Gary Vee On Discovering Logan Paul, Kobe Bryant Regrets, $100M+ NFT Collection - IMPAULSIVE EP. 324

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for all the foofy be nice and all that stuff i'm an assassin i want to kill all of you you know like i'm just back that's getting clipped you know for sure please clip that and go straight [Music] you're an elder you're an elder you get two it's only two strikes right that's one he's coming is that possible or no no because you're not a you're not a boy george is right ellie man and l.a man yes i think you are mike back to no go ahead nah that's right go all right i'll get up here yes it could get here yes sir oh you came with a squad you just you fit the description that's what i'll say you were in the right shoes the la men where uh welcome back to impossible number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing kids are really listening if you do listen why why what's wrong dude i love the scooby doo shirt you got car lab you're gonna go fight crime over there you got shaggy next to you [Laughter] well you look shaggy just calm down gary take a seat hey welcome to our podcast ladies and gentlemen it's gary vaynerchuk he's here in puerto rico [Applause] the whole garyvee team good to see you bro hey brother how are you how are you good to see you what's up bro what's up how are you what's up so three three team members i'm gary v side yes is that the whole squad in real life the irl the irl team no it's way uglier than that it's a good looking group of group of legends they're extremely attractive dustin's like 54 and he looks like 16. no way are you really 54. well how old are you dust dust how old are you he's 36. let's go no mike does it with 37. mike looks good too but dustin dustin can pass for a weird number do you do do you drink or do any smoking right you do he does everything wrong but but you just got to sell you on a boat looks good this guy over here looks like he could be your your lacrosse manager like oh simply [Laughter] are you from fairfield county connecticut jersey let's go that was close of course dude gary welcome thank you came to puerto rico i did holy [ __ ] why i see him i had a speech i you know i actually told you this the other day but obviously we're doing uh i'm speaking so little now because the v friends thing has got me so busy now i've got two big things that i have to manage so the content book writing speeches is kind of what falls by the wayside with befriends explosion yeah but it liter literally my you know we have a speaking bureau in vayner x boehner speakers and they're devastated because i was their cash cow so zack is still sending stuff to me all the time and it's you know comes across you know it says puerto rico and i'm like you know what all those [ __ ] are down there yeah some [ __ ] that's it i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get down there any other way so [ __ ] it let me do it sick so i'm glad this worked out yeah me too yeah and you're right that we are all [ __ ] and we're all down here uh thank god by the way we've been trying to get you on for forever i'm really happy to be here congrats you guys you guys have really put together a show that really [ __ ] matters a lot of people love it learn from it yeah we don't you guys don't get it you do get it you guys have real talent you guys have real chemistry which is the real [ __ ] punch line of something like this and it's like it's cool to watch you guys build step by step thanks bro thanks brother hopefully hopefully we get some good clips i want to be on your instagram page of you dropping knowledge i see him you have so much content yeah you know i think you know it's fun to have drock here because he was such a beginning part of that journey with me many years ago you know seven or eight years ago i was like [ __ ] this is this is it i mean obviously you and i met so early on in your journey and probably that was then that was probably about a year 18 months before you and i met i was like okay this is about to shift like whom ever and whatever companies do best on really understanding not only how to be on these platforms but be good at all of them you know going back to 2006 i was good at youtube before youtube was a thing twitter was huge for me back in 07. i was really good at that that's how my brain worked but um you know it it became a game of like it's what you know why vine was so obvious to me it was every platform who understands it your skill set worked on vine that was much harder you wouldn't have done that on twitter back then couldn't have correct so it became a game of let's be the best in the world at contextual creative per platform and because i had an agency that was doing that work as well it was a flywheel i had to figure it out scale it to the brands vice versa was that the genesis of vaynermedia media the genesis of vaynermedia was aj my brother was graduating college and we wanted to be in business together and my brother did not want to work for my dad and in the wine store and it was just a ticking time bomb and it was going to be fantasy sports it was going to be deal a day we almost built draftkings we almost built groupon but we picked something way worse but but what it was was at that time already no nine i remember talking to him like listen i've got a feel of this thing this is gonna be the [ __ ] thing and i remember this line i was like radio was the [ __ ] dominant source of information and content and marketing in the world somebody invented the television it [ __ ] built and then there was a crossing point when that became the thing the internet is killing it but this new thing social media is an advancement of the internet that's different than the last 15 years that was more about information this was more about people content you know it was just so entertaining it was so obvious to me what was happening i was like let's build a company that helps the biggest brands because they don't know what the like nothing aj's computer literally aj's laptop in 2009 set up pepsi's twitter account the nhl's twitter and facebook campbell soup like it was you can't even ima it's kind of like nfts now right the wild west it was wild west for social yeah i saw wild west e-commerce in 96 i saw blogging i saw it all happen being 46 really is that prime age to see everything because it all happened when you were like 18 19 20 and then just happened for the last 25 years so we're like let's let's figure this out they have money i didn't have money because my dad never paid me a lot of money building his business so we needed to do something that made money i didn't want to raise money it was hard to raise money the economy just collapsed so we're like let's do a service business because we'll get paid we'll learn and [ __ ] 13 years later we're 1500 employees globally it's a big-ass company yeah it's insane wow i don't i don't know how many people know uh your and i our history which is absurd um i don't even know if you guys know this when i was when i was 18 years old i entered a competition that was hosted by grape story uh to make a commercial for i believe it was virgin mobile on vine it was a a uh a user-generated content uh contest so whatever whoever could make the best commercial would be flown out to new york and uh potentially be signed by vaynermedia it was literally literally so virgin was a vaynermedia client me and jerome jar for everybody's listening i'm sure a lot of those people know that if they're og miners we started an agency called grape story to represent viners and the marketing campaign was find the next vine superstar yeah on the record i think we [ __ ] drilled it out of all the [ __ ] people that we could have picked i can't believe it you've made me look very good on that one yeah dude i won the contest bro i had i had 18 000 followers oh [ __ ] so you were like a baby dog gary's like a proper day one wow like way before you buckle oh jesus yes what's interesting about it was jerome deserves all the credit he got it down to three and he's like these three and i i remember walking into the office at 3 15 our last office between before the one we're in now and i watched them and i was like that kid's got it that's crazy it's [ __ ] crazy watching you and like we were talking about you when we landed here and i was like dude did anybody see what [ __ ] logan did in wrestlemania he's like a problem that was like he's a proper athlete that's so weird i was like that [ __ ] split jump i'm like like you know like i don't know for some reason like the floyd all the crazy things you do there's something about that split shot and i was like dude he's really got it yeah i got it i was telling them that you're gonna that that i think that platform for you is a worthwhile debate because i was like look that platform he could be like a mix between the rock and will ferrell after this he could do this for two three four years and i bet you he can go and [ __ ] win academy awards and do big movies i mean it's you've gone on to do real [ __ ] and you know it's fun like for me gonna there you know or charlie demilio or who's further along than gunning you or everything nfts twitter face like my career has been around um just intuition intuition your intuition and your vision is is disgustingly accurate i've i've bragged about getting to know you just because being your friend has yielded such amazing results for my life and it's interesting because it's not like you you're not like you're not silver plattering anything you just say something it's like a nod a subtle nod and then one can do what they want with it my whole my whole pokemon craze was kick-started by you literally by you because i had a call with you you go you should you should you should look into this a little bit just do a little bit of research i did i got addicted and now it's like a major part of my brand like look around how much pokemon is on the wall the thing with you and you know and why i wanted to give you guys compliments because i one of the things i do for a living is just watch like it's insane how much i know about what people are doing even though i've never spent time with them just watching i'm trying to understand why culture likes something why the world is interested not interested why was this cool why is this not cool anymore like me breaking down why why women want to wear like mom jeans as a cool trend is like how my brain works like why is this candy gonna work why are these beverages gonna work so watching you guys has been a lot of fun for me because i like watching the podcasts that roll because it's very very impactful on both the podcast and the micro pieces of content because the model that we absolutely pioneered is now the model do long form chop it up right 100 um you though the reason i've made you know i've met a lot of you along the way there's been a lot of people that looked exactly like you tons of potential the right ingredients but a lot of people don't know how to cook that meal the thing with you that i really admire and that i don't think is obvious to anybody unless they really know you is you [ __ ] work hardest out of everyone it's the hardest working person like when i tell like it's fun to one of the reasons i like reaching out to you is it's fun because i know you're gonna put in the work like it's not fun to tell somebody who is not it's just a waste of three minutes these are not very long interactions i'm like hey pay attention to this yeah two weeks ago we uh i had this commercial that i put out for this thing we were working on took read it was like a 30-second thing it took him like an hour to work on it because i told him exactly what i want we're very good at working together yeah logan hits me and goes hey i need i need read to edit this and i turn to him i go buddy this is gonna take you all day and he goes nah bro it's 30 seconds i go all day i go this guy is going to jump down your throat dude i walked in i swear to god i can't even i can't make this up and re will what he's like this he's like shaking and i walk down like you good he goes dude i'm just scared he goes what if he doesn't like it bro this is when you work with logan take your expectations and [ __ ] on him because he's going to no he really you know i've seen it i've seen it i've watched a journey sometimes close sometimes very far away and everything in between you know look you've got a lot of creative skill sets and you've got great work ethic and there's very little confusion to me to why you're in the spot you're in well i appreciate it um seriously thank you for gassing me up i gotta cut it eventually hey today's video is sponsored by seatgeek live events are finally back we're excited whether it's football baseball basketball concerts mma or festivals seat geek puts tickets from all over the web in one place to make buying simple sea geek is the absolute best place to buy tickets got the app on our phone here there's definitely a few ufc fights coming up so i definitely want to check it out it might be a good idea to start searching the app for tickets right now they rate every ticket from 0 to 10 to make sure you're getting a good deal green means good red means bad and we've got a hookup for you use the code logan for 20 off tickets at sea geek that is 20 off your first purchase with the promo code logan make sure you click the link in the description to download the app i'll do it now back to the show i do want to ask a question about hard work because it does seem so formulaic like everyone who's successful will tell you the same exact thing but what is it about like how how do you find that drive to do that hard work and especially even just hanging with you that little bit in new york that last round like you are literally always working and i asked you like when do you have fun how do you balance that work and play life the answer you know you you got to the answer before i was able to jump in i don't think anybody can work hard hard unless they like it i was the least hard working student in the history of this [ __ ] country i got d's and f's for real like i'm so pumped we were able to get my report card from high school a couple years ago so i could put it out because like people when people when i was saying that i could tell that people thought i was getting c's i was like no no these because you actually have to try to get d's and f's and what i mean by that is you have to completely completely go all in on never paying attention and never doing anything which is exactly what i accomplished is my soul cause i tried my hardest guess what bro but i wasn't there like no [ __ ] this i was like dude i got my grandson so so you know there's a really tricky part to this whole thing in my mind which is why i love uh that artists are in a different place now with nft land uh comedians or people with like like what what you were affected by with vine um long tail models for instagram there's genres that come along that really work for certain people right um for me the macro of that is entrepreneurship i was selling lemonade and shoveling snow and washing cars and selling baseball cards every day of my childhood or every other day in between playing sports because it was more fun for me than anything else i could do yeah on a normal summer day when i was 11 years old and and now i grew up in the 80s like we went outside you would just go outside and play and like you know some people like i had friends this this will make sense to a lot of people oh dustin i had a lo i had a several friends who were like very like dirt bike like like they were like those skater dirt bikes and nothing was more fun for them to like drive down like that's race we had train tracks and like do the dirt bike thing for me there was i couldn't even give a second to that but but ringing people's doorbells and like ding dong like can i wash your car for five bucks was like the greatest thing that ever happened really yeah so for me it's really easy and i see it in others what's awesome now with the internet is entrepreneurship is so much more creative i think without the creative lens you wouldn't have worked as hard if it was like pure entrepreneur i was like pure like i'm a salesman i like it i like the sales part i like the operations part so i have big companies i like to operate um but now there's so many options for the people that are watching that like they're they don't like their job and like that's just part of like making a binary decision of are you willing to risk the upfront for the long-term happiness most people are stuck because they live within the means of their salary and they've got debt and they're like stuck in a hamster wheel and the only way to get out is to downgrade your optics worst car worse apartment worse year or two or three in your trips and your night life and i'm very empathetic that for a lot of people they can't make that move they can't move out of manhattan and move an hour and a half away in jersey or connecticut but it's but it's an imp it's a very important move because it's very important always talked about it and being and being humble in your purchases it's hard it is but it's so [ __ ] important i think it weeds out uh posers in my in my opinion because i look around a lot of people that are in my industry and i'm watching them hop out of these cars these have these jewelers have these clothes and i'm like man like you're saving nothing for like the few you're not investing anything like they they want to make sure people know that they're killing it and i've always been on the opposite i don't care what your opinion of me is yeah i think i grew up being hated so much that even people liking me in a little bit it's cool i'm like oh great people kind of like my [ __ ] like when i read hate comments people like oh this guy he thinks he's funny but his stand-up thing is going to suck and i'm like dude he believes i'm gonna do a stand-up show like i i really take the best thing out of everything and i think once you look at it from that point