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[Music] [Music] hello [Music] is so [Music] [Music] most people sit on their balconies and enjoy a morning coffee or a morning tea for me it's all about the morning burger i think this is the best one i've had so far whataburger definitely the juiciest one i've had so far i think i finally figured out why they call it a whataburger because every time you go in and get a burger you don't know what a burger you're getting it could be really good it could be really dry and cold like the first whataburger meal i had in texas [Music] this one's from trash truck also got the spicy chicken sandwich another hit we're missed five one i've had so far this is what a whataburger done right tastes like crispy flaming hot chicken patty nice juicy pickles tomatoes everything is toasty warm chase it all down with a dr pepper shake on days what i'm not going out filming this is typically how i start my day there's a water burger within a five minute drive from me and open 24 hours a day so whenever i want burger for breakfast easily accessible and i've been taking sort of a little mini break just downloaded red dead redemption 2 so haven't been going out just staying home kind of relaxing a little bit after the big move and i was looking through my video library and there's actually quite a few videos i filmed in korea that i haven't released yet and this one i totally forgot about this one this one you're about to see was one of my favorite food days in south korea because i went to their biggest convenience store the e-mart and you guys got to see how incredible a convenience store in south korea is and before we get to that a huge shout out and thank you to discord for sponsoring this video it's basically a place for anyone who could use a place to talk to their friends or communities or anybody you can create these invite-only places or servers where you can chat hang out have fun talk to your family friends complete strangers who share a common interest basically your own little world for me i just created my own little personal pod we're gonna have a place where people can share their food recommendations recipes this is basically going to be a really easy going casual space where all of us food lovers can hang out you can also let me know what topics you want me to talk about and what i find that's also really cool about this course is that not only do you get to just text you can actually voice chat or talk with everyone as well so i figure since i go on all these long distance drives all the time and it's really boring i'm always looking for people to call and talk to i'm gonna just jump on discord and start talking about like whatever's on my mind which is pretty much a lot of nonsense so make sure to join my server to hear me gripe about breakfast buffets that only serves eggs and bacon and biscuits anyway the link to my discord server is down below so download the app and come hang out with me [Music] [Music] hey guys it's it's me mike i know i've done a lot of videos featuring korean supermarkets in the u.s and u.s supermarkets in the u.s and japanese well i did a lot of supermarket videos but today i'm going to show you the amazingness the korean ultra supermarket e-marts trust me you're going to want to see this [Music] [Music] wow this is called sacha if you guys are ever into pokemon or such these little twisty toys welcome to your paradise get bored there's a little arcade in the supermarket in case you have kids and this top level is just kind of like a giant target sort of store but the goodies that's downstairs [Music] [Applause] now our best buy is not as cool as this what is this well dj oh my gosh you can test out dji drones here in this little little drone testing area wow that is pretty cool there's an arcade it's not open yet but you can see this is what best buy should strive to be this this whole place here also the gadgets here just seem better i mean i'm not a coffee drinker but is that it looks like r2d2 or something wow these look like coffee makers that when the robot apocalypse come will eventually rise up and just enslave us this is the rice cooker aisle this is all heavy duty crazy advanced device cooker like this i wouldn't be surprised if this thing just just turned into a transformer in front of me oh this is a 700 close to 700 rice cooker when the rice comes out of this does it grant wishes like if i just rub it like genie rice genie pops out what makes this 700 this is a 600 rice cooker oh my gosh look at this it's doing something maybe it massages your soul or something asian toilet seats we all need one of these sterilization kit ah this is really useful right now i think it's safe to say korean appliances much cooler than american appliances wow marvel comics invented a ramen pot is this a one-person run this is the cutest thing if i lived here this guy would be my mascot he would be like on all my electronics this stuff seems to be so cool look at toast slash coffee maker well this thing talks to you this little tiny rice cooker that sounds funny i would call this a one biter ramen pie i love how they just have pots just for ramen it's like a little ramen mug oh my god they sell motorcycles here they sell like akira looking motorcycles here holy crap it's an adult shop in the middle of electronic store like you go from like model cars an adult shop that's kind of weird for me i didn't expect that what in the name of back to the future is going on here this fridge right here this whole entire fridge just for kimchi look at that that's it all for kimchi ton of