth but i think i think that that's actually contrary to a creative grind or creative mission because if if it was a place no no no no what i'm saying no what i'm saying is this if what if the mission you were on was to go somewhere that stimulated that creative gland then i would be completely aligned with doing so with you because that's the grind i'm on i'm writing books i have a movie being made off the first book i have a pro all kinds of programs to make i have a new a bunch of new creative businesses that are starting you're going to dorado to remove the distractions to remove the creative strategy and simply punch but i mean that's what you said training camp there my best ideas come from when i'm alone and i've completely what about the execution of such yeah i mean that's easy the execution's easy with the rolodex that i've developed during the six years that i've been in la the execution is the easy part every time i internalize and every like what some of my best ideas happen when i'm just focused on my own like i want to write scripts dude i can't do it here i'm so distracted i have two movies i want to write i need to write and i just haven't found the time or necessarily motivation to do it here like in puerto rico it's funny you're motivated to to do more and make more money because of the implications that come with it um do you feel like i've always i've always been a bit hesitant uh in life going after things that have uh a primary goal of money yeah and i'm not i'm not asking i'm asking a question i guess i was leading into that like does it does it worry you at all that you know you're leaving everything you're leaving good very good friends you're leaving a a great show you're leaving you know all well the show's not the show's not ending i want to make sure that this is going to talk we'll talk about that but just for the private just for the primary mission and goal of uh putting more dollars in your pocket well it's not the it's not the primary reason and i liken it to working smarter not harder what's the primary reason if it's if not sorry sorry that is the primary oh god but but there's there's a there's a plethora of other ones yeah yeah yeah that all contributed to it but um i i waited yeah yeah you i'm i'm working smarter not harder it's it's always been what i've uh it's always been something i'm good at yeah um and and really i think leaning into boxing and that like pure locked in focus concentration lends itself really nicely to moving to somewhere like dorado uh as well as all the other additional benefits that it has i don't know bro when i was there like felt yeah i mean dude trust me i look when i go to places like that or to or to cabo or something like that it always feels good i just i just worry you know for myself at least not for you about the long-term prospect of being there for that length of time and also i have a couple new projects that i haven't really talked to you about yet that are going to be leveraging the new wave of creators we're going to be moving people out to la and putting so much you know i only have to be there six months out of the year i'll probably do more because i'm telling you i really like it but like i'll still be here i'll still be here in la and um the only the only sticking point that i had uh was this this show yeah she spent sixty thousand dollars to build a brand new set and i'm throwing up the deuces 70 000. 70k yeah and so we have to figure out a way to keep this going because obviously impulsive is uh very very near and dear to our hearts it's my baby my my last name's even in the title even so like when i was when i was wearing the pros and cons [ __ ] with you and there was like i said a [ __ ] load of pros and very little cons that one of the cons was this and belle was like yo you could just like he was talking about you could put a camera and then like a wood thing and then if you're staying here we could still sit in our same seats and it would honestly look like we talked about being a holographic uh projection you'd be like michael jackson or tupac that's right you said wow i wonder if that's possible we actually thought i was i wonder if that's [ __ ] possible to just to be a hologram that would be cool we actually talked about that though we talked about the idea of me potentially staying here at the house and holding it down as like a greg paul ranch hand but would you move in with amara but for the house i don't know what i don't know what i would do yet it's it here's the thing for me specifically because of the position i've been in for the past two years i think my life hits the most contrast even though he's moving out of la i this this me not going to puerto rico to me and to other people i've talked about this already equals my stepping out of the shadow of being logan's right-hand man which has been incredible for me it has been it is it has been an incredible ride for me but there's a lot of people who are who are um trying to coax me the direction of yo start building your own platform start making sure that you're out of that spotlight you have the talent you have the platform you have all the things that are necessary to [ __ ] do so now go [ __ ] do it and so it's like there's just a lot of things that need to be considered a lot of things that need to be considered i was in miami yeah you hated it yeah so we went out to that club it was funny you saw you saw single logan again i did i re i realized scary why no it was good it was good you you're actually so like uh you're single but you're like so elevated out of that scene that like it you you almost were like standoffish to the advances of of good-looking women you know what i'm saying you were just like yo could you back no because i didn't know i didn't know what to do yeah i i i what i do with my hands like i panicked honestly because y'all because but now i'm single again don't touch them no getting numbers yeah is a skill right it takes strategy there's like there's a thing there you have to uh complete a task and that is to get the number to continue communication with said human being and i forgot literally i forgot i i was like oh yeah like if i want to keep like this going i need to get a number so i had to uh you know dig in my brain it's been over a year about like how to do this um and i've realized something about myself so i've been in l.a too long right post malone said it back how i see the same [ __ ] everywhere i go i have a hodar hodar i have a a really good one and uh i was talking this one girl at the club for like an extended period of time we know we were vibing it was all good but something i don't know something wasn't 100 kosher and i couldn't put my finger on it because she's a beautiful girl like nice smart educated we were really getting along and uh we went back to a house party afterwards and like fully fully could have put the pedal to the metal and been like yo this is the one like we're gonna we're gonna go for it but i don't know my gut my instinct wasn't allowing me to do so and uh we had a conversation in in uh during our time together about her not you know succumbing to the easy like show your tits and ass online uh to make money she said she doesn't do only fans because you know she doesn't she doesn't need to do that to make what she says she's a fashion designer really just like an outstanding young woman so i thought oh no bro the next day jake and his boys look this girl up only fans account sucking dick honor only come on her chest face uh all the other sure was the right girl under an alias oh so it wasn't oh so it wasn't her under an alias no it was her no but it wasn't it was someone it was a different name it's the same girl no i know but same girl how did you not see this coming literally yeah nice i don't know i don't know i don't