of view you can't lose so instead of buying like louis vuitton shoes put that to your rent and then go invest that money i i just have a lot of compassion for the world we now live in it's incredibly driven by insecurity and short-term needs magnified by the tools that allow people to execute on those feelings people have been insecure their whole life like the world's always had insecure people those people just didn't have the outlet of using social media to keep creating more makeup for their insecurity so it becomes a hamster wheel of it it's a it you know this is why having real conversations is very important because there's a lot of people out there that if they just shift their head and look at the world from a different perspective they can be in a much happier place and i i take on that vibe there's many reasons that you're you and that you're successful and even just what you iterated just now that i think separates you from most uh ceos or boss uh people is that your emotional intelligence is is incredibly high your compassion for people you're understanding for people um i've even come to you personally about how to deal with certain stuff and even um i remember after japan you were one of the first people to call me and like man that goes that goes a long way that goes forever you know just just because i i made a made a huge error but it wasn't a reflection of my character who i actually was and and getting that call from you meant so much and even even recently with um uh the the game boy resin table i made and i was getting hate online for it and i go gary what do i what do i do here like how do you handle this and your response was like empathy for for those who feel the need to tear down other people's art like how what's happening in your life that you're so hurt that you feel the need to just rip what's what's so ex i'm sitting here almost like in a meta situation where i'm like man this show this platform the the enormous amount of attention of look i gravitate towards youth culture i love that person is so still in the game you know i love hanging out with og's my team knows like i love 70 year olds i'm drock is literally actively in the process of booking interviews of 90 year olds for content that i want to do who do you go to for that like we're randomly meeting people like we were at this breakfast the other night he's like my grandpa's 90 and i'm like drock you're going to rhode island like really we're so i'm very passionate and fascinated by different genres but the youth culture's insane and as you're talking i'm like this is [ __ ] it man this is the beginning pieces we're starting to change this we're starting to have there was nobody three years ago nobody three years ago saying oh i got haters let me have compassion for them not even six months ago but i pounded it pounded it pounded it and it's just truth just think about the concept of needing to hurt someone else just to give you a second of escapism from your own pain just think about it i just don't know how not to feel that for others and you know i think that we need to have that combo because for the people that are creating and are making entertainment escapism information you know it's really hard to get that level of hate it's hard no matter how strong you are no matter i'm very similar like the whole world always told me i was gonna lose that except for my mom thus i'm like good you know like nothing phases me i i just know who i am when i go to bed i'm really proud of who i am yeah i totally really doesn't i don't really care because they don't walk with me they don't know my journey i was talking to this kid i'm not gonna name who he is because he's coming up in the social media realm and he told me he goes bro i don't he goes it's very hard for me to to figure out who's in my life because they want to be here versus what they need from me and he goes and it's starting to get really uncomfortable when it comes to women he goes like i feel so insecure all the time and he goes how do you walk into these rooms and change people's like minds opinions hearts and i said i've been in this game for a little bit like i'm a baby in it and i just learned now uh when i walk in the room the goal is not to turn everybody's heart is to make sure mine doesn't change so when i walk into this room i want to set an example by by just no talking just my actions for people to call me and ask me about that stuff so it's just a it's a really really tough game in every genre that you're in and i think the best thing you could do is really really love yourself start with loving yourself and loving your family and then after that you're going to be able to love other people and for everybody who's listening because i've said that so many times and i've read all the dms and emails and messages for the last almost 20 years now a lot of people just now as you were perfectly saying that said but i don't love myself and this is a very important thing for everybody to hear this is my this is something i spend a lot of time thinking about if you are listening or watching right now actually and actually saying i don't love myself you have to remember that somebody else put that inside of you your mom or dad most likely or maybe a grandparent they put that inside of you because they didn't love themselves and you know a lot of people get mad at their folks and i try to remind them your grandparents made your parents like there's always that next person in the family tree and so i i think that we're starting to get into more interesting con while everyone's like social media sucks in the world i'm actually watching and i'm like i don't know i think shit's getting a little bit interesting we talked about this last week about the benefits the versus short cut this dog is the benefits versus the shortcomings of social media and if it's a net positive or not negative but but i wanted to ask you this do you think there's more benefit to uh an individual who's who's facing criticism uh finding a way to be empathetic with the criticizers be empathetic with the haters or their ability to put on the blinders that every see number really yeah because my question to you is this because that's that's scalable for other people yeah the other one is holding your breath and you're gonna give you really think so because i think there's a lot of people out there like who are able to just be like dude like your criticism is so worthless and doesn't it's so uninformed and uneducated like that's what i've tried to get myself i get it by the way there's a lot of there's there's you know how it is right like it's like everything in our society red blue black white it's there there's moments in time where that works i mean i do it all like i'm thrilled to be like if you actually knew what was running through my mind sometimes what i'm getting [ __ ] on i'm like man if you're mad at me now watch what the [ __ ] i'm gonna put down your throat the next decade you [ __ ] like i can get very competitive that way too comma there's no question that actually actually being like man this person's hurt but then acting upon it as well and be like yo listen like i know you told me that yeah i i'm too busy sucking a [ __ ] right now like and you're 12. like but i feel like you're going through some [ __ ] let's talk about it because because well like i'm in the middle of shooting content here now i got to talk to this 12 year old from iowa about why he thinks i suck too much [ __ ] which i don't suck [ __ ] are you like you know what i'm getting at right now like i get it brother i get it so much the amount of [ __ ] i've sucked on dm is profound where does the empathy end it was the same thing with him in the [ __ ] gameboy table i'm like dude like you're gonna sit there and be like listen man i know i heard about your sister and how she has you know early onset dementia like how do you let me start to do that easy you add another element to the equation and you think about the concept of gratitude you you have to understand you can actually completely this has happened to me at nas this this happened the other day in the car a guy [ __ ] ripped me heavy i gave a response he dm me he's like i just got back from afghanistan i have real pt like it was a real he's like you don't understand he ended with something that i don't even wanna like it's really [ __ ] intense out here and so what i would say is as a fellow human being one that by the way is [ __ ] doing it you're [ __ ] doing it right like i promise you 19 year old you looking at what you've been doing the last seven or eight years is [ __ ] happy he's surprised so damn you made it past 26. so three minutes a day nine minutes a week 16 minutes a month do i think that you can decide to reply to three people one of which that will completely change the framework of how they see the world because these kids out here think the world sucks and everything sucks and nobody gives a [ __ ] and you give one [ __ ] one time and by the way i'm telling you and i know he knows i know like i'm telling you it will [ __ ] build it will be beneficial for you no no no no and i do love your mind and i do a lot of it but i but i found myself trying to cultivate the relationships that provide themselves in a positive position by the way because the message i get like yo your book changed my life like i respond to those people as opposed to yo like you want to hear something crazy i feel like i had to calibrate seven or eight years ago to be a little bit more thoughtful because i was only feeding got it because i have so much to give i was like so i think that's right but but i think you need to give some deposits to that i think it'll bring benefit it'll round you out you know you're i'm sorry they're broken yeah it's just like you know it's just honestly it's just nice yeah by the way you know this i don't have to tell you this 93 of them want to be you more than life itself oh when you respond to them about the about what they say they're automatic i'm your biggest fan i love what you do yeah they're just sometimes they're having a bad day yeah i uh i i like to reflect to make sure i'm always being a better person and all the times that i like i kind of cringe on decisions i made or like situations i put myself in or relationships i broke it was always always 10 out of 10 100 out of 100 times it was always when i was hurting 100 so when i was like really really really upset or jealous or insecure that's when the ugliness comes out of me and so when i'm getting that i'm like oh this guy is hurting and i know what that feels like so i'm going to so if they're giving me hate they can't play that game of tennis with me if i put my racket down so then it's over so now if i just played love with them it's either two things gonna happen they're gonna walk away or they're gonna be like all right he's giving me the time of day that nobody in my life yeah i think that's right no absolutely this episode of impulsive is brought to you by dr squatch dr squatch is changing let's get the product do we have it i'm running i'm running it i'm running it dr squash is changing the way men approach personal care with high performance natural products that smell amazing and will have you feeling and looking your best their products will help you feel and smell like a man and smell like a champion with dr squatch never have another boring shower or routine again because who likes boring now on phew here's my favorite part dr squatch's soaps are made in the usa only using the finest ingredients mother nature has to offer in fact all of their products are at least 98 percent natural in origin no that's so many accents other generic body washes have harsh chemicals and harmful synthetics 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my parents were born no by time i was born no so it wasn't really a big part of our lives i which is really interesting because because of that and growing up in the us during the 80s 90s cold war religion is not a big factor in my life i've always had a really interesting relationship with religion because i see how people weaponize it to disguise it as a weapon for their own hate that they want to deploy but i also see it being an incredible crutch for people in the worst of times it's been fascinating to see religion play out in my in my life how i observe it but for me no it hasn't been it i would say on the flip side it's been fun because as i've evolved and my life has evolved and like you know like the amount of pastors and rabbis no but yes but the amount that have reached out to me being like you're very religious i'm like i am so i was gonna say that's why i ask a lot of principles you have are pillars of religion i'm incredibly conscious to that now yeah as this journey has gone on which which is great you know to me i'm i'm in a place where i i i want good and so as anything governments religion companies platforms there's good and bad because humans make them good and bad um the things we're talking about for last 15 minutes are the things i'm focused on because that's how i think we as humans make these things good or bad but i'm aware that a lot of my stuff can touch on those tones um i curse a lot so a lot of the religious people don't love that it's funny i like your videos where you talk about how you're not going to stop cursing i just don't i'm really really bad at doing anything that doesn't come completely natural to me like really bad i just don't want to not be me at all costs when it costs me money when it costs me opportunity when it like i just like when it costs you diction god forbid you know like honestly it's very i just like the ease of always being me i think that's the next wave too i think it's the current wave and the next wave i think it's going to continue to flow in that direction you you're seeing the people that stay around now the people that are getting hot now the people that are up next are all just 100 authentic to themselves it's just easy it's exactly opposite i feel like that is and i'm not trying to [ __ ] on tick tock but everybody's doing the same thing oh i'm not yeah i'm talking about what i'm saying like like on platforms like at least vine people were creating their own life i'm talking about like real staying power like not not tick-tock oh yeah like i thought you meant on platforms i think look vine too like there were like there was beats you could speak to this like i i understand your point i'll play something in the middle which is you know you also back to what we were talking about people go through ebbs and flows you know it's funny logan with all your different twists and turns i think you'll be surprised as you guys are now getting older you're going to watch the you know you were the generation coming up you're going to get a real at-bat of watching the next and they were they're coming in so young so you're already living this it's going to be fun for you to see the first you know pattern of it because by the time logan was doing his thing i'd already been through all the youtube one two thousand six seven eight nine i've been through the twitter influencer of those and by the time he came on like okay you can start to see certain things i think you'll be surprised i bet you given this young and what i'm seeing on tik tok and i think we share a lot of similar points of view you know i'm just older i've had a couple more at-bats you're gonna be surprised by a person or two that does have staying power and in that insight you'll notice that what happens is it's moments in time more than anything else as and i bet you guys know this i mean i found you know even i who think about this 24 7 subconsciously have gotten there you get caught up in what's working for a little while and all of a sudden you just kind of wake up and it's six or twelve months later and you kind of it's not that it's not you but you've deviated for subconscious success that's deep and that is really deep you get caught up in like if i if i stop doing this then this won't happen right or or it's even crazier this word works or this kind of thing like it goes so deep into the subconscious you don't even realize you're doing it yeah there's a that it's that's actually there should be studies done on this phenomenon that you're describing it's it's and then what moments and it's not even about the algo it's just about culture it's like what's hot what where are you in your life it's a new relationship a single friend a new girlfriend it's just you know it's the way your world moves like puerto rico is going to be different than l.a like there's just a lot of [ __ ] that happens one random thing turns out you know like thinking about the in you know i just saw the ring on the way up here like think about how that went like that narrative that's a very what are we talking only four years right now five years trying to think five for the first fight that you had with oh oh yeah yeah yeah four years you know like you know i don't know the actual story maybe you give two seconds on it maybe everybody knows it but like i'm dying to know the first combo that triggered it right if you think about how things work in life there was a combo or a thought or you two talked or he said something or you guys had real people actually let me let me let me tell me let me tell you because this is actually fascinating okay were you in the kitchen that day okay so it's very simple ksi called me out online and um why because because that's what's fun well that's the that's like the historical moment that would be like the the public everyone knows jake paul i was the villain on youtube i had just as many subscribers as him same age same physique uk us okay um but you had never talked to him ever and he just randomly sorry that's not true we had met once at the super bowl like a couple years prior but essentia essentially never yep about especially about boxing but dude i almost didn't do that fight i believe it it took danny rockaracca do you know the rocket twins yeah i love it it took him in the kitchen