kimchi i just want to buy this dishwasher and it would when it doesn't rain for a while i just want to sit next to it and just stir into it i know we've seen a lot of cool stuff already but best stuff is down there this is really neat so when you take some hand sanitizer it automatically measures your temperature there you go whoa this is just something i didn't expect right when i walk inside look at this bulgogi balls [Music] oh 25 strawberries let's get some this strawberry season right now wow they're literally packing fresh seafood into the packages the trays right now [Music] pig's feet must try oh smoked duck and these are all stuff they're cutting and prepping inside the store smoke ham and pork belly oh this is the biggest plate of bulgogi i've ever seen let's get some fresh fresh cakes another thing to remember in south korea wherever you see fresh rice cakes you buy fresh rice cakes oh this is so weird a blueberry potato salad which chicken gizzards so this whole section they pack inside the store so everything you're getting it's it's actually made inside the store oh my gosh they have a pizza parlor in here whoa shrimp salami pizza what the oh my gosh you can sell you can water by slice or squares or whole pot cuattoro pizza that okay so it's four different flavors in one pizza teriyaki mayonnaise steak pizza shrimp and salami bulgogi dipped garlic love in meat we have to do a four flavor pizza [Music] okay so a couple things to keep in mind um so emar owns no brand which is like their kind of lower grade brand and then the peacock is their high quality stuff so let's try some of their peacock stuff oh bong soup let's try this this thing the whole chicken is oh you get a mama jungle here heck yeah it's twelve dollars yeah wow oh it's heavy if you ever need some ginseng here you go here's the no brand stuff oh my gosh look at this they just prepped this a crab stew whole thing for about 18 this could feed three four people easily this is about i say close to 10 pounds of food this is definitely like a like at least a two three video series you could do on this grocery store you guys want some social i don't know i don't drink but in case you want some soju there you go you can bathe in it all right i gotta get out of here this place is so much fun for me here we go back in the hotel room this is not about a setup right like i like this whole little new kitchen area that i got i got papa dim sum ball bay saube here you go watch me do some cooking and eating if you want to grab one i'll put the link to the store down below for you start off the pizza pizzas are just so much more exciting here in korea and this one finds four flavors on one pie so of shrimp and salami bugogi i think it's garlic chicken and regular cheese look at this start off with a slice of bulgogi pizza big old chunks of beef melty cheese looks like really good quality crust much thinner than the costco one and this is the chicken garlic so roasted tomatoes potatoes and pieces of chicken and finally this is what i'm really excited about salami and shrimp look at the shrimp all glistening and juicy [Music] i didn't know there's something about this pizza look at the scallions on this pizza might be the first time i've ever had scallions on pizza telling you right now that really works also underneath the cheese there's caramelized onions and with bulgogi sauce [Music] looks like a little hidden gem this is fabulous pizza a little better if i could throw this in the airfryer crisp at the bottom up a little bit but on its own delicious i know potatoes on pizza starch on starch some people may not like that but it is amazing again mushy potatoes with large chunks of meat slightly spicy so you got the melty cheese juicy meat slightly crunchy aromatic onions and then just add a little bit of mushy potatoes [Music] makes me happy this does finally the one i want to try oh so much salami and chef pizza what i think little bits of minced sausage on this as well best one 100 best one i like the other two bites i had but no go get yourself a whole pizza just shrimp and salami may sound strange but [Music] oh my god you'll be smiling as much as i am right now that fresh snappy shrimp spicy and juicy and the rest of the pizza [Music] with the salami still carries a huge seafood flavor and i think they put some ricotta cheese on here as well best flavor on the pizza by far have some smoked duck pork trotter pork belly smoked pork belly chicken gizzard and peppers let's start with the chicken [Music] wow gizzards is good it is a tiny bit dry cheese a little pickled garlic i love this here's one of my favorite pancetta apps in south korea this just reminds me of the chinese dish called tong swam like sugar garlic anything you eat like noodles any meats anything you want to eat anything savory always goes great with this oh look at this smoked duck got the skin nice little layer of fat and then a lean piece of meat all connected together that makes me just want to fly that is amazing i can't remember did i even need to chew that that is such a tender piece of smoked duck this thing will make your day [Music] slight little bits of fat and then just smokey tender duck meat this little fattier piece with [Music] sesame i love it both of these more you chew more smoke comes out your since it's just being attacked with all that great flavor and fragrance and aroma 100 like get this some of you never tried pig trotter i'll give you three reasons why you should first of all it's delicious secondly the collagen according to basically every asian girl ever this is great for your skin thirdly