Lizzie's Danger House... | Minecraft One Life 2.0 | Ep.22

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what is up guys Smosh beings here and welcome back to one life today may be our last day in this life of one as yes we are going to be taking on Lizzie's house of death however before we take it on think we need to prepare I made a list of things I need to do number one get some health potions number two get some golden apples number three say goodbye to all my loved ones just in case I die and then before make sure my armor is up to scratch so let's go down the list in that order currently we only have two splash potions of instant health and I believe we have no potions in the chests yes we only have these rubbish ones let's read some glowstone to turn these into instant health - I'm not sure we have any glowstone we definitely don't so we're gonna have to make a quick trip to the never to get some glowstone it's a very dangerous episode this one what the heck is going on to do there why is there zombie of a pumpkin on his head waiting for me already set myself on fire it's good stuck okay there's some glowstone over there let's go quickly collect that being very careful where we step man I really hate the never there we go we've got 14 that'll do let's head back I don't want to die in the nether if I'm going to die I want Lisi to kill me and back through the portal easy easy okay let's plop that in there also we're gonna turn these into splash potions to make them a little bit more useful easy peasy so we can take health potions off our list next up we're gonna make ourselves some golden apples as also on our list I think 7 is a bit overkill but you can never be too careful these days now for the not so cheerful part Donatello you've been a great housemates you kept it clean goodbye for now berry Jasmine Tinker Bell the first fury of Steven Emanuel we've been on so many adventures together goodbye for a little bit guys I'll be back hopefully the gang Wilson umberto Nigel see you later guys Taylor and the gang see you in a bit you guys are cool we don't hang out enough maybe we could hang out when I get back too many - say goodbye - but goodbye fish how could I forget about ice ice baby lassie Simba and Tami well that was emotional but is it going to be worth it are we going to die or not let's start by upgrading our armor a little bit I've no idea what's in store for me but let's get all the protections we can I'm gonna grab my shield hey you're gonna make some leather tunics as we need them to make ourselves a few protection enchantments which we're going to add to my boots I'll ping the protection on those too far there won't have any string are you serious I wonder if anyone's selling any string although I've just brought nothing to buy it with but I can go look and then come back I guess oh well let's just hope we don't really need projectile protection I guess oh I just found some string in my backpack goodness and we can make one two three four projectile protections and we can add these unto our legs nice in fact we could make a couple more so we got far more and we can add these to our helmet sorted oK we've got pretty good protections and all these now part of our boots which would be rubbish but oh well let's go and have a look at this house shall we oh here it is I'm not sure if it's ready for me yet Freddie let's put you back in the amulet rules no breaking blocks no placing blocks no potions no golden apples no teleporting and no cheating gosh okay so no potions Oh No she's the Deaf woman herself she's scary let's put these potions in our backpack then as we can't use those or catties had cold apples oh well it didn't take long to get those I see you have come to the danger house a brave move oh no a safe distance away okay it may explode what yes the entire thing is rigged with TNT oh my gosh I'm terrified I think he's ready Oh No I'm scared I'm very scared good luck I really hope you don't die I like you thank you Lizzy but if I die it's my own fault I'm the one who chose to go into this house and no breaking block no placing blocks shut the doors behind me you are entering the danger house you may die else Shelley does not take responsibility for any player death enter at your own risk use your big brain to find a way in what how do you get in I did not say wet brain I said big brain wait is there pig there of a saddle do I have to click on the pig pig come here take my shield off pigs hiding where they kiss the pig gun this is just watching me I can't click on this plate Pig assume that's the way you get and I can't find any secret doors anywhere or anything get a carrot I guess if you can't make it through the first part I just maybe you aren't ready for the danger I'm ready for the danger house I just need a carrots ok there's only villages nearby I should just go home let's just go home oh all the way home to get carrot I was all ready to go in you need a big brain I thought I have a big brain steal one of shovels ok let's just take one of these carrots okay we got our carrots let's see we can