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[Music] is that like general tao's chicken i'm sorry cream cheese wontons can you cut that out actually good day to you sir oh i want to die i've never had this station in my life i've got the high i've got a high from the spice right now oh my god you can ask me my social security you could ask me my social insecurity i'll tell you all the answers i want to live in this moment forever what's going on guys my chin here is san gabriel valley this is one of my favorite place to go in the greater los angeles area because this is home everywhere you look chinese food you want to go a little further down you got vietnamese food korean food it just feels so comfortable being here because every morning i wake up good food is only about a few minutes away and today one of my favorite places uh lou's garden this is one of my favorite places because this is like the most comforting food you can get in the morning i believe but today's video is gonna be a little special because we're going to a few places today and i got a special guest with me and he's coming right now i'm coming for the first time yeah you are yeah i brought my own microphone even i liked myself at home hey hey i'm glad you took the initiative to microsoft at home yes using my mic first of all sonny from best ever food review show if you don't know him watch him links down below i have no idea what we're doing today i just showed up we're shooting do you know about the 626 i don't know anything about california i'm from minnesota and i've spent maybe in my entire life 10 days in california the 66 area cult so this whole area is basically a chinese like i said china city if you want to call it that but there's korean food there's vietnamese food it's like asian central here this is just like limitless good eats today i'm gonna take you on some of my favorite places okay i know you're good at eating you know exotic stuff cheese and cheese yeah but are you good at eating spicy stuff uh i can do it i can i knew it oh yeah i knew we were doing something with spice i can have anything you can do i can do oh wow okay this is like a well do you remember those commercials anything you can do i can do better those those what do i think those are burger king commercials i'm not that old mike anyway uh so what i like to do is feed us some good food before we explode our stomachs with the last dish all right first place we're going to one of my favorite places yummy breakfast food let's go let's go this is gorgeous yeah so that's how this place works is that they have a pretty much like a buffet set up here just get whatever you want they'll scoop it up for you i mean what i love about this place is like this is like your asian grandma's kitchen if you had an asian grandma yeah you grandma i do that's what i thought okay i was adopted yeah so whatever you think looks good get it but we have to get the tomatoes and eggs that's a 100 musket okay i've never had that oh this looks so good this pork yeah we're going to get the pork chops one of my absolute favorite things in any kind of asian market that is the best one right now we got trotters what else looks good to you what else do you want oh you got to try this that is the spicy pork belly potatoes very good yes i think so too you ever had jellyfish i have and can i tell you something yeah it was awful i did not like it so i want to see if i like it here okay she says it's good i know she might say that about all the food no all the food here is good i've tried pretty much all this stuff is that some kind of seaweed over there in the corner have you had seaweed yeah have you had chinese no let's get some chinese okay it's a lot of food [Music] oh hope you're hungry for breakfast so how many meals are we having today we're having three official meals three meals and this is but each meal we're having multiple dishes here's what we got tomatoes and eggs is a chinese staple and then we got the trip pig trotters the hong kong pork belly and soy sauce braised and soy sauce we got some cold dishes here and then kanji i don't like in vietnam they have their own plenty of kanji right yeah i've even had kanji when i've been sick in vietnam and kanji there is just outstanding i mean made it's so wholesome the country in china depends on where you are so northern country is really kind of sweet and soupy so inside got some sweet potatoes there you go bud thank you oh what is this oh there's oh thank they just brought us an egg omelette dish thank you terry i thought it was a belgian waffle at first dude nothing here is belgian and nothing here is a waffle right the giant ceramic spoon we don't need to use spoons for for this kanji use your chopsticks i mean you could use spoons that's fine but i like to just use my chopsticks if there's one mandarin word i learned today it should be what this is because i want to order this every time i come to a restaurant like this how do you say it roasted raw means meat red roasted meat which pretty much is what this is smells good right it's stupid good oh it melts so well and this pork belly you won't find it in any mainstream grocery store in the usa you have to go to an asian market here if you get any kind of pork belly it's going to be cured bacon and you can't get something unseasoned also i don't think people in the u.s a lot of people anyway i don't think they enjoy the pork fat like soft whites you know