hyping me up going man you have to fight him it's gonna be the biggest thing ever i'm like ksi's from the uk we have a different audience who's gonna watch that fight he goes mate you have to do and just cause danny rockaracco pushed me i had a fight with ksi a second fighter with ksi and they started a global beverage brand with him and mayweather and they fought me with it and the splits and the split seriously but you just beat me to it i'm telling you i don't know what the [ __ ] it was about that split jump i literally fro this is not a joke in my brain you did that the guy when you jumped and in my brain i see you literally giving your oscar acceptance i'm immortalized immortalized i literally i'm like carrying the torch into the olympics i'm like you know what he's gonna go deeper this is me guessing i know nothing uh he's gonna go deeper in this it's gonna work for him it's gonna give him a platform he's gonna [ __ ] make a movie it's gonna work he's gonna like and he's gonna go from comedy to most like look and i think you're gonna win an academy award just don't slap anybody [Laughter] so but that that's like that's what we're talking about here right like somebody makes one tick tock because they're pissed because their shit's declining because tick tock's [ __ ] them because every platform [ __ ] you no it's called supply and demand more people make [ __ ] like ads go in it's the way it works that's why moving fast when new [ __ ] happens is so important so they're pissed they're not getting what they used to get they're getting desperate and they just then they hit a place creatively whether pro or con and just do something different and it works and next thing they know they have a [ __ ] cupcake company it's crazy crazy how that works yeah i love how your brain works but that's what it is you know like they just like they get a viral cupcake video and and that's why i push people to make it's an at-bat to change your life yep it that's why i push people to say you know talk about [ __ ] that [ __ ] you're interested in i'm like you know one thing a lot of my friends talk to me about is gary you're like a real businessman and people think you're a motivational speaker garage sailor like and they and they like talk to me out of like compassion they're like i feel bad like my real business people like the 50 year olds who have billionaires and they're like they think i'm the guy and they're like this is weird like my nephew thinks you're a garage sailing person i'm like i am a garage selling person but my point with that is i don't fear being misjudged for my capacity and capabilities in other areas just because i might go viral on a genre that might be silly because i know that i know back to the intent that happened because i got 10 dms and emails in one flight from new york to la all saying you know you talk about all this i should invest i should invest all all 10 of them same thing different words different style but they all said the same thing hey i love you but you [ __ ] talk about putting 25k into a startup and it can change your life i'm nine [ __ ] dollars [ __ ] yeah and so you know i'm very i take my [ __ ] serious i'm like that's super [ __ ] fair you know and i'm like i need to think about this and i was and then like you know i don't know somewhere over [ __ ] kansas or something i'm like let's go to aggression wait a minute i used to have nine dollars the [ __ ] was i doing [ __ ] garage sales and now with ebay and i just started making that content for all the you know fun that i have with that and people have with it you know at my expense which i love um the amount of [ __ ] i've had hundreds of thousands of people in the last four years email me and say i had nineteen dollars i now have a hundred thousand dollars like it's it's changed their life selling mugs yeah this is a legit i have a guy he's one of my closest friends his name is aj's in arizona i walked into his guest bedroom and he i swear to god dude you're gonna think i'm live fight club gear everywhere the sunglasses the boots the jackets i go oh i gotta get rid of him he's gonna kill me so i go what the [ __ ] are you doing all this stuff he goes oh i sell this [ __ ] on ebay and i go well how much and he makes so much money in the stock market i go why is it like a hobby he goes yeah i love it i do it pulls up how much he makes on ebay he makes more than what i think doing social media i go bro i'm not after you sign to impulsive brother huh not after you sign to impulsive nope still after we lose money on this show dude it costs a lot to get them out here to puerto rico there goes our budget be really [ __ ] close i'll tell them that yeah it's crazy no your your garage sale uh arc is is phenomenal i mean like i i actually didn't even know the garage sale side of gear i swear to god until four years in i've seen you now as gary vee now still love it why ask because it because i would rather garage sale at seven a.m on a saturday than golf like 90 of the people i do business with they like that better i like this better they like the calm the quiet nobody can bother them like my brother loves golf like i can understand golf makes sense to me four hours nobody [ __ ] with you go with your buddy a couple b makes all the competition you know aj's big reason was i love competition but your knees are gonna go we can't play basketball like i need something in my six he's right uh now i have pickleball so i'm set but you know i uh i for me the idea of rolling up to a stranger's home and that there's a 1929 green lantern ring from a cracker jack's box somewhere in the [ __ ] for a quarter that i could sell for 1.7 million is still the thrill of that do you ever feel bad never what's it like you take like somebody's two dollar like i read the i read this avengers 10 and it's worth like 26 million at auction and you're like [ __ ] you [ __ ] i read all those comments like you are like i'm putting out this so at first it's going great right like changing people's lives you're the best you showed me then all of a sudden it started going viral on tick-tock and everyone's like let me get this straight you were very rich you're going to people's homes they want twenty dollars [Laughter] my whole mindset was let me show people how to do it and if you have 117 dollars in your bank account and somebody wants eight dollars for hot wheels you better pay three my favorite my favorite one is the trevor wallace one i was like go in there and [ __ ] his face eight bucks you go in there and you give him a dollar fifty you know it's funny trevor you know a lot of great a lot of the other people have done it more often and have are more known for but trevor's one off that's amazing where i'm like drock give me the gun you know that that whole genre of those four to seven people that make a lot of content doing impressions of me has been also one of the most wildly like like amazing feelings of my life like the fact that i'm in a place where people will actually impersonate me and like how how would they impersonate stop it no i mean like like how would they impersonate you guys they're like tick-tock and so at least one tick-tock video a day when he when by the way when he added that i'd bite my nails 24 7. somewhere around like the 17th one he added this and i was on the grill like but let me get to this point that you'll love this you know this world like the fact that some of them have used that to get a lot of awareness to then build their actual i mean it's it's [ __ ] you know to me somewhere along the line i'm like wait a minute if i just live my life and i'm just living but i produce content that they'll have positive impact as the sawdust i'm just living but there's sawdust and this is helping people that's another version exactly exactly dogs know you can't you also can't be mad at them because they just did what you taught them to do like they found it they no no you know what i'm saying like they found it they found a way to create a voice for them it's so funny like you know it's interesting again i'm trying to combat insecurity at scale so they were doing it for a while i didn't want to play on that i knew because i wanted them to like let it breathe a little bit but finally got to a point of like a year and six months in i was like let me let me live a little and i would i would leave a comment or make acknowledgement and i was fascinated so many people like oh thank god you can take a joke or thank you know like and i was like man that's just like the default cynicism or the default insecurity framework of our society anybody who's watching who's got the benefit of getting popularity to buy homes and how and happy and like help their mom like you have to you there's another side to it and you have to also enjoy that and to me by the way nothing for nothing none of it is grounded in malicious intent even people of course even people that go more centered it is yeah he doesn't like you um and so i'm very i'm like outrageously flattered hey you hey yeah you watching you know i work with barstow sports right well if you do know that and you haven't signed up for the barstool book what is good new players can sign up right now with the exclusive promo code logan1000 and get their first bet 100 risk free up to a thousand dollars make your first deposit today and if your first bet loses get an equal free bet up to a thousand dollars in sports book bonus cash that's actually a sick deal additional terms and conditions apply see out for details must be physically present in arizona colorado illinois indiana maine new jersey pennsylvania tennessee or virginia tibet gambling problem call 100 gambler in tennessee call or text the tennessee red line 800-889-9789 now back to the show just get faster than that you know the guys that that i know there's something there that's gonna be me they're just trying to do the same thing that that you are 100 know what i'm saying like a lot of and by the way that's another thing i realized about a lot of the the hate comments or like stuff like that you were treated everybody at 16. you would have [ __ ] on everybody for sure but they're they're trying to post something that gets the most likes you're trying to put out a video that gets the most views they want somebody to pick thumbs up on their content because it makes them feel good inside or or lead to something that's where the thing that i think for everybody's knowing that a lot of influencers and a lot of people coming up the game watches because they look up to you three and are coming up let me give you one good one right from the this will really play just detach yourself from all of it like the thing that works for me is not that i can deal with the hate it's that i can deal with the admiration yeah the reason i can deal with people telling me i suck and i'm overrated and i blow is that when people tell me i'm the goat i don't hear that either you're right in the middle yeah because because if you fall in love like with positive affirmation well then you're vulnerable like when p for example because then you're caring about 100 one of the things i think about a lot is if your whole life you're cute if you're pretty girl boy right and all your affirmation is coming from that that's a lonely game at 50. that's plastic surgery at the yang that's like that's your framework this is where i get my validation from it rots quick i watched a drake interview something he said that i abide by now a couple of things he said in this particular interview um 72-hour rule before you make any decision that you know is uh starts with emotion um another one he said uh he said i try not to get too caught up in the highs or the lows that's right which which it's essential same thing what you're saying is like you know if there's there's a baseline where my uh mental functions optimally and that's where i like to live it's a counter energy when everyone's like you're the [ __ ] like i'm like dude my parents had sex at the right second and i have intuition and who the [ __ ] am i yeah you know what i mean like i be like i go that way and then the other way you [ __ ] suck i'm like you suck too imaginative you suck too right i mean like like people are good at certain things they're not good at certain things like i i think that you just gotta understand that when one thing's coming at you [ __ ] like a superhero just push the other energy the problem is when people are getting love you're [ __ ] awesome you're they [ __ ] want that they want to eat the [ __ ] out of that oh i'm hot yeah i'm rich yeah i'm [ __ ] best yeah but then they're like you suck [ __ ] up you gotta stop both of it you uh you deal with a lot of famous people a lot of successful people a lot of celebrities um for those who you haven't met yet who might not even know you yeah if you admire them how do you engage in conversation with someone who's heard everything you're ever about to say you mean like like people i actually know you so that's funny you changed the question at the end there you mean people that do or didn't know me at all or you mean people that really do people that do not know who like do you assume i assume your peers know you or no no i don't okay so i'm a let me rephrase that's changed a little bit in the last two years yeah yeah it's two years i can feel there's a difference and now i i am aware so three years ago i definitely didn't assume i was like i didn't even allow myself to go there for what who gives a [ __ ] the last couple years i also don't like being delusional i'm like yes a lot more people know who i am i would agree i would also say because of how weird i'm playing it i also know that very few people actually really know what the [ __ ] going on with me and so i have to take that into consideration okay okay so so then yeah let me let me let me amend the question to when if anyone has a chance to approach someone who's has had a wealth of experience in their life um and with that maybe comes money um knowledge whatever it is how do you engage in conversation with these extraordinary people is there i'm gonna answer i'm gonna give you a bunch of things because you were going somewhere that i want to share because it was one of the biggest mistakes i've made in my life and i'm trying to get better at it so uh drock knows where i'm going i think um i never reached out to anybody for like 10 years nobody i first of all was focused on just doing the right things that i knew good things would happen if that happened i also if i'm being very transparent and vulnerable i enjoyed that things came to me and i wasn't asking for them i was also taught by my parents like never asked for anything so there's some of that but i'd be lying here and full of [ __ ] there was definitely a part of me that'd be like ah yes xyz reached out to me like i liked it it felt like i accomplished something i was i'm aware of that now right just a lot like i i really am so thankful that i don't have a whole lot of ego but i would argue what i just said was grounded in like i'd like to call it lightweight ego i enjoyed it sneak something but something something really hit me so kobe so kobe passes and multiple people reach out to me two or three weeks later saying that they were in the process of reaching out to me because in that wind in the last six months he started really like liking my content and thought i had like we had like wanted to meet that it was gonna be fun for me one guy specifically that i know very well i went to qatar with him before the world cup like rod like like really was like called me like pretty emotional i was like you know like eight days ago we had the conversation that was like like and i just remember thinking talk about somebody i really admire because i'm so competitive and so i everything he is as an athlete i understand cold cold competition is a framework of my life like for all the foofy be nice and all that stuff i'm an assassin i want to kill all of you you know like i'm just gonna that's getting clipped you know for sure please [Laughter] but you know like like honestly like you know the reality is is that i love being competitive and when i say that it's like being on the field it's like sports right you watch them they like battle elbows you want to kill each other game's over dap it sometimes too much because when you're a fan you're pissed i'm like don't [ __ ] like you know but like and so i understand and loved competition i admired that mindset that tenacity that accountability like and he was also nice so nice so like that's what like really [ __ ] with me so anyway it happened and i get three or four people and like within the first six to eight weeks of his passing tell me and i'm just like man i'm such a [ __ ] dick face right like like why why couldn't i have reached out and be like hey really what you've done for these years it's really cool and then maybe we would have had dinner and i would have that memory and so i've been actively you know i did it for kids on the come up i did it i do it all the time i still do it there's nothing interesting i love doing it for wow i it i bet a bunch of kids are actually for this world a bunch of people like really because you came out to me and i eighteen hundred people and i i love encouraging the kid i love it but when somebody's like that person already i i haven't done that and i'm trying to do that more interesting so you're do you're literally not doing what you teach them to do that's exactly right that's what i'm saying because you're wrestling with and it's not a bad problem no it's literally just like your parents teaching you don't ask no that's exactly right i thought i was doing the better version i was doing it for the people that needed it more kobe doesn't need another person saying he's the greatest i thought i was doing it for the person to give them push to give them a pump to like help them to maybe answer a question they're dealing with like and it was working i just wouldn't do it for you know somebody like i i'm so pumped that i dm'd roddy rich now