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[Music] hello [Music] um hey guys it's mike chin here in new york and before we go off our little food adventure today it's going to be a good one filled with tons of ramen my new bok su box has arrived and the feature this month is mochi mochi mochi might as well just say happiness happiness happiness bucks of course is the sponsor of this video and something i just look forward to receiving every single month and this is it's all mochi you got lemon mochi it looks like chocolate mochi with filling calpico mochi all right i gotta dig into this chocolate mochi if you ever see this anywhere you must get a soft mochi with silky smooth dark chocolate ganache in the middle have my tea prepared mochi will be my breakfast today not a lot of benefits about being a grown-up but uh being able to choose to eat exclusively mochi for breakfast one of the few perks anyway if you guys don't know what baksu is it's a japanese snack box filled with premium hand-picked snacks delivered right to your door and what i love about buxo is that it's not only just a snack box it's like a cultural experience every single box comes with a culture guys so you know exactly where your snacks are coming from and a lot of the snack makers that boxer works with have been around for over a hundred years first time customers are going to get the seasons of japan box that way you can get a taste of the snacks per season and with books you can order a single box you can do one month multiple months and every monthly box has its own unique themes so you don't get the same snacks every single time so if you guys want to give this a try go to the link down below use my promo code dumpling10 you'll get 10 off which will save you up to 47 on your own authentic japanese snack box and they ship everywhere in the world today's definitely going to be a japanese food-filled day gonna have mochi for lunch and then we'll continue our quest to try basically every single instant noodle out there and today we're going to a japanese supermarket [Music] here in mitsuwa this is one of my favorite supermarkets pretty much ever first of all when i used to live in a city you can come here in this place this area is called edgewater so it's got a really scenic view of the river and it's across the river from the city so if you come here at night especially you get a great view of manhattan which is way way over way over there and in the spring and summer you can you can shop here you can eat inside the supermarket and then you can walk along the river it's just really really nice okay i came here on what i felt was just the least busy day possible this is about 10 o'clock in the morning it's supposed to be like an ice storm today so i figured not a lot of people are traveling and look at this long line to get in it's been about 30 minutes finally got my shopping cart i think it's come about ten minutes away okay i was wrong it's about another 30 minutes now i'm almost at the door look at this line here look how crazy it goes and wraps around the store now [Music] i haven't been here in so long i love these snack stalls these places sell super intricate japanese snacks and they're so good like super fancy mochi and shrimp crackers this is the food court this is my favorite place whenever i'm here they got tempura they got ramen ooh this is new it's a steak place oh they sell ribeye here matcha love is great if you want some matcha ice cream royce is amazing chocolate if you've never had it oh this is new look at this mochi donuts wow definitely need some of that really it's been about a year since i stepped footing here okay so the thing is even though the food court is open you cannot eat inside the store so that's a problem ramen won't last the whole car ride home oh this is great even the plastic food looks good this is really good katsu and curry place ah man i wish we could have ate here all right maybe we'll get something to go and eat on the car but let's go get the groceries first ah pastry roll chocolate oh takoyaki special how's the takoyaki that's all i love about this store everything is laid out so nicely there it is oh taiyakis take a taiyaki too also even though it's a long way to get here it's so nice to be able to walk around and feel really safe because there's not many people around me this is one of the most relaxing grocery shopping experiences i've had maybe since the start of this whole thing because usually there's so many people just kind of squishing around them whoa this is a bcd tofu soup kit i love bcd tofu extra hot even better aka miso ramen this guy looks like he knows what he's doing soupless ramen this is definitely where all the best ramen is get some soba yakisoba oh this is good hoka hookah olden just like you get at japanese 7-eleven stores what is this kennel dia ramen bar this guy also looks like he knows what he's doing and look there's like a line i know it's gonna take me a while but i'm gonna try every single one of these ramen noodles for you guys this is just the first trip it'll be a fun journey together [Music] now going down the instant noodle aisle the original cup noodle this looks good chicken paitan ramen unfortunately the best japanese since the noodles like the tsuta can't find it in u.s grocery stores