people will love the bacon it's cured it's chewy the fat is chewy but here the fat melts and you want it to melt that's so delicious let's try the egg what do you call the so i always call it like a soy sauce egg it's a luden basically means it's a marinated braised egg it's not a ta there's there's a difference good is that egg oh god this sauce that's on here it's a little sweet it's a little savory it tastes like the pork juices have just really cooked down and reduced they made this thick delicious sauce and then that permeates the egg on the white and it just soaks up that flavor yeah it's so good okay try the tomatoes and eggs this is every single chinese person's favorite dish in the world shout out oh you just throw that right in the conjunction oh threw it around the conch it's fine don't worry about it this usually goes better on rice but kanji is fine all right it's great it's like scrambled eggs with tomato let's go for it does it feel like your asian grandma just hugged you it's interesting because for you this creates a feeling of familiarity and something you've tasted many times before and for me i'm trying to figure it out how's it feel to have a grandma agent grandma hug you for the first time ever i like it you like it even my own grandmother i don't think she owned me that much no that's the asian grandma's hug right there there you go have a picture i like this the way it's broken it's like this pig had a gambling debt and some bookkeepers took him behind the barn and broke his legs [Music] like that hit of umami no is that like a chinese five spice you think chinese five spice is definitely used a lot of soy sauce um definitely some sugar me at age 12 would not appreciate this at all but were you growing up with stuff like this every chinese clip before the age of 10 had a pig trot in his mouth or her mouth yeah yeah that's just the way it goes yeah i just didn't grow up with it and so it's so different it took me time in my 20s and 30s to really come to appreciate these types of textures and now i love it you know what's so great about this if you like meat it has if you like fat it has if you like little latinas tendon collagen it has it the tendon like that so whenever i get fog my favorite cut is tender because i love the texture yes and that's what that is a little bit gelatinous but it's got a little bit of density to it so you can really rip through it with your teeth awesome and plus like that's one of those dishes that the more you chew you see that the more what the flavor profile builds and releases that's what i love about it like gushers is that a was that a was that a minnesota traditional dish gushers yeah you had that one i did have that you know what i i saw my friends have that because i mean i have asian parents they would never buy me like fruit roll-ups or so i see my western friends roll out the sheet of like whatever it is i don't even know what it was i'm just like oh i want that because it comes in a different shape and then when gushers came out they're like you'll put this in your mouth and it's just the most exciting thing ever i'm like well like it's he egg and then it was this kasherine chewy fruit yeah it's just sugar juice yeah let's try this traditional taiwanese uh egg omelette so you've had something like this before yeah but i've never had a traditional taiwanese one thank you so i am kind of intrigued by it yeah i think i've probably had something similar to this in taiwan delicious sometimes for me the worst thing you put in an omelette is that super processed ham and then super processed cheese because that's all it tastes like is processed crap this is all in one direction and it's just very oniony did you just give a shout out to one direction i did and it must be about 98 degrees it's very hot yeah thanks for that and uh is it in sync with your taste buds yes hold on i'm trying to think of more come on we're running out of glue you got me i think the also the awesome thing is there's some radish in here you taste that the crunchy radish i did not but i believe you it's also really meaty here this is 100 musket if you come here okay we're on to your favorite dish that the the jellyfish okay so i did a whole video about jellyfish in vietnam okay most of the jellyfish caught vietnam and they catch tons of it and they send it almost all to china so folks there love it every time i tried it in every different form it just felt and tasted the same it does not absorb flavor it always just was kind of hard to chew through the texture didn't change like really nothing you did to it changed check out how we do it right i'm very excited to try it oh you don't like it no that's good oh you know it's almost like a um oh what do you call the korean noodle chopped chicken oh cause it has sesame oil sesame oil and also a lot of ginger there's no fishiness gaminess to this whatsoever it's crunchy despite how jellyfish look it's super crunchy and you know you know how like when people get steamed by jellyfish they just like scream and run off i would take it and cook it all right this is also my favorite twice cooked pork this is something you never had before either right this is more of a chinese dish but this is more of your cured pork belly and chase it with some spicy potatoes which my my western friends call chinese french fries okay got it i would never call it that thank you maybe hash browns no it doesn't look like your french fries stop