get on this pig yes here we go Oh a fetid Baxton there we go we're through right what is this oh my gosh what Oh No quick get to the edge in this false floors oh jeez ok so let's find the root so it o dilemma neck that sides safe and then through the middle you lose goodness a we come out over here right ok let's try again we're determined ok so stay to the left I think it was no no no oh gosh am I allowed deal if I lose I'm gonna say we allowed to heal we're not in the house we're not breaking their rules this is probably your last episode of one life leave before it's too late ok we made the ladder okay we're up to the next floor this is creepy I don't like this sword out testing see these blocks are reals left or right of gosh what was the difference they look very silly second oh is that quicksand okay let's try left oh gosh right we are in the sand but we don't seem to be going down in it we are moving forward it's just very slowly we're moving forward okay it's just really slow let's get to the painting I don't know why I chose the quicksand one what was he on the other side is it's all sand I'm not entirely sure this is taking so long but I'm alive at the moment which is good guess there's only one way to find out I can hear Lizzy outside fighting a plumbing giant is there gonna be anything behind her or am I just trapped in here forever oh wait what is there nothing behind the painting what I'm confused do I have to go through the quicksand is this a really stupid idea well we're gonna sink through it I guess we can always come up for air this is slow if this is how we die but I'm just gonna guess there's something on the other side maybe I have literally no idea we're about to go under oh my gosh well under wait oh okay I think we chose right that that's a passageway okay okay come on don't down Leeson what's he giving damage I'm just stuck halfway in this lemon house wait I'm running out there yes okay we're out we didn't take any damage thank goodness up here the code is my birthday hey how many numbers though Lizzie's birthday is the seventh of the 1092 1992 hey there we go easy oh gosh wait what are these if you are trapped call Lizzie wait okay oh I see the traps oh they're really like well-hidden okay that's a trap that's right I'd remember these from being caught in them before I think we're safe going this side yes okay we made it whoo oh my gosh tripwire oh I did it twice what I'm an idiot right this one one nine five eight four seven three three nine there's levers and buttons and the DA what what is through here choose your adventure larva or love oh my gosh wait so what's the point in this room lava are lava what is that like some sort of invisible blocks there or something I just have to fall through the lava what this is just asking me to jump down to my death what are they are they like wait they could be like spaces for fans and maybe it's all gonna blow you to the side there's anything on this side oh there's the holes as well oh no oh no let's we went left less time let's try right this time oh my gosh ouch ouch ouch wait and perhaps what is it fake love why am i full hearts well that's confusing oh they're fat that's a fan okay there's another jump oh my gosh ouch ouch ouch ouch oh no the fan I need to get on this side oh no the plans blow me on this way holy moly so bad ow what the heck so the fan on the right and then I found the left sorry to go like no yes we're through okay oh my gosh this is horrible that's water nope that's lava that's blooming what is this oh no oh I hate it wait why is the grass change color that's a dodgy block or something isn't it yep knew it oh my gosh oh that scared the life out of me what the heck congratulations you defeated the picture house oh my gosh I did it there are no more traps or out there oh you are joking me Lizzy there better not be any more traps my heartbeat is racing how have I got four hearts oh is from the local is that it is that is there no price wait there's no prize was the prize Lisak did I say they were surprised I guess not oh my gosh the place is your life Wow okay bloody neck right well that was terrifying but we made it out thank goodness the fan bit had me nervous for a long time I'm gonna lie but I'm happy I I succeeded I can calm down a little bit now I'm just flying around just thinking at the moment so obviously I have to put my sign on the border put smallish beans one super easy please make how to kill me baby I'm very pleased with myself and that was the most nerve-wracking episode of one life I've ever done so thank you so much for watching guys I hope you did enjoy this video make sure us leave a like and a comment if you did and I will see you another time for another one life video as we are not dead and we can go feed our pets and give them love thank you so much for watching goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,642,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, one, life, onelife
Id: Hts3XNeXfKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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