like i'm pumped that's there i'm pumped that the m sits in there what'd you say to rotty i [ __ ] with your [ __ ] we're trying to have we're trying to have him on the show i'm really good friends with his with kiefer i love it exactly yeah so like you know like i like that i'm trying to do more of that i'm pushing myself as far as like maybe where you were going with that question in a different direction i think everything is context i can know everything i mean i can have a dinner right now with drock that's profoundly interesting because we've not traveled as much the last couple years and even though i know all the foundational things and we know each other so well so for me if somebody knows everything about me or i know everything about them that has nothing to do with the sit down and chopping it up because everything's contextual it's of this moment i agree yeah cool you're really good at living in the moment and i was gonna ask how you maintain such a vast memory of all these tidbits of knowledge that you have are you journaling are you constantly writing is it all off the dome all of it yeah i mean this is back to here's a good one like you don't map out your speeches no i don't even know what i i'm lucky that i barely knew we were even coming here just now like i don't even sometimes know the next meeting i'm very bad at that so i have a lot of infrastructure this is something i think a lot of people need to hear right so they just stick you on stage and say go but it's it's less that it's like i sometimes legitimately like most of the time i actually don't even know what my day is going to be like i just look at the first meeting and then like the next meeting is like oh [ __ ] i got this like it's just like you know because it doesn't matter i'm prepared you're my dad george he didn't know why he was in puerto rico he we flew him here he goes what are we doing again gary vaynerchuk is on the podcast my thing on the podcast is not coming prepared because the audience might not know who you are yeah that's right so i want to i want to get to know you organically super smart i'm sorry i'm just listening we cut you off i'm sorry do you um so where are we going well i was asking uh uh do you prepare yourself how you memorize how you got done say this because i know this will bring value to people i think most people become fixated at getting decent at something they're naturally bad at i'm obsessed with becoming the all-time insane version of the things i was naturally good at so memory unstoppable and i use it and you know other things you can hire around as you go up the the ranks or you can just punt it i punted a ton of things that i wasn't i'll give you one blogging so i was right about ecom i was right about google adwords i was right about email and here comes blogging in 2002 and like 2002 to 2004 2005 blogging perez hilton remember that it was blogging i can't write for [ __ ] you tried no i didn't even have to try i knew exactly how i why didn't you try because you knew he wasn't good at have you ever looked at some of the texts i've sent you i have no capability of putting every single day you text us men with an exclamation point i swear to god that's not a joke he goes he got men like that's it me and a few other guys like what do you what what i want to know you're good man is that what it means you know it's exactly what it means we were just talking about it when i got off stage they're gonna be like oh sorry uh the friend series two just unveiled i know and i was when i got off the stage i was trying to catch up before we got here on the way here and it was funny they were all saying like deal great job by the way dio said hey i need to know what's going on with the project because i guarantee the second he gets off stage he's going to ask and then one of the guys on team tyler i think uh said no he's that yeah how's vibes how's vibes with my team is men with miukailish banks like i just for me i just want to know the following thing at all times are you good is there anything i can do for you it's my natural state my mom is that that's how i became it like are you good is there anything i can do for you yeah it's my favorite feeling i love it i'm so good and so i'm so i feel guilty and grateful that i'm so good that all i want to do is make you good i appreciate that it's a good feeling like listen for everybody who's watching right now we're listening if you're good [ __ ] it's hard for everybody who's happy it's our responsibility to help because right now negativity is very good at marketing negativity is very loud negativity is very viral the problem with positivity is you can be dismissive you're not affected you're [ __ ] you suck the world sucks you're just [ __ ] the iron and you can move on i think you have to be an active participant if you're that [ __ ] lucky and i take on that responsibility heavy do it as a jets fan think about that i mean i you punted a lot of things that you're bad at man i cannot imagine you want the fact that you are still sitting those [ __ ] jet seats every how do you not do that not only that tomorrow morning when i fly back it's gonna be wednesday thursday's the draft i am like sweating thinking are we gonna take icky do we take sauce like i'm [ __ ] obsessed about thursday and friday i got all this [ __ ] going on and i'm like thursday we're going to take these college kids and if they don't save my life i'm going to be pissed that like that was the first thing i've ever met she was at a jets game what's shot with sean nelson from lobster be honest do you have any remembering of mike malak meeting for the first time ready for this two uh we were 14. you guys were three rows in front of us uh what's going on with your brain dude how do you remember like how would you remember i was like dude that's garyvee and i was like 25. yeah i remember but do you remember it but do you remember him sean nelson come on that's the ceo of lovesack but mike the druggie at the time he's not a druggie i don't know i don't know if you caught up with that because he was like so there's two things that go huge for me faces like dominant right like like i'm [ __ ] like clear when it comes to fake you know clear the thing in the airport it just looks like wow i'm like human clear when it comes to faces that thing is impressive also mike's a very memorable person like were you meeting yeah but it was chill it was quick it was before but on the jets front right this is actually real right now one of the reasons i have so much compassion is i'm so bitter as a sports fan between the jets and the knicks there is no question in my life that like i am the least version of myself in those settings i am out of control at jet games i hate people i want to fight i wanna i've done i've been my worst self at football stadiums and so it makes me realize wait a minute people who are not happy can lose control and have bad behavior i hate patriot fans for real that's called envy oh it's interesting you use these moments of uh out of character to relate when you are this gary to the people who are stuck in that state interesting that that became the connection point where i'm like i get this you're unhappy in real life i'm unhappy in this sports life so i get it so i get because because i really mean it like no like this is not for show like at a jets game i'm unhappy are you a liability to the jets to the fans to yourself to society there's this great moment i wish my friends were here i'll tell the story i never really tell my bad jet stories because they're bad there was this is this is a typical gary move um steelers travel well so when the steelers play the jets half the stadium is steelers so for some miraculous reason during a bad jet season seven years ago we decided we're gonna beat the steelers so we're gonna win the game they've got their towels we're gonna win the game we're it's wrapping up the game's over five minutes left we're up by three touch we won this 80 year old dude is walking up the like the the steps to go to a seat and i stand up and i go sit down old man you're finished right like just piss like sit the [ __ ] down old man you're finished right and i sit down and everyone like you know i there's a lot of season ticket holders that sit with me and they're kind of like they love me because i defend us but sometimes i go too far and they're embarrassed and this would be a step too far and they're embarrassed and then like lou turns to me goes everyone's a little upset that i did that because he's just very nice old man there's no reason to do that he's a worker no no he's a he's a steelers fan he's got the super bowl jacket he's walking and lou turns to me goes and everyone's upset and lou goes man i wish everybody knew what you actually meant and i'm like i know because i met you're about to die not that you're a steelers fan i'm like sit down you're finished in life not the jet steelers game like that's i've hip check the jets lost to the the jets lost to the to the patriots 10 years ago you really are an assassin i was 36 this 12 year old kid's walking by me after the game i hip check him into this in a 12 year old boy i'm 36 years old i hip check him into the cage his dad turns i'm like what the [ __ ] are you gonna do like i get crazy you're alive really is that the one thing that you would ask for before before you die would be a a jet super bowl that's why i'm gonna buy them and win one i'm not even like letting it be up for chance i'm gonna take care of this [ __ ] myself i believe you that's crazy we got crazy we got close to the nft [ __ ] and we clearly have to do this like he's got his open ceo well you said because you said friends uh unveiled and i i realized i hadn't looked at him yet because i pulled mine up i'm an investor of friends i got a i got a good one i got the har pick i know drock's favorite it's the only character in all of the friends that is made up it doesn't exist which is why i bought it can't wait to see what you do with it gary so so um i would even start with this the nft space started popping off yes early last year yes um you similar to the pokemon thing or did i do my research and there's an infamous call yes that we had and i see clips of it going viral online it was a crypto punk's call yeah beast was on it casey neistat was on it and we loaded up on crypto punks and since then you have continued to consume in the space and educate yourself in the space and then create in the space which is kind of a similar journey to what i've done yes and i'm wondering what about the nft space made you feel the same way that you felt about social media back in the day humans need to communicate it's a core thing and i believe that more than speaking more than writing more than singing the number way number one way that human beings communicate is by buying things really yeah look at what you're wearing right now i can't believe it by the way bro what you're wearing by the way i'm shawn i've already played a holy show so it looks like a scooby duke's probably like right three grand like he's about to fight crime here's what's profound about it four years ago if he saw someone wearing this he would take a total [ __ ] on that person today it's him communicating a lens of creativity a lens of wealth they could be that's exactly right so why i bring that up if you look around like what everyone's wearing and what like it's humans communicate through what they buy fashion is a gadrillion dollar industry a good rillion dollar industry is that a real thing the word you're saying people are at home he's an advocate he's an app yeah we make it worse because we're confident that we won't get the right workouts really it is one of the biggest industries in the world we all buy sneakers and t-shirts and hoodies and hats and all sorts of things that really cost four bucks and nine bucks and 22 bucks and we spend two thousand three thousand five thousand because that's how people communicate they communicate in reverse too people dress down when they get wealthy like it's all it's not just i'm going to show people like oh yeah i'm just going to show you rich that's not true at all it goes the other way the way people wear their hair their facial hair there's a million ways to communicate because of what you buy i thought social media was going to be huge because i thought people were going to use pictures to communicate and i ended up being more right than i even thought it became the framework yeah right i think nfts are going to be that for our society and it has a utilitarian value it is the biggest technology shift since the internet the blockchain the consumer blockchain's the biggest new thing since the internet itself and more importantly here's why everyone's [ __ ] it up everyone's thinking about it like it's the internet which is why they don't understand it when the joke the big joke of well i'll just right click and save it it's a jpeg hahaha is when people are basically turning into their mothers what i mean by that is all the same kids that made fun of their parents for not having an iphone when they had a blackberry or for not having older my generation not like most parents wouldn't do email they were scared or buying things online or all those things watching a bunch of 20 and 30 year olds that think they're cool that i think they're dominating that think they're winning [ __ ] on nfts makes me smile because i'm like if these people knew that they had just turned into their parents they'd be devastated they are demonizing a new clear technology because of a lack of interest to do the work i will i will know for sure i will i will play the other side and this and this comes as a as a avid investor yeah spent a ton of money on them i believe that there has you know also been a tremendous irresponsibility within the nft creation community to drive that belief set i couldn't agree with you right and so it's and that sucks and we've talked about that irresponsibility a lot in the show rug pulls [ __ ] projects abandoning road maps yeah and so it's it but that but that happens with everything for sure right bad actors especially when a lot of money's in play oh yeah this is exactly this is i'm telling i can't wait you know it's funny my whole life i feared getting older because i love life and i want to live forever but i i'd be lying if i didn't say oh i see there's some cool stuff to this i actually can't wait to chop it up in 20 years when you guys 15 years when you guys are this and i'm the next version i'm gonna be like see like the patterns you see them again when i was 22 the internet was doing this if we had internet companies like worth 17 billion dollars doing zero dollars in revenue so this bad behavior that we're seeing now from influencers and like a lot of the insecure people that want a quick bag people are ruining the like if the kids that are getting milk that are making a million dollars on rug pulled realized how all the a players are talking about them they'd be devastated they're 22 they're scamming people they're pumped because they have a million bucks right now and they bought a cool fat place in the [ __ ] hills and meanwhile all the players that actually matter have just eliminated them from any consideration to do business with that forward yeah it's over what about this type of so this is what always happens it's what happens let me just say you know influencers there's bad influence there's two like brand deals oh they're ruining it it works itself out right now your statement is exactly right one of the biggest reasons that people are confused about this is there's bad acting the problem is before there was bad acting because bad acting is a nine-month phenomenon not an 18-month phenomenon before there was bad acting everybody still said the same thing right people don't like new [ __ ] look at tick-tock you guys lived through this oh we were no we were the people we were the [ __ ] i am i am ashamed i saw you raving about tick-tock we'd come on this exact podcast and go [ __ ] that platform it's for kids dancing to music who cares it's weird it doesn't make any sense now i'm a tick-tock you know what it is you know what we got guys academy award i'm telling you that's not this is a lot dude just a bunch of underage girls and no no you know well tic toc's algorithmic so if that's what you're seeing i don't get it don't get on it but seek help so here's what i need to ask you about this nft because tic tac is dead to me i can never do it it might remind you it might it might be a downfall of mine but i will not not about it i will not do anything i'm not proud of and i'm not proud of people why don't you create content that's not dancing there's so many people on the app that make incredible incredible [ __ ] talk about this ready yeah but you make instagram no so what do you make uh i i literally these three things that i'm focusing on right now is i'm right i'm finishing up this movie that i love uh podcast stand up and i realize i spreading myself uh too thin to me [ __ ] me up so me doing this on tick tock well that's different you know that's different that's just judging what's inside of it that's like somebody doing stand-up but they suck at it like what is inside the bucket is different than if the bucket has validity of it of its attention that it's in it so like what you fill it with is different which is why i asked because if you were like no i i do instagram i'm like those are just empty vessels it's the same thing to your point you've taken a philosophical and a self-awareness framework game and said you know what this is where all this is happening for me what works is i'm going to play in the kind of like real world right and it's going to work for me and that's awesome can i tell you why i made the decision please uh on facebook i absolutely crush it up my videos are doing 30 million 20 million on skits yeah and uh nothing came from it like it was gone the next three months so i made a promise and about myself like yo i will not touch anything i'm not absolutely proud of it