all right stop chocolate there's no one there's something sweet in the sauce it's spicy that's delicious buddy you gotta try this never tried this before all right this looks like the mid-section of a fish am i correct do you know what this fish is um no it's called a hair tail fish it is one of the most traditional and popular fish in china look at this once you peel it apart and then the middle has like a spine once you get rid of all this it's pretty much pure meat and pretty much not that many bones okay it has bones on the side right here just be careful of that okay and then i'm gonna give you my favorite part i'm just giving you the best stuff today here this is my favorite part gnaw on this like a rib okay just uh take the two sides off and oh there's a lot of bones no no no no no here's what you do he's right here yeah no don't eat them and just eat from the side [Music] chinese this is called daiyu like really good there's no little bones in the meat as long as you get the big bones out they use like a fillet yeah you have to be really smart to eat this because you could easily do it wrong and when i was when i lived in korea i always hated the small fish because they would have so many bones but i think part of the problem is i didn't know how to eat it properly wow so this is like the tenderloin of the fish if there was such a thing so the spine just comes out so easily and i bet somebody came back to fry this up we could eat this too and then this is just a pure meat log right here try try that oh to me though that's your drinking food i don't drink so i'll trust you on that all right so what are we trying now seaweed sorry oh it's soaked up we usually cook it with little vinegar little chilies how you like that that's really good is that the best way ever had seaweed that is some of the best seaweed i've ever had yeah the texture of seaweed is so incredible and you just have to know how to prepare it or find someone who knows how to prepare it or come here they're so crunchy and nice a little garlic little chilis perfect we gotta heat up because uh we gotta have a full stomach before we go to the last place because that's where you can't explode a solid stomach unless it's full so we're gonna eat up and we've got another place to go so we're gonna eat up there then the explosion happens let's do it [Music] [Music] okay location number two now have you ever had shampoo before no is that like general tao's chicken i'm sorry i should have done that can you cut that out actually good day to you sir all right but like orange chicken i said good day sesame chicken cream cheese wontons all right i'm making fun of that type of person but i'm not that's not me i'm cultured is is that bandana too tight on your head it's yeah all right shan food uh it's a lot of noodles there's a lot of buns because we we're from the north and so there's a lot of heavy spices a lot of chilies a lot of sour vinegar stuff is it cold there it's cold there it's real winters yes because what's really interesting about china is it's so huge yeah and even uh there's such a range of uh longitude yeah that there's places that are hot all year yeah and then there's places with intense winters yeah i'm guessing you would want more energy packed food for those yeah cold places you want things that are hearty that are spicy because you want to keep warm because when i lived there it was a long time ago like we didn't have heat in our apartments so i lived by every day going home i'm stuffing chili-filled noodles down my throat and then afterwards i feel good i don't need the jack when i go outside that is what we love heavy flavors a lot of meat a lot of noodles three most popular shion dishes in front of us have you had anything like this before all right that looks like noodles yes are these rice noodles these are not these are uh these are actually made with flour you know how to make this you have to literally wash dough until like your your water is concentrated with like excess flour uh and then you steam it and it becomes these noodles oh this is the number one most popular item to get this is also really popular this is called lamb pizza soup so there's little pita bits in there that's cooked into the soup with lamb and woody or mushroom what your mushroom got some scallions some noodles oh that looks really good yeah and you eat it with pickled garlic so you don't put hot oil on there you should put garlic chillies i smell this you smell it just don't like don't i'm just gonna say don't snort it no i don't smell it this is how i smell stuff especially in l.a that's what it smells good it's super fresh i'm gonna add all of it okay and this is my pride and joy this is called guess the name of this um what does it look like to you a bowl of chicken oh what bowl of chicken big bowl of chicken is that full of chicken that's the real name the translation a big well actually they call it big plated chicken oh okay i'll take it yeah i didn't even recognize that as chicken at first that sauce is so dark are you ready for this surprise surprise for you my friend yeah is this noodles surprise surprise oh noodles inside these are the chickens big sheets of noodles noodles have you ever had these noodles before it's like lasagna and called noodles giant bell-sized noodles inside the chicken wow those are awesome and then you cover it with the sauce and the chicken there's potatoes in here and there's onions so how many