SPICY MEAT FEAST! BEST Chinese Hotpot in New York Review

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[Music] hey guys we are here in Flushing and over the years I've seen more and more hot pot restaurants popping up all over this town and they are just getting fancier and more fun and more interesting one after another so I figure this is really only one thing to do let's go get at all of them and we're gonna start right here yo you show hot line [Music] [Music] all right so this place set up as we it'll fold up a little traditional hot tea pot now of course I mentioned this before drinking hot tea is crucial when you eating a hot pot so because you because you're eating a lot of fat a lot of grease you don't want dad to congeal and get cold in your stomach a little hot tea it does wonders now let's go over their menu and the best items for this hot pot are mainly located on the front page here but before we get to that and you got to select a soup base I'm gonna try a couple of their different soup bases I gotta admit I want they're already out here is just like everything I want so I have to get that and if you want that you have to get that all spicy hot pot like and you can't do that haven't have for the main dishes I'm getting a neat combo this is the prettiest meat halo you will ever see it it's just a jelly clicking but that I'm gonna do some shrimp paste I'm gonna do some potatoes for sure a little bit of veggies cuz you know you don't want to die up your evening full meal hop out of just meat ah it's a tofu okay I'm gonna order a lot then we're gonna see what comes to the table right now gotta go mix my sauce funnest part of my hapa experience besides the eating so this this is the sauce bar not only is it filled with your traditional sauces and spices it's also kind of bunch of snacks some of these I absolutely love try not to get distracted there's so many options here I usually always mix two different sauces a very traditional recipe and a very Mike Chen recipe so I'm gonna show you how to make both again this is something else and every single hop out video but let me show you how to do this first a Mike Chen recipe a little saute hot oil sesame sauce garlic sesame oil bits of Chinese a lot of soy sauce and the traditional recipe very simple three parts sesame sauce one part unique sauce that's it it's all you need and of course you're gonna add some cilantro add some green onions or whatever you want now it's the fun part look at that little snack bar this is my favorite fried salty peanuts spicy tripe take some edamame some wood here now we're prepared let's go back alright so I got my little snack tripe as a awesome and just waiting for my spicy nummy pot with the count take a look at this cow hair model yourself a little cow some scallions some ginger chilies and basically the cow itself it's on a little platform of spices and you can see it's congealed here with with fat all those seasonings so this is the block this supplement all right this cow is gonna get a little steamy shower right now Roth is going into oh I feel so fat for the count is getting higher the water getting higher I wish I could tell it to run but I want to heat it too much let's see how long it takes for the cow that disappear this is like watching a delicious tragedy unfolding in front of me well that was just tragic I mean it's just it's just face down just laying there the meat halo is here I feel like I could hear the angels singing this is the most delicious coronation you might ever witness they have little jars of sesame oil here this is really high-quality sesame oil so I actually made a mistake will you come here don't give this up somewhere at the bar get used to special little jars as well which you've opened like a can of soda a lot of people actually prefer just adding a lot of sesame oil and not much else I'm from Xian we add a lot of sesame sauce I just want to say today as I'm surrounded by all those I love you know the pork the bean the meatballs given the duck blood this is what happiness is for me [Music] just want to say that now let's eat so many things to try first I want to do is the marbled beef but I got a little rolled math right I could just stir at it and just the patterns are what are like hypnotic and these things you do not want to cook it a long time just seven eight seconds we are good to go and I just want to try it just this no dipping sauce this is so tender you could sleep on it at night I can replace your mattress then the next morning you wake up each one way out of that pie so tempering isn't me it's not a five but you could taste a marbling on this beef this is your typical fatty beef but this look at this perfect balance of a fat and me look at that seriously I love fatty beef when it's fatty you know this is gonna be even quicker than the last one I'd say like five about five seconds [Music] and it's so flavorful I didn't even add my sauces yet now we're gonna get all the sauces involved so this is the store manager at Lucy's favorite sauce I see a lot of garlic a lot of chilies this is also called don't kiss your girlfriend after the meal sauce now let's dig in you got to get the lamb involved look health then each piece of meat is it's so thin if you just hold it above the Bravo it'll cook there you go like three seconds it's gonna go meet here absolutely quality Oh I'm forgetting one thing when you're going into battle that's what I call you eating hot bite it's a battle and protect yourself especially my shirt my tofu fighting strip a couple things I'd never tried here that they have here this is duck blood typically not very you know Empire ISKCON but they really suggested that duck blood so we're gonna let that cook a little bit and this is really interesting