know i was in miami talks about money it doesn't have money you know what i'm saying like when people say [ __ ] it's like they're reflecting what they i believe so you're in miami on this weekend trip the hodar goes off you find a girl who just doesn't go off it doesn't go off no no a little bit because i didn't i didn't i didn't take i didn't do the do the the dirty well yeah so now you do the dirty hold on hot and hot so the [ __ ] is that my hoe days are over no more no no more hoes got no wife a one-night stand no mohos that's what that's what i was getting at sorry before i was interrupted i said all i was saying was this if your hodar went off and you found out that she was a a cum-guzzling uh only fans girl wouldn't that be like a green light but he asked that same question before i was able to no mohos why too much energy just to get laid not anymore no that's the definition of a hose no energy yeah what if i talk there's what kind of hoes you messing with taking my my precious seed you're turning into andre bro i know you really it's actually it's that you're gonna because here's the thing man are you coming inside of yourself that's all come that's disgusting that's gross you're gross i've never heard that i don't have energy for hoes i don't i have no i have for sure they get in the way of a lot of things but also at the same time like i also know that there's a [ __ ] dramatic risk not getting that nut off dude like i honestly bro you give me a week without another i'm yo i will stab my sister bro and i love my sister but if she got too close she's getting a [ __ ] blade bro like yo you can't be doing that to yourself unless you're of course a vegan or a or a scientologist or a christian waiting for marriage george shut up you [ __ ] said you're a massive sinner i knew that was gonna come with repercussions [ __ ] me there's only one person that's a christian waiting for marriage and she's sitting right [ __ ] there yeah danny she got a boyfriend she got a brand new boyfriend whoa whoa that's funny because she's been acting brand new business shut up guys i didn't they hold their hands i'm sorry dee these guys are delinquents is that christian is that legal christianity it's illegal christian yeah i don't know if it's legal christianity can you touch hands listen mike you're the reason why logan's leaving and you my friend are talking about all these hoes in puerto rico but you don't even know how to like talk to them i'm the worst the other night i'm begging mike where the party's at mike mike what's happening seriously used to be the guy right he's like yeah i heard about this one up the street like he came through this night even though he's wiped up he's like yo there's one on the street there's another down the street and and i wanted to go out so bad and then when he actually told me where they were and it came down to it cap i go ah i don't know dude's probably tired to go out i don't want i don't got the energy that's why i'm living in the middle of heaven with my brother focusing on that part that sorry with who with jake jake oh i love that i like i love that you guys are together i think i think i could provide him with some good guidance as an older brother i think he's been lacking solid uh leaders like yeah mentor mentorship yeah a little bit and i've had the pleasure of having you as my mentor and i think me living with jake in puerto rico because yeah we're going half he's on a house together we'll be back he's on a house here so you're just gonna take all that all that gleaning advice from me and then just apply it to jake yeah it's like generational [ __ ] mentorship right there yeah i'm glad you guys are cuz you guys came to la together and now you guys are going there to go that's good hopefully be a fresh start nobody uh runs into any problems there's nothing more exciting than a little uncertainty bro like i know it's true if a girl's like i might be pregnant that i don't know no not that i don't that's but i just mean you go to hell but i just mean it's like it's like if i think of uh like i want to be certain about that [ __ ] if i think of like the idea of just of like being at this desk and in a year you know doing this it feels good it it sounds nice but like who knows what a year from now looks like if we just [ __ ] smash this whole thing to smithereens with a sledgehammer light the pieces on fire you can't mike we can't no not the actual set no the podcast we can't stop no no no no i don't mean that like we got competition on the horizon i'll be honest you know i'll be honest you go to puerto rico you're going to have competition with me also because i'll definitely have my own podcast i should have started it [ __ ] a year ago i'll still be doing ours for sure but i'm cheating on me with myself i'll be jerking off support for impulsive is brought to you by manscaped who's the best in men's below the waste grooming manscaped offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels they obsess over their technology developments to provide you the best tools for your grooming experience manscaped is trusted by over 2 million men worldwide join the movement for all of your below the waist grooming needs do not read host to talk about a time when he's hurt his balls while it is the worst it is the worst wait when you chop your balls off with the razor no not that no no no no no when you dig in yeah it happens to me with my current razor set up all the time i get these three little divots and it starts to bleed a little bit and it burns it burns out i'm gonna try this one tonight or actually this is that the third generation trimmer that features a cutting edge ceramic blade to reduce grooming accidents thanks to advanced skin safe technology pioneered by manscape that's it this is the one you use right yeah when i tell you it's premium it's premium the battery lasts up to 90 minutes so you can shave your balls for 90 minutes if it's an elegant rainforest down there the waterproof technology a lot of these are like all right i like it they've also upgraded to a 7000 rpm motor with quiet stroke technology not forgetting about the charging stand show your mower off loud and proud because it's intelligently designed stand is convenient charging dock powered by usb if you're listening to me speak right now i want you to experience it firsthand for yourself and let me know how the ball trimming goes get 20 off your order plus free shipping with the code logan at manscape.com your balls are gonna thank you back to the program no i do seriously yeah look who just showed up i know i know i watched this four and a half second podcast it was short double d i know i know all about he's here to play 18 million views four four million views david dobrik david what's brand new seven minutes that's just a rant one of you boys do for like seven minutes he's calling it a podcast so wait just so i'm clear is that how long all of the can't be no that can't be possible it's not a podcast he said his set looks uh looks beautiful beautiful yeah he killed it that kid he he doesn't really make any missteps he's not a business yeah he's uh he's killing it so yeah his podcast views in his brand new what is it like 99 million 9.8 million dollar house he put a podcast studio in there and it's interesting because he was audio only and now it looks like he's going to be visual as well as audio which is exactly what we are and we've heard that since we aren't audio only it kind of [ __ ] us a little bit sometimes i almost shot ourselves in the foot because we say we're the number one podcast in the world right and like if you were to add up the views and the listeners probably we'd be close we'd be close top ten but but we talked about we cannibalized ourselves because all our [ __ ] is on youtube we're visual right we're