because they contain meat that'd be fun to find out if any one of these i got actually tastes good and i used to make fun of the the cup ramen a lot until i had the curry version which i absolutely love so i'm gonna try the original today hey i know this guy he's got a tokyo chicken flavor and a tonkatsu flavor ho ho today i get to judge an iron chef i mean food network if you ever want to have me on the iron chef as a judge that'd be cool too but for now i'm going to taste that rich tonkatsu restaurant style tan 10 minute spicy miso all right i think that's enough oh gotta get some mint taiko fish eggs so good what is this hot medium hot no idea what this is looks like glass noodles oh awesome these are mochi you can grill heck yeah kind of like stop myself from buying pretty much everything oh look at that meat that looks like great shabu meat whoa concentrated that's intense whole dessert time look at this it's a fruit fondue that looks beautiful and this is handmade handmade what it just it just says handmade i don't know what it is i'm getting it though oh but it's butter i was going to take a spoon to that cheesecake light cheesecake [Music] oh my god there's so much frozen foods as well i don't think i can this is already so much all right we're gonna have to try to wrap up part one this is already getting intense i think there's more stuff here than the japanese supermarket in seattle that i went to look at this ice cream with a red bean inside and we haven't even looked at the prepared food section oh beef dong okay i gotta get a beep though yakisoba dumplings shall my squid pork cutlet croquette takoyaki this is the most overwhelmed i've felt in a long long time there's just so much i want that i can't have oh the sushi section oh this is fresh otoro that is beautiful all right i gotta go i can't i can't stay here anymore this is just not not good [Music] can i get a passion fruit yuzu citrus uh matcha dark chocolate black sesame oil to oreo i guess i know i'm weak but i can't leave without donuts the line is still going strong i'm actually really glad i came when i did line's like three times the length now [Music] all right i went a little overboard i still got desserts uh ice cream like just left outside because it's like a fridge outside but i don't get to go to that market very often so you know this is gonna be my food for the next week well except for the noodles i'm gonna try all of them today especially excited for morimoto's instant noodles i don't know where to start sushi start with the toro the fatty tuna this thing looks like it's melting just sitting in my kitchen i'm still not a huge sushi eater i love that so much that's a hundred percent wagyu of the sea imagine something that's so heavenly swimming around in the ocean it's one of those things where like i don't even know i miss it until i taste it and then as soon as that thing hits my tongue it starts dissolving the fat starts breaking down all over my taste buds that's when i'm like where have you been all my life i don't think i should have started with that now the rest of the sushi probably it's just not going to be as exciting not as exciting but still pretty riveting i actually ran into quite a few people waiting in line to go into matsuwa just for their sushi i mean i'm no expert but that is delicious only complaint i feel like there's a lot of rice but the fish is tremendous next up let's taste the dildo [Music] beef is good but i feel like there's not enough juice in here the rice is really not getting soaked with that nice beef juice that usually comes with a good ball of gildum so although the meat is really fatty each other and juicing the onions are nice the rice is it just didn't get seasoned i'm gonna try to eat it with some in thai coffee [Music] oh that's good i had these fish eggs first time ever in fukuoka this version is slimier than the one i had before but when you get past that initial part and i'm not really into the slimy texture as well in the beginning this thing just comes like a little burst of umami bubbles on your tongue which is the most awesome seafood flavor oh this is so good all right eat that with my rush all right let's get to some of the ramen i want to start with this this guy that looks like a ramen professor hinodia ramen packing ramen pack of sauce i think this is a clam ramen oh that's so good well no wonder there's a lion in the photo i feel like aquaman just clobbered me on the side of the head with a clam shell oh that is intense clam flavor i mean the soup looks light but it's deep and compact oh noodles are great oh 100 good dish oh that's awesome noodles got a great smooth chewy texture goes with the broths incredibly well again just flavors as deep as the ocean i love this definitely try that one out all right next up i want to try these soba noodles and pair that up with uh hoka hoka odin japanese fish cakes do while we're waiting for the noodles to cook let's try this deliciously light cheesecake and pastry roll you definitely need to eat this with like a cup of tea or something otherwise it's a little dry but it's really soft and fluffy i think some jam it's more like bread than cake it's okay i'm really excited about this deliciously light cheesecake oh look at this jiggly thing so soft it's like a little mini trampoline