people should this feed one so this is the best thing here i always get this here but before we get to this let's try the liam p because i want you to try this choppy sticks chopped sticks for you by the way thank you for chopsticks what's your preference i prefer chopsticks okay do you know why i like chopsticks why first of all did you know chinese also invented a fork is that right yeah but we chose chopsticks over thousands of years wow secondly if you remember the ultimate flex like we created something even more effective and didn't want to use it right and then the second reason is if you're ever in the wild right you need some utensils two branches that's all you need here try this all right plate me up that looks good awesome yeah so just a really broad wide noodle smells good it's really cold a little spicy mm-hmm but not too spicy uh-huh i was looking at you with like this this anticipation that you were gonna love this the first words out of your mouth was it's cold i'm sorry thank you it's yes it's cold i enjoy it but i'm like what's going on in there there's is there something fermented in here no first of all notice how chewy this is right yes so chewy so elasticate secondly little vinegar in here a little sesame paste that's where you get the creaminess from the taste yeah there's something that's almost a little chalky i have a gluten my friend a pure gluten a gluten gluten how good is that gluten that's quite a gluten that's yeah it's called a gluten no it is gluten it's literally a piece of gluten oh i'm gonna sneak that into my brother's food you'll be able to go to work for a week the flavors it's not like what we just had it's a little different from what we just had because the flavors are a little bit more understated no i like the texture i think elasticity is a good word to describe noodles well let me give you some of this this is uh lamb pita soup uh this is another very traditional dish let me get you the bowl here have some lamb are you a lamb lover or no oh yeah i like yeah okay some people is a little too gamy for them no i like the game there you go thank you they're pieces of pita that's bread that's bread i know i've never seen a dish like this yeah it's going to be try the texture oh you know what this reminds me of uzbekistan it's so tender yeah but you know the star of this is really the pita that's what xi'an people love so like you if you go to give they don't give it to you like this they give it to like like an actual bread you have to kind of make it into little pieces yourself with your hands so it's like a workout before you eat yeah so i've never had any chinese food with lamb and with these kind of like really bold hearty flavors you get a garlic and then eat that [Music] you like that i like that a lot is this on the silk trail the silk road yeah because yeah the silk road has a completely different kind of culinary identity especially as you go from nation to nation and uzbekistan is also on the silk road i don't have a better comparison but it just reminds me of yeah those strong flavors i had there yeah and it doesn't taste at all like any chinese food i've ever known this is very unique because china also has a lot of uh uyghurs they cook a lot of land so this is uh this is a dish that a lot of wiggers will cook as well uncle roger does not recognize those people no i don't think so here you go buddy try this right so these what do you call these big flat noodles they're called noodles you know why they're called bamboo noodles because when they are made they're schlapped on the counter and it makes this bounce throw in a bowl and have a piece of chicken let me get you nice chicken is it just it's hacked up randomly right so yeah so watch out watch out for the bones did i get this piece right here yeah look at the piece look at that this is just straight carbs with a nice layer of sauce on the outside sticky it's like you're gonna hate this but it's like when you get lasagna and i'm i mean i get lasagna i got fettucini any other dishes you want to compare this to that they make at the olive garden no i just for the people watching who haven't had real chinese food i just thought it'd be a good comparison no it is i'm just teasing you like when you have two pieces of lasagna that are stuffed together they've kind of caked together okay here's and it's really carby i'm going to start i'm going to stop you right there it's caked together because we kind of let this sit a little bit i'm going to give you the noodles that that's kind of more fresh because it's not supposed to be stuck together all right so this is in its original form it's supposed to be a noodle it's not supposed to be stuck together here okay try this out okay feel that texture feel that bounciness doesn't it feel like this noodle's been like working at a trampoline park right it's so bouncy yeah if i finished a marathon i'd want to break through one of those i got a recipe for this you guys want to try make it at home i'll put the link down below you can make it at home too this is not hard to make but it's one it is my favorite noodle in the world but you have to make this from scratch right yeah it's easy you don't find there's no box like for example if you had bow tie pasta no no there's no box like this no okay you got it without the stretchiness without your hand making a stretch it will not stretch [Music] all right last meal of the day are you ready to be hurt by the