expressive we got caleb over there like with the uh camera which is awesome it also acts as a character in a way and contributes to the comedy we got cj on the cuts but gg yo no one cuts like cj this dude's comedy cut i've never seen anything like it it's great but it's more than just the the video views on youtube itself uh cannibalizing the audio views it's the lack of new awareness as a result of us not being in the top five like when you scroll that top ten podcast in the world list or when you scroll because because if we had done the mike tyson episode audio only we would have had the number one podcast that week on all of audio now that the idea of that on spotify or on apple and those and all of the awareness that comes along being at the top of the chart there just drives more listenership can i ask our audience a question allow him to have videos yeah but regardless i want to ask a question to the audience because this is one of the solutions i had for the puerto rico uh x california impulsive crossover to make it continue if we did go audio only like i'm sitting at my house in pr and you all are here it's one way to continue it but i i understand it's not ideal right like we want to keep the show going but please comment below what your honest thoughts are about that but yeah dobrick's going to be interesting to see what happens because he has such a a cultural pull that he can get some awesome awesome a-list guests on there uh pretty much probably every week and and start slashing his way up up the rankings he's already really high but uh yeah you know obviously top tier celebrities love him if he can nail that podcast uh it'll be interesting to see what happens with it it's just it's just and by the way best of luck to him i hope he crushes it but it's not always a as you know the podcast game is simply just not about who you can get on the show that definitely helps drive new viewers it definitely helps you know get people onto the platform but the podcast game is about long-form storytelling about camaraderie between co-hosts is about is about the pulling the right topics together talking about the right things and so i think i think from an awareness generation standpoint having those kind of guests on but you know we're where we are because we've had 260 to be like a late night talk show in the world yes yes is like that and it's good and it will be perfect i've said it on this show before i think he's this generation's like uh jimmy fallon jimmy kimmel right absolutely 100 i read a quote in an article of his like why would he not just do that himself at his house in his own studio like why does he need to go on a late night show and you know get paid a salary instead of owning credit credit yeah but i mean digital is the new age man digital's the new age even like everything is going digital and i feel so strongly about that i'm i'm gonna lean even more so very heavily into into digital it's part of the reason this uh nft boom is happening oh my god are y'all are y'all paying any attention to nft non-fungible tokens i have yet to like officially explain what what my plan is with the nfts and what our release looks like i guess i'll just do it now but nfts you know what these georgie no non-fungible tokens in short they're digital collectibles right okay i have a pokemon card in real life it's awesome but what if i had a pokemon card or a pokepets for example or a highlight of an nba uh slam dunk in a big game on my phone and i have the collectible and it's one of ten in the world right for us it maybe doesn't make as much sense to go look at this collectible i have it here it's it's tangible it's right here in front of you it's a physical it's asset yeah but gen z even the generation under them gen x um i think catalyzed by our generation is gonna go look what i have on my phone i own this clip it's called nba top shots is one of them i own this clip of lebron james uh scoring a buzzer beater um to beat miami heat i own this clip and there's only 10 other people who have it it's a digital collectible also but like respectfully sure who gives a [ __ ] okay okay okay if i need your reaction as well yeah a lot of people it is they give a [ __ ] about like a view and that the fact that you created why do you give a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] that i own uh a psa 10 first edition charizard i think it's because it's art and you could hold it and have it in your house and i feel like the value of somebody having to like go see it in person has a lot more value sure but why would that not also be the same mindset for digital because like how do you know is it does it hold its same value you get what i'm saying yeah and when it's minted there's like uh there's a code all it is is code right there's a code that is uh non-fun fungible means unable to be duplicated i know but they say that bro or do you know like what if you screenshot it can i get can i get a screen recording record oh my god oh my god why did you do that because he wasn't done talking okay and i will spiderman yeah oh my god george this is disgusting hey that was awesome it was kind of awesome it was so accurate what the [ __ ] just happened no [ __ ] way not on the camera stop george you got to clean up this is my only fans like and subscribe to this hey hey that was great put it in the highlight reel please what is that well if i was spider-man and i was a guest and he cut you off i just [ __ ] zip it buddy and just get him right in the mouth what that was great non-fungible tokens digital collectibles yeah nba top shots uh is grossing millions of dollars on their drops uh crypto kitties sorry mike is uh is so wet it's sticky crypto kitties they're they're little kitties you can buy for uh i think certain amounts of ethereum they may they're they've grossed over 25 million dollars just selling these digital collectibles that can breed with each other and so as a product of the digital age i i'm definitely going to lean into this space um with my own nfts it was part of the reason that my pokemon box break did so well can i get a can i run a round of applause we got the first ever million dollar pokemon box i i had no idea that it was gonna be this big i thought i thought the packs would maybe sell for around fifteen thousand dollars each they sold for an average of 38 250 on golden auctions we sold 33 of them which puts it at about 1.3 million dollars the 350 000 box that i bought goes 1.3 million dollars and we still have three packs left um that we're gonna do another nft pairing with uh via bonley that's gonna be awesome so stay tuned on there um the per the people who win those last three packs are also going to fly him out to la to watch the box break live so it's gonna be exciting but yeah part of the reason i think it did so well was because we paired the packs with an nft and that nft has value because there's only a limited number there's 44 and it's part of this uh this market hype phenomenon of me x pokemon x this new industry that is digital collectibles and we're gonna be selling more after the uh the box break we're gonna be selling the highlights of some of the pools bro imagine if you own me pulling the charizard a little 10 second clip on your phone and i know trust me i get it it's a hard concept to to make sense of but it is real it is happening and a lot that clip of logan's mic falling over i'm currently selling the nft for okay it's honestly it's sponsored by ethereum you could buy it over on my website buy useless shit.com it is completely fully functioning uh and no one else can have it except for you unless of course you screen record this youtube clip in which case anyone can have it oh yeah i'm good i'm good thanks that like a sign that we're just falling apart everything's coming yeah it's all over no no no