MIND BLOWING Street Food in CHINATOWN Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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to me when you're next to me [Music] good morning day two and Malaysia sorry I still sound really really bad it's like this in the morning I will progressively sound better I hope anyway I'm gonna go meet Rick he's heard pick me up and I think we're gonna try to town today among other food stop so let's see what he has in store good morning hi Rick so we're going today Chinatown yeah Oh with quite a chump guy Cantonese all right shells got Chinese food in Malaysia a lot of things are closed today because this is a big holiday religious holiday here in Malaysia it definitely has us more sense of history than than the New York challenge house I think so okay we should try this one yeah it was like a Hut is abundant huntin oh it's very stretchy looks like coconut maybe some palm sugar it's very coconutty yeah the outside is more salty we've got like a salty sweet savory sweet thing going on I think if you show some coconut milk on top of it let me get better dialogue look nice spongy outside exterior I feel like it's just aching just soap some sort of liquid up so with that it's good I think coconut milk a little bit or make it excellent so the balance wheats [Music] [Applause] this that boolean sign it says specially made salty duck alright it's alright yeah but it's no she's good but this one hopefully they sell it cold yeah they supposed to eat it cold interesting Lucy wait this is duck leg is it that late but leave Oh number right mm-hmm this is liver it's wrapped in duck skin yeah I was kind of confused cuz I took a bite I was like wow this doesn't taste like some sort organ oh and I think this part what is this the duck heat yeah the time so this is what it was just like a like a all-encompassing like fight we got some organism some feet vivo yeah well this is this is interesting especially put a bunch of the Gorgon the feet wrapped in a stomach which is actually really crunchy a nice I love to organ any taste of the liver the sauce is good nice and sweet that's good doc can we buy like a leg or like a wing or something yeah I'm thinking yeah that it looks good give me a half duck please let me have that yeah she's making this sell I got travel all the way to Malaysia I got an e half a duck which to me makes perfect sense because I'm looking at that wing yeah and the in that leg it looks like it's roasted nice oh thank you just just hold like this okay I got I got it take this one okay this looks like a good piece and again we got a fat chipping off this duck oh look at it glistening oh my god Wow man yes such a juicy Grisha bite that flavors in sync Oh every single bite British you guys she got weird she'll that grease oh yeah that's the good stuff right there I love his skin it's toasty they're just full of flavor right here oh they're gonna juice oh I think this in the one I had in Vietnam probably the best roast ducks I've had and don't get it confused with Peking Duck that's the whole different story that's a whole different animal was the same animal but it's a completely different cooking method but this roast duck just talked about roast duck was one of us ever had this old ladies where I've been selling here that case you know so this is mochi and look at she's featured in a lot of our abuse articles she's been selling this for a long time I mean the pictures of her are changing throughout these news articles here so she's making everything from scratch oh my goodness and there's different flavors original lychee rabbana mango pun done all I gotta try some of this that fresh mochi all right [Music] very good it's like an insult to you this is extremely good oh man this is like those ridiculously dig like that you shooting well yeah like my mother oh it's a subtle issue Clara trust me on the outside no peanuts I think I can't even stop eating this this I feel like again with some ice cream that's awesome no no you guys ever have mochi before yeah it's a mochi it's like that you latinus rice dessert yeah you had it before no this is a very popular Asian Asian food item no yes all right good luck with your trip nice to meet you no problem have fun in New Zealand I'm just curious that's here how many years you've been making only five years um been here for 50 years did you give me this and I had the audacity I feel so ashamed to think she meant five like the paper of that news article it's like a decade old so 50 years selling mochi here now you need to come and try this and write it right across the street from the matcha stall yes right yeah there's a Tim so yup bean and you say they're always packed for soy milk and then tofu tofu quad which is like tofu pudding big ice cubes in the swimming pool box super chilled soy milk how many years have you been selling 70 70 years you 40 and your father 30 so 70 it's your son taking over yeah regeneration this Chinatown this is incredible all right so this is the grass jelly with soy milk and you got the regular soy milk Cheers oh it's hot you