for my finger oh i broke it i i heard it i damaged it oh oh yeah everybody needs to go and get one of these oh i barely need to do anything with this so light and airy and pillowy if the first snowfall of the year were somehow sweetened and fell on your tongue it would be the same as taking a bite out of this oh that's just marvelous this is koriyama's delicious light cheesecake well koryama you just did the world a great service by creating this amazing that is great so the sun brand soba it's freaking i just delicious to slip that thing all day long the texture is fantastic and you got that great aroma from the buckwheat [Music] much better than some of the soba i've had at restaurants chase it with an even bigger fish cake chaser with a fish cake that looks like a corn pouch what's my favorite mochi inside of this now i feel like i'm in a soba restaurant and a japanese 7-eleven at the same time what a great combination i know i still got tons more ramens to try but it was my favorite thing so far that's so good next ramen akamiso i am excited for this stuff mochi donuts i got passion fruit matcha yuzu oreo dark chocolate and sesame this is the star right here passion fruit mochi donut those are so good this is the yuzu oh that's even better oh you guys got to go try this yuzu mochi donut this is one of the best donuts i've ever had flavor obviously really really good chewy mochi is texture but with that splash of citrus i'm gonna go make an entire gallon of tea after i'm done filming this video and just sit down with these donuts and just have the best time ever i'm gonna dim the lights i'm gonna light some candles turn on the newest k-drama i'm watching true beauty by the way amazing so far i'm on episode three and then just v key and chill with these donuts all right i got high hopes for this i saw god as much as i missed japan eating this both makes me feel better about not being there right now it also makes me miss it like crazy oh this is great crushed this ramen master oh this is produced by yepudo every sip you're not only being pounded by that gray miso flavor but also that great roasted garlic oh my goodness in the earthy fermented bean paste of the miso combined with these just absolutely elastic chewy noodles that is rich that is a rich broth it's the most perfect curly chewy al dente noodles to soak it up with what is definitely one of the best ramen broths i have from a frozen ramen pouch i could probably sell this at my new ramen shop all i would get would be compliments this is amazing amazing bag of ramen all right next up let's see if iron chef morimoto can follow that actually before that let's do a little dry noodle yakisoba [Music] i love the smell of yaki so we're gonna sell this at our new ramen place this one it's okay it's not as good as the one i had in washington with the really thin noodles it's still pretty good but the noodles themselves because they're already cooked and frozen it's not going to have as good of a chewy texture especially with a very toasted char part still it's really nice to have something that's stir fried and not soupy well chef morimoto instead of a great bowl of miso ramen you're going to follow a half decent bowl of yakisoba [Music] all right chef morimoto's tokyo chicken ramen so in the instructions they tell you to cook the noodles in two cups of water and then use that water to mix with the seasoning pack two cups is not nearly enough i mean it was good but it was just too concentrated and needs more water [Music] oh much better yeah you need to kind of adjust the water to your taste because when the water boils with the noodles it makes it nice and thick and starchy and the flavor is actually extremely good rich chicken broth with a umami bomb [Music] oh really good noodles nice and springy super chewy al dente and they grab onto the broth really well too that's actually super nice add some hot oil that's delicious good job iron chef wouldn't expect anything less from an iron chef yeah the starch that boils off from the noodles into the water really does a lot to cover every strand of the noodles with that broth again just make sure to add more water to this call for otherwise it's gonna be a complete [Music] overkill i also cooked the tonkatsu version i think i like the chicken one more it's still good rich creamy broth there's a slight bit of sweetness i'm not sure where that's coming from noodles are good as always [Music] i mean for this bra to come from like a powder pack it's pretty darn impressive also what i love about this is that there's a lot of noodles in here i mean from a regular pack of instant noodles you don't expect like this much noodle overall really solid rum i should have like a iron chef contestant thing where i can just like pair the orange chef's ramen against other ramen have them battle it out but since it's an iron chef institute i feel like i should grade this based on the irish chef point system so if you don't know each chef can be awarded 20 points 10 for taste 5 for originality and 5 for plating of course plating i mean i did it so 5 out of 5. originality i mean it's not new flavors so maybe a three and taste i give it a solid 8.5 16.5 for iron chef morimoto's instant noodles not bad next up let's try this uh ma poor tringy thing i'm not sure if this is either