no it's actually just starting dude yeah so yeah uh i like that attitude you know cryptocurrencies on the rise the centralization of uh currency is is continuing more and more prominent today's society i think i think we're just getting started with the nfts a lot of big business there one of the one of the utmost uh experts on this uh making believe data can somehow be used to pay for things boom chantelle jeffries is coming on the show this week to talk about her early entry on dogecoin uh and other every one of them cryptocurrencies i love her yeah she's incredible amazing great human incredible her opening text to me uh when we reignited this conversation to get her on impulse it was this do you remember when i convinced you to buy half a million dollars in bitcoin in 2017 i said i do you want to know what's worse you sold it never did it never ended up actually buying the bitcoin which i would have had 2.5 million dollars if i just listened to chantel jeffries i don't think i've ever heard that said before if i just like if i just listened to shantae half a million dollars connor blakely was right she is doll she is the female okay cj the dj cool bro not only i [ __ ] with her because she's smart she's beautiful but she's very kind and i always [ __ ] with that i remember the first day you introduced me to her i was like oh she's she doesn't have to do that whole like [ __ ] off attitude because she's confident who she is and uh she could have made you a lot of money if you listen to her you [ __ ] up speaking of uh connor blakely another uh name that's blowing up in the current hollywood and media scene michael michael [ __ ] our friend michael gruen yeah blowing up everybody's talking about the man that is the clubhouse legend the connector of tick tock stars himself michael gruen he's brought a ton of people onto our show now he's been he's being mentioned by hollywood a-listers such as tim dillon uh and other large movie stars not large like that but just like lar like big up and coming you didn't need to fix it we knew what you were talking about [ __ ] up right michael gruen yeah yeah amazing i remember the first time he came over here you know two years ago and y'all almost fought at 2am he was talking about republicans oh he was telling us that he was telling us that uh that trump was going to save the world he was the second it was the second coming of jesus christ i think it was like something along the lines of that which a lot of people have bought into and i believe there's uh trump dressed up as jesus christ nfts over on my website right now uh yeah but everybody's talking about he's big on clubhouse and as we watch clubhouse continue to grow and snowball and pull more more and more of these kind of people in are you are you uh digesting taking in a lot of clubhouse chats right now not one yeah i'll get on there to talk about my nft sale because i think there's a lot of uh value in people who care yeah unlike you no i do i do i'm joking but it's uh yeah it's a it's a good place to to network and i think potentially get your ideas amplified but i i don't know bro it's it's a it's such a weird there's a lot of noise there that's the issue it's uh i'll i'll i don't know if i said this yet but it's i'll start at the top of the different chat rooms and the first one with the most members in it will be like how to grow your business through influencer and e-commerce right and there will be like 1.4 000 people in the chat and i'll scroll down to the next one and be like how to get that [ __ ] wet with like a bunch of like bursting water emojis tim dillon did a room fanta i would go to that room what was it called again what was it called okay oh should girls be allowed to own bitcoin i i you sent me a selfie right and i was like there's no [ __ ] way and then i found out it was tim dillon's room should women be allowed to own bitcoin that was what his room was called and it was tim dylan and a bunch of women is he like clickbaiting yeah that's all he does but a master and the bet the best at it right now dude but it's just funny like looking at this contrast of like me as george w bush in the picture yeah i go [ __ ] you man like we were like right next to you you were close so close you did not care speaking of uh uh i like your transitions they're all the same speaking of speaking of uh digital pursuits sure continue to use the twitch platform to have a little bit of fun and uh there's different waves of games that get popular over there on twitch and right now it's grand theft auto role playing everybody's back in the gta realm i walked into evan's room yeah and he's dressed as a police officer yep people i said what the [ __ ] are you doing he said i'm role playing i said what and in his little world he was a cop he had codes written down in front of him that he would say to his friends who understand understood the code right 10-4 robbery on the loose yup right and and they would all then act and do these certain things brother have you been [ __ ] it is okay so i'm going to get to that it is very real [ __ ] everything everything grand theft auto the game yeah i know okay it's been modded out for role-playing and so there's like faze clan houses there's the maverick house maybe then you could live in them and you and then people start turf wars and try to steal your house and there's supermarkets and there's different warring factions and some people play as cops and when they play as cops they actually will come and arrest you for running a red light like it exists like a real world so the other day i was in the game and i was i was playing as a more just like normal character speaking as myself and uh i saw these girls uh twerking in the parking lot outside the strip club yeah of course and so i went up to him and i said yo it was good shorty was popping like you go you know i'll be able to hear you oh yeah proximity chat so when you get close to people you like in real life you could talk to us were they actually girls because there's a couple cross dressers and different one by the name of farbella shout out for bella if you're watching this who always comes after me hey mike like that it's the wild place but you get so you get to this proximity chat right and i went up to this girl and i said um yo what's good because i cuz in gta like i try i get a little bit more like are you single in there i'm gonna [ __ ] get to that i'm sorry so i go up to this girl and i'm like yo what's what's good show you how you doing tonight she's like i'm chilling what's good i'm like you going into the to the club and she's like yeah i'm like you got a man um and she's like nah i'm just i'm like you ain't like [ __ ] rice gummers cause all the girls like the [ __ ] rice gum he's like the master pimp in the game right and so she's like nah i'm single and [ __ ] and i was like oh i was like that's dope that's dope oh so you're chirping in the game all of a sudden my chat starts to fill up yo poopypuff is incoming poopypuff is my is my girlfriend on rhodes these [ __ ] from my chat went and tweeted at lana yo your man is hollering at chicks in gta world and so she showed up in in the chat and didn't say anything so i didn't know but she was watching everything i was doing and i even broke the fourth wall and i said yo because i would say this if i was single i didn't [ __ ] mean i was like yo girl what's your ig my chat's asking and you i broke the fourth wall which you're not supposed to do in rp anyways and everybody in the chat was like yo what's your instagram we want to look her up and see what you really look dog dog i was in trouble big trouble bro with your girl or the situation with my chick bro with my chick so she so she hits me up on the text like yo i seen you [ __ ] asking for this chicks ig what the [ __ ] are you doing