i would that's your fault i would argue i would argue and i would also i'd love first of all i would love to have a proper dinner and go like three four hours deep i think you'd be surprised how much came from it i just need to know everything that is happening yeah because i think what we do is we're too literal and you were in the show business game la's framework on this is the worst oh i didn't get a thing from this i didn't make a movie from this like it's so transactional yeah the la vibe is so transactional i would argue potentially i've got to learn the whole story which is why i need four hours yeah i i bet you when we're done with that i might argue that everything happened because of it maybe and i'm down to actually hear that out yeah we'll chop it but can i ask you the nft thing because i know there's a few people that are watching it that are on the same boat i never really talk about it because i i truly don't care about it and then and that's the lack of knowledge no it's not that's like like not caring this goes back to detaching yourself from personal opinion i don't think i like anything i like the jets tag sales you know yeah i do like garage sales but like coke you know when people like one thing that i see a lot definitely in this genre of like popular culture which you guys play in heavy it that's amazing like like you don't like it that's good that has nothing to do with is it something or can it be beneficial for you to raise awareness for a non-profit or to do business or he's good at that so this is what i was going to kind of tackle my biggest strength on earth that's where i'm where i'm at today is i learn not from my mistakes from other people's mistakes i'd watch somebody touch the fire i'm like wow he just burned the [ __ ] out of himself i'm like that's why you're good at stand up so i don't i would rather hang back for five years just watch all these clowns you know for a fact he's good have you seen him ever no i don't you tweeted out that i was amazing well don't take my word for it i'm just saying how do we know he wears that shirt i really shouldn't i love that shirt but he's definitely saying something which is like hey artsy friends be my friend be my friend please she's heartbreaking is that a bad outlook it is is that me being my mom and dad being like yo let me just hang back for five years and see where it's really funny my take especially like nuances from afar now some energy together my take is that's an interesting framework for you because you're so intuitively strong it shouldn't take you that long i think you're self-aware too so that means like i jump into everything first just like you walk into the room and you'll never waver all my friends are like why are you jumping into nfts you've you've left so much money on a table to protect your reputation this thing could be crazy i'm like you don't understand the blockchain gary what's the roadmap utility for series two i don't need to tell you yet i know every single person right this second that has any one of those fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty five and in four years i might decide to do something and then i'm gonna bring value you you feel confident saying that i feel unstoppably confident why in a world where everyone wants instant gratification and a return on their investment and i think they and i saw a video from you today on twitter that seemed like they were starting to demand that did you they are right i'm not gonna waver to that right i have no interest in appeasing my discord on the floor price so so my job is to build a project for the next 55 years the reasons i actually predict some of the most unhappy people in the next two years in popular culture are owners of nft projects because it's not sustainable to try to appease your discord when everybody has their own self-interest and money in mind but you can't help it because you're seeing it every second and you can't waver and most of the people running projects right now it's their first rodeo they're young and they don't know how to handle it yeah i i'm struggling a little bit with this because a lot of the stuff that i i'm learning more about myself as a creative and executioner and i'm finding i'm much better at the creative than i am at execution you've seen it with somebody saying i've been saying it to you forever and and you're a creative juggernaut but you're not a ceo i'm not and that's awesome by the way by the way had a call with a potential ceo today we i fought i'm like holy [ __ ] this is the gap i i need i need this i need this is the playlist of things yes i did yes and and um i'm having a little trouble with this because you know in this space as you know everyone wants that 100x tomorrow so listen you you know this i've told you this you've got some projects that i can't wait for you to make whole yeah because you can and you well and and i'm and you need to give brain power to what that will be it's done great it's done i'm an execution phase but but but still it's like there's a there's a stench that comes in this world and people love he put that on people over promise like if you tell everybody i do it but i say the same thing every time in the next seven 13 25 years v friends is gonna be dominant so i can't appease you this week right right you're talking to long-term holders you don't want did you intentionally not provide a road map on the front end of vegas well on v2 yes because i knew what i wanted to v2 was very simple v1 was i i am going to build disney or pokemon over the next 55 years and i need to draw these [ __ ] characters because i want to be authentic to me this is my [ __ ] thing and yes i know that my drawings are not gonna be as good as a great artist that i could have hired but it was important to me it came out of my brain i was off the grid i decided that i want this character to be you know the generous gerbil like that's what i want does it bother you when people critique the art of course not all do you know that kevin rose told me the other day that when the canvas was invented all the art community said real art can only be on a building what how about that but that's another example of exactly what we're talking about well that's and andy warhol and jackson pollock are is not our graffiti was when i'm 46. we got alec monopoly i you know i grew up in jersey in like uh in like an urban jersey when in the 80s when all i heard the two things that i thought were the coolest at 12 years old was rap and graffiti i was like this is just cool [ __ ] i'd go visit my grandma on queens and be like oh this is the [ __ ] real [ __ ] you know like you'd see it i thought it was the [ __ ] best and all i heard at 14 15 17 19 when grown-ups were around was hip-hop's not real music oh yeah of course it's a fad yeah for sure graffiti is a [ __ ] terror on society i'm like really this shit's the best all the way to senate there were senators like this and now and video games are you kidding me video games are like this is the stupidest [ __ ] of all time i'm like weird every one of my friends just wants to do it 24 7 360. so like i just have always thought that way and so for me that's just how i see things and so this blockchain thing the blockchain is such a big deal like that's the and hip-hop i think has changed the world graffiti is a profound art form with all due respect to those two things which are phenomenally massive [ __ ] blockchain is [ __ ] internet level big yeah yeah i was going to say that might be that might be the biggest most recent like uh uh shift in human technology that we've had and i think on the nft front it taps into a lot more of like why we have to have like the nft part taps into so much eq not just iq and i don't think people are seeing it but it's why it happened i mean i literally and again you know i keep pointing drock because he was there when this is happening i literally told them that i didn't know it was gonna be called board api club but i literally told them i'm like somebody's gonna be the nike the yeezys the kiff i kept saying kept i think i'm like somebody's gonna like i knew i wasn't cause i wasn't going for that i was going for more pokemon disney i'm like somebody's going to come in here and build kith and boarding players now to though you know i'm an investor i'm a fan guy oh series my guy i met the found a couple of the founders very early when board ape was a week or two old i cheer for them heavy i hope they win how many apes you have seven uh i i i feel for those guys because it's hard as [ __ ] hell yeah heavy lies the current when you're yeah exactly that that they're going to have the biggest challenge staying kith staying palace look at supreme but they've done a very but they've done a very good job because it's like amazing because remember when they were up against punks and and the floor was right there and it was a competition amazing they're a year old crazy right it feels like 600 000 years like they are i have a lot of respect for that team guy's been doing it from madonna to now like they'll do it but honestly i i'm more comfortable building v friends marathon life like that game because when you build on pure cool you've got a [ __ ] i mean look at i mean it's really hard well you released these cava richies were the coolest pants when i was in high school in the 90s don't tell me this i just spent a lot of money a lot of money on an ape you should know like a tremendous amount you should it's like the floor went up before he eats not quite not quite it's not super natural it's it's there's a bot no it's not a bot it's the the land thing is that's correct listen any time before an air jordan first of all everybody who's listening these are big numbers everyone who's listening everyone who's listening even if it's thirty dollars do it on solana which is a great platform cordano like there's other places eat has gas so it gets expensive every person if you listen to this [ __ ] remarkable pop culture current state of society show and you've not yet bought an nft you're doing a big disservice to yourself whether you end up giving a [ __ ] about nfts or not you have to learn what the blockchain's about because it's going to affect your life you're too young you have too much ambition if you're watching this you're you're too in it like you're not gonna be able to get into coachella in four years without it because it's gonna be a [ __ ] ticket to [ __ ] coachella i tried to buy the coachella nfcs oh they had one this year yeah yeah and no matter what happens you don't wanna be a facebook mom you know the moms that that found out about facebook 12 years later and they're like how do you do the like exactly what's happening that's gonna be george that's exactly george he's trying to figure out george he's gonna try to buy eve that he's not gonna be able to it's gonna be fun i was gonna say oh yeah uh uh do you plan on releasing a a v friends v3 yes but not i i've too much inventory in the system now i book games i v1 i v2 v2 and you can see how i did it i needed to establish the ip so i could make the video games so i could make the you know clothing so i could make the candy the cereal the the trading cards i needed to convert my sketches into what you're seeing right now now i'm good now i don't have a need for a series three now i need to spend the next chunk of 24 36 months to get people to give a [ __ ] about rare robot to give a [ __ ] about the patient pig to give a [ __ ] about the three horned heart pick i gotta sign kids book deals i gotta do iphone can i be honest with you of course all right so i'm your friend yeah uh i've known you for a while and uh sometimes when i come up with these crazy ideas and i pitch it to my friends they don't completely get it but they believe so much in me they're like sure do your thing and i get v friends and i believe in you but i definitely think probably similar to the way people reacted when you were first getting into wine or like pivoting into any any industry it is a bit hard for people to digest that you want to and are going to be the next walt disney i get it and by the way nobody should take that serious because it's well [ __ ] disney yeah but i'm gonna try i believe i think you'll do it i think you're doing like to me to me i don't see it being that uh hard i mean oh i'm sorry george no no here's the reason i remember what you might not like his art but no like no that's not what that's not what it's about that's not [Laughter] oh my god if i brought home a c you'd be a parade this is what this is logan i think the the key there and it's a really interesting moment that i hope people extract from home i'm not delusional it's gonna take my life like i actually actually have to put all my energy into even getting into the conversation if i go crazy and get the transformers level it's all time to talk about disney is ludicrous however i just don't know how not to make that the framework of how i think can i can i ask you like let's let's dive in here a little bit because i'm super into media obviously in storytelling and characters and their arcs when you did the things with your [ __ ] pets i was pumped that [ __ ] parrot oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i love that [ __ ] yeah i know this about you like when you did that i was like this [ __ ] kid i love it i love i love i love the entire entirety of the of the thing and the development and so it's interesting creative exactly you've started with characters yes so now you i don't know if you have to work backwards but okay so can i ask what the next step is are you are you going to make a script and and sell your show to cartoon network of course not only that it's better than you think i have real relationships i'm a real guy like i know the people that run these otts i know the best studios in the world i know which animation studios i'm going to buy i know the people i know how to put a broadway show dude dude dude part of the reason part of the reason that originals was delayed was because you [ __ ] bought the dev team that was gonna build it no [ __ ] i swear to god you [ __ ] ass yeah dude you screwed me you're stealing your dreams i i've been hearing about it and there's another side right i you know and you've done this with maverick i know how to do retail like like i've already sold a wine company that was dt yeah like i know what i'm doing yeah like the thing that the thing that has been baffling to me is people are buying all these [ __ ] nfts they don't even know who the founders are it's because it's all pumped up all [ __ ] i'm sitting out here i'm like i i co-founded rezzy and sold it for 200 million i co-founded empathy and sold it for 80 to 120 million depending on the outcome vayner x is a billion dollar company like i i'm gary vee i built that brand i invested in all these companies i found people like logan [ __ ] paul like i'm good at what i'm a good businessman but besides that besides that cause you're right and that's that is like i i think that's like 80 of the reason why i'm buying into v friends and i and i'm i'm just like this is an open conversation i imagine working backwards is super hard because you have to have an amazing product i'll tell you only by the way let's talk about the meta right this second befriends is just revealed it's 55 555 nfts and 20 000 holders right yeah but 55 000. we were talking the car here i'm like how are all the people that have been whispering for the last six weeks everybody's like too much supply too much supply too much supply the thing is melting it right now why because i have enough demand i know what i'm doing and in the same like to your point i know how to hire an m a the right talent yeah and build an organization i have 1800 employees looking right now i'm i am currently the ceo of disproportionately the hottest largest independent advertising agency in the world i have 350 employees in apac right now like i have mexico city like i'm a real businessman i know people think i'm a motivational speaker i know people think i'm a tick-tock influencer i know what they think because nobody pumps out more content than me but in real life actually i'm trying to become one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time i think you might have already done that no i haven't but but but if i keep going how i'm going the way i've defined it for me because it's an inside game because i want to win this game is not only do i want to build big companies because you got to have that if you're going to if you're going to say it you got to have some points on the board but i'm incredibly proud of who i am to other entrepreneurs i think i'm far more selfless than other people that have my talent in this game and i don't need all the points on my board i like putting points on the board for others you ever talked to tony robbins yeah does he inspire you do you inspire him is it mutual um you know i'm not sure you know i don't think i inspired him he was long long and you know he was in [ __ ] movies like killing [ __ ] jack black when i was like jerking off watching it like you know what i mean like it seems like some weird concepts i don't know if you remember that movie carefully my favorite scene thank you you know i i tend not to be inspired by a steve jobs or elon musk or tony like that's not how my brain works i get crazy like almost like a little misty when i get the email from like a kid who's like can you make my mom a five minute a five second happy birthday video she works three jobs there's six of us sure kid it's a thousand dollars on cameo yeah thank you you know like to me the jets are you [ __ ] you don't message me right now well matt i won't even look at like the world can be like putin could have won during a jets game and i'd be like that's fine this game is like you know like i i can still be beating checking the 12 year old and [ __ ] on an old man is like what i was willing to share it's that bad but for me i don't get inspired that way i get really actually like genuinely like like yeah okay i'm