can't wait to try this [Music] that is ridiculously fresh it is so crisp very nice I feel like I'm I'm drinking healthiness right now one problem I had with swing out and this is just my own personal preference is that I don't like swing up that's a little too thick I don't like the little pieces of beans on the bottom I want my swim note to be crisp and refreshing which this is absolutely the case here heck yeah to destroy milk I mean I can't wait to try this this is that soy milk pudding in Chinese we call it don't walk I don't even want to cut into it because look how beautiful it is and kind of just like want to bounce on a little bit with your spoon this thing looks like you can bounce a quarter off it [Music] you don't need a spill you don't I could okay wait I stop look what I said was you could shrink this with a straw like you could you don't need this is soup washes you see how ridiculously tender and gentle this is oh my god today is like a day up Bessie's I mean some of the best roast dog definitely the best mochi and if you like the little tofu tofu hot little tofu pudding if you like soy milk you're not beating this guy well you are not beating this guy a little ginger here as well oh my god hey this is awesome this is really good she can teach me bow down to the king of smooth people so we're at this weird this little stall called call Chung Chung Nicci bzzz right and this is the most popular item here rice noodles and it's covered in fermented bean paste oh it smells very peanutty but we've got some congee with it looks like fried pork innards yeah and some chicken all right so do we dip this in there yeah so the yo-yo goes in right yeah so you let's say you want to add some oh yeah white pepper white pepper for sure hey century-old Asia here and the and salted eggs it is gonna pop out so follow a treasures mean like you know a treasure that you fight yeah so I'm getting a spoonful with us the thousand-year-old eggs and the hotel and the crispy pork innards is the all-encompassing bites oh that's right that's very nice I love the the crispy element cuz I just came from the Philippines and crispy pork is like a mainstay over there and I was having a lot of porky energy you know and I told you guys I love for Keener's in ma'am that made this kanji beautiful I love the thousand-year-old eggs here a lot of people this might be a little funky for you but I love it [Music] that's right he's got a tiny tiny moon I saw a bunch of people eating this or we're walking up oh the salty egg here just hit me yeah as I just get discovered a new treasure it's like treasure hunting with this kanji looking at it and people are eating this this is the reddish noodle I've ever seen my life you know I usually make my noodles really red with hot oil but there's not hot well this borderline looks like Liang she like the cold wheat noodles from Xian oh yeah oh oh yeah you know whoo I love it when a dish is multi-layered you know like what you take a bite it's not over you know as you're chewing more flavor hits you that's exactly what this thing that's first of all the noodles are some of the most tender like so tender beautiful sesame I love the fact that you use sesame sauce and roasted sesame because you get that nice crunch from the top a little sweet from the from the from the paste great sesame flavor crunch up the sesame seeds and then finally the spice kids yeah yeah there's like a great movie you're on me great beginning fantastic finale oh he's brought us some extra crispy so 70 years your father I love that fact that people are keeping the family business going I love that you give us some oh man it's so awesome mr. Frank poor caters very cranky right is that the fattiest niceness crackers don't ever have we're gonna put those your hair not just put oh yeah everything is awesome this is like not what I expected coming to Chinatown okay because there's Chinese food right but it's also like the fusion climb anything inside its influenced up yeah yeah yeah I love it when there's something I'm familiar with but for some reason for the last you know decades or hundreds of years it's changed a little bit because the different culture it's interacting with fantastic [Music] apparently this place does children's are really well chosen there's a very traditional Chinese food item in the north we typically eat in with us sweet dates and the honey and sugar in the South is typically either savory with nice inside what's the male gender yes no bill I said I was three Joseph and not has sweet jonesing and I'm forever yeah sweet Jones would be great so this is all wrapped it up with Anna leaf it's tightly wrapped and it's sticky rice very compact [Music] Wow this one has a grep Dean pasted on the inside let's Jonesy is cut different than what I had before they say they put some tres special sauce it kind of made it yellow the tools is very sticky it's actually almost mochi inch this is a really really interesting I never had tools to that almost tastes like a mochi before but definitely the bounciest tones that I've ever had just wandering around