just good or really good [Music] that's good i guess it's supposed to be like a thin rice noodle version of a maapo noodle but don't taste much of the numbing factor it is really spicy and the soup has tons of umami flavor it's not the best but it's not bad i think i like the soup way more than the noodles i mean that's really good soup and it's kind of strange because as thin as rice noodles are the soup flavor hasn't really penetrated it it's okay give it a seven out of ten actually scratch that the more you get to the bottom where all the flavor is they put some garlic in here some wood here some bamboo the flavor gets better and better i'm gonna have to raise those up to an eight all right i've been eyeing this one for a while restaurant style spicy sesame taste time [Music] two man of my time and i don't really break too easily but i'm worthy this is good so this ramen utilizes straight noodles straight thin noodles which are my favorite in japanese ramen so the flavor is able to soak through i think this would be much better obviously if like just like dantam man you add a bunch of minced pork in here but just on his own noodles are very slurp worthy flavor penetrated very well the soup itself is spicy it's got a great numbing taste to it this is solid i don't know if i would call this restaurant style though just because from an appearance standpoint the soup doesn't have the best coloring to it i mean i wish it was redder and more oil on top but it is a very solid bowl of instant noodles i give this 8 out of 10. extremely slurp worthy especially at the end now put some minced meat in here this would be spectacular all right just a couple more to go i got these two cup noodles the original cup noodle and spicy miso this is just okay the curry one is exceptional this broth is all right there's some really questionable looking colorful entities inside these cups i'm pretty sure that's a dehydrated egg or a sponge or something and there are little pieces of meat in oh good lord yeah that egg is just a little too neon ish for me i'll try it actually kind of tastes like an egg yeah that meat is definitely tofu i mean the soup is not bad it's pretty late overall okay but not nearly as good as the curry version [Music] this is the spicy miso from sheen this is delicious 100 good dish you know instant noodles there is such a thing as love at first slurp as soon as those noodles hit your tongue you just know [Music] um chewy noodles with that delicious broth oh this broth is great this is it this is what you're looking for right here get a bunch of this you're going to be happy it's got these vegetables in here as well that look like they belong on a neon sign in vegas and i feel those are kind of unnecessary but everything else about this noodles broth oh just perfect [Music] especially that broth that's some magical broth i like this more than chef morimoto's instant noodles also what's great is that the noodles obviously they're fried super thin noodles but that flavor penetrated that thing really well oh yeah in every club you get a lot of soup you can get a lot of noodles this meets disney dark alley this thing is taking this thing's lunch money all right i think i'm done with noodles there's still a bunch i didn't get to we're going to put those in the part 2 video look how beautiful this cheesecake is and look how frozen solid this cheesecake is oh this is good it's got more of a tart flavor than typical cheesecake oh man smooth definitely more of a yogurty flavor that's good though what is this it's wonderful it's like a little pudding with pieces of fruit on the bottom it's like a combination of you know those snack fruit cups you buy from the supermarket it's like that on the bottom of creamy milky pudding that's pretty good like i said there are a lot of stuff i bought i couldn't get to mainly because i'm i think i'm full i'll definitely save those for part two of this video but i forgot how amazing that market was i used to go there when i used to be in new york all the time i would go there at least once a week just to either walk around or eat at the food court or just get snacks and i love the way they handled this whole culver thing i felt very safe being in there it wasn't crowded at all overall just a great shopping experience and i think of all the used noodles i had today i love the soba i love the shin cup noodles and i also love the sun brand i think it was the miso ramen the shin cup noodles definitely i feel like the biggest surprise to me i didn't think it was gonna be that good and it turned out to be incredible even to me beating out the iron chef himself but anyway that's my part one review of the mitsuba japanese supermarket thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,017,842
Rating: 4.9204626 out of 5
Keywords: japanese market, japan market, mitsuwa market, mitsuwa, japanese food, japan food, japanese ramen, japan ramen, japanese noodles, japan noodles, noodles, ramen noodle, ramen noodles, noodle, instant noodle, instant ramen, best ramen, best instant noodles, japanese grocery story, japanese grocery, japan, japanese, grocery store, market, travel, tourism, tourist, kitchen, cook, cooking, recipe
Id: q-Idf3_Kh2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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