this is bamboo fungi this looks like something that will cook pretty quickly those things amazing whoa so it takes like a like a crunchy mushroom but same time may I also kind of acts like a glutton we're a frozen tofu and they soaks up all that sauce by the way this broth is so flavorful it's spicy but not too much nummy again not too much everything's in balance I think it's because of the cow but I didn't even dip my sauce yet I just kind of even forgot about my sock because this broth is so flavorful on his own this is also another special you have black tofu it's tofu made with them so I think there's some black sesame in there and we're gonna let this cook a little bit as well and this is a noodle latest it's like looks like little strips of bamboo but this is actually noodles so that's basically the noodle portion and this is gonna cook for a while this is made with that potato starch it's still pretty hard right now the duck blood is right oh look at this oh my god oh and it cuts like a just like a very bouncy tofu I'm gonna live flavors pretty good this is the black tofu what is this so interesting I just like a mix between regulars hopefully a frozen tofu then you can definitely taste the sesame fragrant finger as well this isn't very nice get my sauce involved a little bit this is actually very very nice shrimp paste what you do here put it into a spoon make a little meatball out of it there you go fresh shrimp meatball I always told you guys when you're eating hot pot you got any potatoes and these are what they call Kung Fu potatoes because they're carved soup in because potatoes and hop up normally it'll take a take a while to cook these I'm thinking it's gonna cook substantially substantially faster and that's a great thing because potatoes and hot pot one of the greatest ingredients ever and while we're waiting for that to cook I'm gonna just throw some meatballs in here we got a pork ball got a beef ball shrimp ball fish ball that's how you become a baller and hot pot like just that's what you do that's how it takes Oh that's the fastest my potato has ever been done wow I never had like the soup base flavor steep into that potatoes as much as this one because of how thin these things are all my guys is awesome there's really awesome hot pot french fries I get an idea a little potato a little fatty beef and that's why I love about hotpot you can experiment you can do combos you do whatever you want because literally there can be infinite combinations I might have just discovered a new amazing combo it goes normally the potatoes are really thick I can't wrap the potatoes are anything but these potatoes are completely wrapped both these are like potato crepes Oh potato pancakes no potato fajitas and wrapping that around them because you know meat and potatoes they're like this kind of try that if you ever come here you don't know what I mean all right I think all my meatballs are done normally when you go to hotpot the meatballs are frozen fresh meatballs on a different level and this one has little roll on it look at it especially about self-effort pork or so many spices in our season before you under some cumin oh this this is an amazing meatball give it a little dunk I absolutely love this hotpot broths amazing I love how the food is displayed quality is fantastic and usually I like to go to all you can you have my places because I want to get as much worth as I can for my money but if you had to admit if you want to get the best quality you got to go to one of these ala carte place and this is the tender beef oh when they call that trim their beef they won't shave don't care at all guys really really tender I still prefer like the thinner slice in the deep just hop up my noodle is ready I mean I've had potato starch noodles before but not ever in a hot pot oh so chewy all the broth I soaked in here as well that could be down here for like 20 hours they're so gonna be true it's not gonna lose its nice mouthfeel so don't worry if you get those things put them in right away so you let it boil it's gonna be okay then check this out so this is a banana pancake I'm thinking that's condensed milk absolutely love this crispy flaky big banana flavor I recommend this awesome awesome ah I've been a piece a little warm and then I'm gonna try a couple of different bras oh and this is one of my favorite things fried tofu scam three seconds that's it it's actually called three-second tofu skin and it soaks up all that great broth there shouldn't food items I call closer items and hop hop because they they just soak up the broth like noodles and stuff like this I don't recommend this like in the beginning of the meal because it's gonna take away a lot of that the spices and the oils as that's in the hot pot but at the end when you're ready to drink some of that great bra these items are fantastic mmm it's like that topaz you guys just made out with me oh but guys this place is definitely one of my favorite hop hop faces out in New York I'm here try it out let me know what you think second hop operators are visiting on flushing sound tint yeah this is one of the most popular hop hop places in this town ever since it first opened because not only the food is supposed to be amazing but look at this place it's like you walk into the past right [Music] say give my own per billion let's eat so this place really different than a lot of the hot found places I've been to before first of all they got a teddy bear got you young young which are the the split pot so we there's four super bases eyes got today so get the little bear then we got two different types of spiced broth one is made without cow fat and the other is made with oil like okay so it's gonna be a little lighter but they said it's their signature broth