a good entrepreneur i'm doing [ __ ] but like people are [ __ ] grinding out there rags to riches people are that [ __ ] and some people are rags to rags only to give their kid a chance to riches i [ __ ] respect the [ __ ] that's cool that's cool my dad my dad too you know that's [ __ ] like for a lot of us it was our what our grandfathers and grandmothers like and just like what about old school grandmothers like you know we talk about like the way the world was but like people staying at home taking care of all like these are these are moms and grandmas who had six kids no [ __ ] maids no help no [ __ ] uber this no this [ __ ] like [ __ ] grinded it so i don't know i get i get way more of the less sexy stuff i i don't get inspired the way i inspire people i wouldn't i wouldn't be me like for me i wouldn't have given a [ __ ] about gary vee i get more excited about like real stories that i know of people [ __ ] eating [ __ ] for 40 years to help others that parent to kid thing or that older brother i get a lot of i'm the older brother my dad died [ __ ] i don't know what it is about that one yeah i got to take care of my little bro yeah that one really that gets me like you know like but that's why you work though too is because even though you're not telling that same story in your content the authenticity transparency honesty is flows through your veins that that resembles that kind of storytelling you know what i'm saying in a real way i think for you guys back to giving roses in reverse i think the people that are winning we talked about it earlier and i do think people like you countered in the right way there's there's a lot to go through but my general thesis is humans are animals we do have intuition and sixth sense and like most people kind of know like and and like success is not super by accident and i think more than ever your intent to the audience is a huge variable of where things are going to go yeah and figuring out who that who that audience you want to speak to is because like i think you you have a way of speaking to a a group of people who don't have money to invest in teaching them how to try new things and do this and do that my mine has always been i want to talk to people who are just trying to survive today yeah they're trying to make it till tomorrow it's not about nine dollars to put into a stock or 15 hours they're just trying to survive till tomorrow you got to figure out who your audience is and i think you have to be okay with evolving you're gonna be in a place in seven years where you're gonna be a different version of yourself and you might have something else to say and i think that's powerful i think we have to let that happen you know i think a lot about that i uh we had this talk i told logan he was in new york and we actually got to spend a little time which is rare for us because usually just boom boom digital whatever and i was like bro i really do look at you like [ __ ] marky mark and the rock and will smith i was like he's the fresh prince then he's will smith you know marky mark is like marky mark then he's [ __ ] mark wahlberg like i i think you have to be okay with evolving sometimes you get your identity so stuck look my identity was like like 2008 when i was starting to get a little momentum the world melted the economy collapsed banks and i was like look this is grind time right we have to grind but then you evolve is it you 2006. today we are going to visit the wonderful and interesting world of pinot gris he's come so far it's really real you know what's super you know what you know when i watch that talk about something interesting you wearing a sweater vest well it is [Laughter] oh my god that's guys you want to hear something really interesting i haven't told this story much so that episode my life at that point is i need to build this one focus i have to build the biggest [ __ ] company possible for my father who i put on a pedestal brought me to this country taught me the right way [ __ ] adore this man because one day aj's graduating ages are reading college i'm like we're only a couple years away and i'm going because i need it for me because i've been not making a lot of money building my dad's business and i'm starting to get resentment now i'm in there i'm 31. i took a business from three to 65 million and i'm making like 40 50 60 000 a year because you don't get paid in immigrant family businesses yeah and now at 31 you know at 20 you know he's like when i die you'll get i'm like dad i'm gonna be 73. no this is you god drock hand me the gun you know and so and so i'm like you know it was a really interesting mindset where i'm there meanwhile what do i do for a living at that point i sit in front of a computer send emails and do phone calls mainly selling wine to collectors around the country so i'm like thinking about doing content and this is probably i just said it earlier i'm really not good at not being myself this is probably the time in my entire life 86 episodes i even 86 episodes of wine library tv the first 86 of a thousand i was too scared to be fully me because i thought if they knew who the [ __ ] i was they would never give me thirteen thousand dollars to buy wine because the wine world was so pretentious so we i go 86 episodes in and things are happening youtube there's nobody on youtube yet it's oh six i was gonna say that that was like yeah yeah so probably same time probably same year so i'm [ __ ] like doing this and it's working and like shit's starting to happen and i remember i like started talking to the food network this happened like three minutes they're like you want to do a show and i'm like this is [ __ ] crazy and i remember thinking just one day i was driving home because the stores in jersey and i lived in manhattan so i was 45 minutes to an hour each way and i was like if people like this [ __ ] what would they do if i really let it loose i said [ __ ] it like i'm not gonna go do some [ __ ] like food network show that style wonderful world yeah [ __ ] that guy hold on like you know it's and so the world of pinot grigio is pretty sick it's pretty much let's not go crazy yeah if you drink 16 bottles of pinot grigio you can get lit but you know i think that so then i made my first episode a little bit more like this is how i would talk to my buddies like me yeah and it [ __ ] went bananas after that and that was it i never that's how you found your voice yeah i really i just i fear right it was it was it was business fear but i was scared if i really showed myself and went all the way there that these 55 year old 45 year old high net worth wall street cats and don't forget this 2006 the world's changed a lot so what did that look like listen here [ __ ] we've got a 1948 cabernet from [ __ ] napa yeah when i was doing wine content i didn't i didn't cursing only started happening for me when i took the stage yeah i don't know what happened is it the energy i think it's the fact that i loved chris rock and richard pryor and adam say like i loved stamp i was so into richard pryor as a kid psycho like who was lunatic loved him so much and i loved randy the macho man savage more than life and like when i watched like when i somewhere around four years in i kind of like was watching a keynote for some content i'm like oh [ __ ] i'm just doing stand-up meets wrestling promo video i completely was so affected by that that that's my style literally in all my content interviews like i didn't really curse that much i mean i cursed in real life with my buddies but it was staged that brought that out and then it just went into content so for so for people the one thing i picked up from you the most in the show today is like you pretty early on identified your passion and desire to just sell to be a good to be a good salesman to be a good speaker and you know i got back to if you get positive affirmation for being pretty yeah i was a dnf student yeah and by fourth grade my unbelievable hand-eye coordination could no longer hold off the fact that everyone was getting bigger stronger and faster so i went from really doing well in sports in first second and third grade to uh-oh so now sports was out school's out sports is out so the only thing i'm getting positive affirmation for as a kid is two things my mother is giving me tons of it when i'm nice to people in society open the door for a lady it's a [ __ ] holiday right be a kid scrapes his knee and i come over and i'm empathetic and compassionate all dinner what you did for that kid and so i'm getting positive for being nice what's the other thing business thing i made 16 today which was like a billion right like i made nine dollars at the lemonade stand so you got into the business of being nice to people uh no in a way in a way no no no i they just ran parallel got it i really didn't i got into oh i'm good at that and baseball cards popped off in 86 so i was 11 and i was dominant at that because i knew everything about sports i had the natural talent of being an entrepreneur so i'm getting all i'm doing baseball card shows making 300 bucks which is like a billion i'm [ __ ] winning over here i'm winning in life everyone likes me i'm popular because i'm nice but i'm not like a pushover like and and that became my life are baseball cards back like they were because i because you know when you were talking about the kids on the dirt bikes on the train tracks yes that was me at the knights of columbus buying the flare and the upper deck and i wanted the whole set and the unopened packs like the kirby pocket rookie card i would tell you that that that led me right into nft's sports cards in 1718 that was really a big turning point for me helping people like the amount of people i put onto sports cards in 18 right before it blew up it really really helped a lot of people especially with kovid i mean covet hits and i'm getting a hundred you know hundreds a lot a hundred emails a day or dm from twitter or instagram 100 messages a day saying [ __ ] like you [ __ ] saved me i just lost my job and these sports cards like like i saved money and then cards exploded so some of those people really went crazy so sports cards are way way back i know the sports card community gets a little like has feelings towards nfts because some of those people moved over me for sure but i'm still doing like on the flight down here on the flight down here i'm texting with my friend anthony saying i want to buy a bunch of comic books like go you know golden ear like like all this stuff sneakers i'm like i'm going to buy an optimus prime you know first transformer in good condition for my best friend brandon like we i'm on the old side of it you're in the middle of it and definitely the kids underneath we are the generation that is not as excited to buy a one family rental and make passive income or buy a hundred thousand shares of att like the things we want to invest in are also our culture yeah they are part of our identity a hundred percent yeah look what's happened the reason this is all happening is everyone thinks they're an investor now you look at tick tock you see 15 16 year old girls and boys saying investor entrepreneur it's a culture now not financial advice not financial advice and but they're like really trying to go there and that's very i mean when i was in high school i couldn't find anybody to talk to business about my friend scott hunter my friend brandon warneke are my core great friends from high school because they were the only [ __ ] i could find that wanted to talk about selling stuff or doing business it was just music right rock star sports school it was just not part of culture it is crazy how that's the kind of discipline that that goes untalked about in high school i didn't i didn't know what business was in high school until two months ago yeah literally yeah bro he used to [ __ ] hate i would make i would sit down with them five years gonna be like dude like this brandt this could be a good thing this could they want to give you equity he it was like his eyes would glaze over and now no but now because he found the intersection like you talk about where business meets passion correct he's [ __ ] obsessed notice what's happening which i'm really happy for him for it now he's been through another cycle he's like okay wait a minute let me take the best parts but this operating stuff because because when you're creative right you get your high from the creativity the operations is the only way that creativity is going to come to life but you have to get your high from the reason vayner is such a big company the reason i'm confident about v friends is i get excited about doing supply chain management of the cereal brand i get excited about selling it into alberta of course of course about like i'm an operator a hundred percent you're an adult you're an outlier though that's that doesn't mean you have the creativity because one thing we've always done here in like for the past like five six years has been run super lean this has been one of the leanest like if you couldn't even imagine enough this right here is it this didn't exist oh [ __ ] six to eight months ago i mean there were times when it was me him jeff and a shooter you know what i'm saying that was it that was it by the way the best advantage you guys came up in the game where you knew that it didn't cost anything the reason the same with me right it was just me and drock and andy forever like you know it's when you know what the game is which is why we've been so disruptive in adland when we're pitching for business we're like we're so much less cost and so much more effective because you know it because we know what are we going to charge you 900 000 to do a commercial on [ __ ] television shoot it on an iphone and deploy it i don't know why but i i love it logan's you should work for vaynermedia we'll take you we'll pay you more than impossible [Laughter] what's at the root of all of it or god so i i i was just gonna say um no it's funny kind of touching on what you said earlier is at first when i was getting older i was afraid of getting older it's not something you want to do yeah 25 i remember i'm 25 now and then i turned 26 i'm like this is such an insignificant age now at 27 we're like oh i figured something out yeah at that age and have this much figured out like like i know some things now and i think i think younger the younger generation gen z or whatever the [ __ ] the next generation is going to become would it go back to a gen i think a think i think they're getting smarter the 11 year olds that are coming next that are gonna be part of that those [ __ ] are gonna be wild they are i'm ready i'm ready for those i don't know what they're gonna be they're gonna be like eating like like like steel no no no no they're gonna be they're gonna be they're gonna be crazy so so i love gen z a lot i was gonna say they're [ __ ] geniuses they're brilliant epic they're smart they know how to use this they grew up using this and and i think they're completely unstoppable they need to get punched in the face no no physically yeah like adversary but gary they you know they don't go outside everyone says they have it because the world's been unrest coveted which is fair i mean they're so good at like actually starting businesses and things of that nature they've had macro adversity covet uh political unrest they've had macro but when they get their micro because that's just life when i say punch that means just go through life yeah like you're 27 and feeling strong because you've gone through some [ __ ] one when gen z not in the macro not coveted political unrest and other things and obviously everyone has family situations but as a whole when they get to the time when they stand on their own feet like the 27 year old gen xer when you know that's coming is really going to happen yeah like a dead kid from now i i totally agree they're going to be shooters they just got to get rocked a couple times unfortunately physically too it's just important i mean you've got to go outside beat up let's give somebody let's get healthy that's what i'm trying to say 100 percent do they make it you know why because in real life you go i got my ass i'm going to step this one down [Music] growing up in jersey in the 80s i had we fought yeah and like i don't you know i don't trust someone who's never been in a fight of course not i don't they have the loudest mouth yes i don't trust him cause you have to know what it is because uh yeah that guy got punched by tyson the other day good good good good yeah that was a consensus water bottle at him or something no nice just being an annoying dumbass he seemed pretty happy about it he's pumped no but on a serious note i think that that's i'm really excited for this generation i think they've really got it they they figured out a lot of tough things including wait a minute i'll just make fifty thousand dollars doing content or selling nfts or doing garage sales like i'm not going to do something that makes me miserable they've already beat everybody and it's oh and it's like more okay now like yeah is college cancelled yeah college isn't [ __ ] college college is on defense and they haven't begun to figure out what to do to turn the tide it's insane that we're this close from there's one more generation of parents under me uh you guys you guys you guys well you mean right but like yeah but like we'll see if that happens but the person that's 25 to 32 right now that's about to have kids is going to be wildly open in 18 years to not have their kid go to college you know what they need to do they need to watch our ex co-host documentary on the education reform i think there's fine i was going to say so like this all starts with education i i was i was looking at what there's like 18 philanthropic pursuits um in general that you know there's a bunch but they can be like categorized in 18 different categories and i was kind of just skimming and seeing which one i'd like to sink my teeth into once i start to climb my second mountain and uh education reform seems like the most obvious