Modded vs Vanilla Minecraft House Makeover with LDShadowlady!

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hello fellow gamers and welcome to a new video today I've asked my lovely wife Lizzie or ldshadowlady to join me for a bit of a fun challenge I'm going to build two identical boring houses and then we're both going to each improve them however being the lovely husband Dan I've decided to give myself a massive selection of mods to help me build and Lizzie well Lizzie has to stick to vanilla minecraft sorry sorry Lizzie but oh well too late now let's kill this chicken and get on with the video so I went and built a very basic simple house for us both to upgrade I just made out some oak planks just standard oak logs and decorated it very minimalist Lee not using anything too crazy I'll give you a quick tour of it but there's really not much that inside to be honest Hey look there's me so inside we've got just an enchanting area over here but chess on its marchesa bed and ville furnaces and crafting table very basic boring house so we're gonna start off by watching what Lizzie does to the house firstly she raises it up entirely adds a little garden on the front and you'll see she changes it up quite a lot throughout this build in fact it looks quite different at the start here as to how it looks finally at the end she changes the roof a couple of times and adds some of a little bits of stuff in bigger windows and stuff before finally reverting back to changing it to not too different from the original house although the logs are now of a different color she also built this custom spruce tree on the side here added in a few bookshelves and stuff and actually change the logs back to a standard oak again she went through a lot of different changes while building this I think we both do it at some points although Lizzie a bit more than I did and you'll see that she's building stuff inside such as a basement she'll be explaining this all shortly and a top floor as well where she is adding loads of cute little things in which we will have a look at in more detail a bit later on during the video but she's adding a load of different stuff in to finally finish off the house and now it's time to see how I adapted this house using mods so I started off using worldedit to change the blocks entirely to brick and I also added this little front bit and changed the roof slightly as well I kept all the windows in the same place apart from making a couple a bit to thin it on the front of the house and then using the chitlin bits mod plus some various other mods I made some custom windows a custom roof and also some other custom little bits as well I completely changed all the walls on the inside to be green I changed the floor to mangrove wood from the band's of plenty mud I did these vines on on the outside and decorated the garden with a few modded different things as well who's the mr. crayfish mod mainly for the decorating of the stuff outside including the hedge that you can see going round but inside here you can see that I changed all the walls to green at stained planks I did this by using the Chisholm bits mud and just adding on to the wall and replacing the block just on the inside now I wasn't as wise as Lizzie and didn't add a basement in so my room it looks a bit cramped which is a bit of a shame however I did manage to fit quite a lot of stuff in there even if it is a bit too much in some places so Lizzie and I have finished building now neither of us have seen each other's builds actually that's a lie I just saw a little bit of joel's and I'm worried that we've gone really similar okay well we'll see we'll see so we look at Lizzie's build first I am excited to see the unmod it upgrades I know let's call it on mudded I like to say vanilla ok vanilla sorry and OH okay all right now I don't think we've got similar whatsoever I think the trees is what's making me think it's similar and my looks really pathetic next to your huge forest that's not true that's not true ok so what have we got here we've got I built it on an island nice very cute thank you I like it yeah I built this tree by hand it is vanilla yeah I can see that that looks cool I like it it's nice a nice big old spruce tree and then we've got like a little dock bit here this small this dock you possibly would ever need yeah honestly so probably like leap across it you're really talented but you've also got these lily pads which I like these are cute for hopping across the water yeah I'm terrible at jumping in a car in case you're scared of boats ok so talk me through what you've done so first of all I raised up the house a little bit to kind of bring it off the ground because I didn't want to add a second floor in the usual way I wanted to add a basement instead so that's what we have a doorbell did you see it before a broken yeah I heard it ding as well it's just that yeah you broke it I did see it yeah I'm not gonna do that again so the doorbell is broken that's out of order but we do out here I went for some very vanilla decorations we've got some shutters on the windows the window sills and some plant parts which are vanilla these doors yeah and so on the inside it looks kind of similar to before I kept the kind of same layout we'll start in the kitchen nice oh I like their heads their heads are key yes minecraft heads are vanilla go to minecraft - heads calm and you can get so many heads to put into your world which decorate it so I got a little crock-pot hair to go on top of the furnace and this is a jar of jam oh that's cute I love the Java jam jar off the jam jar of jam yes and I don't have any cute custom paintings or anything so I can I have to make my own and I went with a very typical Keep Calm and cook fish sign very very typical very typical English person kitchen okay that's cute let's key I like that no I like the little lamp you've got coming from the ceiling here that's cute as well yeah it's my chandelier nice and some got a little cute area of here like a globe and some plant part that's very cute this is my crafting area now I didn't want to put in a chair because in vanilla you can't sit in a chair so that kind of pointless I also thought about putting in a TV and I thought that's also pointless because it would be really boring to watch a Minecraft head this is the crafting area the crafting is all the fun you need in this lounge area this is where I sleep and I sleep only there is no room for anybody else no sleepovers here at all I'm surprised I didn't build a book bed honestly I just realized I haven't done that and I'm feeling a lot of regret this is very cute I like this in the books you got the cacti you got the little clock as well very cute yeah and what do you think about this I'll ask what is it it's like a lava lamp okay all right and then you got the basement the final bit of the house is the basement now I went really really basement II honestly with this we've got all the tools that you find in a basement that never get used over here we've got like a little workshop where I'm working on a cart right now trying to repair it there's a lot of cobwebs because somebody doesn't