and then we got this chicken it's it's waz ot which is one of the best quality chickens out there and they made a chicken broth into a soup base and this one you're supposed to drink and then maybe dip some stuff in there but it says here that you're not supposed to dip any meat items into the chicken broth to maintain the quality of the chicken broth so can't wait for that food items we ordered a ton of stuff I'm gonna show you what they look like we can get here I am so so excited I forgot to order drinks I but let's go visit a sauce bar [Music] all right so everything is wandering I got my sauces Oh brought this here Oh oh that's too cute it's like furry I want to I want to pet it it's wearing a sweater oh this is crazy check this out oh my gosh he's just giving me a paddle of beep oh my gosh I want to hold it like a sword like yeah I'm gonna cut you down with my DPhil paddle fear me the first thing is uh before I even have the broth into this little Barrett and just tilt the adorableness I gotta try a couple things that are freshly fried this is freshly fried milk which I don't think I've had since I left high one I'll tell you that's one of the best ways to eat know besides putting on stereo oh oh I've broke it look at this pearly white inside this is always always delicious my so crispy all shiny the texture is like soap on the inside Oh God now I think it's time that the Teddy who I was told is actually named Nicholas it's gonna make the ultimate sacrifice goodbye titty I'm sorry teddy I got a let's let's do this quick let's make this as painless as possible hey God alright let's get started the bearer has made this ultimate sacrifice it is nowhere to be seen so I got the spice broad the tomato broth let me just get a taste of each I just want a little sip oh very deep the flavor it goes sound like Popeye Yoda very deep it goes to flavor now the tomato broth and they make this with fresh tomatoes no ketchup in here or anything hmm wow this might be the best tomato broth ever had any hop up place there's nothing really artificial bugs it's just really nice tomato flavor hmm that's really good best tomato broth I've had seriously anywhere now let's do the beat test so this this is a the regular fatty beef from this beef paddle this don't cook in like a few seconds there we go meet us great quality I really tender stuff I can't wait to dip this in the tomato broth [Music] the tomato brothers the must get when you come here I mean rarely do I ever love non spicy broth over spicy broth but wonderful so wonderful men the regular fatty beef is great quality love it good portion of fats of too lean meat but this next one this is the tender sliced beef and I'm going into the tomato broth with those baby you barely need CPU dish is still incredibly tender it's not a lot of fat out here so not a lot of Melly your mouth action but just all gentleness you know this is really cool this is a marbled diced beef a little chunks in his sheet of marbling and he's cute a lot of marbling in here I'll probably cook for just a second so I cooked this for about a minute [Music] oh that's nice is just like a really nice cut of steak filled with all the great hop hop froth the meat so far spectacular awesome quality but this is this is a game-changer right here Kobe beef Hale to be Froy to look at this it's so tender it's falling apart just just paint onto my chopstick and we're gonna do a little tomato broth I don't want any spices on here there we go you can see through the little patters our marbling [Music] no matter how many times I've had a five wagyu every single time it's just it's like falling in love all over again love that first taste every single time these are two brand new bras so this is the spicy broth with with a more of a subtler oil it's not a beef oil things just like vegetable oil does in here hmm this lighter this thing takes I spend on Jenny Creek for the last decade this is what I'm really anticipating the chicken broth Wow I can smell help some latinus just brought that's already without even tasting it if you let this broths it which is like room temperature for like five minutes it's gonna congeal this is definitely great for your skin ladies yeah coming you some of this [Music] so I got just slurps soaked in my mouth very gelatinous broth if you're not used to that you might not like it but pretty darn good flavor I can't imagine putting my beef into it even though they told you not to I can't imagine doing that because I think that even for me that's gonna be a little too fatty but they said swishing the fish in there this is presentation right here so this is my freak alot of people out because you've got the fish air right here the eyes eyes kind of staring at ya blossoms growing out of his mouth look at that this is almost like like eating sashimi and then we're gonna just swish it around in the chicken broth you got maybe like 20 seconds or so okay I think this is done look at that it kind of adds a little fattiness to the fish they mean change the fish flavor be careful of the bones in the fish stop this I definitely exhibit as I'm sauce this is my personal recipe for dipping sauce everywhere I go fish a little bit I know that's kind of kind of ruined the natural flavor of the fish a bit but I'm from the north and I like my fish sauce good again watch out for the bones and he's taking the chicken away from me he's gonna cut out in the kitchen I bring it back oh yeah right okay we're ready to eat and the chicken they cut it up let's grab a chunk right here and this is the dipping sauce they have here you know delicious super tender I think I'd like to trick him better than the bra what makes this dish really expensive actually it's actually the fish maw which is the fish belly them a lot of