because it it will stem the solution for the rest i think i think education is a macro conversation not a micro execution called school like you know to me first of all a lot of what we talked about here and where i see things going we're starting to have much better conversations around emotional intelligence we've destigmatized mental health massive big win for society massive we are now starting to talk about foofy things as alpha things kindness compassion empathy dudes did not sit around hell no thank you so that's starting to trickle and so i think we're starting to educate on the emotional intelligence front and then on the kind of black and white science kids are learning on the internet like that's very nice that you go to seventh grade like that seventh graders going home and learning how to do [ __ ] yeah on the internet yeah good and bad good and bad cool because you got you got stuff coming out with empirical evidence and then you got stuff coming out where people didn't read the article and now somebody believes that you can drink marbles to get your products that's definitely so i like you know what i'm saying that's a whole that's a that's a foundational societal thing of headline reasoning reading and not giving a [ __ ] that's called prosperity of a society for too long we collectively need a punch in the face yeah in fact the whole country yeah to george soros i'm a little bit on the other side of it i want like when people come up to me like yo should i quit college and do this i i there's not okay i want to make sure i wear this carefully i didn't do good in school because i knew my mouth and my brain kind of like worked in a different way yeah but we need these doctors we need these nurses we need they're not asking you the question but no no so they're not asking you the question what do you mean what question i'll explain you knew your mouth and your words and your things worked a certain way and you knew the answer was no for you yeah the people that are gonna be the doctors that you want they're not rolling up to you and me and asking if they should go they're just going exactly got it so it's the in between got it brother it's the in-between and the in-between was always told it's a good bet and my point is a lot of people should go to college like when when people okay so you're not against it completely no i'm against lack of self-awareness and i'm against the place we were in for the last 30 years where everyone should go lack of choice lack of choice everyone should go to college was the absolute cultural rule my view on college was when it was invented it worked but they didn't change things correct things changed they had a great [ __ ] they really [ __ ] came out hard got that that floor up and they didn't reinvent they didn't do anything in the culture and now they're college quick how many how many punks you own i own 50 62. uh why huh uh there's probably not an investment i have that i'm more confident in than crypto books over yugi's over over [ __ ] apes i i if so bored ape for the next 15 years be friends for the next 15 years i don't even want to use board a because i'll use myself got it the friends has to execute perfectly for 15 years to even be in the conversation with crypto punks because unlike college crypto punks sits in a collectible art framework of being the thing that established the whole thing mona lisa well i mean even more you know that's too big but like it's if bored apes apes are inspired by apes being a big thing in punks it when things play out in a 30-year window punx is the only thing i feel safe about well you got 62. so that's why you're good yeah i mean i and people are like well that's because you have 60 foot and i'm like no no i have 62 because that's what i believe like like people always have it reversed yeah of course i'm like no no like you know you know what i mean so can i also one thing for everybody in nft land real quick the biggest mistake happening besides the actually the biggest mistake is bad acting the second biggest mistake is for some reason people think [ __ ] on other projects make their projects that they're invested in good this world is our world is so small in nft land i cheer for every i want world of women cool cats pudgy pengu i want everything to [ __ ] dominate especially with world women would be nice to hey hey hey why do you think i got in the world of women i know no i want to hear you say it because gary told you really he said he said you should check out this project it when gary does this to you check this out [ __ ] listen like listen to your bank account you had a goddess you sold it what happened you did now he's got a champion on the galaxy side yeah i know i i got very lucky in that in that project did really well can i pick your brain about the metaverse i think it's a hair early a little bit right yeah i so for example i'm obsessed with the concept i think meta like right now the stock market's getting killed from growth companies i've nev every stock i own i bought i invested in the company pre-ipo my entire wall street portfolio is companies i invested in when they were startups they went public and i still believe in them and i hold on to the stock holy [ __ ] so i never buy wall street um it's just not something i get passionate about it's a good game just like real estate i don't really like real estate i like alternative investing and i like building my own companies that's how i like to roll back to self-awareness by the way real estate and wall street are good things to put your money in historically it just doesn't get me going nonetheless i've been looking at meta lately because all the internet stocks are getting crushed because now wall street wants profit because of the way the world is and i'm like man if people understood how far along meta was with oculus compared to anything else that's happened in it everything that's metaverse right now is like yeah go to your browser and play in html5 it's not actual meta like the hardware just like the iphone my biggest thing i used to i used to really get passionate about this you know this i used to be like i literally had conversations with mark zuckerberg way back in 2011 12 i'm like dude you need a phone you need a tv the hardware is the moat wait what wait garyvee did you invent the iphone nope because you told logan to buy world of women and punks and now you definitely told zuckerberg to invent an iphone no like just no [ __ ] girl i told him i told him actually to your point it's literally 15 sec facebook was building a monster and i was like dude you don't control the thing that controls it yeah go buy samsung go which is probably too big nokia go buy nokia and read like do something and and i think it's playing out now facebook's biggest has been hurt because of ios for you know update 14.5 so to me whoever owns the thing is then puts the software inside but this one feels different this one feels different because meta is such a because meta is such a a departure from everything that we know to an extent where it seems like the hardware can just be an attachment after the fact you know what i'm saying like like that's not how you don't think you know no i see it as whoever wins the hardware game like actually wins it will have a huge advantage and all the software will run through really i do forgive think about what you have to do you have to put on the thing right you have to put it on the thing do you or can you set it at a desktop and the metaverse metaverse that everyone's talking about is immersive and we live in a metaverse now it's called the iphone we're [ __ ] in it all the time but where it's gonna go is gonna be [ __ ] crazy talk about you know when i see the whole puerto rico thing this that nomads traveling i'm like man wait till the metaverse hits you really actually actually could be any [ __ ] we're already there with zoom with just zoom and google hangouts all of a sudden everyone can be anywhere just that when the metaverse comes it's [ __ ] gonna get crazy how how long until it take until you put this intuition this is so why i have this good career i love when i get viral for being right about something and inevitably back to the way the world works that's what i'm trying to do right now i know i know i see what you're doing this is why i'm saying the story oh a [ __ ] clock can be twice a day i was like cool once in a while i jump in i'm like cool you know one good thing about what i do is we document everything thrilled for you to show me the receipts of where i was wrong the reason those receipts don't really have a lot of heat is because i don't go hard until it's already happened so this the answer the official answer is i have no [ __ ] idea my guess is it's more than five years for it to be at a scale that gets us all going that it actually like at scale like millions of people are in there where you want to go where you come home you grab a beer and you're like let's go yeah like it's it still feels a little uh gamery now i'm i'm not a huge gamer but the the world the metaverse excites me i mean that stuff's gonna be i mean talk about you know fun gaming is gonna be when they get it going just for when i can finally like i can box logan and oculus i i did a sparring match uh in with my oculus on and it was legitimately like actual sparring i was exhausted i will say i tied with which is a whole another like i died in the game can't even win in a fake that's that's what i said too [ __ ] are you ever gonna box again yeah yeah i have to go back to wrestling oh do you got these flying splits it's so fun and it's cool yeah i'll do more wrestling as well are you and are you and bro on the record like the klitschko's were from day one that you'll never fight each other no you would fight each other maybe in the metaverse that that is for real maybe the parents don't just the parents don't want it why in the world [ __ ] the parents if you wanted then you go out and get it is that you being gary that was so bad i thought it was something else i thought it was like i thought it was mike tyson if the payments go out that was horrible well i thought you guys were getting it i was like i was like mike tyson just punched the [ __ ] out of him i literally right now i was scared was like i don't know if i would do that tyson right now if the parents want it um i think i think if you guys fought if you guys did it right and your brother does the the wrestling promo like your brother really knows what he's doing in box the boxing party yeah so he's putting his money on your brother yeah i just love calling no like jake like really knows how to make people interested and that's a big pro promoting is real and he does such a good job at it we're at nick's game i didn't know he was coming he sat by me and we were talking about it and i'm just i'm so proud of how he like thinks about that and then obviously he's really put in the work to be able to do what he's doing but i do think that if there's even a real possibility you should definitely do it really yeah i'll tell you why a couple things now couple things if deep in your soul you think you're gonna lose you should definitely no i think i'm going to win okay then you should definitely do it okay if you definitely believe that in your soul that you're going to win which makes sense to me because i always believe and i actually mean this i think there is a subconscious mental advantage over there 100 but i think that's what's going to be gassing jake bro there's a whole 100 it's everything to jake he'll i think everything would bite you no no no it's everything to jake but for logan he would like who wants it like it would be so big that's why that's why it excites me i don't think it is replicable on a scale like this ever like ever that's like some history in the making in the textbook [ __ ] that excites me i grew up a very big boxing fan very big and when the klitschko's were coming up because i was really into it like i knew they were coming i would like day like once a week with my buddies who didn't give a [ __ ] because boxing wasn't popular enough i was like if these two brothers ever fight that these two brothers and that would have not been you guys would have more eyes on it just because of the nature of where the world is now i really need you guys to do it i need it for me i would be so nervous i would be so bad for my parents i would be so nervous that'd be crazy because there's just something like unnatural about it like it would just it would [ __ ] yeah it's a little [ __ ] up but we're not maybe the most sane people like i'm just scared it would affect you guys in real life no bro we're [ __ ] brothers no no no no no we've been through it on the record every thanksgiving bro on the record i don't know well enough but i find you both pretty damn competitive known you guys for a long time [ __ ] who wrote the first check into team 10. you know i was gonna say was that your worst investment ever probably i've lost a lot of money um uh i will tell you right now if aj knocked me out in front of the world i'd never come back from it ever i just couldn't you shouldn't are you going to motivate people when you you can't even like i couldn't come back from it yeah by the way by the way they know that they know that neither of them wants to get knocked out i'm already nervous like i get totally nervous between before big fights the only thing that gets me fully fully in sports butterflies are overtime playoff hockey game seven and fights something about it i'll tell you what it is i'll tell you what it is it's a suddenness it makes you present it's it's the suddenness it's anything can happen a hundred percent punch how many how many things truly ground you jake's last fight like i really watch fights i love i mean we have a big ufc practice do you know that vaynersports represents o'malley sean o'malley yes shut up did you know that shut up yeah vaynersports oh man oh that's that's that's that's not true sterling won that big fight no way we rep al joe so we have a big ufo oh cool sports um so i just watch every saturday night i'm watching a fight yeah ufc are people people watching just watching the sport because we're so deep into it and then boxing i love boxing much more than normal person so there's that it's exactly what it is and that's why i brought up overtime hockey overtime hockey is one it's why i fall in love with the world cup and soccer like like one second soccer like you could still come back and score but like overtime hockey my teeth chatter like a game i don't even really care about a lot i get nervous because it's that split second jake's last fight like as the fight's going on like you know you kind of got lulled into it like especially because they already fought i'm like okay and then boom yep all of a sudden there's nothing like that feeling that that zero to a thousand there's nothing like it damn the table's been set that's crazy that's crazy he's right too i mean that's a big bag and a big fight well it's not it's not about the bag it's about drive it's about power we say hungry it's actually we don't know it's not about that it's actually because it's it's not about that it's absolutely [Laughter] the only what it's really why it's really fascinating is only those two know and what i mean by that is something nobody else knows 100 percent like one moment 13 years ago took the last toaster shirt but not that mundane which is actually why it's so intense his girlfriend alyssa violet it's all oh you're just you're you don't give a [ __ ] but no all of that would be like all and on top of that imagine the first fight goes down now we have the second one to see like what the nails are just going to calm down yeah this is awesome this is all just it's it's it's it's fairy dust right now it's it's it doesn't exist i hear you crazy uh uh why'd you pass on uber i passed on uber because i passed on uber because travis and garrett gary so the so the person who obviously everybody knows travis the person that came up with the idea for uber and was a co-founder the 1-8 travis's 1b though travis was the operator which makes him the 1a based on what we're talking but the human being that invented uber was garrett camp garrett camp this one might hit everybody in this room because it's a younger crowd garrett camp invented stumbleupon oh no oh my god i love stumble upon shut up bro you'd hit you you'd put your interests in you'd hit randomized and it'd serve you a website with like i don't know anything doodles or like wood sculptures or like came up with getting strangers to pick you up at your house oh my god i love that app because you would stumble upon a driver cynicism yeah don't use words i don't know so like half of the english dictionary oh it's because i'm uh i'm new to this country huh it's really interesting why i passed an uber all cliche things that i try not to do anymore i after we started vaynermedia i wanted to do all sorts of things but i was always building for my dad so now i have this new freedom i'm doing something else and now i decide to do all sorts of things i bought a wine social network called corked i i don't know if you guys know what dribble is creative people like dribble is an incredible site we we had a competitor to it for developers called forest that i did with kyle lindsey and i did corked so now i have vayner corked uh forest and corked and forest both failed because i tried to eat too much cake i tried to do too much and the people that i had running them i promised that i could help them too much they were too green as i've gotten older back to operations why i think i can scale i'm like wait a minute i can be the sprinkles but i need somebody to build the cake i can't build the cake for them and so they were too green they couldn't get there and i didn't have the bandwidth between wine library and then i will crush it and my whole career changed so i had too many fighting on too many fronts because those two things failed as side project businesses and i had just done it a couple years