this is cheating this is cheating flipping out is it text me and say i said listen i didn't think about that now that the shoe's on the other foot i think about the idea of you twerking on ricegum's dick in this video game and hearing your voice like yeah rice you like that fat ass on your maybe i wouldn't like that so much i apologize i'm sorry how can i make this right shoot her in the [ __ ] face what this didn't happen shoot her in the face that's what she said now in this world you don't just do that [ __ ] you don't just run up on people and bang them out because it's like a real world environment what happens if you can you you can but you can get arrested people are like yo why are you griefing people what happens if you're arrested it's none of it's real go to jail for like 20 minutes and you got to sit there by yourself in a cell it's annoying bro right this is [ __ ] weird crazy this is crazy whoa so now shout out to the homie aiden ross who runs the server i'm in he runs a server called ssb world it's like 150 it's mostly all like influencers like influential people you can't just really join it right so i hit up aiden um yo i need you to get that chick that i was spitting at um at the strip club and then also at ricegum's wedding because i went to the wedding with her as well i need you to call her down to the beach so i can just have a few words real quick and so so he hits it [ __ ] bro this is crazy so he hits her up and he's like yo uh uh uh what was her oh her name was t he's like yo t what's good um me and rice uh and mike girl down at the beach if you wanna if you want to come through or just at the pier just hanging out because there's a pier like santa monica exact replica we're just like on the roller coasters and [ __ ] so she rolls up and i'm like yo um t can i like holler at you for a second and she's like yeah yeah sure no problem and we like walk around the corner i'm like yo um things are like moving really fast and like you know i know like you've been feeling me and like i've been feeling you and [ __ ] and it's all cool and [ __ ] um and i was thinking maybe we could take this thing to the next level and she was like oh yeah really and i was like yeah but my girl doesn't like that much boom shot right in the [ __ ] face bro right in the face and everybody around me why did you do that scree i took off ran jumped off the pier into the pacific ocean didn't know how to swim because it was only my second time so i drowned so it was a murder suicide so i couldn't even i couldn't even get arrested because i was dead and i just respawned somewhere else in the city and she and she tweeted at me she tweeted at me because she's like a chick that has like like whatever because yo you the [ __ ] ops man oh no what's her instagram i have hell no no no and so and so to make matters worse guess who that homicide wasn't enough to appease for the hollering i don't know is this why it did yeah this is how she posted valentine's without you that's not why but that was [ __ ] up but she was but she was mad bro and i said i so it brought up this this conversation that i'm having with you guys today and i want to talk about a little bit but like where's the lines drawn it brought me right back to a less gay version of striking vipers do you remember those two black mirror episodes black the guys in the black mirror just [ __ ] each other every night in the game in the video in the video but they weren't gay in real life exactly wow so like where is the line drawn like she said where i crossed the line i'm sure the audience will agree with this or maybe maybe not was when i asked for real life information in the [ __ ] game bro this is tricky tricky this is new yeah uncharted territory cause rice is actually [ __ ] in the i mean he's putting in work what does the [ __ ] look like in the game you go somewhere can you do it in the street you could do it in the street but it's really just like like rice will lay down and like some girl will just grind on his eyes oh so you don't actually no no i don't think there's like a way to actually do is he now is he like masturbating in real life as is happening maybe i don't think rice is but like rice has like three wives in the game like he's got he's married to three girls and there's all kinds of like sub plot lines like some chick that rice was hooking up with is pissed off that he married two other girls so she runs up at the wedding starts [ __ ] at the altar like it's this is how my stepbrother met his current wife at playing gta uh world of warcraft this they dated in the game and wow and i met in real life i can't talk about it [ __ ] i wish i could but that ssb world has yielded a new high-profile relationship that we will be hearing about in the next couple weeks i'll tell you about it don't you worry it's aidan's uh okay it's aidan's world a new high-profile relationship huh maybe maybe can i know now no no but off uh like just take your headphones off and just tell you why don't you tell me no no i have to know i'll tell you after just tell me now or i don't want or what forever hold your peace no tell me now or i'll do something bash my brains in yeah do something it's not gonna mean anything tell me now why not why are you putting me in the hot seat i'm getting hot now i want to know i'm sweating to end it quickly just tell me anyway so my valentine's day was really nice uh my girlfriend is the best about it later who knows gift giver wow i know what'd she buy it georgie uh i don't think you guys are ready for this i'm ready all right i'll pull it up it better not be it better not be a manta shrimp oh my god a leather messenger bag from michael kors congratulations i got you uh these by the way i didn't know just to bribe you not to move but then you already made up your mind okay um so my girlfriend is the best gift giver ever like like when i mean ever i mean i've i can't beat this [ __ ] at this [ __ ] like i told her like hey i didn't i don't want any offense i'm calling her a [ __ ] man because yeah well she's my [ __ ] and i'm her [ __ ] it's like we [ __ ] together wow anyway so uh why you dressed like a bank robber oh it's because are you playing gta she stole your heart you guys are like coming becoming nerds by the way i'm just throwing that out there all these pokemon [ __ ] and she's [ __ ] in the game like [ __ ] you guys we're nerds there's the backpack again you guys started bringing it up again i want you guys to uh refer to me now as lord are you a lord she registered made me a lord you got registered to be a lord i am now legally lord george jenkins no no you don't live in the uk that's not nope because i have property now she bought me property in london i mean in england where i am now officially lord george jenko are you [ __ ] with me she did it because she's like yo like i just want to let you know like you're a good leader and you deserve to be a lord that's incredible uh no she already did call me that at night uh but yeah this is actual [ __ ] i take to the bank give me this give me this i know what i'm looking at lord titles.com congratulations lord george jenko what george lord definition someone or something having power authority or influence a master a ruler you're a master everything you do a true leader in the ruler of my heart so i made it official my lord george jenko i love you forever happy valentine's day bubba oh my god well what property do you own i don't know but it's like it's [ __ ] sick she bought a five i'm gonna change my credit card george jenko so when i swipe they're like oh my god are you a lord it's funny you say that because three days ago this video came out from a man named ksi who was just made a lord three days ago george and actually changed his channel name to lord ksi so where does your ranking a lot where does