killer noodle i'm yeah i'm very excited it's uh it's gonna be spicy i i hope so it's not just gonna be spicy it's gonna be spicy and numbing no okay but then it can't hurt you what do you can't hurt you okay it cancels each other out no it doesn't it makes it worse listen let me listen to this logic spice painful yeah numbing reduces pain what do you do when you go to the dentist you get it numbed up it's like novocaine in a weird way that doesn't make sense yeah that's that's not what this noodles do they make you numb in a bad way and they burn you in a bad way or actually in a good way in a delicious way but also painful he's like trying to hurt me and he's trying to sell the threat why why aren't you afraid this you should be afraid right now oh it's oh like for the video for the drama it's called killer noodle this noodle is supposed to be the spiciest in los angeles and it's you can adjust your spice level in the num level we're going all out we're going full and full the scale is this scale one through five i think so and are you so you're going five and five five and five you're not even gonna go off menu until i get ten you wanna ten i bet there's an off menu option we can ask them you wanna go off menu yeah let's just tell them the spiciest thing can make it yeah whatever do you want this to be i'm not edible though i want it to taste good and be spicy okay so we'll see what they think is the perfect balance of that we'll have them bring let's do it all right let's do it all right so you ready for this yeah this is a dry ramen noodle with um just tons of peppercorn the peppercorn is actually mainly mixed with ghost peppers so we asked for level six which is this is the max you can do for veronica what's the spiciest chili you have so far in my life so yeah the ghost pepper i had ghost peppers in india where they come from yeah and that's it that's it uh i did one that's crazy i told you right i did the carolina reaper challenge that was i'll link it below guys that was the worst week of my life remember before how i was excited yeah not anymore i'm i'm here i'm smelling it it just the pepper itself is does it smell like terror yeah it's it smells brutal yeah it's borderline not food no offense than person well i mean it looks i mean i made it but uh i think it tastes pretty good i did last time i had i was like well it tastes pretty good there's just so much spice for the amount of ramen yeah it's there's a ball is that peppercorn no that's a bowl of meat i thought this was an ice cream scoop of peppercorn that would be amazing all right we destroyed it we mixed everything together so it's really i don't know it seems like a chili oil almost don't smell it don't was that real that was real the reactions oh you got some nice nostrils yeah i've lost all sensation in my nostrils it's l.a can't bother me i'm good you know what's happening to me right now sometimes when you smell spicy food your mouth automatically salivates but i can't stop salivating because it's it just smells so so smells good i'm just kind of excited to eat this it does all right cheers my one and only goal is to keep my composure while eating with my chen world famous we're taking down chili oil spices chilis things of that nature if i can hold my own with you i'm the top of the top i'm a spice lord as they say so are there such one um peppercorns in here yeah there is i love that yeah i've had such one hot pot before freaking love it yeah this is too much uh numbiness for you right now how do you feel i feel in the middle between numbing and pain i feel i'm detoxifying i'm starting to sweat a little bit yeah okay that's why you got your banana on you're good how do you feel i feel pretty good all right let's keep going i like the flavor i like the noodles there's a nice chew on those noodles yeah nice thick ramen noodle a very weedy thick noodle the thing about the peppercorns the more you eat it it has almost like a metallic fit flavor in your mouth that's enjoyable i don't know how to explain it it's oh you know what it's like what it's like when you have a nine volt battery and you put it on your tongue this tastes like electricity please nobody put 9 volt batteries on your tongue can i make a suggestion i think we get a spoon like this uh-huh full of meat and spices yeah and juice let's do it and nuts and take it down i like it let's hit [Music] the almonds kind of sweet bring a nice sweetness to it do this just just don't do anything just be quiet five seconds i feel like ants are walking around in my mouth i feel like my mouth is like electrified like electricity the battery through my mouth yeah you're reminded of the of the nine-volt battery i've never had that much sensation in my life we've never been into a fabric i uh no not directly and i've i've had i thought i've had session on hot pot but i've never had this much direct contact with the peppercorns whoa it feels so cool there's like a whole new sensation for me i love that really wow i'm just gonna have like some snot rolled up my face pretty soon i like it i'm are you going to keep eating yeah oh boy come on let's do it i feel like i'm wrapped in a warm blanket on a hot day in hell it's very nice this is a great dish to eat in the winter we don't have heat no yeah no kidding um you know a lot of people they know mark they know trevor they know me they know you of us four who do you think handles spice the best i'm gonna see mark i was gonna say it's