it's pig's feet it's gonna help you run faster here's your mom logically try this stuff you taste something to tend them some of the skin little bits of the meat like i don't drink but you remember that big you know bathtub of soju that i showed you earlier this would be perfect with that or banana milk that's what i drink with it a bite of pixie or some banana milk might just be one of the most asian combos ever oh i've been eyeing this for a while this guys it's not polite to sniff something you're insanely attracted to unless it's food all right but just a whiff of that makes my heart and my knees go weak love you pig melts flavor sorry i think this thing like short circuited my brain for a little bit even better if this was cooked in the oven and the outside can get nice and crispy the fat can get nice and charred and crunchy be even better but just that alone oh my gosh it's so melty that in the duck your senses just keeps getting pounded by the smoky great flavor you're just almost begging for a bite of kimchi afterwards because if you keep eating that it's gonna be a little too much like sometimes too much of a good thing it's still too much but this is where kimchi comes in get a bite of this reset your taste buds and this time make a duck bacon sandwich holy smokiness batman there's just something you can't do at most other supermarkets you can't find already made food of this quality in most supermarkets in the world i mean you go to kroger you can buy a rotisserie chicken maybe but this stuff tastes like it came from a restaurant delicious affordable bring this home you never need to go out and right now during these times that's probably a good idea okay next one how about some soup this is what i love about about south korea there is no false advertisement here there's a whole chicken in this bag and also i got some bone broth so i've been wanting some soup cravings some soup the last few days let's eat some soup this might not look really appetizing right now i got a good feeling about this [Music] also i'm heating up beef bone soup and this is made with korean beef so how will beef soup this looks great as well we're waiting for that to cook uh blueberry potato salad sandwich i didn't know korea was full of these like sandwiches that were very unique until i came here and i started seeing them everywhere like i mentioned before in my other videos they love putting sweet things with savory so much so that this exists just made for you how many of you guys would actually try this potato salad and blueberry sandwich kind of looks pretty [Music] you know what this tastes like almost exactly a blueberry potato salad sandwich it's not even like blueberry jam it just tastes like kind of crushed blueberries a little jammy it's a little sweet it's not as sweet as actual jam pretty easy to imagine what it tastes like not my favorite not horrible i don't know why i got this pork bone broth is ready oh it smells so beefy oh my god oh that's hot or also i forgot something something i'm not really used to but if you go to korean restaurants when they bring you a bone broth they don't put any salt in there you add your own salt so i don't have any salt but i do have some kimchi which i think contains a lot of salt and a lot of people do like to drink this probably without the salt and just to taste the original flavor that's creamy very beefy very creamy extremely beefy but honestly make sure you get some salt good though chicken broth is done all right i like the chicken better also this needs salt it has no salt in here but you can 100 taste that chicken flavor to the point where when you take a sip of the soup how's my lips look it's all glossy because i feel like the fat all that great gelatinous texture it's on my lips right now the meat it tastes a little dry it doesn't taste juicy even though it's been boiling in the broth 100 this broth is delicious make sure to add some salt i didn't know otherwise i would buy some salt and bring it here with me [Music] but you can definitely taste that great healthy pure chicken stock flavor in every single sip definitely really healthy though so if you just feel like kind of one day you're just like too much food get some soups heated up gonna make you feel a lot better next up no brand beef noodle soup i don't think i've had a beef noodle soup in south korea yet and i think this one you just put this on the stove for two minutes ramen noodles three packs of seasoning [Music] that's not bad at all that's way better than i thought i added a little too much water i don't have a measuring cup i don't know what the heck 350 milliliters is but i think i had a little too much water but if i didn't this would be pretty amazing you can tell already the flavor is good it smells fantastic it smells like a good bowl of beef noodle soup you can see the oil floating on top of the broth if only a bowl is more concentrated and that's my bad for adding too much water and the noodles are good too very scrumptious pretty al dente yeah cook it right add a couple pieces of hamu on here this will be delicious meal next thing i'm cooking the bbb big ball bulgogi [Music] i feel like i'm cherry lee lewis in south korea great buzz of bulgogi instead of three balls of fire [Music] dealership this thing is very economical too look at this massive ball of bugogi i paid about ten dollars for this for about five pounds of delicious meat i'll be eating this for the next three days deliciously spicy tender great combinations of fat and lean in every single bite along with some collagen trader joe's should really come to korea