your ranking oh no no it's it's getting an idiot why is everybody becoming lords what are you ranking the lord no i didn't know but i did i i will say this like six months ago we're in the car we're driving and she turns to me she goes hey question for you uh is being called lord blasphemous because you know oh always is it is it and i told her i was like no that just means uh you're just like a ruler of some type of land that's why it's called landlord and it's not blasphemous because god says i'm the lord of all lords so that means that there's allowed to be other lord so i told there's no respectfully god's the ultimate landlord yes and i was like then so no and she's like okay and i never thought about what the [ __ ] like that's how weird our conversations get that that to me was just like a normal day-to-day conversation that's so great george yeah that's so great that's one of the best things i've ever heard yes you're a lord now yeah lord george jenko so why do you care that he's moving to puerto rico if you have yeah you guys i don't know that's why i said last year if you would have asked me when i wasn't a lord but i got land to lord over and uh yes it is five feet only the land that i own is only five feet but i'm five feet and i've done a lot in life so i think true where is this where is it it's in england no yeah but that's a big spot i don't understand she bought land to yeah you have to own land where's your land dude i have [ __ ] no idea how but i could visit it i could go visit i have it all here no you can't because you know where it is well it's mine yeah no no i have a map let me see the map yeah yeah uh i don't know if i might i might have left that at the house that's crazy oh there's a tiny version of it but let me see let me see what is that was that the squire like shot the shire i mean i don't know who's who drew this why was it drawn in the 15th century oh because that's when lords started look it's the most waterfall hey they have a lazy river you should come yeah you don't have a laser they do uh this is great i'd probably rather this might be a little fugazi how can you just like i don't know dude no bro this is legal yeah it's like when people buy stars or like you you you own a highway essentially you adopt a highway you know there's a big adopt our highways here uh uh no no what is it methamphetamine do you guys ever see the methamphetamine signs that's like this highway is owned by methamphetamine or is it uh no no special k uh what's it called the cereal box what's the drug i'm thinking of ketamine because you know catamine's like a thing they're trying to i mean kettle to do here jake i'm looking at you because i know you know about ketamine [ __ ] you ketamine is a cat tranquilizer but they're looking at it having medicinal purposes for cats for depression and like ptsd and so ketamine actually owns part of the country [ __ ] you what'd you get your girlfriend uh i made it seem like i was like busy yeah you know i was working and stuff and so i i had everything set up and simi uh helped me get everything ready so when we walk in the house it all looked great what's it what'd you get her uh actually shockingly enough we don't talk about what we get each other publicly is that is that how you tell us you didn't get it we just like to keep our relationship personal wait but you just like i'll tell you off camera you just told everyone that oh because i'm a i'm a lord bro you got you got to flex that [ __ ] i keep that [ __ ] to myself like a hidden gun george did you get her in george did you get anything i did yes i did well i didn't have a valentine oh yes because you're a loser that collects pokemon cards right [ __ ] video games that's right that's right so that's why your girlfriend posts a picture on valentine's day without you in it and you don't get a post so thanks for watching impulsive guys the last episode we've ever [ __ ] played and uh oh my god the 70 000 new table things back [ __ ] nah yeah it's tricky you're right you're making good points because i started collecting pokemon cards in a relationship and now that i'm out of a relationship you know like i'll be escorting a girl around my house i'd be like oh there's like another pikachu stuffed animal like this is my first edition they don't give a [ __ ] it's weird i'm weird i'm a weird person shocking officially i get that because it's kind of like being fat what it's kind of like being fat like when you're fat in a relationship they're just like that's so cute yeah give it more to cuddle and then like when you get out of relationship and you're fat you're just fast fat and stupid because you got no girlfriends i'm a simple guy like i don't really demand much you know low maintenance but ladies pay attention i feel like also this list will work for most men i'll go ahead and say i'm speaking on behalf of the males the males ladies listen up shawty you want to win your way to my heart super simple step one back scratches scratches back give me those goose bumps when i least expect it number two cook for me make me food very simple three keep that skin soft honestly like keep that lotion going but don't use too much lotion i don't want to be grabbing you it's like a slip and slide four morning sex we gotta start the day right woman we're gonna get we're gonna go to pound town first thing in the morning and the rest of the day is going to be great and lastly and i think most importantly the last way to win my heart over is you cannot have had sex with tyga ladies and gentlemen that's it that's all you gotta do you just you're gonna win you're gonna win my heart wow with those simple steps just eliminated 90 of hollywood you better go to puerto rico by the way tyga's got a [ __ ] there too [ __ ] you got a house in dorado you [ __ ] know it you know he does bro no god dang bro that was so well worded yeah you're a poet and i know it and you know it hey can i ask you something what why did you take the instrumental background from like herpe medications on online i noticed that that sounded like we'll play it back let me let me give you an example okay here we go it's not embarrassing four out of five men walking in the grocery store right now have the same itching problem that you do before taking herpedex ask your doctor people like mike malach logan paul that's it sponsored by i cut him off blue wait hit him hit him with the side effects side effects side effects of herpetex may include headache unconsciousness bleeding from the mouth and heart death paralysis the death of everyone you've ever met the death of everyone in general you're going to die if you take this medication please read the label to find out if herpedx is right for you and herpe-free outbreak days are in your future with herpedex did it not sound like that that was fantastic dylan you should send me soundtracks like that more often we could do so many things why don't you do that with actual brand deals like when you do like the next [ __ ] let's do one let's do one for this episode we're doing commercials for my box break think about that why do we not run commercials yeah like self-made they're only promoting our [ __ ] hey guys what's up it's me logan paul oh wait for this episode no from my pokemon box right now the live stream i just realized i'm holding that i was like like i'm about to kill it in the booth right now i had valentine's uh day yesterday we did a fully asian themed valentine's day we went to koreatown we had boba tea we um yeah you made a big deal out of that i made it what the boba tea you made a large deal out of what the boba tea it was good it was really tasty it's got a little balls in it okay we'll keep it to yourself we have boba tea we had bao um that was great the bow is really good is that a restaurant or it's a dish it's a it's a it's a