clean out the basement when they should of course over here this is my creme de la resistance that's not right is it piece de la resistance is that right creme de la creme okay this is the cherry on top of the cake is that the ceiling is dripping and we've got a bucket here to collect it and because of the dripping it's caused a bit of mold and fungi to grow in the area so that's pretty gross nice oh and somebody left this plant down here and it died Wow your spouse is not just the house it's a story as well there's like a whole back story you've written a backstory for your houseless I have I really have nicely you got a chanting out as well yeah this is my basement and chanting area because let's face it enchanting is kind of witchcraft and people don't really usually publicize the fact that they are into witchcraft they want to keep it secret in their basement so here we are my basement I love it very good oddly you did a really good job I love this this is really cute I love the story I love the he's got a real homely feeling to it you know it's not just like you've slapped some stuff together you've actually fought about this stuff and I like that yeah thank you so there we go that is the vanilla house or watch no it's the little chimney on top as well yep coming out of the bedroom because there's a lot of cooking going on are you ready to see you my version I'm scared because it's gonna be way better than mine okay well is muddy so I had a lot more options for things I could do so if you'd like to follow me through the forest oh this is cute I've completely changed it like this is not even the same house same house but this bit here is if you look from the side I've just added this little roof it on top well you know if you separate house it's the same house it's got the same layout a little bit having a story tell me the story of this house how did you go from that ugly hut to this brick three-story home have you heard of Grand Designs the TV show they came to my house and they did it up for me oh really so you didn't even do this yeah well I did actually do it yeah I just I was lying there and I actually made this house so welcome I'm only being mean because I'm really jealous because the flowers look really amazing how did you do that thank you you said the chisel a bit smart of course but nice little bit buying a read bit vinery so outside first list we've got a nice little garden we've got a pond over here a bench you can actually sit on the bench turned because it's muddy and chill out in front of the pond and we've also got a little barbecue area over here where we've got a little bench for eating and then a barbecue as well oh my gosh which is very cute and then we've got pull around the back I'll dive in mmm this is so cool oh my gosh you actually dive over baby bounces and then if you love bouncing you're gonna love the next part which is of course the Tramp laughs no way yeah so we can just paint them modded wins video over so if you'd like to head inside now because that's basically it for the outside we got some nice binary heading up the side of the house making it look very pretty I made some custom windows as much as little bits might as well it's probably steaks on Dimond window up here as well you know I thought I've done pretty well until I saw this place you've done well I love your house is good and then we've got no welcome mat saying welcome home and then inside you you have made a wise choice by making a basement I kind of ran out of space but you will notice that inside it is a different colour to the outside we've got green walls on the inside oh yeah so no brick be kind of weird to a brick on the inside yeah exactly so I've changed it to green we got like a nice little crafting over here with our furnaces anvil a picture of Mary of course so when you're sniffing on your anvil you got something cute to look at and I mean I don't want to pick at things here but it is kind of weird to walk in and have the right here I thought it was nice because you know when you're outside it's really hot you like dark I do have a tasty fresh cold beverage run inside to the fridge quickly straight back out you'd have to miss a second of sunbathing I also heard that there was some kind of building regulations about placing the fridge this close to the cooker right yeah well that's probably a flaw we didn't have much space yeah but there is an oven which you can cook some food in we've also got some fairness is here for some smelting do you just take a cookie yes okay it's okay I'll take a cook you took it as well oh you've taken them all and then over here we have actually got a television and a couch so you can see can you watch this TV yeah you can never mind the TV does not work so we'll just leave it on failed to download file but you can get it to work if you are smarter at technology then I love this channel this is my favorite yeah we'll turn the TV off right I wonder how the season finale is gonna end yeah but you can also use this as a bit of a space to like star stuff as well they all work as cupboards made a little flour here in like a little glass flowerpot oh and we've got a little table and chairs you can sit down often enough for two of us are you and somebody else who else have you been having here no it's just me and you I designed it you in mind Lizzy uh well I didn't design mine with you in mind I also made a lot of bars in the corner as well which has no use it's of ours and then we don't actually have a basement we do have a little upstairs you can climb up this little ladder here to the top room which is my bedroom got a little arm clock on the side lamps bookshelves with some books in it a PC for browsing the Internet of course and a nice modern bed of a picture of me and you above it it's beautiful thank you I'm glad you like it there's more storage in these things as well and yes you can bounce on the bed I discovered the secret so is there a winner to this challenge no there's no winner it's just like a nice little comparison to see what you can do we've modded and what you can do with vanilla and those that out are the same houses I feel like we have both achieved completely different builds at the end which is awesome yeah especially because you basically built something entirely different do you not recognize this is I didn't actually change the shape of the house apart from my idea this bigger bit oh you kept this this is all the same you even kept the placement of the windows the windows are all in the same place so that's it for this video guys I hope you did enjoy this little fun video make sure to leave a like and comment if you did and also subscribe to me and subscribe to Lizzie are things will be on the screen now that's it for this video goodbye from me and goodbye from Lizzie right Lizzie cool
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,110,970
Rating: 4.939621 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, modded, vs, unmodded, building, vanilla, tutorial, challenge, fun, makeover
Id: 4VYrn7jEML4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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