here and the Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur probably the most awesome Chinatown I've ever been to - so much good stuff to eat so if you're around if you see some guy just down for an hour and everything that that's me come say hi [Music] one thing you gotta get in Malaysia is Turkey probably one of the best turkey I had in New York was from a Malaysia shot but naumann malaysia so let's give some elation trick me and they're cooking it right out front of the store this Turkey has all big pieces in it I'm gonna get some of that later but a lot of varieties in here Jon I didn't know there's this many varieties that's bacon literally like a mountain of bacon right here oh don't bored oh no more dough is like a really famous northeastern dish Oh in fish Turkey Wow what's the best turkey hash to try so don't pull it off oh nice oh thank you look at that please praise you I never seen like short bacon the trophy before Wow that tastes like that don't boil off with a little dumpling or Willy fried a piece of pork you're a little sweet that's it exactly like Attenborough suffer it's obviously smoked here and jerk here by tracheotomy is you know meaner it's just more like a turkey you have anything that's spicy yeah just one oh thank you again piece of bacon oh I like that it does taste like ants on my Korean Chili's on them a little sweet it's just that smoking was awesome can I buy a few such as he's just grilled yeah tied to that I want to buy pizza play guys for like the fresh off the grill piece of jerky oh so sick so about it's about a buck fifty for the nice piece of jerky this this look the Malaysian Turkey from the place I was getting at it from Chinatown that cost around I think thank you oh it's awesome thank you for like a quarter of a pound I think it was like six seven dollars so this is a great deal obviously check it out freshly cooked piece of jerky with the almonds in it always burning hot I'm just gonna take a bite there's no way I can kind of tear a piece off Oh ridiculous no if he never had a little Asian sure it did before you are a hundred percent missing out completely different than any of the turkeys but you might find in the u.s. first of all the turkeys Europe there's so much more tender you know they're not like they're not hard to chew at all so much more smoky and just do it the other day I just show up a genius class this piece like if you guys come here I recommend getting a piece right off the grill look at that borderline making me emotional right now so the Chinatown since we've been here at nine o'clock in the morning it's so vibrant right now this is the needles get it so this is what's called a Wong Tung it all here in Malaysia in Hong Kong obviously if you guys saw my wonton noodle video it's actually one time it'll shoot later it's dry it's riding episode one it bow I love driving okay I love triangles this is so adorable you know I mean there's not even a soup bowl this is like literally a like drinking cup I like this is one slurp it's over look at these noodles here this just looks so appetizing look at all the soy sauce and whatever else is hanging on these mules there we go I think I was gonna have to slurp it like there's no really no other way to do this you ready [Music] love this the songs I feel like it's just a simple soy sauce maybe a little oyster sauce the noodles are fried it's so well by little al dente nice and chewy I think I like this better than they want something a little soup Roger soup here let's split this thing we should get a wonton I mean this is just the tiniest cutest little wonton I've ever seen that's actually a pretty ridiculous long time and you decided it's big proportionately very big the outside skin is very very thin yeah that's actually a ridiculous Walt I thought I mean old lady wanton what they're gonna do impacts a great flavor I love this beetle is fantastic I pick up the yeah I try a piece with the chicken and Kyle on the noodles itself with the little veggies then enter in the soup this is like I would eat this every single day if I looked around I would look at that little jalapeno little a little vinegar mixed into these with these noodles right nice very nice man that's the balance I was looking for because this is the noodles are salty really one of the best things you have today that's right now we go to some there's like some herbal tea shop looks interesting so this is a Chinese herbal tea shop in the it's brewed in here look at this this is the map most glorious culture ever seen and she's active just lift us up it's hot oh look at this all that she is here this place is Coco Tom I didn't know what this place was coming in so it sells a lot of herbal herbal stuff in the shape of jelly and soups this is what it's known for here right yeah this is called the Yong Chi we ow literal translations like Chinese medicine created turtle paste it's not but there's no turtle I would have a little problem of that it's basically just like herbal jelly no I'm cutting into the jelly and by the way it's made in this Creole it's cuts off like I'm