dish yeah it's like little uh steamed rice buns i believe it's a can of cheese pork belly you got pork yeah pork pork belly bowl and then we went and uh we got a foot massage yo speaking of speaking of which i went into this place for a foot massage i can never just seem to get a foot massage these days happy endings coming no it always turns into a back massage i'm like dude i just simply want to get a foot massage okay and so when they so when i when i go in i ask for a foot massage they send me the guy it's always some bulky ass bald large muscular asian man and i'm like okay don't worry man he's only touching your feet it's not super weird he's just touching your feet you got to sit back in the chair when i get in the room there's no chair it's a bed so i already know i'm up i'm in trouble okay he starts massaging my feet he's got a [ __ ] strong grip he's digging into those things dude i'm starting to lose consciousness just from the feet then all of a sudden he says please slip over i flip over thought he was asian he's a frog [Music] hey please yeah please flip over please flip over i knew i was in trouble because this man did not use his hands on my back he only used the sharpest elbows i have ever felt in my entire life and couldn't put together an english sentence long enough to ask me are you in pain right now here's how i knew i was [ __ ] i found myself whispering to myself pain is a social construct pain is a social construct over and over again because i because as a man i could not admit to him that he was hurting yeah he was putting every ounce of might into his elbow into my back right in this region that really hurts when someone does that and he was like how's the pressure and i was like why it's hard and he just kept [ __ ] digging i went to war with a small asian man do you know why he did that to you why because in the back of his mind quietly was like if you're gonna make me touch your feet huh you [ __ ] he's like you're not gonna tell me a box tip bro your feet scare me oh yeah when they're in socks and then when you take them out in my mind i go how many chairs couches and tables has that foot hurt you break everything that's in your way i wouldn't i wouldn't call them toes at the i call them tentacles they like fold like this they're over they're over oh my god what's happening over here what is that white spot i saw that it's that was just like a mar well it's it's not going away but it's it's also got a mark there as well that's like white that's how that's how big puerto rico is show us where you're gonna live are my feet dirty right now caleb no right they're not overly dirty are they i need everybody to look at his feet and realize he just said is this hey that's not that dirty a sixth toe coming out like what like when is this going to be fully developed like guys listen what do you want me to [ __ ] say to you you like my butt crack did you say danny d d no no no no d no d trump got acquitted what does that mean for the second oh yeah the second time he's 2-0 on impeachment right the guy's undefeated can't he's like r kelly yeah i mean at this rate he's never going to get he's never going to be out of office wait wait he's already gone um yeah they're doing quite so he can't really uh his rights of uh secret service and all that and the jet and all that they're trying to take his seats if if you get impeached it all goes away they take it away from you but uh that's dangerous evidently it was a pretty bipartisan i haven't really studied it much and the reason i'm bringing this up is i haven't studied much as much because as soon as biden became president i forgot that we even had a president you don't hear anything weird right and and and for all the trump sirs and all the uh conservatives watching this it definitely is because of the media in part because the media just stopped making a big deal of it because they had this uh when they were on this rampage against trump but also the president of the united states is not tweeting out absolutely [ __ ] insane messages on his twitter and so as of right now he's doing things though he's probably golfing no oh died by the oh biden no i don't think so i don't even know if he if he was supposed to do anything i think he just thought that we just needed a new president i think he just went back to doing what other presidents did was just hanging out he'll probably shake people's hands and [ __ ] kiss some babies kiss baby we know oh yeah he he went through a little sniffing phase sniffing all these all the years but honestly to be completely honest i love the idea of having conversations with people and the president and their current like outlook on things doesn't come up like once last time you had an argument with someone oh oh in miami this is how i knew with that girl with that girl who i called you and told you about oh yo is that the same girl that you were talking about in the beginning of the story no oh i was about to say i was like i couldn't i couldn't this is how i knew i was like i don't belong here i couldn't believe oh you told me what she said yeah you're gonna say what she said i'll say it oh i'll say it [ __ ] it i didn't say it i'm just i'm just i don't know if you should no i should i'm going to because i i i i felt a [ __ ] fire igniting me and i immediately got turned off turned off as an understand like no it's like yo get the [ __ ] out of my hotel room it was her and her friend and uh i could tell they were on like a bit of a q and on wave i'll go ahead how did you tell uh where they were no they were talking about conspiracy like what's the what's the telltale sign that someone's eq and honest you know what i'm saying like were they wearing a shirt that said hillary clinton it's flesh no like what's the telltale because she would say like i was very uh not buying into that [ __ ] you know like anyone with a [ __ ] brain yeah bro but they weren't they she'd say it like this yeah but like i heard about this one and she'd say it and i know she was i know she believed it and i have to sit there i'm like yo i explained to her like why this is not true like these facts that you think are facts actually aren't where are you getting your information you're young are you on facebook where uh are are you on queuing on and they were just super um i don't know i hadn't had a conversation like this in a while i'm sitting there and the girl goes up hurts me to say it she goes uh oh i don't even want to be in frame she said uh she said george floyd was a [ __ ] setup dude she said george floyd was a set up that's what she said i said i said what the [ __ ] did you just say because that is a bold ass claim and i need you to make some serious serious points right now why you just said that before i kick you out of my room and uh i think she felt she felt how much that bothered me um which is odd because i don't you guys know me i don't really get fired up i'm like there was that one time well you bought him a [ __ ] shrimp watch your mouth no bench i was i i'm typically a level-headed guy in issues of uh racial inequality and injustice in america i get [ __ ] fired up and so i i pressed her hard obviously uh and no no good actual reasons she just was like saying some things about his past and and and who he was as the person the crimes that he and what he was on or he was he was uh uh inebriated or something and i said and i obviously had explained to her like hey none of that [ __ ] matters also none of that justifies your original point in saying that george floyd was a setup you [ __ ] dumbass so unless you're going to justify that point we can talk about who george floyd was all day but unfortunately that doesn't make the cop the judge jury and executioner um and and that's i think i knew uh miami the place for me i arrived and there was a trump