Blindfolded Building Challenge with LDShadowlady

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what is up guys smash beans here and welcome to a new video where today I'm going to be going head-to-head against my fiancee Lizzie in the blindfolded minecraft building challenge that's quite a long name let's call it the blindfolded building challenge but basically the idea is I'm going to set us free things to build we were taking in turns to build those things and we are going to be blindfolded as we do it so let's get Lizzie in here and let's get blindfolding building so I am now joined by the lovely ldshadowlady how are you doing today okay well she's come with a competitive attitude the first thing we are going to be building while blindfolded is a cat so of course I'm gonna let you go first seeing as you are the guest and a lady and ladies go first you're just gonna copy whatever I do I'm gonna be blindfolded I'm not gonna be able to copy you Lizzie so have you got your blindfold ready it is a song we are just using a sock today as we don't actually have a blindfold wait wait you need to choose your blocks first okay we're gonna go for a gray cat oh no way orange cat nice make sure you remember which number you place the blocks on it's very important and I'll help you a little with which if you're not placing the right block you're gonna go for kawaii cheeks okay okay sock is on the sock is on okay so this is W on this finger here are you ready to begin alright okay so you're on the ground currently we got block number one the orange block okay now you've just switched okay now back an orange I'm just gonna start alright good luck wait which one is this one white black that's why yes nice to you okay Liz you two move up a little bit you're literally not placing anything you're looking at the sky Lizzy okay look that okay you just jump okay there you go now you can place anything yet blocks you know you need to go down the hole the legs okay right turned on sticky keys yeah black I don't want that you trying to sell orange you're an orange now not trust have Attard you okay you plays an orange block we should not loose to be else I have to move okay yeah you got it ever block is it next to it yes I'm just visualizing yeah why are you building right now buddy the buddy okay you've got up a bit too high okay yeah am I facing it yeah you're really high up though he might go down a bit okay all right one eye two eyes okay and Corey cheeks yeah okay is it done it's done open your eyes yeah great doesn't it that's good the kawari cheeks and the eyes are kind of in like no wait were you making me like facing like this yeah I was trying to build it 3d I wanted to build I was this is what I thought I'd built okay this is what I thought I was building I went for the face and the ears and then I went Brown get the tail and then I wear background to do the eyes and the cheeks okay that's what I was trying to build but you had me face it like yeah father that's what you wanted before you were just doing this okay give me the sock wait I'm gonna build my cat a different color you've got big heads sure all right I'm gonna go for the gray cat and I'm gonna build it looking down like that oh my head is quite big actually it barely ties up all right is this gray yeah okay place to block nice okay right that's the face I've come father this is the body tale to be just about over a little bit this is white right that's black this is why yeah okay so a little feet oh yeah just that you don't actually play something you're too high I mean you too low now go down yeah go down love it yeah I place the feet now yeah okay this is black right yeah so one I as I'm only doing it from the side okay and then I'll do the quiet a little bit one thing no fear as well yep and let's have a look back oh I don't know what happened you're moving around a lot you only need one eye yeah does anybody do his eyes I was trying to do something like this sideways cat there's a pole gonna appear in the top right at the screen now which do you think is best my cat or Lizzy's cat okay so yeah leave a vote which you think is better 10 don't just vote no vote for mine because mine's better so what we're gonna build next is of course a house a very common thing to build in Minecraft a house is what everyone always builds at the start so we're gonna try and build the best houses we can whilst blind Lizzy choose your blocks well got to go for a traditional wood yeah of course with brick purple windows okay alright you have placed a block placed a few bucks yeah you placed a lot of you may have missed some out I'm not gonna lie how big is this house you're building big enough we do it that's the glass that's the glass yeah let's say yeah you wanna start again I'll move you over all right so yes you're you're wrong words now what is number one yeah nice beautiful okay yes coming along you've stopped stop moving a building there really it sounded like you were being sarcastic for the tired tired type I was doing it you're not placing anything you were just hitting the wall at moment I might do it back a little bit have you lost your that we've made a wall okay yeah you deleted that wall now wait it says the brick the walls yeah okay okay it's a window whose glass wool yeah nice okay okay open your eyes you placed a load of brick over the other side but then you restarted remember it was so real in my head so for my blocks I'm gonna go for some coke yeah I'm gonna go fight the side bit you know get some glass texture yeah might their flowerpots why not oh you've got a decorate the interior that is true when a bed don't forget a bed I've got five plastic flowers where's my do a bed finally I'll do some paintings as well yes I'm doing a line at the moment yep they're gonna make it go bright angle okay and then we're gonna go across the pail and I'm gonna come too far yeah okay that's the DAR hole right so this is wood right plank all right so think just over the doll hole with cost how am i doing okay so am i placing blocks currently yeah that's the flow right now this is the the wall you've made a wall I like going around in a circle thanks a wall no I'm on the ground now yeah turn around turn around sky why is this guy green right that's the grass thanks always I guess there's your house a little bit there you go there's your house okay so window is this window yeah that's glass okay is that in the window sort of okay well we got now birch wood oh the floor Oh windows so let's go down a bit there is a sheep in the way am i in the flower pot yeah you are okay that / flower inside the mouse now yes the flowers in yes bed alright place the bed on the floor this is just over here it's on the floor now you've run into a wall there okay and then a painting trying to put the painting on the sheet yeah right walk forwards turn to the right a bit bit more okay what forwards point up a little bit and now place and complete this is not how I imagined it in my head yeah I know right you have a complete visualization of this 3d house in your head and then you look and it turns out like this that's nice that I've got the bed so if you I leave a vote on that one which you think is the best house though away it's gonna be a tricky one to choose to be honest okay so for the final challenge Lizzie we're going to build some self-portraits these gonna be completely different but whoever gets the most accurate self-portrait is the winner okay and it's voted for by you guys so alright sock up nice nice that's placed placed again nice okay his skin colored but no block what you like you're looking for this one blue yeah okay a my place in it okay all in a tower not at the moment no the blue one did just not place in the tower but the rest were yeah there you go nice you've not placed anything you should go down a bit no Lizzie just family what you guys maybe I'm gonna try something else nice nice this is your hair yeah okay right yeah it looks like it could be hair okay you're placing blocks yep yeah that's black yeah to be honest not actually that bad for like seeing as you can see that's pretty good didn't look like it did in my head no this is what you built originally I'm going tell you is this gonna be a first I know I think I know you yeah it could be your legs I see what you're going for imperfect but to be honest for like seeing as you drew it down on the ground I could see where you're going for this is good we've got the eyes the eyes are equal yeah that's good good deal after my skin of course so get my lime green face guys it's all the blocks I need I still looking directly at the ground yes this green yes nice house well yes going really well okay put a color in it's just why no that's black okay white yep still looking at the ground yeah nice teeth yeah mrs. black yep no no no sorry that's white what sorry yeah that's good okay so you did really well you went and did this arch bit and then you started saying right now to fill it in and I was like where's the rest on the side from this angle it could look like a face okay looks like Homer Simpson which do you think is better my face you look so much like a snail Oh Lizzy's face it doesn't really look like a snail or a squid there you have it guys those are blindfolded builds I hope you did enjoy our attempts at building even though I feel like this is a very tricky challenge I challenge anybody out there to build something blindfolded this is very hard okay so make sure to let me know how you go along if you did try it for yourself but that's gonna be it for this video guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my blindfolded lovely assistant here assist lovely guests here and thank you so much for watching make sure I sleep alike and if you did enjoy it and we will see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,437,480
Rating: 4.9363732 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, blindfolded, blindfold, ldshadowlady, building, challenge
Id: 1cgKRuuhVto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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