open something called trader chose or something let me start bringing some of this stuff back to the us i would love to be able to buy any of this stuff in american grocery stores i can't wait for this ma la ton in a box [Music] fresh vegetables [Music] fancy schmancy i i gotta say there's some fresh ingredients in this pack so just the tofu skin oh oh my god it's like a stretch armstrong i'm supposed to cut this up slice this up i'm gonna tear it that's probably not the best looking so tofu skin in the meat will go into a pot and then the rest of the ingredients and then the sauce that came with it [Music] bye [Music] is blind this small town smells and looks amazing wow yeah oh it punished my throat oh thank you can i have another delicious meat is tender ingredients are fresh love the tofu skin crunchy vegetables fatty pieces of beef the seasoning is glorious this is better than the samala jungle restaurants i've been to i peeled this all over the place the spice the numbiness on my lips the pounding on my heart when i'm putting this in my mouth home run oh i love especially love the beef whole dish it's only about ten dollars next up ciao man this looks really good i mean i think anything that comes in this like freshly made package is gonna be good [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is done this smells really good they use fresh noodles in this pack and also fresh meat everything i'm really impressed by the way they package all these things every all the ingredients are super fresh that's delicious also they put a ton of onions in here but noodle perfectly al dente sauce thick rich earthy a little bit sweet actually i think if it's a little less sweet i like even more [Music] but you get that great fermented bean flavor with an extra side of butteriness my critique would be a little less onions a little more meat but overall solid dish thing i'm cooking the ultimate seafood feast there's a whole crab in here and it is not small [Music] do [Music] this is one of the most crazy seafood soups stews the entire cast of little mermaid i don't know there's so much in here it's about 18 for all this seafood including little neck clams oh fresh fresh clams big clams my favorite that sucker is so sweet this might be the best thing i picked up at e-mart today on this plate it's not even half the seafood i left like bunch in the pot you gotta eat this with a little broth 100 percent best purchase i made at emark all this fresh seafood also with radish all cooked in this amazing spicy broth i just like candy oh look at this fresh crab meat take the crab meat wipe it on some of the tamale the guts and brains i know that's a frozen crab that's still delicious clams and everything else that was all live this might be the best thing here oh my gosh the spicy broth soaked into the tender sweet crab meat and believe me this is tender get these because the broth penetrate the meat so well you just want to like bite into like right here oh my gosh this is so juicy and it's sweet and i've said this before 100 best thing i gotta eat more today i'm gonna come out to this but a couple things first strawberries and rice cakes these are some of my favorite rice cakes because there's a little burst of honey in the middle of these things i just scored it all over my hair if i could teach you guys anything from what just happened to me just pop these things into your mouth they're like little sweet korean rice soup dumplings fresh strawberries there's strawberry season right now in south korea and for some reason fruits also taste better in asia look at that first time i had these was on a short kick in a cafe you must must buy fresh strawberries get the expensive kind when you go to a supermarket during strawberry season these will be some of the sweetest juiciest most flavorful just dissolve in your mouth perfectly angelically sweet strawberries i think the ones in japan i had were also really good but oh my gosh trust me when you bite into these things for that one intense intimate moment your eyes are gonna close and you will have that first kiss kind of experience with the strawberry i'm gonna start calling these pringles because once you pop you really can't stop all right this was a really fun day exploring one of korea's biggest grocery stores and learned a lot of things you know we ran into a bunch of robotic rice cookers that could eventually take over the world maybe eventually when they do take over they'll make us make them rice i'm not really sure i found out at electronic stores there are really naughty sections that maybe don't let don't let your kids go into and the food absolutely amazing the ready-to-made food especially the mala jungle the seafood so many items i had today if i have them in my house i won't even think about going to a restaurant anyway guys that's my review of eat mart here in south korea as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later i'm just gonna go back to this i got a baby you're all i need today is that still one
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 901,073
Rating: 4.9246702 out of 5
Keywords: korean supermarket, korea supermarket, korean market, korea market, emart, korean food, korean cooking, cook, cooking, market, super market, supermarket, korean super market, korea super market, korea food, korean bbq, noodles, shopping, south korea, seoul, korea travel, korea tourism, south korea travel, south korea tourism, kpop, food, eating, mukbang, korean mukbang
Id: Nx7bPKdDo2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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