not penetrate this is some first Oh because right oh it's like Chinese medicine okay so this is the jelly itself this must be so good for you yeah because it tastes so what like Chinese medicine okay I'm not gonna say it tastes bad because it doesn't it just tastes like Chinese medicine which is bitter mm-hmm so you gotta pour honey into it yeah you know what Mary Poppins says a teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine well in this case a teaspoon of honey he makes the herbal jelly go down to herbal jelly go down all right let's try it now I'm being very liberal with this honey because the herbal jelly it needs to be lost with me now is good right Wow Mary Poppins you are a genius grace move right oh it's nice actually enjoy this now without like all that bitterness trying to overwhelm you I'm tried this this is the wall LG this is a very popular Chinese drink that I always get in I'm eating hotpot but this is like the whoa there's like stuff on the bottom I mean it's that stuff but it's like you can tell it and it's cloudy carbo how the insides for you oh I'm sure it's gonna taste like it's really good for me [Music] [Laughter] okay the drink it what with you know in once and then after that sing it together with we you're saying drink all this and then change my shot and then chase it with this even wears like a Malaysian test when you come to Malaysia you have to drink this otherwise you're not considered part of the country no I mean this is this war did you did my mom tell you I promise taking Chinese medicine when I was six and this is like this is like making me relive my past like seriously Chinese medicine taking that's part of my childhood that was not a good part of my daughter oh that's better okay laughs OH in Elkridge Agra oh my god who does that everybody everybody why don't I arms just teaser I'm gonna drink this because this is apparently number the Malaysia way yes yeah here yes okay it's like a challenge right now oh he's just rigged the elephant oh my god it ain't alter get a bit of powder oh holy cow all right I'm not gonna check it out [Music] that was almost exactly like taking Chinese medicine when I was a kid almost exactly I had the same flashback but almost like Jen gets awesome for you and the medicine was so this is so but the more you drink of the more bitter it is it is so bitter I need some of this sweet honey thing oh thank you for saving my tongue look at this it's made of this massive chili pepper people were lining up for like half an hour for this shoot Oh crab fried wontons have fish balls I think this is fried tofu with some hooch ooh Porter yeah it's right over yeah oh I feel like I'm tasting like just just a grandis combination of seafood and scallions it tastes like it might boiled a seafood tank for just just fish and crabs and shrimp like also just stop in a good way and then it turns into this this is like a fish tofu with futu inside before soon as I tried talking for that you we get a lot of hotpot [Music] whoever invented this reason award Wow yep both bright so couch all right they deep fry it until it's SP yeah you can still taste some of that crisp even though it's been so key on the soup I'm really curious about this about what this is like it looks like a fried dumpling kind of clicks me pop I know you take a bite yeah pretty part in the nice fish tofu this is what they were frying over there what I was looking at the tofu it's all cool you can have it be where the party was so the tofu is they look like just regular tofu and then they flash fry it in a stuffed fish inside that's good the flavor is not as nice as the other fried tofu stuff what's good I think it's good little oh great bouncy right this you can see this ready I just want to show you guys how how ridiculously bouncy this is that I'm like I'm stabbing it sort of hard with my chopstick it's not penetrating Wow that's the bounciest fish walking I ever had one chuck this up to you all cry it's also stuffed with fish this is a genius dish by the way I mean there's so many elements when I got a crispy element fried element and got the fresh elements of the pepper and the okra but then there's like hidden compartments and each thing in this bowl like literally everything here is stuffed with something that's the way life should be you know like surprises within surprises well I'm really excited for is this I think it's tub with something I knew it I knew it was just a simple chilly I knew it look at this it's a good stubbly fish cake oh yeah oh man this thing is quiet this is really a genius dish you get the nice crisp add you get a nice fried factor everything has a secret compartment this is like the ancient pyramids of foods right here and you guys got to get this win come here that chili is sweaty I think that chili completely canceled all that bitter tea I had yeah [Laughter] one of the last savory items were eating in Chinatown today scenes show who shengqi beef you know specialists so this these guys they make really good beef noodle soups yeah all right so let's go see if that's true this place is