later when gary and travis decided to do uber it was a side project for them for them oh and that upset you it was called uber cab first and they hired ryan graves the first ceo of uber found out about uber through a tweet i did to share the job listing it's an insane story oh so far because it was their side hustle and i had done that number two it was the least liquid i'd been in a long time because at that point i just bought my first apartment timing timing [ __ ] yeah and so i've learned from that you know i really i tell myself now i've done really well in nf the reason i've done so well with nfts um is because i'm betting on jockeys either the artist or the operator and i'm like i'm done doing anything else and and that's what's working for me and i'm gonna do that for the rest of my life i just talked to to alex today about the investment that we're looking at and he said i said i like the guy he said so you're betting on the jockey and he said and i love that i'll tell you what can really work if you bet on the jockey especially if they're younger if you're strategic they may lose and then you have a chance to actually win on their second thing they'll get you in early because a lot of kids that are a lot of youngsters that are going into this chapter where you have money to invest so for the people that are investing right now talking a little different crowd the mistake i see a lot is you believe in the jockey they fail because they're 24 and it's their first rodeo or even 30 or 35 and you don't bet on them on the next thing and that next thing happens before ev williams ev williams and jack but ev william when twitter first hit it was ev and jack not jack dorsey and ev had just failed with something called audio because he was going to build a podcast platform but apple came out and a lot of people made money with ev before because ev's first company was called blogger the blogging platform that he sold to google but a lot of the people that invested in odio didn't invest in twitter because zodio failed stay bet on a jockey unless they do something that's fraud watch how they evolve and keep betting on that jockey because you can make it all back on the third one that's cool relationships how many befriend series one do you have uh when those uh so what had happened was no because i've been listening here today here's what i've heard i'm a heavy investor in nfps lately late late to the game it's fine very late only i only bet on jockeys how about this one how many v two be friends which were just well and then i spent 716 dollars last week on an ape so okay yes i'll get some today i'll buy i'll buy your i'll i'll buy this you're gonna you're gonna get the men text thank you so much i'll back i'll back this jockey and by the way you have a lot of my favorite men in that to have some good friends with banks as well and i was on a call with you one time we didn't get to talk about uh uh played iron today but wolf game yeah yeah which he went but you went crazy you know what's funny about that that's do you know why i tell everybody not to by the way wolf game you know aj called me we were talking yesterday wolf game has been so innovative yeah for sure this last game i'm like that's like [ __ ] zelda like wait i can like burn the like burning the bush and zelda in 1986 was the greatest thing of all time because video games didn't let you pick and choose [ __ ] and i'm like wait a minute i can do the candle here and i can go down this thing i can push the boulder so what they just built they've been really innovative but one of the reasons i so i i thought they were creative and i did bet heavier right but the reason i keep telling everybody please do not buy what i buy one of the reasons i bought wolf game so heavy was like this feels very innovative i want to stay close to this project and the space the space i'm definitely right but this project i'm going to stay close to this one because they're going to do some things that i might want to do for v-friends got it and so this is why i'm like keep telling everybody look uh i bought uh 8-bit the other day because i've known addison the artist since he was an intern or junior designer at for kevin rose 15 years ago and and i tweeted a smiley face at him on saturday because 8-bit was going viral and his reply and i went to go dm him the last time i dm'd him was in 2009. and i went to dm him this is 12 years 13 years ago i go to dm him and he said this blew me away i just sent him a tweet smile he replies gary it's so crazy i vividly remember you and i talking about walt disney seeing what you're doing and so like back to where you were at like when you were saying hey i bet we didn't finish that whole energy drock will tell you v friends has been in the work for the last five years i was gonna come out with something called workplace warriors five years ago which were gonna be desk toys because i was getting so many emails from people saying i hate my job and i was like you know what i was walking around my office one day after this is how everything works for me read another dm of another person that says gary what do i do it's 113 i hate my [ __ ] boss i can't [ __ ] do this anymore and i'm like affected by reading this [ __ ] i go to take a piss in my office and i walk by all these people working for me and i look and every one of them has simpsons has south park has all these batman right and i'm like you know what all these people email me and dm me mainly during the day when they're pissed why don't i make some characters because i love toys and chatchas collectibles you know how i roll i was like let me make something called workplace warriors maybe if they see patient parrot i call that i made it a panda eventually patient panda right or like maybe it's like when their boss is like you're a dick and they look at that and be like you're like i was just trying to think of like that so for me i know for the world that this all seems new like how am i going to do this this shit's been cool it's always been in there and how it happened to manifest was v france that's right it's cool i never knew what an nft was going to be yeah i didn't realize that's how it was going to manifest the medium is perfect for it but i always knew what i was building with vaynermedia which was i'm going to build a marketing infrastructure that i can deploy against actual businesses not a client service business an operating system and it's starting to [ __ ] come together yeah you stole my dev team sorry do you ever get sorry was so unapologetic sorry like no [ __ ] [ __ ] listen do you ever get flamed for your poor investments especially in the nft space no because because i'm also not a day trader like 99 of people like i'm buying things then why don't you buy on one for us why did i didn't you because i missed it and you know what i did i bought the artist collaborations that he made um like a month before about board apes did you see that uh the artist of of own one yeah he's very good he's very good he's very good yeah i really like him a lot i loved that project it really was a shame here's the problem with all these projects which is it's too early again everybody has to play with money they can afford to lose the reason i say this is you're guessing right now we're just forming all of this like having a good week on open c means nothing you have to build a company even v friends who has a track record on operator even board ape which is the dominant leader even world of women which is the dominant leader in that genre it's just too early it's only one year that one was weird though that one that the own one or whatever it was a preview there's been a lot of things that have gone since but to that level yeah there's been some others i mean i've been very out of the game the last four or five months because i've been literally waiting for this moment today um but yeah i mean there's been a lot of projects like what's going on with um with what's it called right now the number one mover um moon birds yeah well moon birds is an easy one like to me that's for me kevin rose is what i'm telling everybody i am today i've seen kevin operate for 15 years that feels to me as like one of the things that i'm most bullish on he's here's why you know who you want to bet on if you know somebody well enough to know that they're scared to have their reputation hurt kevin will work on that for the rest of his life just to make sure it's not that's that's back to like we were talking about bad you really nailed it what i'm really upset about is i see a lot of young 22 25 29 year olds that have it and they're so addicted by the short-term need that they're willing to compromise their reputation in perpetuity for three million bucks of beef right now and it's too bad you know anyone like pride over progress biggest death yeah i mean we know a lot of people pride is actually at least a pretty world i actually think it's short-term i mean coachella just happened right i'm sure you boys had a nice time i was at easter like a good christian i threw up on my crush good and so you know on that note i pissed in a cup i forgot about that in front of 10 000 people so i think on that front you know there's a lot of people who literally the weeks leading up to that event in in that ft land i was watching people literally compromised their their compromised themselves for 20 000 bucks because they needed to go hard at coachella you know you know what the main problem with uh with pride is wrestling with it no it's that the d is not an m drink prime [ __ ] let's go let's go dude sorry sorry have you tried prime no gary i haven't tried it bet on the jockey gary well who's the actually let's talk about that well who's the jockey there's there's two main ones and then a third one who i don't know if he'll be named on this ship that's fine he shall not be named who's operating the business for real there are two of them and i bet on those jockeys and they are the best in the business and it's why our product is doing so well thank you thank you that was the answer so far just popped it open it's scary dude i like it but i like all sorts of sugary [ __ ] uh there's only two grams of sugar i'm sure but there's some other [ __ ] no you've got something in here no no no what what what you're tasting is sucralose right yeah i have a question yes um you ever do cocaine never ever i've never done cocaine i've never i've never done a drug in my entire life my mom got so nagged so nancy reaganed out in the 80s uh um yeah i just i never have no no weed no weed you've never smoked weed i have not and i went to like my college experience huge shout out to the mount ida boys my friends smoked seven blunts to the face every day yeah yeah and you did not join them i promise my mom sat me down when i was like 15 or 16 and was like promise me you'll never do drugs and i said i promise and i was locked and loaded was that the only thing because i had it i had it too my mom was uh no no motorcycles no guns and no tattoos but she left the heroine out i got it and i went straight to it bro i i've never done drugs and so how often do you get pretty drunk drunk never really so it's all the same game for me i don't think i like the feeling of not knowing exactly what's going on at every second oh man but then how do you but then we were me dude but i love you so much and older more successful less middle eastern version of george watching you be so successful and have such a strong mindset of being you is so refreshing because people say that [ __ ] to me all the time look dude we love how you stand up for you believe in even the people that don't believe in what i believe in they just it's so rare you know what's awesome though but but what i also like is like the thought of like judging people in either way like it's so weird to me like you know a lot of people have gotten so much healthier like my dad's super pissed he's like he's like rapping he's not like you know he's like not like it's so funny he has online store a liquor store he's like it seems like the cool people don't want to drink anymore right like the health trend okay okay okay okay absolutely okay and he's like i read this thing these girls they say they don't they drink mocktails now like he's always like worried they're like the whole like i'm like that calm down you're gonna retire just fine it's gonna be fine [ __ ] alcohol but you know yeah exactly but you know it's interesting like watching the last five to seven years a lot more people are willing to say at like seven ten fifteen person gatherings like i don't drink and like watching people like like want them to drink i'm like oh yeah that's [ __ ] but it goes both ways like to me like i actually am very happy with the conversation we're having with drugs meaning psychedelics mushroom i mean i probably if i was to ever i think i think there's so much profoundness to fungi like just scientifically like curiosity i think there's a lot going on in that world um and so i just you know i think everything and anything and everything in moderation is right it's always too far into extremes is where things get dangerous um but yeah i've always been unbelievably comfortable of like yo this is how i roll i know that a lot of people especially in their teens and 20s like that's when it was like ridiculous that's when i knew i was set by not succumbing to any peer pressure in high school and college i was like i'm a beast if i really don't give a [ __ ] now the [ __ ] is going to happen later yeah when i would go ahead i uh i didn't do any of the the first time i smoked we was 25 and i asked my parents i sat them down with a joint hey this is the statistics like this is what i want to do worst decision i've ever made in my life why because they smoke weed now no none of the smoke weed i i i the battling of quitting is always hard bro i have an addictive personality that's why a lot of relatives of mine have lost their life to gambling drinking that's why like when these guys do things i sit them down and i go yo like you guys going too far with it like i can't stop myself from doing what i wanted yeah i get it i don't give a [ __ ] about what you guys want to do if i want to do it and it's bad for me i've never been caught in this situation and it's a [ __ ] i uh i don't often get influenced by my peers in a way that like affects actual change even like the thought of like being influenced but i will say when we were in new york and we were talking at that table and like i'm pretty sure i was high i was definitely like drinking espresso martinis my favorite drink um and then i was i think i asked you like yo gary you ever have fun like throw a drink back you're like hey not really and you were definitely like taking the light that night i was like man like i want to be as successful as gary but is this what it takes if so [ __ ] that it's definitely not and by the way like i'm like to me for like the reality is like it's all one big game of just knowing who the [ __ ] you are for you mm-hmm and like there's people that are a coach told me in a football a current nfl coach took a player in a draft recently last year's draft um that he could have taken a player that they had way higher on the draft board as a much better player and they took the other player and he and i was like that's so interesting i was like we were getting into deep conversations around athletes and things that nature i said why and then he said something profound he goes this player that went to a different team a couple picks later had a great year he goes this player on a friday night just on a saturday night excuse me on a saturday night the day before a game will go out and he'll go out to 2 30 in the morning in the club oh wow and you know what he's gonna do on sunday and i'm like what it was like really cool i was like like [ __ ] to bed he's like no he's gonna go eight catches for 137 yards touchdown yeah i go okay he goes the problem is that same saturday night he's gonna bring six teammates with him and those six guys are gonna [ __ ] the bed i'm like the player we took is the eighth player in that story and he's gonna stop the other six from going out whoa he's playing chess and so to me i just thought that was really interesting and the reason i bring that up is that one kid that he was talking to he can go party and [ __ ] be productive right this is just about knowing yourself yeah we all everybody who's watching and listening right now this is one big [ __ ] game of being super dope with yourself for yourself and if the people around you don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] them i love that absolutely that's a great spot to end if you're okay with it i'm very okay with it this was this was a fantastic podcast dude so glad we got you on seriously thanks for coming on thanks for having me yeah of course guys uh go check out uh v friends series one and two i gotta do that right now mike's gonna do when we get home uh follow gary on instagram and twitter just at gary vaynerchuk too many syllables garyvee garyvee perfect yo that was a fantastic podcast friend of many years thank you uh thank you all for listening watching viewing and subscribing joining us on this journey it's so much fun hopefully you took a little value or wisdom from this episode use it in your life and comment below what you thought of the episode we will see you next time take it easy peace
Views: 2,512,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul, gary vee, gary vaynerchuk, nft, logan paul nft, vee friends, bored ape, cryptopunks, web 3, kobe bryant, new york jets, jake paul vs logan paul boxing, uber, how to love yourself, gary vee tiktok, gary vee tiktok impersonators, empathy, hard work, entreprenuer, walt disney, smoking, iphone, mark zuckerberg, facebook, vaynermedia, gary vee interview, investing, blockchain, internet
Id: 7OEhqIwJR18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 57sec (8577 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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