this you can get from my single fish I'm gonna dip it in their stores signature dipping sauce if you want even more to lighten his flavor your mouth think about it that ma'am Wow it's good though Wow sticky and yummy this is also something I've never seen before this is the inner parts of a bamboo and apparently this play is the only place that has it I never seen this anywhere let me just spice it up a bit and we are waiting for that I'm gonna add one of my favorite this is tripe I've never seen it put together like this before look how pretty this is a hundred percent one of my favorite things in hot pot I cook it for exactly 13 seconds you might think that's not lucky but it has always worked for me one of my favorite hot bottoms always a pleasure goose intestines I never really had this before looks like a noodle can I think my my bamboo is ready hmm if tenders knew how good this was right now they'd be pretty jealous like seriously pandas put your bedroo in a hot pot guarantee yeah we're gonna like a lot more well it's so refreshing and crispy hmm no joke up listening is great love it and they give you skewers of gizzards gonna let that cook Oh me and my techie mushrooms put that in there oh I love how this slides to meet us dressed look at that that's the best outfit ever whoo-hoo gizzard is ready you dip it and some dry spices cut like a barbecue skewer suffers cooked and hop on I love that so much that's ingenious providing some dry spices for that all right I've never had kisses before it's one of my guilty pleasures I absolutely adore it my goose intestines crunchy media nothing [ __ ] about that this isn't that bad comments tastes like uh almost tastes like a dried tofu so this is there a specialty Riesling at all and it's really what really elasticy kind of like a little rubber man that's gonna cook for a while this is also a type of noodle that they make here should make a spicy or a chickadee maybe a little bit of both I'll start with here oh they have like thin noodles - I just want to try all their noodles because they make all over here Wow noodles are all done I have different types of oh this do you really spend him big time oh I didn't know it's gonna be this way today be careful your noodle will grow a lot I just want to dip it in the spicy broth as well coat it a little bit the best of both worlds I'll tell you why these noodles especially soaked with the chicken broth it's so good it is so good oh man these are great it's just such a great al dente texture and the thin noodles mmm that's good but love this love it it's gonna dip it in some sauce to some garlic all up in there some fragrant sesame oil all up in there oh that's amazing this is so good and this stuff is ready this is their signature rice noodle I think a couple little tips take eating out gumming it all down you can definitely boil this for an hour and still won't lose this texture this is so cool so these are these are what looks like noodles well there are but they're fish noodles they're completely made out of fish you ever seen anything like that before this is what Chinese people do we create stuff like this yeah we want meat and we want Goudas at the same time problem solved you must get this we're here 100 Philbrook springy fresh fish flavor we're getting some pin Eli watch this and they in a mixin egg enjoy this place seriously a lot of very innovative food items and 45 seconds on the kidney so kidney fish it out tip it again in a try spice seasoning ah v92 organist you're not gonna be into that Oh but for me I love picking I'm gonna soak up especially with a dry spice oh I love that so I'm not a noodles I got pulled more noodles in the easy nose with the chicken broth best it's best so good throw some of these in as well oh I feel so good and same time so greased up man this was a really amazing hot by experience this place what I like most is just as soon as you walk in it's just like a different experience you feel like you're not in the restaurant anymore like you feel like you're in some kind of just time machine it's just a combination of classic interior and like traditional foods that's what I love you know I love history I love tradition and the flavors love the tomato broth that is the best citizens probably third time saying this best tomato broth ever had any hop up plays every windshield ah the chicken thing it's expensive the chicken is good the broth I don't really recommend drinking down on its own too much because it will get super super heavy cook the noodles in there the levels up the noodles all the way up here I think if I was gonna come again and I would this is a really good place I would get the tomato broth and maybe the little teddy bear I think I'm good with that in terms of food items love of course a bamboo fungi love the Kolbe a just a regular fatty beef as well quality mushroom was great the noodles in the broth fantastic like I said this is one of if not the most popular hot pot in Flushing I could definitely see why it is pricier than a lot of the other hop-ons I've been to but again all the ingredients everything I had quality stuff I think it's time for me to go grab some dessert and gonna go karaoke later yourself tell me you begin
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 2,840,273
Rating: 4.8963633 out of 5
Keywords: chinese hot pot, hot pot, spicy hot pot broth, hot, pot, best chinese hot pot, spicy broth, hot pot sauce, hot pot nyc, best hot pot in new york, shrimp ball, hot pot soup, wagyu, wagyu beef, beef, noodles, fish ball, hot oil, tomato hot pot soup base, tomato hot pot, sichuan hot pot, new york, nyc, chinese, chinese food, hot pot tour
Id: 4uVCPDtMihc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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