booming and they brought these noodles out fast it's like a combo you kind of got to know what you want before you come here so you can either get the noodles dried with the meat sauce on top yeah and you can get that with a soup and then you can get the soup version which is everything's soaked in the broth are we supposed to mix this mix it all right you guys see this there's some broth on the bottom so it's not just the sauce oh man yeah thank you we got more noodles guys one thing I love more than your nose is more noodles that sauce really surprised me a lot really grounded downbeat and it has this great smoky flavor to it mmm it's really good oh man the aftertaste is just kind of taught me a little bit now I like that is that what you do you just dip the noodles like that I was gonna say you you do need some spice because it's salty it's beefy and just just a little bit of spice it's gonna highlight all those flavors even more now a lot of fun so this is usually paired up with a soup really excited about the soup game over that's awesome all that beef is tremely tender and white pepper heck yeah I love this soup I gotta beat that good he's floating in there man that's good check it out guys this is another bowl that we got this is like a bowl with everything it's a soup with a thin rice vermicelli noodles the ground beef sitting on top of the beat with the beef meatballs and beef tripe it's like be funky funky funky sitting in a bowl of beef so we're gonna mix this a little bit I do love the fact that they have our different noodles here and it give you a lot of textures to choose from I think if you guys do come here don't just get that beef soup get them mixed beef soup because then you got the beef balls you got the pieces of beef you got that right you got the beef base on top I think that's an all encompassing full of people it'll shoot I really recommend that swear you guarantee come here you know what put the soup I love the thin vermicelli noodles because when they absorb the broth you didn't taste at all in there the biggest difference between this I like it is that first tube is obviously more clear and there's a big difference between this like a beef noodle soup in Taiwan is that this really doesn't have like a huge soy sauce base you can call this Malaysian beef noodle soup yeah cuz this is really different than anything else I'm really happy for look at this is that over like we got like bullets like big balls pea soup we got we got like another noodle and then we got like another little soft yeah there's gonna be some good eating going on here I'll see you in a little bit [Music] last thing we're eating in Chinatown what are we getting this I am my back coaching okay so and the Chinese is being hung don't wash a winter melon you have to was shaved ice yeah it's like a drink right it's a drink I see a lot of fruits here low yeah which is Logan which is kind of like lychee all right so this is really popular tree my pocket out here we missed the line before we came here was a huge lie on the door but let's go get a couple of these so this is it but it's refreshing oh the Logans is that oh yeah oh yeah they purposely made major straw kind of like a like a little spoon yeah oh nice so it's a drink and a dessert but this is a really good way to cap everything up I gotta say you don't believe me when I say this this is the best chance ever went to my life stalls upon stalls of aunties and uncles has their families been there for 90 a hundred years just cooking the same recipes this is just insanity like all these awesome ridiculously awesome places for food so yes you should come here and yes you should try all those places I went through today because most of them were extremely mind-blowingly awesome also I want to say I don't know if Malaysian people are usually like this but most shop owners we ran into today we're so accommodating but you try to talk to them it they smile and talk back it's not like too busy go away I can't even tell you guys what I enjoy the most I came to Rinka for you because I know so many things I love anyway thank you so much for showing me around in this Chinatown like this is literally the funnest chinatown experience I've ever had this guy's seriously just just come here and try it I'll try to list all the places we went to you in my description box below thank you so much for watching thanks again buddy until we eat again
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 2,395,705
Rating: 4.8765941 out of 5
Keywords: malaysian food, chinatown, chinatown kuala lumpur, chinatown tour, roast duck, malaysia, food tour, foodie, street food, malaysian street food, kuala lumpur street food, congee, chinese food, chinese food tour, chinese street food, mochi, noodles, chinese noodles, breakfast, chinese breakfast, chinatown breakfast, traditional food, authentic chinese food, food and travel, travel malaysia, kuala lumpur china town, kuala lumpur, street food around the world, jalan petaling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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