probably between you and mark mark and i have done some spicy stuff but you get trained in thailand yeah thailand has really spicy food vietnam does not that's where i live and there's like no air conditioning right oh you keep eating why do you keep eating without freezer it's giving me a little bit of a headache that just a chili you gotta push boxed up dude my mouth feels crazy it's like tv static do you feel like it's like my mouth fell asleep you know like when your foot falls asleep uh-huh i feel like my mouth fell asleep has it moved up from a 9-volt battery to like a 12-volt yeah it's like a car battery now it's good to sweat every once in a while without going to the gym we're basically burning calories yeah that's what's going to ask you do you feel like we bring some calories yeah it's basically net zero it's like eating celery i see sweat coming down despite the banana is your banana wet right now uh uh-huh you want to touch it i don't know yeah the juice damp oh i want to die i've never had a sensation in my life i've got the high i've got a high from the spice right now oh my god you can ask me my social security you could ask me my social insecurity i'll tell you all the answers last bite right here yeah good job boom is that the spiciest thing you've ever had in your life no no what's my show these stupid wings i had in new orleans all right drink drink your tea oh no are you sure is it going to make the pain go away you want the pain to go away no i want to live in this moment forever uh so i just want to keep like feeling it it feels so weird did you know if you use something too spicy it messes with your equilibrium like after i did the carolina reaper thing i couldn't stand up because i extend up my blood pressure is like messed up i feel think so i was crawling to the bathroom for the next few days did you like the noodles i like them uh-huh yeah i wouldn't do this every day and i'm definitely going to regret it but this was this was great fun so what i like about this i don't think they put anything fake in here like uh excuse me like did i just burn your finger yeah did you see the point i saw the flame come out there's no chili extract i just asked everything's natural and so that's why that's where it's supposed to be because it hurts you but it hurts you as nature intended so what i mean is this the ghost pepper is the hottest chili that god created yeah and then man did a bunch of weird breeding yeah in the back room with some spotlights in the camera and then somehow he got the carolina reaper yeah unnatural but very very hot yes you know what i'm talking about and so this is what we're supposed to be able to tolerate as humans and then people have just taken it way too far but i like this you like this yeah okay well i'm glad you like it because we got a second bowl coming up with a soup are you serious right now i thought we're gonna take two bites like your eyes were just bald you're you're just like if that was true would you have like just dyed it right in front of the bowl of soup no i would have done it yeah okay anything for you mike chen all right well that's it man thank you for being such a good sport today i i got you some comfort food and i try to destroy you a little bit yes that was fun so i feel like two people who's been through comfort and pain can really build a strong friendship yes because anytime you go through something difficult with someone else it brings you closer it does it's like uh people who you know go to ward together yeah or eat spicy food together basically the same russia fraternity same yeah yeah similar stuff like that really fun doing this with you today yeah me too um i think it's long overdue and uh thanks for uh again being such a good supporter i didn't have to do anything i just showed you brought me around and you treated me to like three lunches in a row hey all in a row i'm glad you liked everything and you ate everything absolutely so uh again really good to hang out with you here in los angeles who would have thought you would be in los angeles this is where we hang out we're a couple los angeles over here big hollywood types of us guys right who do people say you look like um kanye west well people say i look like that guy from the rush hour movies i mean i google chris tucker but yeah i don't see it i don't see it huh hold on say do you understand the words coming on my mom do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth a little bit do i no maybe it's the hair anyway buddy uh so fun hanging out with you guys check him out best ever food review show i'll put the link down below for you well you can check mike out on my channel too because we did another video collab there absolutely all right guys that's always all the places went to listen down feel free to thank y'all so much for watching until we eat again see you later peace
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,988,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spicy ramen, spiciest ramen, spicy noodle, spicy noodle challenge, spicy ramen challenge, spiciest noodle, ramen noodle, noodle, spicy challenge, food challenge, food, challenge, ramen, japanese ramen, chinese noodle, chinese food, chinese eats, chinese, cook, cooking, spiciest, spicy, ghost pepper, ghost chili, ghost chilis, chilis, chili, los angeles, california
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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