rally going on i said people are still talking about this guy [ __ ] honking horns it's already over taking out it's done give it up wait wait give it up so but let me ask you this question see but you don't [ __ ] with the hulk because yo you show me a crazy chick and i'm in miami in a hotel room like that might be that might be an even bigger green light like i'm like yo you believe in q anon you think that our president might be a reptile like i was saying this dick i was broke bro do you know what a q a [ __ ] can do in the bedroom are you [ __ ] kid your dick will catch on fire that girl will [ __ ] so hard bro trying to save the world from comet pizza ping pong pizza whatever the [ __ ] it was john lennon loves [ __ ] flesh john legend loves [ __ ] for like bro can you imagine bro just freaking but there was two of them it was too much for me yeah you almost then they said i'm here for the fun like i i'm fascinated that you're entertained and believe these things like i'm here for the but when you when you make a a statement as bold as that you're gonna be met with these hands i'm just kidding that was the first fight i won this year [Laughter] yes no but no but that wasn't the only fight that you almost got in miami because we're at a super with a girl by the way because we were out of school we were at a super bowl party we went to we went to two like a super bowl [ __ ] gathering no socially distanced people with masks all right cut the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we were at we were first where andrew scholl's house and we watched a little bit of the super bowl there very socially distanced with masks watch the first half so we go to the second party this party's got is more of like a club scene like not as andrew schultz-esque less less like wives and like dogs and like pizzas and more just like probably cocaine and like bitcoin holders and prostitutes so i'm about to leave the party it's like or the event the gathering the small soiree with my girlfriend because it's 10 30 which is three hours past her bedtime and she and i'm sitting there and i see logan engaged in a conversation with what can only be described as a large amazonian woman she's seven and a half feet tall towering over him and she's fired up not over any specific thing she's just happy to be alive she's happy to be there she did a bunch of [ __ ] molly and she's in logan's face what was it everything every job you could tell so she's in his chase and she's doing this and so whenever i see that guy girl in his face my [ __ ] my dude right here i'm activating so i go up to her and i go yo i have to ask you politely to get out of my friend's face she turned to me and she goes i am a [ __ ] local [ __ ] shut your mouth and she was tall so when i said she said it like this down to me she did and you know what i said back to her if you say one more word to me i'm gonna have my girlfriend beat your [ __ ] ass and i put amara in front of me and i backed up like this it got heated when she chest bumped me that was that was awesome she grabbed my hand and pulled me in like a like a football bro and went boom i flew back 20 30 feet literally i've never seen anything like this this girl was have you ever seen i thought it was rob gronkowski for a split second i thought it was it was rhonda gronkowski she's not even kidding she goes we're sitting there we're talking standing there i was laying down because she just belly flopped me and uh she goes she goes you remind me of me and i said hey i hope not but then mike came and saved the day with this girl no i actually didn't i didn't say that i said uh i got like kind of hood and i was like yo if you if you say one more thing like i'm gonna have my girl yeah i'm gonna have my girl dice you up and tell her like yo i just shot a [ __ ] and killed no i don't want to say that but then i'm amber because the thing is like amber as we all know is actually about it like she stepped up and all of a sudden now i'm involved in an actual situation so they all walk over into the corner and that girl the amazonian girl has three equally amazonian friends and it's just them through with them with amra it all worked out everything was fine logan went his way and probably went back to the house and ate some [ __ ] micro greens and went to sleep you fell off your diet a little bit not a fat boy i really eating a cheeseburger at [ __ ] burgerfi with food god oh yeah i realize it doesn't matter my metabolism is crazy highs [ __ ] crazy bro i i eat hoards of food super bowl was good had some prop bets on the barstow sports book uh i i put it on there that but with logan paul said gronk was gonna score 69 yards and one touchdown you know because he was on our podcast and typically athletes who come on our podcast is good luck he he won the super bowl he got two touchdowns and he got 67 yards so he was two yards short essentially of this prop bet hitting i think it was pl it was boosted right it's plus 690 so about 100 what you win 690. yeah it was boosted big time but he was two yards short but since it was my first prop bet barstool sportsbook put it through shout out penn for making that happen which was awesome and then a second one a second prop bet bet with logan paul was uh lebron to score 25 in the lakers win i wake up the next morning lebron scored exactly 25 and the lakers won by one in ot and then i put another one for camaro usman he tko'd gilbert burns i believe in the third i third kamara usman i i said it when he started that fight i don't i don't know if he can be beat he's one of those fighters i betting against him was the worst mistake of my life that guy is a [ __ ] animal we didn't know at the time we didn't know we didn't know because he he was he had made a name for himself and now he's got uh he's up there for uh the longest win streak in the ufc with the best guys 13 win streak 13 wins in a row him izzy there's a few people khabib i just don't think we'll be beat ever he's just he's just too solid can take hits can dish him 100 take down clay guida does anyone remember him yeah do you remember him no okay back in the day clay guida long hair mma fighter i remember watching him fight the other week and that dude's 39 years old and just is a dog fights like a like he's a street fighter but obviously has the skills of a a talented mma fighter and uh it was really cool to see i don't know someone who i grew up watching in clay guido long hair just fighting like a beast uh win and dominating the in the way that he did it was cool it was cool gives me inspiration man this [ __ ] doesn't stop you just keep going especially if you love it he was fired up during his uh post fight win speech those are my favorites post fight win speech you'll have one of those one time yeah uh yeah floyd fight was supposed to be happening in five days february 20th is supposed to be happening do you have any any uh info on the redeployment talking to uh talking to the big boss man yeah we're going in right after this yeah sitting with a new with a new partner potentially that i brought this strange strange guy um thanks for watching impulsive the number one podcast in the world hit that subscribe button we'll see you next week bye
Views: 1,619,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul moving, logan paul moving to puerto rico, logan paul leaving california, logan paul boxing, logan paul and jake paul, leaving california, california exodus, puerto rico, mike majlak, george janko, miami, texas, moving to texas, joe rogan leaving california, david dobrik podcast, views podcast, logan paul pokemon, nft, mike majlak and lana rhoades, gta, ricegum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 23sec (4463 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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